PROCDtrDINGS ITB Vol. 13,No. 1/2. 1980
ABSTRACT The radioisotop32P has beenusedquite extelsvely in the field of insectecoloBi atd insect physiology. It has been widely known tlat "P is one of the sevenl isotopesappliedto tag the insects for miBration stu4ies, to estimate the sap uptake or the excretion of sucking insectsaswell asfor the study of spermslransferin stedlizationstudy. Within the scopeof SterileInsectsTehniques,the study on the uptake of 3lf by the gonads of brown planthoppers(Nilapansts lugensStzl) could be meaningful.The 'rP radioisotopes usedhad been one of most availableproductsof the Centre.Theradioisotopeprovidedalsoa possiblesourcefor sterilization due to its accurnulativeeffect. Resultsof the investigationon r]r" 32P uptake by the whole body ard gonadsafter feeding on radioactiverice seedlingswill be reported. 2t --P a. Absorpaionof by rie-seedlingF(PelitaI/l ) The specific activities of 'rP (Carrier free) appliedto the two week old seedlingswere l, 2,4,6,8,10, l5, and 20 uci/cc.The radioactivity count ofhoppersandleaftipsweremade .48 hn. after submenion ofthe seedlinesin the radioactivesolution.
b. Absorption of 32 P by BpH The radioactiveseedlings were offered to BPH afte. being washedthoroughlywith water. A singl€ BPH is fed on a singlerice seedlingskept in a glasstube.Count of the whole body and gonadswere made?!.48,72, and 96 houn after feeding.Sterilityeffectswere dissected observed from tle matingof "P trealedhoppen.
ABSTRAK Radiqisotop 32P telah dipe.gunakansecaraluasdalambidangekologi dan fisiologiserangga. Telah diketahui secaraluas bahwa'zP merupakansalahsatudari beberapaisotop yang telah dipergunakanuntuk penandaanseranggaguna menunjangstudi migrasi,pengambilancairan tanamanataupunekskresidari seranggap€lghisaparaupunstudi tentangtransferdari sperma.
t ResearchCentre for Nuclear Tehniques, Bandung. Departement of Biology-ITB, Bandung.
PRoCEEDINGS ITB vol 13,No. t/2, 1980
D dalam ruang lingkup Teknik SeranggaMandul, stucli dari pengambilan32Poleh gonad dad wereng coklat (Nilapanara tua€nsStal) dapat mempuryai arti penting mengingat bahwa produk ini merupakan salah satu hasil yang mudah diperoleh dari PPTN dan mempunyai pros pek yang baik sebagaisumberste.ilisasiintemal mengingatpengaruhakumulatipnya 32P oleh seluruh tubuh dan gonad Berikut adalah hasil penelitian tentang pengambilan yang radioaktip. werengsetelqlldiberi makan benih padi a. Absorbci"P oleh be$h padi (Pelitat/l) Aktiyitas jenis dari 'rP (bebaspengemban)yang dipergunakamuntuk penandaanbenih padi berumur 2 minggu adalah 1,21,6,8,10,15 dan 20 uci/cc. Pencacahan terhadapujung daun dan wereng dilakukan setelah akar benih padi direndarn dalam larutan radioaktlp jam. selama 4_8_ b. Absorbsi " P oleh wereng coklat Benih padi yang telah radioaktip diumpankankepada wereng coklat setelahdicuci benih dengar air suling. Satu wereng coklat dewasadiberi malan satu benih padi di dalam sebuahtabung kaca. Pencacahandari tubuh dan gonadwerengyang telah dikeluarkan drlakukar,24, 48,72, dan 96 jarn setelahqqkan. Efek pemandulandiamati dari perkawinanwerengyang telah mendapatperlakuan"P.
INTRODUCTION (Joint FAO/ The AdvisoryGroup on the useof Isotopesin PestManagement the necessityto study BPH from the aspectsof IAEA, Bangftok,1976)stressed biotopes ard resistency,dispenal, prey/predatorand pesticideresistance.A study on the effect of "P on the insectssterility couldgiveimPortanthformation on bionomy of this pestwhich may leadto the useof "P asan internal irradiationsoulce. Researchon the effectsof gammaradiationon the developmentand reproduction had alsobeendone( I ). 32P Within the scopeof sterileInsectsTehniques,the study on the uptakeof by brown planthoppersgonadsand its sterility effect could be important to supportthe effort to control this insect. Asidefrom the fact that 32Phasbeenone of the most availableproductsof the Centre,this study will be usefulfor the study of spermtransfer,food uptake effects(2). and alsoasa possiblesourcefor sterilizationdue to its accumulative Materialsand Methods 32Pintuk. by femalesand males ". fuce seedlings(Pelita I/l), 15 days old. asmuch as 50 per batch weredipped into 50 cc aquadestcontaining KH232PO4 (carrierfree) with the following
specificactivities:0.5; 1.5; 2;4;6; 8; l0; and 20 uci/cc.After 24 hn., the seedlings wereremovedfrom the solutionand washedthrougruy withaquadest. Taggingof the hopperswasdone individuallywithin a glasstube (2 x 18 cm) containinga singleradioactiverice seedling.The total numberof tubesused were 50 tubes for male and 50 tubes for femalehoppen. After 48 hn., the and dried within an ovenfor 4 hn' at 80'C. Leaf tips hopperswereanesthetized prepared the sameway.Countingwasdonewith a GM of the seedlings werealso counterfor a durationof I minuteper sample. b. Gonadalintake32P '!^he sameprocedurewasusedfor this study but with higherspecificactivitiesof r I P,namelyl, 100and200 uci/cc. Gonadsweretakenin Ringerssolution,dried and counted. Observationswerealsomadeon the longevityof the treatedfemaleand male Feedingperiodswere24,48,72 and96 hn. hoppers. Resultsand discussion As expected,the increaseof the specificactivityof the 32Pgivento the seedlings producedincreased radioactivityof the rice seedlingas countedfrom the leaf tips. It was apparentthat the radioactivitiesof the hoppersdependedon the ra-dioactivityof the food giwn. For taggingpurposes,the specificactivity of r rP aslargeasor evenlowerthan l0 uci/ccwill givesatisfactory results.It is an materials from hoppers more radioactive absorbed interestingcasethat female (Fig. prospect I We looking see the males are forward to than the riceseedlings ).
(uci/cc) Dosage Fig.1. Relationship betweenleaftip 32Pabsorption body countof BPH andthe uptakeby male/female
pRocEEDINGs ITB vol_13.No. 1/2. 1980
of usingthis internal radiationas a sourceto sterilizeBPH in the field especially for the females.For comparison,we can quote Hassetand^Jenkins13) experimentalresulton mosquitoestagging.For a concentrationof r zPin water ctf 0.1 uci/cc, femalestook up three times asmuch as males and averaged 15.858counts/minuteeach which was 75 timesthe specificactivityof the medium. In the^eradioactivityof the whole body and gonadsdo not r zPconcentrationwithin 48 hrs. of contacr. exceedtherice seedlings Withlow specificacrivities of l2P,the32Puptakeby hoppergonads arelow. Thereforehigher specificactivitiesareusedfor the gonadaluptakestudy (100 and200 uci/cc). Sincethe work hadnot beenentirely completed,only the resultsof the female hopperscouldbe forwardedhere(Table|,Fie. 2). Table 1. The averageot 32Pby 20 femalebrown planthoppersfrom rice seedlingswithin a contact time of 48 hrs. 32P
Time of feeding application after single "P application (uci/cc)
24 48 72 96 24 48 72 96
Radioactivity(cpm) Wholebody
3488r 158.6 6 9 1 3r 1 0 3 . 2 8838t 128.9 6139! 102.3 9959! 674.2 t6 669!345;l 30 966! 119.9 tt 74t ! 163.9
483! 2892! 4607! t33t ! 647! 8994! 8138r 4 8 9 5r
t4l .2 3.2 t36.8 49.9 13.6 45;7 244.8 109.1
Single applicationof 32P to the medium of riceseedlings producedoptimal results of hoppen absorptionduring 72 hn. The decliningcondition of the singlerice seedlings offeredto the hoppermay havecausedthe decrease of sap uptake.From the aspectof control effort, the resultsof the study on sterility ard longevitycould be interesthg(Table2). It wasour aim to cometo a con-clusion on the sensjtivityof brownplanthoppen gonadstowardsthe uptakeof 32P,suchasthe work of Robertson12yon icale insects althoughin the latter casethe aim was on the asDectof safeinsect taeging. Because32P had beenone of the most importantand availableproductsof the Centre,this basicsterility study on BPHwasexpectedto havean importantimpact on the local conditions.
PROCEEDINGSITB Vol. 13. No. 1/2, 1980
Histological study on the gonadshave not shown any significant visible changes, although adverse changes had been on house flies fed $'ith milk containing 32 the enormousdoseof0.23 uci P per gram (4).
32000 30000 28000 26000 24000 22000 18000 16000 i
r4000 12000 r0000
200 uci/cc (body)
8000 6000 4000
100 ucvcc (body)
200 uci/cc (gonad) 100 uci/cc Gonad) Tirne (hrs)
32 Fig. 2. The uptake P by brown planthopperbody and gonad.
32P Table 2 Effect ol absorptionon hopperstenility and longevity. Note: a = i.rdiated mat6 X \rnirradist€d Jemal6: b = unirradiated males X irrsdioted temal6,
32P (uci/cc)
0 1 I 100 100
Numberof hoppers treated
20 20b 20^ 20b 2Qa
Numberof hstched eS$/pair 307.? i l0.l 88.5 1 1.3 109.6 1 1.9 n?{+
87.8 r 1.3
Adultslongivity (dav) Male 3 1 . 0r 0 . ? 2 3 . 4! 2 . 3 23.5!0.9 26.0t0.6 26.6! t.3
t 7. 0x z . l 14.0 17.8 rl6+1(|< l).b a J.)
5 . 41 0 . 9
pRocEEDINGs ITB vol.l3,No.l/2,1980
l. BABERS,F.H., ROAN, C.C.,Distributionof RadioactivePhosphorus in Susceptible and ResistantHouseflies,J. Econ. Entomol., 47 (1954) 973. 2. HASSET,C.C.,JENKINS,D.W.,Uptakeand Effect of Radiophosphorus in Mosquitoes, Physiol.Zool.,24 (1951\257. 3. MOCHIDA,O., Effect of gammaradiation on the development& reproduction of the brown planthopper,N. Iugens(S) (Hom., Delphacidae), Appl. End.,Zool., 8 (1973)113. 4. ROBERTSON,G., The sensitivityof scaleinsectsto laC particlesand to 60Cy-rays,Int. J. Radiat.Biol., 23.