Replication of the Giri Mukti Wana Tirta (GMWT) Community Forest Cooperative in Way Seputih River Basin and Way Sekampung River Basin 08/11/2013 Rita Mustikasari (
[email protected]) (
[email protected])
Introduction The Yayasan Konservasi Way Seputih (YKWS) has been working in Lampung for 7 years. The big achievements of this NGO (Non Government Organisation) are assisting the community in the Kota Batu Village, Pubian Sub-district, and participating in the formation of the Giri Mukti Wana Tirta Community Logging Cooperative (Comlog GMWT) that is active in the development of the Community Forest in the Central Lampung Regency. Several other institutions participate and support the existence of a community-based wood trade through various aspects. Telapak introduced the concept of the Negotiated Approach toward an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) which was later used to choose the location of the EA-Samdhana Project. The Partnership Institution and the NGO LATIN work together on projects in the formulation of the Project Design Document to obtain a certification on carbon trade. While the Samdhana and Ecosystem Alliance expressed their support by replicating the management of community forest in Air Naningan, Central Lampung and Buana Sakti East Lampung. The concept of the Negotiated Approach towards an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM NA) and the application of the River Basin Areas approach are the bases in the development of the several work programs of NGO YKWS in Kota Batu Village, Pubian Sub-district, Central Lampung. The operations of GMWT Cooperative is located in the Way Seputih upstream river basin, Air Naningan Sub-district, Central Lampung where the location of the replication will be implemented in Way Sekampung upstream river basin. Both are the water catchment areas of the Batutegi Dam which is the source of irrigation of the Metro rice granary area, East Lampung. In the downstream part, assistance is provided to the community in Batanghari Village, Buanasakti Sub-district, East Lampung wherein the aspect of the management of Community Forest was tried on honey and the aspect of Non Timber Forest Products.
Picture 1. Map of the Location of the GMWT Comlog Cooperative in Kota Batu Village, Pubian Sub-district, Central Lampung (B) and Tanggamus, Air Naningan Sub-district, Central Lampung (A) as the water catchment area of the Batutegi Dam which is known as the biggest dam in Southeast Asia and irrigates the areas of the Metro rice fields. Brief Quote from a Farmer in Tanggamus and East Lampung Mr. Sutrisno – Critical Land in Air Kubang Village, Tanggamus Regency ‘If you want to obtain a water source, plant the bald lands with greens,” the father stated to Mr. Sutrisno. The available land that was only covered with grass is now shaded with various hardwood plants (jeunjing, akasia, jati, sonokeling). Those provide shade for the coffee plantation in the lower part. Water springs, which in the local language are referred to as ‘sumber,’ emerge in several places. It is from this source that the community of Air Kubang Village, Tanggamus Regency, Central Lampung obtain their clean water. Mrs. Cici – Women and Agriculture in Air Naningan Village, Tanggamus Regency “Women are always considered as not capable of becoming farmers. Usually, they are only in the kitchen. I can prove that I can produce various agricultural products like jeunjing timber, coffee, candlenut, and pepper. Thanks to the hard work of the Tirto Kencono Farmer’s Group, Tanggamus Coffee at present is already included in several big coffee factories. Now, I’m learning to spawn freshwater fish and cultivate honey for Mr. Pur in the neighbouring village.” Mrs. Cici is the Chairperson of the Tirto Kencono Farmer’s Group. Her father bequeathed several partitions of lands for the existence of a potential 2
preliminary cooperative institution that develops the system of savings and loan among the 35 members of the TirtoKencono Farmers’ Group. Mr. Purwadi – Forest is Honey, Buana Sakti Village, East Lampung Regency “YKWS came and promulgated the management of wood in the six villages in the Batanghari Sub-district in 2012. Serkel (a wood saw machine that is installed in a vehicle) is already available for the community that will process nyerut (cut wood to turn it into a board with specified measurements). However, for me, and for my farmers’ group, that cultivates honey, forest is honey. We are promoting the village honey movement in community forests. What we want is a forest education wherein the timber is not cut but to make honey its production. Capital and people who have a special skill are necessary to make this happen”. Mr. Purwadi is the Chairperson of the Farmers’ Group that Cultivates Honey in Dusun 4 Sidomukti, Buanasakti Village, Batanghari Sub-district, East Lampung. In 2009, he attended a forest honey bee training provided by the Ministry of Forestry Regional Office. Since then, he tried to develop a forest honey business in the 26 hectares of secondary forest area owned by the farmer group that is mostly planted with Tangkil and Sonokeling trees. Mr. Pur obtains many invitations to several training and has become a knowledgeable and resourceful person regarding the cultivation of forest honey. In his backyard, there are various types of bee species in cages. Giri Mukti Wana Tirta Comunity Logging Cooperative (Comlog GMWT) The Community Logging Movement and the formation of the community group cooperative is an effort to maintain the sustainability of the livelihood of the community through the management of the community forest. The Members of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative are the owners of the community forest in Central Lampung Regency. This institution was established in March 2011 in Pekandangan Village, Pubian Sub-district, Central Lampung Regency. The cooperative was started in 2009 and was named Wana Tirta Cooperative. The name was later changed to Giri Mukti Wana Tirta Community Logging Cooperative and obtained Legal Body Number : 28/BH/PAD/X.2/2011 on January 2011. Illegal logging and forest land clearing in the Protected Forest Area Register 39 Kota Agung Utara Wilayah, Pubian Sub-district, Central Lampung is rampant. If these activities occur, potential consequences include: 1) the discharge of the Way Seputih River decreases (dryness); 2) landslides and flash floods occur in several villages in upstream areas; 3) the results of the production of agricultural plantation decreases; 4) the level of unemployment increases as a consequence of the closure of wood industries; and 5) it is difficult for the residents to obtain clean water. The objectives of the formation of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative are: 1) to enhance the well-being and standard of living of the members in particular 3
and the community in general; 2) to start a movement in re-establishing an economic order in the village; and 3) to create sustainable forest management through the institutionalization of a cooperative. The following is the scope of the work area and membership of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative in the Pubian Sub-district: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Kampung Kampung Kampung Kampung Kampung Kampung Kampung Kampung
Pekandangan Community Forest Tawang Negeri Community Forest Kota Batu Community Forest Payung Dadi Community Forest Payung Makmur Community Forest Gedung Aji Community Forest TerbanggiIlir, Bandar Mataram Community Forest Rawa Betik Community Forest
The business products of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative are composed of: a) Wood products: sengon, jati, akasia, mahoni, and cempaka. b) Non-wood products: pepper, coffee, spices, natural honey, and c) Development of bio gas energy service. At present, the products that are actively produced are wood products while there are several pilot projects for bio gas. They are still searching for a market for Non Timber Forest Products. The guarantee for the availability of raw wood material at the local level should be supported by a clear document so that it would not bring about forest degradation and illegal logging in the said area. The government issued the Regulation of the Minister of Forestry No.P.38/Menhut-II/2009 concerning the Standard and Guideline in the Assessment of Sustainable Forest Management and Timber Legality Verification to the Permit Holder or Private Forests and Timber Processing Industry. This momentum was utilized by the Comlog GMWT Cooperative to obtain recognition from the Ministry of Forestry. In November 2011, the Comlog GMWT Cooperative obtained a Certification on the Legality of Wood Standard Verification (SVLK) from the Directorate General of Production Enterprises of the Ministry of Forestry. This document is in response to the market demand on raw wood material by ensuring that the unit management or industry is already using legal raw materials that are proven and protected by a legal document. In the first certification on 11 January 2011, Certification VLK No. 00050 was published for the 22.5 hectares of Community Forest with 103 members. In January 2013, the Comlog GMWT Cooperative extended the Community Forest, reaching a count of 233 members. The development activities conducted by the Comlog GMWT Cooperative in Central Lampung are: 4
Processing of Forest Wood Products in the form of logs and furniture Wood seedling Development of bio gas energy as a local initiative of the adaptation process on climate change • Development of Non-Wood Forest Produce in the form of honey and spices • Development of environment service through the adoption of trees in the effort to reduce carbon emission • • •
The Potential of Tanggamus (Central Lampung) and Buana Sakti (East Lampung) M. Sidik, Director of NGO YKWS stated that the replication of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative was conducted in two locations, namely, Tanggamus Regency in Central Lampung and Buana Sakti in East Lampung. This project was implemented through the support of Samdhana and Ecosystem Alliance Netherlands.
In these two places, the potential of the wood produced from the Community Forest is very huge. For the most part, the residents in these two villages own lands that are planted with wood. Presently, it is difficult to market the wood products of the community. On the other hand, the land cover in the upstream areas as regulated in legislations is a minimum of 30% of wood lands. The replication of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative is an effort to save the environment through the wood management of Community Forest and assist in enhancing the well-being of the community through the cooperative. When the wood management is implemented, the community will play a very good role in conservation. They will not cut trees until the trees are gone but they will cut trees based on their needs.
The choice is to choose the institutionalization of a cooperative as a legal body. Among three existing choices, namely, cooperative, foundation, and company, the cooperative was considered as the easiest. The form of a foundation will not enable the community to make a business. Building a company requires a large amount of capital while a cooperative requires 15 million as initial capital. As such, the form of a cooperative was chosen.
NGO YKWS is optimistic that the wood business of the community and the formation of an economic institution of the community through the cooperative will work well. For a member who owns wood with a potential of
1,500 logs (approximately 100 cubic meters) will obtain approximately 100 million rupiah (100 cubic meters x 1 million/cubic meters).
We have already planned the work strategy, holding of FGD, and know the potential of the region through mapping activities. The effort to develop the collective action plan of the community will be conducted through assisting activities in the villages. Currently, we have already invited several members of the community to become a member of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative. The target is to form a cooperative in the next year and a half, by December 2014.
We would like to reverse the belief of the people who don’t believe that the community can conduct community forest management. There will be a new outlook if the community is not only capable of forest management but can also prosper at the same time. Currently, all forest business permits are given to companies; why not give them to the community? Through the case example of the Comlog GMWT Cooperative, it has been proven that the community can become a profitable unit of production.
Bibliography Achmad Siddik Thoha, 2012. Formulation of Project Design Document (PDD). Downloaded on 25 September 2013.
Replikasi Koperasi Hutan Rakyat Giri Mukti Wana Tirta (GMWT) di Daerah Aliran Sungai Way Seputih dan Daerah Aliran Sungai Way Sekampung Rita Mustikasari dan Febrilia Ekawati
Pengantar Yayasan Konservasi Way Seputih (YKWS) sudah bekerja di Lampung selama tujuh tahun. Capaian besar yang dikerjakan LSM ini adalah mendampingi masyarakat Desa di Kecamatan Pubian, turut serta membentuk Koperasi Comunity Logging Giri Mukti Wana Tirta (Comlog GMWT) yang aktif dalam pengembangan Hutan Rakyat di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Beberapa lembaga lain ikut serta memberi dukungan terjadinya perdagangan kayu berbasis masyarakat melalui berbagai aspek. Telapak mengenalkan konsep Pendekatan Negosiasi menuju Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Terpadu (PSDAT) yang kemudian dipakai untuk memilih lokasi kegiatan Proyek EA-Samdhana. Lembaga Partnership dan LATIN mengadakan peningkatan kapasitas dalam penyusunan Project Design Document (PDD) untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi perdagangan karbon.Samdhana dan Ecosystem Alliance melakukan dukungan dengan replikasi pengelolaan hutan rakyat di Desa Airnaningan Tanggamus dan Buana Sakti Lampung Timur. Konsep Pendekatan Negosiasi menuju Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Terpadu (PSDAT) dan penerapan pendekatan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) menjadi dasar pengembangan beberapa program kerja di LSM YKWS. Desa Kota Batu, Kecamatan Pubian, Lampung Tengah(B) dimana Koperasi GMWT beroperasi terletak di bagian hulu DAS Way Seputih. Air Naningan, Kecamatan Airnaningan Tanggamus (A) dimana lokasi replikasi akan dilaksanakan adalah hulu DAS Way Sekampung. Keduanya merupakan daerah tangkapan air untuk Bendungan Batutegi yang merupakan sumber irigasi daerah lumbung padi pesawahan Metro, Lampung Timur dan Lampung Tengah. Di bagian hilir dilakukan pendampingan masyarakat di Desa Buana Sakti, Kecamatan Batang Hari, Lampung Timur dimana aspek pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat dicoba ditelaah dari Hasil Hutan Kayu dan aspek Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu yaitu madu.
Gambar 1. Peta Lokasi Koperasi Comlog GMWT (B) dan Tanggamus (A) sebagai daerah tangkapan air Bendungan Batutegi yg dikenal terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan mengairi irigasi kawasan persawahan Metro.
Kutipan Singkat Petani di Tanggamus dan Lampung Timur Bapak Sutrisno – Lahan Kritis di Desa Air Kubang, Kabupaten Tanggamus ‘Kalau mau dapat sumber (mata air-red), tanemin tuh lahan gundul dengan hehijauan’, begitu kutipan Sang Ayah kepada Pak Sutrisno. Saat ini lahan yg sedianya hanya ditutupi rerumputan telah teduh dengan berbagai tanaman kayu keras (jeunjing, akasia, jati, sonokeling) sebagai peneduh dan naungan tanaman kopi di bagian bawahnya. Mata air yang dalam bahasa lokal disebut ‘sumber’ muncul di beberapa tempat. Dari sumber inilah masyarakat Desa Air Kubang, Kecamtan Airnaningan, Kabupaten Tanggamus, mendapat pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersihnya.
Ibu Cici – Perempuan dan Pertaniandi Desa Air Naningan, Kabupaten Tanggamus ‘Perempuan tuh selalu dianggap tidak bisa menjadi petani. Bisanya hanya di dapur saja. Saya bisa membuktikan kalau saya mampu memproduksi berbagai produk pertanian seperti kayu jeunjing, kopi, kemiri, lada. Berkat kerja keras Kelompok Tani Tirto Kencono, promosi Kopi Tanggamus saat ini sudah masuk ke beberapa pabrik kopi besar. Saat ini saya sedang belajar memijahkan ikan air tawar di kebun dekat bendungan dan beternak madu dari Pak Purwadi, mitra dari YKWS. Ibu Cici adalah Ketua Kelompok Tani Tirto Kencono. Ayahnya mewarisi beberapa petak lahan sebagai potensi awal hadirnya kelembagaan koperasi yg kemudian 8
membangun. Sistim simpan pinjam diantara 35 anggota Kelompok Tani Tirto Kencono.
Bapak Purwadi – Hutan Adalah Madu, Desa Buana Sakti, Kabupaten Lampung Timur “YKWS datang melakukan pengenalan sosialisasi tata kelola kayu di enam desa di Kecamatan Batanghari tahun 2012 lalu. Serkel (gergaji mesin kayu yg dipasang di sebuah mobil) sudah disediakan untuk masyarakat yang hendak nyerut (memotong kayu menjadi papan ukuran tertentu). Tapi buat saya dan kelompok tani ternak madu yang saya pimpin, hutan adalah madu. Gerakan madu desa di hutan-hutan rakyat sedang kami galakkan. Maunya ada hutan pendidikan yang kayunya tidak ditebang tetapi madu yang jadi produksinya. Butuh modal dan orang-orang yang punya kecukupan khusus untuk membuat itu terjadi”. Bapak Purwadi adalah Ketua Kelompok Tani Ternak Madu di Dusun 4 Sidomukti, Desa Buanasakti, Kecamatan Batanghari, Lampung Timur. Pada tahun 2009 mengikuti pelatihan lebah madu hutan dari Dinas Kehutanan. Semenjak itu mencoba mengembangkan usaha madu hutan di areal hutan sekunder milik kelompok seluas 26 hektar yang sebagian besarnya ditanami pohon Tangkil dan Sonokeling. Pak Pur banyak diundang ke berbagai pelatihan dan menjadi narasumber peternakan madu hutan. Di belakang rumahnya terdapat berbagai jenis lebah yang diternak.
Koperasi Comunity Logging Giri Mukti Wana Tirta (Comlog GMWT) Gerakan Community Logging dan pembentukan koperasi kelompok masyarakat adalah usaha untuk terbentuknya keberlanjutan nafkah hidup masyarakat melalui pengelolaan hutan rakyat. Anggota Koperasi Comlog GMWT merupakan pemilik hutan rakyat di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Lembaga ini berdiri pada Bulan Maret 2011 di Desa Pekandangan, Kecamatan Pubian, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Pada awalnya koperasi ini bernama Koperasi Wana Tirta yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2009. Namanya kemudian berubah menjadi Koperasi Community Logging Giri Mukti Wana Tirta, dan berbadan hukum Nomor Badan Hukum: 28/BH/PAD/X.2/2011 pada Januari 2011. Pembalakan liar dan pembukaan lahan berhutan pada kawasan Hutan Lindung Register 39 Kota Agung Utara Wilayah Kecamatan Pubian, Lampung Tengah marak terjadi. Pada saat berbarengan terjadi gejala alam berupa: 1) Menurunnya debit air Sungai Way Seputih (kekeringan); 2) Longsor dan banjir bandang di beberapa desa di kawasan hulu; 3) Terjadi penurunan hasil produksi pertanian perkebunan; 4) Angka pengangguran meningkat akibat tutupnya industri kayu; 5) Penduduk kesulitan mendapat air bersih. 9
Tujuan dibentuknya Koperasi Comlog GMWT adalah: 1) Meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan taraf hidup anggota dan masyarakat umum; 2) Menjadi sebuah gerakan ekonomi rakyat dalam membangun tatanan perekonomian desa; 3) Mewujudkan tata kelola hutan yang berkelanjutan melalui kelembagaan koperasi. Cakupan wilayah kerjadan keanggotaan Koperasi Comlog GMWT di Kecamatan Pubian sebagai berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Hutan Hutan Hutan Hutan Hutan Hutan Hutan Hutan
Rakyat Rakyat Rakyat Rakyat Rakyat Rakyat Rakyat Rakyat
Kampung Pekandangan Kampung Tawang Negeri Kampung Kota Batu Kampung Payung Dadi kampung Payung Makmur Kampung Gedung Aji Kampung Terbanggi Ilir, Bandar Mataram Kampung Rawa Betik, Seputih Surabaya
Produk usaha koperasi comlog GMWT terdiri dari: a) produk kayu: sengon, jati, akasia, mahoni, dan cempaka. b) produk bukan kayu: lada, kopi, coklat, rempahrempah, madu alam dan c) jasa pengembangan energi biogas. Saat ini yg sudah aktif berproduksi adalah produk kayu dan beberapa pilot projek untuk biogas. Produk bukan kayu yg berupa kopi sedang diujicoba dalam mencari target pasar yang tepat. Jaminan ketersedian bahan baku kayu di tingkat lokal harus didukung dengan suatu instrumen yang jelas sehingga tidak menyebabkan degradasi hutan dan illegal logging di wilayah tersebut. Pemerintah menetapkan Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan No.P.38/Menhut-II/2009 tentang Standard dan Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari dan Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu pada Pemegang Izin atau pada Hutan Hak dan Industri Pengolahan Hasil Hutan Kayu. Momentum ini dimanfaatkan oleh Koperasi Comlog GMWT untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dari Kementerian Kehutanan. Pada Bulan November 2011 Koperasi Comlog GMWT mendapatkan sertifikasi Standar Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) dari Direktorat Jenderal Bina Usaha Produksi (Ditjen BUK) Kementerian Kehutanan. Instrumen ini untuk merespon permintaan pasar bahan baku kayu dengan memastikan bahwa unit manajemen atau industri sudah menggunakan bahan baku legal yang dibuktikan dan dilindungi dengan dokumen legalitas. Pada sertifikasi pertama pada 11 Januari 2011, diterbitkan Sertifikat VLK No.00050, untuk luas Hutan Rakyat yang tersertifikasi yaitu 22,5 ha,dan jumlah anggota 103 orang. PadaJanuari 2013,Koperasi Comlog GMWT telah memperluas areal Hutan Rakyat milik anggota untuk disertifikasi VLK dengan total luas areal hutan rakyat yaitu 210,7 hektar, dengan jumlah anggota 233 orang. Aktivitas pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Koperasi Comlog GMWT Lampung Tengah yaitu: • •
Pengolahan Produk Hasil Hutan Kayu berupa log dan furnitur Pembibitan kayu 10
• •
Pengembangan energi terbarukan (biogas) sebagai upaya proses adaptasi perubahan iklim Pengembangan produk Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu berupa madu dan rempah-rempah • Pengembangan jasa lingkungan lewat adopsi pohon dalam upaya penurunan emisi karbon
Potensi Airnaningan (Tanggamus) dan Buana Sakti(Lampung Timur) M. Sidik Direktur LSM YKWS mengatakan replikasi Koperasi Comlog GMWT dilaksanakan salahsatunya di dua lokasi, yaitu Airnaningan di Tanggamus dan Buana Sakti di Lampung Timur. Proyek ini terlaksana atas dukungan Samdhana dan Ecosystem Alliance Belanda. Di kedua tempat ini, potensi kayu hasil dari Hutan Rakyat sangat besar. Rata-rata semua penduduk di kedua desa ini memiliki lahan yang ditanami kayu. Kondisi yang terjadi saat ini, kayu produk masyarakat sulit dipasarkan. Di sisi lain tutupan lahan kawasan hulu seperti diatur dalam perundangan adalah minimal 30% lahan berkayu. Replikasi Koperasi Comlog GMWT adalah usaha untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan melalui tata kelola kayu Hutan Rakyat sekaligus membantu terjadinya kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui kegiatan berkoperasi. Saat tata kelola kayu berjalan, masyarakat akan memainkan peran konservasi yang sangat baik. Mereka tidak akan melakukan tebang habis tetapi memotong kayu sesuai kebutuhan. Pilihannya memilih kelembagaan koperasi sebagai badan hukumnya. Diantara tiga pilihan yang ada, yaitu bentuk koperasi, yayasan atau perusahaan, maka koperasi dianggap paling mudah. Bentukan kelembagaan yayasan tidak memungkinkan masyrakat membuat usaha. Membentuk perusahaan membutuhkan kapital yang tidak sedikit, koperasi membutuhkan 15 juta sebagai modal awalnya. Maka bentukan koperasi adalah yang dipilih. LSM YKWS optimis usaha kayu rakyat dan pembentukan lembaga ekonomi masyarakat melalui koperasi akan berjalan baik. Perhitungan cepat seorang anggota pemilik kayu ygpotensi kayunya 1500 batang (sekitar 100 kubik). Dia akan menerima sekitar 100 juta rupiah (100 kubik x 1 juta/kubik). Strategi kerja, pelaksanaan FGD dan mengenal potensi daerah melalui kegiatan pemetaan sudah kami rencanakan. Usaha untuk menumbuhkan kolektivitas masyarakat dilakukan melalui kegiatan pendampingan ke desa-desa. Saat ini kami sudah mengajak beberapa anggota masyarakat untuk menjadi anggota Koperasi Comlog GMWT. Target untuk membentuk koperasi akan dicapai dalam 1,5 tahun ke depan, Desember 2014. Kita ingin membalik dari orang yang tidak percaya bahwa masyarakat mampu melakukan tata kelola hutan rakyat, menjadi sebuah pandangan baru bahwa masyarakat bukan hanya mampu mengelola hutan tetapi juga dapat hidup sejahtera. Saat ini semua ijin pengusahaan hutan diberikanhanya ke perusahaan11
perusahaan, kenapa tidak diberikan ke masyarakat? Melalui contoh kasus Koperasi Comlog GMWT terbukti masyarakat mampu menjadi suatu unit produksi yang menguntungkan.
Daftar Pustaka Achmad Siddik Thoha, 2012. Penyusunan Project Design Document (PDD). Diunduh pada 25 September 2013.