Energy Sector
Power Generation Division
Jakarta, May 19, 2014
Siemens adds further performance category to its entrained-flow gasifier portfolio Siemens Energy is adding a new high-performance model, the SFG-850, to its range of entrained-flow gasifiers. The SFG-850 is designed to enhance the profitability of future gasification plants by reducing specific plant costs, along with the associated production costs of synthesis gas. An SFG-850 gasifier can convert around 3,000 metric tons of coal per day into more than 5 million standard cubic meters (Nm3) of high-quality synthesis gas. “This product is particularly suitable and useful for Indonesia as the local industry produces a lot of low rank coals usually treated as waste due to the lack of adequate technology at hand,” said Venantius Ivan Sutanto, Country Sales Manager, Energy Sector – Power Generation Division, PT Siemens Indonesia. Introduced to the market at the end of March 2014, the SFG-850 gasifier is among the world’s largest and most economic entrained flow gasifiers. With a length of 22 meters, an outer diameter of 4.8 meters and weighing in at 380 metric tons, the new model can be completely fabricated and tested at the factory. Despite its size and weight, the unit can be transported to its installation location in one piece eliminating the time and expense of field fabrication.
The synthesis gas produced using the SFG-850 can be used in large-scale chemicals projects, such as for producing CTL, SNG, methanol or polypropylene, or for the production of clean transportation fuels. In addition, the integration of this technology into power generation sector will make the equally efficient IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) plants more economically appealing, which can further support and improve power generation in Indonesia amidst the ongoing problems of electricity and recent polemics on electricity tariff and gas price hike. Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2, 80333 Munich, Germany Communications and Government Affairs Head: Stephan Heimbach Reference number: EP201405.047e fp
Energy Sector Power Generation Division Freyeslebenstr. 1, 91058 Erlangen
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Siemens AG
Press Release
The SFG-850 gasifier is based on the same technical design as Siemens’ current gasifier models, the SFG-200 and SFG-500, which are operating at plants around the world. The proven central burner design and dry feed system have now been optimized further in the SFG-850. As with its predecessors, the new model stands out because of its high degree of fuel flexibility. All of the proven advantages of Siemens gasifier technology, including its short startup and shutdown times, and the tried-and-tested serviceability of its water-cooled design contribute to its ability to maintain the high levels of availability of today’s Siemens fleet.
Siemens fuel gasifier SGF-850 An SFG-850 gasifier can convert around 3,000 metric tons of coal per day into more than 5 million standard cubic meters (Nm3) of high-quality synthesis gas. Contact for journalists: Gerda Gottschick, phone: +49 9131 18-85753 E-mail:
[email protected]
Reference number: EP201405.047e fp
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Siemens AG
Press Release
This press release and press pictures can be found at fp For further information on Siemens fuel gasifiers, please see: Follow us on Twitter at: The Siemens Energy Sector is the world’s leading supplier of a broad spectrum of products, services and solutions for power generation in thermal power plants and using renewables, power transmission in grids and for the extraction, processing and transport of oil and gas. In fiscal 2013 (ended September 30), the Energy Sector had revenues of EUR26.6 billion and received new orders totaling approximately EUR28.8 billion and posted a profit of approxim ately EUR2 billion. On September 30, 2013, the Energy Sector had a work force of approximately 83,500. Further information is available at:
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Energi Sektor
Siaran Pers
Divisi Power Generation
Jakarta, 19 Mei 2014
Siemens luncurkan gasifier efisien Belum lama ini, Siemens Energi meluncurkan produk terkini berupa pengubah batubara menjadi gas (gasifier) SFG-850 yang unggul dalam hal efisiensi. Tipe ini didesain untuk mengurangi biaya produksi gas sintesis, sehingga dijamin meningkatkan efisiensi gasifikasi. “Produk ini cocok bagi Indonesia yang memiliki sejumlah besar deposit batubara berkalori rendah dan basah, yang tidak akan dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal tanpa dukungan teknologi gasifikasi mumpuni,” jelas Venantius Ivan Sutanto, Sales Manager, Energi Sektor – Divisi Power Generation, PT Siemens Indonesia. Diperkenalkan ke pasaran pada Maret 2014, SFG-850 merupakan salah satu gasifier tipe EFG (entrained flow gasifier) terbesar dan terekonomis di dunia. Dengan panjang 22 meter, diameter luar 4,8 meter dan berat 380 metrik ton, gasifier tipe ini dapat dikirim ke berbagai lokasi, termasuk Indonesia, dalam satu kesatuan, serta dapat dirakit dan diuji langsung di pabrik. Hal ini menjamin efisiensi waktu dan biaya perakitan ulang. Gasifier SFG-850 ini memiliki kemampuan konversi harian mengubah 3.000 metrik ton batubara per hari menjadi lebih dari 5 juta meter kubik (Nm3) gas sintesis berkualitas tinggi. Gas yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan pada proyek-proyek bahan kimia berskala besar, seperti produksi batubara cair (coal-to-liquids/CTL), gas alam sintetis (synthetic natural gas/SNG), metanol dan polypropylene, juga pada produksi bahan bakar ramah lingkungan.
Gasifier Siemens juga dapat dikonfigurasi lebih lanjut sehingga menjadikan pembangkit listrik dengan sistem IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) lebih efisien dan ekonomis. Kemampuan ini menjadi alternatif menjanjikan bagi
PT Siemens Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Communications Head: Julieta Glasmacher Reference number: EP201405.047e fp Reference number: ID CC PR 20130730
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pembangkit listrik di Indonesia, mengingat kebutuhan listrik yang semakin meningkat tidak didukung jumlah pasokan yang ada. Selain itu, gasifier ini membantu memberi jawaban atas kebutuhan energi industri di tengah polemik kenaikan tarif listrik dan harga gas. Dikembangkan dari gasifier unggulan Siemens terdahulu, model SFG-200 dan SFG500 yang telah digunakan di berbagai pembangkit listrik di seluruh dunia, SFG-850 semakin menonjol dengan tingkat fleksibilitas bahan bakar yang tinggi sehingga ikut meningkatkan efisiensi penyediaan energi di tengah tingginya kebutuhan pasar saat ini.
Gasifier SGF-850 Gasifier SFG-850 ini mampu mengubah 3.000 metrik ton batubara per hari menjadi lebih dari 5 juta meter kubik (Nm3) gas sintesis berkualitas tinggi.
Hubungan media: Trista Prihartini PT Siemens Indonesia, Media Relations Tlp (021) 27543009 Fax (021) 27543010
[email protected]
Reference number: EP201405.047e fp
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Siaran pers dan foto dapat dilihat di: fp Informasi lebih lanjut tentang Siemens fuel gasifiers dapat dilihat di: Follow kami di twitter: Siemens Energi Sektor adalah suplier terkemuka di dunia untuk spectrum yang luas mulai dari produk, layanan dan solusi untuk pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan sumber daya terbarukan, tenaga transmisi di jaringan dan untuk ekstraksi, pengolahan dan transportasi minyak dan gas. Fiskal tahun 2013 (berakhir 30 September), Sektor Energi mendapat pendapatan sebesar EUR 26.6 miliar dan telah menerima order baru mencapai EUR 28.8miliar dan membukukan laba sekitar EUR 2miliar. Pada 30 September 2013, Sektor Energi memiliki tenaga kerja sekitar 83,500 orang. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut terdapat di: www.siem
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