Reza Ebenhaezer (10120070007) SHAKESPEARE’S ADAPTATIONS AND CENCORSHIP: COMPARISON BETWEEN THE HISTORY OF KING LEAR AND FAMILY SHAKESPEARE’S HAMLET AND THE ORIGINAL WORKS Sometimes, when a work of art is famous, people might be making other works based on it. Paintings, musics, and literature; all can be adapted into a new form. This is what was termed as “Adaptation” This thesis will primarily focus on adaptations of literary works. Adaptation of literary works is ages-old; it can be traced into way before twentieth century. And today, it still exists; particularly adaptations of literary works into motion pictures. This thesis will focus on two works of William Shakespeare, King Lear and Hamlet, both of which are adaptations themselves, and two works that derived from them. These adaptations were The History of King Lear, and an altered version of Hamlet. The resources used on this thesis are works of literature, although not all of them are in physical form; most of it are taken from websites. The writer has discovered, after doing the research, that the two derivative works of Shakespeare’s works, are adaptations, and that they are made to cater to the expectations of the people of their time.. In the end, there are some recommendations for people who are interested, to analyze and compare other adaptations of Shakespeare’s works, or adaptations of other writer’s works, be it adaptations into other forms, or in the same medium.
The writer,
Reza Ebenhaezer
Reza Ebenhaezer (10120070007) SHAKESPEARE’S ADAPTATIONS AND CENCORSHIP: COMPARISON BETWEEN THE HISTORY OF KING LEAR AND FAMILY SHAKESPEARE’S HAMLET AND THE ORIGINAL WORKS Kadang-kadang, ketika sebuah karya seni terkenal, orang mungkin akan membuat karya lain berdasarkan itu. Lukisan, musik, dan sastra, semua dapat diadaptasi ke dalam bentuk baru. Ini adalah apa yang disebut sebagai "Adaptasi". Tesis ini terutama akan fokus pada adaptasi dari karya sastra. Adaptasi karya sastra adalah sebuah hal yang tidak asing, bahkan telah ada sebelum abad keduapuluh dimulai. Dan sampai sekarang pun praktek ini masih ada, terutama adaptasi sebuah karya sastra menjadi film layar lebar. Tesis ini akan fokus pada dua karya-karya William Shakespeare, King Lear dan Hamlet, yang keduanya adalah adaptasi diri mereka sendiri, dan dua karya yang berasal dari mereka. Adaptasi ini adalah The History of King Lear karya Nahum Tate, dan sebuah versi dari Hamlet karya Thomas Bowdler. Sumber daya yang digunakan pada tesis ini adalah karya sastra, meskipun tidak semua dari mereka adalah dalam bentuk fisik; sebagian besar diambil dari situs web. Penulis telah menemukan, setelah melakukan penelitian, bahwa dua karya turunan dari karya Shakespeare, adalah adaptasi, dan bahwa mereka dibuat untuk memenuhi harapan orang-orang waktu mereka. Pada akhirnya, ada beberapa rekomendasi untuk orang-orang yang tertarik, untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan adaptasi lainnya dari karya Shakespeare, atau adaptasi dari karya penulis lain, baik itu adaptasi ke dalam bentuk lain, atau dalam medium yang sama. Penulis,
Reza Ebenhaezer
The writer wish to give his gratitude to the following: 1. God Almighty and Jesus Christ, for helping me through all of this. 2. My Family, for their support; my mother, father, brother, and particularly my sister for helping me with formatting and such, and for lending me necessary equipment. 3. To my relatives and extended families for their support. 4. Mr. Hananto, and Mrs Hanna for their valuable help. 5. Mrs. Clara, the supervisor of this thesis, for her advice and support and also her patience. 6. All the lecturers and the staff of the English Department of Pelita Harapan University. 7. My close friends, Andy, Lukman, Stephan, and Willy, for their continual support. 8. My friends at English department, also for their support.
Finally, the writer acknowledges that this thesis is still full of faults. For that, the writer would like to apologize for faults, inaccuracies, and mistakes that may appear on this thesis. For the purpose of making any future research better, the writer wishes for the audiences to give their criticisms and feedbacks. Finally, the writer wishes that this thesis would provide new insights and adds to the knowledge of anyone who reads the thesis, despite the faults.
Lippo Village, 14 July 2011
Reza Ebenhaezer
page TITLE PAGE ORIGINALITY STATEMENT OF THE THESIS THESIS SUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL THESIS EXAMINATION COMMITTEE ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...............................................................................vii TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURE ........................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xi
INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1 1.1 Background of the Study ................................................... 1 1.2 Research Questions ........................................................... 2 1.3 Purpose of the Study .......................................................... 3 1.4 Significance of the Study ................................................... 3 1.5 Definition of Terms ........................................................... 4
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................... 5 2.1 Theoretical Description...................................................... 5 2.1.1 What is Adaptation? .................................................. 5 2.1.2 Adaptation of A Literary Work Into Another Medium or Form, Such As Film Adaptations. ............................. 6 2.1.3 Adaptation of A Literary Work Into the Same Medium, But for Different Purpose. ......................................... 7 2.1.4 Adaptation and Copyright ......................................... 8 2.1.5 William Shakespeare................................................. 10 2.1.6 Shakespeare and Adaptations of His Works Before 20th Century ..................................................................... 11
2.1.7 King Lear and The History of King Lear ................... 12 2.1.8 Nahum Tate .............................................................. 14 2.1.9 Hamlet and The Family Shakespeare ........................ 15 2.1.10 Thomas Bowdler .................................................... 15 2.2 Theoretical Framework ...................................................... 18
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 19
CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ................................................ 21 4.1 The Differences Between the Two Versions ...................... 21 4.1.1 King Lear .................................................................. 21 The Differences in Plot and Ending. .............. 22 The Differences in Characters and Characterizations. .......................................... 23 The Differences in the Lines and Dialogues ... 24 4.1.2 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark ....................................... 28 The Differences in Plot and Ending. .............. 28 The differences in Characters and Characterization. ........................................... 29 The Differences in the Lines and Dialogues ... 29 4.2 Is This Practice A Form of Adaptation? ............................. 34 4.3 Does it Change the Feel of the Original Story, Especially When it Was So Radically Changed? ................................. 35 4.4 How Is This Practice Related With The Moral Values or Situation of The Time When It Was Done?........................ 38 4.4.1 Nahum Tate and His Adaptation ............................... 38 4.4.2 Thomas Bowdler and His Adaptation ........................ 41
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION...................... 43 5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................ 43 5.2 Limitations of Study .......................................................... 44 5.3 Recommendations ............................................................. 45
WORKS CITED .............................................................................................. 46 ix
Figure 2.1
Theoretical Framework ............................................... 18
Table 4.1
Comparison Between the First Scene Of Shakespeare’s King Lear And Tate’s King Lear. ................................ 25
Table 4.2.
Comparison Between Two Very Similar Lines On Both Version ........................................................................ 27