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Presentasi Topik Setiap mahasiswa, sesuai urutan yang ditentukan, diwajibkan untuk melakukan presentasi atas topik pada hari tersebut. Presentasi topik mengacu pada bahan bacaan yang terdapat dalam referensi silabus ini.
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Komponen Penilaian
10 %
10 %
Tugas & Kuis
20 %
Ujian Tengah Semester
25 %
15 %
25 %
Jadwal kegiatan, topik, dan referensi Mg.
Silabus, kontrak kelas, pengantar
European Commission, European Governance: A White Paper.
van Kersbergen, Kees and Frans van Waarden,
‘”Governance”’ as a bridge between disciplines: Cross-
disciplinary inspiration regarding shifts in governance and problems of governability, accountability and legitimacy,’ European Journal of Political Research 43.
Rhodes, R.A.W., 1996, ‘The New Governance:
Governing Without Governance,’ Political Studies, XLIV.
Shore, Chris. ‘“European Governance“, or “Governmentality“? Reflections on the EU‘s System of Government’.
Weiss, Thomas G. 2000, ‘Governance, good governance and global governance: conceptual and actual challenges,’ Third World Quarterly, 21/5.
Library Research
Treib, Oliver, Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner, 2005, ‘Modes of Governance: A Note towards Conceptual Clarification,’ European Governance Papers, No. N-0502.
Christiane ‘Theorizing Modes of Governance in the EU:
Pendekatan: 4.
Governance and Modes of
Blom, Tannelie & Radulova, Elissaveta & Arnold, Institutional Design and Informational Complexity’.
Hueghlin, Thomas O., 1999, ‘Government, Governance, Governmentality: Understanding the EU as a Project of
Universalism,’ dalam Beate Kohler-Koch and Rainer Eising, eds., The Transformation of Governance in the European Union. London: Routledge.
Sabel, Charles & Zeitlin, Jonathan. ‘Learning from Difference: The New Architecture of Experimentalist Governance in the European Union’.
Eising, Rainer and Beate Kohler-Koch, 1999, ‘Introduction: network governance in the European Union’ dalam Beate Kohler-Koch and Rainer Eising,
eds., The Transformation of Governance in the European
Governance dan
Union. London: Routledge.
integrasi Eropa
Kohler-Koch, Beate, 1999, ‘The evolution and transformation of European governance,’ dalam Beate Kohler-Koch and Rainer Eising, eds., The Transformation of Governance in the European Union.
London: Routledge.
Kohler-Koch, Beate, 2005, ‘European Governance & System Integration,’ European Governance Papers, No. N-05-02.
Europe: A Critical Assessment of the first EU Citizens
European Union 6.
dan identitas politik
Boussaguet, Laurie & Dehouse, Renaud ‘Lay People’s Conferences’.
Kaelberer , Matthias. The Euro and European Identity: Symbols, Power and the Politics of European Monetary Union.
Warleigh, Alex, ed., 2002, Understanding European Union Institutions, London: Routledge. Chapter 1 Introduction: institutions, institutionalism and decision
making in the EU 3 (Alex Warleigh); Chapter 2 The
Uni Eropa
Council of Ministers and the European Council (Philippa Sherrington); Chapter 3 The European Commission (Michelle Cini); Chapter 4 The European Parliament (Charlotte Burns). Ujian Tengah Semester
Michalowitz, Irina, 2005, ‘Assessing Conditions for Influence of Interest Groups in the EU,’ Reihe Politikwissenschaft (Political Science Series) 106, Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien.
Collaboration at the EU Level?: Evidence from the
Kelompok 8.
European Environmental Interest Groups,’ European
kepentingan dalam Uni Eropa
Webster, Ruth, 2004, ‘What Drives Interest Group
Integration Online Papers (EioP), 4/17.
Bailey, David. Misperceiving Matters: Elite Ideas and the Failure of the European Constitution. Comparative European Politics, 2008, 6, (33–60).
Kroger, Sandra. Nothing but Consultation: The Place of Organized Civil Society in EU Policy-Making across policies.
Føllesdal, Andreas, 2004, ‘Legitimacy Theories of the European Union,’ Arena Working Papers WP 04/15, University Oslo.
Eriksen, Erik Oddvar and John Erik Fossum, eds., 2000, Democracy in the European Union: Integration through Deliberation?, London: Routledge. Chapter 4 The uses of democracy: A Reflection on the European Democracy deficit (Richard Bellamy and Dario Castiglione).
Legitimasi dan
Moravcsik, Andrew, n.a., ‘In Defense of the “Democratic Deficit”: Reassessing Legitimacy in the
defisit demokrasi
European Union,’ Center for European Studies Working Paper No. 92, Harvard University.
Legitimizing the EU: Is there a ‘Post Parliamentary Basis’ for its legitimation? Lord Christopher & Beetham, David.
Habermas, Supranational Democracy and the European Constitution. John P. McCormick.
Bartolini, Stefano. Taking Constitutionalism and Legitimacy Seriously. European Governance Papers.
Fossum, John & Trenz, Hans.
When the people come in: Constitution Making and the belated politicization of the European Union.
Integrasi dan
European Governance Papers.
Brunkhorst Hauke, 2003, ‘A Polity without a State?
dalam Uni
European Constitutionalism between Evolution and
Eropa: Euro,
Revolution,’ ARENA (Advance Research on the
Europeanization of the Nation- States) Working Paper,
Eropa, dan Core
Joerges, Christian, ‘Integration through De-legislation’ European Governance Papers.
The Importance of Actor Cleavages in Negotiating the European Constitutional Treaty. Hosli, Madeleine & Arnold, Christiane. European Governance Papers.
Heinelt, Hubert, 2005, ‘Do Policies Determine Politics?’, School for Policy Studies Working Paper Series, Paper Number 11, August.
Uni Eropa 11.
European Commission, 2004, The Common Agricultural Policy Explained, Online version,
sebagai politik
Scharpf, Fritz W., 1997, ‘Balancing Positive and Negative Integration: The Regulatory Options for Europe’, MPIfG Working Paper 97/8, November.
Kuliah umum
Library research
Penutup Ujian Akhir Semester