Warta IHP J. of Agro-based Industry Volume 3 No. 1, pp. 1-7, 1986 Penelitian/Research Disain dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengering Ikan Tipe Lemari Technical Design and Testing of Box-type Fish Dryer Rizal Alamsyaha), Yoeswadia), Hadi K Purwadariab) dan Tamsil Tahirb) a)
Balai Penelitian makanan, Minuman dan Fitokimia, Balai besar Litbang Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 5-9, Bogor 16122 Jurusan Mekanisasi Pertanian, FATETA-IPB, P.O. BOX 12, Bogor 16000
Abstract: The disadvantage of using sun drying (a) its dependence on wheather, (b) contamination of insect, (c) uneqqualy of product dryness and quality, (d) high labour and operational cost, and (e) limitation of drying area. Mechanical dryer would lessen the above problems. This research is aimed at the making and testing of prototype of box type mechanical fish dryer of 200 kg capacity. The quality of dried product is relatively equal to commercial products. The drying condition are as follows: temperature 40⁰-50⁰C, RH 40-50%, drying air velocity 90-120 m/min. on the plenum, and temperature around the fish 29⁰-36⁰C.
Warta IHP J. of Agro-based Industry Volume 3 No. 1, pp. 8-13, 1986 Penelitian/Research Pengaruh Penambahan Natrium Benzoat dan Asam Sitrat Terhadap Mutu Sari Buah Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lmk) Effect of Sodium Benzoate and Citric Acid on the Quality of Jack Fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lmk.) Juice during Storage M. Maman Rohamana), Suhadi Hardjob) dan Tien R. Muchtadic) a)
b) c)
Balai Penelitian makanan, Minuman dan Fitokimia, Balai besar Litbang Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 5-9, Bogor 16122 Jurusan Teknologi Industri, FATETA-IPB, P.O. BOX 12, Bogor 16000 Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi, FATETA-IPB., P.O. BOX 122, Bogor 16000
Abstract- The effect of sodium benzoate and citric acid to the quality of the jack fruit juice during storage has been studied. The concentration of sodium benzoate used were 0; 500 and 1000 ppm, while citric acid were 0:0.1 and 0.2 percent. The result showed that sodium benzoate significantly affect the total acid, pH and total microbial count. The higher the sodium benzoate concentration, the lower the total acid will be, while the PH increase and total microbial count decrease. The addition of citric acid resulted in the decrease of total acid and vitamin C, while the pH increase. Vitamin C content, pH, total soluble solid and viscosity decreased during storage and total microbal count increase. Organoleptic test showed that the additional of 0.1 percent citric acid is acceptable.
Warta IHP J. of Agro-based Industry Volume 3 No. 1, pp. 14-21, 1986 Penelitian/Research Penelitian Pengawetan Jamur Merang (Volvariella volcaceae) Dengan Cara Pendinginan A Study on the Law-Temperature Preservation of Paddy-Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae) Dhiah Nurainia) dan Suradi Hardjob) a)
Balai Penelitian makanan, Minuman dan Fitokimia, Balai besar Litbang Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP), Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 5-9, Bogor 16122 Jurusan teknik Industri, FAFETA-IPB, Kampus IPB, Darmaga, P.O. BOX 122, Bogor 16000
Abstract- A study on the low-temperature preservation of paddy-straw mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae) has been carried out. Stages of treatments include trimming, washing, blanching (0, 2, 4 and 6 min), cooling (cool water spraying for 30 min), packaging (without packaging, packed in polyethylene and vacuum packed films), and storage at cool temperature. Observation were done on moisture content, pH, total acid, soluble solid, activity of catalase and peroxidase, and organoleptic test. The results showed that paddy-straw mushroom can be preserved for two weeks at 7⁰ - 9⁰C in vacuum packaging (4-6 min blanching) or in polyethylene (6 min blanching)
Warta IHP J. of Agro-based Industry Volume 3 No. 1, pp. 22-25, 1986 Penelitian/Research Penyulingan Minyak daun Kayu Manis Cinnamomum burmanii, C. zeylanicum dan C. cassia Secara Kohobasi dan Identifikasi Komponen Minyak yang Dihasilkan Distillation of Cassia Leaf Oils (C. burmanii, C. zeylanicum and C. cassia) byI Cohobation Method and the Identification of Oil Components A. Moestafa dan Fauziah Badeges Balai Penelitian Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Litbang Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 5-9, Bogor 16122
Abstract- The essential oils from Indonesian cinnamon leaves (Cinnamomum burmanii), C. zeylanicum and C. cassia) was extracted using cohobation method. The distillation process was carried out for 3 hrs. te oil was trapped at different temperature i.e 25⁰, 70⁰ and 85⁰C. the result showed that 70⁰C was the optimum temperature. The yield of oil were 0.57;1.62; and o.31% respectively. Major components of the oils were cinnamic aldehyde and small amount of eugenol (C. burmuni), eugenol and one unidentified component (C. zeylanicum) and cinnamic aldehyde and o-metoxycinnamaldehyde (C. cassia)
Warta IHP J. of Agro-based Industry Volume 3 No. 1, pp. 14-31, 1986 Penelitian/Research Identifikasi Komponen Minyak Sereh Jawa (Andropogon nardus Java de Jong) Dengan Cara Khromatografi Gas Menggunakan Fasa Cair Metilfenilsilikon, OV-17 Gas Vhromatographic Identification of Java Citronella Oil (Andropogon nardus Java de Jong) Using Methylphenysilicon, OV-17, Liquid Phase Salya Sait Balai Penelitian Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri , Balai Besar Litbang Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP), Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 5-9, Bogor 16122
Abstract: The application of methylphenylsilicone (OV-17) liquid phase to the gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of Java Citronella Oils (Andropogon nardus Java de Jong) is investigated. The result of analysis are compared with those obtained using Carbowax 20M liquid phase.