Profound – Trillingen Meten
VIBRA VIBRA-sbr VIBRA-sbr + Profound VIBRA- serie
Technische specificaties VIBRA- serie
Met de Profound VIBRA meet u op een eenvoudige manier trillingen die mogelijk schade veroorzaken aan gebouwen en gevoelige apparatuur. De robuuste aluminium kast, afgewerkt met kunststof kappen, is waterdicht. Het systeem is gemakkelijk te verplaatsen, werkt op batterijen en kan gedurende 4 weken onbemand en ononderbroken meten. De VIBRA-serie bestaat uit de VIBRA, de VIBRA-sbr en de VIBRA-sbr +. De eigenschappen zijn samengevat in de technische specificatie "VIBRA features overview".
Pieksnelheid |v |, piek-
In x-, y-, z-richting per tijdsinterval
versnelling |a | en frequentie Snelheidsbereik
0 – 100 mm/s
Resolutie display
0.01 mm/s
Resolutie AD-converter
0.001 mm/s (24 bits ADC)
Digitaal IR filter
Frequentiebereik en
DIN 45669-1 June 1995, accuracy class 1
of SBR – deel A, B 2002
≥ 4 regels; achtergrondverlichting; antireflex coating, anti-kras
3-kanaals geofoon (x-, y-, z-richting)
4 MB
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 s; 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 min.
Afhankelijk van de gekozen versie, voldoet meet het systeem vanzelfsprekend aan nationale en internationale richtlijnen, zoals SBR deel A en B uit 2002, de DIN 4150 en DIN 45669.
en de de de
Data opslagniveau
Instelbaar tussen 0.01-100.00 mm/s (of altijd)
Instelbaar tussen 0.01-100.00 mm/s (of geen)
≈ 5 minuten/jaar bij 25 °C
Installatie van een VIBRA is zeer eenvoudig: bevestig de 3-D sensor aan het te monitoren object, zet het systeem aan en start de meting. Gedurende de meting verschijnt op het display van de VIBRA datum en tijd, tijdsinterval en de gemeten trillingswaarden inclusief frequentie van alledrie de kanalen. Vooraf kan een alarmniveau ingesteld worden.
- 20 °C tot + 60 °C
IP65 volgens DIN 40 050/IEC 529
3 x 1.5 V Alkaline D-formaat batterijen
Levensduur batterijen
≈ 28 dagen (bij continu gebruik)
10 jaar (minimum) bij 25 °C
PC besturingsprogramma
WIN 7.0/Vista/Windows XP
De resterende batterijcapaciteit en geheugenruimte staan standaard onderin de display. Daarnaast kunt u gedurende de meting ook direct de maximale trillingswaarden controleren.
USB data transfer
216 x 160 x 50 mm
2 kg
Nadat u de meting heeft beëindigd, verbindt u voor volledige analyse de VIBRA via USB aan een Windows PC. Postbus 469 2740 AL Waddinxveen Nederland
© Profound BV, VIB010/08/2013
50 m kabelhaspel Antidiefstal Kensington® kabel Alarmlamp Externe voeding via USB adapter: Vmains 100 ↔ 240 V,
47 ↔ 63 Hz
Tel. +31 (0)182 640 964
[email protected]
Profound behoudt zich het recht voor documentatie en product(en) te verbeteren of aan te passen.
Profound – Trillingen Meten Kenmerken van de VIBRA-serie Continue en automatische registratie van trillingshinder gedurende een lange periode Afhankelijk van het gekozen model, voldoet het systeem aan de nationale en internationale richtlijnen, zoals SBR deel A, B, DIN 4150 en DIN 45669. De VIBRA meet en registreert zowel de maximale trillingswaarden als de frequenties van de trillingen in 3 richtingen (x-, y- en zrichting) per opgegeven tijdsinterval. De VIBRA+ meet en registreert daarnaast ook de uitwijking en de door de richtlijnen vereiste waarden met betrekking tot hinder voor personen in gebouwen. Directe interpretatie van de meetresultaten en toetsing aan bijvoorbeeld de Nederlandse SBR beoordelingsrichtlijn Door een geavanceerd, energiezuinig elektronicaontwerp en het implementeren van digitale intelligentie, is de VIBRA tot 28 dagen (bij continu gebruik) onbemand operationeel. Compacte, robuuste behuizing en eenvoudige bediening Professionele en snelle (grafische) presentatiemogelijkheden van de meetresultaten Alarmfunctie op snelheid (mm/s) Gemakkelijke vergelijking van de meetresultaten. U kunt meerdere VIBRA-systemen op dezelfde locatie plaatsen waarbij elk systeem het tijdsinterval op dezelfde deeltallen synchroniseert. Uitlezen van meetgegevens zonder onderbreking van de meting VIBRA Remote Control software programma voor het op afstand bedienen en uitlezen van de VIBRA
Specifieke voordelen VIBRA-sbr en VIBRA-sbr + Systeem voldoet volledig aan de richtlijn SBR deel A - ‘Schade aan gebouwen’ en deel B -‘Hinder voor personen in gebouwen’: zowel de meting als de verwerking als de weergave is geheel conform deze richtlijn. Meten conform SBR deel A en gelijktijdig deel B, met name: Meetbereik 0 - 100 mm/s (de maximum waarde omvat deel A en deel B) Frequentiebereik 0.8 – 100 Hz SBR veff,max waarden Dominante frequentiebepaling conform Methode I Peak type (ingave gebouwcategorie) Beoordeling conform SBR Weergave SBR A: gebouwcategorieën, type meting Weergave SBR B: vper en veff,max
Specifieke voordelen VIBRA-sbr + Voldoet volledig aan: SBR-deel A en B zoals hierboven beschreven DIN 4150 – deel 2 en 3 (inclusief KB FT en KB Fmax) en dominante frequentiebepaling conform FFT Smart alarm (frequentie afhankelijk alarm op snelheid conform richtlijn) Alarm op versnelling (m/s2) of verplaatsing (mm) Status en data via GPRS/internet Alarm via GPRS/internet Verplaatsingsmetingen Automatische hoek- en kalibratiecontroles PC Trace Recorder (voor continue traces time/velocity)
Postbus 469 2740 AL Waddinxveen Nederland
© Profound BV, VIB010/08/2013
Tel. +31 (0)182 640 964
[email protected]
Profound behoudt zich het recht voor documentatie en product (en) te verbeteren of aan te passen.
Profound - Vibration Monitoring
VIBRA VIBRA-sbr VIBRA-sbr + Profound VIBRA-series: detailed features overview Trace option Velocity versus time curve AD-converter 24 bits delta sigma data conversion Resolution display 0.01 mm/s Resolution AD-converter 0.001 mm/s DIN Accuracy DIN 45669-1 June 1995, accuracy class 1 Frequency characteristic Lower limit (-3dB): 0.8 Hz (12 dB/oct.) Upper limit (-3dB): 100 Hz (12 dB/oct.) Dominant frequency Zero crossing method determination FFT (Hanning window) Data processing DIN 4150-2 DIN 4150-3 SBR Accuracy Part A and B, 2002 0.85 ≤ Δ ≤ 1.15 Frequency characteristic Part A: Lower limit (-3 dB): 0.8 Hz Upper limit (-3 dB): 125 Hz Part B: Lower limit (-3 dB): 0.8 Hz Upper limit (-3 dB): 100 Hz Dominant frequency Method I determination Method II Data processing SBR Part A SBR Part B Sample frequency 1024 Hz Velocity data save level Adjustable between 0.01-100 mm/s (or always) Alarm level velocity |v | Adjustable between 0.01-100 mm/ s (or none) Alarm level displacement |u | Adjustable in mm (or none) Alarm level acceleration |a | Adjustable in m/s 2 (or none)
Optical signal device External power GPRS/internet mail function Maximum displacement |u |
≈ 5 minutes/year at 25°C Frequency dependent maximum velocity, complying with the SBR or DIN levels Flashing wireless alarm beacon 5 Volt supplied to the VIBRA USB connector Wireless data transmission ux uy uz per time interval
VIBRA PC Trace Recorder
Continuous time/velocity trace recording
VIBRA geophone
Digital ID Geophone detection Digital correction of the sensitivity Digital correction of the fres and Q
Clock stability Smart alarm level
VIBRA ● ● ● ● ● ●
VIBRA-sbr ● ● ● ● ●
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Automatic inclination check Automatic calibration check PC software
WIN 7.0/Vista/Windows XP Processing according to SBR-guidelines Processing according to DIN-guidelines Extensive graphical data presentation including precise date time axis. Various data exporting options, e.g. as ASCII-(*.csv) file VIBRA PC Remote Control
P.O. Box 469 2740 AL Waddinxveen The Netherlands © Profound BV, VIB010/08/2013
VIBRA-sbr + ● ● ● ● ● ●
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Tel. +31 (0)182 640 964
[email protected] Profound reserves the right to revise this documentation or to make improvements or changes in the product(s).
Profound - Vibration Monitoring
VIBRA geophone Profound VIBRA geophone
Technical specifications VIBRA geophone
3 (x-, y-, z-direction)
23.3 Vs/m
Resonance frequency (fres)
8 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
Output Resistance (Rout)
330 Ohm
Quality factor (Q)
bracket facilitates precise orientation of the
Distortion at 18 mm/s and 12 Hz
< 0.2 %
geophone in the correct x-, y- or z-direction, as
fres within tolerance
< 15º
Sensitivity of the vial
53 arc minutes (R130 mm)
Electronic datasheet (ID)
Serial number; calibration date;
The Profound geophone for the VIBRA range has been designed for high-performance vibration monitoring. Advanced mounting The ball joint in combination with the wall
well as enabling fine tuning of the vial. Digital ID
sensitivity; fres ; Rout ; Q
The geophone has an electronic datasheet, which also includes the serial number. Therefore, the source of measurement data can always be traced.
Temperature range (operating)
- 20 °C to + 60 °C
Protection rating
IP65 according to DIN 40 050/IEC 529
Ø 74 mm
Besides continuously monitoring the x-, y- and z-
0.48 kg
direction, the VIBRA also automatically corrects
Moving mass
Extra on VIBRA
sensitivity of each geophone channel. This guarantees
11 ± 0.5 g (each channel) Inclination measurement
Cable reel of 50 m MEASURING RANGE VIBRA
performance. 102
VIBRA+ The VIBRA geophone in combination with the VIBRA+ offers the following extras: assuring that measurements are carried out with a correctly positioned geophone. Based on data from the electronic datasheet,
velocity [mm/s]
Detection of the geophone's inclination,
the VIBRA+ not only corrects the sensitivity,
Geophone f = 8 Hz Q=0.707 DIN 45669-1 calibration point
but also the resonance frequency and the quality
DIN 45669-2 free standing geophone a < 3m/s 2 and f < 100 Hz Geophone displacement limit 0.8 mm Geophone displacement limit 0.8 mm inclination 5 degrees Vibra v max = 100 mm/s umax < 0.8 mm
correction filters. More information about the VIBRA range can be
found in the technical specifications. 100
frequency [Hz]
P.O. Box 469 2740 AL Waddinxveen The Netherlands
© Profound BV, VIB030/08/2013
Tel. +31 (0)182 640 964
[email protected]
Profound reserves the right to revise this documentation or to make improvements or changes in the product(s).
Profound - Vibration Monitoring
VIBRA geophone cone
Profound VIBRA geophone cone
Technical specifications VIBRA geophone cone
3 (X-, Y-, Z-direction)
has been designed for high-performance ground
Sensitivity (typical)
23.3 Vs/m
vibration monitoring, measuring dynamic soil
Resonance frequency (fres)
8 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
Output Resistance (Rout)
330 Ohm
by pushing it to the desired depth. When the
Quality factor (Q)
desired depth has been reached, the rod is
Distortion at 18 mm/s and 12 Hz
< 0.2 %
fres within tolerance
< 15º
Max. inclination
≤ 5º
Electronic datasheet (ID)
Serial number; calibration date;
The Profound geophone cone for the VIBRA range
parameters. Installation of the geophone cone with standard cone penetration rods can be done
to minimise the vibration
influence of the penetration rods. Digital ID
sensitivity; fres ; Rout ; Q
The geophone cone has an electronic datasheet including the serial number. Therefore, the source of measurement data can always be traced.
Protection rating
IP66 according to DIN 40 050/IEC 529
4500 kg/m3
Besides continuously monitoring the x-, y- and z-
Cone diameter
Ø 49.5 mm
direction, the VIBRA also automatically corrects
Cone length
190 mm
1.280 kg
Moving mass
11 ± 0.5 g (each channel)
Screw thread
GeoMil standard for CPT tubes
VIBRA connector
LEMO K Series
Cable length
10 m cable
VIB.00320 cable reel 50 m
sensitivity of each geophone channel. This guarantees
performance. VIBRA
The VIBRA geophone cone in combination with the VIBRA+ offers the following extras:
Detection of the geophone's inclination, assuring that measurements are carried out
with a correctly positioned geophone.
but also the resonance frequency and the quality
velocity [mm/s]
Based on data from the electronic datasheet, the VIBRA+ not only corrects the sensitivity,
Geophone f = 8 Hz Q=0.707 DIN 45669-1 calibration point
correction filters.
DIN 45669-2 free standing geophone a < 3m/s 2 and f < 100 Hz Geophone displacement limit 0.8 mm Geophone displacement limit 0.8 mm inclination 5 degrees Vibra v max = 100 mm/s umax < 0.8 mm 100
P.O. Box 469 2740 AL Waddinxveen The Netherlands
© Profound BV, VIB035/08/2013
Tel. +31 (0)182 640 964
[email protected]
frequency [Hz]
Profound reserves the right to revise this documentation or to make improvements or changes in the product(s).
Profound - Vibration Monitoring
VIBRA wireless alarm beacon 2.0
Profound VIBRA wireless alarm beacon
Technical specifications VIBRA alarm beacon 2.0
Flashing frequency
fflash = 0.5 … 5 Hz Various signal patterns for different status
battery powered portable alarm that provides a
LED colours
Red, orange, green
visible alarm signal for a vibration monitoring
Max. luminous intensity
3 x 25 cd
system from the VIBRA-series.
Alarm colour
High intensity red
Alarm threshold range
0.1 to 99.9 mm/s (set with the VIBRA)
Alarm duration
During 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes or manual switch off (set with the VIBRA) ≤ 30 metres
The VIBRA wireless alarm beacon is a rechargeable
After starting a measurement and upon exceeding a preset alarm threshold, the VIBRA system will automatically show an alarm text on the display. Simultaneously the VIBRA system transmits a wireless alarm signal to the alarm beacon. The high intensity LED’s of the alarm beacon effectively
vibration threshold.
Max. distance between beacon and VIBRA Internal battery Operating life: standby Operating life: flashing Auto shut-off Battery-low indication
Flexible use The VIBRA wireless alarm beacon will receive alarm signals from all VIBRA systems within range, but can also be programmed to solely receive alarm
systems. Several beacons can also be linked to one VIBRA system. Due to the wireless design and the integrated mounting options the beacon can easily be placed at clearly visible locations. If another alarm device is required, the internal
Lithium-ion battery Charger 12V [charging time: 1 hour (80%)] ± 14 days ± 15 hours > 12 hours after last operation and no wireless signal received fflash = 2 Hz (during alarm) fflash = 1 Hz (in standby mode) additional red flash during green or orange signal
Overall dimensions
85 mm, Ø 110 mm
0.8 kg
Temperature range
- 10 °C to + 50 °C
Protection rating
IP65 according to DIN 40 050/IEC 529
Housing materials
Body Lens
: Black POM : PMMA
Mounting options
Bottom side
: 5/8" screw thread
M12 speedcon, 5-pos.
Relais contact
≤ AC 125V/1A
Linking option for all models Accessories
Up to 100 VIBRA systems to one beacon or several beacons to a single VIBRA Charger 12V 0.3A Car charger VIB.00434 Connection cable between VIBRA mini USB and alarm beacon VIB.00436 Fly-lead cable for connection to internal relay
relay of the VIBRA wireless alarm beacon offers a flexible opportunity to link to other alarm devices. Long operating life The internal battery guarantees a long operating life. To indicate that the battery needs to be charged, the beacon will give a clearly visible red signal.
P.O. Box 469 2740 AL Waddinxveen The Netherlands
© Profound BV, VIB040/05/2014
Tel. +31 (0)182 640 964
[email protected]
Profound reserves the right to revise this documentation or to make improvements or changes in the product(s).