Simple Future Tense Subject + will + verb1+ object + modifier Subject + [(is/am/are/) going to] + verb1+ object + modifier Subject + (is/am/are/) + (verb1+ing)+ object + modifier Note:
• In American English, auxiliary shall (i.e. sepupunya will) sudah sangat jarang digunakan.Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini tidak membahas penggunaan shall.
• Pola yang ketiga ini sama dengan Present continuous tense. Penggunaannya khusus untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang direncanakan akan dilakukan. (Lihat penggunaan simple future tense yang kedua). Contoh: 1. Farmers in Jati Bali will grow rice crops next month. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan bercocok tanam padi bulan depan). 2. Some students are going to conduct research on vegetative plant propagations next semester. (Beberapa siswa akan melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif semester depan). 3. Transpiration will start to increase tomorrow morning. (Transpirasi akan mulai meningkat besok pagi).
Penggunaan Simple Future Tense Simple
terjadi/dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang, apakah 10 menit atau 1 jam yang akan datang, besok, lusa, minggu depan, bulan depan, tahun depan, dan seterusnya. Jika past tense menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas setelah now (past time), simple future tense menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas sebelum now (future time). Berikut adalah 5 kategori penggunaan Simple Future Tense, yaitu: 1. Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang diprediksi akan terjadi/dilakukan. Contoh:
1. According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow. (Menurut ramalan cuaca, besok akan hujan).
2. None of us have done the homework the teacher told us to do. He will be very disappointed when he finds out.
3. Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. I think Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend,will come too.
4. I will probably see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch
5. The damage we do to our forest today will result in severe catastrophes sooner or later in the future. Kelima contoh kalimat di atas juga dapat dinyatakan dengan pola yang kedua menjadi:
1. According to the weather forecast, it is going to rain tomorrow. (Menurut ramalan cuaca, besok akan hujan).
2. None of us did the homework the teacher had told us to do. He is going to be very disappointed when he finds out.
3. Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. I think Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend,is going to come too.
4. I am probably going to see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch. 5. The damage we do to our forest today is going to result in severe catastrophes sooner or later in the future. 2. Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang direncanakan akan terjadi/dilakukan. Jika aktivitas yang akan dilakukan telah direncanakan/diniatkan sebelumnya, gunakan pola yang kedua atau ketiga. Contoh:
1. Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. 2. He has an appointment. He is going to meet his business partner at noon. 3. I am going to go to the shopping mall. Do you want to go with me? 4. The next world cup championship is going to be held in South Africa in 2010. 5. He is going to leave for Bali tomorrow morning. Kelima contoh kalimat di atas juga dapat dinyatakan dengan pola yang ketiga menjadi:
1. Ronny is coming to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. 2. He has an appointment. He is meeting his business partner at noon. 3. I am going to the shopping mall Do you want to go with me? 4. The next world cup championship is being held in South Africa in 2010. 5. He is leaving for Bali tomorrow morning. 3. Untuk menyatakan kesudian/kesanggupan melakukan sesuatu. Untuk kategori ini, gunakan pola yang pertama.
1. Why don’t you ask John? He will happily help you do your homework. 2. She will voluntarily teach us how to write in English well. 3. Let’s go to the canteen. I will treat you. (Saya akan traktir kamu). 4. You look thirsty. I will get a glass of water for you. 5. I will open the door for you.
4. Untuk membuat main clause pengandaian yang bersifat hipotesa (hypothetical conditional); Artinya, apa yang akan terjadi pada main clause, tergantung pada apa yang terjadi pada anak kalimat (sub-clause) dari kalimat pengandaian tersebut. Contoh:
1. If she comes tonight, I will not go out. (Jika dia datang malam ini, saya tidak akan keluar rumah). Sebaliknya, jika dia tidak datang, saya akan keluar rumah.
2. If you study hard, your English will steadily improve. (Jika kamu belajar keras, bahasa Inggris kamu akan terus meningkat).
3. If we succeed, our parents will be very proud of us. (Jika kita sukses, orang-orang tua kita akan sangat bangga dengan kita).
4. If you apply fertilizers optimally, the crop yields will increase. (Jika kamu mengaplikasikan pupuk secara optimal, hasil-hasil tanaman akan meningkat).
5. If pests are controlled properly, there will be no failure in crop production. (Jika hamahama dikendalikan secara tepat, tidak akan ada kegagalan dalam produksi tanaman). 5. Untuk membuat request dan command lebih formal atau lebih sopan. Contoh:
1. Will you take care of my plants while I am gone, please! (Tolong rawat tanaman-tanaman saya selama saya pergi!).
2. Will you return my book tomorrow, please! I need to study it for the exam. (Tolong kembalikan buku saya besok. Saya perlu mempelajari untuk (mempersiapkan diri) ujian).
3. Will you give me some sugar, please! (Tolong beri saya sedikit gula). 4. Will you pick up the phone, please! (Tolong angkat telponnya). 5. Will you go out with me tonight, please! (Pergilah kencan dengan saya malam ini). Note: Simple present tense juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan future time, khusus untuk kejadian/aktivitas yang sudah terjadwal. Hanya ada beberapa verbs yang bisa digunakan di sini, antara lain: open
1. I have to transfer money now but it’s already 2 o’clock. Don’t worry. You still have time. The bank closes at 4 o’clock.
2. Classes begin next week. 3. The train arrives at 11 p.m. tonight. 4. The first flight leaves at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
5. The ceremony starts at 11. It’s about in half an hour. (Upacaranya mulai jam 11. Kurang lebih setengah jam lagi).
Modifier of time untuk Simple Future Tense Modifier of time (keterangan waktu)yang umum digunakan pada Simple Future Tense dapat berupa:
1. singgle word : tomorrow (besok), soon (segera), tonight (sebentar malam). Note:Tonight bermakna future time jika pada saat mengekspresikan suatu kejadian/aktivitas belum malam (i.e. baru jam 5 sore, 2 sore, atau masih 10 pagi ect). Tetapi jika misalnya pada jam 8 malam anda sedang berduaan dengan pacar, tonight berarti malam ini (i.e. bermakna now). I am with my boy-/girlfriend tonight. I am so happy. Tonight is one of my greatest nights in my whole life.
2. phrase : next week (minggu depan), next month (bulan depan), next year (tahun depan), etc. 3. clause : when she arrives, if the rain falls tomorrow, etc. Remember: clause (i.e. adverbial clause) untuk simple future tense selalu dalam present tense. Jangan dinyatakan dalam future tense. INCORRECT jika when she will arrive; if the rain willfall tomorrow.
Negative Form Subject + will + not + verb1+ object + modifier Subject + [(is/am/are/) + not + going to] + verb1+ object + modifier Subject + (is/am/are/) + not + (verb1+ing)+ object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali will not grow rice crops next month (Petani-petani di Jati Bali tidak akan bercocok tanam padi bulan depan).
2. Some students are not going to conduct research on vegetative plant propagations next semester (Beberapa siswa tidak akan melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif semester depan).
3. Transpiration will not start to increase tonight. (Transpirasi tidak akan mulai meningkat malam ini).
4. According to the weather forecast, it will not rain tomorrow. 5. He will not be very happy when he finds out. 6. I think Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend, will not come. 7. I will not probably see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch 8. Ronny is not going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight 9. He is not going to meet his business partner at noon. 10. I am not going to go to the shopping mall. 11. He is not going to leave for Bali tomorrow morning. etc.
Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense Subject + will + be + ( verb1+ing) + object + modifier Subject + [(is/am/are/) going to] + be + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali will be growing rice crops at 9 a.m. tomorrow. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan sedang menanam padi jam 9 pagi besok).
2. Some students are going to be conducting research on vegetative plant propagations when I go to the agronomy laboratory next week. (Beberapa siswa akan sedang melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif ketika saya pergi ke lab. agronmy dua hari depan).
3. Transpiration will be starting to increase at 8 a.m. tomorrow. (Transpirasi akan sedang mulai meningkat jam 8 besok pagi).
Penggunaan Future Continuous Tense Penggunaan future continuous tense pada prinsipnya sama dengan past continuous tense. Yang membedakan adalah jika past continuous tense menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung in the past, future continuous tense menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung in the future. Pembicara tahu bahwa suatu kejadian/aktivitas akan sedang berlangsung karena kejadian/aktivitas tersebut telah direncanakan (bukan karena prediksi) atau karena merupakan regular happening/habitual action. Untuk lebih memahami perbedaan antara kedua tensis ini, tulisan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan konsep dan contoh-contoh pada past continuous tense. Dan tentu saja, keterangan waktunya telah digeser dari past time menjadi future time.
Future Continuous Tense digunakan 1. Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu yang spesifik di masa depan. Spesifikasi waktu biasanya dinyatakan dengan jam (i.e. jam berapa kejadian itu berlangsung). Sebagai ilustrasi, perhatikan contoh kalimat 1 di bawah. Sebagai seorang ibu, saya tahu rutinitas putri saya. Jam 3 -5 belajar atau ngerjakan PR, jam 8-9 nonton TV, 9-11 bejalar lagi. Karena sudah tahu persis rutinitas putri saya tersebut, saya berani bilang bahwa pada jam 8.30 nanti, dia sedang nonton TV. Logika yang sama juga berlaku pada contoh kalimat 2 – 8. Contoh:
1. My daughter will be watching TV at eight thirty tonight. (Putri saya akan sedang nonton TV jam 8.30 malam ini).
2. She will be copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning. (Dia akan sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 pagi ini). Asumsi, sekarang belum jam 10 pagi.
3. I will be discussing English with my classmates at 2 p.m. next Friday. (Saya akan sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelas saya jam 2 sore Jumat depan).
4. I will be being busy at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. (Saya akan sedang sibuk jam 8 pagi besok).
5. They will be being very happy at 9 o’clock next Saturday night. (Mereka akan sedang sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu depan). Asumsi, mereka baru jadian (pacaran).
6. This time next year, she will be studying Economics at the University of Toronto.(Bulan ini tahun depan, dia akan sedang belajar/kuliah Ekonomi di Universitas Toronto).
7. They will be taking an English exam at 10 a.m. tomorrow. (Mereka akan sedang mengikuti ujian bahasa Inggris jam 10 besok pagi).
8. We will be watching a football game at 11 p.m. tonight. (Kami akan sedang nonton pertandingan sepak bola jam 11 malam ini). 2. Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang sedang terjadi/berlangsung di masa depan, yang terinterupsi oleh kejadian yang lain. Dalam hal ini, formulanya adalah sebagai berikut: When + subject1 + simple present tense, subject2 + future continuous Subject1 + future continuous + when + subject2 + simple present tense Note: Kejadian/aktivitas yang menginterupsi dinyatakan dalam simple present tense dan berfungsi sebagai keterangan waktu; Sisipkan tanda koma, jika letaknya mendahului future continuous. Koma tidak diperlukan jika ditempatkan setelah future continuous. Contoh:
1. When I arrive home, my daughter will be watching TV. (Ketika saya tiba di rumah, putri saya akan sedang nonton TV). My daughter punya habit nonton TV.
2. When I call him tonight, he will be playing card with his friends. (Ketika saya telpon dia malam ini, dia sedang main kartu dengan teman-temannya). He punya habit main kartu sama teman-temannya tiap malam.
3. I will be waiting for you outside the class when you finish your exam. (Saya akan sedang menunggu di luar kelas ketika kamu selesai ujian).
4. He will still be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see his mother when she arrives home. (Dia akan masih sedang belajar di perpustakaan malam ini, jadi dia tidak akan melihat ibunya ketika ibunya tiba di rumah).
5. When I go to her house on Saturday night, she will be being with her boyfriend. (Jika saya pergi ke rumahnya malam minggu ini, dia akan sedang bersama dengan pacarnya). REMEMBER: Hindari menggunakan keterangan waktu “When + future tense“.
3. Juga digunakan untuk menyatakan dua kejadian yang terjadi pada saat bersamaan di masa depan. Dalam hal ini, gunakan formula berikut: While + subject1 + present continuous, subject2 + future continuous Subject1 + future continuous + while + subject2 + present continuous Contoh:
1. While I am typing another note tonight, my family will be watching TV in the family room. (Sementara saya sedang mengetik catatan yang lain malam ini, keluarga saya akan sedang nonton TV di ruang keluarga).
2. While the president is giving his speech, the audience will be listening to him carefully. (Sementara
mendengarkannya dengan seksama).
3. Male students will be playing around while the female ones are chitchatting.(Murid lakilaki akan sedang bermain-main sementara murid-murid wanita sedang ngobrol). Kapan mereka belajar ya?
4. My roommate will be snoring loudly while I am studying. (Teman sekamar saya sedang mendengkur keras sementara saya sedang belajar).
5. We will be smoking while others are drinking. (Kami akan sedang merokok sementara yang lain akan sedang minum).
6. John will be washing dishes while Jane is making dinner. (John akan sedang mencuci piring sementara Jane sedang masak untuk makan malam). REMEMBER: Hindari menggunakan keterangan waktu “While + future continous tense“. Tetapi, kalau keterangan waktunya tidak menggunakan “while“, barulah tiap clause dari kejadian yang sedang berlangsung secara bersamaan ini dinyatakan dengan future continuous tense.
1. Sorry, we can’t practice our band in my house tonight. My dad will be having his colleagues over and my brother will be studying for his final exam. (Maaf, kita tidak bisa latihan band di rumah saya malam ini. Bapak saya akan sedang menjamu kolega-koleganya di rumah dan kakak saya akan sedang belajar untuk ujian akhirnya.
2. The party will start at 8 pm. I’ll get there around 9. When I get there, Budi and his band will be performing. Some people will be dancing, some will be drinking and smoking, and the others will be just talking. (Pestanya akan dimulai jam 8 malam. Saya akan tiba di sana sekitar jam 9. Ketika saya tiba di sana, Budi dan bandnya akan sedang perform. Bebeerapa orang akan sedang berdansa, beberapa akan sedang minum dan merokok, dan yang lainnya akan sedang ngobrol saja). 4. Untuk menyatakan suatu hal atau kejadian yang diyakini/benar-benar akan segera terjadi. Contoh:
1. I think the sun will be shining soon. (Saya kira matahari akan segera sedang bersinar). 2. Oh no! The clouds are very dark and thick. It will be raining soon. (Oh tidak! Awan sangat gelap dan tebal. Akan segera sedang turun hujan).
Negative Form Bentuk negatif dari kalimat dalam Future Continuous Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan ‘not’ setelah auxilliary will, atau setelah is/am/are, seperti yang terlihat dalam formula berikut:
Subject + will + not + be + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier Subject + [(is/am/are/) + not + going to] + be +(verb1+ing) + object + modifier Note: Will not dapat dikontraksi menjadi won’t. Contoh:
1. My daughter will not be watching TV at eight thirty tonight. (Putri saya tidak akan sedang nonton TV jam 8.30 malam ini).
2. She will not be copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning. (Dia tidak akan sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 pagi ini).
3. I will not be discussing English with my classmates at 2 p.m. next Friday. (Saya tidak akan sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelas saya jam 2 sore Jumat depan).
4. I will not be being busy at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. (Saya tidak akan sedang sibuk jam 8 pagi besok).
5. They will not be being very happy at 9 o’clock next Saturday night. (Mereka tidak akan sedang sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu depan). Mereka baru saja bubaran.
6. This time next year, she won’t be studying Economics at the University of Toronto.(Bulan ini tahun depan, dia tidak akan sedang belajar/kuliah Ekonomi di Universitas Toronto).
7. They won’t be taking an English exam at 10 a.m. tomorrow. (Mereka tidak akan sedang mengikuti ujian bahasa Inggris jam 10 besok pagi).
8. We won’t be watching a football game at 11 p.m. tonight. (Kami tidak akan sedang nonton pertandingan sepak bola jam 11 malam ini). Dan seterusnya.
Future Perfect Tense Subject + will + have + verb3 + object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali will have grown rice crops by the end of next month. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan telah bercocok tanam padi sebelum akhir bulan depan).
2. Some students will have conducted research on vegetative plant propagations forone year when the next semester starts next month. (Beberapa siswa akan telah melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif selama 1 tahun ketika semester berikutnya dimulai bulan depan).
3. Transpiration will have started to increase before we measure it at 9 a.m. tomorrow. (Transpirasi akan telah mulai meningkat sebelum kita mengukurnya jam 9 pagi besok).
Penggunaan Future Perfect Tense Perhatikan pola dan ketiga contoh di atas! Apakah beda antara future perfect tense dengan present perfect tense? Perbedaannya tidak banyak, bukan? Konsep penggunaannya hampir sama dengan present perfect tense. Cuma, batas akhir dari kejadian/aktivitas untuk tensis ini adalah future time, sedangkan batas akhir untuk present perfect tense adalah now.
Penggunaan future perfect tense, antara lain: 1. Untuk menyatakan prediksi bahwa kejadian/aktivitas akan sudah terjadi/sudah selesai dilakukan sebelum atau hingga batas waktu tertentu di masa mendatang. Note: Jika menggunakan time clause, nyatakan dalam simple present tense. Misalnya: when the first half is over (pada contoh 2), by the time we get to the airport (pada contoh 3), etc. Contoh:
1. By 3 o’clock this afternoon, I will have finished reading this book. (Sebelum jam 3 sore ini, saya akan sudah selesai membaca buku ini).
2. I think Barcelona will have scored three goals when the first half is over. (Saya kira Barcelona akan telah cetak 3 goal ketika babak pertama berakhir).
3. This traffic is terrible. We’re going to be late. By the time we get to the air port, dad’s plane will have already arrived.
4. My dad is in the USA now but he will have been home when my mom gives birth next month. (Papa di USA sekarang tetapi dia akan sudah berada di rumah sebelum mama melahirkan bulan depan).
5. Joni will arrive home around midnight. By the time he gets home, I will have already fallen asleep. 2. Untuk menyatakan prediksi bahwa kegiatan/aktivitas akan sudah terjadi/sudah selesai dilakukan sebelum kejadian/aktivitas yang lain di masa mendatang. Note: Dalam kategori ini, kedua aktivitas dilakukan oleh subject yang sama. Contoh:
1. John will have traveled around the world before he gets married next year. 2. She will have read the entire book before she goes to campus this afternoon. 3. I will have eaten before I go to play badminton tonight.
4. He will have bought a gift before he goes to his girlfriend’s birthday party tonight. 5. He had already got married 5 times before he got married again last week. And, he is still 25 years old. If he keeps getting married, he will have had more than 50 wives before he dies. 3. Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian/aktivitas akan terus terjadi/dilakukan sampai batas waktu tertentu di masa mendatang.
1. I arrived at school at 7 a.m. When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will have been at school for 6 hours. (Pada saat papa menjemput satu jam 1 sore, saya akan sudah berada di sekolah selama 6 jam).
2. It’s May 20 now. I have lived in this house for nine years or so. On August 17, I will have lived in this house for 10 years sharp. (Saya sudah tinggal di rumah ini selama 9 tahun lebih. Tanggal 17 Agustus, saya akan sudah tinggal di rumah ini tepat selama 10 tahun)
3. It’s 9 p.m. I am going to bed now and get up at 5 a.m. When I get up, I will have slept for 8 hours.
4. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, he will have worked for this company for forty-five years. (Pada saat Pak Dodi pensiun bulan depan, dia akan sudah bekerja pada perusahaan ini selama 45 tahun).
5. It’s 7 p.m now. She has been waiting for her boyfriend since an hour ago. He just called her that he will arrive at 8 p.m. When he arrives, she will have waited for 2 hours.
Negative Form Bentuk negatif kalimat Future Perfect Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan not setelah auxilary will, seperti terlihat pada pola berikut: Subject + will + not + have + verb3 + object + modifier Contoh:
1. Because the book is very thick, I will not have finished reading this book by 3 o’clock this afternoon. (Karena bukunya sangat tebal, saya akan belum selesai membaca buku ini sebelum jam 3 sore ini).
2. I think Barcelona will not have scored three goals when the first haft is over. Its opponent is a good team too. (Saya kira Barcelona akan belum cetak 3 goal ketika babak pertama berakhir. Lawannya tangguh juga).
3. We still have a lot of time. By the time we get to the air port, dad’s plane will not have arrived yet. (Kita masih punya banyak waktu. Ketika kita tiba di airport, pesawat (yang ditumpangi) papa akan belum tiba).
4. Due to an immigration documentation problem, my dad will not have been home when my mom gives birth next month. (Karena ada masalah dokumen keimigrasian, papa saya akan belum di rumah ketika mama melahirkan).
5. When Joni arrives home around midnight, I will not have fallen asleep yet. 6. John will not have traveled around the world yet when he gets married next year. Soalnya, dia belum sempat kunjungi South Africaand south America.
7. Because it’s not enough time, she will not have read the entire book yet before she goes to campus this afternoon.
8. I will not have eaten yet when I go to play badminton tonight. 9. He will not have bought a gift when he goes to his girlfriend’s birthday party tonight. 10. Although he has already got married 6 times and still young, he will not have hadmore than 50 wives yet before he dies.
11. When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will not have been at school for 10 hours yet. 12. I have lived in this house for nine years or so. In the next July, I will not have livedin this house for 10 years yet. (Belum cukup 10 tahun Juli depan.
13. It’s 9 p.m. I am going to bed now and get up at 5 a.m. When I get up, I will not have slept for 10 hours yet.
14. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, he will not have worked for this company for fiftyyears yet. 15. It’s 7 p.m. now. She has been waiting for her boyfriend since an hour ago. He just called her that he will arrive at 8 p.m. When he arrives, she will not have waited for 3 hours yet.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Subject + will + have + been + ( verb1+ing) + object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali will have been growing rice crops for 40 years by the end of this year. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan telah bercocok tanam padi selama 40 tahun sebelum tahun ini berakhir).
2. Some students will have been conducting research on vegetative plant propagations for one year when the next semester starts next month. (Beberapa siswa akan telah melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif selama 1 tahun ketika semester berikutnya dimulai bulan depan).
3. Transpiration will have been starting to increase for more than an hour when we measure it at 9 a.m. tomorrow. (Transpirasi akan telah mulai meningkat selama lebih dari 1 jam ketika kita mengukurnya jam 9 pagi besok).
Penggunaan Future Perfect Continuous Tense Penggunaan future perfect continuous tense sama dengan penggunaan future perfect tense kategori yang ketiga, yaitu: untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian/aktivitas akan terus terjadi/dilakukan sampai batas waktu tertentu di masa mendatang. Perhatikan contoh pada future perfect tense kategori ketiga, berikut:
1. I arrived at school at 7 a.m. When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will have been at school for 6 hours.
2. I have lived in this house for nine years or so. On August 17, I will have lived in this house for 10 years sharp.
3. It’s 9 p.m. I am going to bed now and get up at 5 a.m. When I get up, I will have slept for 8 hours.
4. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, he will have worked for this company forty-five years. 5. It’s 7 p.m. now. She has been waiting for her boyfriend since an hour ago. He just called her that he will arrive at 8 p.m. When he arrives, she will have waited for 2 hours. Dalam future perfect continuous tense, kelima kalimat ini menjadi:
1. I arrived at school at 7 a.m. When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will have been being at school for 6 hours.
2. I have lived in this house for nine years or so. On August 17, I will have been living in this house for 10 years sharp.
3. It’s 9 p.m. I am going to bed now and get up at 5 a.m. When I get up, I will have been sleeping for 8 hours.
4. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, he will have been working for this company forty-five years.
5. It’s 7 p.m. now. She has been waiting for her boyfriend since an hour ago. He just called her that he will arrive at 8 p.m. When he arrives, she will have been waiting for 2 hours.
Negative Form Bentuk negatif kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan notsetelah auxilary will, seperti terlihat pada pola berikut, Subject + will + not + have + been + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier Contoh:
1. When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will not have been being at school for 10 hours yet. 2. I have lived in this house for nine years or so. In the next July, I will not have been living in this house for 10 years yet. (belum cukup 10 tahun Juli depan)
3. It’s 9 p.m. I am going to bed now and get up at 5 a.m. When I get up, I will not have been sleeping for 10 hours yet.
4. When Mr. Dodi retires next month, he will not have been working for this company for fifty years yet.
5. It’s 7 p.m. now. She has been waiting for her boyfriend since an hour ago. He just called her that he will arrive at 8 p.m. When he arrives, she will not have been waiting for 3 hours yet.
Past Future Tense Subject + would + verb1+ object + modifier Subject + [(was/were) going to] + verb1+ object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali would grow rice crops last month. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan bercocok tanam padi bulan lalu).
2. Some students would conduct research on vegetative plant propagations last semester. (Beberapa siswa akan melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif semester lalu).
3. Transpiration would start to increase at 8 a.m. this morning. (Transpirasi akan mulai meningkat jam 8 tadi pagi).
Penggunaan Past Future Tense Pada prinsipnya, past future tense mirip dengan simple future tense dan ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku pada simple future tense umumnya juga berlaku pada past future tense. Tetapi, karena bergulirnya waktu, simple future tense bergeser dari future time ke past time menjadi past future tense. Untuk menjelaskan ini, di sini akan digunakan konsep dan contoh-contoh pada future tense. Past Future Tense, seperti halnya simple future tense, dapat digunakan dalam 5 kategori, yaitu: 1. Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang pernah diprediksi akan terjadi/dilakukan pada saat tertentu di masa lampau. Untuk memahami perbedaann past future tense dengan simple future tense, mari kita perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat yang diberikan pada simple future tense berikut ini:
1. According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow. (Menurut ramalam cuaca, hujan akan turun besok).
2. None of us have done the homework the teacher told us to do. He will be very disappointed when he finds out.
3. Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. I think Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend,will come too.
4. I will probably see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch. 5. The damage we do to our forest today will result in severe catastrophes sooner or later in the future. Perhatikan contoh 1 di atas dan anggap saja sekarang adalah tanggal 2 Mei!
• According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow. (Menurut ramalam cuaca, hujan akan turun besok). Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat ini juga berarti:
• Menurut ramalan cuaca, hujan akan turun tanggal 3 Mei. Kemudian, karena waktu terus bergulir, anggap sekarang sudah tanggal 4 Mei. Berarti, yang diprediksi tadi (i.e. hujan akan turun) sudah dalam past time, yaitu “kemarin”. Jadi prediksi tadi harus dinyatakan dalam past future tense menjadi:
1. According to the weather forecast, it would rain yesterday. Atau, According to the weather forecast, it was going to rain yesterday. Dan begitu juga dengan kalimat-kalimat 2-5 di atas seiring dengan bergulirnya waktu berturut-turut akan menjadi:
2. We thought that he would be very disappointed when we didn’t do the homework two days ago. Atau, We thought that he was going to be very disappointed when we didn’t do the homework two days ago.
3. Ronny came to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago. I thought Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend,would come too but she didn’t. Atau, I thought Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend, was going to come too but she didn’t.
4. I would probably see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch. Atau, I was probably going to see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch.
5. The damage we do to our forest today will result in severe catastrophes sooner or later in the future. Note: Jika yang diprediksi pada saat pengungkapan kembali masih in future time, (dalam analogi di atas, masih belum tanggal 4 Mei), tetap gunakan simple future tense. (Lihat contoh 5 di atas dan contoh 4 di bawah). 2. Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang direncanakan akan terjadi/dilakukan pada saat tertentu di masa lampau. Dengan menggunakan analogi pada kategori 1, kalimat dalam simple future tense berikut:
1. Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. 2. He has an appointment. He is going to meet his business partner at noon. 3. I am going to go to the shopping. Do you want to go with me? 4. The next world cup championship is going to be held in South Africa in 2010. 5. He is going to leave for Bali tomorrow morning.
seiring dengan berulirnya waktu akan dinyatakan dalam past future tense menjadi:
1. Ronny was going to come to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago but he couldn’t come because of the pouring rain. Atau, Ronny would come to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago but he couldn’t come because of the pouring rain.
2. He was going to meet his business partner at noon two days ago but he suddenly got sick just half an hour before the meeting. Atau, He would meet his business partner at noon two days ago but he suddenly got sick just half an hour before the meeting.
3. I was going to go to the shopping mall when I asked whether you wanted to go with me two days ago. Atau, I would go to the shopping mall when I asked whether you wanted to go with me two days ago.
4. The next world cup championship is going to be held in South Africa in 2010. Kalimat ini tidak berubah karena aktivitas dari yang direncanakan masih akan dilakukan tahun depan.
5. He was going to leave for Bali yesterday morning but the flight was cancelled. Atau, He would leave for Bali yesterday morning but the flight was cancelled. Note: a). Dalam past future tense, pola yang pertama juga bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan rencana. b).
terjadi/dilakukan, maknanya
kejadian/aktivitas yang terjadi in the past (past tense) atau sedang berlangsung in the past (past continuous tense), tergantung keterangan waktunya.
1. Ronny was being at my house at 7 p.m. two days ago. (Ronny sedang di rumah saya jam 7 malam 2 hari lalu).
2. He was meeting his business partner at noon two days ago. (Dia sedang meeting dengan rekan bisnisnya jam 12 siang dua hari lalu).
3. I went to the shopping mall two days ago. (Saya pergi ke shopping mall 2 hari lalu). 4. He left for Bali yesterday morning. (Dia berangkat ke Bali kemarin pagi). 3. Untuk membuat main clause unreal conditionals tipe 1, yaitu conditional yang faktanya dalam simple present tense atau simple future tense.
1. If I were you, I would study harder. (Jika saya adalah kamu, saya akan belajar lebih giat). 2. The crops would not fail to produce if the rain fell. (Tanaman-tanaman tidak akan gagal berproduksi jika hujan turun).
3. They would not need to lime the soil if it were not acidic. (Mereka tidak akan perlu mengapur tanah jika tanah tersebut tidak masam). 4.
menggunakan simple future tense. Contoh:
1. My boyfriend told me that he would marry me. (Pacar saya berkata kepada saya bahwa dia akan mengawini saya).
2. An agronomist said that the soil would be more productive if we fertilized it. (Seorang ahli agronomi bilang bahwa tanah akan lebih produktif jika kita memupuknya).
3. Dean made an announcement that the final exams would be started in two weeks. (Dekan mengumumkan bahwa ujian-ujian akhir akan dimulai dua minggu mendatang). 5. Untuk membuat request atau command menjadi lebih formal atau lebih sopan. Note: would lebih formal/sopan dibandingkan will. Contoh:
1. Would you turn down the TV volume, please! It’s too loud. (Tolong kecilkan volume TV. Volumenya terlalu keras).
2. I didn’t go to school yesterday, so would you please lend me your note? (Saya tidak sekolah kemarin. Tolong pinjami saya catatan kamu?).
3. If you’re free, would you go to see a movie with me tonight? (Jika kamu tidak sibuk, maukah kamu nonton film dengan saya malam ini?).
Negative Form Bentuk negatif Past Future Tense adalah dengan menambahkan not seelah would atau setelah be (was/were) seperti terlihat pada pola berikut: Subject + would + not + verb1+ object + modifier Subject + [(was/were) + not + going to] + verb1+ object + modifier Contoh:
1. According to the weather forecast, it would not rain yesterday. 2. We thought that he wouldn’t be very happy when we didn’t do the homework. 3. Ronny came to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago. I thought Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend,wouldn’t come but she did.
4. I wouldn’t probably see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch. 5. Ronny wasn’t going to come to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago. 6. He wasn’t going to meet his business partner at noon two days ago. 7. I wasn’t going to go to the shopping when I met you two days ago. 8. He wasn’t going to leave for Bali yesterday morning
Past Future Continuous Tense Subject + would + be +( verb1+ing) + object + modifier
Subject + [(was/were) going to] + be + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali would be growing rice crops at 9 a.m. yesterday. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan sedang menanam padi jam 9 pagi kemarin).
2. Some students were going to be conducting research on vegetative plant propagations when I go to the agronomy laboratory last week. (Beberapa siswa akan sedang melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif ketika saya pergi ke lab. agronmy dua hari depan).
3. Transpiration would be starting to increase at 8 a.m. this morning. (Transpirasi akan sedang mulai meningkat jam 8 pagi ini).
Penggunaan Past Future Continuous Tense Penggunaan past future continuous tense pada prinsipnya sama dengan future continuous tense. Yang membedakan adalah jika future continuous tense menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang akan sedang berlangsung in the future, past future continuous tense menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang akan sedang berlangsung in the past. Dengan kata lain, past future continuous tense adalah mengungkapkan kembali prediksi atau rencana yang akan sedang terjadi/dilakukan, dan prediksi/rencana tersebut sekarang sudah bergeser dari future time ke past time. Untuk lebih memahami perbedaan antara kedua tensis ini, silakan gunakan kembali analogi yang digunakan pada past future tense. Tulisan ini juga dibuat dengan menggunakan konsep dan contohcontoh pada future continuous tense. Perhatikan dan bandingkan perbedaan waktunya. Past Future Continuous Tense digunakan: 1. Untuk
diprediksi/direncanakan akan
terjadi/dilakukan pada waktu yang spesifik di masa lampau. Note: Spesifikasi waktu biasanya dinyatakan dengan menyatakan jam (i.e. jam berapa kejadian/aktivitas itu diprediksi/direncanakan akan berlangsung/dilakukan) dan time clause. Contoh:
1. My daughter would be watching TV at eight o’clock last night. (Putri saya akan sedang nonton TV jam 8 tadi malam).
2. She would be copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning. (Dia akan sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 pagi ini). Asumsi, sekarang sudah lewat jam 10 pagi.
3. I would be discussing English with my classmates at 2 p.m. last Friday. (Saya akan sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelas saya jam 2 sore Jumat lalu).
4. I would be being busy at 8 o’clock yesterday morning. (Saya akan sedang sibuk jam 8 pagi kemarin).
5. They would be being very happy at 9 o’clock last Saturday night. (Mereka akan sedang sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu lalu).
6. This time last year, she would be studying Economics at the University of Toronto. (Bulan ini tahun lalu, dia akan sedang belajar/kuliah Ekonomi di Universitas Toronto).
7. They would be taking an English exam at 10 a.m. yesterday. (Mereka akan sedang mengikuti ujian bahasa Inggris jam 10 pagi kemarin).
8. We would be watching a football game at 11 p.m. last night. (Kami akan sedang nonton pertandingan sepak bola jam 11 tadi malam). 2. Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang yang direncanakan akan sedang terjadi/berlangsung di masa lampau, yang terinterupsi oleh kejadian yang lain. Dalam hal ini, formulanya adalah sebagai berikut: When + subject1 + simple past, subject2 + past future continuous Subject1+ past future continuous + when + subject2 +simple past Note: Kejadian/aktivitas yang menginterupsi dinyatakan dalam simple past tense dan berfungsi sebagai keterangan waktu; Sisipkan tanda koma, jika letaknya sebelum past future continuous. Namun, koma tidak diperlukan jika ditempatkan setelah past future continuous. Contoh:
1. When I arrived home last night, my daughter would be watching TV. (Ketika saya tiba di rumah tadi malam, putri saya akan sedang nonton TV).
2. When I called him last night, he would be playing card with his friends. (Ketika saya telpon dia tadi malam, dia sedang main kartu dengan teman-temannya).
3. I would be waiting for you outside the class when you finished your exam. (Saya akan sedang menunggu di luar kelas ketika kamu selesai ujian).
4. He would still be studying at the library tonight, so he would not see his mother when she arrived home. (Dia akan masih sedang belajar di perpustakaan malam ini, jadi dia tidak akan melihat ibunya ketika ibunya tiba di rumah).
5. When I went to her house on last Saturday night, she would be being with her boyfriend. (Jika saya pergi ke rumahnya malam minggu lalu, dia akan sedang bersama dengan pacarnya). 3. Untuk menyatakan dua kejadian/aktivitas yang diprediksi atau direncanakan akan sedang terjadi/dilakukan pada saat bersamaan di masa lampau. Dalam hal ini, gunakan formula berikut: While + subject1 + past future continuous, subject2 + past future continuous Subject1 + future continuous + while + subject2 + future continuous Contoh:
1. While I would be typing another note last night, my family would be watching TV in the family room. (Sementara saya sedang mengetik catatan yang lain tadi malam, keluarga saya akan sedang nonton TV di ruang keluarga).
2. While the president would be giving his speech last Monday, the audience would be listening to him carefully. (Sementara presiden sedang berpidato Senin lalu, pemirsa/hadirin akan sedang mendengarkannya dengan seksama).
3. Male students would be playing around while the female ones would be chitchatting. 4. My roommate would be snoring loudly while I would be studying. (Teman sekamar saya sedang mendengkur keras sementara saya sedang belajar).
5. We would be smoking while others would be drinking. (Kami akan sedang merokok sementara yang lain akan sedang minum).
6. John would be washing dishes while Jane would be making dinner. (John akan sedang mencuci piring sedangkan Jane akan sedang masak untuk makan malam).
7. My dad would be having his colleagues over while my brother would be studying for his final exam last Sunday. (Bapak saya akan sedang menjamu kolega-koleganya di rumah sementara kakak saya akan sedang belajar untuk ujian akhirnya). 4. Untuk menyatakan kembali suatu hal atau kejadian/aktivitas yang diyakini/benar-benar akan segera terjadi di masa lampau. Contoh:
1. I thought the sun would be shining soon. (Saya kira matahari akan segera sedang bersinar). 2. Because the clouds were very dark and thick yesterday, we believed it would be raining soon. (Karena awannya sangat gelap dan tebal, kita yakin huja akan segera turun).
Negative Form Bentuk negatif dari kalimat dalam past future continuous tense dibuat dengan menambahkan ‘not’ setelah auxilliary would, atau setelah be was/were, seperti yang terlihat dalam pola berikut: Subject + would + not + be + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier Subject + [(was/were) + not + going to] + be +(verb1+ing) + object + modifier Note: Would not dapat dikontraksi menjadi wouldn’t. Contoh:
1. My daughter would not be watching TV at eight o’clock last night. (Putri saya tidak akan sedang nonton TV jam 8 tadi malam).
2. She would not be copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning. (Dia tidak akan sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 pagi ini). Asumsi, sekarang sudah lewat jam 10 pagi.
3. I would not be discussing English with my classmates at 2 p.m. last Friday. (Saya tidak akan sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelas saya jam 2 sore Jumat lalu).
4. I would not be being busy at 8 o’clock yesterday morning. (Saya tidak akan sedang sibuk jam 8 pagi kemarin).
5. They would not be being very happy at 9 o’clock last Saturday night. (Mereka tidak akan sedang sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu lalu). Mereka baru saja bubaran sehari sebelumnya.
6. This time last year, she wouldn’t be studying Economics at the University of Toronto. (Bulan ini tahun lalu, dia tidak akan sedang belajar/kuliah Ekonomi di Universitas Toronto).
7. They wouldn’t be taking an English exam at 10 a.m. yesterday. (Mereka tidak akan sedang mengikuti ujian bahasa Inggris jam 10 pagi kemarin).
8. We wouldn’t be watching a football game at 11 p.m. last night (Kami tidak akan sedang nonton pertandingan sepak bola jam 11 tadi malam). Dan seterusnya.
Past Future Perfect Tense Subject + would + have + verb3 + object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali would have grown rice crops by the end of last month. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan telah bercocok tanam padi sebelum akhir bulan lalu).
2. Some students would have conducted research on vegetative plant propagations for one year when the semester started last month. (Beberapa siswa akan telah melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif selama 1 tahun ketika semester berikutnya dimulai bulan lalu).
3. Transpiration would have started to increase before we measured it at 9 a.m. yesterday. (Transpirasi akan telah mulai meningkat sebelum kita mengukurnya jam 9 pagi kemarin).
Penggunaan Past Future Perfect Tense Past future perfect tense pada prinsipnya adalah pengungkapan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang dinyatakan dengan future perfect tense, yang keterangan waktunya telah bergeser dari future time ke past time. Karena kedua tensis ini mirip, posting ini menggunakan konsep dan contoh-contoh kalimat pada future perfect tense. Perhatikan dan bandingkan perubahan predikat dan keterangan waktunya. Gunakan analogi pada past future tense jika masih bingung. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Past Future Perfect Tense digunakan: 1. Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang pernah diprediksi atau direncanakan akan sudah terjadi/sudah selesai dilakukan sebelum atau hingga batas waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Note: Pada umumnya, tensis ini diawali oleh clause yang mengandung makna prediksi, ekspektasi atau rencana. Verbs yang digunakan antara lain: think, hope, expect, plan, intend, assume, etc.
1. I predicted that by 3 p.m. yesterday, I would have finished reading this book. (Saya berharap bahwa sebelum jam 3 sore kemarin, saya akan sudah selesai membaca buku ini).
2. I thought Barcelona would have scored three goals when the first half was over. Because its opponent was tough, however, it didn’t score even a single goal. (Saya kira Barcelona akan telah cetak 3 goal ketika babak pertama berakhir. Namun karena lawannya tangguh, Barcelona bahkan tidak cetak goal sama sekali).
3. Because of the terrible traffic we knew that dad’s plane would have already arrived by the time we got to the airport yesterday.
4. My dad planned that he would have been home when my mom gave birth last month. He didn’t make it though because he had an immigration documentation problem.
5. I thought I would have already fallen asleep by the time Joni got home last night. I don’t know why I was still awake when he did. Note: Jika pada future perfect tense, time clause dinyatakan dalam simple present tense, pada tensis ini dinyatakan dengan simple past tense. Misalnya: when the first half was over (pada contoh 2), by the time we got to the airport (pada contoh 3), etc. 2. Untuk menyatakan kembali kegiatan/aktivitas yang pernah diprediksi atau direncanakan akan sudah
lampau. Note: Dalam kategori ini, kedua aktivitas dilakukan oleh subject yang sama. Coba bandingkan dengan past perfect tense kategori kedua! Contoh:
1. I assumed that John would have traveled around the world before he got married last year.
2. She thought that she would have read the entire book before she went to campus yesterday afternoon.
3. I predicted that I would already have had enough time to eat before I played badminton last night.
4. They thought he would have already bought a gift before he went to his girlfriend’s birthday party last night.
5. I once predicted that he would have had more than 50 wives before he died. I was wrong. He turned out to be a very loving husband long time before he died last week. Note: already bisa ditempatkan setelah would atau setelah have. 3. Untuk menyatakan kembali bahwa kejadian/aktivitas akan terus terjadi/dilakukan sampai batas waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Contoh:
1. I thought I would have been at school only for 6 hours yesterday. In fact, I had to wait for another hour because my dad’s car broke down on the way to the school.
2. I was completely sure that on August 17, I would have lived in this house for 10 years sharp. 3. I expected that I would have slept for 8 hours last night but I was awoken by my neighbor’s long big fight at 1 a.m. It was very loud and I couldn’t fall asleep till morning.
4. It was predicted that when Mr. Dodi retired last month, he would have worked for this company for forty-five years.
5. She never expected that she would have waited for her boyfriend for 2 hours last night. 4. Untuk membuat main clause unreal conditionals tipe 2, yaitu jika faktanya dalam past future tense atau simple past tense. Contoh:
1. If you had told me about the today’s exam, I would have studied hard last night. (Jika kamu kasi tahu saya bahwa akan ada ujian hari ini, saya akan telah belajar keras tadi malam).
2. If you had not passed the English I, you would not have been allowed to take the English II. (Jika kamu belum lulus bahasa Inggris I, kamu tidak akan diijinkan untuk mengambil matakulian bahasa Inggris II ini).
3. He wouldn’t have got an accident, if he had not driven fast. (Dia tidak akan telah mengalami kecelakaan, jika dia tidak ngebut).
4. If my parents hadn’t got divorced, I would’ve been much happier. (Jika orang tua saya tidak bercerai, saya akan jauh lebih bahagia).
5. If I hadn’t got a scholarship, I wouldn’t have been able to afford the school expenses. (Jika saya tidak dapat beasiswa, saya tidak akan mampu membayar biaya-biaya sekolah).
Negative Form Bentuk negatif Past Future Perfect Tense mengikuti pola berikut: Subject + would + not + have + verb3+ object + modifier Contoh:
1. Because of its thickness, I knew that I would not have finished reading it by 3 p.m. yesterday. 2. I never thought that Barcelona wouldn’t have scored even a single goal when the first half was over.
3. We expected that dad’s plane wouldn’t have arrived yet by the time we got to the air port yesterday. But we were late because the traffic was so terrible.
4. Because of an immigration documentation problem, my dad knew that he wouldn’t have been home when my mom gave birth last month.
5. I hoped that when Joni arrived home last night, I would not have fallen asleep yet. 6. I assumed that John wouldn’t have traveled around the world before he got married last year.
7. She thought that she wouldn’t have read the entire book before she went to campus yesterday afternoon.
8. I predicted that I wouldn’t have had enough time to eat before I played badminton last night. 9. They thought he wouldn’t have bought a gift before he went to his girlfriend’s birthday party last night.
10. I once predicted that he wouldn’t have had more than 50 wives before he died. 11. I thought I wouldn’t have been at school for 7 hours yesterday. 12. I was completely sure that on August 17, I wouldn’t have lived in this house for 10 years yet. 13. I expected that I wouldn’t have slept for 4 hours last night. 14. It was predicted that when Mr. Dodi retired last month, he wouldn’t have worked for this company for fifty years.
15. She expected that she wouldn’t have waited for her boyfriend for 2 hours last night.
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Subject + would + have + been + ( verb1+ing) + object + modifier Contoh:
1. Farmers in Jati Bali would have been growing rice crops for 40 years by the end of last month. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan telah bercocok tanam padi selama 40 tahun sebelum akhir bulan lalu).
2. Some students would have been conducting research on vegetative plant propagations for one year when the semester started last month. (Beberapa siswa akan telah melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif selama 1 tahun ketika semester dimulai bulan lalu).
3. Transpiration would have been starting to increase for more than an hour when we measured it at 9 a.m. yesterday. (Transpirasi akan telah mulai meningkat selama lebih dari 1 jam ketika kita mengukurnya jam 9 pagi kemarin).
Penggunaan Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Penggunaan past future perfect continuous tense sama dengan penggunaan past future perfect tense kategori
yaitu untuk
terjadi/dilakukan sampai batas waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Perhatikan contoh pada past future perfect tense kategori ketiga berikut:
1. I thought I would have been at school only for 6 hours yesterday. In fact, I had to wait for another hour because my dad’s car broke down on the way to the school.
2. I was completely sure that on August 17, I would have lived in this house for 10 years sharp.
3. I expected that I would have slept for 8 hours last night but I was awoken by my neighbor’s long big fight at 1 a.m. It was very loud and I couldn’t fall asleep till morning.
4. It was predicted that when Mr. Dodi retired last month, he would have worked for this company for forty-five years.
5. She never expected that she would have waited for her boyfriend for 2 hours last night. Dalam past future perfect continuous tense, kelima kalimat ini menjadi:
1. I thought I would have been being at school only for 6 hours yesterday. In fact, I had to wait for another hour because my dad’s car broke down on the way to the school.
2. I was completely sure that on August 17, I would have been living in this house for 10 years sharp.
3. I expected that I would have been sleeping for 8 hours last night but I was awoken by my neighbor’s long big fight at 1 a.m. It was very loud and I couldn’t fall asleep till morning.
4. It was predicted that when Mr. Dodi retired last month, he would have been working for this company for forty-five years.
5. She never expected that she would have been waiting for her boyfriend for 2 hours last night.
Negative Form Bentuk negatif Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense adalah dengan menambahkan kata bantu NOT setelah auxilliary WOULD seperti terlihat pada formula berikut: Subject + would + not + have + been + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier Contoh:
1. I thought I wouldn’t have been being at school for 7 hours yesterday. 2. I was completely sure that on August 17, I wouldn’t have been living in this house for 10 years yet.
3. I expected that I wouldn’t have been sleeping for 4 hours last night. 4. It was predicted that when Mr. Dodi retired last month, he wouldn’t have been working for this company for fifty years.
5. She expected that she wouldn’t have been waiting for her boyfriend for 2 hours last night. Note: Seperti dituliskan dalam kelima contoh di atas, would + not dapat dikontraksi menjadi “wouldn’t“.