Post2015, Gender & SRGR Consultatief overleg 4 december 2013
Input vanuit maatschappelijk middenveld: Stand van zaken; overkoepelende visie en principes; doelen, targets & indicatoren voor Gender & SRGR in de Post2015 agenda
Introductie Joni van de Sand & Janneke van der Heijden Secretariaat WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform
Ongoing dialogue & eerdere inputs • Oktober 2012 – WO=MEN ALV - Lezing Lydia Alpizar (AWID) “The Future of Gender Justice 2015” • Juli – september 2012 - Beijing+20 consultatie, aanbevelingen & dialoog
• 11 december 2012 – consultatie WO=MEN, ShareNet (RutgersWPF), WECF netwerken “Post2015 world we want - Nederlandse inzet op Mensenrechten/Gender/ SRGR/ Duurzame Ontwikkeling” discussie paper & aanbevelingen
• 18 februari 2013 – Rondetafel expert meeting MinBuZa & bovenstaande netwerken gezamenlijk uitkomsten paper • 11 juni 2013 – WO=MEN, ShareNet (RutgersWPF), WECF netwerken Response op het HLP report • juli 2013 – MinBuZa Nederlandse visie op de post-2015 ontwikkelingsagenda • 5 september 2013 – Post-2015 MinBuZa consultatie Veiligheid & rechtorde WO=MEN werkgroep Gender, Vrede & Veiligheid- discussie paper & aanbevelingen “integrated security & rule of law and gender equality perspective”
• 18 september 2013 – AO Post2015 discussie paper & aanbevelingen “Integrale benadering voor gendergelijkheid” = Maak gender concreet in de Post-215 agenda
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Where do we stand? Millennium Development Goals – lessons learned: •
• • •
Genereerde mondiale aandacht gendergelijkheid & empowerment vrouwen en meisjes Concrete problemen technocratische oplossingen Te weinig aandacht onderliggende factoren armoede, zoals ongelijkheid, mensenrechtenschendingen, klimaatverandering, ongelijke handel, conflict Vooruitgang blijft met name achter voor gendergelijkheid, SRGR en de bescherming van mensenrechten.
HLP rapport – what we want to keep: • • • • • •
illustrative stand-alone gender goal; access to SRHR as a fundamental human right (p2-3); concerns of women and girls, and young people as a cross-cutting issue in all goals (p17); young people must be active participants in decision-making (p17); indicators be disaggregated in various dimensions, including by gender, geography, age, and ethnicity (p58); gender budgeting (p62).
Nederlandse visie-brief Positief over de Nederlandse visie op PostMDGs: • Erkenning bijdragen van vrouwen aan armoedebestrijding en duurzame ontwikkeling • Gender als 1 van de 4 hoofdpunten van de Nederlandse inzet • SRGR als centraal onderwerp voor Nederland • Nederlandse inzet voor een gender tweesporen aanpak : een eigenstandige doelstelling en aandacht in alle andere doelstellingen. Verbeterpunten: coherentie voor gendergelijkheid, vrouwenrechten en empowerment van vrouwen in andere delen van de brief • Ontbreken reflectie op MDG 3 • Tweesporen aanpak voor gender nog niet uitgewerkt: • ‘Speerpunt’ gendergelijkheid nog geen mogelijke (sub)doelstellingen voorgesteld • Geen mainstreaming - onder speerpunten geen aandacht gendergelijkheid en empowerment van vrouwen (evenals in HLP rapport en in andere docs zoals OWG Technical Support Team) • Erkenning dat ‘aandacht voor gender aspecten’ onder elk doel van de Post2015 agenda betekent ‘gender subdoelen’ (zie uitkomsten bijeenkomst 18 februari 2013) niet uitgewerkt maak gender concreet. Bijvoorbeeld door targets & indicatoren te formuleren Careful with goals vs. the ship has sailed
Ambitie Do not reinvent the wheel: • Reaffirmation & implementation van bestaande afspraken / mensenrechten instrumenten en menchanismen: CEDAW; Vienna (1993); BPfA (1995); ICPD PoA (1994); UNSCRs, etc, etc. • Governance & financiering om deze agenda’s uit te voeren • Stock-taking van bestaande afspraken gender analyse Overarching principles: • Human rights – Key-concepts: autonomy, personal development, focus on most marginalized, recognition of women’s rights, SRHR
Holistic approach to development – Economic ánd rights, welfare, health, etc: – Key-concepts: social justice, equity, equality, non-discrimination, sustainabiliy
Social transformation – Underlying power relations, structures and systems (patriarchal norms)
Inclusiveness – Transparent, participatory process and meaningful participation (see last slide)
2-sporen aanpak: niet of/of maar én/én Stand-alone doelstelling • Meets long term interests by tackling root causes of gender inequalities • Reflects the priorities of women and girls themselves • Includes the roles of men and boys • Complements the other goals & is a motor for gender equality Gender mainstreaming • Specific targets that reflect and address gender barriers – Inequalities in vulnerability, access to, control over, decision making power, voice, etc … in health-care; education; poverty; political participation, etc …
• • • •
Gender sensitive (specific) indicators All indicators disaggregated by sex Increasing availability of data disaggregated by sex Gender-budgeting
3-sporen aanpak Three-pronged approach: 3 = Diplomatie: “Political and policy dialogue on gender equality - placing gender equality as a systematic topic on the agenda of the political dialogue with partner countries.” (EC-GAP 20102015) “Gender mainstreaming seeks to ensure that development organisations [state-actors, businesses, NGOs, etc] take gender equality and women’s rights into consideration in all policy and spending decisions, as well as to listen to and channel more resources towards women and girls.” (GAD Network – UK) “Effective implementation requires gender-responsive accountability systems that enable women to hold public authorities answerable for their commitments. Gender-responsive accountability reforms are crucial to ensuring that women and civil society organizations can hold governments to account and that women can shape public policy, prevent abuses of their rights, or demand redress where abuses occur.” (UN Women – tranformative agenda)
Meaningful participation (inclusiveness) • Van lokale gender-activisten, movements en organisaties in het Post2015 proces • Extent to which … are involved in decision-making processes (social, economic, political, (post)conflict) in Post2015 agenda - … Vrouwen & meisjes - … Mannen & jongens - … Jongeren
Time to deliver: Vrouwenrechten in post-2015 Daniela Rosche Oxfam Novib Beleidsadviseur, Women’s Rights and Gender Justice
Context: De MDGs MDG 3 “Promote gender equality and empower women” Target 3.A: “Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015”
Indicatoren: • Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education • Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector • Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments
Context : De MDGs Resultaten MDG 3: 2 van 130 landen hebben 100% gender parity in basisscholen bereikt (sub-Sahara Afrika 61 meisjes op 100 jongen op basis school) 40 van elke 100 banen in loonsector van vrouwen (uitgezonderd West Azië, Noord-Afrika en Sub-Sahara Afrika) Wereldwijde groei globaal aandeel vrouwen in parlementen 20% in 2012
Unfinished business secundair en voorgezet onderwijs voor arme en gemarginaliseerde meisjes (sub-Sahara Afrika 61 meisjes op 100 jongen) precaire arbeidsomstandigheden voor vrouwen,,discriminerende eigendom -, erfenis- en landrechten voor vrouwen, aandeel vrouwen in landbouw loonsector, slechts 25% vrouwen wereldwijd in management posities Geweld tegen vrouwen: nog steeds 1 op 3 vrouwen ooit in haar leven slachtoffer van geweld (WHO 2013)/ (Afghanistan 80% van vrouwen slachtoffer van geweld Groeiende ongelijkheid voor marginaliseerde vrouwen en meisjes SRGR
Leveren van vrouwenrechten en gender gelijkheid op landenniveau
Agenda voor #post-2015 Aanpak root causes van ongelijkheid en discriminatie van vrouwen Aanpak power relations tussen mannen en vrouwen Aanpak transformatie van de power relations Leveren bestaande afspraken op vrouwenrechten en gender gelijkheid accountability Multiplier voor alle andere post-2015 doelstellingen
A stand-alone goal for gender equality
Een stand-alone gender goal in #post-2015 NL: Post-2015 Kamerbrief
NL: Begroting BuHaOS
Gender, seksuele en reproductieve rechten en gezondheid:
Gelijke rechten en kansen voor vrouwen:
“Deze tot nog toe onderbelichte thema’s moeten een prominente plek in het raamwerk krijgen. Terwijl steeds duidelijker wordt dat deze thema's cruciaal zijn voor mensenrechten en ontwikkeling, is op deze gebieden sprake van schrijnende achterstand. […].”
“Nederland werkt aan het behoud van gendergelijkheid (naast SRGR) als zelfstandige doelstelling in de post2015 ontwikkelingsagenda.”
Een stand-alone gender goal in #post-2015 VN Secretaris - Generaal
Geen stand-alone goal on gender equality
“Goals and targets should take into account cross-cutting issues such as gender, disability, age and other factors leading to inequality, human rights, demographics, migration and partnerships.” (para 111)
Geen stand-alone goal on gender equality
“We will place a strong emphasis on all approaches that have a cross-cutting and multiplier effect. In particular, we recognize that promoting gender equality, and empowering women and girls, underpins and advances progress across all the Goals. We will resolutely promote gender equality and eliminate the range of barriers to women's and girls' empowerment in our societies”.
Een stand-alone gender goal in #post-2015 High-Level Panel
UN Women
“Goal Nr. 2: Empower girls and women to achieve gender equality” 2a. Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against girls and women 2b. End child marriage 2c. Ensure equal right of women to own and inherit property, sign a contract, register a business and open a bank account 2d. Eliminate discrimination against women in political, economic, and public life
“Transformative stand-alone goal on gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment” 1. Freedom from violence 2. Capabilities and resources 3. Voice, leadership and participation
+UNFPA, Global Compact, Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Een specifieke target op geweld tegen vrouwen in # post-2015 • Gerichte aanpak meest notoire vormen van discriminatie van vrouwen en meisjes (en power relations): 1 op 3 vrouwen, 15 vormen van VAW • Een target dat als multiplier voor alle anderen doelen en subtargets gaat werken • Versterken van aansprakelijkheid en naleving bestaande afspraken • Effectieve verbetering data voorziening over VAW • Een target dat bijdraagt aan democratisering, ontwikkeling, vrede, veiligheid en groei
Een specifieke target op geweld tegen vrouwen in # post-2015 UN Women indicatoren: • • • •
Total and age-specific rate of ever-partnered women subjected to sexual and/or physical violence by a current or former intimate partner in the last 12 months, by frequency Total and age-specific rate of ever-partnered women subjected to sexual and/or physical violence by a current or former intimate partner during lifetime, by frequency Rate of female genital mutilation and other traditional harmful practices Percentages of women aged 20-24 who were married or in a union before age 18
Oxfam: • • •
Aantal one stop shops op lokaal niveau Afschaffing discriminerende wetgeving tegen vrouwen en meisjes: equality in the law Aantal landen dat VAW als geweldsdelikt classificeren
Gender & SRGR Yvonne Bogaarts Rutgers WPF
Stand van Zaken: • Universal access to Reproductive Health nu MDG5b • Veel componenten van SRGR niet opgenomen in MDGs (seksuele en reproductieve rechten, jongeren, veilige abortus, etc) • MDG5 verre van gerealiseerd • HLP stelt een target voor “universal access to SRHR” onder een health goal
Waarom zijn SRGR belangrijk? Duurzame ontwikkeling is alleen mogelijk wanneer mensenrechten worden gerespecteerd, en met name het recht op zelfbeschikking en het recht eigen keuzes kunnen maken rond seksualiteit en het krijgen van kinderen. Ook van adolescenten en jongeren, ongetrouwden, mensen met hiv, sekswerkers, LGBT en andere groepen die in de huidige MDG agenda tussen wal en schip vallen. Juist op SRGR worden doelstellingen niet gehaald. Het verdient daarom een ferme positie in de post 2015 agenda.
Wat zijn mogelijke targets? Universal access to Sexual and Reproductive Health with specific attention to accelerating progress for those currently underserved. Met indicators op: • • • •
Maternal Health and Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Access to comprehensive equitable sexual and reproductive health services, including modern types of contraceptives and family planning, safe abortion services, EmOC services, sti and hiv/aids testing, screening and counseling. SRHR of youth, including access to comprehensive sexuality education and youth friendly SRHR services Combating HIV/Aids
Respect, protection and fulfilment of Sexual and Reproductive Rights. Met indicators op: • • • •
Protection of sexual and reproductive rights Protection against discrimination and stigma Protection from coercion and violence Addressing barriers in accessing universal SRH services
De ene target kan niet zonder de ander!
Welke indicatoren mogen niet ontbreken? Universal access to Sexual and Reproductive Health with specific attention to accelerating progress for those currently underserved. • • • • •
Availability of contraceptive methods in rural/urban clinics, including male and female condoms and emergency contraception % of women or men of reproductive age currently using a modern type of contraceptive method. (rather than Unmet need for Family Planning) % of men who accompany their partners to a prenatal visit % of students who receive sexuality education in school Availability of services for survivors of gender based violence
Respect, protection and fulfilment of Sexual and Reproductive Rights. • • •
Law allowing free expression of sexuality or absence of law prohibiting homosexuality (decriminalization of LGBT?) Law providing the right to safe abortion Law providing the right to use contraception without parental or spousal consent.
Gender & Duurzame Economische Ontwikkeling Nelleke van der Vleuten ICCO Cooperation
Stand van Zaken: -
MDGs hebben weinig aandacht voor gender aspecten in inclusive growth. High Level Panel (Post 2015): - “Gelijke kansen leiden tot meer banen en meer mogelijkheden voor kostwinning, specifiek voor jonge mensen en vrouwen.” - Goal 2 (gender): - C) ensure equal rights of women to control, own and inherit property, sign a contract, register a business and open a bankaccount. - D) eliminate discrimination against women in political, economic and public life ( specifically in decision-making at various levels)
Realiseren HLP doelen impliceert ook: • aandacht voor omgevingsfactoren t.b.v. doorbreken sociale & culturele rolpatronen, stereotypen en discriminatie • gendergelijkheid vergt fundamentele aanpak huidige economisch model
Waarom belangrijk? Intrinsiek: - Vrouwen hebben recht op gelijke keuzes en kansen om zichzelf te ontwikkelen - Hun achterstelling / het onvoldoende realiseren van hun potentieel benadeelt de samenleving en economie Instrumenteel: Aandacht voor gendergelijkheid en women’s economic empowerment is een key enabling factor voor andere doelen en targets van duurzame ontwikkeling, o.a. - voedselzekerheid - onderwijs & gezondheid kinderen - duurzame ecologische ontwikkeling
Wat zijn mogelijke targets? Entrepreneurship • Women and men enjoy equal & secure rights re access to and control over natural and productive resources (property / tenure – , land, water, housing, technology, finance) & opportunities (incl. sign contracts, start business ); (UN-GC & UN-W) • Women’s entrepreneurship & access to inputs in agriculture (FAO)
• Knowledge, education and skills-building for women entrepreneurs & adolescent girls e.g. through formal training, apprenticeships & mentoring (role modeling, business skills, networking) at micro, small, medium level; (WB, UN-GC) • Integration of training & services for MSME business women in general entrepreneurship promotion;
Wat zijn mogelijke targets? Work / employment • Women have equal rights re. health, safety, labor conditions at work (ILO Decent Work agenda) (UN GC & UN-W) • Women & girls are protected against gender based violence against within and outside the workplace (UN-GC) • Non-discrimination for women re. paid work (UN-GC) • Better work- life balance (paid parental leave, child care) (WB, OECD) • Adequate education, training & professional development for women (UN GC & UN-W) • Women enjoy positions of leadership in business (incl. quota for women representation in board of companies) (OECD) • Access to unemployment benefit, old age pension (UN-W)
Mogelijke indicatoren • Proportion employed in vulnerable employment, by sex. (UN WOMEN, 2013) • Percentage of low pay workers, by sex. (UN WOMEN, 2013) • Proportion of population with access to institutional credit (other than microfinance), by sex. (UN WOMEN, 2013 & SGVN E/CN.3/2012/1) • Average number of hours spent on paid and unpaid work combined (total work burden), by sex. (UN WOMEN, 2013) • Informal employment as a percentage of total non-agricultural employment, by sex. (SGVN E/CN.3/2012/1) • Proportion of adult population owning land, by sex. (UN WOMEN, 2013 & SGVN E/CN.3/2012/1) • Ratio of women to men with secured/documented property rights to land and housing that can support a secure and dignified livelihood • Youth unemployment, by sex. (SGVN E/CN.3/2012/1) • Whether or not country has ratified International Labor Organization Convention No. 100 on equal remuneration for women and men. (SGVN E/CN.3/2012/1)
Gender Equality, Women’s Rights and Women’s Priorities: Recommendations for the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Post-2015 development agenda Sascha Gabizon Executive Director, WECF International Organising Partner Women‘s Major Group
Gender & Duurzame Ontwikkeling - Stand van Zaken: MDG-7 terug gebracht tot “water & sanitatie” – indicatoren zijn een probleem b.v. school sanitatie + meisjes MHM . Andere milieu en duurzaamheid thema’s komen niet voor. - Voor SDGs en Post2015 wordt gesproken over: energie, voedsel, bossen, oceanen, klimaat, water, sanitatie, …
Waarom belangrijk? - Human Development Report: als “schade aan natuur niet word gestopt binnenkort meer dan 3 miljard extreme armen” - Gender onderwerp: 1) vrouwen als meerderheid van armen meer afhankelijk van toegang tot natuurlijke resources 2) meer vrouwen sterven bij natuurrampen 3) vrouwen andere prioriteiten en mogelijkheden voor mitigatie/aanpassing
3 billion poor due to environmental degradation… • People in poverty are suffering from degradation of their agricultural land, forests, water supplies and biodiversity, • The Human Development Report, warns that if environmental degradation continues at the current rate, gains will be entirely turned back, pulling over 3 billion people back into extreme poverty
Women‘s livelihoods & nature • Intact ecosystems assure the survival of the poorest people, who depend for up to 80% of their livelihoods on functioning ecosystems (TEEB report) • Economic growth in many countries has come at cost of destruction of natural resources. And this has hit the poor and women most severely
Women’s unpaid work – invisible pillar of our economy
Extractives, exploitation, violence, pollution…
Health impacts of pesticide on women farmers in Rio Yaqui, Mexico: irreversible health effects on the women and their children
Rio Yaqui, Mexico 2006
Wat zijn mogelijke targets? Voedsel: ‘zero hunger’ doel Targets: alle vrouwen (en mannen) toegang tot / controle over lokale voedselproductie/ketens – vis, bos, land Energie: “sustainable and clean energy for all” Targets: alle vrouwen (en mannen) toegang tot tot / controle over schone, betaalbare, duurzame energiebronnen
Water/Sanitatie for all Targets: 100% school sanitation, menstrual hygiene management in all schools.. Oceans/forests/global natural commons: Targets: 100% application of polluter pays, Zero-deforestation, Eliminate fishing subsidies.. Green and Equitable Economy: Targets: e.g. eliminate the gender pay gap, occupational health norms adjusted to women’s needs, gender parity / women’s leadership in the private sector
SDGs/post2015 full application of precautionary principle • Independent technology assessment before market access • “no data no market” • reversal of the “burden of proof“
SDGs/post2015 regulate investors to not harm • regulate commodity markets to limit fluctuations in food prices • close tax havens • global financial transaction tax • global tax on chemical industry • global tax on extractives • stop the annual 700 – 900 billion perverse financial incentives – industrial fisheries, agriculture, chemicals and extractives
• support citizen-owned social enterprises and cooperatives
Welke indicatoren mogen niet ontbreken?
Indicators Sust Energy b.v.: • verminderte ziekte/sterfte door onveilige energy bronnen, indoor air-pollution, radiation, etc. • reduction and redistribution of time budgets women and men linked to energy • toename van vrouwen in besluitnemings-posities energie sector • toename van milieu- en ethisch verantwoord ondernemen van energiebedrijven inclusieve gender impact van de hele keten (van mijn tot schoorsteen, bos tot benzine tank)...
SDGs/post2015 zero harmful chemicals • Protect health by elimination of hazardous substances in products, processes and the environment • Corporations protect workers and consumers health and are liable for previous pollution and damage • Invest in prevention of breast cancer and other NCDs related to hazardous chemicals • Achieve elimination of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals as part of WWSD goal to eliminate hazardous chemicals in products by 2020 globally • Set national targets to move towards organic agriculture aiming at 100% by 2030
Gender, Vrede & Veiligheid Dewi Suralaga Cordaid
Stand van Zaken: • Peace & security were not part of the MDG agenda • HLP report: + Focus on safety & security, fragile states and conflict areas;
Stand-alone goal for stable & peaceful societies (11) - Gender analysis (power inequalities) of root causes of poverty and conflict are lacking; Women agency and leadership not mentioned under proposed goal 11; Women not even mentioned as victims (while children are)
• Nederlandse visie-brief:
+ Gender equality 1 of 4 main points + gender 2-track approach, which includes mainstreaming - However gender & women not mentioned under spearpoint security and rule of law (while Netherlands has strong profile on UNSCR 1325)
Waarom belangrijk? UNSCR 1325 and the 6 subsequent resolutions: •
WPS as critical agenda for sustainable peace, stability and security… … by integrating a gender perspective + specific attention for women • Makes connection between stable societies and equal rights • how gender equality, poverty reduction, sustainable economic development and peacebuilding mutually reinforce each other. Why connecting the agenda’s for poverty elimination, security and the rule of law, and gender equality is crucial: •
Women play active roles in early warning and ‘informal’ peace initiatives and processes.
Poverty and inequality cause (further) destabilization of societies. To tackle poverty, inequality and conflict, women need to be included for any solution to be sustainable and inclusive.
Peace and Security from a gender perspective • Broad-based processes for conflict resolution and reconciliation build on women’s grassroots peacebuilding efforts and address gender-related inequalities and insecurities • Improved behavior, effectiveness and accountability of formal and informal security actors, particularly in relation to the protection of women
• Full and meaningful participation of communities, including women leaders and networks, in shaping security priorities and nonviolent resolve of conflict. • Particular attention to the gender-specific security needs and vulnerabilities of women and girls • The political settlement is broadened beyond an elite settlement to become a societal compact, which includes women and addresses gender issues
UNSCRs: women, peace and security •
Participation emphasizes women’s active involvement and inclusion in all levels and all phases of decision-making processes and structures.
Protection highlights the need to guard women and men, girls and boys from gender-based violence before, during and after armed conflict. This protection mandate goes beyond sexual violence to include all forms of daily, structural gender-based violence. Mainstreaming a gender perspective in to all conflict.
Prevention activities and strategies involves understanding women’s priorities and experiences in addressing immediate crises, identifying and investing in (women’s) nonviolent means of resolving conflict, stopping conflicts from spreading and deterring the re-emergence of violence.
Prosecution - with the adoption of SCR 1820, a fourth ‘P’ has been added to this list in response to the call for greater attention to, and less impunity for, sexualized violence in conflict-affected countries.
Recommendations 1. Gender & conflict-sensitive approach in all goals, targets and indicators 2. In Goal “Stable & Peaceful Society”: build on UNSCR 1325 and PSGs 3. Strengthen women leadership in all process
Indicators: Closing the Gap of UNSCR 1325 Global indicators on UNSCR 1325
GNWP indicators on UNSCR 1325
Indicator 1a: Prevalence of sexual violence
Indicator 3: Index of Women’s Participation in the Justice& Security Sector (percentage of women in the military, police, judiciary, at all levels)
Indicator 1b: Patterns of sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations
Indicator 7: Number of SGBV cases reported, & percentage of cases investigated, referred, prosecuted, & penalized (out of total reported)
Indicator 5b: Extent to which measures to protect women’s and girls’ human rights are included in national security policy frameworks
WO=MEN WG Addition
Indicator 14: Index of women’s and girls’ physical security
Extent to which men and women involved in decisionmaking processes on Peacebuilding (policy makers/ security forces/ civil society) are implementing 1325 provisions
Indicator 16: Level of women’s participation in the justice, security and foreign service sectors
Extent to which violations of women’s and girls’ human rights are reported, referred and investigated and effectively addressed by human rights bodies Extent to which national laws to protect women’s and girls’ human rights and women’s inclusion in decisionmaking processes are in line with international standards and implemented
Indicator 17: Existence of national mechanisms for control of illicit small arms and light weapons Indicator 20: Hours of training per capita of decisionmaking personnel in security and justice sector institutions to address cases of sexual and GBV
Extent to which women are involved in and leading civil society conflict resolution as well as formal peace processes.
Existing and Proposed Indicators Global Indicators UNSCR PBSO Proposed UNWomen Proposed
Proposed PSG indicators
Incidence of rape and sexual violence
Perception of security conditions (by region, gender, social groups) Level of confidence in police/security (%, disaggregated by gender, region, social group) % of population who perceive they have affordable access to justice system (by region, gender, income, identity)
Participation in elections and political processes by region, gender and social groups
Indicators for Post-2015
Indicators for Post2015
• Percentage of peace agreements with specific provisions to improve the security and status of women and girls • Representation of women among mediators, negotiators and technical experts in formal peace negotiations • Women’s participation in official observer status, at the beginning and the end of formal peace negotiations • Prevalence of sexual violence • Patterns of sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations • Extent to which measures to protect women’s and girls’ human rights are included in national security policy frameworks • Index of women’s and girls’ physical security • Level of women’s participation in the justice, security and foreign service sectors • Existence of national mechanisms for control of illicit small arms and light weapons • Hours of training per capita of decisionmaking personnel in security and justice sector institutions to address cases of sexual and gender-based violence • Extent to which violations of women’s
• Women’s inclusion in peace processes
• A measure of women’s inclusion in peace
• % of women’s representation in security, justice and foreign services
• A measure of personal security disaggregated by age and sex • A gender-specific measure of personal security • A measure of prevalence of small arms and light weapons
• A measure of military spending • A measure of women’s representation in security, justice and foreign service sectors
Gender equality = Engaging both Women & Men
‘Don’t stare at the tree, dig for the roots!’ Rutgers WPF & MenEngage
Stand van Zaken - “Gender” vaak synoniem aan “vrouwen” - MenEngage Call for Action: Post – 2015 Agenda
Waarom belangrijk? - Gender nu zeer eenzijdig vertaald naar vrouwenrechten & empowerment. Ontzettend belangrijk, maar niet volledig en dus contra-productief - Daarom van fundamenteel belang om Post2015 door ‘ware’ gender lens te (her)formuleren - Missing links (lenses ;-)): 1) Betrekken van mannen (Engaging men) 2) nieuwe invulling van mannelijkheid
Wat zijn mogelijke targets & indicatoren? 1. End Poverty 1.1: Engage men as partners in efforts to improve women’s economic empowerment • % van mannen en vrouwen die gezamenlijke financiele besluitvorming rapporteren.
2. Empower girls and women and achieve gender equality 2. 1 Work with men and boys to prevent GBV – % of men who know about existing GBV laws 2.2 Encourage men’s contribution to caregivng – % of landen met moeder- en vaderschapsverlof 3. Provide quality education and lifelong learning 3. Engage men in education sector in addressing gender equality and CSE – % of teachers trained in gender transformative educational practice – % of boys and girls who received CSE 4. Ensure healthy lives 4.2 Betrekken van mannen als supportive partners in promotie van SRHR, maternal health and HIV • % of men who discuss contraceptives with partner as joint responsibility • %of men present during delivery 11. Ensure stable and peaceful societies 11.1 Engage men and boys in efforts to end GBV in conflict and post-conflict settings (including large scale psycho-social support)