How are you today Are you ready for class yet? Now before we start our lesson I want one repsesntative to come forward because we have games to do today,so I want to ask one volunteer,one. Anyone? Representative? Come on. Okay you Our game’s today is titled the silence of oprah, so, the rule is your friend kevin,will mimic and gesture words and all of you should guess what is the word Okay, ready? Starts now Good,carrying The next one Biscuits? Crack?cracking. The third. In english? Explodes The last wrapped,good So what are the words? The first one is? carry. Carry, okay? Repeat after me The next word that you’ve guess before? Cracking Cracking, thats right Then, explodes And the last ? wrapped Wrapped, okay Those are the vocabulary words that you will read So,before that,I got a video for all of you, and guess what’s the video talk about. Okay. So,what’s the video talk about? Google glasses?then what else? Mmm videonya sedang menceritakan apa kepada kalian? About google glass, so, this video is talk about? And its a kind of?
Adversitement,good. It’s about adversitement. Well, uhh biasanya adversitement itu ngapain? Tujuannya apa? Promosi. This is Example of an adversitement. Okay bagiin satu-satu. Do you think the video is one of a good adversitement? Videonya merupakan salah satu contoh adversitement yang baik atau tidak? okay Creative, then? Jadi? Others? Interesting, then? So your friend have said its attractive, interesting,unique,creative, and the others? useful So based on the text, what haveyou got? Ada yang belum dapat? Okay now, based on the text. Take a look for breakfast cereal Look from the breakfast cereal, ready? So based on breakfast cereal, what do you got based on the text? Ada apa saja dalam breakfast cereal? Berarti adversitement should have? Keunggulan, lalu apalagi? Name of the product, terus? Paper. Jadi kalau misalnya iklan itu harus ada nama, lalu keunggulan, satu lagi. Bagaimana untuk mendapatinya.then what else? Apalagi Iklan biasanya untuk menarik perhatian orang, kata-katanya apa?
Berarti itu apa? Itu namanya apa? Slo? Slo? Slogan. Jadi kita harus ada kata kata ? persuasive words Jadi dari breakfast cereal ini slogannya yang mana? Dibaca ulang. Read the text. Minerals, during,exciting,flavours So, what is the slogan of the text? Get the cracking egg What is the persuasiveon the text? Persuasivenya yang mana? Let do the fun and eat the nutritious breakfast of the day Berarti keunggulannya apa? Every box is twisting with crunch in your mouth The purpose is to introuduce the product into the public by attractive product to advertise Jadi kita sudah bahas apa saja tadi? Jadi di text ini barang ini dijual untuk siapa? Then? The name of product is? Crunchy crackers Product explanation tadi apa keunggulannya? Well, itu harus ada persuasive words and? Adversitement tadi google glasses nya itu pengen bilang apa? Menarik, attractive, unique so? Simple, short, attractive, unique okay then Tugas sekarang kita lakuin hari ini adalah bagaimana caranya kalian advertise Kita harus coba. Kalau kalian mau menjual suatu barang,kalian harus ngapain biar orangnya tertarik untuk membeli?
Kitanya biar, oh kayaknya barangnya menarik nih atau gimana nih...
First one, kita harus punya good gesture. Terus misalnya nih kalian kalau didepan misalnya saya ada barang ini, gimana cara menarik perhatiannya? Good example, then eye contact. Misalnya kalau kalian jual suatu barang,kalian pandangannya kemana? Ke yang kita tawarin kan? Good. Next, to won and choose appropriate intonation. Misalnya nih biar menarik, masa kalian menawarkan suatu barang dengan uh saya ada buku sih, lucu ya lucu, dengan intonasi yang sama, datar. Nah intonasinya tuh yang menarik gitu misalnya semangat. Nah misalnya saya ada buku pokoknya ada bagusnya warnanya nah bagus kan? And the last,friendly face. Senyum . ramah. Misal dengan muka datar saya ada barang ini barang ini bagus buat kalian nahh gamau kan nawar barang dengan muka seperti itu? Nahh kita harus friendly face. So, jadi kalau kalian mau menjual barang kalian harus apa jadinya? Good gesture, eye contact,...... I have another paper for you. Semua udah dapet kertasnya? Ada yang sisa gak kertasnya? Ada sisa kertas? Ada sisa ga kertasnya lagi? Nah. Take a look at the storyboard on your paper. So the storyboard. What’s the storyboard talk about? About? Ayo dong? Whats the storyboard talk about? Adversitement about? Vending machine? Its about soft drink. Good. What else? Di storyboardnya dia menjual apa? Softdrink. Okay, kedua So what is the adversitement about? Soft drink. And what does the boy feel when drinking from a can in sixth picture? One two three four five six? Then what is the slogan of the citrus about sixth softdrink? Is it good? Now you already know many examples of adversitement right? There’s a video, a text then a storyboard. Now, your job is to make your own adveristement text and present it in front of the class. Without reading the text. You make in group of two and kalian boleh menjual apa saja. Bikinnya boleh berdua tapi majunya tetep sendiri. In english,inget ya, a good adversitement must have apa aja? How to impress terus ada nama barangnya terus ada kelebihannya, tujuan barang ini apa terus ada apa lagi? Slogan and expressive words. Then kalo kalian mau present in front of the class, kalian harus ngapain? Gesture,eye contact, friendly face dan textnya harus apa? Short,attractive,clean and? Now i give ten minutes to make it. Yes. Ten minutes to make it. Okay? Just work on your task.
Five minutes. Two minutes. Dua menit lagi, come on dua menit lagi. Okay. Who is ready? The time is up. Who is ready? Who wants to be first? Sebutin nama kalian ya. Ayo siapa yang siap? Hands up. Majunya sendiri-sendiri. Ayo siapa yang siap? Miss tunjuk atau maju sendiri? Gak boleh bawa text. Eh ini mau nawar atau enggak? Daritadi gak kelar-kelar? Nilainya jelek loh Who’s next? Yaudah choose Ayo. Listen to your friend, listen to your friend kevin, listen to your friend Dont forget to give names to the product please, and dont forget to make it short Listen to your friend. Okay, who’s next? Class! Do not bring the text. Listen to your friend. Thank you. Who’s next? Who’s next? Class, listen to your friend, okay? Thank you. Who’s next, the last for today? The last for today and we will continue on Friday.
Listen to your friend,class. Good. Thankyou. Oh masih bisa satu lagi? Okay who’s next?
Next? Shhh, silent,silent. Good. Okay. Okay so, to
Okay, jadi nanti hari jumat semuanya diselesaikan ya. Okay jadi kita hari ini belajar apa aja? Adversitement, then feature then benefits then what else? And it will be have? Slogan then persuasive? Words And it should? Attractive,clear and useful So that’s our class today,see you next week