Vliegersvergadering Pylon 17 januari 2010 op het KNVvL kantoor te Woerden.
Aanwezig: Peter Keim ( namens commissie sportzaken) Peter van Doesburg, voorzitter namens Robbert van den Bosch. Leo van Duyn Paul Ravensbergen Theo Hoogerbrug Marc van der Zande Peet Doddema Joris Crevecoeur NN Wubbo Loning Bert Metkemeijer Dirk van Zuidam Ray van de Klok Andre Tesselaar Joep van de Klok Nico van Zijp Rob Metkemeijer ( notulist) Afwezig met kennisgeving: Robbert van den Bosch Arno Keijzer Marcel Huisman
1. Peter van Doesburg opent de vergadering als vervangend voorzitter 2. Naar aanleiding van verslag van 18 januari 2009: Er is een spiksplinternieuwe website gemaakt door Wubbo, genaamd www.F3D.nl Daarin wordt de oude www.Q-500.nl opgenomen. De site www.pylonrace.nl ( van Paul Ravensbergen) gaat ernaar verwijzen. Wubbo zal contact opnemen met Paul Becks, secretaris van de afdeling om op de KNVvL site een link op te nemen. De nieuwe site heeft de mogelijkheid om te gebruiken voor wedstrijdinschrijvingen en dat gaan we dus ook doen. Iedereen wordt verzocht zich hiertoe z.s.m. op de site te registreren. Het plan om de modellensparende Depron pylon te testen wordt gecontinueerd. Ray gaat hem maken, Andre stelt een model ter beschikking en Rob maakt er een speciale crashbestendige(?) motor voor. Dempers op F3D kisten zijn per 1-1-2010 ingevoerd en inmiddels bij Robbert verkrijgbaar. Op de CIAM site is een document te lezen waarin alles wordt uitgelegd. Q500 electro wordt ongewijzigd doorgezet. Paul zal het toe te passen type motor ( vorige niet meer verkrijgbaar) opnieuw omschrijven en publiceren op de Website.
3.Nieuwe samenstelling subcommissie met instemming van de vergadering. Robbert van de Bosch ( voorzitter) Marc van der Zande ( penningmeester, ervan uitgaande dat via en met toestemming van MVA een rekening te regelen is). Marcel Huisman Peter van Doesburg Paul Ravensbergen Wubbo Loning, website. Arno Keijzer: topsportzaken 4.Terugblik 2009 Er wordt kort teruggeblikt op het seizoen 2009 met als absoluut hoogtepunt het feit dat Robbert met caller Peter wereldkampioen F3D werden en de ploeg tweede. Ook in de uitslag van de Eurocup ( binnenkort te zien op de CIAM web site) deed Nederland het weer zeer goed. De nationale wedstrijden liepen doorgaans goed, hoewel er steeds meer behoefte wordt gevoeld aan een goed draaiboek en aan wedstrijdleiders die niet zelf meevliegen en die bijvoorbeeld de veiligheid van modellen en situaties op het veld kunnen verbeteren. Aan een draaiboek en een eenvoudig veiligheidsreglement wordt door ondergetekende gewerkt, 21 maart klaar. 5. Reglementswijzigingen E 500: vanaf 2010: maximale propellerdiameter 10”. Motor specificatie wordt door Paul geactualiseerd. Nieuwe reglement komt op de site. F3D : in 2010 dempers. Dit jaar geldt een “rule freeze” Daarom geen wijzigingen reglement voor 2012. Volgend WK dus nog met 12mm venturi’s. Er ligt bij de CIAM een voorstel voor de provisional class F3R ( vermoedelijke code), dat is Q500 als klasse die in de hele wereld op gelijke wijze gevlogen wordt. Het voorstel is ingebracht door de Duitsers, gebaseerd op het huidige Euro cup reglement. Het meest waarschijnlijke is dat dit voorstel wordt terugverwezen naar het pylon subcommittee en dat het voor 15 november weer wordt ingediend. Heel 2010 zal er dan over gediscussieerd kunnen worden. Voorstel is als bijlage toegevoegd bij deze notulen. Nieuwe voorstellen voor CIAM voor 15 november 2010 via de KNVvL of indienen bij Rob voor 1 september, dan kan er een CIAM subcommittee voorstel van gemaakt worden als het CIAM subcommittee daar in meerderheid mee instemt. 6. Kernploeg 2010 Ongewijzigd: Robbert, Marcel, Martijn als ploegleden. Ray, Peter, Andre toegevoegd op basis van niveau en omdat de ploeg in 2011 uit 4 leden zal bestaan. 7. Koffie met dank aan Peter , aan Carolien voor de heerlijke zelfgebakken cakes en aan andere Peter voor de heerlijke versnaperingen. 8. De prijzen , bekers, medailles en diploma’s worden onder gepast applaus uitgereikt aan de aanwezige winnaars.
9. Wedstrijden 2010. Totaal overzicht: 27-28 februari Phoenix AZ Q40 21 maart de Peel Club 20, E2k en Q500, E500 Wedstrijdleider Arno. 10-11 april Knife Edge , Egypte, vermoedelijk Cairo, F3D 25 april Wijchen Q500, E500 1-2 mei Pombal (Portugal) F3D 8-9 mei Senftenberg (D) , F3D, Q500, Q40 ( Deutsche Meisterschaft) 22-23 mei Siziano (I) Euro Cup F3D 22-23 mei Parijs (F) Euro Cup Q500 5-6 juni Melnik (CZ) Euro Cup F3D 20 juni MVA C20, E2k, Q500, E500. Almere. 19e juni barbecue , overnachten mogelijk. 26-27 juni, Wapeldorf (D) F3D, F3D, Q500, Q40 ( Deutsche Meisterschaft) 24-25 juli Rothenburg (D) F3D, Q500, Q40 ( Deutsche Meisterschaft) 14-15 augustus Tongeren (B) Euro Cup Q500. 4-5 september Tours (F) Euro Cup F3D 17-19 september Ballenstedt (D) F3D Euro cup, Q500 Euro cup, Q40 Deutsche Meisterschaft. 3 oktober NK de Peel Q500 , E500, F3D 9 oktober ( zaterdag) Hoofddorp Q500, E500. Wordt waarschijnlijk nog aangevuld met C20 in Tongeren, meetellend voor ons NK. Datum volgt. Gesorteerd op nationaal: 21 maart de Peel Club 20, E2k en Q500, E500 Wedstrijdleider Arno. 25 april Wijchen Q500, E500 20 juni MVA C20, E2k, Q500, E500. Almere. 19e juni barbecue , overnachten mogelijk. 3 oktober NK de Peel Q500 , E500, F3D 9 oktober ( zaterdag) Hoofddorp Q500, E500. Wordt waarschijnlijk nog aangevuld met C20 in Tongeren, meetellend voor ons NK. Datum volgt. Gesorteerd op internationaal: 27-28 februari Phoenix AZ Q40 10-11 april Knife Edge , Egypte, vermoedelijk Cairo, F3D 1-2 mei Pombal (Portugal) F3D 8-9 mei Senftenberg (D) , F3D, Q500, Q40 ( Deutsche Meisterschaft) 22-23 mei Siziano (I) Euro Cup F3D 22-23 mei Parijs (F) Euro Cup Q500 5-6 juni Melnik (CZ) Euro Cup F3D 26-27 juni, Wapeldorf (D) F3D, F3D, Q500, Q40 ( Deutsche Meisterschaft) 24-25 juli Rothenburg (D) F3D, Q500, Q40 ( Deutsche Meisterschaft) 14-15 augustus Tongeren (B) Euro Cup Q500. 4-5 september Tours (F) Euro Cup F3D 17-19 september Ballenstedt (D) F3D Euro cup, Q500 Euro cup, Q40 Deutsche Meisterschaft. Volgende vliegersvergadering : 16 januari 2011.
10 Promotie. Doorlinken web sites. Verkrijgbaarheid materialen benadrukken. Adressen contactpersonen opnemen. Er zijn op dit moment geen concrete plannen voor het doen van projecten of demo’s bij clubs. 11. Pylonrace-wedstrijdsysteem. Op initiatief van Arno en al veel actie van Wubbo zullen we waarschijnlijk vanaf halverwege dit jaar kunnen beschikken over het Amerikaanse pylon race wedstrijdsysteem. Dat gaat ca. 3000 Euro kosten. Zoals het er nu uitziet zal het voor een behoorlijk deel door de KNVvL gesubsidieerd worden. De rest betalen we zelf ( in eerste instantie schieten Robbert, Arno en Rob het restant voor) en zal via een verhoging van het inschrijfgeld afbetaald worden. Bijv 5 euro extra inschrijfgeld per deelnemer, nader vast te stellen, op wedstrijden waar het gebruikt wordt. Het systeem doet de loting, registreert alle tijden, genereert de automatische startprocedure, registreert cuts en maakt een uitslag. 12. De KNVvL beschikt sinds kort over een topsportcoördinator, Frouwke Kuijpers. Die gaat alle afdelingen ondersteunen bij (top)sportactiviteieten. Om te beginnen wordt 13 februari een dag met lezingen georganiseerd, net als vorig jaar. Arno en Robbert vertellen daar hoe het mogelijk was dat Nederland een wereldkampioen voortbracht. Daarnaast staat een voortzetting van mentale training op het programma. Verder zal moeten blijken op welke wijze onze topvliegers een zinvolle samenwerking met de topsportcoördinator kunnen opbouwen. 13. Nieuwe klassen. Uit Engeland komen twee klassen overwaaien: E2k een soort mini-Quickies met standaard elektromotoren. Reglementen zullen op de site worden geplaatst. Vooralsnog zal deze klasse tezamen met Club 20 worden gevlogen. Als er veel belangstelling komt, wordt hij in de toekomst wellicht als aparte klasse gevlogen. Indoor pylonrace: wordt nu af en toe gevlogen bij F3P (indoor kunstvlucht) wedstrijden. Reglement, zie F3P site www.F3P.nl . Zit dus nog even in de kunstvluchthoek. Robbert gaat voor het volgend seizoen met Henny van Loon (voorz. Subc. RC kunstvlucht) overleggen hoe het verder gaat. Dit jaar gaat het gewoon zijn gang. Voorts ligt bij de CIAM een voorstel voor een nieuwe World Airgamesklasse F6E, zie voor het voorgestelde reglement de tweede bijlage bij dit verslag. Het is iets tussen racen en kunstvlucht in waarbij twee modellen om het snelst een parcours afleggen, een soor Red Bull air race dus. De wedstrijd gaat met een afvalsysteem. Wie wint gaat een ronde verder. Tenslotte is in Amerika een electro-klasse aan het ontstaan, genaamd Electric Formula 1 een soort semi schaal modellen, AMA event 427 . Zie bijlage 3 voor de regels. Misschien waait ook deze wel ook wel over de oceaan.
14. Keim’s kwartiertje Naast alle CIAM,, KNVvL en reglementszaken die al aan de orde zijn geweest, kondigt Peter zijn vertrek als bestuurslid sportzaken ( Voorzitter TC) aan. Zijn taak is inmiddels zo
omvangrijk geworden dat het buitengewoon moeilijk zal worden hem op te volgen en opvolgers staan nog niet te dringen. Wij zijn Peter veel dank verschuldigd voor de wijze waarop hij invulling heeft gegeven aan deze taak, zowel inhoudelijk als de manier waarop. 15. Rondvraag. Theo vraagt of het mogelijk is om de Q500 vliegers bij de loting enigszins voor te sorteren, zodat spannender races ontstaan. Wellicht is het mogelijk als we het deelnemersveld om organisatorische redenen toch in tweeën hakken, dit enigszins op niveau te doen, maar dan moeten we eerst een soort piloten ranking verzinnen ( Gaan we toch ook doen voor de World Cup F3D). Voor andere wedstrijden zal het moeilijk worden, zeker omdat alle lotingssystemen erop gericht zijn deelnemers tegen zoveel mogelijk anderen te laten vliegen en dat is weer wat strijdig daarmee. 16. Sluiting. Peter sluit de vergadering en bedankt alle aanwezigen voor hun inbreng..
Bijlage 1. Voorstel van Duitsland voor een provisional (niet wereldkampioenschaps) klasse die waarschijnlijk F3R gaat heten. Ik verwacht dat dit reglement niet zoals het hier geformuleerd is wordt aangenomen en dat het voor verdere bestudering teruggaat naar de subcommissie. Eind 2010 zal vermoedelijk een meer definitief reglement worden aangenomen. FEDERATION AERONAUTIQUE INTERNATIONALE AEROMODELLING COMMISSION (CIAM) - PROPOSAL FORM Date: 14th, October 2009 Proposal submitted by: Deutscher Aero Club Sporting Code Volume: F3 Heading of section: F3D-Q500 RC Pylon racing model aircraft Class: F3D-Q500 Number & heading of the paragraph: new proposal Page number if appropriate: Rule Change
This proposal is a:
mark the boxes with as appropriate
Type the instruction in the space below: Introduction of a new FAI rule for pylon racing class F3D-Q500
Type the text changes in the space below (show deletions as strike-through and additions as bold underlined): New rule on the basis of existing rule for F3D
Type the reasons in the space below: The class Q500 is in the meantime very popular and in most countries of the world flown at national contests and in Europe as an European contest. Some countries used the AMA 428 rule with some differences. The definition of the model itself is very close in all countries. The boundary conditions which are different are consolidated in this proposal.
Radio Control Pylon Racing Model Aircraft F3D-Q500 Intention: The class is defined in such a way that it brings a level of development of aircraft aerodynamic design, aircraft construction, power plant to a level of piloting, with maximum safety. Speed control strategy: The technical rules will be developed in such a way that the average course speed will be limited to 55 m/s (198 km/h) in order to maintain safety and controllability of model pylon racing aircraft currently and in the future. The average course speed to be defined as a nominal race distance (4000 meters) divided by the combined average times (ie final score in seconds divided by the number of flights that count for the individual classification) of the best five competitors of the previous Open International – World Cup.. 1
Definition Model aircraft in which the propulsion energy is provided by a piston type engine and in which the lift is obtained by aerodynamic forces acting on the supporting surfaces, which, except for the control areas, must remain fixed in flight. The regulations of the FAI Sporting Code section 4 – Aeromodelling Volume F3D Radio Controlled Pylon Racing have to be used, unless this document specifically indicates otherwise.
Technical Specifications (a) The model aircraft must be of conventional design with forward wing and an aft empennage with the general lines of a full size aircraft. (b) ABR B.3.1. (builder of the model aircraft) is not applicable to class F3DQ500. (c)A model aircraft including engine and exhaust system may not be used by more than one race team. (d) Each competitor may process and use a maximum of three models during a contest. 3.
Engine Engine must be of the reciprocating piston type, with a maximum total swept volume of 6.6 cm3. Propellers must rotate at the speed of the crankshaft. Engine shall have only one front intake and one side exhaust.
Silencer The motor shall be equipped with a silencer. Tuned pipes are not permitted. A primary silencer shall also be considered a tuned pipe, if its overall length is more than 260 mm. The overall length is measured from the center of the piston through the center line of the primary silencer system to the back of the exhaust outlet.
Tank If the tank is pressurized, only the pressure coming from the silencer is permitted. 6.
Propellers and spinners Only fixed propellers may be used. Only propellers which are commercially available for everyone shall be used. The propeller shall have a minimum diameter of 222 mm. The dimensions must be indicated on the propeller by the manufacturer. The recommended rpm limit given by the manufacturer must not be exceeded during flights. Changes to the propeller blads are not permitted. For the purpose of balancing, changes shall be done to the thickness of one blade only ( removal of material / mass ). Edges and tips may be sanded to remove deburr. A rounded nose spinner with a maximum diameter of 38 mm and a nose radius of not less than 5 mm (ABR B.18.4) must be fitted. The spinner shall be made of metal only.
Shut-off The pilot must be able to shut off his engine, on the ground or in the air, by radio control within five seconds of command, irrespective of aircraft altitude. The radio system used to control the aircraft shall be equipped with a fail safe. This fail safe shall be set to shut off the engine if radio signal is lost.
Weight Weight, less fuel but including all equipment necessary for flight, shall be at least 1700 g and not more than 2200 g. If ballast is used it must be permanently and safely affixed.
9.1. Depth and width The fuselage shall have a minimum height of 89 mm and a minimum width of 73 mm. Both dimensions must occur within the wing chord. The fuselage shall have a rectangular cross section over the whole length and the side wall shall be parallel to the vertical axis of the model aircraft ( rectangular box crosssection ) A maximum radius of 6.5 mm is permitted for the corners of the fuselage. 9.2 Fairing Fillets or fairings between the fuselage and wing are not permitted. 10. Engine installation The engine including silencer and the engine mount shall be fully exposed. The front firewall shall be a rectangular, flat plate measuring at least 57 mm by 57 mm. Corners and edges of the engine mount may be rounded to a maximum of 6.5 mm 11. Lifting Surfaces 11.1. Area of Surfaces
The main wing must have a rectangular layout over at least 1200 mm. Total projected area of the main wing, must be at least 32 dm2. 11.2 Wing Span Minimum wing span shall be 1270 mm Maximum wing span shall be 1320 mm. 11.3 Wing Thickness Wing thickness must be at least 30 mm over a wingspan of at least 1200 mm. 12. Undercarriage The undercarriage may have a two or three wheel design with the two main wheels having a minimum track of 177 mm, fixed on the outside of the fuselage or main wing. The diameter of the two main wheels shall be not less than 57 mm. Only non retractable landing gears are permitted. Wheel fairings or fairing between landing gear and fuselage, i.e. Fillets, wheel pants or similar, are not permitted. Nose or tail wheels, if used, may be streamlined.
November 12, 2009
Proposal submitted by:
F6 Working Group
Sporting Code Volume:
Heading of section:
F6E (new class)
Number & heading of the paragraph: Page number if appropriate:
This proposal is a:
Rule Change Safety
mark the boxes with as appropriate
Type the instruction in the space below: Add a new competition class F6E Type the text changes in the space below (show deletions as strike-through and additions as bold underlined): RADIO CONTROL AEROBATIC REGATTA o
An Aerobatic Regatta is a parallel race in which two radio controlled airplanes compete on a course involving aerobatic manoeuvres.
Definitions of an Aerobatic Regatta Aircraft
A propeller-driven model airplane that is aerodynamically manoeuvred by control surface(s) in attitude, direction and altitude by a pilot on the ground using radio control. o
6.5.2 General characteristics of Radio Controlled Aerobatic Regatta Aircraft
Aerobatic Regatta aircraft are propeller-driven, radio-controlled aircraft with the following limitations: Maximum overall wing span : .................2.0 m Maximum take-off weight : .....................20 kg Power unit :..............................................The power unit may be a reciprocating engine, a turbine (turboprop) engine or an electric motor. Power source limitations : any suitable power source may be utilised except those requiring solid propellants, gaseous or liquefied gaseous fuels. Electric powered aircraft are limited to a maximum of 42 Volts for the propulsion circuit.
There is no restriction on the number of airplanes entered by a competitor. A competitor does not need to be the owner of the airplane he flies in any heat, but the same airplane cannot be used by several competitors during the event. o
Racing area layout
Two parallel, straight racing courses, distant by at least 25 m and oriented along the prevailing wind direction or the flying field longest side, are marked on the ground with poles. The poles must be approximately 5 m high and made of inflated cloth, expanded polystyrene or other material that may be easily destructed from impact with a flying model aircraft. The course length may be defined according to the flying field, but must be at least 150 m. The course must be marked with an entry/exit pole, a turn pole and three additional poles along the course length. On the ground a line shall be set at a minimum 50 m from the nearest flight course, as defined by the poles. The limit shall be clearly marked, preferably with barriers and separates the racing zone from the spectators area. Nobody shall be allowed in the racing zone during a race, except the competing pilots and their helpers. o
The race course
Every race involves two airplanes flying together, each over its allotted course. During a heat, the airplanes must fly behind the poles, as seen from the spectators area. After being allowed to start the engines/motors, take off and climb to altitude, a countdown for at least five seconds shall take place approximately 120 s later, followed with a audio start signal when the airplanes are allowed to pass the entry/exit pole ( “regatta” race start ). Then the competing airplanes must fly past the turn pole and fly back to the entry/exit pole. The airplane flying first through the exit pole is the winner of the heat. Any airplane passing the entry/exit pole before signal must pass again with all necessary manoeuvres only in the vertical plane. During the race, the airplanes must: pass every pole at an altitude such that the complete fuselage is lower than the pole top (as seen from the spectators area) ; execute aerobatic manoeuvres in a vertical plane along the course length, made of a combination of lines, loops, rolls and spins, as defined by the Organiser, after passing every pole after the entry/exit pole. Flick rolls and gyroscopic manoeuvres are not allowed ; Every aerobatic manoeuvre must begin after a pole is passed and be completed before passing again behind the same pole or passing the next one ; The competing planes must pass the poles upright, inverted or in knife-edge flight according to the race description as made by the Organiser. Every pole shall be of a predominant colour code specifying how it shall be flown by : white (upright), blue (inverted) or red (knife-edge). The entry/exit pole must always be passed upright. The Organiser defines the course layout and the aerobatic manoeuvres to be flown. This must be clearly described in the contest invitation document. o
Race procedures
The competition is made of a series of races involving two competitors. Each race is made of successive heats opposing the same competitors. At each heat, the first airplane passing the exit pole is the winner. After one heat the competitors fly the
next one over the other course. The first competitor winning two heats against the same opponent wins the race. A competitor not able to take off before the race start signal loses the heat. The competitors are arranged in two groups of at least 3 competitors by mean of a draw and enter a round robin in which each competitor is opposed to every other competitor in the group. Within each group, the top placers (at least two) access the next stage. The next stage is organised as direct elimination rounds. The first qualified competitor from one group is opposed to the last qualified competitor from the other group, etc. until the last qualified competitor, in an 1/8th or 1/4th final round, according to the number of competitors. In these rounds competitors are opposed in races as during the round robin, with the winner of each race (two or three heats) qualified for the next round until the two remaining competitors compete in a final race. Before this final race, the two remaining competitors from the semi-finals are opposed to decide of the 3rd place. When an airplane does not pass a pole at the prescribed altitude, a 5 s penalty is added to the final time. When an airplane does not complete a prescribed manoeuvre or does not pass a pole in the prescribed attitude, a 10 s penalty is added to the final time. In such cases, the total time (course time + penalties) is taken into account for the heat classification. o
Competitors & helpers
Every competitor is allowed one helper who may assist him to start and adjust the engine and guide the flight through the course. The competitor and his helper may decide where they want to stand during a race but must stay close together. Nobody else – including Officials – is allowed inside the racing zone during a race. o
Contest officials
In addition to the Contest Director, four judges (two for each competitor and facing each course end) and two timekeepers (the judges facing the entry/exit poles may also operate as timekeepers) observe the flights and make sure the poles are passed as prescribed and that the aerobatic manoeuvres are completed. The manoeuvres quality is not taken into account. The Organiser shall appoint an officer able to produce a running commentary ro spectators during the event. Type the reasons in the space below: Racing is spectacular, but very high speeds make races difficult to follow and bring safety problems for spectators who must be kept at a distance. The proposed format combines racing with aerobatics so as to reduce the speed and level out any power advantage. Large models are easily visible and the man-on-man format makes results easily understandable. Type any supporting data for the proposed technical amendments in the space below: The class is intended to add racing to the aeromodelling competition classes submitted to WAG organisers and can be flown locally on most model fields with modest organisational requirements.
Bijlage 3. Voorlopig reglement Electric Formula 1. 16.5. Event 427: Electric Formula One 16.5.1. Airframe: Models must be primarily constructed of wood and covered with plastic film core. Fuselages, wings and tails manufactured in molds designed to produce hollow core structures covering. Painted molded fiberglass or vacu-formed plastic parts may be used as nonstructural add-ons or “slip-overs” such as cowls, turtle decks, fillets, and canopies to create more complex shapes. Wings and tails must be of built-up, all wood construction, or wood sheeting over a solid foam core. Fuselages, wings and tails manufactured in molds designed to produce hollow core structures are prohibited. Traditional fiberglass reinforcement, carbon fiber, inset wood or composite tubular spars continue to be acceptable. However, fiberglass or carbon reinforcement or covering may not extend beyond six (6) inches from the wing center section. The last two inches of each wingtip may be made of any material. a. Weight. Minimum three and one quarter (3.25) pounds, maximum three and three quarters (3.75) pounds. b. Wing. 1) Area: Minimum 375 square inches. 2) Span: Maximum 52 inches (projected). 3) Chord: No limit, however, the wing taper, in addition to other distinctive design features, is subject to the design approval requirements of paragraph g) below. 4) Airfoil thickness: Minimum one-inch at the wing center section. Thickness shall progress uniformly in a straight line or convex taper from root to within 1 ½” of the wingtip. The outboard 1 ½ inches of the wing may utilize an alternate, but uniform, thickness taper. c. Fuselage. 1) Depth: Minimum six (6) inches at its deepest point. Depth does not include radiators or belly scoops (if any), but shall include the windshield, canopy, pilot’s head, or headrest, but does not include tail surfaces, dorsal or sub fins, tailskids, or non-scale protuberances. 2) Width: Minimum three (3) inches at its widest point. Width and depth points need not coincide. Width does not include fillets, cheek cowl fairings, or non-scale protuberances. 3) Cross-sectional shape and features: (a) Profile representations of any significant feature of the full-scale prototype are prohibited. Cross-sectional contours at the height and width measurements and at stations determining the likeness to the full-scale prototype shall maintain the integrity of the contours in the full-scale prototype. The only exception permitted shall be in the engine compartment for maintenance purposes. (b) Cheek cowls, canopy, and belly scoop, if any, shall have at least a 5/8-inch radius at their widest point so that a hypothetical 1-1/4- inch-diameter ball would fit inside, tangent to the outer surface. A cowl, canopy, or scoop with an oval or rectangular cross-section and corners of less than 5/8-inch radius satisfies this requirement if the hypothetical 1-1/4- inch-diameter ball would be fully enclosed. (c) Cooling holes: Cooling holes and vents for the purposes of allowing cooling airflow to the motor, ESC and battery shall be allowed as long as they do not change the outlines of the aircraft. d. Tail Surfaces: Tail surfaces shall be flat plate surfaces with a minimum thickness of 3/16th inch, with rounded edges. Rounding of surface edges shall be limited to rounding to a radius equal to 1/2 the thickness of the surface and the rounding shall begin at a distance no further than the measure of the thickness of the surface from any edge of the surface. Stabilizer, including elevators, shall be a minimum of 70 square inches. e. Landing gear. The landing gear shall be fixed and shall resemble that of the full-scale
aircraft as to location on the airframe and the number of wheels used. At least two (2) of the wheels shall have a diameter of at least 2 inches, and shall be separated laterally by at least 8 inches. In-line wheels are prohibited. Wheel pants, wheel spats, or strut fairings are permitted, but are not required. f. Spinner: A spinner with a minimum diameter of one and one half (1.5”) shall be used. g. Replica rule. Models entered in this event shall be of conventional layout as defined in 7.1 and be recognizable replicas of full-scale, human-carrying, propeller-driven aircraft that either raced in or were built for the 190/200 cubic inch class of Formula I closed-course racing competition. Models of full-scale aircraft that do not meet the objective requirements of these rules (for example, a model of Wild Turkey whose wing thickness does not progress in a “straight line or convex taper” as required by paragraph I.b.3), or a model of the monowheel version of Fast Lane Exit that does not meet the main wheel track requirement in paragraph I. (d) are prohibited. 1) Wing and tail outlines shall maintain the integrity of the outlines of the full-scale prototype aircraft, as show by photographs or 3-views 2) The fuselage side view shall maintain the integrity of the outlines of the full-scale prototype aircraft, as shown by photographs of 3-views. 3) Except as necessary to achieve the minimum width across both cheek cowls as stated in paragraph 1.c.2) above, the fuselage top view shall maintain the integrity of the outlines of the full-scale prototype aircraft, as shown by photographs or 3-views. h. Prior approval of designs. 1) Procedure: All designs, past and future inclusive, shall not be entered in competition until three (3) accurate views or photos of the model and the full-scale prototype aircraft have been submitted to a five-member subcommittee of the RC Racing Contest Board and approved by an affirmative vote of at least three members thereof. Such approval may be given orally, but shall be recorded for future reference. In the case of unusual or little known designs, the designer shall produce documentation to clarify that such a design did exist. A model shall be considered eligible for competition if it meets all dimensional requirements of these rules and, in addition, does not vary significantly from the approved three-views or photos of the same design. 2) Membership of committee: The five-member committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the RC Racing Contest Board and may consist of any five members, including the Chairperson, who do not have a financial interest in any kit manufacturing business that produces airplane kits for this event. If the five-member subcommittee has disapproved a design, the designer is entitled to review by the entire contest board. 16.5.2. Power System a. Motor 1) Dimensions: Maximum length (excluding shaft) shall be 42mm; Maximum diameter shall be 36mm 2) Configuration: Stock, commercially available outrunner motor. b. ESC: A commercially available brushless Electronic Speed Controller with a minimum of 45 watt rating shall be utilized and controlled by a separate throttle channel. The ESC may not utilize a BEC; power to the receiver and servos must be provided by a separate battery pack. c. Battery: Battery shall be a commercially available Lithium Polymer (LiPo) battery. 1) Maximum Number of Battery Cells: Motor battery shall have a maximum of 4 cells. 2) Maximum Battery Weight: Motor battery pack shall have a maximum weight of 325 grams including all connectors and wires. It is recommended that batteries utilize a balancing tap to balance the individual cells as part of the charging process, however, batteries without a
balancing connector are permitted and shall have a maximum weight of 315 grams. 3) Battery Retention: There shall be a means of positive retention of the battery pack within the airplane to prevent it from shifting during flight. d. Wires and Connectors: Wires and connectors shall be of a sufficient capacity to accommodate the power system rating. All wires or connectors shall be fully insulated and protected. No open or unshielded wiring or connecters are permitted. Connectors shall be polarized and of sufficient size rating. Wiring for transmission of current to the motor shall be a minimum14AWG rating. ESC wire to the receiver’s throttle channel shall be a minimum 22AWG rating. e. Propeller: Propeller shall be 2 bladed. 1) Material: Material: Wood or Injection molded composite or plastic. Propellers made of resin and continuous strand or chopped fibers, manufactured by hand are prohibited. 2) Dimensions: No limit. 3) Availability, modification: Propellers shall be commercially available and stock, except as otherwise provided in paragraph 7.5.2.