LANDSCOURANT National Gazette
SINT MAARTEN Tweewekelijkse officiële uitgave van Sint Maarten
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 November, 2015
Aankondigingen Mededeling HBN Law
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Beschikking van de Minister van TEZVT Condensed Balance Sheet oktber 2015 Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten Landsbesluit(en) van de Gouverneur van Sint Maarten van 19 november 2015 Beschikking(en) van de Electorale Raad van 19 november 2015 Statuten van ST. MAARTEN DEVELOPMENT MOVEMENT Statuten van CONCORDIA POLITICAL ALLIANCE Statuten van MILLENNIAL ADVANCEMENT PARTY
4 16 17 32 44 51 71 78 80 86 94
Besluit van de Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties Bekendmaking en besluit van de Minister van Infrastructuur en Milieu Bekendmaking van het Ministerie Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid Overzicht wetgeving OPROEPING
Bij exploot dd. 20 november 2015, afschrift waarvan is gelaten aan de Off. van Justitie op St. Maarten, heb ik, Solange M. APON, deurwaarder op St. Maarten, alhier. Opgeroepen: Raveena Brahmanarayan, zonder bekend woon of verblijfplaats, aan de om op maandag, 11 januari 2016 te 09:00 uur voormiddag ter zitting van het gerecht in eerste aanleg op St. Maarten, ten Raadhuize te Philipsburg te verschijnen, om op de vordering van Nigel Johan Richards, gedomicilieerd ten kantore van de advocaat Shaira Bommel, kantoorhoudende aan de Ground Dove Road # 8 te Point Blanche, alhier, te antwoorden. (EJ 230/15)
gevestigd te St. Maarten in liquidatie In de op 17 november 2015 gehouden Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders van bovenvermelde vennootschap is tot haar ontbinding en liquidatie besloten per 01 november 2015. Het plan van uitkering, houdende de grondslagen van de verdeling, is ten kantore van het Handelsregister, zomede ten kantore van de vennootschap ter inzage gelegd. De vereffenaar
De deurwaarder S.M. APON
Uitgever: Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, Afdeling Juridische Zaken en Wetgeving Imperial Building, W.J.A. Nisbeth Road 23 Philipsburg, Sint Maarten Tel.: 542 4724/542 4701 of fax: 542 9514. Betaling via rekeningnummer: 32480003 (WIB) o.v.v. Landscourant en uw factuurnummer of bij Ontvanger.
Abonnementsprijs per 18 november 2011: - Abonnement: Naf. 100,- incl. portokosten per jaar bij vooruitbetaling; - Losse nummers Naf. 4,-. Te koop bij de Ontvanger. Voor aankoop losse nummers en voor plaatsen mededelingen is een betalingsbewijs vereist.
Aanleveren mededelingen: - bij:
[email protected] - of op het adres van de uitgever op een digitaal medium. Aanleveren uiterlijk dinsdag 8 december a.s. voor 12.00 uur ’s middags. Tarieven afhankelijk van formaat, te vinden op (AB 2011, 33)
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Pigadia Consulting B.V In liquidatie, gevestigd te Sint Maarten De algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders van Pigadia Consulting B.V. heeft unaniem besloten tot ontbinding van de vennootschap. De balans van de vennootschap ligt ter inzage op het kantoor van ATLAS SXM. Voor nadere informatie kunt u contact opnemen via
[email protected].
AANKONDIGING CATMERO N.V. (gevestigd te St. Maarten) in liquidatie Bij besluit van de op 16 november 2015 gehouden buitengewone algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders is besloten tot ontbinding der vennootschap per 16 november 2015. Het plan van uitkering ligt ter inzage bij het Handelsregister en ten kantore van de vennootschap.
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Convocation The management board of N.V. Hotelmaatschappij Nederlandse Antillen (the “Company”) and its majority shareholder Divi St. Maarten Holdings N.V. hereby inform all shareholders and other persons that hold the right conferred by Sint Maarten law to attend a general meeting of shareholders, that a general meeting of shareholders is convened for the Company to discuss and adopt a resolution on the following agenda points: 1.
Ratification of the appointment of DR Directors Inc. as the managing director (statutair bestuurder) of the Company as of July 17, 2000, or, to the extent that the appointment cannot be validly ratified, the appointment of DR Directors Inc. as managing director of the Company with immediate effect.
Appointment of Dynamo Trust Company and Collection Bureau N.V. as second managing director of the Company with immediate effect.
Appointment of Mr. Randolph Lewis Stanford as the supervisory director (commissaris) of the Company with immediate effect.
The meeting shall be held at the offices of HBN Law, W.G. Buncamper Road 33, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten on Tuesday December 29, 2015, 09:00 hours.
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NR.: 2015/2573
in overweging genomen hebbende: het verzoekschrift d.d. 02 november 2015, van Mevr. S. Kartokromo en L. Hinds, namens de “Princes Juliana International Airport (PJIAE N.V.)”, strekkende tot het verlenen van ontheffing van artikel 28 van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening, voor het uitvoeren van een luchtvaartvertoning boven het territoir van Sint Maarten zoals aangegeven in bijlage A,B en C1 van deze beschikking; het Calamiteitenplan van de dhr. F. Versteegh, “ Display Director SXM Airshow/ Airboss”; het advies, betreffende restricties en procedures van de luchtverkeersdienst-“Air Traffic Control” van de “Princes Juliana International Airport (PJIAE N.V.)”; de Verklaring van geen bezwaar van het Ministerie van Justitie; het advies van het Hoofd van de Dienst Lucht,- en Scheepvaart en de Inspecteur luchtverkeersbeveiliging en operaties luchtvaartterreinen van de Sectie luchtvaart;
gelet op: 1.
artikel 28, derde lid, jo. eerste lid van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening;
2. artikel 3 vijftiende lid, van de Ministeriële beschikking mandaat Luchtvaartlandsverordening en Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart;
Bijlage C ligt ter inzage bij de Sectie Luchtvaart.
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Artikel 1 Algemeen
Aan de PJIAE N.V., hierna de aanvrager, ontheffing te verlenen van het in artikel 28 eerste lid, van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening genoemde verbod:
1. om op 13 en 15 november 2015 van 15.30u tot 16.30u lokale tijd in de “ Great Bay area”, met inachtneming van artikel 2 en 3 van deze beschikking genoemde voorwaarden, een luchtvaartvertoning(generale repetitie op 13 november) uit te voeren boven het territoir van Sint Maarten zoals aangegeven in bijlage A, B en C . 2.
de luchtvaartvertoning betreft;
“Paradropping performance”; “Aerobatic performance(kunstvlucht) door Melissa Pemberton in de Edge 540”; “Aerobatic performance(kunstvlucht) door Skip Stewart in de Pitts S2S”.
de luchtvaartvertoning wordt uitgevoerd met de hieronder genoemde luchtvaartuigen;
Luchtvaartuig Registratie nummer Pitts S2S
Edge 540
Artikel 2 Voorwaarden
1. De ontheffing wordt verleend onder de volgende voorwaarden:
alle vluchten in verband met de luchtvaartvertoning worden uitgevoerd in samenwerking met de plaatselijke luchtverkeersdienst, de “Air Traffic Control -Princess Juliana International Airport”. -
alle aanwijzingen van de plaatselijke luchtverkeersdienst worden strikt en direct opgevolgd.
de luchtvaartvertoning (“area of operations”) vindt plaats in de “ Great Bay Area” zoals aangegeven in Bijlage A van deze beschikking en onder de coördinaten:
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N 18’01’24
W 63’03’16
N 18:01:14
W 63’02’41
N 18’01’02
W 63’03’23
N 18’02’52
W 63’02’48
tussen de “SFC(surface level) – FL 65 (Flight Level)”. alle restricties en procedures zoals opgenomen in Bijlage B behorende bij deze beschikking worden strikt en direct opgevolgd.
Artikel 3 Verantwoordelijkheid
De aanvrager en de leider van de luchtvaartvertoning (“Display Director SXM Airshow/Airboss”), dragen er zorg voor dat de gezagvoerders van de opererende luchtvaartuigen bekend zijn met de inhoud van deze beschikking. De aanvrager en leider van de luchtvaartvertoning (“Display Director SXM Airshow/Airboss”) dragen er zorg voor dat de hulpdiensten/middelen zoals, brandweer, politie, medische diensten en overige diensten bekend zijn met de inhoud van het calamiteitenplan zoals opgenomen in Bijlage C van deze beschikking. De aanvrager is aansprakelijk voor schade aangebracht aan personen en goederen, in de lucht, water en aardoppervlak. Deze beschikking wordt ingetrokken, indien de voorwaarden onder artikel 2 en 3 niet- of niet volledig worden nageleefd.
Artikel 4 Geldigheidsduur
1. Deze beschikking treedt met inachtneming van artikel 1 lid a van deze beschikking, in werking op 13 november 2015 en is geldig tot en met 15 november 2015. 2. Deze beschikking wordt na ondertekening in het Landscourant geplaatst.
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Philipsburg, Minister van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Verkeer en Telecommunicatie
Namens deze,
Louis Halley Hoofd van de Dienst Lucht,- en Scheepvaart
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Bijlage A Plattegrond vertoningsgebied
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“Paradropping area with landing at the beach”
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Bijlage B Restrictions that will be adhered to by the Pilots of the operating aircraft during the Airshow: i. The overflight of the public area is STRICTLY forbidden. ii. Turns and vectors towards the public must be completed at 230 meters from the crowdline. iii. Aerobatic manoeuvres may not have a flight path towards the public except for: 1. Turns of more than 180 degrees with a segment of the flight path toward the public. iv. The manoeuvre stops at the display line and the next flight path does not endanger the public. v.
No manoeuvre is to be attempted which is likely to jeopardise the safety of spectators in the event of mishap or misjudgement.
vi. Minimum altitude is in according the heights mentioned on the Display Authorisation. vii. Maximum altitude is FL65, unless briefed otherwise. For exceptions please contact Display director at SXM. viii. It is strictly prohibited to carry non-essential aircrew and/or passengers during rehearsal and/or flying displays. ix. Engines are not to be shut down during flying demonstrations. x.
Other restrictions will be briefed at the briefing.
xi. During flying display, aircrew that infracts these rules shall be sanctioned by an order to terminate the presentation. The format will be “Display xx Knock it off-Knock it off!”. 1. On hearing this call the pilot should terminate his display immediately but safely and leaves the Special Rules Zone to the south towards the airport of destination. 2. Such curtailment should not be taken to imply automatically that the pilot has in any way infringed the flying regulations and may have been necessitated by other safety considerations in the air. 3. Repeated or serious breaches will result in the pilot’s suspension from the flying display for the remainder of the SXM Airshow. b.
Weather minima vis. 5 km 1000’ cloud base.
Take-off and landing i. Scheduled times according to flight schedule (local times!!!) are to be understood as times to enter the display area.
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Timings i. Timing will be strictly adhered to. Any delay in the program will be announced on first radio contact or if possible in advance to the crew before any radio contact.
Authority to fly, to participate in the SXM Airshow All pilots must be current in flying practice on the type of aircraft they will be presenting, in possession of appropriate pilot and medical licence. Pilots participating the flying display should be prepared to satisfy the Display Director of their flying currency by presenting authenticated evidence of flying hours on type during the previous 90 days on demand. Display Pilots must be in the possession of a Display authorisation (DA). Aircraft participating must be airworthy, have the appropriate insurance and only may be operated within their limits.
Restrictions and procedures that will be adhered to by All Pilots of operating aircraft: 1. Call-sign used during the display shall be the registration of the aircraft. 2. All aircraft shall remain in communication with Juliana TWR on frequency 119.6 MHz. (Note that this is a secondary frequency dedicated to the acrobatic flights and all actions will be coordinated internally by ATC). 3. The main base of operation will be TNCM. 4. The alternate airport will be TFFG. (L'Esperance Airport) 5. All departing traffic Runway 10 shall be suspended during the display. 6. Light aircraft are exempted when able to depart making a right turn prior to Billy Folly Hill and proceed on Heading 180 to exit the Juliana CTR. 7. Arriving traffic shall remain outside the Juliana CTR when arriving from the South and East from SFC to FL55 and from FL55 to FL 75 within this defined area. 8. All acrobatic flights shall be given priority when arriving at TNCM or proceeding to their alternate. 9. Radar Approach Control shall be operational during the display. All aircraft other than those performing in the display shall be vectored clear of the defined area by a distance of 5 NM or greater. 10. The holding for acrobatic flights is approved as requested in the Display Order and holding shall be confined to the Juliana CTR not exceeding an altitude of 2500 Ft AMSL. 11. The pilot shall report leaving and entering the "BOX". 12. The Director of the show shall indicate by the most expeditious means possible the actual commencement and end of the show. 13. The restrictions for departures and airspace restrictions shall be in effect from the departure of the acrobatic flight until the flight has landed. 14. A notam will be issued reference the restricted area. 15. A notam will be issued with regard to PARACHUTE jumping activity.
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16. The notam will indicate the maximum altitude, area reserved, landing zone and time period.
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October 2015 (millions of NAf.)
Claims on nonresidents Gold Official reserves Other Domestic assets
Difference compared to 31-Oct-15 30-Sep-15
3,553.3 859.6 2,646.1 47.6
135.8 21.3 114.5 0.0
Claims on the government Government paper in portfolio Government agencies and institutions Other
Liabilities to nonresidents Deposits of nonresidents in foreign currency
Domestic liabilities
480.7 378.7 36.3 65.3 0.4
-23.9 -22.6 -1.3 0.0 0.0
1,790.7 440.8 183.1 1,166.9
97.4 49.6 15.1 32.6
255.1 165.1 90.0
7.1 3.4 3.8
Government deposits Government of Curacao Government of Sint Maarten Former Central Government Government agencies and institutions
Claims on deposit money banks Current account balances
111.1 111.1
3.9 3.9
Liabilities to deposit money banks Current account balances Certificates of Deposit Required reserves
Claims on other sectors Other assets
492.4 492.4
2.9 2.9
Liabilities to other sectors Deposits of other residents Other liabilities Capital and reserves
33.3 33.3
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
418.0 418.0
Currency in circulation 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
Total assets
Difference compared to 31-Oct-15 30-Sep-15
Total liabilities
During the month of October 2015, the Bank continued to direct its monetary policy at reducing the liquidity in the domestic money market. Despite the fact that the percentage of the reserve requirement remained unchanged at 18.00%, the amount of required reserves increased by NAf.32.6 million due to the higher base amount2 upon which it is calculated. Furthermore, the Bank tried to mop up excess liquidity through the auctioning of a higher amount of certificates of deposit (CDs). Consequently, the amount of outstanding CDs rose by NAf.15.1 million. Base money3 increased by NAf.56.2 million in October 2015 due to increases in the current account balances of the commercial banks (NAf.49.6 million) and in the currency in circulation (NAf.6.5 million). The current account balances increased as a result of, among other things, funds received from the Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA) related to principal and interest payments on debt securities taken over under the debt relief program and held in the portfolios of the commercial banks. Moreover, the commercial banks sold foreign exchange to the Bank. These transactions contributed also to the increase in the item “Official reserves” by NAf.114.5 million. The increases were, however, mitigated by the higher outstanding amounts of CDs and required reserves. In addition, the Bank provided shortterm liquidity to some commercial banks during the month of October, reflected by an increase in the item “Claims on deposit money banks” by NAf.3.9 million. The item “Liabilities to nonresidents” increased by NAf.33.3 million, due largely to an increase in the deposits of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) at the Bank related to interest payments on debt securities issued by the governments of Curaçao and Sint Maarten that are held by the Dutch State. Furthermore, transactions by some commercial banks in Bonaire contributed to the rise in this balance sheet item. Meanwhile, the net position of the governments with the Bank worsened by NAf.23.9 million due mainly to the aforementioned interest payments by the governments of Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Furthermore, the item “Liabilities to other sectors” increased by NAf.7.1 million due to the repayment by the DSTA of matured debt securities held by the public sector pension fund, APC, and the “Werkliedenpensioenfonds,” mitigated by transfers by USONA4 towards the commercial banks and to abroad regarding the construction of the new hospital in Curaçao. Finally, the item “Gold” on the assets side of the balance sheet increased by NAf.21.3 million as a result of a higher market value at the balance sheet date compared to the end of September 2015. The increase in the item “Capital and reserves” on the liabilities side of the balance sheet was related to the rise in the market value of gold. Willemstad, November 19, 2015 Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten
The base amount is equal to the commercial banks’ domestic liabilities -/- long-term deposits. The sum of currency in circulation and the current account balances of the commercial banks at the Bank. 4 USONA is the foundation in charge with the construction of the new hospital in Curaçao. 3
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N° 2015/2642
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015, no. LB-15/1065 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: 1.
dat het noodzakelijk is de vervanging en waarneming van ministers te regelen ingeval deze tijdelijk afwezig zijn;
Gelet op: -
Artikel 38 en 39, eerste tot en met vierde lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1
Bij afwezigheid van een minister, dan wel indien een minister door ziekte of om een andere reden tijdelijk niet in de gelegenheid is diens taak uit te oefenen, wordt deze vervangen door een andere minister met dien verstande dat: de Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken, wordt vervangen door: de heer Richard Gibson Sr.; o de Minister van Financiën wordt vervangen door: de heer William Marlin; o de Minister van Justitie wordt vervangen door: de heer Richard Gibson Sr.; o de Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur, Jeugd en Sport wordt vervangen door: de heer William Marlin; o de Minister van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid wordt vervangen door: mevrouw Silveria Jacobs; o de Minister van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Verkeer en Telecommunicatie wordt vervangen door: de heer Emil Lee; en, o de Minister van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening, Milieu en Infrastructuur wordt vervangen door: de heer William Marlin. 2. Onder andere reden als bedoeld in het eerste lid, wordt ten minste verstaan het niet kunnen uitoefenen van diens taak vanwege aangelegenheden als bedoeld in artikel 35 van de Staatsregeling of artikel 12 van de Landsverordening integriteitsbevordering ministers. 3. Zolang er geen persoon tot minister als bedoeld in het eerste lid is benoemd, wordt voor ‘vervangen’ telkens gelezen: waargenomen. Artikel 2 Bij gelijktijdige afwezigheid van een minister en diens aangewezen vervanger, vervangt de Minister-President, of bij diens afwezigheid Richard Gibson Sr. Indien de laatstgenoemde persoon eveneens afwezig is, vervangt de oudst aanwezige minister in jaren. Artikel 3 Enkel de minister die niet vervangen is, wordt in de ministerraad geteld voor de vaststelling van het quorum voor een vergadering en voor het aantal uitgebrachte stemmen ten behoeve van de besluitvorming.
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Artikel 4 Het Landsbesluit van 19 december 2014 (LB-14/0904) en 7 september 2015 (LB-15/0748) worden ingetrokken. Artikel 5 Dit landsbesluit, dat in de Landscourant wordt geplaatst, treedt in werking met ingang van de datum van ondertekening. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken De Minister van Financiën De Minister van Justitie De Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur, Jeugd en Sport De Minister van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid De Minister van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Vervoer en Telecommunicatie De Minister van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling, Milieu en Infrastructuur
Tweewekelijkse officiële uitgave van Sint Maarten
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N° 2015/2609
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1060 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende:
dat het wenselijk is om de heer Richard F. Gibson Sr. te benoemen tot Minister van Financiën;
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling;
Gelet op:
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden te benoemen tot minister: -
de heer Richard F. Gibson Sr., en hem te belasten met de leiding van het Ministerie van Financiën.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van het tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
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N° 2015/2615
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. Lb-15/1064 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende:
dat het wenselijk is om mevrouw Henrietta Doran-York te benoemen tot Gevolmachtigde Minister van Sint Maarten;
artikel 8 van het Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling;
Gelet op:
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden te benoemen tot Gevolmachtigde Minister van Sint Maarten: -
mevrouw Henrietta Doran-York.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van het tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst.
Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
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N° 2015/2611
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB/1055 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende:
dat het wenselijk is om mevrouw Silveria E. Jacobs te benoemen tot Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur, Jeugd en Sport;
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling;
Gelet op:
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden te benoemen tot minister: -
mevrouw Silveria E. Jacobs, en haar te belasten met de leiding van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur, Jeugd en Sport.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van het tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
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N° 2015/2613
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1061 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende:
dat het wenselijk is om mevrouw Irania I. Arrindell te benoemen tot Minister van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Vervoer en Telecommunicatie;
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling;
Gelet op:
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden te benoemen tot minister: -
mevrouw Irania I. Arrindell, en haar te belasten met de leiding van het Ministerie van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Vervoer en Telecommunicatie.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van het tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 23
N° 2015/2612
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1063 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende:
dat het wenselijk is om de heer Emil Lee te benoemen tot Minister van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid;
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling;
Gelet op:
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden te benoemen tot minister: -
de heer Emil Lee, en hem te belasten met de leiding van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van het tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015
| 24 N° 2015/2608
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no LB-15/1059 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: 1 het aan de Gouverneur aangeboden ontslag door meneer Marcel F.A. Gumbs, MinisterPresident en Minister van Algemene Zaken; Gelet op: 2 artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan de heer Marcel F.A. Gumbs als Minister-President, tevens als minister belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Algemene Zaken. Met ingang van heden wordt benoemd tot Minister-President, tevens als minister belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Algemene Zaken: -
de heer William V. Marlin.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van het tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten DE MINISTER-PRESIDENT, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 25
N° 2015/2622
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1054 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende:
het door de Minister-President aangeboden ontslag voor mevrouw Josianne S. FlemingArtsen, Gevolmachtigde Minister van Sint Maarten;
Gelet op: -
artikel 8 van het Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT GOEDGEVONDEN:
Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt, op verzoek, op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan: -
mevrouw Josianne S. Fleming-Artsen, Gevolmachtigde Minister van Sint Maarten.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van de datum en tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 26
N° 2015/2616
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1052 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: -
het door de Minister-President aangeboden ontslag voor de heer Martinus J. Hassink, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Financiën;
Gelet op: -
artikel 33 van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT GOEDGEVONDEN:
Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt, op verzoek, op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan: -
de heer Martinus J. Hassink, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Financiën.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van de datum en tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten
De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 27
N° 2015/2617
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1051 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: a.
het door de Minister-President aangeboden ontslag voor de heer Dennis L. Richardson, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Justitie;
Gelet op: -
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT GOEDGEVONDEN:
Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt, op verzoek, op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan: -
de heer Dennis L. Richardson, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Justitie.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van de datum en tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten
De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
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27 november 2015 Pagina
| 28
N° 2015/2618
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1053 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: a.
het door de Minister-President aangeboden ontslag voor mevrouw Rita A. Bourne-Gumbs, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur, Jeugd en Sport;
Gelet op: -
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT GOEDGEVONDEN:
Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt, op verzoek, op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan: -
mevrouw Rita A. Bourne-Gumbs, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur, Jeugd en Sport.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van de datum en tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
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27 november 2015 Pagina
| 29
N° 2015/2620
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1057 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: b.
het door de Minister-President aangeboden ontslag voor de heer Ernest V. Sams, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Verkeer en Telecommunicatie;
Gelet op: -
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT GOEDGEVONDEN:
Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt, op verzoek, op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan: -
de heer Ernest V. Sams, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Verkeer en Telecommunicatie.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van de datum en tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 30
N° 2015/2621
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1055 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: -
het door de Minister-President aangeboden ontslag voor de heer Claret M.M. Connor, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening, Milieu en Infrastructuur;
Gelet op: -
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT GOEDGEVONDEN:
Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt, op verzoek, op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan: -
de heer Claret M.M. Connor, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening, Milieu en Infrastructuur.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van de datum en tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 31
N° 2015/2619
LANDSBESLUIT Van 19 november 2015 , no. LB-15/1056 DE GOUVERNEUR VAN SINT MAARTEN, In overweging genomen hebbende: 1. het door de Minister-President aangeboden ontslag voor de heer Rafael A. Boasman, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid; Gelet op: -
artikel 33 en 40, tweede lid, van de Staatsregeling; HEEFT GOEDGEVONDEN:
Artikel 1 Met ingang van heden wordt, op verzoek, op de meest eervolle wijze ontslag verleend aan: -
de heer Rafael A. Boasman, belast met de leiding van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid.
Artikel 2 Dit landsbesluit treedt in werking met ingang van de datum en tijdstip van ondertekening en wordt in de Landscourant geplaatst. Philipsburg, De Gouverneur van Sint Maarten De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken d.d.
Bezwaar: Tegen dit besluit kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 55 jo 56, eerste lid, Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking hiervan een bezwaarschrift ingediend worden bij het bestuursorgaan dat dit besluit heeft afgegeven. Beroep: In plaats van een bezwaarschrift kan door belanghebbende(n) op grond van artikel 7 jo. 16 van de Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtsspraak (LAR) binnen zes weken na de datum van verzending of uitreiking van deze beschikking een beroepschrift ingediend worden bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
Tweewekelijkse officiële uitgave van Sint Maarten
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 November, 2015 Pagina
Beschikking nummer: 3/2015 Datum: 19 november 2015
Gelezen: het verzoek van de politieke partij St. Maarten Development Movement van 9 november 2015 tot registratie van St. Maarten Development Movement; Overwegende: dat er geen bezwaar bestaat tegen voldoening aan het verzoek tot registratie; Gelet op: de artikelen 19 en 24 van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen;
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 De politieke partij St. Maarten Development Movement wordt geregistreerd in het register van politieke partijen, bedoeld in artikel 14, tweede lid van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen. Artikel 2 Deze beschikking treedt in werking met ingang van de dag na de dagtekening van de Landscourant waarin zij is geplaatst en werkt terug tot en met 19 november 2015. Artikel 3 Deze beschikking wordt gepubliceerd in de Landscourant en één of meer dagbladen.
| 32
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
Afschrift van deze beschikking wordt gezonden aan: - De Minister van Algemene Zaken - De Algemene Rekenkamer - Het Centraal Stembureau - St. Maarten Development Movement
Sint Maarten, 19 november 2015
B.G. Hofman Voorzitter
G.C. Richardson-Nicolaas Lid
L.A. Richardson Lid
Een belanghebbende kan op grond van artikel 25 van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen uiterlijk op de zesde dag na de dagtekening van de Landscourant waarin deze beschikking is geplaatst, tegen deze beschikking beroep instellen bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
| 33
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
Beschikking nummer: 4/2015 Datum: 19 november 2015
Gelezen: het verzoek van de politieke partij St. Maarten Development Movement van 9 november 2015 tot registratie van de aanduiding SDM als aanduiding die geplaatst zal worden boven de door de politieke partij in te dienen lijst van kandidaten; Overwegende: dat er geen bezwaar bestaat tegen voldoening aan het verzoek tot registratie van de aanduiding; Gelet op: de artikelen 19 en 24 van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen;
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 De aanduiding SDM wordt geregistreerd in het register van aanduidingen, bedoeld in artikel 14, tweede lid van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen, als de aanduiding die zal worden geplaatst boven de door de politieke partij St. Maarten Development Movement in te dienen lijst van kandidaten. Artikel 2 Deze beschikking treedt in werking met ingang van de dag na de dagtekening van de Landscourant waarin zij is geplaatst en werkt terug tot en met 19 november 2015. Artikel 3 Deze beschikking wordt gepubliceerd in de Landscourant en één of meer dagbladen.
| 34
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
Afschrift van deze beschikking wordt gezonden aan: De Minister van Algemene Zaken De Algemene Rekenkamer Het Centraal Stembureau St. Maarten Development Movement
Sint Maarten, 19 november 2015
B.G. Hofman Voorzitter
G.C. Richardson-Nicolaas Lid
L.A. Richardson Lid
Een belanghebbende kan op grond van artikel 25 van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen uiterlijk op de zesde dag na de dagtekening van de Landscourant waarin deze beschikking is geplaatst, tegen deze beschikking beroep instellen bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
| 35
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
Beschikking nummer: 13/2015 Datum: 17 november 2015
Gelezen: het verzoek van de People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation van 9 november 2015 tot registratie van People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation als politieke partij;
Overwegende: dat ingevolge artikel 1, eerste lid, aanhef en onderdeel d. van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen, een politieke partij in de zin van de landsverordening een in Sint Maarten gevestigde vereniging met volledige rechtsbevoegdheid is;
dat derhalve andere rechtspersonen dan een vereniging geen politieke partij kunnen zijn en niet als zodanig kunnen worden geregistreerd;
dat de People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation blijkens de overgelegde statuten van 14 maart 2003 een stichting is en derhalve niet kan worden geregistreerd als politieke partij.
Gelet op: artikel 19, derde lid, van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen;
HEEFT BESLOTEN: Artikel 1 Het verzoek van de People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation van 9 november 2015 tot registratie in het register van politieke partijen, bedoeld in artikel 14, tweede lid, van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen, wordt afgewezen.
| 36
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
Artikel 2 Deze beschikking treedt in werking met ingang van de dag na de dagtekening van de Landscourant waarin zij is geplaatst en werkt terug tot en met 17 november 2015.
Artikel 3 Deze beschikking wordt gepubliceerd in de Landscourant en één of meer dagbladen.
Afschrift van deze beschikking wordt gezonden aan: -
De Minister van Algemene Zaken
De Algemene Rekenkamer
Het Centraal Stembureau
People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation
Sint Maarten, 17 november 2015
B.G. Hofman
G.C. Richardson-Nicolaas
L.A. Richardson
Een belanghebbende kan op grond van artikel 25 van de Landsverordening registratie en financiën politieke partijen uiterlijk op de zesde dag na de dagtekening van de Landscourant waarin deze beschikking is geplaatst, tegen deze beschikking beroep instellen bij het Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Sint Maarten.
| 37
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
Decision No.: 3/2015 Date: November 19, 2015
Having read: The application of the political party St. Maarten Development Movement of November 9, 2015 for registration of St. Maarten Development Movement;
Considering: That there is no objection to comply with the application for registration;
In view of: Articles 19 and 24 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties;
Article 1 The political party St. Maarten Development Movement shall be registered in the register of political parties, as referred to in Article 14, par. 2 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties.
Article 2 This Decision shall enter into force on the day following the date of its publication in the National Gazette and shall be retroactive until November 19, 2015.
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Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
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Article 3 This Decision shall be published in the National Gazette and in one or more local daily newspapers.
Copies hereof to be forwarded to: -
The Minister of General Affairs
The General Audit Chamber
The Central Voting Bureau
St. Maarten Development Movement
Sint Maarten, November 19, 2015
B.G. Hofman
G.C. Richardson-Nicolaas
L.A. Richardson
Based on Article 25 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, an interested person may file an appeal against this Decision with the Court in First Instance of Sint Maarten no later than the sixth day following the date of publication of this Decision in the National Gazette.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 40
Decision No.: 4/2015 Date: November 19, 2015
Having read: The application of the political party St. Maarten Development Movement of November 9, 2015 for registration of the reference SDM as the reference that shall be placed above the list of candidates to be submitted by the aforementioned political party; Considering: That there is no objection to comply with the application for registration of the reference; In view of: Articles 19 and 24 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties;
Article 1 The reference SDM shall be registered in the register of references as referred to in Article 14, par. 2 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties as the reference that shall be placed above the list of candidates to be submitted by St. Maarten Development Movement. Article 2 This Decision shall enter into force on the day following the date of its publication in the National Gazette and shall be retroactive until November 19, 2015. Article 3 This Decision shall be published in the National Gazette and in one or more local daily newspapers.
Copies -
hereof to be forwarded to: The Minister of General Affairs The General Audit Chamber The Central Voting Bureau Sint Maarten Christian Party
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
| 41
Sint Maarten, November 19, 2015
B.G. Hofman Chairman
G.C. Richardson-Nicolaas Member
L.A. Richardson Member
Based on Article 25 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, an interested person may file an appeal against this Decision with the Court in First Instance of Sint Maarten no later than the sixth day following the date of publication of this Decision in the National Gazette.
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27 november 2015 Pagina
| 42
Decision Number: 13/2015 Date: November 17, 2015
Having Read: the application of the People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation of November 9, 2015 for registration of the People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation as a political party; Considering: that pursuant to Article 1, par. 1, introductory phrase, subsection d, of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, a political party is within the meaning of said National Ordinance an association with full legal authority established in Sint Maarten; that consequently, legal entities other than an association cannot be considered as a political party and cannot be registered as such; that pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation of March 14, 2003 which were submitted to the Electoral Council, the People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation is a foundation and therefore cannot be registered as a political party. In view of: Article 19, par. 3 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties;
HAS DECIDED Article 1 The application of the People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation of November 9, 2015 for registration in the register of political parties, as referred to in Article 14, par. 2 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties is denied.
Article 2 This Decision shall enter into force with effect from the day following the date of publication thereof in the National Gazette and shall be retroactive until November 17, 2015. Article 3 This Decision shall be published in the National Gazette and in one or more local daily newspapers.
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
Copies -
| 43
hereof to be forwarded to: The Minister of General Affairs The General Audit Chamber The Central Voting Bureau The People’s Progressive Alliance Foundation
Sint Maarten, November 17, 2015
B.G. Hofman Chairman
G.C. Richardson-Nicolaas Member
L.A. Richardson Member
Based on Article 25 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, an interested party may file an appeal against this Decision with the Court in First Instance of Sint Maarten no later than the sixth day following the date of publication of this Decision in the National Gazette.
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Upon this sixth day of November of the year two thousand fifteen came and appeared before me, Luz-Marie Dieudonnee Tuitt, a candidate notary (hereinafter to be referred to as “the notary”), residing on Sint Maarten, legally deputizing for Meredith Maritza Boekhoudt, civil law notary on Sint Maarten: ----------------------------1. Ms. ANDREA DEIRDRE ALEXANDRA ORTEGA, born OUDHOFF, a senior project manager, residing at Chincherry Road 59, Pointe Blanche, Sint Maarten, born in Heiloo, the Netherlands, on May 25, 1975, according to her declaration married; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Ms. NATASHA SOLANGE ALEJANDRA ORTEGA, a cargo marketing and sales manager, residing at Buckhole Estate 21, Belvedere, Sint Maarten, born on Sint Maarten, formerly the Netherlands Antilles, on March 6, 1980, according to her declaration not married and never been married; and -------------------------------3. Ms. TAMMY AUDREY RICHARDSON, born RICHARDSON, a program manager, residing at Valley Estate Road 97, Valley Estate, Sint Maarten, born on Aruba, formerly the Netherlands Antilles, on February 12, 1974, according to her declaration married. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The appearers declared to herewith establish an Association and to lay down the following Articles of Association: --------------------------------------------------------------------Article 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME AND SEAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Association, further also to be referred to as “the Association”, “the Party” or “the Movement”, bears the name: “ST. MAARTEN DEVELOPMENT MOVEMENT”, which can be abbreviated as “SDM”. --------------------------------------2. The Association has its statutory seat on Sint Maarten. ----------------------------------Article 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DURATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Association is established for an indefinite period of time. ------------------------------Article 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONVICTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Party believes that political movement should be guided by the rule of law, justice, transparency and good governance. -----------------------------------------------------The Party is also guided by the ideology of the founding father Benjamin Agall Albertus Ortega. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OBJECTIVES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The objectives of the Party are: ----------------------------------------------------------------a. To pursue the implementation of the political program of the Movement through those of its Members elected to Parliament and positions in government. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. To carry out short, middle and long term goals from its political program that are achievable based on actual resources rather than promises. -----------------c. To foster political stability, national consciousness and unity. ----------------------d. To foster an innovative mindset amongst the people of Sint Maarten in order to enable positive change. -------------------------------------------------------------------e. To protect and promote our culture. -------------------------------------------------------f. To establish a more divers and vibrant economy with job opportunities for all through exercising positions of governance. --------------------------------------------g. To promote sustainable development. ----------------------------------------------------h. To better and strengthen existing government and private institutions by investing in, and thus empowering the people of Sint Maarten. --------------------i. To increase the general safety through exercising positions of governance and therefore safeguard the investors climate. ------------------------------------------
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j. To promote views that improve prospects of long term health and well-being. k. To achieve the objectives of the Movement without any form of discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, gender, nationality or disability. --------------l. To cooperate with political parties and organizations whose objectives are in harmony with those of the Movement. ----------------------------------------------------Article 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEANS TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES -------------------------------------------------------The St. Maarten Development Movement strives to achieve its objectives by: ----------a. Participating in parliamentary elections; ------------------------------------------------------b. Presenting candidates who declare to accept the views and program of the Party. c. Convening meetings, conferences lectures and all utilizing all other means of public contact in order to inform the public. --------------------------------------------------d. Distributing printed materials and utilizing all forms of media, both on- and off-line to inform the public, and ---------------------------------------------------------------------------e. All other legally permissible means. ------------------------------------------------------------Article 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNDS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The funds of the St. Maarten Development Movement shall consist of: --------------a. Enrollment fees and dues of Ordinary and Supporting Members; -----------------b. Donations; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c. All other legally obtained revenues; -------------------------------------------------------2. Enrollment fees and dues are established by the General Membership Meeting upon proposal by the Board and are subject to revision from time to time. The fees are due on acceptance as Ordinary Member or Supporting Member. Further elucidation in connection with dues to be paid will be regulated in the By Laws. ---Article 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Membership of the Association consists of the following categories: ------------a. Ordinary Members; these are natural persons who are eligible to vote in the parliamentary elections of Sint Maarten. -------------------------------------------------b. Non-Voting Members; these are natural persons younger than eighteen (18) years of age and are a supporter of the St. Maarten Development Movement, but who do not have voting rights. ---------------------------------------------------------Non-Voting Members may serve on a committee, but may not be appointed to the Board. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Members must be accepted by the Board of the St. Maarten Development Movement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Association can further set guidelines in the By-Laws. If a decision is made not to accept a person as a member, the reasons for this refusal must be stated in a letter to the person, who then may appeal to the Advisory Council. ----------------3. An Ordinary Member and a Non-Voting Member of the Association cannot at the same time be a member of another political organization nor at the same time be a candidate of any other political organization. In case such a situation arises the member will be informed in writing that this is in violation of this constitution and he/she must decide whether to remain a member of the St. Maarten Development Movement or terminate his/her membership at once. -------------------------------------Article 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TERMINATION MEMBERSHIP ----------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Membership ends: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------a. by death of the individual member; --------------------------------------------------------b. by written notice of termination by the member to the Board; ----------------------c. upon notice of termination in writing by the Board to the member; ----------------d. by expulsion of the member by the Board in the case where the member acts in
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contravention of the articles of this constitution, the regulations or resolutions of the Association or if the member does injury to the Association in an unreasonable way; --------------------------------------------------------------------e. by cancellation of the Non-Voting Membership by the General Membership Meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. A member, whose membership has been terminated for not paying contribution for a period indicated in the By-Laws can be dismissed and/or expelled as stipulated in the aforementioned By-Laws. ---------------------------------------------------Article 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING/PARTY CONGRESS --------------------------------Each year at least one PARTY CONGRESS is held, during the third quarter of the year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. In the said meeting the following shall be done: --------------------------------------------a. The Auditing Committee shall give its report; -------------------------------------------b. The Treasurer shall give a financial report of the preceding fiscal year; ---------c. The Secretary shall give the annual report concerning the foregoing fiscal year; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d. The President shall also give the annual report concerning the foregoing fiscal year; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e. The Party Leader shall give an annual report. ------------------------------------------f. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled if needed; --------------------------------------g. A new Auditing Committee and Advisory Council will be elected. Members of the Board may not be members of the Auditing Committee or of the Advisory Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------h. The Board shall present a report of the activities for the upcoming year. -------2. Special General Membership Meetings shall be held as frequently as the Board deems fit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. General Membership Meetings shall be convened in writing at least seven (7) working days prior to the meeting itself. The proposed agenda must be simultaneously made known to the members. ----------------------------------------------In cases of urgency the Board may deviate from the term of seven (7) days, but must adhere to a minimum of four (4) days. -------------------------------------------------4. Special General Membership Meetings can also be held at the request of at least such a number of members as shall be competent to cast ten percent (10%) of the votes in a General Membership Meeting. ------------------------------------------------5. In the event the Board neglects to honor such a request within two (2) weeks, the members shall be entitled to convene said Special General Membership Meeting themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. General Membership Meetings shall be valid if there is a quorum, which means that more than half of the voting members are present. If at this meeting there is no quorum then a second meeting must be convened with the same agenda, which meeting is to be held within not less than one (1) week and not more than three (3) weeks. In this second meeting the topics to be dealt with can be decided upon if one third (1/3) of the voting members are present. If less than one third (1/3) of the voting members are present in this second meeting then the Board can take a decision if the Board has a quorum. --------------------------------------------7. All resolutions are taken by simple majority of the votes cast unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution. -----------------------------------------------------------------8. Only Ordinary Members have the right to vote. ---------------------------------------------9. Voting on matters is done verbally, voting on persons in writing through unsigned ballots. In case of doubt, the Board shall decide whether there is a case of persons or matters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Abstentions and blank ballots shall not be considered as votes cast. ------------------
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11. If an appointment is voted upon, the person who has obtained the absolute majority of the votes cast, is held to be elected. --------------------------------------------In the event that nobody has obtained such a majority, a second ballot shall be taken between the two persons who have obtained the greatest number of votes. If more than two persons have obtained the same number of votes and at the same time, the greatest number of the votes cast, then a second ballot is taken between the two of those persons elected thereto by lot. --------------------------------12. The President, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Board or their respective substitutes shall also act as such at the General Membership Meeting. -------------Article 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE BOARD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Board consists of a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of seven (7) persons. The minimum of five (5) comprise the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and one (1) board member. ------------------------------------------2. With the exception of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, the board members may hold two (2) functions on the Board. ---------------------------------------3. The duties assigned to the abovementioned functions are, but not limited to what is mentioned hereafter: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------a. President: proposes policies in line with the Association’s objectives, ensures that the board conducts its business effectively and efficiently thereto making necessary decisions and ensuring that action thereto is taken, presides at all meetings of the Board and General Membership Meetings, establishes the agenda for meetings of the Board and serves as a contact to the Party Congress. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Secretary: keeps documentation that will reflect when, why and how the Board’s decisions were executed and will therefore record accurate minutes of Board meetings as well as General Membership Meetings and ensure the distribution of the minutes and the approval thereof. Furthermore the Secretary will give timely notice of any meetings. -------------------------------------c. The Treasurer is responsible for the proper management and reporting of the Association’s funds, the maintenance and oversight of bank accounts and financial transactions thereto, establishes budgets and financial policies. ------4. The Board will remain legally constituted even when the number of Board members drops below five (5), but in such a case the vacancies should be filled within thirty (30) days. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------5. In case of impediment or default of all Board members, the Association shall be temporarily managed by two (2) persons designated thereto by the General Membership Meeting. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Board members are elected from the Ordinary Members by the General Membership Meeting and must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older. ----------Article 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPRESENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Association shall judicially and extra-judicially be jointly represented by the President and the Treasurer, or the President and the Secretary, or the Treasurer and the Secretary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TERMINATION BOARD MEMBERSHIP ---------------------------------------------------------1. Members of the Board are elected in function for a period of two (2) years, but the General Membership Meeting can suspend and/or dismiss a Board member in accordance with the manner stipulated herein and in the By-Laws. -------------------2. Membership to the Board ends by: -------------------------------------------------------------a. Death; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Resignation (in writing). A notice of three (3) months must be observed; -------c. Expiration of the above mentioned term; -------------------------------------------------d. Irrevocable bankruptcy, the loss in any way of the free management of own capacity
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or capital of one of the members, as well as being put under trusteeship; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e. Dismissal granted General Membership Meeting; -------------------------------------f. Dissolution and liquidation of the Association; ------------------------------------------3. Outgoing Board members are immediately eligible for re-election. --------------------Article 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOARD MEETINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Board meetings shall be held as frequently as the President or at least two (2) Board members deems necessary, but at least once (1) every month. --------------2. Board Meetings shall be valid if more than half of the Board members are present. If at this meeting more than half of the members are not present, a second meeting must be convened with the same agenda, which meeting is to be held not less than forty-eight (48) hours and not more than seven (7) days after the first meeting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If in this second meeting there is no quorum, valid resolutions can still be adopted if at least three (3) Board members are present, of which at least the President. --Article 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVISORY COUNCIL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. There is an Advisory Council, which has as task to advise the Board and the committees on behalf of the Party Congress or the General Membership Meeting. 2. The Advisory Council will advise upon request or at its own initiative. ----------------3. The Advisory Council shall consist of three members appointed by the Party Congress. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The Advisory Council is chaired by a chairperson who is elected every other year at the annual Party Congress. The chairperson is appointed for a period of two (2) years. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. The Advisory Council shall meet at least once a quarter. --------------------------------Article 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PARTY LEADER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Association has a Party Leader, who is entrusted with the political leadership of the St. Maarten Development Movement. -------------------------------------------------2. The Party Leader is a member of the Board and in this capacity acts as the executive advisor of the Board. -----------------------------------------------------------------3. The Party Leader is chosen from the Ordinary Members by the Party Congress. -4. The Party Leader shall in principle be the person heading the list of candidates for the parliamentary elections on Sint Maarten. ------------------------------------------------5. The procedure for choosing a Party Leader shall be established in the By-Laws. -6. For the first time the Party Leader will be appointed by the Board. --------------------Article 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POLITICAL PROGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Board of the St. Maarten Development Movement will establish its manifesto and present it to the General Membership Meeting ultimo on Postulation Day. ---------------The Party Congress is charged with establishing the political program and the election program for the elections for the Parliament of Sint Maarten. ---------------------Article 17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CANDIDATES LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Only Ordinary Members are eligible for nomination. ---------------------------------------2. The Nominating Committee is charged with the task of comprising a list of candidates for the parliamentary elections. --------------------------------------------------3. The Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of the Party Leader, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee and the Chairman of the Campaign Committee. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The Party Leader is the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. ---------------------5. These nominees will be approved by the Board and then presented to the General
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Membership Meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------Article 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOMINATING COMMITTEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------The Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee charged with the selection of candidates to represent the Movement in parliamentary elections. This committee is installed at the latest six (6) months prior to the election. -------------------------------------Article 19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Board shall appoint a Campaign Committee charged with the planning and execution of a campaign. This committee is installed at the latest six (6) months prior to the election. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. The Campaign Committee must include at least the Political Leader, and the President and Treasurer of the Board of the St. Maarten Development Movement. 3. The Campaign Committee must submit a budget to the Board for approval. -------Article 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMITTEES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The General Membership Meeting and the Board may also establish other Permanent or Ad Hoc Committees and regulate their tasks as well as the manner of their functioning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The Board shall render periodical reports to the General Meeting concerning the activities of the Committees. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Article 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BY-LAWS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other stipulations regarding the organization and management of the St. Maarten Development Movement shall be dealt with by the By-Laws, as far as not herein contained. The By-Laws shall not contain any stipulations conflicting with this Constitution of the Association. In matters not regulated in the Constitution, the By-Laws, and other resolutions of the General Meeting, the Board shall decide. –----------Article 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION ---------------------------------------------------------1. This Constitution shall be amendable only in a special General Membership Meeting especially convened for such purpose and wherein at least two/thirds (2/3) of the Ordinary Members with voting rights is present and the amendment is approved by at least two/thirds (2/3) of the votes cast. -----------------------------------2. In the event the required number of Ordinary members is not present at the time of this special General Membership Meeting, within not less than one (1) week and not more than four (4) weeks thereafter, a special meeting can be convened again for such purpose and wherein more than half of the Ordinary Members with voting rights is present, and the amendment can then be approved by simple majority vote. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. If at this second meeting there is no quorum then a third meeting will be convened with the same agenda, which meeting is to be held within not less than one (1) week and not more than two (2) weeks thereafter, without a quorum being necessary, and the amendment can then be approved by simple majority vote. --Article 23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISSOLUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION ---------------------------------------------------------1. A resolution to dissolve the Association requires the same number of votes and the same quorum as required for a resolution to amend the articles of this constitution; the paragraphs of article 21 are likewise applicable. ---------------------2. In case of a resolution as meant in paragraph 1. of this article, the Board will nominate charitable organizations in line with the ideology of the Party to allocate the positive balance of the Association. The General Membership Meeting shall then vote for the charitable organizations presented. -------------------------------------The paragraphs of article 21. are likewise applicable to this last mentioned resolution; ---
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. After a resolution as meant sub 1., the Board is in charge of the liquidation, but the Board may appoint one or more liquidator(s). ------------------------------------------The provisions of these Articles of this Association remain in force as much as possible during the liquidation. ------------------------------------------------------------------4. The liquidation will furthermore be effected with due observance of the provisions of the applicable articles of the Civil Code of Sint Maarten ------------------------------Article 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FISCAL YEAR AND REPORTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------1. The fiscal year of the Association runs from January first up to and including December thirty-first of each year. --------------------------------------------------------------2. Per the end of each fiscal year the books of the Association are closed. ------------3. Within three (3) months after the end of the fiscal year – subject to any extension of this term by the General Membership Meeting - the Board shall present in a General Membership Meeting an annual report on the course of the business of the Association and the management conducted. The Board shall submit the annual accounts, consisting of at least a balance sheet and a statement of assets and liabilities and an explanatory memorandum with respect to these documents, to the meeting for approval. ---------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL PROVISIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The appearers furthermore declared that: ---------------------------------------------------------- the first fiscal year of the Association runs from the commencement of its activities up to and including December 31, 2016; ------------------------------------------------------ that in deviation from the above mention in article - as far as concerns the manner of appointment - the present Board members of the Association are: ----------------1. Ms. ANDREA DEIRDRE ALEXANDRA ORTEGA-OUDHOFF, abovementioned as Vice-President; -----------------------------------------------------2. Ms. TAMMY AUDREY RICHARDSON-RICHARDSON, abovementioned as Secretary; and ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Ms. NATASHA SOLANGE ALEJANDRA ORTEGA, abovementioned, as Treasurer; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------who have all accepted their appointment. ---------------------------------------------------------The appearers are known to me, civil law notary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREOF THIS DEED has been executed in one original copy on Sint Maarten, on the date mentioned in the heading hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After relating the substance of this deed to the appearers, they unanimously declared to have examined the contents of this deed and not to require a full reading thereof. -Then after a summary reading of this deed, it was signed by the appearers and by me, civil law notary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(w.s.) A. Ortega-Oudhoff, N. Ortega, T. Richardson-Richardson, L. Tuitt. ----------------ISSUED FOR TRUE COPY
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Upon this twenty-eight day of May ---------------------------------------------------in the year two thousand and fourteen, came -------------------------------------and appeared before me, Henry Parisius, -------------------------------------------formerly a civil law notary on Sint Maarten, ----------------------------------------by these presents acting as substituting civil ----------------------------------------law notary on Sint Maarten, designated thereto -----------------------------------by the President of the Common Court of ------------------------------------------Justice of Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten and of ------------------------------------Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, hereinafter --------------------------------------referred to as “civil law notary”. -------------------------------------------------------1.
Mr. CHARLES JEFFREY RICHARDSON, born in ---------------------------Sint Maarten on March twenty-fourth, -----------------------------------nineteen hundred sixty-five, residing at -----------------------------------Bush Road 50, Sint Maarten, according to --------------------------------his declaration single, of Dutch ----------------------------------------------nationality, who identified himself with ----------------------------------a Kingdom of the Netherlands passport, ----------------------------------issued on Sint Maarten, a copy of which ----------------------------------passport remains in the safekeeping of -----------------------------------me, civil law notary. -------------------------------------------------------------
Ms. AMEERA SHAQUANA ETHEL GROENEVELDT, ----------------------born on Aruba on October thirteenth, ------------------------------------nineteen hundred eighty-three, residing ---------------------------------at Bleeding Heart Road 5, Saunders, Sint ---------------------------------Maarten, according to her declaration ------------------------------------single, of Dutch nationality, who --------------------------------------------identified himself with a Kingdom of the ---------------------------------Netherlands passport, issued on Sint --------------------------------------Maarten, a copy of which passport remains ------------------------------in the safekeeping of me, civil law ------------------------------------------notary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mrs. SHERMINA ELFRIDA POWELL born ----------------------------------RICHARDSON, born on Sint Maarten, on ---------------------------------August eighteenth, nineteen hundred -------------------------------------sixty-two, residing at Welgelegen Drive -----------------------------------7, 2 apartment-A, Cayhill, Sint Maarten, ----------------------------------according to her declaration married, of ----------------------------------Dutch nationality, who identified himself ---------------------------------with a Kingdom of the Netherlands -----------------------------------------
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passport, issued on Sint Maarten, a copy ---------------------------------of which passport remains in the -------------------------------------------safekeeping of me, civil law notary. ----------------------------------------4.
Mr. MICHAEL URBAIN RIVERS, born on -----------------------------------Curacao on October nineteenth, nineteen -------------------------------hundred fifty-four, residing at Almond ------------------------------------Grove, Sint Maarten, according to his -------------------------------------declaration single, of Dutch nationality, -----------------------------------who identified himself with a Kingdom of --------------------------------the Netherlands passport, issued on Sint ---------------------------------Maarten, a copy of which passport remains ------------------------------in the safekeeping of me, civil law ------------------------------------------notary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The appearers, acting as aforementioned hereby ---------------------------------declare to incorporate an Association, which --------------------------------------will be ruled by the following articles of ---------------------------------------------incorporation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Association bears the name: ------------------------------------------------------CONCORDIA POLITICAL ALLIANCE (CPA) --------------------------------------abbreviated as “CPA” and for the purpose of ----------------------------------------------this constitution to also to be referred to as --------------------------------------------------the “Party” or “Association”. ------------------------------------------------------------------SEAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Party is established on Sint Maarten. ---------------------------------------------------DURATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Party is established for an indefinite --------------------------------------------period of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------FISCAL YEAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The fiscal year of the Association runs from ----------------------------------------January first up to and including December ----------------------------------------thirty-first of each calendar year. ------------------------------------------------------OBJECTIVES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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The objectives of the Party are: --------------------------------------------------------1.
To promote in the widest sense of the word --------------------------------humanitarian-oriented topics, hold -------------------------------------------meetings and distribute information -----------------------------------------including all activities related to -----------------------------------------------selecting, recruiting, training, promoting ------------------------------------and placement of political candidates to ------------------------------------participate in political elections on Sint --------------------------------------Maarten. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------2. The Association will uphold the ----------------------------------------------------constitution of Sint Maarten, while -------------------------------------------placing honest and competent political --------------------------------------candidates from the Political Alliance ----------------------------------------Party of Sint Maarten into parliament and ----------------------------------ministries and promote the cause of -----------------------------------------democracy and good governance while -------------------------------------observing all constitutional laws, human ------------------------------------rights requirements and international ---------------------------------------treaties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. To provide support and charitable services --------------------------------------to the community of Sint Maarten by ----------------------------------------promoting, sponsoring, initiating, ---------------------------------------------affiliating and cooperating with other ----------------------------------------entities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------WAYS AND MEANS -----------------------------------------------------------------------Article 6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Party shall achieve its objectives through --------------------------------------all legal ways and means and in particular, -----------------------------------------but not limited thereto by: --------------------------------------------------------------1.
Participating in elections for public -------------------------------------------office, whereby at least four (4) weeks --------------------------------------before each election its political program -----------------------------------will be made known to the general public. ----------------------------------The Party will submit a list of ---------------------------------------------------candidates, after a selection from ----------------------------------------------
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nominations of the General Membership -----------------------------------Meeting, made during a meeting of the -------------------------------------General Membership, convened for this ------------------------------------purpose. (Prospective) Candidates must be --------------------------------Members of the Party, declare to abide by ---------------------------------this constitution and other Party ----------------------------------------------regulations and directives. Every election -----------------------------------year, the Party will decide on a maximum ----------------------------------amount of candidates. -----------------------------------------------------------The Party can jointly with (an) other -----------------------------------------Party(ties) submit a list of candidates on-------------------------------------the basis of an Memorandum of -----------------------------------------------Understanding between Parties. ----------------------------------------------2.
4. 5.
Convening internal and public meetings, ------------------------------------organizing conferences, seminars, --------------------------------------------congresses, assemblies, contact meetings ----------------------------------and forums. -------------------------------------------------------------------------The use of television, radio, newspapers, -----------------------------------press conferences electronic and social -------------------------------------media or any other legal innovative form -----------------------------------of communication in the future. -----------------------------------------------Publishing and distributing of pamphlets. -----------------------------------Publishing, printing and distributing its --------------------------------------own internal information paper. ----------------------------------------------Every election year, as much as possible ------------------------------------simultaneously with its candidates’ list, -------------------------------------the Party will publicize its Party’s ----------------------------------------------political program, manifesto and vision -- -----------------------------------for St. Maarten. --------------------------------------------------------------------Affiliation with different international ---------------------------------------political organizations with the same -----------------------------------------ideology. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------All other legally permissible means. -------------------------------------------
MEMBERS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Membership of the Association consists ------------------------------------of the following categories: ------------------------------------------------------
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a. Ordinary Members; -----------------------------------------------------------b. Honorary Members; ----------------------------------------------------------c. Extra-ordinary Members; ----------------------------------------------------d. Aspiring Members. ------------------------------------------------------------2.1
Ordinary Members must: --------------------------------------------------------a. be an inhabitant of Sint Maarten and -------------------------------------have the right to vote; ------------------------------------------------------------b. have a minimum age of eighteen years; ----------------------------------c. have no affiliation with any other ------------------------------------------political Party or Association of this -------------------------------------------same nature; ------------------------------------------------------------------------d. be willing to adhere to the articles of --------------------------------------the constitution of the Association and --------------------------------------its By-laws if any. -------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2 The Party board, in accordance with the ---------------------------------------By-Laws if any, shall decide on the --------------------------------------------admission of Ordinary Members. ----------------------------------------------3.
Honorary Members are those who have been -----------------------------of exceptional services to the Party in ---------------------------------------particular and for Sint Maarten in ---------------------------------------------general. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Extra-ordinary Members are those who -------------------------------------reside or do not reside on the island of --------------------------------------Sint Maarten. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Extra-ordinary Members are appointed by ---------------------------------the National Council. -------------------------------------------------------------Extra-ordinary Members carry a -----------------------------------------------consultative voice in Party affairs. ---------------------------------------------5. Aspiring Members, are persons who share -----------------------------------the ideology and support the objectives of ----------------------------------the Party, but who are limited by ---------------------------------------------(waiting) time to qualify as full fledged --------------------------------------Members. (Youth Members naturalization ----------------------------------
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candidates, etcetera). ------------------------------------------------------------Aspiring Members shall be introduced by a --------------------------------full fledged member in good standing. 6.
Members have to be accepted as such by the Board of the Party, in accordance with the ----------------------------------guidelines determined in the By-Laws if -------------------------------------any. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THE ENDING OR INTERRUPTION OF MEMBERSHIP ------------------------------Article 8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.
Membership ends: ----------------------------------------------------------------a. By death; --------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Upon notice in writing by the member to --------------------------------the board which can take place at any ---------------------------------------time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------c. In the case that a member does not ---------------------------------------comply any longer with the requirements as -------------------------------mentioned in the previous article 7, and ------------------------------------also when it cannot reasonably be required --------------------------------of the Association that it causes the ------------------------------------------Membership to continue in effect. In such ----------------------------------a case the Board will confirm the ----------------------------------------------termination of the concerned member in -----------------------------------writing mentioning the reasons of the ---------------------------------------measure. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------d. By expulsion or termination of the ----------------------------------------Membership by the Board in accordance with -----------------------------the Civil Code. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Membership interrupted: -----------------------------------------------------------a. When a member is suspended for -----------------------------------------disciplinary reasons as laid down in the -------------------------------------By-Laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Or when a member so desires and so -------------------------------------expresses in writing for valid and -----------------------------------------------
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acceptable reasons. ---------------------------------------------------------------(In the case of travel, transfers, ------------------------------------------------etcetera.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------3. General procedures of interruption/ ---------------------------------------------termination: -------------------------------------------------------------------------a. Any notice of suspension, expulsion or -----------------------------------termination of Membership by the Board ----------------------------------------must be in writing and substantiated with ----------------------------------the reasons for which the member is being --------------------------------penalized. This writing must be sent by -------------------------------------------registered mail or fax or by licensed ------------------------------------------courier or marshal within a month of the -----------------------------------decision of the Board. When a member has --------------------------------been suspended or expelled or his/her --------------------------------------Membership terminated, he/she may appeal ------------------------------to the Committee of Disputes. This appeal ---------------------------------must be submitted in writing within a ---------------------------------------month after the written suspension, -----------------------------------------expulsion or termination has been received --------------------------------by the member concerned. A member whose -----------------------------Membership has been interrupted for not ----------------------------------paying his/her Membership dues for more ---------------------------------than a year, can only be reinstated if and ------------------------------------when the outstanding contributions have ----------------------------------been paid up in full. ---------------------------------------------------------------b. When a member tenders his/her ------------------------------------------resignation to the Board, this notice of --------------------------------------resignation does not absolve this member ---------------------------------of the obligation to pay contribution in --------------------------------------arrears or current up until the official ----------------------------------------ending of his/her Membership. ------------------------------------------------4. A member of the Party who is also a member ----------------------------------of a Representative Body or who by means --------------------------------of succession is eligible for a position ----------------------------------------on a Representative Body, must at the --------------------------------------termination of his/her Party Membership, ---------------------------------relinquish his/her position in the -----------------------------------------------
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Representative Body or must decline the -----------------------------------acceptance of said position. ----------------------------------------------------FUNDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The funds of the Party shall be derived from: --------------------------------------1.a. Enrollment fees, contributions, and other dues from Members; ------------------------------------------------------------------b. Donations; --------------------------------------------------------------------------c. Fundraising events; ---------------------------------------------------------------d. All other income permitted by Law. ------------------------------------------2. Enrollment fees and contributions are --------------------------------------------established by the General Meeting of -----------------------------------------Members upon proposal by the Board and are -------------------------------subject to revision from time to time. These ----------------------------------fees are due upon the official acceptance of-----------------------------------a member. At the discretion of the Board the ---------------------------------enrollment fees and other Membership dues --------------------------------can be paid in installments. --------------------------------------------------------3. With regard to finances the Party shall at ----------------------------------------all times adhere to the rules and -------------------------------------------------regulations of the National Ordinance of --------------------------------------Registration and finances of political --------------------------------------------parties (AB 210.GT No: 11). --------------------------------------------------------4. The Treasurer is in charge of the financial ----------------------------------------management. -------------------------------------------------------------------------THE GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS. ---------------------------------------------THE NATIONAL COUNCIL. ---------------------------------------------------------------Article 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.
Each year an Annual General Meeting of ----------------------------------Members (also to be called the "National -----------------------------------Council”) will be held at the latest in -----------------------------------------the month of June. -----------------------------------------------------------------
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In said meeting the following topics will -------------------------------------be part of the agenda and will be dealt --------------------------------------with: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. The annual board report, to be ---------------------------------------------presented by the President and -----------------------------------------------highlighting the important past year's ---------------------------------------events and developments and setting ---------------------------------------targets for the coming year; ----------------------------------------------------b. The annual report of the Secretary ----------------------------------------General; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------c. The annual financial report, by the -----------------------------------------Treasurer; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------d. Report by the Auditing Committee; ---------------------------------------e. Elections for vacancies on the Board; -------------------------------------f. Appointment of new Members of the -------------------------------------Auditing Committee; --------------------------------------------------------------g. Appointment of new Members of the ------------------------------------Committee of Disputes. ----------------------------------------------------------Members of the Board may not be a member -----------------------------of the Auditing Committee or a member of --------------------------------the Committee of Disputes. ------------------------------------------------------
Ordinary or Extra-ordinary General Members ------------------------------Meetings shall be held whenever a -------------------------------------------situation arises, in which the Board deems ----------------------------------it necessary or responsibly called for to -------------------------------------inform the Members on important matters or -----------------------------developments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
General Meetings shall be convened in --------------------------------------writing and published in one or more local ----------------------------------daily newspapers at least fourteen (14) -------------------------------------days prior to the meeting itself. The ------------------------------------------agenda must be made known simultaneously. ----------------------------Topics for the meeting which have been ------------------------------------submitted to the Board in due time and -------------------------------------which can be prepared for announcement ---------------------------------with due observance of the term to convene --------------------------------
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the meeting, shall be mentioned or be part ---------------------------------of the convocation. ----------------------------------------------------------------In cases of urgency the Board may reduce ----------------------------------the notice term of fourteen (14) days to ------------------------------------seven (7) days as long as the intentions -------------------------------------and objectives of the Meeting are not ---------------------------------------hampered or frustrated. ---------------------------------------------------------5.
Special General Meetings can also be ----------------------------------------called at the request of at least one ------------------------------------------third (1/3) of the Ordinary Members and/or --------------------------------Voting Members be done in writing with a ---------------------------------proposed agenda and signed by those ---------------------------------------requesting the meeting; providing that all -----------------------------------who signed will be present as quorum when -------------------------------the meeting is opened. If there is no -----------------------------------------quorum to carry the agenda during the -------------------------------------meeting, then the board may postpone this -------------------------------meeting until further notice. -----------------------------------------------------
In the event that the Board neglects or --------------------------------------declines to honor a request for a special ------------------------------------General Meeting (as referred to under --------------------------------------article, 10, sub. 5.) for more than ---------------------------------------------fourteen days, then the Members shall be ---------------------------------entitled to convene a special General ----------------------------------------Meeting themselves as stipulated in the ------------------------------------By-Laws. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To be valid, the quorum of a General -----------------------------------------Meeting during attendance must amount to -------------------------------at least one third (1/3) of the total --------------------------------------------voting Membership. --------------------------------------------------------------If during this first gathering the ------------------------------------------------attendance is less than one third (1/3) of ------------------------------------the voting Membership, then a second --------------------------------------meeting with the same agenda must be -------------------------------------convened and in accordance with paragraph ------------------------------4. of this article. --------------------------------------------------------------------This second meeting is to be held within a ----------------------------------time frame of not less than one (1) week -----------------------------------and not more than three (3) weeks. In this -----------------------------------
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second meeting the agenda topics can be ----------------------------------dealt with and decided upon regardless of ---------------------------------the number of voting Members present at ---------------------------------this meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------8.
All resolutions are taken by majority of --------------------------------------the votes cast, unless otherwise provided ----------------------------------for in this constitution. ------------------------------------------------------------
Voting on matters shall be done verbally, -----------------------------------voting on persons shall be done in --------------------------------------------writing, through "sealed" (secret) and ---------------------------------------unsigned ballots. In case of doubt, the ---------------------------------------Board shall decide whether there is a case ----------------------------------of persons or matters. -------------------------------------------------------------
Abstentions and blank ballots shall not be-----------------------------------considered as votes cast. ---------------------------------------------------------
11. If an appointment is voted upon, the --------------------------------------------person who has obtained the absolute --------------------------------------majority of the votes cast, is held to be --------------------------------------elected. In the event that nobody has ----------------------------------------obtained such a majority, a final run-off -------------------------------------ballot shall be taken between the two (2) -----------------------------------persons who have obtained the largest --------------------------------------number of votes. If more than two (2) ---------------------------------------persons have qualified for the final run- -------------------------------------off ballot, then an interim run-off ballot -------------------------------------will take place. If necessary more than --------------------------------------one interim ballot shall be held to --------------------------------------------determine the two (2) candidates for the -----------------------------------final run-off ballot. If in a final ballot ------------------------------------------both persons should obtain the same number -----------------------------of votes, lots shall be drawn to determine-----------------------------------the winner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------This principle of selection is also -----------------------------------------------applicable in the event of a deadlock of -------------------------------------votes to select and determine the second ----------------------------------candidate who has to qualify for a run-off -----------------------------------election. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE BOARD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Article 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The task of the Board is to -----------------------------------------------------------administratively run the Party in a --------------------------------------------responsible way. Furthermore it is among ----------------------------------others the task of the Board to make it --------------------------------------possible for the Party's Membership in --------------------------------------particular and the community in general to ---------------------------------interact with its political elected -----------------------------------------------Members, to build and maintain an ever ------------------------------------expanding support base for these elected ----------------------------------Members wherever possible so that they can ------------------------------carry out their tasks and assignments ----------------------------------------responsibly and independently according to --------------------------------the Sint Maarten constitution, according -----------------------------------to the Law, according to their Conscience ----------------------------------and their Oath of Office. ---------------------------------------------------------2.
The Board consists of a maximum of eleven --------------------------------(11) persons to with: Nine (9) elected ----------------------------------------Board Members being: -----------------------------------------------------------The President, the Secretary-General, the ----------------------------------Treasurer, these three (3) forming the ---------------------------------------Executive Board. -------------------------------------------------------------------The Vice-President, the Deputy Secretary- ----------------------------------General, the Deputy Treasurer and three -----------------------------------(3) Commissioners. ----------------------------------------------------------------The position of President and Vice---------------------------------------------President will automatically be filled by -------------------------------------the Party Leader; the position of Vice- ----------------------------------------President will be automatically filled by -------------------------------------the Deputy Party Leader. ---------------------------------------------------------
3. Board Members are elected from the Ordinary ---------------------------------Members and by the General Meeting of -----------------------------------Members, which election will take place ------------------------------------during the Annual General Meeting of ---------------------------------------Members. The candidates must be at least ---------------------------------eighteen (18) years of age on the day of ------------------------------------postulation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------4.
Members of the Board are elected in -----------------------------------------
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function for a period of two (2) years. ---------------------------------------5.
The General Meeting of Members can suspend ----------------------------and/or dismiss a Board member. -----------------------------------------------
A board member who has been elected to a -------------------------------Representative Body of Government and -----------------------------------accepts his/her office, has to vacate ------------------------------------------his/her board position unless given -------------------------------------------dispensation by the General Meeting. ----------------------------------------
In deviation from the statutory ------------------------------------------------stipulations in this constitution, interim --------------------------------------or founding Board Members, interim or -------------------------------------"start-up" committees and committee --------------------------------------Members, etcetera will remain in function ---------------------------------until at such time it will be reasonably ---------------------------------------possible to fully apply the regulations of -------------------------------------this constitution, but within one year of -------------------------------------the first annual General Meeting of ------------------------------------------Members. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The results of Board Member elections as ----------------------------------stipulated in the paragraphs of this -------------------------------------------article will be duly recorded by the -------------------------------------------Election Committee in an official ----------------------------------------------procedure report (proces verbaal). Board -----------------------------------member candidates who have not been ------------------------------------elected during the last election, will be --------------------------------------instituted as reserve board Members, ---------------------------------------ranking according to the amount of votes ----------------------------------they accumulated during the last Board -------------------------------------election. These reserve Board Members will --------------------------------be ranked according to the amount of votes --------------------------------they accumulated during their first -------------------------------------------original ballot count. The votes a ----------------------------------------------candidate received during an interim or -------------------------------------final run-off ballot will not be --------------------------------------------------applicable. A reserve Board member will be --------------------------------a replacement for a retiring, resigning, --------------------------------------suspended or dismissed board member in the -----------------------------order as stipulated by this constitution --------------------------------------or further supplemented in the By-Laws. -----------------------------------The results of the last elections for --------------------------------------------
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Board Members automatically replaces the --------------------------------previous existing line-up of reserve Board -----------------------------------Members and their rank. --------------------------------------------------------9.
In the case that the President of the ------------------------------------------Board is unavailable or in the case of his -------------------------------------absence for whatever reason, his duties on ---------------------------------the Board will be filled by the Vice- --------------------------------------------President. If the Vice-President is ---------------------------------------------unavailable as well, these duties will be -------------------------------------filled by the Secretary-General and then ------------------------------------by the Treasurer in that order. --------------------------------------------------
10. If the President, the Secretary-General or --------------------------------------the Treasurer should resign or be ---------------------------------------------suspended or dismissed or hindered to --------------------------------------carry out their respective tasks for --------------------------------------------whatever other reason, then these Members -----------------------------will be replaced by their deputies, the ---------------------------------------Vice-President, the deputy Secretary, the -----------------------------------deputy Treasurer in that order, until the ------------------------------------next Annual General Meeting of Members and ----------------------------the then statutory elections for Board ---------------------------------------Members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------11. In such a case as mentioned under -----------------------------------------------paragraph 10. of this article, the -----------------------------------------------remaining Board within its Chambers will -----------------------------------replace the then vacant "vice or deputy" ------------------------------------position on the Board by electing one of ------------------------------------the Commissioners to that position. ------------------------------------------12. The vacant seat of Commissioner on the ---------------------------------------Board will be filled by the highest ---------------------------------------------ranking reserve Board Member and if he/she ------------------------------declines for whatever reason or does not -----------------------------------qualify then by the second highest ranking ----------------------------------reserve Board Member, etcetera until the ----------------------------------following elections. Any such appointment ---------------------------------will be initiated by the sitting Chairman -------------------------------------of the Election Committee. ------------------------------------------------------13.
Board meetings shall be held as frequently ---------------------------------as the President and/or the Board deems ------------------------------------
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this necessary for the proper functioning -----------------------------------of the Party, but at least once every ------------------------------------------month. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------14.
Board meetings shall be valid if more than ----------------------------------half of the Board Members are present. If ----------------------------------at this meeting more than half of the ----------------------------------------Members are not present, a second meeting ------------------------------must be convened with the same agenda, ----------------------------------which meeting is to be held not less than -----------------------------------forty eight (48) hours and not more than -----------------------------------seven (7) days after the first meeting, in -------------------------------------which second meeting the topics to be --------------------------------------dealt with can be decided upon regardless ---------------------------------of the number of the Board Members present -----------------------------at this meeting ----------------------------------------------------------------------
THE PARTY LEADER and THE DEPUTY LEADER -------------------------------------Article 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Party Leader is the captain of the body --------------------------------------"politique" of the Party. The Party Leader -----------------------------------will be the leader in Government, in times ----------------------------------of elections, political debates, in ----------------------------------------------political bodies, in giving key political ----------------------------------------statements and will head the political ---------------------------------------list for the elections. The Party leader ----------------------------------------shall draw up the list of candidates for --------------------------------------each Parliamentary election. ---------------------------------------------------2. The Party Leader and the Deputy Party ------------------------------------------Leader will be elected by the rank and ---------------------------------------file of the Party as specifically --------------------------------------------------stipulated in the By-Laws of the -----------------------------------------------Association. -------------------------------------------------------------------------3. In order to maintain a continuous liaison ---------------------------------------between the Executive Branch (the Board) ---------------------------------and the Elected Representatives (the ----------------------------------------political elected faction), Two (2) Board -------------------------------------member positions will be reserved for the ----------------------------------duly elected Party Leader and Deputy Party Leader. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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The Party leader shall be substituted by -------------------------------------the Deputy Party Leader in the event of -------------------------------------his absence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article 13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.
The Party shall judicially and extra- --------------------------------------------judicially be represented by the Executive -----------------------------------Board. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Executive Board shall consist of the -------------------------------------President, the Treasurer and the Secretary----------------------------------General or their respective deputies and ------------------------------------substitutes as laid down in the -------------------------------------------------constitution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND OTHER COMMITTEES. ----------------------------Article 14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.
The General Meeting of Members shall -------------------------------------appoint an advisory committee with the ------------------------------------task to advise the Bodies and Committees ----------------------------------of the Party. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Advisory committee will advise upon -----------------------------------request or at its own initiative. -------------------------------------------------Whenever the Advisory Committee has given -----------------------------any advice it shall report the same to the ------------------------------------Board simultaneously. -------------------------------------------------------------
3. The General Meeting of Members and the -------------------------------------Board shall also establish other Permanent ---------------------------------or Ad Hoc Committees and those as ------------------------------------------mentioned in the By-Laws and regulate -------------------------------------their tasks as well as the manner of their ------------------------------------functioning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------4.
These Committees will report to the Board ---------------------------------from time to time on their activities, -----------------------------------------projects and the progress thereof. The --------------------------------------Board shall render periodical reports to -------------------------------------the General Meeting of Members concerning -----------------------------the status and progress of the various ---------------------------------------Committees. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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THE BY-LAWS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other stipulations regarding the organization -------------------------------------and management of the Party, shall be dealt --------------------------------------with in the by-laws as far as not herein ----------------------------------------------contained. The by-laws shall not contain any --------------------------------------regulations conflicting with this constitution----------------------------------------of the Association. In matters not regulated ---------------------------------------in Law, the constitution, in the by-laws or by ---------------------------------------other resolutions of the General Meeting of ---------------------------------------Members, the General Meeting shall decide. --------------------------------------AMENDMENTS OF THE CONSTITUTION. --------------------------------------------Article 15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This constitution shall be amendable only in a -------------------------------------General Meeting of Members specially convened --------------------------------for such purpose and wherein at least -----------------------------------------------two/third of the Members are present and the -----------------------------------amendment is approved by at least a two/third -----------------------------------majority vote. In the event the required ---------------------------------------------number of Members is not present at the time -----------------------------------of this special general meeting, within not ------------------------------------------less than one (1) week and not more than four -----------------------------------(4) weeks thereafter a special meeting can be -------------------------------------convened wherein valid decisions can be taken, -----------------------------------regardless of the number of voting Members --------------------------------------present. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The proposal to amend the articles of this ------------------------------------------constitution should be laid down for -------------------------------------------------inspection by the Members seven (7) days prior -----------------------------------to the first general meeting in the question ----------------------------------------and until after the end of the first or in the -----------------------------------------alternative second meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------DISSOLUTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 16. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a.
A resolution to dissolve the Association -------------------------------------can be taken in a meeting specially -------------------------------------------convened for said purpose and requires the ---------------------------------
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same number of votes and the same quorum -----------------------------as required for a resolution to amend the ----------------------------------articles of this constitution; -----------------------------------------------------the stipulations of article 16 are -----------------------------------------------likewise applicable. ----------------------------------------------------------------b.
In case of a resolution as meant sub a, ---------------------------------------the general meeting decides about the --------------------------------------allocation of a positive balance by lack --------------------------------------of which any positive balance will be -----------------------------------------granted to for equal and/or pro ratio part -----------------------------------to the Members of the Association. ------------------------------------------The liquidation will furthermore be -------------------------------------------effected with due observance of the -----------------------------------------provisions of the civil code. ------------------------------------------------------
After a resolution as meant sub a, the ---------------------------------------Board is in charge of the liquidation, -----------------------------------------while the provisions of the articles of ----------------------------------------this constitution remain in force as much -----------------------------------as possible during the liquidation. ----------------------------------------------
FIRST FINANCIAL YEAR AND APPOINTMENT OF ----------------------------------BOARDMEMBERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------The appearers finally declared: --------------------------------------------------------that the first financial year of the ------------------------------------------------------foundation shall end on December thirty-first -------------------------------------two thousand and fourteen; ------------------------------------------------------------that for the first time are appointed as ----------------------------------------------Board members: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Mr. CHARLES JEFFREY RICHARDSON ------------------------------------------aforementioned, as President; --------------------------------------------------------- Ms. AMEERA SHAQUANA ETHEL GROENEVELDT -------------------------------aforementioned as Vice-President; --------------------------------------------------- Mrs. SHERMINA ELFRIDA POWELL born RICHARDSON as Deputy Secretary General; ----------------------------------------------------------
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- Mr. MICHAEL URBAIN RIVERS aforementioned as ------------------------------Treasurer; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. CAMILLA LAKEISHA MANDISA VAN HEYNINGEN, -------------------------born on Sint Maarten on October ninth, ---------------------------------------nineteen hundred eighty-nine, residing at -------------------------------------Pantophlet Drive 6, Suckergarden, Sint -----------------------------------------Maarten, as Secretary General; ---------------------------------------------------- Mr. ACHKEN ROBERTO RICHARDSON, born ON Sint ---------------------------Maarten on October first, nineteen hundred ---------------------------------sixty-three, residing at Bush Road 50, Cul --------------------------------------de Sac, Sint Maarten, as Commissioner; ----------------------------------------- Ms. MIROUGIA RAMONA RICHARDSON, born on Sint -------------------------Maarten on September nineteenth, nineteen --------------------------------hundred sixty-eight, residing at Bush Road ------------------------------------50, Cul de Sac, Sint Maarten as ---------------------------------------------------Commissioner; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. JACQUELINE ARMELLE VIOLENES, born on ----------------------------------Saint Martin, French West Indies, on October ---------------------------------sixth, nineteen hundred sixty-one, residing ------------------------------------at Genip Road 70, St. Peters, Sint Maarten ------------------------------------as Commissioner; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. JACQUELINE CORNELIA PERS, born on ---------------------------------------Curacao on August twentieth, nineteen ----------------------------------------hundred sixty-tree, residing at Plantin Road -----------------------------------7, South Reward, Sint Maarten, as Assistant -----------------------------------Treasurer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------all whom have accepted their nomination. -----------------------------------------The appearers are known to me, civil law -------------------------------------------notary. WHEREOF THIS DEED, has been executed on Sint --------------------------------Maarten, in one original copy, on the date -----------------------------------------mentioned in the heading hereof. -----------------------------------------------------After relating the substance of this deed to ----------------------------------------the appearers, they declare unanimously to ---------------------------------------have examined the contents of this deed and --------------------------------------
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not to require a full reading hereof. --------------------------------------------------Then, after summary reading of this deed, this deed was signed by the appearers and me, civil -----------------------------------law notary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Was signed: C.J. Richardson, A.S.E. ----------------------------------------------------Groeneveldt, S.E. Powell-Richardson, M.U. -----------------------------------------Rivers, H. Parisius. -------------------------------------------------------------------------ISSUED FOR TRUE COPY!
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Upon this sixth day of November of the year two thousand fifteen, came and appeared before me, Luz-Marie Dieudonnee Tuitt, a candidate notary (hereinafter to be referred to as “the notary”), residing on Sint Maarten, legally deputizing for Meredith Maritza Boekhoudt, civil law notary on Sint Maarten: ------------------------------4. Mr. KEITH PETER-JOHN GITTENS, a manager, residing at Montevideo Road 7, Dutch Quarter, Sint Maarten, born in Bridgetown, Barbados, on February 8, 1976, according to his declaration currently not married, who identified himself with a passport issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands with number NNPR9DPP4; -5. Mr. PAUL HENDERSON GITTENS, a manager, residing at Peacock Road 8, Point Blanche, Upper Prince’s Quarter, Sint Maarten, born in St. Michael, Barbados, on August 8, 1979, according to his declaration currently not married, who identified himself with a passport issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands with number NMP21CL66. ----------------------------------------------------------------------The appearers declared to herewith establish an Association and to lay down the following Articles of Association: --------------------------------------------------------------------Article 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME AND SEAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. The Association, further also to be referred to as “the Association”, “the Party”, bears the name: “MILLENNIAL ADVANCEMENT PARTY”, which can be abbreviated as “MAP”. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The Association has its statutory seat on Sint Maarten. ----------------------------------Article 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DURATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Association is established for an indefinite period of time. ------------------------------Article 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OBJECTIVES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. The objectives of the Party are: ----------------------------------------------------------------a. To provide stable political leadership that is driven by integrity, respect and a clear understanding that the protection of the people’s rights are always the primary directive in politics. ------------------------------------------------------------------b. To promote the creation of a society where justice, prosperity and equality are prevalent and its members can achieve their full potential, thus enhancing the overall growth of the people in the widest sense of the word. ----------------------c. To function as a political party in order to attain seats in parliament and positions in government in order to be able to serve the people of Sint Maarten and to improve their quality of life.----------------------------------------d. To form, as needed, alliances with political parties that support similar principles and pursue similar objectives in the interest of good governance. --3. The objectives will be further elucidated in the party manifesto established by the General Membership Meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------Article 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEANS TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES -------------------------------------------------------The Millennial Advancement Party strives to achieve its objectives by: -------------------f. Participating in parliamentary elections; ------------------------------------------------------g. Presenting candidates who accept the philosophy and program of the Party. ------h. Convening meetings, conferences lectures and all utilizing all other means of public contact in order to inform the public. --------------------------------------------------i. Distributing printed materials and utilizing all forms of media, both on- and off-line to inform the public, and ---------------------------------------------------------------------------j. All other legally permissible means. ------------------------------------------------------------Article 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNDS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. The funds of Millennial Advancement Party shall consist of: -----------------------------
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a. Enrollment fees and dues of Ordinary and Supporting Members; -----------------b. Donations; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c. All other legally obtained revenues; -------------------------------------------------------4. Enrollment fees and dues are established by the General Membership Meeting upon proposal by the Board and are subject to revision from time to time. The fees are due on acceptance as Ordinary Member or Supporting Member. Further elucidation in connection with dues to be paid will be regulated in the By Laws. ---Article 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. The Membership of the Association consists of the following categories: ------------a. Ordinary Members; these are natural persons who are eligible to vote in the parliamentary elections of Sint Maarten. -------------------------------------------------b. Supporting Members; these are natural persons eighteen (18) years of age or older, and who do not have the Dutch nationality, but who have legal residence status on Sint Maarten and are a supporter of the Millennial Advancement Party. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Supporting Members may serve on a committee, but may not be appointed to the Board. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c. Honorary Members are persons who have been of exceptional service to the Millennial Advancement Party or to Sint Maarten. -------------------------------------Honorary Members do not have voting rights. ------------------------------------------4. Members must be accepted by the Board of the Millennial Advancement Party. --The Association can further set guidelines in the By-Laws. If a decision is made not to accept a person as a member, the reasons for this refusal must be stated in a letter to the person, who then may appeal to the Advisory Council. ----------------4. An Ordinary Member and a Supporting Member of the Association cannot at the same time be a member of another political organization nor at the same time be a candidate of any other political organization. In case such a situation arises the member will be informed in writing that this is in violation of this constitution and he/she must decide whether to remain with the Millennial Advancement Party or terminate his/her membership at once. -------------------------------------------------------Article 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TERMINATION MEMBERSHIP ----------------------------------------------------------------------2. The Membership ends: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------a. by death of the individual member; --------------------------------------------------------b. by written notice of termination by the member to the Board; ----------------------c. upon notice of termination in writing by the Board to the member; ----------------d. by expulsion of the member by the Board in the case where the member acts in contravention of the articles of this constitution, the regulations or resolutions of the Association or if the member does injury to the Association in an unreasonable way; --------------------------------------------------------------------e. by cancellation of the Honorary Membership by the General Membership Meeting. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. A member, whose membership has been terminated for not paying contribution for more than three (3) months, can only be reinstalled if and when the outstanding contributions have been paid in full. If after being reminded the member does not pay his/her contribution the Board can proposed to the General Membership Meeting to expel said member. ------------------------------------------------Article 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING/PARTY CONGRESS --------------------------------Each year at least one PARTY CONGRESS is held, during the third quarter of the year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. In the said meeting the following shall be done: ---------------------------------------------
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a. The Auditing Committee shall give its report; -------------------------------------------b. The Treasurer shall give a financial report of the preceding fiscal year; ---------c. The Secretary shall give the annual report concerning the foregoing fiscal year; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d. The President shall also give the annual report concerning the foregoing fiscal year; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e. The Party Leader shall give an annual report. ------------------------------------------f. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled if needed; --------------------------------------g. A new Auditing Committee and Advisory Council will be elected. Members of the Board may not be members of the Auditing Committee or of the Advisory Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------h. The Board shall present a report of the activities for the upcoming year. -------10. Special General Membership Meetings shall be held as frequently as the Board deems fit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. General Membership Meetings shall be convened in writing at least seven (7) working days prior to the meeting itself. The proposed agenda must be simultaneously made known to the members. ----------------------------------------------In cases of urgency the Board may deviate from the term of seven (7) days, but must adhere to a minimum of four (4) days. -------------------------------------------------12. Special General Membership Meetings can also be held at the request of at least such a number of members as shall be competent to cast ten percent (10%) of the votes in a General Membership Meeting. ------------------------------------------------13. In the event the Board neglects to honor such a request within two (2) weeks, the members shall be entitled to convene said Special General Membership Meeting themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14. General Membership Meetings shall be valid if there is a quorum, which means that more than half of the voting members is present. If at this meeting there is no quorum then a second meeting must be convened with the same agenda, which meeting is to be held within not less than one (1) week and not more than three (3) weeks. In this second meeting the topics to be dealt with can be decided upon if one third (1/3) of the voting members are present. If less than one third (1/3) of the voting members are present in this second meeting then the Board can take a decision if the Board has a quorum. ----------------------------------------------------------15. All resolutions are taken by simple majority of the votes cast unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution. -----------------------------------------------------------------16. Only Ordinary Members have the right to vote. ---------------------------------------------13. Voting on matters is done verbally, voting on persons in writing through unsigned ballots. In case of doubt, the Board shall decide whether there is a case of persons or matters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------14. Abstentions and blank ballots shall not be considered as votes cast. -----------------15. If an appointment is voted upon, the person who has obtained the absolute majority of the votes cast, is held to be elected. --------------------------------------------In the event that nobody has obtained such a majority, a second ballot shall be taken between the two persons who have obtained the greatest number of votes. If more than two persons have obtained the same number of votes and at the same time, the greatest number of the votes cast, then a second ballot is taken between the two of those persons elected thereto by lot. --------------------------------16. The President, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Board or their respective substitutes shall also act as such at the General Membership Meeting. -------------Article 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE BOARD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. The Board consists of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) persons. The minimum of three (3) comprise the President, Secretary and Treasurer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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8. With the exception of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, the board members may hold two (2) functions on the Board. ---------------------------------------9. The duties assigned to the abovementioned functions are, but not limited to what is mentioned hereafter: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------a. President: proposes policies in line with the Association’s objectives, ensures that the board conducts its business effectively and efficiently thereto making necessary decisions and ensuring that action thereto is taken, presides at all meetings of the Board and General Membership Meetings, establishes the agenda for meetings of the Board and serves as a contact to the Party Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Secretary: keeps documentation that will reflect when, why and how the Board’s decisions were executed and will therefore record accurate minutes of Board meetings as well as General Membership Meetings and ensure the distribution of the minutes and the approval thereof. Furthermore the Secretary will give timely notice of any meetings. -------------------------------------c. The Treasurer is responsible for the proper management and reporting of the Association’s funds, the maintenance and oversight of bank accounts and financial transactions thereto, establishes budgets and financial policies. ------10. The Board will remain legally constituted even when the number of Board members drops below three (3), but in such a case the vacancies should be filled within thirty (30) days. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------11. In case of impediment or default of all Board members, the Association shall be temporarily managed by two (2) persons designated thereto by the General Membership Meeting. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Board members are elected from the Ordinary Members by the General Membership Meeting and must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older. ----------Article 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPRESENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Association shall judicially and extra-judicially be jointly represented by the President and the Treasurer, or the President and the Secretary, or the Treasurer and the Secretary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TERMINATION BOARD MEMBERSHIP ---------------------------------------------------------4. Members of the Board are elected in function for a period of two (2) years, but the General Membership Meeting can suspend and/or dismiss a Board member in accordance with the manner stipulated herein and in the By-Laws. -------------------5. Membership to the Board ends by: -------------------------------------------------------------a. Death; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Resignation (in writing). A notice of three (3) months must be observed; -------c. Expiration of the above mentioned term; -------------------------------------------------d. Irrevocable bankruptcy, the loss in any way of the free management of own capacity or capital of one of the members, as well as being put under trusteeship; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e. Dismissal granted General Membership Meeting; -------------------------------------f. Dissolution and liquidation of the Association; ------------------------------------------6. Outgoing Board members are immediately eligible for re-election. --------------------Article 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOARD MEETINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Board meetings shall be held as frequently as the President or at least two (2) Board members deems necessary, but at least once (1) every month. --------------3. Board Meetings shall be valid if more than half of the Board members is present. If at this meeting more than half of the members is not present, a second meeting must be convened with the same agenda, which meeting is to be held not less than forty-eight (48) hours and not more than seven (7) days after the first meeting. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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If in this second meeting there is no quorum (more than half of the voting members present) the Advisory Council will be asked to mediate. If the Advisory Council is unable to reach a proper solution the fourth step would be to present the matter or issue to General Membership Meeting. -------------------------------------Article 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVISORY COUNCIL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. There is an Advisory Council, which has as task to advise the Board and the committees on behalf of the Party Congress or the General Membership Meeting. 7. The Advisory Council will advise upon request or at its own initiative. ----------------8. The Advisory Council shall consist of three members appointed by the Party Congress. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. The Advisory Council is chaired by a chairperson who is elected every other year at the annual Party Congress. The chairperson is appointed for a period of two years. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. The Advisory Council shall meet at least once a quarter. --------------------------------Article 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PARTY LEADER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. The Association has a Party Leader, who is entrusted with the political leadership of the Millennial Advancement Party. ----------------------------------------------------------8. The Party Leader is a member of the Board and in this capacity acts as the executive advisor of the Board. -----------------------------------------------------------------9. The Party Leader is chosen from the ordinary members by the Party Congress. --10. The Party Leader shall in principle be the person heading the list of candidates for the parliamentary elections on Sint Maarten. ------------------------------------------------11. The procedure for choosing a Party Leader shall be established in the By-Laws. -12. For the first time the Party Leader will be appointed by the Board. --------------------Article 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POLITICAL PROGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Board of the Millennial Advancement Party will establish a draft manifesto and present it to the General Membership Meeting ultimo thirty (30) days prior to the election date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Party Congress is charged with establishing the political program and the election program for the elections for the Parliament of Sint Maarten. ---------------------Article 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CANDIDATES LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Only Ordinary Members are eligible for nomination. ---------------------------------------7. The Party Leader is charged with the task of comprising a list of candidates for the parliamentary elections. ----------------------------------------------------------------------8. The General Membership shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of the Party Leader, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee and the Chairman of the Campaign Committee. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------9. The Party Leader is the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. ---------------------10. These nominees will be approved by the Board and then presented to the General Membership Meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------Article 17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The Board shall appoint a Campaign Committee charged with the planning and execution of a campaign. This committee is installed at the latest six (6) months prior to the election. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. The Campaign Committee must include at least the Political Leader, and the President and Treasurer of the Board of the Millennial Advancement Party. -------6. The Campaign Committee must submit a budget to the Board for approval. -------Article 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMITTEES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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2. The General Membership Meeting and the Board may also establish other Permanent or Ad Hoc Committees and regulate their tasks as well as the manner of their functioning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. The Board shall render periodical reports to the General Meeting concerning the activities of the Committees. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Article 19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BY-LAWS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other stipulations regarding the organization and management of the Millennial Advancement Party shall be dealt with by the By-Laws, as far as not herein contained. The By-Laws shall not contain any stipulations conflicting with this Constitution of the Association. In matters not regulated in the Constitution, the By-Laws, and other resolutions of the General Meeting, the Board shall decide. –----------Article 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION ---------------------------------------------------------4. This Constitution shall be amendable only in a special General Membership Meeting especially convened for such purpose and wherein at least two/thirds (2/3) of the Ordinary Members with voting rights is present and the amendment is approved by at least two/thirds (2/3) of the votes cast. -----------------------------------5. In the event the required number of Ordinary members is not present at the time of this special General Membership Meeting, within not less than one (1) week and not more than four (4) weeks thereafter, a special meeting can be convened again for such purpose and wherein more than half of the Ordinary Members with voting rights is present, and the amendment can then be approved by simple majority vote. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. If at this second meeting there is no quorum then a third meeting will be convened with the same agenda, which meeting is to be held within not less than one (1) week and not more than two (2) weeks thereafter, without a quorum being necessary, and the amendment can then be approved by simple majority vote. --Article 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISSOLUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION ---------------------------------------------------------4. A resolution to dissolve the Association requires the same number of votes and the same quorum as required for a resolution to amend the articles of this constitution; the paragraphs of article 21 are likewise applicable. ---------------------5. In case of a resolution as meant in paragraph 1 of this article, the General Membership Meeting decides about the allocation of a positive balance. Any positive balance of funds will divided between selected foundations active in the areas youth work or elderly care. ---------------------------------------------------------------The paragraphs of article 21 are likewise applicable to this last mentioned resolution; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. After a resolution as meant sub 1, the Board is in charge of the liquidation, but the Board may appoint one or more liquidator(s). -----------------------------------------------The provisions of these Articles of this Association remain in force as much as possible during the liquidation. ------------------------------------------------------------------5. The liquidation will furthermore be effected with due observance of the provisions of the applicable articles of the Civil Code of Sint Maarten ------------------------------Article 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FISCAL YEAR AND REPORTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------4. The fiscal year of the Association runs from January first up to and including December thirty-first of each year. --------------------------------------------------------------5. Per the end of each fiscal year the books of the Association are closed. ------------6. Within three (3) months after the end of the fiscal year – subject to any extension of this term by the General Membership Meeting - the Board shall present in a General Membership Meeting an annual report on the course of the business of the Association and the management conducted. The Board shall submit the annual accounts, consisting
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of at least a balance sheet and a statement of assets and liabilities and an explanatory memorandum with respect to these documents, to the meeting for approval. ---------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL PROVISIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The appearers furthermore declared that: ---------------------------------------------------------- the first fiscal year of the Association runs from the commencement of its activities up to and including December 31, 2016; ------------------------------------------------------ that in deviation from the above mentioned as far as concerns the manner of appointment - the present Board members of the Association are: --------------------4. Mr. PAUL HENDERSON GITTENS, aforementioned, as President;-------------5. Ms. MARSHA MARIJKE RICHARDSON, an administrative clerk, residing at Richardson Drive 5, Lower Prince’s Quarter, Sint Maarten, born on Sint Maarten, formerly the Netherlands Antilles, on December 19, 1976, currently not married, holder of a passport issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands with number NSF5D8992, as Vice President; and -----------------------------------6. Ms. MARIE NATASHA GITTENS, a head inspector, residing at Peacock Road 8, Point Blanche, Upper Prince’s Quarter, Sint Maarten, born in St. Michael, Barbados, on January 5, 1978, not married and never been married, holder of a passport issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands with number NYL185945, as Secretary; -----------------------------------------------------------------7. Ms. SHOMARA NATASHA MANUELA, born GUMBS, an accountant, residing at Lime Road 9, St. Peters, Cul-de-Sac, Sint Maarten, born on Sint Maarten, formerly the Nehterlands Antilles, on June 13, 1980, married, holder of a passport issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands with number NTB6114F8, as Treasurer; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Ms. JUDY LORRAINE GITTENS, born GILL, residing at Peacock Road 6, Point Blanche, Upper Prince’s Quarter, Sint Maarten, born in St. Michael, Barbados, on March 23, 1949, married, holder of passport issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands with number NP7K3BK87, as Board Member, --who have all accepted their appointment. ---------------------------------------------------------The appearers is known to me, civil law notary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREOF THIS DEED has been executed in one original copy on Sint Maarten, on the date mentioned in the heading hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After relating the substance of this deed to the appearers, they unanimously declared to have examined the contents of this deed and not to require a full reading thereof. -Then after a summary reading of this deed, it was signed by the appearers and by me, civil law notary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(w.s.) K. Gittens, P. Gittens, L. Tuitt. ----------------------------------------------------------------ISSUED FOR TRUE COPY
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Besluit van
Op de voordracht van Onze Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties van 5 oktober 2015 (kenmerk 2015-0000516706);
Overwegende dat: -
Ingevolge artikel 33, eerste lid, van de Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten is bepaald dat de raad van ministers van het Koninkrijk vijf jaar na de inwerkingtreding van deze wet besluit of en, zo ja, met ingang van welk tijdstip een van de landen of beide een of meer verplichtingen op grond van deze wet blijvend niet meer behoeft na te komen;
Een dergelijk besluit wordt genomen nadat aan de raad van ministers van het Koninkrijk een advies is uitgebracht door een evaluatiecommissie;
Onze Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties conform artikel 33, zevende lid, op 10 april besloten heeft tot het instellen van de evaluatiecommissie Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten;
Onze Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties op 23 juli 2015 het advies van de evaluatiecommissie heeft ontvangen;
De evaluatiecommissie oordeelt dat Curaçao en Sint Maarten niet in de drie achtereenvolgende jaren 2012, 2013 en 2014, zoals door de Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curacao en Sint Maarten en de memorie van toelichting daarbij vereist, geheel en zelfstandig hebben voldaan aan de normen in artikel 15 van deze wet.
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De evaluatiecommissie oordeelt dat er geen niet aan Curaçao en Sint Maarten te wijten omstandigheden waren die het voldoen aan de normen in de weg hebben gestaan.
De evaluatiecommissie oordeelt dat de toepassing van de normen genoemd in artikel 15 Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curacao en Sint Maarten niet zodanig is dat een of meer verplichtingen van deze wet blijvend niet meer behoeven te worden nagekomen.
De evaluatiecommissie daarom van oordeel is dat het te nemen besluit door de raad van ministers van het Koninkrijk niet zou kunnen inhouden dat de verplichtingen op grond van de Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten blijvend niet meer behoeven te worden nagekomen door een van beide landen;
De raad van ministers van het Koninkrijk slechts gemotiveerd kan afwijken van het advies van de evaluatiecommissie;
Gelet op artikel 33, eerste en zesde lid, van de Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten; Hebben goedgevonden en verstaan:
Overeenkomstig het advies van de evaluatiecommissie Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten blijven voor Curaçao en Sint Maarten vanaf 10 oktober 2015 alle verplichtingen die volgen uit de Rijkswet financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten van toepassing.
Onze Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties is belast met de uitvoering van dit besluit, dat in de Staatscourant zal worden geplaatst.
De minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties,
dr. R.H.A. Plasterk
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Bekendmaking en besluit tot inwerkingtreding, van de Minister van Infrastructuur en Milieu, van 16 november 2015, nr. IENM/BSK-2015/215688, van internationale besluiten met betrekking tot de veiligheid van zeeschepen De Minister van Infrastructuur en Milieu,
Gelet op de artikelen 70 en 71, eerste en vierde lid van het Schepenbesluit 2004, en de artikelen 60 en 61 van de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen; MAAKT BEKEND: Op 18 november 2014 heeft de Maritieme Veiligheidscommissie (MSC) van de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie de volgende resolutie aangenomen: - MSC.387(94), houdende wijzigingen van de Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van verplaatsbare offshore booreenheden, 2009 (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009; 2009 MODU-Code). Op 21 november 2014 heeft de Maritieme Veiligheidscommissie (MSC) van de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie de volgende resoluties aangenomen: - MSC.382(94), houdende wijzigingen van de Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van verplaatsbare offshore booreenheden (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units; MODU-Code); - MSC.383(94), houdende wijzigingen van de Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van verplaatsbare offshore booreenheden, 1979 (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989; 1989 MODU-Code); - MSC.384(94), houdende wijzigingen van de Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van verplaatsbare offshore booreenheden, 2009 (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009; 2009 MODU-Code); Op 11 juni 2015 heeft de Maritieme Veiligheidscommissie (MSC) van de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie de volgende resoluties aangenomen:
- MSC.393(95), houdende wijzigingen van de Code voor het vervoer van vaste lading in bulk (International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code; IMSBC-Code);
- MSC.398(95), houdende wijzigingen van de Code betreffende de stabiliteit in onbeschadigde toestand 2008 (Intact Stability Code, 2008; 2008 IS-Code)
In juni 2015 is tijdens de vergadering van de Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (CMOU) de Code voor de veiligheid van vrachtschepen waarmee reizen worden ondernomen in het Caribisch gebied (Code of Safety for Caribbean Cargo Ships; CCSS-Code) gewijzigd.
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De bij resolutie MSC.387(94) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de 2009 MODU-Code, de bij resolutie MSC.382(94) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de MODU-Code, de bij
resolutie MSC.383(94) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de 1989 MODU-Code, de bij resolutie MSC.384(94) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de 2009 MODU-Code, de bij resolutie MSC.393(95) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de IMSBC-Code, de bij resolutie MSC.398(95) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de 2008 IS-Code en de gewijzigde CCSS-Code liggen ter inzage bij de bibliotheek van de Hoofddirectie Bestuurlijke en Juridische Zaken van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Plesmanweg 1-6, 2596 JG te Den Haag.
De gewijzigde CCSS-Code ligt tevens ter inzage bij:
Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate Caribbean Region Kaya International z/n Kralendijk Bonaire, Caribisch Nederland
Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate Caribbean Region Gallowsbay Lower Town Sint Eustatius, Caribisch Nederland
Artikel I Met ingang van 1 januari 2016 gaan de bij resoluties MSC.382(94), MSC.383(94), en 384(94), vastgestelde wijzigingen van respectievelijk de MODU-Code, de MODU-Code 1989 en de MODUCode 2009 gelden voor de toepassing van de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen. Artikel II Met ingang van 1 januari 2016 gaan de bij resoluties MSC.382(94) en MSC.383(94), vastgestelde wijzigingen van respectievelijk de MODU-Code en de MODU-Code 1989 gelden voor de toepassing van de Regeling veiligheid Arubaanse, Curaçaose en Sint Maartense zeeschepen.
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Artikel III Met ingang van de dag na de datum van uitgifte van de Staatscourant waarin dit besluit wordt geplaatst, gaan de bij resolutie MSC.387(94) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de MODU-Code 2009 gelden voor de toepassing van de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen. Artikel IV Met ingang van 1 januari 2016 gaan de bij resolutie MSC.393(95) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de ISMBC-Code gelden voor de toepassing van het Schepenbesluit 2004, de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen, de Regeling vervoer gevaarlijke stoffen met zeeschepen en de Regeling erkende instanties vervoer gevaarlijke stoffen, met dien verstande dat tot en met 31 december 2016 tevens de voorschriften van de ISMBC-Code zoals die luidden op 31 december 2015 mogen worden toegepast.
Artikel V Met ingang van 1 januari 2016 gaan de bij resolutie MSC.398(95) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de 2008 IS-Code gelden voor de toepassing van de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen.
Artikel VI Met ingang van de dag na de datum van uitgifte van de Staatscourant waarin dit besluit wordt geplaatst gaan de wijzigingen van de CCSS-Code tijdens de vergadering van de CMOU in juni 2015 gelden voor de toepassing van de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen.
Dit besluit zal met de toelichting in de Staatscourant, de Landscourant van Aruba, de Curaçaose Courant en de Landscourant van Sint Maarten worden geplaatst.
mw. drs. M.H. Schultz van Haegen
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Met dit besluit wordt een aantal internationale besluiten met betrekking tot de veiligheid van zeeschepen bekendgemaakt. Het betreft hier wijzigingen van internationale en regionale codes die op grond van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen nog niet bekend zijn gemaakt in het Tractatenblad of hier niet in bekend gemaakt hoeven te worden. Met de onderhavige bekendmaking wordt voldaan aan de artikelen 70 en 71 van het Schepenbesluit 2004, de artikelen 60 en 61 van de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen. Voorts wordt besloten op welk moment de wijzigingen van deze Codes voor de toepassing van het Schepenbesluit 2004, de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen, de Regeling veiligheid Arubaanse, Curaçaose en Sint Maartense zeeschepen, de Regeling vervoer gevaarlijke stoffen met zeeschepen en de Regeling erkende instanties vervoer gevaarlijke stoffen gaan gelden.
De bekendmaking betreft allereerst de door de Maritieme Veiligheidscommissie (MSC) van de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie (IMO) aangenomen wijzigingen van de Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van verplaatsbare offshore booreenheden (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units; MODU-Code), de Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van verplaatsbare offshore booreenheden 1989 (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units,1989; MODU-Code 1989) en de Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van verplaatsbare offshore booreenheden 2009 (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009; MODU-Code 2009) bekendgemaakt. Daarnaast worden door de MSC aangenomen wijzigingen van de Code voor het vervoer van vaste lading in bulk (International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code; IMSBC-Code) en van de Code betreffende de stabiliteit in onbeschadigde toestand 2008 (Intact Stability Code, 2008; 2008 IS-Code) bekendgemaakt. Verder betreft dit besluit de bekendmaking van een wijziging van de, in het kader van het op 9 februari 1996 te Barbados tot stand gekomen Memorandum van overeenstemming inzake toezicht op schepen door de havenstaat, vastgestelde Code voor de veiligheid van vrachtschepen waarmee reizen worden ondernomen in het Caribisch gebied (Code of Safety for Caribbean Cargo Ships; CCSSCode).
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De MODU-Code (in de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen, MODU-Code 1979 genoemd), MODU-Code 1989 en MODU-Code 2009 zijn codes die op grond van het SOLAS-verdrag niet bindend zijn, maar het karakter hebben van aanbevelingen. Aan de partijen bij het SOLAS-verdrag is overgelaten of zij deze codes al dan niet in hun nationale rechtsorde willen opnemen. Nederland heeft hiervoor gekozen door de MODU-Code (1979), MODU-Code 1989 en MODU-Code 2009 op te nemen in de Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen. Voor Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten zijn de MODU-Code (1979) en de MODU-Code 1989 opgenomen in de Regeling veiligheid Arubaanse, Curaçaose en Sint Maartense zeeschepen. IMSBC-Code
De IMSBC-Code ziet op het vervoer over zee van vaste lading in bulk en wordt elke twee jaar herzien. De met resolutie MSC.393 (95) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de IMSBC-Code treden internationaal in werking op 1 januari 2017. Het SOLAS-verdrag en de Code bieden echter de mogelijkheid om de gewijzigde regels al op 1 januari 2016 op nationaal niveau in werking te laten treden.
Nederland maakt uit praktische overwegingen van deze mogelijkheid gebruik. Eerdere inwerkingtreding heeft namelijk als voordeel dat de sector al eerder kan aansluiten bij soortgelijke veiligheidseisen die voor andere vervoersmodaliteiten reeds gelden of met ingang van 1 januari 2016 zullen gaan gelden. De eerdere toepassing van de gewijzigde IMSBC-Code geschiedt door de sector op vrijwillige basis. Tot en met 31 december 2016 mogen tevens de voorschriften van de IMSBC-Code zoals die luidden op 31 december 2015 nog worden toegepast. Van de met resolutie MSC.393(95) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de IMSBC-Code zal, voordat deze wijzigingen op 1 januari 2017 internationaal in werking treden, in het Tractatenblad mededeling worden gedaan. Omdat de wijzigingen al eerder op nationaal niveau in
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werking treden, worden deze vóór de inwerkingtreding op 1 januari 2016 tevens in de Staatscourant, de Landscourant van Aruba, de Curaçaose Courant en de Landscourant van Sint Maarten bekendgemaakt.
2008 IS-Code
De bij resolutie MSC.398(95) vastgestelde wijzigingen van de IS-Code 2008 betreffen wijzigingen van Deel B van de Code. Dit deel heeft het karakter van aanbevelingen.
De CCSS-Code bevat technische eisen voor kleine vrachtschepen, waarmee internationale reizen worden ondernomen in het Caribisch gebied. De Code of Safety for Caribbean Cargo Ships is in 1996 aangenomen in een bijeenkomst van de landen die zijn aangesloten bij het Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (CMOU), een regionaal samenwerkingsverband van Caribische landen over havenstaatcontrole. Deze CCSS-Code is eerder, te weten in 1997 en 2002, geactualiseerd.
mw. drs. M.H. Schultz van Haegen
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Lab Policy - Policy on quality requirements and standards for existing and new medical laboratories.
Review note Upon requests of different applicants, the policy document “Medical Laboratory and Public Health Laboratory policy”, as approved by the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour on October 27th 2014, has been reviewed for feasibility and amended. This amended policy document will enter into effect as of May 1st, 2015 and will apply to all requests for an operational license for medical laboratories.
1. Introduction The Department of Public Health of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (hereinafter the “Department”) has received several requests for operational licenses from parties interested in establishing a medical laboratory on Sint Maarten. All license requests that have been received have either been rejected or – with the applicant’s permission – put on hold, as the legally prescribed quality assessment framework had not yet been finalized and implemented. This policy document serves as a first step to fill this gap, enabling the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (hereinafter the “Minister”) to take an informed decision on all pending and future requests. Upon the formal approval of this document by the Minister, the process of bridging the gap by formalizing this policy in accordance with the rules and regulations governing Sint Maarten shall be initiated.
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2. Legal basis The Healthcare Institutions Ordinance (hereinafter “HCIO”, in Dutch “Landsverordening zorginstellingen”) stipulates in article 22 that a laboratory will only be permitted to provide care supporting services and may only provide these services if it meets the criteria set by National decree containing general measures5 (in Dutch “Landsbesluit, houdende algemene maatregelen”). The criteria referred to in the abovementioned article are criteria that aim to guarantee the quality of services to be provided by any medical laboratory operational on Sint Maarten.
3. Definitions Medical laboratory: A medical laboratory, as defined in this policy, is a “laboratory for the biological, microbiological, immunological, chemical, immunohaematological, haematological, biophysical, cytological, pathological or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, management, prevention and treatment of diseases, or the assessment of the health of human beings, and which may provide a consultant advisory services covering all aspects of laboratory investigation including the interpretation of results and advice on further appropriate investigation.” Public Health laboratory: With a public health laboratory is meant a laboratory appointed as laboratory for public health and justice in accordance with article 1 of the Public Health Ordinance (in Dutch “Gezondheidslandsverordening”).
4. National Laboratory Policy The Pan American Health Organization (hereinafter “PAHO”) has assisted the Department in drafting a National Laboratory Policy tailor made for Sint Maarten. Part of this laboratory policy includes the setting of quality requirements and standards for existing and new medical laboratories. The report by PAHO, the National Laboratory Policy and Strategy for St. Martin – annex 1 (hereinafter the “report”), was submitted to the Department in September 2014. This report, even though, to date, not yet approved by the Minister, has been used by the Department as a basis for this policy document.
In Dutch: Een laboratorium wordt slechts toegelaten tot het verlenen van zorgondersteunende werkzaamheden en mag deze werkzaamheden slechts verrichten indien wordt voldaan aan bij landsbesluit, houdende algemene maatregelen, te stellen criteria.
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5. Policy In accordance with the HCIO and the report, all medical laboratories that provide and/or submit a request for a license to provide care supporting activities are required to meet the quality requirements described in this policy document. In addition to these quality requirements, all other requirements to obtain a healthcare institution operational license, as per the HCIO, remain in full effect. Only when a medical laboratory meets the quality requirements described in this policy document can it be appointed in accordance with the Public Health Ordinance to function as a Public Health laboratory.
Qualitative requirements: To obtain a license to operate a medical laboratory in accordance with the HCIO, all applicants must submit the necessary documentation proving that all of the below mentioned requirements are fulfilled. Medical laboratory operational licenses will only be granted under the explicit condition of the quality requirements being realized within the given timeframe. Non-compliance with this condition can lead to the license not being extended or revoked by the Minister.
a. Requirements for existing medical laboratories that are currently offering or providing care supporting services: i.
All existing medical laboratories shall be required to (re)submit a request for a medical laboratory license by way of the application form as attached to this policy document (annex 2a). As per the requirements provided in Annex 2a, medical laboratories shall submit the following documents: proof of registration at the Chamber of Commerce & Industry; articles of incorporation; economic license; overview of shareholders and executives; list of currently offered services, target market and patient capacity; provisional list of planned services (within 5 years); list of currently used equipment and their value; provisional list of additional equipment required to provide the planned services and their value;
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list of management and staff members and evidence that they meet the qualifications described in Annex 3 (Personnel Qualifications - Annex 3); organization chart; detailed floor plan of the medical laboratory location(s), further describing the location of: a) all laboratory equipment; b) environmental, health and safety measures (such as storage location(s) of hazardous materials, ventilation and electricity/gas/fire safety measures); c) water sources; d) office, testing and public spaces; and e) measures taken to ensure accessibility. annual financial statements, approved by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or a Registered Accountant (RA); annual plan showing the strategy to meet Tier 1 requirements (Tier 1 – Annex 4) within a period of three (3) years after the granting of a temporary and conditional (hereinafter “provisional operational” ) medical laboratory license; plans/procedures for ensuring equipment calibration and maintenance as well as performance of proficiency testing; Waste management arrangement; proof of payment of processing fee at Receiver’s Office.
A medical laboratory shall obtain an ISO 15189 accreditation within the described period of five (5) years after having been granted a provisional operational license. This provisional operational license shall be granted for a maximum period of five (5) years and shall be substituted by an operational license after the ISO 15189 accreditation has been obtained. The requirement to remain ISO 15189 accredited will be among – but not limited to – the conditions mentioned in the aforementioned license.
Within the first three (3) years of having been granted a provisional operational medical laboratory license, a medical laboratory is required to have implemented the Tier 1 requirements (see annex 4), based on its annual plans. The medical laboratory is required to report to the Department annually, ultimately by the dates stipulated in the respective license, on the progress made towards ISO 15189 accreditation. Additionally, an updated annual plan outlining the steps to be taken each year in order to meet the Tier 1 requirements must be submitted within the given period.
Within one (1) year after having fully implemented Tier 1, a medical laboratory shall implement the requirements described in Tier 2 based on its annual plan (Tier 2 – Annex 5). This plan must be submitted to the Department upon completion of the implementation of Tier 1.
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Within one (1) year after having fully implemented Tier 2, a laboratory shall implement the requirements described in Tier 3 (Tier 3 – Annex 6) based on its annual plan. This plan must be submitted to the Department upon completion of the implementation of Tier 2.
Once ISO 15189 certification has been obtained, an operational license will be issued that will contain – but not be limited to – the requirement to maintain ISO 15189 certification.
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b. Requirements for new medical laboratories: The process for obtaining a license consists of three consecutive phases. i. Prior to obtaining a provisional operational license to operate a medical laboratory, the applicant will be granted a preliminary conditional license that serves as the first step towards receiving a provisional operational license. To obtain a preliminary conditional license, an applicant must submit a completed application form (Annex 2b) and all requested documents as described therein. Once positively assessed and approved by the Minister, the preliminary license will be attained. This preliminary license will be issued for a period of three (3) months, which can – upon request – be extended. The preliminary conditional license serves as a confirmation from the Minister that a provisional operational license will be issued once the requirements described in this policy and any additional conditions described in the preliminary conditional license are met. With this confirmation, which does not allow the applicant to become operational as yet, applicants can take further steps, such as selecting a location and recruiting staff members, in order to provide the Department with the required documentation to review and assess the second phase of the application process, as described below. ii. Once the additional required documents, as listed below and in Annex 2b, have been submitted and reviewed and positively assessed, a provisional operational license for five (5) years will be granted. After having obtained this provisional operational license, a ‘new’ laboratory is subject to the same requirements as the existing laboratories, as described in section 4.a.ii-vi of this policy document.
Documents required for the application of a preliminary operational license : i. All persons/businesses intending to establish a medical laboratory shall be required to (re)submit a request for a healthcare institution operational (medical laboratory) license using the application form attached to this policy in Annex 2b. As per this form, persons/businesses requesting a healthcare institution operational license for a new medical laboratory shall submit the following documents: proof of registration at the Chamber of Commerce & Industry; articles of incorporation; economic license or proof of the application request thereof ; overview of shareholders and executives; list of planned services (within 5 years from starting date), target market and patient capacity; list of equipment intended to be used for the provision of services and their value; overview of proposed laboratory organization, including competencies of management and staff members, in accordance with the qualifications described in Annex 3;
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(provisional) organization chart; proof of payment of processing fee at Receiver’s Office.
In order to obtain a provisional operational license, applicants intending to establish a medical laboratory must provide the following additional documents, as required, for further review / the second phase of the application process: detailed floor plan of the proposed laboratory location(s), further describing the (proposed) location of: a) all laboratory equipment; b) environmental, health and safety measures (such as storage location(s) of hazardous materials, ventilation and electricity/gas/fire safety measures); c) water sources; d) office, testing and public spaces; and e) measures taken to ensure accessibility. (provisional) waste management arrangement; proposed capital and operational budget; budgeted investment cost in building and medical equipment; annual plan showing the strategy to meet Tier 1 requirements (Tier 1 – Annex 4) within a period of three (3) years after the obtaining of a provisional operational laboratory license; plans/procedures for ensuring equipment calibration and maintenance as well as performance of proficiency testing; any changes necessary or additional information to the initially provided documents for application (as mentioned above).
The third and final phase shall consist of the granting of an operational license once ISO 15189 certification has been obtained. This operational license will contain – but not be limited to – the requirement to maintain ISO 15189 certification.
6. Legislation Upon formal approval of this policy document, the Department will ensure that all stakeholders (including the known applicants, the Council of Public Health and Council of Advice) are properly informed of the implementation of this (updated) policy and will publish the policy on the Government website. The Department shall thereafter draft a National decree containing general measures as mentioned in article 22 of the HCIO, which will follow the official legislative procedure, formalizing the content of this policy further. During this period, the current policy document shall be used by the Department in its advisory role to the Minister with regard to establishment requests for medical laboratories.
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27 november 2015 Pagina
Annexes: -
Annex 1: National Laboratory Policy and Strategy for St. Martin; Annex 2a: Request Form Establishment Healthcare Institutions and Medical Equipment Permit for existing medical laboratories Annex 2b: Request Form Establishment Healthcare Institutions and Medical Equipment Permit for new medical laboratories Annex 3: Qualifications Required for Laboratory Personnel; Annex 4: Tier 1; Annex 5: Tier 2; Annex 6: Tier 3; Annex 7: Tier Checklist.
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Overzicht wetgeving De Ombudsman heeft een termijn van zes weken om een bekrachtigde wettelijke regeling aanhangig te maken bij het Constitutioneel Hof wegens onverenigbaarheid met de Staatsregeling. Dit is op grond van artikel 127, derde lid, van de Staatsregeling. De afdeling Juridische Zaken en Wetgeving van het Ministerie van Algemene Zaken publiceert – wanneer van toepassing – drie overzichten in de Landscourant, te weten een overzicht van:
1. bekrachtigde, maar nog niet in werking getreden wettelijke regelingen, waarvan de termijn van de Ombudsman nog niet is verstreken; 2. in werking getreden wettelijke regelingen; en, 3. aanhangige zaken bij het Constitutioneel Hof van Sint Maarten
Bekrachtigde, maar nog niet in werking getreden wettelijke regelingen
Nummer Afkondigingsblad
AB 2015, no. 29
Regeling van de Minister van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid tot vaststelling van het minimumuurloon in verband met de aanpassing aan het prijsindexcijfer voor de gezinsconsumptie (Regeling indexering minimumuurloon
Datum bekrachtiging 28 oktober 2015
In werking getreden wettelijke regelingen
Nummer Afkondigingsblad
Datum bekrachtiging
AB 2015, no. 28
Besluit van de 30e oktober 2015 tot afkondiging van het Besluit van 8 september 2015 houdende het geven van een aanwijzing aan het bestuur van Sint Maarten tot het oplossen van de ontstane betalingsachterstanden, de compensatie van gerealiseerde tekorten op de gewone dienst in periode 2010-2014, het in de begroting 2015 en de meerjarenbegroting volledig opnemen van de zorg- en pensioenuitgaven en het nemen van maatregelen ten behoeve van een houdbaar pensioen- en sociale
8 september 2015
Beoogde datum inwerkingtreding 10 december 2016
Datum inwerkingtreding
Jaargang 2015, nummer 25
27 november 2015 Pagina
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zekerheidsstelsel om nieuwe betalingsachterstanden te voorkomen
Aanhangige zaken bij het Constitutioneel Hof van Sint Maarten
Nummer Afkondigingsblad
Datum bekrachtiging
AB 2015, no. 18
Landsverordening Integriteitskamer
21 augustus 2015