International Labour Organization
A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
Potret Dunia Kerja Indonesia:
nasib di sektor informal, jasa, industri, bahkan harus
Mereka Tak Pernah Pupus Berharap
meninggalkan negeri sendiri memburu rezeki di rantau orang. Semua itu menawarkan peluang, sekaligus risiko. Tengok saja nasib para pahlawan devisa kita. Memang, ada yang pulang menggenggam kesuksesan, tapi tak sedikit pula yang mengusung nestapa. Pun begitu dengan pekerja rumah tangga yang lekat dengan keseharian kita. Mereka dibutuhkan, tapi seringkali menjadi korban kekerasan. Tragisnya, mereka ini tidak terjangkau perlindungan
ekerjaan merupakan sumber penghidupan. Bagi
sebagian orang pekerjaan sering menjadi tumpuan harapan bagi kehidupan yang lebih baik. Namun, sayangnya, dunia kerja di negeri ini tidak cukup mampu menawarkan pekerjaan yang layak dan memadai bagi semua orang. Puluhan juta orang, baik perempuan atau laki-laki, tua maupun muda, harus bergulat keras untuk bisa mencecap ”indahnya” dunia kerja. Karena itu wajar jika berbagai sektor lapangan kerja yang terlihat menawarkan harapan kemudian diserbu dan dijejali banyak orang. Ada yang mengadu
Dunia kerja pun sering merenggut masa emas anak. Dengan berbagai alasan, mereka tidak punya pilihan selain harus bekerja dengan upah sekadarnya. Demi menyambung napas kehidupan keluarga, begitu mereka sering berkata. Mestinya dunia anak berlintasan dengan dunia pendidikan. Tidak seharusnya mereka bersinggungan dengan kerasnya dunia kerja. Di luar itu, beratnya persaingan kerja acapkali tidak menyisakan peluang bagi para penyandang
cacat. Masih banyak tempat kerja yang mendiskriminasikan mereka. Padahal, jika diadu
menggantungkan nasib di sektor informal. Pedagang kaki
kemampuan dan kinerjanya, mereka tak kalah
lima adalah contohnya. Mereka pun tak luput dari bahaya.
dengan pekerja normal. Selain problem jender, suku,
PKL kadang harus kucing-kucingan, bahkan beradu cepat
dan usia, diskriminasi pun masih menghantui orang
berkejar-kejaran dengan petugas, yang menganggap
dengan status HIV positif.
mereka melanggar ketertiban. Di sektor jasa, kuli
Sudah begitu, keselamatan kerja di berbagai sektor industri belum mendapatkan perhatian. Kerap kita saksikan, para pekerja menantang maut bekerja
bangunan, kuli panggul di pelabuhan, sopir dan tukang ojek, setali tiga uang. Mereka diperlukan, tapi terlupakan. Kendati sering dicengkeram bahaya dan derita,
di ketinggian tanpa alat pelindung. Kadang mereka
harapan selalu ada. Dalam sejarahnya, para pekerja itu
bekerja dengan alat-alat berbahaya tanpa
terus berjuang mengubah putaran roda nasibnya sendiri,
memikirkan keselamatan.
juga keluarganya. Beratnya langkah dan ritme hidup
Sistem kerja kontrak, tidak adanya perlindungan terhadap keselamatan kerja, PHK yang bisa menghantam kapan saja, hingga hengkangnya
mereka sengaja kami tangkap dan kami hadirkan di hadapan Anda. Dan, dari keras dan berwarnanya kehidupan para
investor dengan alasan keamanan, menjadi momok
pekerja ini rasanya sah jika kita semua menyerukan:
bagi para pekerja. Pengusaha dan karyawan
pekerjaan yang layak adalah hak bagi setiap warga negara.
memang seharusnya menjadi mitra yang sejajar dalam dunia kerja. Namun, perselisihan dan konflik industrial sering tidak terelakkan. Hingga bagi pekerja aksi demonstrasi pun dianggap sebagai alat negosiasi yang cukup efektif. Sah-sah saja, toh unjuk rasa juga menjadi hak para pekerja.
Di luar dunia industri, banyak orang yang
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia:
They Never Lose Hope
Just look at our foreign exchange hero. True, some came home with success in their arms, but many return home carrying sorrow. Even so with domestic workers rightly attached to our daily life. They are much needed, yet often they fall victim of violence. Tragically, they are unreachable to the protection of the law. Often, the world of work also snatches child’s golden years. They have no choice but to work with a just-enough wage. “To prolong the family life”, often they say. The kid’s world should crisscross with the
ork is source of life. For some, work can be their only
education world. They should have not been in contact with toughness of the world of work.
hope for a better life. Sadly, however, the world of work in this country can not offer decent and adequate work for all.
Furthermore, stiff competition often leaves no
Tens of millions of people, male or female, young or old,
room for disabled persons. There are many work-
have to struggle hard to taste “the beauty” of the world of
places still discriminating them. Even though, they
don’t come second to their normal fellows in terms of skills and work performance. In addition to sex, Therefore, it’s just normal if many sectors that seem to
offer more hopes are crammed full by many people. Some
ethnicity and age, discrimination continues haunting those with HIV positive.
try their luck in the informal, service, and industrial sectors, others even have to leave the country and find their fortune in foreign land. All that offers opportunity, and risk.
Even so, occupational safety in different industrial sectors is yet to be given attention. Not
seldom we witness workers put their lives on the line, working at high places without any safety equip-
there is always hope. From the history, the workers always
ment. Sometimes they work with hazardous materials
strive to change their and their family’s wheels of fortune.
and equipment without considering their health.
We capture their heavy steps and rhythm of life and present
Contract work systems, absence of protection for occupational safety, dismissal that can hit anytime, and fled of investors for security reason, have been haunting the workers. Employers and workers should have been equal partners in the world of work. However, conflict and industrial disputes are often inevitable. Hence, for the workers, demonstration is seen as effective negotiation tool. This is acceptable; nevertheless demonstration is the right of workers. Outside the industrial world, many depend their life on the informal sector. Take the street vendors for example; they are not safe from danger. Many times they have to play cat and mouse, even outrun the apparatus, who see them as violators of public order. In service sector, construction, doc workers, drivers and motorcycle taxi, they are all the same. They are needed, yet forgotten.
Although often firmly gripped by danger and pain,
them to you. And, from the harsh yet colorful life of these workers, it might be just right to say: decent work is the right of all!
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
Potret Dunia Kerja Indonesia: A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia:
“Sebelum Parade/Before the Parade” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“3 Penantang Maut/The Three Dare Devils” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Pembakar Kapur Tradisional/Traditional Lime Burner” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Ojek Sepeda di Kota/Bicycle Taxi in Kota” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Membangun Kembali Aceh/Rebuilding Aceh” (©ILO/Thierry Falise)
“Tempat Usaha Kami Digusur/Our Shop is Demolished” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Oke, Jalan!/Ok, Go!” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Tanpa Alas Kaki/Bare Footed” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Transaksi/Transaction” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Mengais Koran Bekas/Eking Out Old Papers” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Senyum Sang Pedagang Jeruk/Smile of the Orange Vendor” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Ojek Motor/Motorbike Taxi” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Pulas/Zzz” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Ibu, Mau yang Mana?/Which One, Mam? “ (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Meeting Point/Tempat Bertemu” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Menjemput Anak Juragan/Picking-up the Young Master” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Perempuan di Pombensin/The Gas Station Lady” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Sibuk, baca Koran/Busy, Reading the Papers” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Istirahat diantara Komputer/ Napping Between Computers” “Bersih bersih gedung /Building Clean Up”
(©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
(©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Female Demonstrator/Demonstran Perempuan” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Tetap Semangat/Keep it Up” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Sopir Bemo di Benhil/Bemo Driver in Benhil” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Ning/Ning” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Barak Penantian/Pre-departure Barrack” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Tekun/Diligent” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Bukan Penghalang/Not an Obstacle” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Latihan Menggendong/Holding Exercise” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Going Home/Pulang” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Safe/Aman” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Penjaga Gudang/Warehouse Keeper” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Menjaga Harapan/Guarding Hope” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Membuat Pipa Besi/Making Steel Pipe” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Tanpa Sarung Tangan/No Gloves” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Mengasuh Anak/Baby Sitting” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Nelayan Tua/Old Fisherman” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Pasar Tradisional/Traditional Market (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Pedagang Pantai Kuta/The Vendor of Kuta Beach” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Pengrajin Sepatu Cibaduyut/Cibaduyut Shoemaker“ (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Menatap Hari Esok/Gazing at Tomorrow” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Merajut Jaring/Knitting Net” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Daily Life in Jermals/ Hari-hari di Jermal” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
Photo Exhibition: “A Portrait of the World of Work in Indonesia”
“Pekerja Konstruksi/Construction Worker” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Diantara Percikan Api/In Between Sparks” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)
“Alone/Sendiri” (©ILO/M. Asrian Mirza)