THE POTENCY OF BOTANICAL INSECTICIDES TO CONTROL Aphis gossypii (HEMIPTERA:COCCOIDEA:APHIDIDAE) ON PATCHOULI PLANT Potensi insektisida nabati untuk mengendalikan Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera:Coccoidea:Aphididae) pada tanaman nilam Tri Lestari Mardiningsih, Nurbetti Tarigan, Cucu Sukmana, dan Agus Kardinan Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute Jalan Tentara Pelajar No. 3, Bogor 16111
[email protected] [email protected] (diterima 25 November 2013, direvisi 13 Desember 2013, disetujui 27 Desember 2013)
ABSTRAK Attack of Aphis gossypii is one of constraints in cultivating of patchouli plant. An experiment with the purpose to examine the effectiveness of botanical insecticides to A. gossypii on patchouli plant. The experiment was carried out in Research Station of Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, at Cicurug, Sukabumi from June to October 2011. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design, nine treatments and three replications. The treatments were mixing of neem oil + soap nuts, neem oil + clove oil, neem oil + citronellal oil, neem oil + clove oil + citronellal oil, citronellal oil, clove oil, neem extract, carbosulfan, and control. Patchouli plants were planted with spacing of 40 cm x 60 cm. The number of plant population plot-1 was 25 plants and the number of sample plot-1 for observation was five plants. Sampling of observed plants was conducted diagonally. Observation was carried out by counting population of A. gossypii on one shoot. Application of insecticides was conducted one day after the first observation. Interval of application was every week, conducted eight times. Other parameters observed were plant height and production of patchouli. Results showed that all treatments of botanical insecticides were effective to decrease of A. gossypii population. The most effective treatment was that of neem extract with the value of efficacy was more than 80% occurred at seven assessments. Plant high between treatment is not significant different. Key words: Aphis gossypii, botanical insecticides, control, patchouli plant
ABSTRAK Serangan kutudaun Aphis gossypii merupakan salah satu kendala dalam usaha budidaya nilam. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas insektisida nabati terhadap A. gossypii pada tanaman nilam. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro) di Cicurug, Sukabumi sejak Juni sampai Oktober 2011. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok, dengan sembilan perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Sebagai perlakuan ialah campuran (1) minyak mimba + rerak, (2) minyak mimba + minyak cengkeh, (3) minyak mimba + minyak seraiwangi, (4) minyak mimba + minyak cengkeh + minyak seraiwangi, (5) minyak seraiwangi, (6) minyak cengkeh, (7) ekstrak mimba, (8) karbosulfan (insektisida sintetis), dan (9) kontrol. Tanaman nilam ditanam dengan jarak tanam 40 cm x 60 cm. Jumlah populasi tanaman per petak adalah 25 tanaman dan jumlah sampel per petak adalah lima tanaman. Pengambilan sampel tanaman yang diamati dilakukan dengan sistem diagonal. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan cara menghitung populasi A. gossypii pada satu pucuk yang terserang. Aplikasi insektisida dilakukan satu hari setelah pengamatan pertama. Interval aplikasi adalah satu minggu, dilakukan sebanyak delapan kali. Parameter lain yang diamati ialah tinggi tanaman dan produksi nilam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan insektisida nabati efektif menurunkan populasi A. gossypii. Insektisida nabati yang paling efektif mengendalikan A. gossypii adalah perlakuan ekstrak mimba dengan nilai efikasi lebih dari 80% dan terjadi pada tujuh kali pengamatan.Tinggi tanaman diantara perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata. Kata kunci: Aphis gossypii, insektisida nabati, pengendalian, tanaman nilam
Bul. Littro, Volume 25, Nomor 1, Mei 2014
INTRODUCTION Aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) is an important insect pest on patchouli plants. It is a piercing and sucking insect pest. As a result of shoots sucked, patchouli leaves become curling, therefore it could cause retardation of patchouli seedling growth. In the field, the attacked plant shoot also became curling, minor attacking did not retard the growth of the plant (Mardiningsih et al., 2012). Economical value of A. gossypii‘s attack on patchouli has not been known yet. On patcholi plant, A. gossypii was proved efficiently to transmit non-persistent Telosma Mosaic Virus (TeMV) (Noveriza et al., 2012). Therefore, with this information, the roles of A. gossypii on patchouli both are as an insect pest and a vector of TeMV. Controlling insect pests should be use of integrated pest management (IPM) concept which use several methods. In fact, farmers frequently control insect pests using synthetic insecticides only which are fast and more effective. However, if it is applied with the higher dossage and higher frequency will cause various negative effects. Controlling insect pests by using botanical insectisides is one of alternative control measures. This control method is environmental friendly because botanical insecticides are easy to degrade in the field. Product of neem did not negatively influence on life duration of Plutella xylostella, i.e. parasitoid from species of Cotesia plutellae and Diadromus collaris in the laboratory (Charleston, et al., 2005). It was also reported that plant damage on plot of cabbage plants treated with neem product was lower than control plot. The proportion of emerging parasitoid from P. xylostella on plot of cabbage plants treated with neem product was also significantly higher than on control plot. Observation showed that parasitoids still existed on plants treated with neem (Charleston et al., 2006). The seeds of soapnuts (Sapindus rarak) member of Sapindaceae family contains saponin, caused intoxicated to fish which finally died (Greshhoff in
Heyne, 1987), functions as an insecticide (Genseskundig Tijdsschrif in Heyne, 1987). Botanical insecticide of clove with active ingredient of 40% eugenol was effective to control insects pests of tea, namely Empoasca sp. and Plusia chalcites (Kardinan and Suriati, 2012). Oil from distillation of citronellal oil contains citronellol, citronellall, and geraniol. Ester from citronellol and geraniol could be used as insecticides (Oyedele et al., 2002). Formula of neem with concentrations of 0.25; 0.5; 1; 2% and soapnuts with concentrations of 0.5; 1; 2% were effective to control population of A. gossypii in the field (Mardiningsih et al., 2010). Looking at the potencies of those two kinds of botanical insecticides, therefore testing of botanical insecticides products of neem and soapnuts and other botanical insecticides on A. gossypii was carried out. The objective of this experiment was to examine the effectiveness of botanical insecticides to control A. gossypii on patchouli plant. MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was carrried out at the Research Station in Cicurug, Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute (ISMCRI), Sukabumi, West Java from June to October 2011. Botanical insecticides tested were neem extract (0.6% azadirachtin), soapnuts (30% saponin), clove oil (60% eugenol), citronellal oil 40% sitronellal), neem plus consisted of neem oil (0.3% azadirachtin), clove oil (15% eugenol), citronellall oil (10% citronellall), and carbosulfan (200 g l-1). Patchouli plants used was Sidikalang variety. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design with nine treatments (products of insecticide and control) and three replications (Table 1). Patchouli plants were planted with spacing of 40 cm x 60 cm. The number of plant population per plot was 25 plants and the number of plant sample per plot was five plants. Sampling of observed plants was conducted diagonally. Parameters observed were population of A.
Tri Lestari Mardiningsih et al. : The Potency of Botanical Insecticides to Control Aphis Gossypii (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Aphididae) ...
Table 1. Treatments, concentrations of active ingredients and concentrations of spraying solution. Tabel 1. Perlakuan, konsentrasi bahan aktif, dan konsentrasi larutan semprot. Treatments Control (water) Carbosulfan Neem + nut soap (16 ml + 4 ) Neem + clove (10 ml + 10 ml) Neem + citronellal (10ml+10ml) Neem + clove + citronellal Citronellal Clove Neem extract
Concentrations of active ingredients
Concentrations of spraying solution (ml/l)
200.11 g/l 0.0096% (azadirachtin) : 0.12% (saponin) 0.006% (azadirachtin) : 6% (eugenol) 0.006% (azadirachtin): 0.4% (citronellall) 0.2% (azadirachtin) : 0.3% (eugenol) : 0.006 (citronellall) 0.8% (citronellall) 12% (eugenol) 0.012% (azadirachtin)
2 20 20 20 20
gossypii before and after insecticide application on the first week. If at the first observation, population of aphids was not significantly different in treatments plots, then the next observation of population was carried out after insecticide application. However, if at the first observation, population of aphids was significantly different in treatments plots, therefore the next observation of population was carried out before and after insecticide application. If on one plant there was more than one shoot attacked by aphids, only one shoot was observed. Application was conducted eight times with weekly interval. Volume of spray per hectar was 500-600 litres. Other observed parameters were plant height at the first, the fourth, the eighth week, and production of fresh patchouli plant. Data of observation result then used for counting effication of formula. If the of population A. gossypii on the first observation was not significantly different between all treatment, the value of the insecticide efficacy was analysed by using the Abbott formula (Ditjen BSP, 2004): Ca -Ta EI = x 100% Ca Note/Keterangan: EI = efficacy of tested insecticide (%)/efikasi insektisida yang diuji (%). Ca = population of aphids on control plot after insecticide application/populasi kutudaun pada petak kontrol sesudah aplikasi insektisida. Ta = population of aphids on treatment plot after insecticide application/populasi kutudaun pada petak perlakuan sesudah aplikasi insektisida.
20 20 20
However, if the first observation, the population of A. gossypii was significantly different between all treatment, the value of insecticide efficacy was analysed by using the formula of Henderson and Tilton (Ditjen BSP, 2004): Ta Cb EI = 1 - ( ---- x ----- ) x 100% Ca Tb Notes: EI = Ta = Tb = Ca = Cb =
efficacy of insecticide tested (%). population of aphids on treatment plot after application. population of aphids on treatment plot before application. population of aphids on control plot after application. population of aphids on control plot before application.
insecticide insecticide insecticide insecticide
Keterangan: EI = efikasi insektisida yang diuji (%). Ta = populasi kutudaun pada petak perlakuan sesudah insektisida. Tb = populasi kutudaun pada petak perlakuan sebelum insektisida. Ca = populasi kutudaun pada petak kontrol sesudah insektisida. Cb = populasi kutudaun pada petak kontrol sebelum insektisida.
aplikasi aplikasi aplikasi aplikasi
Insecticide called effective if the efficacy value from observation result (EI) >50%, based on formula of (0.5 n + 1), where: n = number of assesssments (Ditjen BSP, 2004). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results showed that, the population of A. gossypii at the first observation were not significantly different between all treatment plot.
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Results of testing to eight weeks showed that population of aphids after insecticide applications fluctuated (Table 2). The value of botanical insecticide efficacy (EI) to control of A. gossypii population varied in each observation, but higher than 50%. Therefore, all botanical insecticides tested were effective to control population of aphids. The most effective of botanical insecticides were treatments of neem extract and neem oil + citronellal oil, the values of EI were more than 80% occurred at seven assessments (Table 2). Treatments of insecticides were effective to reduce A. gossypii population after at the observation of five weeks, especially treatment of neem. Neem has systemic characteristic which can be translocated to plant tissues gradually, because of that it is effective to control several kinds of insect pests (Kardinan and Atmadja, 2004). Botanical insecticides of 0.6% azadirachtin, 40% eugenol, and 20% citronellall, and mixing of 0.15% azadirachtin, 10% eugenol, 5% citronellall, 0.325% rotenon were effective to control Helopeltis spp., Empoasca sp., and Plusia chalcites on tea plants (Kardinan and Suriati, 2012). Combination of 0.6% azadirachtin, 34% citronellall, and 80% eugenol at concentration of 5 ml l-1 decreased the degree of cocoa fruit damage as a result of Conophomorpha cramerella’s attack. This was shown by efficacy value of 61.26% at heavy attack (Willis et al., 2013). Extract of saponin obtained from tea seed oil processing and soapnuts seed kernel (S. rarak) at concentration of 0.25 g l-1 at observation of 10 days after application caused 100% mortality of Pomacea canaliculata with the average of 0% damage (Soeharto and Kurniawati, 2002). Toxicity of saponin to P. canaliculata was as a result of saponification process that softened the fleshy tissue of P. canaliculata (Suharto and Kurniawati, 2005).
Citronellal oil (35.97% citronellall) at concentration of 4.000 ppm (0.4%) reduced Helicoverpa armigera for laying eggs between 5366% on chilli plant and affected ovicidal activity, i.e. decreased the number of eggs hatch up to 95% compared with control (Setiawati et al., 2011). Citronellal oil caused 47% mortality of Diconocoris hewetti (sucking insect pest of pepper berris) at concentration of 2.5% and mixing of citronellal oil and 82% mortality galangale oil at concentration of 2.5% (Wiratno et al., 2011). Plant heights treated with insecticides were not significantly different than control (Table 3). The growth of plants was slow because some parts of shoots attacked by A. gossypii, and the plants entered stadium of secondary vegetative growth (grew new shoots). The fresh weights of patchouli on various treatments of botanical insecticides were not significantly different than control (Table 4). The highest fresh weight was obtained on treatment of synthetic insecticide of carbosulfan with the average of production of 529.34 g plant-1. Synthetic insecticide of organophosphate at concentration of 2.00 ml l-1 to control Dasynus piperis increased fresh pepper berry yield and significantly different than control at second harvest (Rohimatun and Laba, 2013). Nevertheless, production on treatments of neem oil + citronellal oil, neem oil + clove oil, neem oil + clove oil + citronellal oil, and clove oil were lower than control. The fresh weight of patchouli on treatment of clove oil was the lowest, because clove oil caused phytotoxic to the plant and leaves fall prematurely. This case was the same with experiment conducted by Kardinan and Suriati (2012) that application of clove (eugenol) caused phytotoxic to the tea leaves. Productions of patchouli at all treatments of botanical insecticides were not significantly different than control.
Tri Lestari Mardiningsih et al. : The Potency of Botanical Insecticides to Control Aphis Gossypii (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Aphididae) ...
Bul. Littro, Volume 25, Nomor 1, Mei 2014
Table 3. The effect of various treatments of botanical insecticides on the plant height of patchouli at Cicurug Research Station, Sukabumi 2011. Tabel 3. Pengaruh berbagai macam insektisida nabati terhadap tinggi tanaman nilam di Kebun Percobaan Cicurug, Sukabumi 2011.
Plant height on the week of ... (cm) 1 4 8
Control NE Clove Citronellal NC NNS NCi NCCi Carbosulfan CV/KK (%)
29.2 27.8 29.0 29.8 29.0 32.6 28.2 29.8 29.3 7.13
29.6 29.3 28.8 30.9 29.1 33.4 26.7 29.6 31.9 11.51
29.4 41.5 33.0 35.2 33.5 38.5 30.8 28.0 36.6 15.17
Note: NE = neem extract, NC = neem oil + clove oil, NNS = neem oil + soapnuts, NCi = neem oil + citronellal oil, NCCi = neem oil + clove oil + citronellal oil. Keterangan: NE = ekstrak mimba, NC = minyak mimba + minyak cengkeh, NNS = minyak mimba + rerak, NCi = minyak mimba + minyak serai wangi, NCCi = minyak mimba + minyak cengkeh + minyak serai wangi.
Table 4. The influence of various insecticides treatments on patchouli production (fresh weight). Tabel 4. Pengaruh perlakuan insektisida nabati terhadap hasil nilam (berat basah). Treatments Carbosulfan NE NNS NC Citronellal Control NCi NCCi Clove CV/KK (%)
Production (g fresh weight plant-1) 529.34 a 406.71 ab 342. 41 bc 302.17 bcd 297.14 bcd 277.71 bcd 265.66 cd 215.38 cd 185.22 d 22.79
All treatments of insecticide were effective to decrese population of A. gossypii. Therefore, the damage of plants as a result of A. gossypii‘s attack were reduced, did not increase of plant height, but the growth of patchouli towards the sides with the increase of new shoots. Those facts resulted in the increase of patchouli fresh weight, especially on treatment of synthetic insecticide (carbosulfan) and neem extract. Neem extract has potency to be developed as an insecticide because the fresh weight on neem extract treatment was not significantly different from treatment of carbosulfan. CONCLUSION All treatments of botanical insecticides decreased the population of A. gossypii. The most effective treatment was that of neem extract with the value of efficacy higher than 80% occurred at seven assessments and the fresh weight of patchouli was not significantly different than carbosulfan. This botanical insecticide is promising to be developed. REFERENCES Charleston DS, R Kfir, M Dicke and LEM Vet. 2005. Impact of botanical pesticides derived from Melia azedarach and Azadirachta indica on the biology of two parasitoid species of the diamondback moth. Biological Control 33:131-142. Charleston DS, R Kfir, M Dicke and LEM Vet. 2006. Impact of botanical extract derived from Melia azedarach and Azadirachta indica on populations of Plutella xylostella and its natural enemies: A field test of laboratory findings. Biological Control 39:105-114.
Note: Means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at the 5% by DMRT. NE = neem extract, NC = neem oil + clove oil, NNS = neem oil + soapnutss, NCi = neem oil + citronellal oil, NCCi = neem oil + clove oil + citronellal oil.
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