USING GRAMMATICAL SNAKES AND LADDERS GAME IN TEACHING SIMPLE PAST TENSE (An Action Research at Eight Grade, MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)
A” Skripsi”
Presented to The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of S. Pd in English Language Education
By: Mulyani Ratna Wulan 106014000338
USING GRAMMATICAL SNAKES AND LADDERS GAME IN TEACHING SIMPLE PAST TENSE (An Action Research at Eight Grade, MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)
A” Skripsi”
Presented to The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of S. Pd in English Language Education
By: Mulyani Ratna Wulan NIM: 106014000338
Approved by the Advisor
Dr. Fahriany, M. Pd. NIP: 197006111991012001
ENDORSEMENT SHEET The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training certifies that the “skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled AN ACTION RESEARCH OF USING GRAMMATICAL SNAKES AND LADDERS GAME IN TEACHING SIMPLE PAST TENSE written by Mulyani Ratna Wulan, student’s registration number 106014000338 was examined by the Committee on November 03,2010 and was declare to have passed and therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of Bachelor of Arts in English Language Education at the Department of English Education. Jakarta November 03, 2010
Examination Committee
: Drs. Syauki, M . Pd NIP. 19641212 1991 03 1 002
: Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd NIP. 150.293. 236
: Drs.Syauki, M. Pd NIP. 19641212 1991 03 1 002
: Drs. Bahrul Hasibuan. M,Ed
Acknowledge By: Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training
Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A NIP. 19571005 1987 03 1 003
Ratna Wulan, Mulyani, 2010, Using Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Past Tense, (An Action Research at Eight Grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). Skripsi, Department of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. Key Word: Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game, Teaching Simple Past Tense
ABSTRACT There are several language elements in English learning, one of them is grammar. Grammar is one confusing subject. Some students think grammar as boring subject. When they are learning English, they try to avoid grammar. One of grammar material is about tenses. Therefore, the goal of this action research is developing students’ understanding in learning tense, especially simple past tense. In conducting the research, the researcher applies game in developing student understanding in learning simple past tense, grammatical snakes and ladders game. Before applying this game in the classroom action research, the researcher makes initial planning. After made an initial planning, the researcher acts in the class by applying this grammatical snakes and ladders game. Then, she observes the action class, and reflects or evaluates the action. These steps; initial planning, action, observation and reflection are one cycle. The researcher has three cycles for this action research, and every cycle contain of two action meetings. The result of this action research are many students’ development in understanding simple past tense by using grammatical snakes and ladders game Although this game has never been applied by another teacher in the class, but this game can improve students’ understanding in their learning. Also, the researcher has gotten the good student score and good responses both from the students and collaborator teacher in this action research.
Ratna Wulan, Mulyani, 2010, Penggunaan Permainan Ular Tangga dalam Pengajaran Simple Past Tense, (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Kelas delapan MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahadsa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Univarsitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Key Word: Permainan Ular Tangga, Pengajaran Simple Past Tense
ABSTRAK Terdapat beberapa unsur- unsur bahasa yang harus dikuasai siswa, salah satunya adalah tata bahasa Inggris. Tata bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang membingungkan. Beberapa siswa berpendapat bahwa tata bahasa Igggris merupakan pelajaran yang membosankan. Ketika mereka belajar bahasa Inggris, mereka berusaha untuk menghindar untuk mempelajari tata bahasa Inggris. Salah satu materi grammar adalah tenses. Oleh karena itu, tujuan melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas yaitu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam belajar tense, khususnya simple past tense dengan menggunakan permainan ular tangga. Untuk mendukung penelitian, peneliti menerapkan permainan dalam meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam pembelajaran simple past tense, permainan ular tangga. Sebelum menerapkan permainan ini dalam penelitian tindakan kelas, peneliti membuat sebuah rencana awal. Setelah membuat perencanaan awal, peneliti melakukan tindakan dengan menerapkan permainan ular tangga tersebut. Kemudian mensurvei kelas tindakan dan melakukan refleksi atau menilai tindakan. Langkah- langkah tersebut; perencanaan awal, tindakan, observasi dan timbale balik merupakan satu kesatuan siklus. Peneliti memiliki tiga siklus untuk penelitian tindakan, dan setiap siklus terdiri dari dua pertemuan tindakan. Hasil dari penelitian tindakan tersebut adalah kemajuan siswa dalam memahami simple past tense dengan menggunakan permainan ular tangga. Walaupun permainan ular tangga ini belum pernah dilakukan oleh guru lain di dalam kelas, namun teknik ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mereka dalam belajar. Juga, peneliti mendapatkan hasil nilai siswa yang baik, dan respon yang baik baik dari siswa maupun dari guru kolaborasi dalam penelitian tindakan ini.
Acknowledgment In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, and the most Merciful. All Praise to Allah, the Lord of the world, the Master, and the Creator of everything in this universe until the writer can finish an action research at eight grade, C class in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for “skripsi”. Greeting and salutation to the prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him) who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness. This skripsi is titled USING GRAMMATICAL SNAKES AND LADDERS GAME IN TEACHING SIMPLE PAST TENSE (An Action Research at Eight Grade, MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) for the Degree of Strata 1 (S1) On r opportunity the writer would like to express her thanks for her guiders and her lecturers who had taught her about seven semesters, because of their motivation and patient in teaching, the writer can study, learn, and develop her English. To her parents (mother and father) who always give high motivation and pray for her health and success, and also her family who suggests and gives a good words, to her love and friend who always give motivation to be humble, patient, smart, and honest girl. Besides, her great gratitude is dedicated to these amazing and wonderful people. Particularly to; 1. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA, as Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. 2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the head of English Education Department, 3. Neneng Sunengsih, S, Pd., as the secretary of English Education Department, 4. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd, as advisor, for her time, guidance, kindness, contribution, motivation, and patient in helping her in finishing the ‘skripsi’, 5. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M. Pd, as the paper propose seminar, 6. Mrs. Aida S, Pd., as helper her registration in English Education Department,
7. All lecturers in English Education Department, who had given motivation and support, and also introduced the good education for being a good teacher for the writer, 8. The English Teacher, Ms. Prasetya S. Pd., in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, who helped her study in action research, 9. Writer’s mother, father , and brother as the biggest motivator in her life, love you forever and ever all, 10. Writer’s Love, as the supporter and motivator in her education, and
building her for being a good girl, 11. All of friends in English Education Department, who always invite her for being a good and smart person, 12. All of friends, who always support her in finishing skripsi, thanks for kindness, and borrowing a book. May Allah, the Almighty, bless them all. Amin. Finally, the writer realize that this ‘skripsi’ still have some weaknesses and mistakes. Therefore, the writer would like to accept any constructive suggestions to make this ‘skripsi’ better.
Jakarta, 2010 The writer
TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ................................................................................................................ i Abstract ................................................................................................................ ii Acknowledgment ................................................................................................. iii Table of Contents ................................................................................................ v List of Tables ....................................................................................................... viii List of Figures ...................................................................................................... ix
INTRODUCTION A. The Background of Study .................................................... 1 B. The Limitation and Formulation of Problem ....................... 4 C. The Method of Study ........................................................... 4 D. The Significant of the Study ................................................ 5
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Simple Past Tense ................................................................ 6 1. The Understanding of Simple Past Tense ...................... 6 2. The Formula of Simple Past Tense ................................ 9 3. The Use of Simple Past Tense ....................................... 12 B. Snakes and Ladders Game .................................................. 13 1. Snakes and Ladders ....................................................... 13 a. The Understanding of Snakes and Ladders ................ 13 b. The Playing of Snakes and Ladders ........................... 14 c. The Rule of Snakes and Ladders ................................ 15 d. The Material of Snakes and Ladders .......................... 16 2. Game…………. .. ........................................................... 17 a. The Understanding of Game ....................................... 17 b. The Reason in Using Game ........................................ 18 c. The Criteria in Playing Game ..................................... 20 d. The Use of Game in Learning English ....................... 21
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Aim of Study ................................................................. 23 B. The Place and Time of Study ............................................... 23 C. Population and Sample......................................................... 23 D. Research Instrument ............................................................. 24 E. Data and Data Sources ......................................................... 24 F. Technique of Data Collecting .............................................. 24 G. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................. 25 H. Action Procedure.................................................................. 26 1. Initial Plan ......................................................................... 26 2. Action ................................................................................ 27 3. Observation ....................................................................... 27 4. Reflection .......................................................................... 27
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Description of Data .............................................................. 28 1.Data of Observation............................................................ 28 2.Data of interview ................................................................ 32 3.The Implementation of Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Teaching Simple Past Tense............................................... 40 4.Data of Questionnaire ......................................................... 54 5.Data of the Test .................................................................. 57 B. Interpretation of Data ........................................................... 60 1.Data of Observation............................................................ 60 2.Data of interview ................................................................ 60 3.The Implementation of Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Teaching Simple Past Tense............................................... 60 4.Students’ Responses ........................................................... 61 5.Students’ Achievements ..................................................... 61
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 62 B. Suggestion ............................................................................ 63
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 64
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... x
Table 2.1 Regular Verb Examples ........................................................................ 8 Table 2.2 Irregular Verb Examples ....................................................................... 8 Table 2.3 Verbal Sentence Formula ...................................................................... 9 Table 2.4 Verbal Sentences Examples .................................................................. 9 Table 2.5 Nominal Sentence Formula................................................................... 10 Table 2.6 Nominal Sentence Examples ................................................................ 11 Table 2.7 General Use of Game ............................................................................ 22 Table 4.1 Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Learning Simple Past Tense ....... 43 Table 4.2 Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Learning Simple Past Tense ....... 44 Table 4.3 The rules of grammatical snakes and ladders discussion and quiz ....... 47 Table 4.4 Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Quiz ................................................ 48 Table 4.5 Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Learning Simple Past Tense ....... 49 Table 4.6 Identifying Sentences in Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game ...... 51 Table 4.7 Pre Test and Post- Test Result .............................................................. 57
Figure 2.1 Simple Past Analogy ........................................................................... 6 Figure 2.2 Snakes and Ladders Boards ................................................................. 16 Figure 3.1 Action Research Cycles ...................................................................... 26 Figure 3.2 Action Research Cycles ....................................................................... 26 Figure 4.1 Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Discussion ..................................... 48
Appendix 1. Observation ..................................................................................... 66 Appendix 2. Interview form . ............................................................................... 68 Appendix 3. Questionnaire form ........................................................................... 71 Appendix 4. Test Paper ......................................................................................... 74 Appendix 5. Lesson Plan ...................................................................................... 77 Appendix 6. Students’ Learning Result Description ............................................ 91 Appendix 7. Documentation………….. ………………………….. ................... 95
A. The Background of Study Language plays an important role in the society. It is impossible to communicate and to understand other people without using a language. In a certain place there is certain language,. example: in West Java is Sudanese, in Jakarta is Betawian, in Padang is Minang language, etc . Because every community has their own language which is used in their life, the languages mastery are important for making a good communication; two languages or more.
And English language mastery is important for international
communication. English is widely used as a means of communication for people all over the world. English is the first foreign languages at school in Indonesia. It is taught from Play Group or Kindergarten, and Elementary School as local content subject, also Junior and Senior High School as compulsory subject and up to University. Many people are motivated to learn this language for their own needs; business purposes, occupation, getting a good position in a company and others. Since this language has been taught in school, some problems arose concerning with English subject, especially English grammar. Example; for the students: they have to learn, to remember, and to apply the formula in 1
the sentences. In solving these problems ,the teachers should give student motivation in learning grammar, research the students’ difficulties in grammar, find out a good solution for solving it problem, make a good grammar test, make good teaching strategies in grammar, etc. According to Anthony in Marianne Celce Murcia’s Book that definite of our three purposes. An Approach to language teaching is something that reflects a certain model or research paradigm – a theory if you like. This term is the broadest of the three. A method, on the other hand, is a set of procedures, i. e., a system that spells out rather precisely how to teach a second or foreign language. It is more specific than an approach but less specific than a technique. Methods are typically compatible with one (or sometime two) approaches. A technique is a classroom and thus represents the narrowest of the three concepts. 1 It means, approach is the broadest than method and technique, method is narrower than approach and broader than technique, and technique is narrowest than approach and method. Also good technique in teaching learning process is needed for the teacher, because the teaching technique as if the wing for the birds to fly. Based on the observation in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the writer found that grammar is the major complicated problem in English learning. One of the students’ problems in learning English grammar is learning tenses, simple past tense. Especially, in: using the verb (which one is; verb one, verb two or verb three), making sentences (affirmative, negative, and interrogative), and differentiating between verbal and nominal sentences in simple past tense. In addition, the students don’t like to learn the formula or guidelines, because it must be remembered, and needed much time to learn it. Therefore, the writer is going to apply a new strategy in developing student understanding by using grammatical snakes and ladders game in teaching simple past tense.
Marianne Celce –Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (The United State of America: Heinle & Heinle, a division of Thomson learning, Inc. 2001), p. 5.
According to Richard and Rodger stated that” A variety of game, role plays, simulation, and task based communication activities have been prepared to support Communicative language teaching classes.” 2 From the statement above, a variety of game is one interesting technique for making good communication in the class. Through the game, the students can enjoy the teaching learning process. Also if they study grammar by using the game, they don’t think too much about the formula or guidelines, because they are studying while playing, they are remembering and learning the formula or guidelines unconsciously. In game are many activities; grouping, competing, discussing, remembering, and many others fun activities. Concerning to the observation, all of students at eight grade, C class of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are active, and several of them are past learning. Many students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta want to improve their understanding in learning English Grammar, so they need fun way for learning it. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is as State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta student lab for teaching. Also, this school will be national Madrasah for being International school. In addition this school is suited for applying the new teaching strategy in class action research. The writer is interested in making an action research by using grammatical snakes and ladders game in teaching simple past tense because it’s about grammar, this is unique game, and this game has never been done by English teacher in Indonesia but have ever been done by many teachers abroad like America, Singapore, Australia, etc. By using this grammatical snakes and ladders game, the students are motivated to make a group, 2
Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method in language Teaching, (The United State of America: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 80.
competition and discussion, and of course fun learning. Therefore, the writer is suggested to use this game in learning simple past tense. Based on the research, the writer chooses simple past tense because this tense is one of the tense in English Grammar, and this simple past tense is the basic study before studying others tenses in the past. The writer hopes that the student will not think “simple past tense is difficult”. The goal of this research is to prove: Is grammatical snakes and ladders game able to develop student understanding in simple past tense?
B. The Limitation and Formulation of Problem On the discussion of grammar especially tenses, the writer limits the study on simple past tense by using grammatical snakes and ladders game. The formulation of the problem in this paper is “Is this grammatical snakes and ladders game able to improve the students’ understanding in learning simple past tense?”
C. The Method of Study The method of this research is done by library research and field research. Library research is held by finding the theories and materials related to an action research of simple past tense from many education books, English books, journals, articles, internet, and many other resources. Field research is done by doing an action research in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and the writer is teaching in the class based on curriculum, observing the teaching learning process without disturbing the class situation and material which is taught at that semester.
D. The Significance of Study The result of this research is expected to be useful for: 1.
Writer The study is expected to give new experience and information to the writer about how to improve student understanding by using grammatical snakes and ladders game in teaching simple past tense by classroom action research.
Further Researcher This study is expected to give new knowledge to the further researcher to do better action research of teaching and learning.
Student This study is expected to develop student understanding in simple past tense by fun game.
The English teacher This study is expected to give an input in order to use the various method in teaching English grammar.
A. Simple Past Tense
1. The Understanding of Simple Past Tense (Figure 2.1) Simple Past Analogy SIMPLE PAST
According to Betty Schrampfer Azar that “simple past is one particular time in the past, this happened. It began and ended in the past.” 1 It means that simple past tense is an action or event didn’t connect with now, and every event or situation is reflected the history in the past time. Marcella Frank states in his book , Modern English that both form (simple past tense and past progressive tense) of the tense represent definite past. They refer to the events that were completed before the statement is made. They are often accompanied by such expression of definite past as yesterday,
Betty Schamper Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (London: Prentice Hall, inc. 1989), p. 2.
last year, two weeks ago. The past action may be of short of duration. 2 From the explanation above that simple past tense shows the activity was done by somebody or something before the sentence is produced. The speaker made the sentence and gave the information to somebody after she/ he finished her/ his activity. The event was occurred in specific time in the past. In simple past tense, the using of time is only short time, and it doesn’t emphasize duration of an action in the past. Frank’s states that the principal parts of such verbs must be known before the proper tense forms can be used. The first principal part of verb is the simple form of verb (the inventive without to), the second principal part is the past tense, the third principal part is the past participle (use for the perfect tenses or for the passive forms). 3 It means that these principal parts of verb must be used in tenses before applying it in the sentence, which is regular or irregular verb. Also in producing simple past tense sentences, the writer or speaker has to apply the second principal part. Example: She slept soundly last night. 4 From the sentence above, we know the origin of the sentence “She sleep soundly” .Because of the time signal is in the past “last night”, it identifies the past action, so the word “sleep” is changed to “slept”. The changing of the word shows that action was done in the past time, and also the time signal (last night) identifies that action doesn’t exist now or at the time of speaking. Example: They went to the mosque 5 The sentence above is simple past tense. Although there is not time signal of simple past tense, but we can see the verb is changed from “go” to 2
Marcella Frank, Modern English Part I Part of Speech, (London: Prentice- Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: 1990), p. 49. 3 Frank, p.40. 4 Ilham Ali Saifuddin, et- al, Buku Pintar TOEFL, (Jogjakarta :DIVA Press, 2007), p.112. 5 Saifuddin, et- al, p. 112
“went”. The origin of verb is “go”, so the speaker or writer use “went” for showing a complete activity.
(Table.2.1) Irregular Verb Examples: Simple Form of verb
Past Tense
Past Participle
(Verb 1)
(Verb II)
( Verb III)
From the table above the words “sleep” and “go” are changed into “slept” and “went”. The changing of the words are called by irregular verbs. These verbs II are used for simple past tense. Others examples: • I worked. • She studied English yesterday. From the two sentences above, the verbs are added by d/ ed. We know, these sentences were happened in the past time. The word “work” adds by “ed” become “worked”, and the word “ study” adds by “ed” and changes the “y” into “ i” become “studied”. The additional of the words by the syllables d/ ed are called by regular verb.
(Table.2.2) Regular Verb Examples: Simple Form of verb
Past Tense
Past Participle
(Verb 1)
(Verb II)
( Verb III)
The writer infers that simple past tense is an action happened and completed in the past time, the action doesn’t relate with now, the past form of verb both regular and irregular is used in verbal sentences of simple past tense and to be (was and were) is used in nominal sentences of simple past tense.
2. The Formula of Simple Past Tense a.
Verbal Sentence
(Table.2.3) Verbal Sentence Formula Type of Sentence Affirmative
Time Signal
I, you, we
Regular= V1+
they, he, she,
ago, last time,
week, just
I, you, we
Didn’t / did not +
they, he, she,
V1 (without d/
Did+ Subject
Verb 1 (without
(I, you, we
d/ ed)
they, he, she, it) (Table.2.4) Verbal Sentences Examples 6 John worked here yesterday
John worked here yesterday
Did John work here yesterday?
Did John study yesterday?
Did John study yesterday?
Affirmative short answer
Affirmative long answer
Robert Krohn, English Sentence Structure, (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1986), p.28
Yes, I did
Yes, I studied yesterday
Yes, you did
Yes, you studied yesterday
Yes he/she did
Yes he/she studied yesterday
Yes, we did
Yes, we studied yesterday
Yes, you did
Yes, you studied yesterday
Yes, they did
Yes, they studied yesterday
Negative short answer
Negative long answer
No, I didn’t
No, I didn’t study yesterday
No, you didn’t
No, you didn’t study yesterday
No he/she didn’t
No he/she didn’t study yesterday
No, we didn’t
No, we didn’t study yesterday
No, you didn’t
No, you didn’t study yesterday
No, they didn’t
No, they didn’t
b. Nominal Sentence (Table.2.5) Nominal Sentence Formula Type of
Sentence Affirmative
I, you, we
To be (was, and
(adverb, adjective,
noun of occupation)
I= was
they, he, she,
You/they= were
quicly, in Bandung,
He/ she/ it= was
ect. (adv)
I, you, we
To be + not
they, he, she,
ugly, etc (adj)
Teacher, doctor, etc
(noun of accupation)
Subject (Table.2.6) Nominal Sentences Examples 7
Was John busy?
Was John busy?
Yes, he was
Yes, he was
Affirmative short answer
Affirmative long answer
Yes, I was
Yes, I was busy
Yes, you were
Yes, you were busy
Yes, he/she was
Yes, he/she was busy
Yes, we were
Yes, we were busy
Yes, you were
Yes, you were busy
Yes, they were
Yes, they were busy
Negative Short Answer
Negative Long Answer
No, I wasn’t
No, I wasn’t busy
No, you weren’t
No, you weren’t busy
No, he/she wasn’t
No, he/she wasn’t busy
No, we weren’t
No, we weren’t busy
No, you weren’t
No, you weren’t busy
No, they weren’t
No, they weren’t busy
Krohn, p.25
3. The Use of Simple Past Tense Simple past tense is used to explain the activity or event that: a. Happened in the past. That event didn’t connect with now. It means, this event doesn’t happen now. Examples: • John was sick yesterday. • Bob worked for a big firm last year. b. Happened and finished at the moment of speaking, the process was done in a short time. Examples: •
She turned out the light at midnight.
She shut the book when I entered the room.
They stopped talking as I open the door.
c. Happened in the past continually. Examples: • When he saw me, he stood up and came up to me. d. Happened by repetition in the past, but doesn’t happen again, and this was the daily activity in the past. Example: • While I was abroad, she wrote to me twice a month. e. The verb “used to + infinitive (the basic verb)” is used to explain the habitual activity in the past. Examples: • I used to play tennis every Saturday. • He used to work in the bank year ago. 8
Drs. Tony Sartono Asmara, Cara Cepat Memahami Tenses, (Bandung: c.v. Citra Abadi, 1992), p. 9. 8
B. Snakes and Ladders Game
1. Snakes and Ladders a. The Understanding of Snakes and Ladders Frederick Augustyn in his dictionary states that snakes and ladders or chutes and ladders is a classic children’s board game. It is played between 2 or more players on a playing board with numbered grid squares. On a certain square on the grid a numbers of “ladders” connecting two together, and a number of snakes or chutes also connecting squares together. 9 In states that “snakes and ladders has one sense: a board game for children who use dice to move counters up ladders and down snakes.” 10 In addition, in English Collins Dictionary states that Snakes and Ladders is a British a game played with a board and dice. When you go up a ladder, you progress quickly. When you go down a snake, you go backwards. 11 Beside in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary definite that” snakes and ladders; a children game played on a special board with picture of snakes and ladders board on it. Players move their pieces up the ladders to go forward and down the snakes to go back.”
The writer infers that snakes and ladders is the game board consists of snakes and ladders. If someone finds a ladder he goes up, but if he finds a snake he goes down. There are two or more players in snakes and ladders game by shaking the die for playing on the board with numbered grid squares.
Frederick J. Augustyn, Dictionary of toys and games in America popular culture, Haworth Press, 2004, ISBN 0789015048 10 access on 27th of November 2010 at 08.43 p.m. 11 English Collin Dictionary- English Definition &Thesaurus dictionary.…/snakes%20 and %20ladders- Amerika Serikat. access on 27th of November 2010 at 08.55 p.m. 12 The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary access on 27th of November 20 at 0 9.10 p.m.
b. The Playing of Snakes and Ladders
1. Playing Snakes and Ladders in General Milton Bradley Chutes and Ladders game board c. 1952 showing good dead and their rewards and bad dead and their consequences. Each player start with a token in their starting square (usually the “1” grid square in the bottom left corner, or simply, the imaginary space the “1” grid square) and takes turns to roll a single die to move the token by the number of squares indicated by the die roll, following a fixed route marked on the game board which usually follows a boustrophedon (oxplow) track from the bottom to the top of playing area., passing one through every square. If, on completion of this move, they land on the lower numbered end of the squares with a ladder, they can move their token up to the higher- numbered square. If they land on the higher numbered square of a pair with a snake (or chute), they must move their token down to the lower numbered square. A player, who rolls a 6 with their die may, after moving, immediately takes another turn; otherwise, the play passes to the next player in turn. If a player rolls three 6s on the die, they return to the beginning of the game and may not move until the roll another 6. The winner is the player whose taken first reaches the last square of the track. A variation exists where a player must roll the exact number to reach the final square (hence winning). Depending on the particular variation, if the roll of the die is too large the token remains in place. 13
2. Playing Snakes and Ladders in Learning English Grammar Playing snakes and ladders game in learning English grammar: Divide the class into group of four and give each group a die, a playing board and the rules. Give each student a different playing piece. If no 13
Augustyn, Dictionary... ISBN 0789015048
playing piece are available, student can simply write their initial on small squares of paper or cardboard Tell the student to read the rules and start playing. Stay attentive but keep in the background. Only intervene when a group cannot decide if a sentence is correct or when they have made an incorrect decision. Try not to interrupt, but keep on ear open for point you want to work on in later lessons When the game is over, go through the sentences, or at least ask if there are any sentence that the student are still questioning. If one group finishes a long time before the others, they may be asked to plan their own “Snakes and Ladders “ playing board when the others finish. 14
c. The Rules of Snakes and Ladders in Learning English Grammar The rules of snakes and ladders in learning English grammar are: 1. Put your playing pieces on the start square. 2. Decide who is going to begin and in which order you are going to play 3. If you are the first player, roll you die and move forward the number of square indicated. 4. If you land on a sentences, saw whether it is correct or no. If you think there is a mistake in the sentence, correct it immediately. 5. Your group must then decide if you are right or not. If your groups agree with you, move an extra three squares forward. If they disagree move back three square. 6. If you land on the blank square, you simply stay where you are until you next turn. If you land on the square where another person playing piece is already standing, move forward on square. This rule applies whether you land on a sentence or on the blank square. 14
Chris Sion, Recipes for Tired Teacher, (San Francisco; Alta Book Center
Publisher.2004), p. 74
7. At you next turn, move your playing piece the numbers of squares show on the die. For example, if you are on square 16 and a die shows five dots, move your playing piece to square 21. 8. Each player proceeds the same way, starting always from square 1. 9. To finish you must land directly on the last square for example 100. If you are on square 98 and throw a six, count two forward and four back to land on square 96 (hope you throw four on your next turn. 15
d. The Material of Snakes and Ladders The material is used in snakes and ladders game: • Material • Playing Board • A die • Rules • Playing Pieces one for each student
(Figure.2.2)Snakes and Ladders Boards
Sion, p. 75
2. GAME a. The Understanding of Game According to Wright, in her book Game for Language Learner that “the word game means an activity which is entertaining and engaging, often challenging, and an activity is which the learners play and usually interact with others.” 16 From the statement above that game is the right way for making communication with others. By game, the activity entertains and gives different sense for several persons. The good interaction often happens in playing the game. The article of game states that game theory is the study of the ways in which strategic interactions among rational players produce outcomes with respect to the preferences (or utilities) of those players, none of which might have been intended by any of them. 17 From the article above that game is the way to make a strategy for interaction among players. The player has to communicate with another player while playing is in progress. Also, the player has to respect another player for good interaction in game. In addition, Jeremy Harmer states that “many games from television and radio (and game that people play at home in their everyday lives) can be adopted for classroom use.” 18 From the statement above, there are so many game resources, the game can be found from the media electro such as TV or radio, and also it can be found from the book, magazine, newspaper and real life activity. When we were children, there were so many games, and these games can be used in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. 16
Andrew Wright,, Games for Language Learner, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 1. 17" on Wednesday, 21st of April 2010 at 10.18 am 18 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Edinburgh: Longman, 1991), p.223.
The writer may conclude that game is fun activity which is challenging and interesting for learning and making a good strategy in communicating between players. The games can be found from many resources: TV, Radio, books, magazine, etc.
b. The Reason in Using Game There are many reasons in using games; 1. Games are fun and children like to play them. Through games children experiment, discover, and interact with their environment. 2. Games add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between four and twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key motivational factor, games can provide this stimulus. 3. The game context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children. It brings the target language to life. 4. The game makes the reasons for speaking plausible even to reluctant children. 5. Through playing games, students can learn English the way children learn their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without stress, they can learn a lot. 6. Even shy students can participate positively. 19 In other opinion, the reasons of using game for the language teacher are: because, a. Language learning is hard work. One must make an effort to understand, to repeat accurately, to adapt and to use newly understood language in conversation and in writing composition. Games help many learners to sustain their interest and work. b. Experiencing language
Yin Yong Mei and Jang Yu-jing Daejin University ELT Research Paper. Fall, 2000.
Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. Games provide one way of helping the learners to experience language rather than merely study it. c. Repeated use of language Items, Many games because as much use of particular items as more conventional drill exercise, some game do not. What matters, however, is the quality of practice. d.
Central of Learning If it is accepted that game can provide intense and meaningful practice of language, then they must be regarded as central to a language teacher’s repertoire and not merely a way of pasting the time 20 . In addition, there are several reasons in using game according to Lee Su’ Kim in his journal because there are many advantages of using games in the classroom: 1. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language clas 2. They are motivating and challenging. 3. Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning. 4. Games provide language practice in the various skills (speaking, writing, listening, and reading). 5. They encourage students to interact and communicate. 6. They create a meaningful context for language use.' 21 The reason in using game for the teacher and language learner are many things considered, because the student can enjoy learning also get the meaningfulness from it.
20 21
Wright,, p. 5 Lee Su Kim 'Forum' Vol. 33 No 1,( January - March 1995)
c. The Criteria in Playing Game Basic criteria 22 for judging what is or is not game which not only apply to "games with rules", but to all games, is as important as the special criteria for "games with rules". Here are the criteria which all games have; 1. Common experience Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game bring student together, regardless of gender, generation, and race. In this grammatical snakes and ladders game in learning past tense, the student have common experience about to know the management of team work, several thinking, competing, and togetherness with their group. 2. Equality In this game, all players are equal and have the same chance to win. 3. Freedom Whoever plays this grammatical snakes and ladders game, does it from his freedom of choice. He is not forced or coerced by anyone to play. Playing games is not work, not commitment, nothing you have to do. Therefore, we can say that playing games means being free. This freedom is basic to all games too. 4. Playing means being active Whoever reads a book, watches a movie, or listens to music, consumes or acquires, but does not act. While nowadays most leisure activities seduce people into passivity, the game makes people act. 5. Diving into the world of the game Whoever plays, leaves behind reality and dives into the world of the game. These game worlds are comparable to reality. This statement still applies to the big difference between the two worlds. Games are entertainment and fun. The players may only take their emotions from the game into reality. Whoever spends an interesting and fun 22 Wolfgang Kramer (Article translated from the German by Jay Tummelson.)access on Wednesday, 21st of April 2010 at 11.14 am
evening playing games with friends, takes this happy feeling into reality. In this grammatical snakes and ladders game, there are many things to do; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Care and Share Do: Move, Mime, Dray, and Obey Describe Connect: Compare, Match, Group Order Remember Create. 23
d. The Use of Game in Learning English Wright, et. al, states about the use of game that games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information. 24 From the statement above that the meaningfulness in language learning has been accepted for some years. A useful interpretation of 'meaningfulness' is that the learners respond to the content in a definite way. If they are amused, angered, intrigued or surprised the content is clearly meaningful to them. Thus the meaning of the language they listen to, read, speak and write will be more vividly experienced and better remembered. If it is accepted that games can provide intense and meaningful practice of language, then they must be regarded as central to a teacher's repertoire. Another Wright, statement that language learning is hard work. Effort is required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period of time. Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work. In addition, Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information. And also, Games can provide intense and meaningful practice of language. 25
23 Andrew Wright,, Games for Language Learner, (Cambridge: University Press 2006), P. 43 24 Wright,, p.1 25 Andrew Wright,, Games for Language Learning' (2nd. Ed.), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), p.1. access on Wednesday, 21st of April 2010 at 10.53 am
From the statement above that an effort to supplement lesson plans in the classroom, teachers often turn to games. The justification for using games in the classroom has been well demonstrated as benefiting students in a variety of ways. These benefits range from cognitive aspects of language learning to more co-operative group dynamics. Marianne Celce Murcia in her book states that when ESL student are engaged in games or problem solving activities, they use language is task oriented and has a purpose beyond the production of correct speech, this make these activities ideal for communicative practice grammar if, in fact, the activities can structured to focus learners’ attention on a few specific forms before the communicative practice. 26 It means that game is useful for making a good communicative in learning grammar, almost the student just remember the formula, and make the sentence according to the formula, but with game the student can develop their grammar unconsciously. (Table.2.7)General Uses of Games 27 Affective
Class Dynamics
- lowers affective filter - encourages creative and spontaneous use of language -promotes communicative competence - motivates - fun
- reinforces - reviews and extends - focuses on grammar communicativ ely
- student centered - teacher acts only as facilitator - builds class cohesion - fosters whole class participation - promotes healthy competition
- easily adjusted for age, level, and interests - utilizes all four skills - requires minimum preparation after development
Marianne Celce Murcia, and Hilles Sharon, Technique and Resources in Teaching Grammar, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 59. 27 M. Martha Lengeling and Casey Malarcher'Forum' Vol. 35 No 4, October - December 1997 Page 42.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODHOLOGY A. The Aims of Study The aims of study is developing and improving student understanding in learning simple past tense by using grammatical snakes and ladders game.
B. The Place and Time of Study This action research is in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the location is on Ibnu Taimia Street No. IV Komplek UIN Jakarta. The action research was held from 10th of February to 1st of June 2010.
C. Population and Sample In this research, the writer took population from the Eight Grade students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. The total population is 245 students from 7 classes. Then the writer took the students of C class with the total is 35 students as the sample of research using the purposive cluster sampling technique.
D. Research Instrument The writer used four research instruments in this Classroom Action Research (CAR) as follow; observation, , interview, questionnaire, and the test.
E. Data and Data Resources There are two kinds of data, qualitative data and quantitative data. Both are comprise of students’ learning outcome, observation result toward learning accomplishing, interview, field note, and questionnaire data. The data sources in this study are: •
Even, it is the teaching simple past tense by grammatical snakes and ladders game in Madrasah Tsanawiah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta.
Informant, the informants are the English teacher and students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta.
Place, the researcher observes and teaches at eight grade, C class of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta.
F. Technique of Data Collecting The technique in collecting data; first, the writer observes the class; the class management, the students’ problem in English learning, the teacher technique, and the context of teaching material. These are before an action. In addition, the writer observes the progressing of an action research. Beside, the writer gives questionnaire before an action research for knowing about the student, and after an action research for knowing the student opinion about the method is applied “does this method develop student understanding in learning simple past tense?”. Interview guide is done to the student in every action meeting or after the writer taught in the class, and also to the teacher in every cycle. The last, the writer monitors the action research effectiveness by giving test; before doing an action research (pre-test) and after an action research (post- test).
nique of Daata Analysiss G. Techn The coomparative technique is used in test daata analysis. In compaarative technnique, the writer w uses t-tes;t to fiind out the difference score of studdent pre tesst and post test. One of o Test “t” function f is for knowin ng the effectiive of the neew method. Accordingg to Anas Suudijono stattes that “ Thhe “t” test iis one of staatistic test is used for teesting the trruth hypothesis stated that in two mean samp ple is taken randomly r frrom the sam me populatio on.” 1 ¾ Firrst, for know wing Standdard Deviatiion of the different d scoore between n pretesst (X) and poost- test (Y)) is by gettin ng £D and £D £ 2 (SDD):
¾ Afteer getting SD S D score, the writer can count Standard E Error from score meaan differencee between prep test (X)) and post teest (Y) variaable.
Foor the next step is find out o to cost by using thiss formula:
¾ Affter knowingg the MD annd SE
th he next stepp is giving an interprettation
to to by counnting df and db = N-1 , after gettinng the df annd db, the writer w connsult to” t” table point in 5% sign nification annd 1% signification. 2 ¾ Siggnificant criitical value
: 0.05 and 0.01
• Iff to > tt means m theree is signifi ficant differrence, and Ha (altern native h hypothesis) a accepted, H (null hyp Ho pothesis) is rejected. r
1 A Anas Sudijono,, Pengantar Statistik Pendid dikan, (Jakartta: PT RajaGraafindo Persad da. 2008), p.. 278- 279 2 Suudijono, p. 3111-313
• If to < tt means there is no significant difference, and Ha (alternative hypothesis) is rejected, Ho(null hypothesis) is accepted ¾ The Hypothesis: Hα (alternative hypothesis)
: There is a significant difference between pre- test and post test before and after classroom action research
Ho (null hypothesis)
: There is no significant difference between pre-test and post test before and after classroom action research
H. Action Procedure Stephen Kemmis in D. Hopkins book, A Teacher’s Guide To Classroom Research, Bristol, PA( Open University Press), 1993 stated that “Action research as a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in a social (including educational) situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their on social or educational practices, (b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the situations in which practices are carried out.” 3
(Figure 3.1 and 3.2) Action Research Cycles
3 Tim Pelatih Proyeksi PGSM, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ( Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Guru Sekolah Menengah, 1999), p. 6.
1. Iniitial Plan First, finding out and observ ving the prooblems in teaching leaarning prrocess. Second, decidiing what su ubject is trrouble in teeaching leaarning prrocess. Thirrd, planninng the subjject is usedd in the teeaching leaarning prrocess and deciding the subjecct topic. Forth, F deveeloping sceenario learning (Leesson Plann). Fifth, arranging a w worksheet paper.
Sixth, S
prroviding thee source of learning. Seventh S is developing d evaluation form. Thhe last, deveeloping obsservation leaarning form m.
2. Acttion In thiss step, the planning sh hould be doone well annd regularly y and thhe new metthod is applied in teacching learning processs. Also, thee task foormat is givven based on the maaterial. In addition, a thhe action has h to exxplain; the steps in acttion, the teacher activvity, the student activitty are hooped to do, the media is used, the instrumennt is used ffor collectin ng the daata. The acction details and thee way in action a musst be writteen in classroom action researcch report.
3. Observation O In thiss step, the writer obseerves the cllass situatioon and writes all evvents durinng action. The writeer arrangedd observation form. This obbservation forms f have to t be preparred before teaching t or action. The coollecting daata is qualitative (the activeness a oof students in i the class, the quuality of diiscussion, etc) e or quaantitative (teest result). Data
collections have to recheck for validity for example the triangulation technique (observation, interview, and giving a questionnaire).
4. Reflection These steps will be reflected to the next cycle in action. After the writer collects data, she evaluates these data. The reflection in classroom action research is included analysis, and synthesis to the observation result in action. If there are problems, the writer has to re-study in the next cycle: revise plan, action, observation, and reflection.
1. Data of Observation In the first step of classroom action research, the writer observes the class situation (student activity, and students’ activeness in the classroom), and finds students’ problem in learning English. After finding out the problem and asking the teacher about students’ difficulties in English learning, the writer finds the real problem at eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif HIdayatullah Jakarta, it is about grammar. A lot of students at eight grade don’t like to learn grammar. Also they are remedial in grammar examination. From the observation above, the writer tries to make classroom action research of grammar, especially tense. According to Based Competence
at eighth grade, the specific tenses are simple past tense and
past perfect tense which are studied. And from that time, the writer takes classroom action research at eight grade, C class about simple past tense. In addition, before action research is done, the writer finds out the students’ fun in learning, and what kind of method or strategy they like and love to do in English learning. According to students’ fun learning that the students love to
play game. The writer makes classroom action research about teaching simple past tense by using grammatical snakes and ladders game. On February 4 to 18, 2010 the writer observes teacher teaching strategy, class management, teaching material, and the students’ character and active. From that observation, the writer founds the data, here are:
Teacher • Teacher technique is used conventional technique, • She sometimes uses media like audio visual for watching the movie, • The physical present’s English teacher is good, • Voice project is rather good, • Sometimes the teacher uses a gesture, and • Management procedure in the class is good.
Student • The way students work are active and very active, • The way they interact are active, • The way they response are active if the situation is good, • Their on task is good, and • Several students have problem about task behavior.
Context • Classroom layout is good, • Teaching aid available is good, • Rarely, the teacher uses poster/ visual aids. In Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif HidayatullahJ Jakarta, the student’s conditions are; • Most of the students are from middle to high class economy. • Most of the students are active and very active in the class.
• Several of students are past learning. • The students like to learn by reward and point or score for their motivation in learning. The student problems in eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembanguanan UIN Jakarta, are: • The students’ score of Grammar mostly is low, they were remedial for grammar. • The students don’t like to study grammar and to remember the formula and guidelines. • Teacher explains the formula first before giving the example (deductive approach), so the students’ mood in learning English is gone. • Students hope to study grammar easily by game or many other fun techniques. • Almost students are good in English skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), but low understanding in grammar. From that data, the English teachers in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has to; understand student well, invite the student to learn, make a good strategy for their learning, give them high motivation. The writer is very surprise when she comes for the first time to Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, because the students are very active. To know student fun learning in English, the writer makes a questionnaire about students’ love in English, their parent skill in English, and technique of learning English they like very much. In addition, the writer gives a questionnaire also interviews many students about their fun in learning, and the reason “they don’t like grammar especially tenses”. Several students said that they don’t like teacher teaching strategy, the teacher just explains the formula and directly gives the exercise from the
book, Smart Steps book. For making easy in learning, they want such a game and fun in English learning, and also in learning tenses. Many students hate grammar because they don’t like to learn the formula. From the data above, the writer tries to make an action research about “Using Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Pat Tense”. In this class action research, the writer observes the class in every cycle; every cycle is contained of two action research meetings. The first cycle: In this first cycle the student are encouraged to do the competition of Grammatical Snakes and Ladders board. In the first meeting, they use the small snakes and ladders board but in the second meeting they use the big snakes and ladders board. A lot of students ask unclear direction, and the teacher has to explain the direction more than ones. Before they do the game, the teacher explains the material about verbal sentence by inductive approach; giving an example and after that showing and explaining the formula. In playing this game, the students are very noise; the class is crowded by the students’ activities. Also they need discipline in playing the game because several of them don’t do the game honestly. The students’ responses are good, but several of them still have mistakes in making sentences, doing the game, and doing the game rule, but in the second meeting they have progress in making sentences from the game, and playing the game. They are motivated for doing the task by giving them reward. The teacher has to give reward by scoring to the certain students who are active. Students have good interaction between student and teacher, and also student and student. They can make a good communication with their friend because they work by group in playing this game. In this first cycle, the teacher has to be active by using big voice and gesture. In addition, the teacher has to manage the class because there are many trouble makers students. Also the teacher has to see the timeline, because there time is limited.
The second cycle In this second cycle, the writer makes such a discussion and quiz of grammatical snakes and ladders game but still in grammatical snakes and ladders game. The students are very active. They are discipline in discussion and quiz because point is given by the teacher. The students love getting the point from the teacher. Not only in the first cycle, in the second cycle, the writer has to be active by using big voice and gesture. Sometimes the student don’t listen the teacher explanation, so the teacher has to repeat and to write the explanation in the whiteboard. The third cycle In this third cycle, the teacher applies simple past tense identification sentences and giving information of grammatical snakes and ladders game, these are still in grammatical snakes and ladders game. The student are very active, and they love to join the game on the game rule. They want to learn well if the teacher gives them fun technique in their learning. Many students’ progresses in their learning are good. Many students answer the right question from the teacher and they do the class action research activity well. The student trouble makers can be managed well because they are motivated to do the exercise and to join the game based on the rule game and discipline in the class action research.
2. Data of Interview The writer always interviews the student and the teacher about writer’s action in teaching simple past tense by using grammatical snakes and ladders. The writer interviews the student in every meeting; from the first meeting to the six meetings, and the teacher; it’s ones in every cycle. • The interviews before entering the class action research ¾ Apakah kamu suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
Answer: Student 1: Ya, saya suka miss Student 2: Tergantung materinya, kadang- kadang suka, kadangkadang tidak suka ¾ Apa yang kamu suka dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris ( gurunya, materinya, metode belajarnya)? Answer: Student 1: Ya, saya suka materinya Student 2: Tergantung mood ¾ Materi apa yang paling kamu sukai dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Answer: Student 1: Materi apa saja yang penting menyenangkan Student 2:Ssemua materi selain tense dan rumus- rumus ¾ Apakah kamu suka belajar rumus- rumus dalam bahasa Inggris? jika ya/ tidak dan alasannya! Answer: Student 1: Ya, saya suka karena saya sudah belajar dari SD Student 2: Tidak suka, karena harus dihafal ¾ Dengan cara apa materi lebih kamu kuasai dengan penjelasan saja atau dengan permainan? Answer: Student 1: Dengan praktek langsung Student 2: Dengan game ¾ Apakah metode/ cara belajar yang paling kamu sukai dari pelajaran bahasa inggris?Alasannya! Answer: Student 1: Game, tidak membosankan Student 2: Game, bisa lebih menyenangkan ¾ Apakah kamu menyukai permainan (game) dalam belajar bahasa inggris?alasannya! Answer:
Student 1: Pasti,bisa bermain sambil belajar Student 2: Ya ¾ Permaina seperti apa yang kamu sukai ? kelompok atau individu? Answer: Student 1: kelompok Student 2: kelompok In the first cycle, the writer interviews three students; two students in the first meeting and one student in the second meeting, and also interviews the teacher after finishing the cycle. The students’ and teacher’s responses are good. The students express their opinions about the class action research. They are happy, they love to do grammatical snakes and ladders in learning simple past tense. They said “it is interesting game for learning miss”. They can remember and learn the formula and material of simple past tense little by little. They want another game of snakes and ladders game in order to make the class situation more active. •
The questions are given in interviewing the student in the first meeting ¾ Bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah kamu lakukan barusan (dengan bermain ular tangga)? Answer: (student 1)Wah menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan, (student 2) Ok miss(no command) ¾ Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika sedang belajar menggunakan metode ini ( grammatical snakes and ladders game)? Answer: (Student 1). Senang Miss, (student 2). Happy –happy aja.. ¾ Apakah ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi Simple Past Tense? Answer: (Student 1) Ada, walaupun sedikit, (Student 2) Lumayan… ¾ Apakah kamu ingin setiap pelajaran grammar menggunakan permainan?
Answer: (Student 1) Ingin, tapi permainannya bervariasi, (Student 2) Setiap grammar aja pakai game, supaya ga bosan ¾ Bagian mana yang kamu anggap menyulitkan dalam permainan? Answer: (Student 1) Tidak ada, (Student 2)Penjelasannya miss… ¾ Apakah ada saran dan kritik dari pembelajaran yang kamu lakukan barusan? Answer: Cara mengajar guru
: (Student 1)Tidak hanya menerangkan, (Student 2) Jadi tidak membosankan
Metode yang digunakan
: (Student 1)Bagus, (Student 2)unik miss
Materi yang diajarkan
: (Student 1)Mudah diingat, (Student 2)perlu hafalan miss kalau tidak pakai game
The questions are given in interviewing the student in the second meeting ¾ Bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah kamu lakukan barusan (dengan bermain ular tangga)? Answer: asyik miss. ¾ Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika sedang belajar menggunakan metode ini ( grammatical snakes and ladders game)? Answer: tidak membosankan, senang ¾ Apakah ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi Simple Past Tense? Answer: ada miss ¾ Apakah kamu ingin setiap pelajaran grammar menggunakan permainan? Answer: pengen setiap belajar memakai game saja ¾ Bagian mana yang kamu anggap menyulitkan dalam permainan? Answer: tidak ada ¾ Apakah ada saram dan kritik dari pembelajaran yang kamu lakukan barusan? Answer: Tidak ada, yang penting belajar menyenangkan
After finishing the first cycle, the writer interviews the teacher collaborator; she is Miss. Prasetya, the English teacher at eight grade in MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The writer asks about student activeness in the class, she said that the student look different; there are more active, their comprehension about simple past tense is increase. lso the method is good for teaching learning process. The teacher collaborator suggests the writer to make another snakes and ladder game than the first meeting. •
The questions are given in interviewing the teacher for the first cycle ¾ Apakah siswa kelihatan lebih senang dan aktif dalam pembelajaran? Answer: Ya… ¾ Apakah metode yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam materi pelajaran Simple Past Tense? Answer: Bisa ¾ Apakah metode game yang digunakan sangat efektif digunakan untuk digunakan dalam materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang lain? Answer: Ya ¾ Apakah saran dan kritik dari metode yang telah digunakan? Answer: Buat variasi bermain yang lebih unik dan menarik In the second cycle, the writer takes two different students and the same English teacher for being interviewed. The teacher, and the students have the same responses, they love to learn by game, they want to use game for fun learning in every class meeting. For this second cycle, the collaborator teacher looks the students, they are smarter and more active than the first cycle. She suggests the writer to make another creative snakes and ladders game for developing student understanding in learning simple past tense.
The questions are given in interviewing the student for the third meeting ¾ Bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah kamu lakukan barusan (dengan menggunakan cara diskusi ular tangga)? Answer: menyenangkan, tidak memmbosankan, bisa saling tukar pikiran ¾ Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika sedang belajar menggunakan cara diskusi ular tangga ini? Answer: senang, ¾ Apakah ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi Simple Past Tense? Answer: lumayan ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi ¾ Apakah kamu ingin setiap pelajaran grammar menggunakan cara berdiskusi dengan aturan permainan ular tangga tadi? Answer: ya, karena memotivasi kita untuk berdiskusi dengan sungguhsungguh ¾ Bagian mana yang kamu anggap menyulitkan
dalam diskusi ular
tangga tadi? Answer: pada saat presenter harus menerangkan, dan cara penilaiannya yang cukup rumit ¾ Apakah ada saran dan kritik dari pembelajaran yang kamu lakukan barusan? Answer: untuk pertemuan berikut menggunakan cara yang lebih menyenangkan
Cara mengajar guru
: baik, ramah
Metode yang digunakan
: menyenangkan, tidak bosan
Materi yang diajarkan
: mudah difahami
The questions are given in interviewing the student for the forth meeting ¾ Bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah kamu lakukan barusan dengan cara identifikasi kalimat menggunakan teknik ular tangga?
Answer: lumayan membingungkan, namun dengan kerjasama kelompok jadi bisa saling bertukar pikiran ¾ Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika sedang belajar menggunakan metode? Answer: biasa saja ¾ Apakah ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi Simple Past Tense? Answer: sedikit demi sedikit ada peningkatan ¾ Apakah kamu ingin setiap pelajaran grammar menggunakan identifikasi dengan aturan ular tangga tersebut? Answer: tidak terlalu suka ¾ Bagian mana yang kamu anggap menyulitkan dalam permainan? Answer: mengidentifikasi kalimanyat terlalu banyak ¾ Apakah ada saran dan kritik dari pembelajaran yang kamu lakukan barusan? Answer:untuk pertemuan berikut buat permainan ular tangga yang lain lebih menyenangkan miss… • The questions are given in interviewing the teacher for the second cycle ¾ Apakah siswa kelihatan lebih senang dan aktif dalam pembelajaran? Answer: siswa lebih aktif dan lebih baik dari pertemuan pertama ¾ Apakah saran dan kritik dari metode yang telah digunakan? Answer: harus diperhatikan pengaturan kelas, anak- anak yang nakal dan hanya menjadi trouble maker sebaiknya ditempatkan di depan tempat duduknya. In the last cycle, the writer also takes others two different students with the same questions, and also interviews same English teacher. The students’ responds are nice, they like my teaching; they suggest the writer to make another fun learning, and to encourage the writer to teach in MTs Pembangunan
understanding in English learning. They have development in learning simple past tense although they don’t like to learn tense.
• The questions are given in interviewing the student for the fifth meeting ¾ Bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah kamu lakukan barusan dengan cara pemberian informasi ular tangga)? Answer: Menarik, asyik miss.. ¾ Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika sedang belajar menggunakan cara permainan seperti tadi? Answer: senang ¾ Apakah ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi Simple Past Tense? Answer: cukup banyak peningkatan pemahaman ¾ Apakah
permainan seperti tadi? Answer: ya, tapi permainannya diganti lagi dengan permainan baru ¾ Bagian mana yang kamu anggap menyulitkan dalam permainan? Answer: tidak ada ¾ Apakah ada saran dan kritik dari pembelajaran yang kamu lakukan barusan? Answer: tidak miss… •
The questions are given in interviewing the student for the sixth meeting ¾ Bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah kamu lakukan selama miss mengajar? Answer: Menarik, asyik, menyenangkan, ok deh… ¾ Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika sedang belajar menggunakan cara permainan seperti tadi? Answer: : senang, tidak bosan ¾ Apakah ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi Simple Past Tense? Answer: banyak peningkatan pemahaman tentang rumus- rumus, dan cara membuat kalimat Simple Past Tense ¾ Apakah
permainan seperti yang telah kita lakukan selama ini? Answer: ya, tapi permainannya bervariasi, dan beragam
¾ Bagian mana yang kamu anggap menyulitkan dalam permainan? Answer: tidak ada ¾ Apakah ada saran dan kritik dari pembelajaran yang kamu lakukan barusan? Answer: tidak miss…tidak ada sama sekali miss, miss mengajar disini lagi ya miss..biar ga bosan. The teacher said that this game of Grammatical Snakes and Ladders is effective for teaching learning process. ¾ Here are the questions given to the teacher in the third cycle ¾ Apakah siswa kelihatan lebih senang dan aktif dalam pembelajaran? Answer: ya siswa lebih aktif dalam berdiskusi ¾ Apakah
pemahaman siswa dalam materi pelajaran Simple Past Tense? Answer: Ya, metode yang digunakan sangat efektif untuk diskusi ¾ Apakah metode diskusi yang dilakukan sangat efektif digunakan dalam materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang lain? Answer: tentu, bisa digunakan untuk materi lain selain Simple Past Tense ¾ Apakah saran dan kritik dari metode yang telah digunakan? Answer: lebih kreatif lagi dalam membuat suatu metode dan teknik pembelajaran.
3. The Implementation of Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Past Tense Cycle 1 Planning Planning is the first step in action research. In planning, the writer
finds out and observes the problems in teaching learning process, decides trouble subject, plans the subject, develops lesson planning, arranges worksheet, provides the source of learning, develops evaluation form, and develops observation learning form. In addition, the writer must focus in preparing the material, good method or strategy, and tools or visual aid before entering the class. In preparing the material, the writer chooses simple past tense, because one of the materials is taught in VIII class, based on curriculum and syllabus is simple past tense. Simple past tense is divided into two categories; verbal sentence and nominal sentence. In this first cycle, the writer teaches about verbal sentence and prepares for it. In verbal sentence are verbs; regular and irregular verb and the use of them in simple past tense. Therefore, the writer prepares for verbal sentence in the first cycle. In addition, the strategy is used snakes and ladders game by using snakes and ladders board for the first planning. Also the writer has to prepare two small snakes and ladders boards and one big snakes and ladders board. These two small boards are getting from the toys store and the big snakes and ladders board is made by the writer itself. For knowing the students’ works development, the writer makes student worksheet paper for measuring student learning improvement in simple past tense. Before action, the writer gives pre- test. This test is given for knowing student understanding in simple past tense; using verb in simple past tense sentences, using the regular and irregular verb, and so on. The Pre- test shows the students’ low understanding of simple past tense; in changing the sentence from affirmative to negative and interrogative either in verbal and nominal sentences, they also confuse in changing the verb either regular or irregular verb, differ between verbal and nominal sentences; knowing the verb, noun, adjective, and adverb, and the use of “was” and “were” in nominal sentence. There are many complicated students’ understanding in simple past tense.
Action Before entering the class, the writer has to prepare all everything, the physic and psychic. The writer has to keep health condition for spirit and smart teaching. Because one of the lovely teacher for students is the smart teacher, smart teacher gives the different sense for student in learning. When entering the class the writer says “Assalamualaikum” because it is Islamic school. Before opening the class lesson, the writer manages for the student sit in order to be ready for teaching learning process. The writer opens the class lesson by say “Good morning student! How are you all? “ and the students response. After that, the writer sees the student, if there is a student look like different (sad, angry, etc) the writer asks her/ him feeling. In addition, the writer also gives ice breaker for making smart learning. In this first cycle, the writer gives the material of verbal sentence in simple past tense and the use of verb one and two in simple past tense, there are regular and irregular. If the writer has already given ice breaker, the writer begins to teach about simple past tense. First, the writer asks the student about verb, and gives introduction about verb one and verb two in regular and irregular. After they know the verb well, the writer divides class into seven groups, and ready for playing snakes and ladders game in regular and irregular verb. After the writer divides the class group, the writer instructs the group for choosing one of group member to come forward for shaking the dices, and playing snakes and ladders game, others members in group wait the instruction from the shaker who plays the game in front of the class. There are seven students from seven groups who play grammatical snakes and ladders game. They start from 0 till 100. The person who can get the 100 numbers for the first time is the winner. When they get the number, others group members have to see the instruction from the student worksheet paper, and fill the number according to shaker number in snakes and ladders board.
The board is used in regular and irregular task. (Table 4.1) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Learning Simple Past Tense (Find out the past form of verb and to be from the board below) Finish 100
Study 99
am 81
Write 97
Buy 96
Study 95
Talk 94
Cry 93
Take Bring 92 91
Watch Talk 82 83
Help 84
Need 85
Climb 86
Close 87
Open 88
Try 90
Run 80
Go 79
Make 78
Try 77
Think 76
Eat 75
Tell 74
Love 73
Loc k 89 Miss 72
Hold 61
Burn 62
Build 63
Send 64
Catch 65
Fry 66
Pay 59
Use 58
Say 57
Walk 56
Work 55
Sing 41
Dry 42
Rise 43
Hit 44
Recei ve 45
Refus e 46
Recall Colo 68 r 69 Do Wat 53 er 52 Pour Ente 48 r 49
are 70
Put 60
menti on 67 Sell 54
Come (-) 40 is 21
Draw 39
Forbi d 37 Know 24
Forget Forgi 36 ve 35 Meet Give 25 26
Sit 34
Swim 33
Win 32
Listen 27
Lose 28
Hurt 19
Spell 17
Stand 16
Have 15
Wake 14
Stick 13
Serv e 29 Rep air 12
Comp lete 31 Hurt 30
Paint 20
Drea m 38 Reme mber 23 Grow 18 Rob 3
Rise 4
Steal 5
Heat 6
beauti fy 7
Fight 8
Teach 22
1. Say Call basma 2 lah
Read 98
Pick 47
Chat 9
Kiss 71
See 51 Conne ct 50
Prepar e 11 Reply 10
The Instruction: 1. Find out Verb 2 from a certain number of verbs 1 is chosen! 2. Write the answer in the answer sheet! 3. Every individual has to write a word according to the group number is chosen 4.The first group who comes to 100 numbers and has the right answer of all the numbers is the winner of the game.
After finishing the verb in snakes and ladders game, the writer continues to introduce and to explain simple past tense about verbal sentence. In verbal sentence, there are three types; affirmative, negative and interrogative. The writer gives the student understanding about these three sentences by giving an example first and after that the student itself who decide the formula from these sentences. They has to prepare for the second game still in snakes and ladders game by using small board for the second session game. (Table 4.2) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Learning Simple Past Tense Make a past tense from the words below! (Verbal sentence) Finis h (?) 100 I (-) 81
Study (+) 99 You (+) 82
Read (-) 98 We (-) 83
Write (+) 97 They (+) 84
Buy (-) 96 He (?) 85
Study (+) 95 She (-) 86
Talk (?) 94 Tomy (+) 87
Cry (-) 93 Rina (-) 88
Run (-) 80 I (+) 61
Go (+) 79 You (?) 62
Make (?) 78 We (+) 63
Try (+) 77 They (-) 64
Think (-) 76 He (+) 65
Eat (-) 75 She (?) 66
Tell (+) 74 Tomy (-) 67
Love (?) 73 Rina (?) 68
Put (+) 60
Pay (-) 59
Use (?) 58
Say (+) 57
Walk (-) 56
Work (?) 55
Sell (-) 54
Do (+) 53
I (?) 41
You (-) 42
We (?) 43
They (?) 44
He (-) 45
She (+) 46
Tomy (?) 47
Rina (+) 48
Come (-) 40
Draw (+) 39
Forbi d (-) 37 Know (?)
Forge t (+) 36 Meet (+)
Forgi ve (-) 35 Give (-)
Sit (?) 34
Swim (-) 33
Take (+) 92 Teach er (?) 89 Miss (-) 72 teach er (+) 69 Wate r (-) 52 Teach er (-) 49 Win (+) 32
Liste n
Lose (-)
Serve (+)
Wet (+)
Drea m (?) 38 Teach Reme (-) mber
Bring (-) 91 Moth er (-) 90 Kiss (+) 71 moth er (?) 70 See (-) 51
Any subje ct Any verb
Moth er (+) 50 Comp lete (-) 31 Hurt (-)
Any verb
Any subje ct Any verb
Any subje ct
Any subje ct Any subje
Hurt (+) 19
(+) 23 Grow (?) 18
Paint (-) 20
Have (?) 15
(?) 27 Wake (-) 14
Spell (-) 17
Stand (+) 16
Stick (+) 13
Verb (+) 7
Verb (?) 8
Prepa re (+) 11 Verb (+) 10
Any subje ct
Verb (-) 6
Repai r (?) 12 Verb (-) 9
1. Say Verb basm (?) alah 2
Verb (-) 3
Verb (+) 4
Verb (?) 5
Form ula of
The Instruction: 1. Make a verbal sentence from the certain number is chosen! 2. Write the answer in the answer sheet! 3. Every individual has to write a sentence according to the group number is chose. 4. The first group who comes to 100 numbers and has the right sentence of all the numbers is the winner of the game.
After finishing the game every group has to collect the paper and give it to the writer. The worksheet paper is given to every person in group, so everyone do the worksheet from the paper. If the worksheet papers have all ready collected, the teacher will close the class by giving them proverb “You can if you think you can” and explain about the meaning of this proverb, and end the class by greeting. In the second meeting, the writer opens the class such as the first meeting with greeting, smiling, and ice breaking. The writer still uses snakes and ladders board but it is big board for this cycle. By using this board, others students can watch the game, and see the development number which are played by the group shaker. The writer just gives the group one worksheet paper, so the group can fill it together.
Observation The writer observes the action while teaching in the class. The writer sees that the student are active while doing the activity in the classroom . Although there are crowded and noise, the students look like enjoy the class activity. Besides, the writer has to control the students’ trouble makers; they are several trouble makers in the class. The writer has to manage the class, and to give clear explanation about the material and the game rules. The writer
looks the class never quite because of students’ activities, The collaborator teacher also helps the writer for managing the student sit and discipline in the classroom. After finishing the subject, the writer also interviewed two or more students and collaborator teaching for knowing; opinion or critic or suggestion about the teaching technique, the students’ understanding, and the student development in learning simple past tense. The responses are good both from students and collaborator teacher, they give good appreciation to the technique that is used and applied.
Reflection One of students ask about the way in teaching” why must be snakes and ladders? Don’t you use another name?”, several students suggest to make variation game from grammatical snakes and ladders and also Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta English teacher hopes to change the game into another variation game of grammatical snake and ladders, also the teacher suggests to separated the trouble maker students to sit in front of. The student worksheet paper is made for group not individual. If it is made for individual, they will copy the answer from their friends. Cycle 2 Planning In the second cycle, the writer makes a new strategy about grammatical snakes and ladders game in simple past tense. The game is grammatical snakes and ladders discussion and quiz. This is variety of snakes and ladders teaching technique. The writer makes a guideline for the rule of this new game. This is made cause of the writer creativity for students’ development in learning simple past tense in different way of grammatical snakes and ladders way. Other preparations are similar with the first meeting, for example; planning the subject, developing lesson planning, arranging
worksheet, providing the source of learning, developing evaluation form, and developing observation learning form. Action In the second cycle, the writer opens the class such as usual by greeting, ice breaking, and motivating. In this second cycle, the writer gives the material about nominal sentence of simple past tense. She introduces the nominal (adjective, adverb and noun) first before using it in sentences by motivating every student to find out adjective, adverb and noun vocabulary. After the students understand about kind of nominal, the writer begins to explain the use the nominal in simple past tense by giving an example, and the students have to analyze the sentences, decide the formula and compare it with verbal sentence of simple past tense by grammatical snakes and ladders group discussion. After the student have all ready discuss about it, one member of group has to be a snake to move to another group for presenting the material which have been discussed by their group, gives an explanation to one of another group till another group members understand well about the nominal sentence in simple past tense, and also differs it with verbal sentence. If the presented group doesn’t understand the material well, the group presenter will get snake point, and the point become less, but if the presented group can answer the question from the teacher and understand the material well, the presented and presenter group will get ladder point, and the point increase . (Table 4.3) The rules of grammatical snakes and ladders discussion and quiz o The group have to discuss about the nominal sentence, the formula, and the example in Simple Past Tense, o after that, every group has to choose one member of the group for presenting the result of her group discussion to another group, another group does too, o after one candidate of student presented her material, he/ she just stay at the group is presented and has a responsible for the group ability in answering the material from the teacher, o the teacher will ask the member of the group a question, if a certain student in that group cannot answer the question, so that group and the presenter group will get min point, and if a certain student in that group can answer the question, so that group and the presenter group will get plus point. o The group who get the 10 ladders is the winner
(Figure 4.1) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Discussion What is simple past tense:
What is verbal sentence? Formula (Rumusan)
What is nominal sentence? Formula (Rumusan)
Noun (example): Adjective (example): Adverb (example):
Example of verb in sentence:
(Table 4.4) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Quiz Group Snakes point
1 Ladders Point
(Table 4.5) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders in Learning Simple Past Tense Make a past tense of nominal sentence from the words below! Winn er (?) 100
reade r (+) 99
wond erful (+) 97 They (+) 84
smart (-) 96
You (+) 82
surpr ised (-) 98 We (-) 83
I (-) 81 On the paper (-) 80 I (+) 61
In the bedro om (+) 79 You (?) 62
In the bathr oom (?) 78 We (+) 63
In Jakar ta (+) 77 They (-) 64
In Lond on (-) 76 He (+) 65
In above Japan (+) (-) 74 75 She (?) 66
Tomy (-) 67
Rina (?) 68
lover (+) 60
pink (?) 58
black (+) 57
clean (-) 56
dirty (?) 55
I (?) 41
farme r (-) 59 You (-) 42
We (?) 43
They (?) 44
He (-) 45
She (+) 46
hungr y (-) 54 Tomy (?) 47
thirst y (+) 53 Rina (+) 48
teach er (-) 40 Wet (+) 21
Docto r (+) 39 sad (-) 22
actor (?) 38
In the kitche n (-) 20 Say basm alah
At class (+) 19 Nomi nal (?) 2
happ y (+) 23 sick (?) 18
Nomi nal (-) 3
He (?) 85
Stupi d (+) 95 She (-) 86
clever (?) 94 Tomy (+) 87
presi collec paint nurse dent tor er (?) (-) (+) (-) 34 37 36 35 optim proud dange dilige ist (+) r nt (?) 25 (-) (?) 24 26 27 arrog In At the In the ant Band bank mark (-) ung (?) et 17 (+) 15 (-) 16 14 Nomi Nomi Nomi Nomi nal nal nal nal (+) (?) (-) (+) 4 5 6 7
loyal (-) 93
hones scare Any t (-) subje (+) 91 ct 92 Rina Teach Moth Any (-) er er verb 88 (?) (-) 89 90 under moth father Any (?) er (+) subje 73 (-) 71 ct 72 teach er (+) 69 sweet (-) 52
moth er (?) 70 salt (-) 51
Any verb
Teach Moth er er (-) (+) 49 50 dentis stude lawye t nt r (-) (+) (-) 33 32 31 dry crow dark (-) ded (-) 28 (+) 30 29 On In the In the the office rome table (?) (+) (+) 12 11 13 Nomi Nomi Nomi nal nal nal (?) (-) (+) 8 9 10
Any verb
Any subje ct
Any subje ct Any subje ct Any subje ct
Form ula of
The Instruction: 1. Make a nominal sentence from the certain number is chosen! 2. Write the answer in the answer sheet! 3. Every group has to write a sentence according to the group number is chosen. 4. The first group who comes to 100 numbers and has the right sentence of all the numbers is the winner of the game.
After finishing the material, the writer closes the class by asking feedback from the student, and greeting “See You Next Time”. . Observation In this second cycle, the grammatical snakes and ladders discussion and quiz are held. The big appreciations from the students are more than the first cycle. The students are motivated and very active in the class; they are enjoying the class activity although the class is noise. Also, the students have many developments in understanding simple past tense in discussion and quiz.
Reflection The students hope the variation game of grammatical snakes and ladders game for the third cycle by the new motivated game. The writer has to prepare for the third cycle game that invites the student to learn more easy and fun learning. The responses are good either from student and the teacher collaborator. The students are fun in learning, and they can improve their understanding about simple past tense little by little by fun learning. Cycle 3 Planning In the third cycle, the writer reviews the first and the second material about simple past tense, both verbal and nominal sentences. In this panning, the writer makes a new variation of grammatical snakes and ladders game. The writer also provides a certain worksheet paper for student activity and duty. This cycle doesn’t need complicated explanation, and hard
subject description to the student. The writer just needs more creative strategy and method in reviewing the subject of simple past tense in the past meeting for student comprehension.
Action Action in the class is not easy, the writer needs self confidence for teaching. As known, the students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are active and full of curiosity and easy boring. Therefore, the writer has to make a new way in teaching simple past tense by grammatical snakes and ladders analyzing the sentences game in the fifth meeting, and snakes and ladders information giving game in the last meeting. In analyzing the sentences, the writer divides the class into seven groups, every group has to analyze the 25 sentences; there are verbal sentences or nominal sentence, and correcting the wrong sentences. After they analyze the sentences, the group task has to change to another group for correction. Identify the sentence of simple past form, whether it is true or false and verbal or nominal sentence!
(Table 4.6) Identifying Sentences in Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sentence true It was a good book I didn’t know you before My mother was in the kitchen last time She were my friend Tony cut her hair by his self last day Rini doesn’t do her homework last night My teacher come at 06.00 before I came last day I went to the zoo last week with my friend Did you come to the library yesterday? Did you took my glasses? There was a pencil in the pencil case
verbal nominal
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Was you English teacher last two year? They were a nurse in the old hospital Did you put my paper an hour ago? When Tomy came to my house, I was sleeping Jeans eat banana last time because she was very hungry I bought vegetable and fruit in the supermarket last day Anisa and Dian were a smart person I study English last night My sister cooked rice last day Did you read an English lesson before exam? I was in the English class last day because I am sick. Tony didn’t love history lesson when he was in Junior High School Do you come to my house one hour ago; I was waiting for you there? When I was child, I didn’t like to play football. Dinda cut her hair by herself. It were a good book I didn’t knew you before My mother were in the kitchen last time She was my friend Tony don’t cut her hair by his self last day Rini didn’t do her homework last night My teacher came at 06.00 before I came last day I go to the zoo last week with my friend Do you come to the library yesterday? Did you take my glasses? There were a pencil in the pencil case Were you English teacher last two year? They was a nurse in the old hospital Do you put my paper an hour ago? When Tomy come to my house, I was sleeping Jeans eat banana last time because she is very hungry I and my mother buy vegetable and fruit in the supermarket last day Anisa and Dian was a smart person I studied English last night My sister cooks rice last day I was in the English class last day because I was sick.
48 49 50
Tony didn’t love history lesson when he is in Junior High School Did you came to my house one hour ago; I was waiting for you there? When I was child, I don’t like to play football. In the last meeting, the students are suggested to study simple past
tense by giving information of grammatical snakes and ladders game. In this activity, the student have to make a group of five, two groups for girl and three groups for boy. Every group is containing of seven persons. The first student who sits in front of as the head of snakes line, the last student who sit behind as the head of snake’s assistant, and the rest of student as the body of snake. The way in playing this game is very simple, the students have to make a line like snakes. There are five snakes. Every snake has one head which is in front of and one assistant of snakes head is in behind. The snake head has a duty as a receiver of information from the writer, and the assistant has a duty for writing the information, the head snake has to give the information to their assistant by giving information through her snakes body by whispering. If the students don’t whisper to her friend, that group will be loser and their group point will be lost. After ten simple past tense sentences whispered, the snakes groups have to make five short conversations from that 10 simple past tense sentence. Whisper sentences to another which your teacher informs to your friend! 1. Did you come to the library yesterday with your friend? 2. Where was my pencil? 3. I wasn’t a science winner competition, but I was math winner competition 4. I didn’t come to the library yesterday, but I was in the classroom with my friend. 5. When I was in London two year ago, I didn’t meet with my big family. 6. I was not in the bathroom at 06.00 last morning, but I was in the bedroom. 7. Did you meet with your family when you were in London last year?
8. Where were you at 06.00 last mornings? Were you in the bathroom? 9. There was a pencil in the pencil case last time, but it lost. 10. Were you a science winner competition last year? Please make five short :conversations from these 10 sentences above! Dragon Snake (1)
Gold Ladder : (4) Cobra Snake : (2) Stone Ladder : (9) Yellow Snake : (10) Wood Ladder : (3) Python Snake : (7) Silver Ladder : (5) Poison Snake : (8) Ice Ladder
: (6)
Observation In this third cycle, the writer gets good responses from the students. They are always fun during the action or teaching learning process. There are many students’ improvements in understanding simple past tense.
Reflection The responses are good; the students hope to do the game in every class meeting by teacher clear explanation about the material or subject. A lot of teachers just give explanation and exercise, there isn’t practice.
4. Data of Questionnaire In this action research, the writer gives two questionnaires to the student, the first questionnaire is before action research, and the second questionnaire is after action research.
The first questionnaire is given on 10th of May 2010 about student; student response to English subject, teacher character they like, and many others about student love in English, this questionnaire is important for knowing student love and like in English and making easy in teaching learning process; why do they like English? In the first questionnaire, the writer knows the students; their hobbies, material they like in English, class situation they love in studying and learning, type of activities they like to do in the classroom, and student work. These are very important for understanding the student and making a strategy in teaching learning process easily. From this questionnaire the writer knows the students’ names, this is very important for getting the sympathy from the student when teaching learning process are in progress. Also the writer knows the student hobby; almost students have the same hobby is playing the game in general. In addition, the students love cheerful, appreciating, and firm attitude teacher. Another, the student love to study actively and directly practice. The last, the students love to study in group than individual, because they can make a discussion and sharing about the subject with their friend. The second questionnaire is on 1st June 2010 about students’ responses to the action research, are they fun? Is the method used by the writer good? Are the students’ responses good? What do the student fell simple past tense? In the second questionnaire, there are questions for the students’ responses about action research: o Half of the students are about 59, 38% like to learn English, and the rest are about 40, 62% don’t like to learn English. o Half of the students are about 59, 38% have ever studied Grammar and tense before come to MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, and the rest of them are not. o Half of the students are about 53, 12% said that tenses are difficult, and the rest of them are about 46, 88% said that tenses are easy,
o About 65, 62% of students said that they are difficult in learning tense o About 65, 62% of student said that they don’t like learn the formula in tenses o Half of the students are about 56, 25% said that tense are difficult to be remembered. o About 40, 62% of students are difficult in learning simple past tense. o After the action: 87,5% student said that
simple past tense is easy
especially in making and changing the sentence from affirmative, negative and interrogative. o About 71, 88% of students don’t confuse again in using the verb one and verb two. o About 84, 38% of students understand the use of was and were in simple past tense o Almost students are about 87,5% of student love to study simple past tense by game o Almost student are about 90, 62% have the development in simple past tense understanding after they have done the grammatical snakes and ladders strategy in learning simple past tense. o They are about 87, 5% students don’t have difficulties in playing snakes and ladders game. o About 78,12% of students agree if grammatical snakes and ladders game is used in English teaching strategy. o About 87,5% of students enjoy, and they are fun in learning simple past tense by grammatical snakes and ladders game. o About 71, 88% of students are motivated to learn more spirit than before. o All the students have never done this grammatical snakes and ladders game strategy in their English class and in another class subject. They do this game as the first time in class., o About 68,75% of students agree that this grammatical snakes and ladders game is done with another teacher, and another subject. o About 87, 5% students enjoy the action research class.
Data of The Test There are 20 numbers of exercises are served before action research or
pre- test is on 11th of May 2010 and after action research or post test is on 1st June 2010. There are 10 Multiple Choices (MC), and 10 numbers completing the sentences by a right word in Simple Past Tense (CS). The exercises are same between pre- test and post- test. This test is needed in supporting an action research. Here are the result of Pre- Test and Post- Test. The point for comparing pre- test and post-test is taken from Sum of Multiple Choices and Completing Sentences above, here is the result: (Table 4.7) Pre Test and Post- Test Result, also see Appendixes 6 about Student Learning Result Description Comparing Test ( Test t) PRE-TEST (X)
3,062 25
7,562 25
6,25 5
10,562 25
2,25 5
6,25 5
1,562 25
5,062 25
7,562 25
3,062 25
0,562 25
2,25 5
5,062 25
90,25 5
350,43 375
For knnowing thee significantt different between prre- test and d post test, thee writer usees “t” test stteps, are: Fiirst, for knowing Standdard Deviatiion of the diffferent score between prre- test (X) and post- teest (Y) can bbe gotten by y £D and £D D2 (SDD) form mula: ¾ SDD
= =
= = 2.777 After getting g SDD score, the writer can count Standdard Error ffrom score mean differennce betweenn pre- test (X X) and postt test (Y) vaariable.
= = = 0.4755
Foor the next step is findinng out to cosst by using this formulaa:
= = 12. 475
¾ The nexxt is findingg tt 5% and tt 1% from m the table: df or dbb is N-1= 355-1=34, tt 5% 5 is 2.05, and tt 1% is 2.76 ¾ Significcant criticall value : 0.05 (5%) an nd 0.01(1%)) • If to > tt means thhere is signnificant diffeerence, and Ha (alternaative hypoth hesis) is acccepted, Ho (null ( hypothhesis) is rejeected. • If to < tt meanns there is no signifiicant differrence, and Ha (altern native hypotthesis) is rejjected, Ho (null ( hypoth hesis) is accepted ¾ The Hypothesis: H Ho (null hypothesis): There iss no signifficant diffeerence betweeen pre- test and post test before and a after claassroom acttion research h, Hα (alternnative hypotthesis): Theere is a signiificant diffeerence betw ween pre- tesst and post teest before annd after classsroom actio on researchh.
¾ Conclusion: According to the result of the test above to is 12. 475, tt 5% is 2.05, and tt 1% is 2.76. to > tt means there is significant difference, Ha is accepted, and Ho is rejected. It means, there are many students’ developments in classroom action research of learning simple past tense by using grammatical snakes and ladders game.
B. Interpretation of The Data
1. Data of Observation In conducting the data observation, the writer uses observation form. The writer observes; the student activity, the technique is applied, the visual aid is used, the student development in understanding simple past tense, and their fun learning in classroom action research.
From the
observation data, many students enjoy classroom action research by using grammatical snakes and ladder game, and there are many students’ development in learning simple past tense.
2. Data of Interview In completing the data, the writer takes interviews with several students and the English teacher of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. From the interview, the writer gets good response from the student also the collaborator teacher about action research in learning simple past tense by grammatical snakes and ladders game. There are many suggestions for the writer to make more creative game for developing student understanding in English learning.
3. The Implementation of Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Past Tense The implementation of classroom action research of Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game at eight grade, C class of MTs Pembangunan
UIN Syarif Hidatyatullah Jakarta is difficult.
The struggle must be
prepared before action. In this action research, the writer has to prepare everything; lesson plan, student worksheet, visual aids, the observation form, interview sheet, questionnaire, and test paper. In addition, the most important is writer’s smart teaching, because without writer spirit and smart in teaching the class won’t run well. Beside, The class management is hard, the writer has to manage the class before starting the class action research and she has to handle the trouble maker students who always disturb the class situation in teaching learning process.
4. Students’ Responses The writer gets students’ responses from interview and questionnaire data of an action research. Almost students like to do this grammatical snakes and ladders game in learning simple past tense. They agree “ this game is used by another teacher in teaching learning process”. They said that they enjoy the game and they have many developments in understanding simple past tense.
5. Students’ Achievements In suggesting class action research data, the writer gets the student score by giving “pre- test and post test”. These tests are about simple past tense. The writers compares between pre- test and post- test by using test “t” . The result are; to is 12. 475, tt 5% is 2.05, and tt 1% is 2.76, to > tt , Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected. It means there is significant difference between pretest and post- test, According to the data above that there are many students’ developments in classroom action research of learning simple past tense by using grammatical snakes and ladders game.
A. Conclusion Based on the description and interpretation data in this action research, this action research of grammatical snakes and ladders game is a good way for teacher professional and student development in learning and understanding simple past tense. In this action research, there are two terms have to be considered; the quantity and quality. In quantity the writer can see from the test result, there is or not the developments of student simple past tense understanding can be gotten from the score are accepted. In quality, the writer can see the process of teaching learning process by identifying the student problem in English learning, grading material from simple to complex before acting,
making fun teaching
technique, managing class good situation, understanding the student in learning and many others things can develop teachers professional in teaching and develop student understanding in subject. In addition, the writer can get lessons about good teaching. Good teaching is good teacher and good student. In teaching, material preparation is not enough, the teacher spirit and cheerful is very important and also these give the big influence in successful of teaching learning 62
process. Besides, rewarding the student by giving good appreciation, giving point and score, giving surprise to the student will increase student interest and motivation in their learning. In contrast, insulting the student and say something bad to the student will make the students down in learning and also make them hate for learning and studying. Therefore, fun learning must be done by every teacher in every class and every subject.
B. Suggestion Based on the conclusion above the writer suggests the following point; 1. English teachers are expected to be smart teacher in teaching; preparing a good method, and well class management. 2. Fun learning is very important for teaching learning process. 3. The English teacher should create a good technique for inviting the student in fun active learning. 4. The English teacher should know student need in their leaning, understand the student condition, and motivate the student by rewarding. 5. The English teacher should be able to determine the right media before doing the teaching learning process in classroom. 6. The students enjoy the teaching learning process with the kind, cheerful, firm attitude, and appreciate teacher. 7. The student can study from multi- media, from the book, game, internet, magazine, novel, and many others resources by good selection. 8. The students are expected to improve their learning by fun technique, such as playing education game, watching educated movie, studying from the nature, etc. 9. The students not only can learn in the classroom but also they can learn from their environments’; their friend, family, teacher and society. 10. Parents should give more support to their children to create their fun learning in English.
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Appendix 1. Observation
Observation is done before an action research a. Observation Form Observation Sheet Observer Name NIM Date
: : : :
For Teacher Technique is used Physical present Voice project Use a gesture Management procedure in the class Student The way they work The way they interact The way they response Their on task Student of task behavior Context Classroom layout Teaching aid available Poster/ visual aids
Observation (This paper is filled after teaching learning process of an action research class) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Past Tense Day/ Date : Observer : Focus
Topic (Topic Pembelajaran)
Observer (Peneliti)
Self as teacher Students Context
No 1
Teachers’ talk Accepting feelings or attitudes expressed by the student
Praising or encouraging a student
Accepting or using student’s ideas
Asking questions
Lecturing (explaining, informing)
Giving directions or commands
Criticizing student (disciplining a student)
No 1
Students’ Talk Students talk response (e.g. answering a question) Student talk initiation (e.g. volunteering information, asking question of the teacher) Silence/ confusion
Student Motivation
Method (Metode yang Digunakan)
Appendix 2. Interview form
Interview (The interview is done before teaching learning process of action research) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Past Tense Interview Schedule Interviewee : Student Intended duration Date : Interview began Location : Interview finished Actual duration : Topic : the student problems in learning grammar 1. Apakah kamu suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
: : :
2. Apa yang kamu suka dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris ( gurunya, materinya, metode belajarnya)? 3. Materi apa yang paling kamu sukai dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris? 4. Apakah kamu suka belajar rumus‐ rumus dalam bahasa Inggris? jika ya/ tidak dan alasannya! 5. Dengan cara apa materi lebih kamu kuasai, dengan penjelasan saja atau dengan permainan?
Interview (The interview is done after teaching learning process of action research) Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple 6. Grammatical Apakah metode/ cara belajar yang paling kamu sukai dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris?Alasannya! Simple Past Tense
7. The Apakah kamu menyukai permainan (game) dalam belajar bahasa Inggris?alasannya! student’s response after teaching learning process in the action research class
8. Permainan seperti apa yang kamu sukai ? kelompok atau individu?
Interview (The interview is done after teaching learning process of action research) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Past Tense Interview Schedule A. B. : Student Intended duration : C.Interviewee : Interview began : D.Date Location : Interview finished : E. : F. Actual duration G. H.Topic : The students response after teaching learning process in the action research class I. J. 1. Bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah kamu lakukan barusan (dengan bermain ular tangga)? K. L. 2. Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika sedang belajar menggunakan metode ini ( grammatical snakes and ladders game)? M. N. 3. Apakah ada peningkatan dalam memahami materi Simple Past Tense? O. P. 4. Apakah kamu ingin setiap pelajaran grammar menggunakan permainan? Q. R. S. 5. Bagian mana yang kamu anggap menyulitkan permainan? T. Interview U. (The interview is done after teaching learning process of action research) 6. Apakah ada saran dan kritik dari pembelajaran yang telah kamu lakukan? V. Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Past Tense a. Cara mengajar guru : W.b.The teacher responses after teaching learning process in the action research class Metode yang digunakan : X.c. Materi yang diajarkan : Y. Z. AA.
Interview (The interview is done after teaching learning process of action research) Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game in Teaching Simple Past Tense Interview Schedule Interviewee : Teacher Intended duration : Date : Interview began : Location : Interview finished : Actual duration : Topic : Teacher Opinion about Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game First Cycle 1. Apakah siswa kelihatan lebih senang dan aktif dalam pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Game? 2. Apakah metode yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam materi pelajaran Simple Past Tense? 3. Apakah metode game yang telah dilakukan sangat efektif untuk digunakan dalam materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang lain? 4. Adakah saran dan kritik dari metode yang telah hdigunakan tersebut? Second cycle 1. Apakah siswa kelihatan lebih senang dan aktif dalam pembelajaran? PETUNJUK PENGISIAN KUESIONER USING GRAMMATICAL SNAKES AND LADDERS GAME IN TEACHING 2. Apakah saran dan kritik dari metode yang telah digunakan? SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST TENSE AT EIGHT Third Cycle GRADE IN MTs MADRASAH PEMBANGUNAN UIN JAKARTA 1. Apakah siswa kelihatan lebih senang dan aktif dalam pembelajaran? 2. Apakah metode diskusi yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam materi pelajaran Simple Past Tense? 3. Apakah metode diskusi yang telah dilakukan sangat efektif untuk digunakan dalam materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang lain? 4. Adakah saran dan kritik dari metode yang telah digunakan tersebut?
Tujuan : •
Kuesioner pertama ini dirancang untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik siswa, serta keinginan siswa yang ingin dlakukan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Iggris, sehingga memudahkan guru dalam membuat metode pembelajaran yang akan diterapkan di dalam kelas.
Kuesioner kedua dirancang untuk mengidentifikasi: “Apakah penggunaan metode permainan ular tangga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang Simple Past Tense dan menjadikan pembelajaran di dalam kelas lebih menyenangkan?
A. Karakteristik Siswa (diberikan sebelum penelitian tindakan kelas)
Materi yang paling disukai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris:
Suasana belajar dikelas yang diinginkan (tenang, ribut/ berisik, active, atau (hal lain tulis disini)…………………………….
Tipe guru yang disukai : a. Diam b. Ceria c. Banyak bicara
d. Penuh perhatian e. Cantik/ tampan f. Penyayang g. Tegas h. Lain-lain…………………………….. 6.
Kegiatan di kelas yang disukai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris………………(mendengarkan penjelasan guru, menulis, membaca, mengisi soal, praktik langsung atau hal lain(tulis disini………………………………....………………………………………………… ……) alasannya……………………………………………………………………………… …….
Pengerjaan tugas yang disukai (kelompok, individu). Alasannya……………………………………………………………………………… …..
B. Pendapat siswa mengenai pengajaran Simple Past Tense dengan bentuk permainan ular tangga.
No 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Pertanyaan Apakah kamu suka belajar tata aturan bahasa Inggris atau grammar ( seperti tenses) ? Apakah kamu sudah belajar tata aturan bahasa Inggris atau grammar (khususnya tenses) sebelum kamu belajar di MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta Bagi kamu, apakah belajar tenses itu mudah? Apakah ada kesulitan bagi kamu dalam belajar tense? Apakah kamu suka menghafal rumus- rumus dalam tata aturan bahasa Inggris seperti tenses? Apakah belajar tata aturan bahasa Inggris atau grammar (terutama rumus- rumus) sulit untuk diingat? Dalam tense terdapat “Simple Past Tense” menurut kamu apakah belajar Simple Past Tense itu mudah dihafal dan diingat ? Apakah Simple Past Tense mudah dibuat dalam suatu kalimat (positif, negative atau pertanyaan)?
9. 10 11 12
13 14
16 17
Apakah kamu masih bingung antara penggunaan verb ke-1 dan ke -2 dalam Simple Past Tense? Atau kamu bingung menggunakan to be (was, dan were) dalam Simple Past Tense? Apakah kamu suka jika Simple Past Tense diajarkan dalam bentuk permainan? Adakah peningkatan pemahamanmu tentang Simple Past Tense setelah kamu melakukan cara pembelajaran dengan permainan ular tangga ? Adakah kesulitan dalam memainkan ular tangga tersebut? Menurut kamu, apakah permainan ular tangga ini cocok digunakan dalam pembelajaran lain dalam belajar bahasa Inggris (tidak hanya pada Simple Past Tense)? Apakah dengan permainan ular tangga yang kamu lakukan tersebut membuat kamu lebih menikmati pembelajaran dalam memahami Simple Past Tense? Apakahm cara belajar dengan permainan ular tangga mendorong kamu untuk lebih semangat dalam belajar? Apakah permainan ular tangga ini pernah dilakukan sebelumnya di dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris oleh guru lain? Atau mungkin cara belajar dengan permainan ular tangga ini pernah dilakukan di dalam mata pelajaran selain bahasa Inggris seperti matematika,fisika dll? Apakah kamu setuju jika cara belajar dengan menggunakan permainan ular tanga ini dilakukan oleh guru lain atau mata pelajaran lain di kelas? Apakah kamu merasa senang belajar Simple Past Tense dengan malakukan permainan ular tangga tersebut?
Appendix 4. Test Paper
Pre- test and post-test exercises are served to the student before and after an action research at eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
1. I … to the zoo last week with my friend a. go
c. went
b. am going
d. gone
2. A good question for the response below is… A: ……………………………….? B: I didn’t come to the library yesterday, because I was in the class a. Do you came to the library yesterday? b. Did you come to the library yesterday? c. Did you came to the library yesterday? d. Do you come to the library yesterday?
3. A: Did you take my glasses, Andy? B: ….. a. Yes, I did it
c. Yes, I done it
b. Yes, I do it
d. Yes, you did
4. There … a pencil in the pencil case last night, but it lost. a. Is
c. w ere
b. Are
d. was
5. Were you private teacher last year? a. Yes, I were
c. Yes, I am
b. Yes, I was
d. Yes, You were
6. When did you put my paper? a. An hour ago
c. Next time
b. Tomorrow
d. Now
7. When Toni … to my home, I was sleeping. a. Come
c. Comes
b. Came
d. Coming
8. Jeans … banana last time because she was very hungry a. Eat
c. Ate
b. Eaten
d. eating
9. I and my mother … a vegetable and fruit in supermarket last Sunday a. Buy
c. Bought
b. Buying
d. Buys
10. Anisa and Dian …. a smart person, because two years ago their mother passed away, there are a pessimistic now. a. Are
d. Were
b. is c. Was
The Answers 1. C
8. C
2. B
9. C
3. A
10. D
4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B
Complete these sentences by using certain verb of Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Past Tense!
1. I
(study) English last night before I ….
2. My sister …
(go) to sleep.
(cook) rice last morning.
3. Did you … (read) an English lesson before exam? 4. My mother …
(not, buy) a chocolate for me last week when she …. (is) in
Supermarket. 5. Did you … (make) a story love for your film? 6. I … (not, am) in the English class last day because I … (is) sick. 7. Tony ….
(not, love) history lesson, it’s full of year.
8. …. you come to my house one hour ago, I was waiting for you there? 9. Dinda .… (cut) her hair by herself. 10. When I .… (am)child, I … (not, like) to play football.
The Answer 1. Studied, went 2. Cooked 3. Read 4. Did not buy/ didn’t buy, was 5. Make 6. Was not, wasn’t 7. Didn’t love 8. Did 9. Cut 10. Was, didn’t / did not
Appendix 5. Lesson Plan
: MTs Pembangunan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: VIII(Delapan) C
: Menulis dan Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu
: 2 x 40 menit setiap pertemuan
Standar Kompetensi 12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Kompetensi Dasar
12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam essei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancer, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount dan narrative
Indikator • Menyimak kalimat yang dibuat oleh guru dangan baik dan benar • Merepresentasikan rumusan simple past tense dari kalimat yang dibuat dengan ide dan opini yang mereka miliki • Membuat kalimat simple past tense yang telah dicontohkan guru dengan baik dan benar baik secara lisan ataupun tulisan • Mengenali tentang verbal dan nominal sentence dalam simple past tense • Mengidentifikasi verb ke 2 dan time signal yang biasa digunakan dalam simple past tense • Membuat kalimat simple past tense dalam bentuk affirmative, negative, dan interrogative. • Memainkan permainan ular tangga dalam belajar simple past tense dengan baik dan benar sesuia dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan.
Indikator Pembelajaran Dalam Pelaksanaan Tindakan Kelas • Meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Ingggris • Meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam membuat kalimat dalam bentuk simple past tense • Meningkatkan kesadaran siswa tentang pentingnya pengguanaan simple past tense dalam membuat kalimat dan dialog • Siswa dapat menyelesaikan masalah dalam belajat simple past tense • Meningkatkan profesionalisme bagi guru • Untuk mengakses keefektifan dalam menggunakan metode dan materi baru • Menerapkan penemuan dan inovasi baru • Memberikan kesempatan kepada guru untuk mengakses keahlian mengajar mereka • Memberikan metode yang lebih menyenangkan kepada siswa dalam belajar simple past tense (grammar)
Tujuan Pembelajaran • Siswa dapat menyimak kalimat yang dibuat oleh guru dangan baik dan benar • Siswa dapat membuat representasikan rumusan simple past tense dari kalimat yang dibuat dengan ide dan opini yang mereka miliki • Siswa dapat membuat kalimat simple past tense yang telah dicontohkan guru dengan baik dan benar • Siswa dapat mengenali tentang verbal dan nominal sentence dalam simple past tense • Siswa mengetahui tentang verb ke 2 dan time signal yang biasa digunakan dalam simple past tense • Siswa dapat membuat kalimat simple past tense dalam bentuk affirmative, negative, dan interrogative. • Siswa dapat memainkan permainan ular tangga dalam belajar simple past tense dengan baik dan benar sesuia dengan procedural yang telah ditetapkan.
Materi Pembelajaran a. Recalling Vocabulary, • Memperkenalkan subject; I, you, we, they, he, she , it • Memperkenalkan kata kerja ke- dua by word card
Regular Adding by d/ ed
Irregular There are variety of verb changing Watch = Watched Go = went Learn = Learned Come =came Study = Studied Read = read Say = Said Write = wrote Pay = Paid Rise = rose Etc Etc • Memperkenalkan to be dalam simple past tense yang digunakan untuk kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun), dan kata keterangan (adverb) Subject I You We They He She It
To be was were were were was was was
Adjective, adverb, and noun
b. Communication Practice Setiap siswa dapat berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam menggunakan permainan ular tangga. c. Grammar Practice Siswa membuat kalimat Simple Past Tense baik dalam nominal atau verbal kalimat positive, negative ataupun interrogative (pertanyaan) dengan baik dan benar menggunakan game dan perlombaan dalam permainan ular tangga. • Formula of Simple Past Tense 1. Verbal Sentence Type of Sentence Affirmative
Negative Interrogativ e
Subject I, you, we they, he, she, it)
I, you, we they, he, she, it) Did+ Subject (I, you, we they, he, she, it)
Verb Regular= V1+ d/ed Irregular= Dictionary Didn’t / did not + V1 (without d/ ed) Verb 1 (without d/ ed)
Time Signal Yesterday, ago, last time, week, just now,…etc
Notice the example below! Statement John worked here yesterday John worked here yesterday Did John work here yesterday? No, John didn’t work here yesterday 2. Nominal Sentence Type of Sentence Affirmative
Negative Interrogative
Question Negative
To be (was, and (adverb, adjective, noun of were) occupation) I, you, we I= was In the morning, quicly, in they, he, she, it) You/they= were Bandung, ect. (adv) He/ she/ it= was Hansome, beautiful, ugly, etc (adj) I, you, we To be + not Teacher, doctor, etc (noun they, he, she, it) of accupation) To be+ Subject
Was John busy? Yes, he was/ he was busy No, he wasn’t/ he wasn’t busy
d. Developing Oral Skills Guru selalu memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berlomba membuat kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense baik secara lisan ataupun tulisan
Metode Pembelajaran: Communicative Language Teaching Langkah- langkah Kegiatan
Pertemuan ke- 1( Selasa,11 Mei 2010) No 1
Kegiatan guru Pembukaan • Guru memnberikan salam dan menyapa siswa dengan “good morning!” serta menanyakan keadaan siswa, apakah siswa sudah siap untuk menghadapai pelajaran di kelas • Guru memberikan motivasi belajar . • Ice breaker dilakukan untuk mencairkan suasana dan ketegangan sebelum belajar dengan memberikan
Kegiatan murid • Siswa menjawab salam dan sapaan guru serta menyatakan kesiapannya untuk belajar dengan membaca basmalah • Siswa menyimak motivasi yang diberikan guru dengan seksama
Waktu 15 menit
permainan bahasa Inggris yang menarik
Kegiatan Inti • Pre- test ( tes yang dilakukan sebelum melakukan pembelajaran untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kemampuan siswa dalam memahami simple past tense) • Pengenalan mengenai kata kerja kedua serta penggunaan dalam bentuk kalimat verbal • Penjelasan sekilas mengenai rumusan verbal sentene dalam e simple past tense • Permainan ular tangga dengan membentuk grup dalam pembelajaran simple past tense • Permainan ular tangga 1. Guru membagi kelas ke dalam 6 kelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri atas 5/6 orang 2. Setiap kelompok akan mendapatkan lembat kerja untuk setiap individu (permainan dilakukan secara berkelompok, namun pengerjaan tugas dilakukan secara individu) 3. 1 orang bertugas mengocok dadu dan memainkan ular tangga, I orang mencari intruksi yang berada pada nomor tertentu yang telah dicapai, 3 /4orang berdiskusi untuk menjawab soal atau pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh nomor pada ular tangga tertentu dengan baik dan benar. 4. Kegiatan dilakukan bergantian bersama kelompok lain. 5. Kelompok yang pertama sampai pada angka 100 maka kelompok itulah pemenangnya 6. Guru memberikan hadiah berupa nilai kepada kelompok yang berhasil menuju garis finish pertama dengan jawaban yang benar dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh permaina ular tangga.
• Siswa mengikuti ice breaker sesuia dengan petunjuk yang diberikan oleh guru 55 menit • Siswa menjawab tes yang dilakukan sebelum pembelajaran. • Siswa menyimak dan mengidentifikasi penggunaan kata kerja kedua dalam bentuk kalimat verbal. • Siswa bemain ular tangga dalam belajar simple past tense dengan ketentuan yang tercantum.
Penutup Guru memberikan kata- kata mutiaran/ motivasi sebaga penutup dalam pembelajaran Guru menutup dengan doa dan salam
10 menit Siswa menyimak dengan seksama kata- kata motivasi yang diberikan oleh guru. Siswa membaca hamdalah dan menjawab salam (greeting) dari guru.
Pertemuan ke- 2( Senin,17 Mei 2010) No 1
Kegiatan guru Pembukaan • Guru memnberikan salam dan menyapa siswa dengan “good morning!” serta menanyakan keadaan siswa, apakah siswa sudah siap untuk menghadapai pelajaran di kelas • Guru memberikan motivasi belajar . • Ice breaker dilakukan untuk mencairkan suasana dan ketegangan sebelum melakukan pembelajaran dengan memberikan tugas bagi setiap siswa untuk menyebutkan kata kerja, setiap siswa harus menyebutkan kata kerja yang berbeda.
Kegiatan Inti • Pengenalan kata kerja kembali kembali para murid • Penjelasan sekilas mengenai rumusan verbal sentene dalam simple past tense • Memerintahkan siswa untuk membentuk group sesuai dengan kelompok yang telah dibuat minggu lalu • Setiap kelompok berlomba untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh guru, pertanyaan yang diberikan berupa perubahan kata kerja pertama ke kata kerja ke-dua dan setiap kelompok berlomba- lomba untuk membuat kalimat simple past tense sesaai dengan intruksi yang diberikan. • Permainan ular tangga 1. Setiap kelompok akan
Kegiatan murid
Waktu 15 menit
• Siswa menjawab salam dan sapaan guru serta menyatakan kesiapannya untuk belajar dengan membaca basmalah • Siswa menyimak motivasi yang diberikan guru dengan seksama • Siswa mengikuti ice breaker sesuia dengan petunjuk yang diberikan oleh guru • Siswa menperhatikan dengan seksama • Siswa menyimak dan mengidentifikasi penggunaan kata kerja kedua dalam bentuk kalimat verbal. • Siswa melakukan perlombaan dengan penuh semangat dan saling bersaing antara satu kelompok dengan kelompok lain • Siswa bemain ular tangga dalam belajar simple past tense dengan ketentuan yang tercantum.
55 menit
mendapatkan lembat kerja untuk setiap individu (permainan dilakukan secara berkelompok, namun pengerjaan tugas dilakukan secara individu) 2. 1 orang bertugasmengocok dadu da memainkan ular tangga, I orang mencari intruksi yang berada pada nomor tertentu yang telah dicapai, 3 orang berdiskusi untuk menjawab soal atau pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh nomor pada ular tangga tertentu dengan baik dan benar. 3. Kegiatan dilakukan bergantian bersama kelompok lain. 4. Kelompok yang pertama sampai pada angka 100 maka kelompok itulah pemenangnya 5. Guru memberikan hadiah berupa nilai kepada kelompok yang berhasil menuju garis finish pertama dengan jawaban yang benar dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang telah disediakan oleh permaina ular tangga. Kegiatan di atas merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan sama seperti pertemuan pertama, namun kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk menambah pemahaman siswa lebih tentang Simple Past Tense yang digunakan dalam kalimat verbal. Penutup Guru memberikan penjelasan materi sekilas mengenai materi yang akan diberikan pada siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya Guru menutup dengan doa dan salam
10 menit Siswa mempersiapkan diri untuk melakukan kegitan berikutnya Siswa membaca hamdalah dan menjawab salam (greeting) dari guru.
Pertemuan ke- 3( Selasa,18 Mei 2010) No 1
Kegiatan guru Pembukaan • Guru memnberikan salam dan menyapa siswa dengan “good morning!” serta menanyakan keadaan siswa, apakah siswa sudah siap untuk
Kegiatan murid • Siswa menjawab salam dan sapaan guru serta menyatakan kesiapannya untuk
Waktu 15 menit
menghadapai pelajaran di kelas • Guru memberikan motivasi belajar . • Ice breaker dilakukan untuk mencairkan suasana dan ketegangan sebelum belajar dengan memberikan permainan bahasa Inggris yang menarik
Kegiatan Inti • Guru membagi kelas ke dalam 6 kelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri atas 5/6 orang, seperti pertemuan minggu lalu • Setiap kelompok akan mendapatkan lembat kerja yang berisi menenai simple past tense yang harus didiskusikan bersama, yaitu kalimat nominal dalam simple past tense, berdiskusi tentang noun, adjective, dan adverb, serta membandingkan dengan kalimat verbal dalam simple past tense • Setelah berdiskusi, guru mengintruksikan kepada setiap kelompok untuk mengirimkan satu orang untuk presentasi dikelompok lain, dan bertanggung jawab atas pemahaman kelompok yang dipresentasi tersebut, jika kelompok yang dipresentasi akhirnya tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan dari guru, maka kelompok presenter akan mendapatkan poin ular, dan nilai akan berkurang, begitupun sebalikanya, jika kelompok yang dipresentasi bisa menjawab pertanyaan guru maka, selain kelompok tersebut, kelompok presenter akan mendapatkan poin tangga, dan nilai bertambah. • Setelah selasai menjelaskan, guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada beberapa individu dalam kelompok. • Setelah itu guru memberikan quiz dan setiap kelompok dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru secara berebut dan bersaing sesuai dengan ketentuan snakes and ladders quiz yang telah ditentukan,
belajar dengan membaca basmalah • Siswa menyimak motivasi yang diberikan guru dengan seksama • Siswa mengikutiice breaker sesuia dengan petunjuk yang diberikan oleh guru 55 menit • Siswa berdiskusi dengan penuh antusias • Siswa yang menajadi presenter harus menjelaskan hasil diskusinya dengan mantap kepada kelompok lain • Siswa bersiap- siap untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari guru • Siswa berlomba untuk mendapatkan nilai dengan metode snakes and ladders quiz
Penutup Guru memberikan kata- kata mutiaran/ motivasi sebaga penutup dalam pembelajaran Guru menutup dengan doa dan salam
10 menit Siswa menyimak dengan seksama kata- kata motivasi yang diberikan oleh guru. Siswa membaca hamdalah dan menjawab salam (greeting) dari guru.
Pertemuan ke- 4( Senin,24 Mei 2010) No 1
Kegiatan guru Pembukaan • Guru memnberikan salam dan menyapa siswa dengan “good morning!” serta menanyakan keadaan siswa, apakah siswa sudah siap untuk menghadapai pelajaran di kelas • Guru memberikan motivasi belajar . • Ice breaker dilakukan untuk mencairkan suasana dan ketegangan sebelum belajar dengan memberikan permainan bahasa Inggris yang menarik
Kegiatan Inti • Guru membagi kelas ke dalam 6 kelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri atas 5/6 orang, seperti pertemuan minggu lalu • Setiap kelompok akan mendapatkan lembat kerja yang berisi menenai simple past tense yang harus didiskusikan bersama, yaitu kalimat nominal dalam simple past tense, berdiskusi tentang noun, adjective, dan adverb, serta membandingkan dengan kalimat verbal dalam simple past tense • Setelah berdiskusi, guru mengintruksikan kepada setiap kelompok untuk mengirimkan satu orang untuk presentasi dikelompok lain, dan bertanggung jawab atas pemahaman kelompok yang
Kegiatan murid
Waktu 15 menit
• Siswa menjawab salam dan sapaan guru serta menyatakan kesiapannya untuk belajar dengan membaca basmalah • Siswa menyimak motivasi yang diberikan guru dengan seksama • Siswa mengikuti ice breaker sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan oleh guru • Siswa berdiskusi dengan penuh antusias • Siswa yang menajadi presenter harus menjelaskan hasil diskusinya dengan mantap kepada kelompok lain • Siswa bersiap- siap untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari guru • Siswa berlomba untuk mendapatkan nilai dengan metode snakes and ladders quiz
55 menit
dipresentasi tersebut, jika kelompok yang dipresentasi akhirnya tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan dari guru, maka kelompok presenter akan mendapatkan poin ular, dan nilai akan berkurang, begitupun sebalikanya, jika kelompok yang dipresentasi bisa menjawab pertanyaan guru maka, selain kelompok tersebut, kelompok presenter akan mendapatkan poin tangga, dan nilai bertambah. • Setelah selasai menjelaskan, guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada beberapa individu dalam kelompok. • Setelah itu guru memberikan quiz dan setiap kelompok dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru secara berebut dan bersaing sesuai dengan ketentuan snakes and ladders quiz yang telah ditentukan, 3
Penutup Guru memberikan kata- kata mutiaran/ motivasi sebaga penutup dalam pembelajaran Guru menutup dengan doa dan salam
10 menit Siswa menyimak dengan seksama kata- kata motivasi yang diberikan oleh guru. Siswa membaca hamdalah dan menjawab salam (greeting) dari guru.
Pertemuan ke- 5( Senin,31 Mei 2010)) No 1
Kegiatan guru Pembukaan • Guru memnberikan salam dan menyapa siswa dengan “good morning!” serta menanyakan keadaan siswa, apakah siswa sudah siap untuk belajar di kelas atu belum. • Ice breaker dilakukan untuk mencairkan suasana dan ketegangan sebelum melakukan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti • Pengulangan materi yang telah diberikan pada minggu lalu
Kegiatan Siswa
Waktu 15 menit
• Siswa menjawab salam dan sapaan guru serta menyatakan kesiapannya untuk belajar dengan membaca basmalah • Siswa mengikuti ice breaker sesuai dengan perintah yang diberikan oleh guru 55 menit • Siswa menperhatikan dengan seksama
• Mengintruksikan siswa untuk bekerja perkelompok kembali • Guru memberikan worksheet yang berisi 25 kalimat Simple Past Tense, verbal dan nominal untuk dianalisa tiap kelompok • Setelah menganalisa yang dilakukan tiap kelompok selesai, mengintruksikan agar lembar kerja dikelompok satu dengan yang lain ditukar, karena kalimat antar kelompok berlainan. • Mengintruksikan setiap kelompok agar menganalisa hasil kerja kelompok lain dengan menganalisa lembar kerja yang telah diisi kelompok lain dan mengoreksi lembar kerja yang salah • Setelah dianalisa ulang oleh kelompok lain, lembar kerja diberikan kembali kepada kelompok masingmasing dan diperhatikan bagian yang salah analisis • Setelah penganalisaan ulang selesai, guru akan memberikan pertanyaan pada setiap orang menganai lembar kerja hasil analisis. Dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: - Jika siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan maka kelompo akan mendapatkan satu tangga, dan - jika siswa salah menjawab maka kelompok tersebut akan mendapatkan satu ular. • Setiap kelompok berlomba untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh guru, pertanyaan yang diberikan berupa perubahan kata kerja pertama ke kata kerja ke-dua dan setiap kelompok berlomba- lomba untuk membuat kalimat simple past tense sesaai dengan intruksi yang diberikan. 3
Penutup Guru menutup dengan doa dan salam
• Siswa membentuk kelompok kembali dengan perpindahan tempat • Siswa melakukan analisa kalimat Simple Past Tense yang bekerja secara kelompok • Siswa menganalisa hasil analisis kelompok yang lain • Siswa melakukan analisa ulang terhadap hasil analisa kelompok lain • Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru • Melakukan perlombaan Tanya jawab antar kelompok dengan ketentuan grammatical snakes and ladders
10 menit Siswa membaca hamdalah dan menjawab salam (greeting) dari guru.
Pertemuan ke- 6( Selasa, 01 Juni 2010) No 1
Kegiatan guru Pembukaan • Guru memnberikan salam dan menyapa siswa dengan “good morning!” serta menanyakan keadaan siswa, apakah siswa sudah siap untuk belajar di kelas atu belum. • Ice breaker dilakukan untuk mencairkan suasana dan ketegangan sebelum melakukan pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Inti • Pengulangan materi yang telah diberikan pada minggu lalu • Mengintruksikan siswa untuk bekerja perkelompok kembali • Guru memberikan intruksi kepada setiap kelompok untuk bersiap- siap melakukan grammatical snakes and ladders game yang baru dengan petunjuk sebagai berikut: 1. Setiap group membentuk barisan panjang seperti ular 2. Barisan terdepan berfungsii sebagai kepala ular yang harus siap menerima intruksi dari guru 3. Setelah barisan pertama mendapat informasi berupa kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense, maka dia harus membisikan informasi kalimat tersebut pada barisan ke 2, barisan ke 2 ke orang ke 3 dan seterusnya. Siswa yang berada di barisan terakhir harus menuliskan informasi yang telah diberikan oleh guru tersebut, demikian seterusnya sampai pada informassi ke 10, 4. Setelah ke 10 informasi kalimat Simple Past Tense diberikan, maka setiap group harus menukarkan tulisannya dengan kelompok lain untuk dicocokan dengan guru dan mengoreksinya. 5. Kelompok yang benar akan menjadapatkan nilai berupa
Kegiatan Siswa
Waktu 15 menit
• Siswa menjawab salam dan sapaan guru serta menyatakan kesiapannya untuk belajar dengan membaca basmalah • Siswa mengikuti ice breaker sesuai dengan perintah yang diberikan oleh guru 55 menit • Siswa menperhatikan dengan seksama • Siswa membentuk kelompok kembali dengan perpindahan tempat • Siswa melakukan kegiatan sesuai dengan intruksi yang diberikan oleh guru.
tangga dan yang salah akan mendapatkan ular yang berarti kalah. Semakin banyak tangga yang didapat maka dialah pemenangnya. 6. Setelah selesai maka setiap group harus membuat cerita narrative dari ke 10 kalimat terssebut 3
Penutup Guru memberikan penjelasan post test Guru menutup dengan doa dan salam
10 menit Siswa mengisi lembar post test dengan seksama Siswa membaca hamdalah dan menjawab salam (greeting) dari guru.
Alat/ Sumber belajar a. Buku teks yang relevan: Ganeca, Smart Steps, Post card b. Gambar/ card word c. Papan tulis d. Spidol e. 2 paket alat permainan ular tangga f. 1 papan ular tangga yang besar g. Kamera untuk dokumentasi h. Lembar kerja siswa 1 sampai 6
Penilaian a. Jenis Tagihan
: Tes tulis
b. Bentuk Tagihan
: Multiple Choise and Fill in
Instrument • Listen to the teacher sentence carefully! • Repeat after the teacher! • Make a group in the ten seconds! • Make a circle! • Choose the head of Group/ group leader! • Shake two dices! • Move the plastic pyramid to certain number!
• Follow the instruction! • Make a line! • Answer the question! • Move from one group to another group! • Do the instruction on student work sheet! • Collect the assignment!
Pedoman penilaian
No 1 2
3 4
Ketentuan penilaian tes tulis Siswa dapat membedakan verb pertama dan verb ke 2 Siswa dapat mengubah kalimat affirmative ke dalam interrogative dan menjawab pertanyaan yang sesuai dalam simple past tense Siswa mengetahui kalimat nominal dalam simple past tense Siswa mengetahui penempatan kata yang sesuai dalam kalimat affirmative, negative dan interrogative Jumlah
Skor 45 20
20 15 100
Mengetahui :
Jakarta, 11of June to 01 of July 2010 Guru Bahasa Inggris
Mulyani Ratna Wulan
Appendix 6. Student Learning Result Description Group Student
Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Differing Review between the Meeting use of V1 and one by V2 in Simple Big Snakes Past Tense, and Ladders Making Board Simple Past Tense Sentences by Small Snakes and Ladders Board Cycle 1 Group 1 There was They are Abellani good in very good, Devi changing the the task is Frida verb 1 into almost Haura verb two, and perfect in Syabrina in making this second sentences meeting because the students in this group are very active In this group, The group Group 2 the teamwork is good too, Aesya Maudy don’t do the but there task well, just are a Sarah Maulidina one person mistakes in who active in doing the this group. task They still need practice for the task.
Group 3 Finia Karunia Rifda Syifa Nadia
This group is active group, they do the task well, they are working together by sharing and good
This group is good teamwork; they are doing the task better than the first
Meeting 3 Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Discussion of Verbal and Nominal in Simple Past Tense
Meeting 4 Grammatical Snakes and Ladders Quiz of Verbal and Nominal in Simple Past Tense
Cycle 2 The group is This group good in is very discussion, active they are very active and they have a big curiosity in doing the task.
The group is need comprehension about the material, they have many problem in understanding the material, so teacher have to attain them intensively. This group is good in making discussion.
Just several students are active in this group
All of the students are active in this group.
Meeting 5 Identifying Simple Past Tense Sentences
Meeting 6 New variety of Snakes and Ladder game by Snakes Information Giving in Simple Past Tense and Review
Cycle 3 There was These very good group identification, arevery from 25 active in sentences doing the there are 4 game, and missing enjoying sentences the game. identification All of the student have big attention to There was the teacher very good identification, explanation. from 25 sentences there are 4 missing sentences identification
There was very good identification, from 25 sentences there are 2 missing sentences
Group 4 Aldi Ican Panca Faris Dimas
Group 5 Lutfi Ilham Iqbal M. Farras Reza
Group 6 Naufal Adenio Adham Fadhil Farras H
Group 7 Albeit Arda Bagja Dhaman Sandy
discussion the task They are good in task, but they need practice very much.
This group is a trouble maker for another group, they are doing the task, but sometime joking and playing out of the game rules
meeting. The task is good for them, but just three students who are very active.
This group is need practice more, and more guider in doing the task, but they do the task, and the result is not too bad. This group This group does the task is active, good enough and enjoy but they still the game need practice but there for it. are a mistakes in doing the task, This group is This group very good in is very discussion, but active, they still need more do the task comprehension well, and of for the task. course better than the first meeting.
identification This group is group enough in discussion.
Just two student are active,.
This group makes enough good discussion, but they still need more attention from the teacher.
This group is trable maker group, and this group always disturb their friend when they are studying
This group makes good discussion, and doing the task well.
This is active group, just two person are silent.
This group is very active, and doing the discussion well.
There was good identification, from the 25 sentences, there are 6 missing identification There was enough identification, from 25 sentences there are 11 missing sentences identification
There was enough identification, from 25 sentences there are 11 missing sentences identification This is very There was active group, very good they enjow identification, the quiz from 25 actively. sentences there are 5 missing sentences identification
Multiple Timeline Format Evaluation
Meeting I6
Thursday, 11th of May 2010
Class The class is management about 34 students; the teacher arranges the class before studying.
Past tense (V1 and V2, verbal sentence)
Monday, 17th of May 2010
Thursday, 18th of May 2010 The student is The student about 35 is divided students, the into the student make group (they a group, and like to work every group group), and sit with their sit with group, they their group. make a group by their self for a good teamwork.
Review the first meeting, but the teacher give the additional by giving the introduction of nominal sentence in simple past tense
The teacher give nominal sentence; the using of noun, adverb, and adjective in simple past tense.
Monday, 24th of Monday,31st May 2010 of May 2010 The student is He student divided into the divided into group because five groups, they like to do they make a the class line for activity by every group, grouping like a snakes, the first person in front of a a head and the last person in the line as the writer The teacher The give nominal material is sentence; the about using of noun, analyzing adverb, and nominal adjective in and verbal simple past tense, and sentence is compares with provided verbal sentence.
by the teacher, they are 25 exercises have to be analyzed by ever group, every group has different sentence mistake
Thursday, 01st of June 2010 The class is like letter U. The student can see the teacher without barrier.
Simple past tense, either in verbal and nominal, and whether positive, negative, and question. Review material about simple past tense,
Pre- Test and Post- Test Result Student
Pre test (X)
Maulidina amalia (A) Dimas Patriananda (B) Al- bait Malikul Izzat (C) Sandy Nugraha (D) Farhan Naufal S (E) Bagja Fathul H (F) Frida aprilia (G) Dhanan Muqonta T (H) Fadhil Dzukwun (I) Adenio Idham (J) Adham Adi (K) Farras Hafizah Alif (L) Ilham adli (M) Muhammad Iqbal (N) Lutfi Ahmad Yudandi (O) Reza Prasetyo U (P) M. Farras Abiyyu (Q) Aldi Nurhendianto (R) Muhammad faris Aminuddin (S) Nugraha Pancasaputra (T) Ihsan Riza (U) Rifda Syifa Nadia (V) Aesya Zhafirah(W) Karunia Izzati Refeny Putri (X) Finia Afranada (Y) Khanza Syifa (Z) Adinda Syahputri (AA) Maudy Khusnia (BB) Sarah Rizki Chairunnisa (BB) M. Naufal Alif (CC) Shabrina Fadilla (DD) Haura Nabila (EE) Devi Srimumpuni Oktavia (FF) Abellani Yulitas Ari Arda Aditya
MC 5 8 9 6 9 9 10 8 7 7 8 8 9 8 9 6 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 8 9 0
Note: MP : Multiple Choices CS : Completing Sentence Sum : Average Score between MP and CS
CS 3,5 8 8,5 1 9 9 9 7,5 7,5 6,5 8,5 8,5 5 7,5 8,5 5,5 5 6 7,5 4,5 7 5,5 9 5,5 6,5 7,5 5,5 8 7,5 5,5 6,5 9 8 6 0
Post test (Y) Sum 4,25 8 8,75 3,5 9 9 9,5 7,75 7,25 6,75 8,25 8,25 7 7,75 8.75 5,75 6,5 7 7,75 6,75 8 7,25 9 6,75 7,75 7,75 7,25 8,5 7,75 6,75 7,75 9 8 7,5
MC 8 8 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 0 10 9 8 9 10 8 9 8 9 9 0 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9
CS 5,5 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 7 0 9,5 8,5 10 10 10 9,5 10 10 10 10 0 9,5 9 10 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 10 10 9 9,5 9 9,5 10
Sum 6,75 9 10 9,5 9 10 9,5 10 8,5 0 9,75 8,75 9 9,5 10 8,75 9,5 9 9,5 9,5 0 9,75 9 10 9,75 9,25 9,75 9,75 10 9,5 9,5 9,75 9,5 9,75 9,5
Appendix 8. Documentation PEMETAAN STANDAR ISI KELAS VIII/ SEMESTER II Satuan Mata Pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Standar Kompetensi
: MTs Pembangunan : BAHASA INGGRIS Kompetensi Dasar
• Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dan makna dan langkah langkah retorika dalam retorika dalam esei essei pendek sangat sederhana dengan pendek sederhana menggunakan ragam dengan bahsa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan menggunakan ragam berterima untuk bahasa tulis secara berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat akurat, lancar, dan • Menjelaskan makna berterima untuk gagasan dan langkah retorika dalam essei berinteraksi dengan pendek sangat lingkungan sekitar sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam berbentuk recount bahasa tulis secara dan narrative akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat • Menulis essei pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
12. Mengungkapkan 12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Materi Pokok Makna dan langkah retorika dalam esseei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount and narrative.
Alokasi Waktu 4x 40 menit
Catatan: Dalam silabus tertera bahwa kompetensi dasanya “Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.” Recond dan narrative lebih cenderung pada kemampuan menulis, dan grammar yang dipakai dalam teks ini adalah simple past tense dan past perfect tense. Jadi, pengajaran past tenses diberikan sebelum mereka dalam membuat kalimat atau cetita dalam bentuk teks narrative dan recount.
Cycles in Action Research The First Cycle Thursday, 11th and 17th of May 2010 Initial Planning
Planning the subject which is used in the teaching
Teaching verbal sentence of simple past tense using grammatical snakes and ladders game
Decide the subject topic
Different using of V1 and V2 Verbal sentence and the formula Lesson planning (RPP) Student worksheet I and II
Developing scenario learning (Lesson Plan) Arranging worksheet
Providing the source of learning
Action Monitor/ Observation
Developing evaluation form Developing observation learning form Using the scenario Worksheet in action Observing by using Observation form Scoring action result by Using worksheet form Evaluating the action
Tools : Two packs of Snakes and ladders game tools; 2 snakes and ladders board, 4 dices, 2 shakes, and 7 symbol of the player in Grammatical snakes and ladders board
Student worksheet 1 Contain of 100 verb 1 that must be change into v2 Student worksheet 2 contain of 100 verbs that must be changed into a sentence of simple past tense depend on the instruction on student worksheet English Book
Many book, smart steps book, grammar book, reciprocal for tired teacher book (game) Form evaluation is provided Observation form is provided Yes Yes Yes
RPP Student worksheet Observation form
Scoring form
Evaluation form
Evaluation paper Observation form
which have been done include: quality, sum, and time from every action
The Second Cycle Thursday, 18th and 24th of May 2010 Revised Initial Planning
Planning the subject which is used in the teaching
Teaching nominal sentence in teaching simple past tense by using the variety of grammatical snake and ladders game,
Decide the subject topic
Understanding of noun, adverb, and adjective, the formula, and the use of them in simple past tense, Lesson planning (RPP) Using RPP
Developing scenario learning (Lesson Plan) Arranging worksheet
Providing the source of learning
Developing evaluation form Developing observation learning form Using the scenario
Student worksheet III and IV
Grammatical Snakes and Ladders snakes and Ladders discussion, the format of grammatical snakes and ladders quiz, student worksheet III and VI
Student worksheet III is done by group discussion, it’s about making a discussion about verbal sentence Student worksheet VI is 100 instruction for making nominal sentence by using snakes and ladders game Book and game
Many book, smart steps book, grammar book, reciprocal for tired teacher book (game), and the Varian of game of grammatical snake and ladders was developed by the teacher itself. Form evaluation is Evaluation form provided Observation form is Observation form provided Yes
Worksheet in action Monitor/ Observation
Evaluation/ Reflection
Student worksheet III and VI Observation form
Observing by using Yes Observation form Scoring action result Yes by Using worksheet form Evaluating the action Yes which have been done include: quality, sum, and time from every action
Scoring form
Evaluation form
The Third Cycle Thursday, 31st of May and 01st of June 2010 Initial Planning
Planning the subject which is used in the teaching
Teaching nominal and verbal sentence in teaching simple past tense by using the variety of grammatical snake and ladders game,
Decide the subject topic
Understanding of verb, noun, adverb, and adjective, the formula, and the use of them in simple past tense, Lesson planning (RPP) Student worksheet V and VI
Developing scenario learning (Lesson Plan) Arranging worksheet
Providing the source of learning
Many book, smart steps book, grammar book, reciprocal for tired teacher book (game), and the Varian of game of
Identifying the sentence whether true or false, and verbal or nominal by 25 sentences are provided. Giving information by Snakes and ladders lines game, teacher clear explanation
Using RPP Student worksheet V is 25 sentences must be identified, and Student worksheet VI about information giving, and matching a conversation from information is given Books
Monitor/ Observation
Evaluation/ Reflection
Developing evaluation form Developing observation learning form Using the scenario Worksheet in action
grammatical snake and ladders was developed by the teacher itself. Form evaluation is provided Observation form is provided Yes Yes
Observing by using Yes Observation form Scoring action result by Yes Using worksheet form Evaluating the action which have been done include: quality, sum, and time from every action
Evaluation form Observation form RPP Student worksheet paper V and VI Observation form Scoring form Evaluation form