Stichting “Wij helpen Nepal”
Nieuwsbrief POKHARA : FEBRUARI 2012
Nieuws van ons. dat het goed was.
Glimlach van een kind Hallo allemaal, Wij zijn op 1 januari 2012 begonnen aan onze reis naar Nepal. Nu zijn we een anderhalve maand verder en hebben al het een en ander gedaan. We hebben het weeshuis bezocht hebben gezien, dat alles er heel goed gaat, dank zij de giften welke wij van U mogen ontvangen. We hebben het weeshuis een wasmachine en koelkast gegeven, zodat de hygiënische voorzieningen verbeterd zijn. Ook hebben we een uitwisseling georganiseerd met het ODCDC-weeshuis en het Elviras Children Home. Het verslag is ook bijgevoegd en U zult wel lezen,
De stichting ondersteunt : Machhapuchchhre Children Home, Elviras Children’s Home, 5 studenten, 2 gezinnen, Chetana Women Skill Development.
Het tweede project waar wij ons voor inzetten in Chetana Woman Skill. Daar werken 25 alleenstaande vrouwen met kinderen, zodat het beter met de geziinen gaat en de kinderen onderwijs krijgen. Wij hebben de organisatie een wasmachine geschonke, zodat de vrouwen sneller kunnen beschikken over geverfd katoen. Het spoelen en drogen wordt met 4 dagen bekort, dus een investering die tijd oplevert.
Nuttige informatie
gend jaar Januari weer terug kunnen besteden. Verder zijn we druk bezig met het Day Care Centre in het Waling Municipalitie District. De voorstellen zijn net binnen en zullen aan het bestuur voorgelegd worden. Hoe dit allemaal verloopt hoort U nog wel. Er is per jaar ongeveer € 10.000 nodig. Hiervoor zullen we de nodige inspanning voor verrichten, als het doorgaat.
Dan zijn we druk bezig geweest met microkredieten. De vrouwen worden geholpen om een zelfstandig bstaan te hebben. Ze kunnen van het microkrediet geld lenen en moeten dit in een jaar terugbetalen, met een kleine beetje intrest. De intrest wordt weer geïnvesteerd in projecten voor alleenstaande vrouwen. De partij, welke het geld ter beschikking heeft bgekregen, kan het geld terugontvangen, of weer in het project besteden. Wij hebben vanuit de stichting € 1000 geleend en zullen dat vol-
Machhapuchchhre Children Home
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[email protected] Bank ABN/Amro KvK. 08212181 ANBI 72.628 Telefoon 038-2304396 06.40839949 06.43980280
In dit nummer:
Nieuws van ons
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Uitwisseling weeshuis in bijlage
2012 Report on Exchange Programme
Prepared by: Rachana Lama ECH 2/1/2012
1. Project Description: Project area:
Elviras Children Home (ECH), Dallu Awas, Swoyambhu-15 Kathmandu and Orphan & Destitute Children’s Development Center (ODCDC) Pokhara, Nepal
Age group of target group: 5 to 17 years Length of project period: 4 days(14thJan-17thJan
2. Project Activities: 1.
Provided opportunity to see the other children home.
Provided opportunity to learn and meet friends.
Provided opportunity to see and visit other part of Nepal.
Provided chance to collect information of new places.
Provided opportunity to know the tradition, culture and living style.
Provided opportunity to share their views, knowledge, thoughts, experience and problems.
Children from ECH and ODCDC
Name of exchange team
FROM ECH: Chhabhi,Guna,Prakash,Mingma,Alina,Gauri, Sajj ani,Saroj,Bikash(volunteer) Lambari Aunty(Care taker). FROM ODCDC: Rajesh, Ajaya, Binod, Depjung, ishwor, Rashmi, Bi pana, Subina, Baripurna Jun didi( Caretaker).
Exchange team from both home!
The no of participation boys and girls was as follows in exchange program from both homes: Boys
3. Exchange program: I would like to thanks especially to Ber and Rinus for their great support and contribution by arranging transportation and exchange program. Because of them the program is successful and great! And It is possible to send some of our children to Pokhara and while we welcome some children in ECH in Kathmandu same they send to Kathmandu and welcome
some children in ODCDC in Pokhara. Due to this program our children learnt a lot and had a nice experience in their life. During the exchange period In Kathmandu and Pokhara both the homes children get the opportunity to stay at home in a family environment with a similar logistic and food. They get the opportunity to visit historical places, new places for sure and go for a walk nearby. We named a trip as a Journey to Pokhara and Journey to Kathmandu. In Kathmandu at ECH, the children visit to Swoyambhu temple,
Kathmandu Durbar Square and Museum too but during that time unfortunately it is closed. Similarly during their trip they participate in many activities like watching movie, playing indoor games and more fun and enjoy together. Likewise, in Pokhara at ODCDC, the children visit to Bhadrakali temple, Peace Pakoda, Fewa Lake, Museum and Beganas Lake. As well as they did morning walk visit that area, shopping, watching movie and playing indoor games too with lots of fun and enjoy together. 4. Budget: The transportation cost and food is managed by the Dutch couple Ber and Rinus. During stay at Exchange period food and logistic is managed by the both homes. 5. Conclusion: The exchange program is great memory for all the children. This is first time for them to be out from children home to another children home. They enjoyed and had a lot of fun. It is a very exciting trip for them in their life which they will never
forget in their life. Through this program children got the lot opportunity to wide their mind and their knowledge. As well as they saw the other part of world too how is it? In the view of children, the exchange program is perfect for them. They enjoy a lot and they wish to have this program every year within many children home. They say that this exchange program helps them to understand and exchange their situation as well as they will know many children too. Furthermore they adds organizing this kind of exchange program they could learn about the different places, new things, peoples, life styles and way of understanding them. In the view of organization, the exchange program is nice to meet the children with in the home. Through this they could share their views, problems, situation to each other which could relief within them to know each other. As well as this program helps children to refresh too. And get the opportunity to see new things themselves and let their friend to show what they know. They could learn sharing, caring and helping more. Finally, I would like to thanks Ber and Rinus, ECH family & children and ODCDC family & Children. Because of the entire exchange program is GREAT!
SOME WORDS BY CHILDREN! I feel very happy to be here in this children home because I got new friend & pleased environment though it is my first time to visit Kathmandu valley. Every member of this children home (ECH) are very good .Hope we will meet again in any part of our life. - Ishwor Pun (ODCDC).
I feel very happy to get the opportunity to visit Pokhara children home. It is a great moment to me to see and learn many new things which is great and memorable to me. Thanks for all. –Guna bahadur Tamang(ECH).