SUSTAINABLE CITIES: PARADIGM OF INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT FOR COASTAL CITIES Raditya Jati INDONESIA Presented for: Southeast Asian-German Summer School on Urbanization Cambodia, October 18-31st 2007, Theme: Urban Driving Forces
Overview Why is the coastal area important? Issues and Problems in Coastal Cities Urban driving forces in Coastal Cities Sustainable coastal cities and Ecological Principles Paradigm of Integrated Coastal Zone Management Challenges in the future
The coastal zone is the area where the ocean meet the land, interrelated by the terrestrial activities and the hydrodynamic process of the sea. The most commonly perceive high risks environmental problem in the coastal area is environmental destruction caused by anthropogenic and natural impacts. These affect not only the natural resources and biodiversity, but almost the whole coastal system that interact physic, biotic, socioeconomic, and culture.
The fast growing developing of the coastal cities in Indonesia since the decentralization and autonomy are force by the economic activities and the need of the regional economic income; which sometimes neglected the environmental constraints. The economic development is most of the major pressure for environmental destruction in the coastal zone; if the balance between environment aspect and economical aspect are unequal, which should be base on the concept of sustainable city. The sustainable city development concepts need ideas, paradigms, and actions that can be implement in coastal planning and coastal management.
Why is the coastal area important?
An estimated 50 to 70% of the estimated 5.3 billion people alive today live in coastal zones [Edgren, (Kay and Alder, 1999)]. Today, the world’s population in coastal areas is equal to the entire global population in the 1950s [Beukenkamp, Gunther, (Kay and Alder, 1999)]. In 30 years more people will live in the world’s coastal zones than are alive today [NOAA, (Kay and Alder, 1999)]. Up to 75% of the world population could be living within 60 km of the shoreline by 2020 [Edgren, (Kay and Alder, 1999)]
In the World, people are migrating to the cities and coastal area. In the year of 2000, first time in history, more than 50% of the population are living in the cities and 50% of population are living in the coast. (Timerman, 1997). The following cities are on a sea coast. A rough guideline for addition of the city: – A port city - it should be able to handle international vessels. – Population (including immediately adjacent suburbs) above 100,000. – Should not be greater than 20 km away from the ocean
2/3 from the world population in Indonesia are living in the coastal area that are concentrated in several cities and located in the delta area (Waterman, 2003). Population increase of 1.6 % in the year of 2000 About 157 million from 256 million are living in Java and Bali, and most of them are living in the coastal area (BPS, 2001). It is estimated that 60% people in Indonesia are living in the coastal area
Issues and Problems in Coastal Cities 1.
The cities and megapolitan in the world are experiencing distrubtion of the ecosystem and enviromental degradation in the coastal area. Cities like Hong Kong and Tokyo, with its big harbour in the coast are degrading due of dredging, sedimentation, contamination, and polution The population explotion in the coastal area tendencies are high. The prediction show that the population in the coastal cities are increasing and most of the people will live in the cities that located in the coastal area
The cities in the coastal area are threaten by the ecological dimension.These cities are using the surplus of their welfare to preserve the environment. Some cases show that these cities are using the natural resources from their hinterland, that will cause environmental degradation. The worst situation will cause urbanization to the coastal cities and will cause the destruction of the environment in the hinterland. The worst environmental condition will also effect to the decreasing of their welfare, which also give impact on the price on environmental management, more of transportation, and less of city tax to improve the quality of the environent
5. The global climate change inderectly gave impact to the ecosystems of the coastal cities, that will cause potenstial impact that are case by the sea level rise:
Flooding risk are increasing and decreasing of drainage Water salinity and water supply Sea level rise will cause on the infrastructures near the shore Beach erosion
6. Disaster in the coastal area that are cause by natural disaster such as tsunami, earthquake, storm, and high tide. 7. Destruction of the coral reefs that are cause by bombing and overfishing, linland deforestration, algablooms, mangroves due to the land use change, nutrient increasement, and sedimentation, these are cause by natural and human involvement on development.
Image Megapolitan yang terletak di wilayah pesisir di dunia menunjukkan kecenderungan untuk semakin meningkat jumlah dan kepadatan penduduknya.
sumber: Natural Resources Conservation Service. World Soil Resources Map Index. Global Population Density--1994.
Urban driving forces in Coastal Cities Investment
on properties
Industries Tourism Development Government Economic
Gambar 4. Foto Airborne dari beberapa wilayah pesisir yang berkembang karena faktor ekonomi dapat berdampak pada kerusakan lingkungan. Foto A di Semarang terdapat bangunan infrastruktur menjorok ke arah laut yang dapat berdampak pada perubahan hidrodinamika dan morfodinamika pesisir; Foto B kawasan industri Krakatau Steel membangun di kawasan pesisir yang dapat menimbulkan resiko kerusakan lingkungan; Foto C merupakan kawasan Kepulauan Seribu yang sudah padat karena aktivitas pariwisata; Foto D merupakan usaka reklamasi pantai di Kota Semarang. (Foto-foto oleh Arief Effendi)
“what attract business in properties in the coastal area are the beautiful landscape with the combination of modern living. The problems are the coastal ecosystem are not well preserved an and these locations are potential of modal investments but also potential of natural hazard…”
“The property in the coastal area are always similar with the exclusiveness and expensiveness. The development of the properties are very promising, It is a pity that the policy had not regulated yet. With out any regulation their will be many conflicts among the actors in he coastal area”
“the coastal area are always similar with resort, hotel, and tourism that had developed the tourism industries sector. The tourism sectors will increase quickly but most of the public access will decrease”
Sustainable coastal cities and Ecological Principles Sustainable
city principles: [(Research Triangle Institute, 1996), Budihardjo, 2005] Five E yaitu Environment (Ecology), Economy (Employement), Equity, Engagement, dan Energy. In Indonesia there additional 2 E which are Ethic of Development and Ethic of the City (Budihardjo, 2005).
The natural resources sustainable management need a integrated approach in iterative process on suing the natural resources, energy, and waste with mechanism of: Minimize the consumption of natural resources, especially the non-renewable natural resources and extend the renewable resources; Minimize the waste production by reuse or recycling; Minimize the air polution for land, water, and air Increase the green space for the city
ENVIRONMENT Environmental indicators
Economic indicators
GDP Savings Production Performance Indicators
Sectoral indicators Efficiency Indicators
Pressures State Impact Performance Indicators
Social indicators
Income Health Income inequality Performance Indicators
SOCIETY Sustainable Spatial planning is a integrative concept among sectors that are related to one another. The main of the concept is to reach the EFICIENCY of using the available natura resources. To develop the indicators of sustainable planning need an integration of economic, environemntal, and social mechanism that is shown in the model of sustainable indicators. (KLH, 2001).
Paradigm of Integrated Coastal Zone Management
The integrated coastal zone management is define by a dynamic and continuous process with the all decision making on sustainable, development and preservation of the natural resources of the coast and the sea (GEF/UNDP/IMO, 1996 dalam Dahuri, 2003).
Some goals on ICZM according to Cicin-Sain dan Knecht, 1998, are: 1) to reach the goals of the sustainable development of the coastal and ocean; 2) to minimize natural hazard that endanger the coastal area and the living inhabitants; and 3) to maintain the ecological process, carrying capacity systems, and diversities of the coast and ocean.
The ICZM for the future need to be (Kay, 1999):
First, the principles of the sustainable
development from the planners and the policy maker are challenges to transfer on management level Second, planning and management of the coastal area are very related Third, planning and management that refer to the commitment from the other stakeholders are important, emerging management model such as community based, collaborative and comanagement. These are to anticipate the conflict among the interest of stakeholders.
Fourth, the coastal management have to be the
responsibility of all actors, the responsibility consist of international effort until local level, with all stakeholders including the people, private sectors, industries, avocation group, and the government. Partnership need to be implemented for sustainable beneficiaries of all stakeholders. Fifth, the successful of coastal management are based on the local knowledge, related to the natural resources and management Sixth, several method of planning need to be develop innovatively for the environmental problems Seventh, strategic planning and coastal management can be collected with the stakeholders, according to the policies, with different scales that have orientation of integration. Eight, to evaluate and monitor the program and policy to indicate the successful of the management.
Driving Forces Fisik: erosi, sedimentasi, intrusi air laut, Biotik: hilangnya mangroves dan penggundulan hutan di hulu Sosbud: pertambahan penduduk, aktifitas manusia, perubahan lahan, pemukiman, pekerjaan
Pressures abrasi dan akresi pantai; dampak antropogenik perubahan lahan/ konversi; sedimentasi yang tinggi di muara sungai; banjir luapan dari sungai; sampah dan sanitasi; berbagai stakeholder
Survei & Pengamatan Langsung PCRA
State erosi pantai hilangnya hutan mangroves kerusakan lingkungan navigasi terganggu kebersihan banjir konflik kepentingan
Impact Dampak dari berbagai permasalahan kerusakan lingkungan adalah kesejahteraan, produktifitas, kenyamanan, keamanan, perubahan fungsi lingkungan
Response Kebijakan Program Model Penanganan Guidance Rekomendasi
DRIVING FORCE DAN PRESSURE Alam Musim Barat dan Musim Timur Abrasi Akresi
Manusia Pertumbu han Populasi Perubahan penggunaan lahan Kompetisi penggunaan lahan Pembangunan struktur di laut yang tidak merata Kebutuhan sesaat Kebutuhan ekonomi Penambangan Pariwisata Pemukiman
Kerusaka n pantai akibat abrasi Kerusakan pantai akibat penambangan Sedimentasi di muara sungai Intrusi air laut Kerusakan hutan bakau Kerusakan biota laut Limbah/sampah pertanian Limbah/sampah pariwisata Lahan timbul Overfishing Kondisi air bersih yang kurang Pendapatan menurun Konflik sosial
Kualitas air bersih yang masih kurang Beberapa lokasi dapat tergerus abrasi Mundurnya garis pantai Gumuk pasir yang sudah menghilang Pohon kelapa yang tumbang Hilangnya 20ha lahan tambak Kegiatan navigasi kapal yang terganggu Aktifitas ekonomi terhambat Perebutan lahan timbul Hutan mangrove rusak Habitat ikan rusak Air meluap dan banjir Hilangnnya beberapa tanah Lahan garapan berkurang Kurang perlindungan Kebersihan lingkungan tidak terjaga
Solusi Fisik Pembangunan pemecah gelombang Pembangunan jeties Teknologi pengolahan air limbah Solusi Biotik Penghijauan: pencegah abrasi, perbaikan habitat, penyaringan air limbah, penahan erosi di muara dan sungai, tambak Solusi Sosial Koordinasi Kolaborasi Penegakkan hukum LH Pemberdayaan Dana Pembimbingan Program yang jelas Partisipasi aktif Pengarahan teknis Melibatkan masyarakat dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan
Challenges in the future
The development of the sustainable coastal city need of thought, paradigm and activities that are implemented in the planning and management of the coastal area. The future strategy for planning and management for sustainable coastal city are base on the sustainable city planning that require in the dimension of environmental, economic, social, cultural, physical, biotic, and politic. Several consideration on planning the sustainable coastal city are also to design the healthy cities.
management model of the ecosystem for coastal cities are in multi-sector approach with good coordination, cooperation, and coordination Some of the model and instruments are Green Agenda, Environmental Management Strategy, Environmental Action Plan, and ICZM model
Several concept are: First, Metrofitting concept of using the vacant land for several of topics such as waste management, optimize the infrastructure Second, Green Infrastructure is zonification of the green are in the city and the water of the city that involve to planning for preserving the area that vulnerable for strategic issues in the future.
Third, Ecological Footprint to calculate the cost
and other resources for environmental service in the coastal city. Keempat, Towards Green Financing, include the concept of cost and benefit of the city from environmental aspect such as environmental audit, internal conservations, consensus of the local government to obtain sanction for the actor that polluted the environment, networking within all stakeholders.
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