Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
[email protected] Abstrak :Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata pada anak kelas x siswa yang menderita keterbelakangan mental di SMK Negeri Malang. Berdasarkan pengamatan penulis , kebanyakan siswa yang menderita keterbelakangan emosi di SMK Negeri 2 mendapatkan nilai bahasa inggris di bawah SKBM (SKBM=60) yang telah ditetapkan sekolah. Untuk mengatasi haltersebut, penulis mencoba menerapkan “pictorial word puzzles” dalam pembelajaran mereka.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas x pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015 semester genap. Khusus untuk anak anak yang menderita keterbelakangan emosi di sediakan kelas khusus yang pengelolahannya di awasi oleh guru khusus lulusan sarjana psikologi bekerjasama dengan guru Bimbingan Konseling. Kelas x terdiridari 10 siswa, dengan 2 siswa perempuan dan 8 siswa laki-laki.Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 siklus dengan setiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap,yaitu : perencanaan, penerapan, observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan test.Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan “pictorial word puzzles” selama pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata pada anak penderita keterbelakangan mental kelas x di SMK Negeri 2 Malang. Kata kunci : Kemampuan kosakata , pictorial word puzzles, siswa penderita keterbelakangan mental
The difficulty of teaching English subject for The emotionally retarded‟s students first grade of SMK Negeri 2 Malang is because of lacking vocabulary mastery. As we know Vocabulary is one of important component to promote the students 4 macro skills . Learning English as a foreign language involves learning all of its skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and its components such as phonology, grammar, and vocabulary. The result of students‟ evaluation ( daily quizzes ) indicates that the ability of students English skill of firstgrade in both oral and written English are not optimal because of lacking vocabulary mastery. Some of the retarded‟sstudents have not passed the standard passing grade for their English subject. Based on the main problem , the researcher considers to improve the teaching learning process in vocabulary mastery with Classroom Action Research. Hopefully the utilizing an interesting pictorial word puzzle media will support theretarded‟s students to improve their vocabulary mastery. The Pictorial Word Puzzle are supposed to deal with students‟ English material forthe first grade. The retarded‟s students are expected to improve actively their vocabulary mastery. The definition covers all the words a person can use to communicate with another person. From some definitions taken from dictionaries, it is clearly stated that vocabulary is related to words. Words, according Read, J. ( 2001:1) are” the basic building blocks of language, the units of meaning from which larger structures such as sentences, paragraphs, and the whole texts are formed “ thus, without words there will be no language. In regards to that, Vocabulary plays an important role in teaching of foreign language since it links the four language skills alltogether. Moras (2001) states that foreign language learners need to broaden their vocabulary to express themselves more clearly and appropriately in a wide range of situations. Vocabulary can be considered a vehicle for thought, self expression, interpretation, and communication since one cannot understand anything if he does not understand the meaning of the words used. It is clear that vocabulary plays an important role in learning a language, especially English, because the English vocabulary is very large and vary. Therefore , it is essential for the
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English teachers to help their students in mastering and enlarging the vocabulary. Based on the researcher‟s observation during her practice teaching and her interview with the classroom English teacher, the mental retardation‟s students in SMK Negeri 2 Malang had low ability in vocabulary as indicated the result of the vocabulary test. Although the students know that vocabulary mastery is necessary, most students learn passive vocabulary due to some factors. First, they considered teachers‟ explanation about meaning or definition, pronunciation spelling, grammatical functions boring since the have nothing to do in vocabulary learning section other than listening to their teacher. Second , they thought that vocabulary learning was only a matter of knowing the primary meaning of new vocabulary items. Therefore , they ignored the other functions of the word. Third , they usually acquired new vocabulary through new words in their textbooks or when they are given by the teachers during the lessons. For example, the found new words in a text and then asked the teacher to explain the meanings and usage. Fourth , many students did not want to take risks in applying what they had learned. Students might recognize a word in a written or spoken form and thought that they already know the word, but they may not be able to use that word properly in different contexts or pronounce it correctly. The result of the preliminary study showed that the retardedstudents‟ vocabulary mastery lower than SKBM. They know words that were often used in the classroom or words that appeared in the reading texts, but they were not familiar with shade of meaning. The word “book” for example, obviously refers to something we read, but it would have a different meaning in the sentence,” I booked the room two days ago “. The problem of low vocabulary mastery may due to inappropriate teaching techniques. Miller ( 2007) stated that teaching vocabulary is clearly more than just presenting new words. A variety of teaching to techniques are needed to maintain the interest of the students. The use of teaching media can help the teaching and learning process by increasing the students „ Interest, reducing boredom, and helping the teachers to vary their techniques of teaching. Language games can be used or media for vocabulary learning. This is in line with Lewi‟s statement ( 1999, in Mei and Yu-Jin, 2000 ) that language games offer effective ways of vocabulary learning because games enable students to experiment, discover, and interact with their friends, teachers, and surroundings. Considering the condition of theVocational High School students who need a new alternative way that can help them to gain more words and keep them memorized, the researcher implemented pictorial word puzzles as a media to improve the vocabulary mastery of the first grademental retarded‟s student of SMK Negeri 2 Malang. Referring to the background of the study, the research problem is formulated as follows, “How to improve theemotionally retarded‟sstudents‟ vocabulary mastery by using Pictorial Word PuzzlesatSMK Negeri 2 Malang?“. In line with the research problem , this study aims are to improve the emotionally retardedstudents‟ vocabulary mastery by using Pictorial Word Puzzles at SMK Negeri 2 Malang. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Vocabulary Vocabulary is a key element in the foreign language class. Wilkins ( 1980, in Thornbury, 2002:13) states that without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Words are the building blocks of a language since they label objects, actions, ideas without which people cannot convey the intended meaning. Language learners are faced on a daily basis with the task of acquiring and retaining new vocabulary. Vocabulary learning is one of the major challenges that foreign language learners face during the process of learning a language ( Ghazal,2002). Vocabulary is central to language and provides great significance to language learners. One of the main tasks of language teacher, then is to help students develop a such efficiently large vocabulary. Nevertheless, some language teachers ignore this fundamental fact, assuming that the vocabulary will be mastered through repeated exposure and classroom activities ( Miller, 2007 ).
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
The Measurement of English Vocabulary A good knowledge of English vocabulary is important for anyone who wants to use the language. According to Kitao ( 2006 ), vocabulary knowledge can be divided into four types. The first is active speaking vocabulary, that is, words that a speaker uses in speaking. The second is passive listening vocabulary, which are words that a listener recognizes but cannot necessarily be able to produce. Finally, there are active writing vocabularies, which are words that a writer uses in writing. This typology is presented in the table 1 Table 1. Typology of Vocabulary Knowledge Vocabulary Skill Oral Active Active spoken Passive Passive listening
Graphic Active written Passive reading
A test may test one or all of these types of vocabulary, but the test maker should be aware of the differences among these types and which type is being tested. Most traditional vocabulary tests and rely on reading. Kitao (2006) divides vocabulary test into multiple choice tasks, i.e. synonym/definition items, picture items, sentence items, context items, set items, word formation items, completion items, matching items, and guessing meaning from context items. A vocabulary test is conducted to determine the degree to which the examiner wishes to concentrate on testing the students‟ active or passive vocabulary. In choosing the right type of test, teachers should consider the student‟s level of proficiency. In any case, when testing vocabulary, the grammatical structures used should be easy to understand. If the grammatical structures are difficult to understand, the test is testing both the ability to understand the grammatical structure and knowledge of vocabulary. Therefore, a tested might misses an item due to a lack of understanding of the grammatical structure, not a lack of vocabulary knowledge. Pictorial Word Puzzles According to Hornby ( 2000:1647), a word is a sound or group of sounds that expresses a meaning and forms an independent unit of language or range of words known to or used by a person in a trade, Profession, etc. Vocabulary mastery can be tested by means of puzzles ( Hornby, 2000:1033) that are designed to test a person‟s knowledge, skill, andintelligence to solve a problem. There are many types of word puzzles, including those that teach spatial skills, handeye coordination, math, language, social science and science concepts, as well as logic and thinking skills. Word puzzles that can be used in language teaching are various, such as crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, word search puzzles, wooden puzzles, logic puzzles, and pattern puzzles ( Bowers,2006). Besides there, is also another type of puzzles,such as pictorial word puzzles ( Aryatna, 2006 ). Pictorial word puzzle give visible surface representation of a natural or imaginary scene, object, or incident through photographs and graphic arts. According to Fauziati ( 2002:103) pictorial word puzzles offer four advantages:(1)motivating interest and learning, (2) providing source materials for study and investigation, (3) providing artistic and esthetic development, and (4) providing cues which lead to creative effort. A pictorial word puzzles is a word search game that is used as an instructional aid for teaching English and played by forming words from letters spelled horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Pictorial word puzzles are given to associate pictures with words. Each object is arranged according to the number and a cross-down squares. The player must find specific words and circle them based on the object presented in the puzzle. Capital and small letters can be applied to make the puzzle more challenging. It is a composition game. The following are the procedures in teaching vocabulary by using pictorial word puzzles: 1. The game is played by four players on a square ( or nearly square) board with a 15-by-15 grid of cells ( individually known as “ squares”). 2. Students are asked to say aloud any words they can think of or remember related to the topic they have covered in the unit while the researcher write them on the board.
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3. When sufficient words, especially key words related to topic, have been mentioned, each team will be given two pieces of paper. One paper for puzzles sheet and the other one for picture sheet. 4. Then, the teacher ask the students to circle the words based on the picture and write a sentence about the activity based on the picture given using past tense. 5. The winner is agroup who can complete the puzzles in the correct order in the shorter period of time. Finally, word puzzles have the benefit of being customizable to study content. A word puzzle with subject-specific vocabulary can be created with ease within a short amount of time. Word puzzles have endured as a favorite national pastime because they are appealing to all ages, they can be completed in a rather brief period of time, and solving them provides a sense of accomplishment. The example of “pictorial word puzzle”:
Previous Studies There has been studied by Aryatna (2006) on the use of puzzles in improving the students vocabulary mastery.Aryatna (2006), in her study on the use of pictorial word puzzles to improve vocabulary learning at the high school level, found that pictorial word puzzles attracted students‟ interest and improved their vocabulary learning. Students gave positive response towards the implementation of pictorial word puzzles in their English class and participated actively in the class. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research design of this study was classroom action research (CAR). This design was employed because classroom action research is a kind of research which in intended to develop a new strategy to solve problems found by teacher in his / her classroom. According to Kemmis and Mc Taggart ( 1988 : 47 ), an action research is a cyclic process which consists of some steps namely planning an action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting an the observation . prior to the cycle a preliminary study was taken. At this stage, the problem was identified. After the problem was identified, a plan to take an action a cross the problem is made. Next, the data were synthesized and analyzed in observation stage. Since observation lead back to the spiral, the researcher come to data interpretation which occurred in reflection . Here, the researcher decided whether cycle II is needed or not. If the criteria of success cannot be gained in cycle I, the researcher has to continue to cycle II. When the criteria can be meet, it means had the researcher can stop the action. The diagram of the four main steps of this research is presented in figure 1.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
Preliminary Study: -Identifying the problems. -Analyzing the problems. -Conducting pre-test. -
Stop The Action
Revising The Plan
Planning the action: - Designing lesson plan, materials, and instructional media. -Preparing research instruments -Setting criteria of success.
Reflecting on the Observation: -Analysing and Interpreting data -Comparing the result of the Implemention of Pictorial Word Puzzle, of cycle I with the criteria of success.
Implementing the action: -Teaching reading recount text. -Playing Pictorial Word Puzzles. -Reviewing Vocabulary -Conducting Vocabulary Quiz.
Observing the action: -Observing students playing Pictorial Word Puzzles. -Distributing Questionnaire
The study was conducted in SMK Negeri 2 Malang . The School is located in Veteran street Malang. The subject were first grade students in the academic year of 2014/2015. The mental retardation class consisted of 10 students with 2 females and 8 males. The Preliminary study was conducted to identify the problem that the students had in the classroom. Preliminary study was conducted since the researcher would like to get more authentic information about the teaching and learning process in the classroom during English instruction. The following ends would be about identifying problems. Faced by the students and the teacher, analyzing the problems, and formulating the problems. To accomplish this stage, the researcher did the preliminary study by giving a vocabulary test. The vocabulary test consist of 20 multiple choice items. The students found difficulty doing the test. This was due to their limited vocabulary, which was indicated by the scores in the vocabulary test which were below 60 as determined in(SKBM) Minimum Passing Grade. The research instruments used in this study were : Observation sheet and vocabularyquiz.The observation sheet was used to observe the teaching and learning process as well as students‟ participation in the classroom. The observation sheet was also used to observe the process of implementing pictorial word puzzles. The aspects being observed were the objective condition of the English class, including the activities of the teacher and students, classroom and how the evaluation was conducted by the teacher. The facts and the information gathered were in the forms of detailed of teaching and learning process, whether or not it was done by the researcher well. The criteria of success of the action reflected the areas of the study to see whether the implementation of pictorial word puzzles in teaching vocabulary was successful or not. To determine whether students improved their mastery of vocabulary during the implementation of pictorial word puzzles can be seen from their score on vocabulary quiz. In this study, the researcher expected more than 70% of students scored more than 60 above the SKBM
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considering that from the preliminary, less than 50% of students passed the SKBM. The criterion of success is 75% of students‟ get the minimum score of 60 as determined School Curriculum. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The improvement of the students‟ vocabulary mastery was shown in table1 It shows the result of students‟ vocabulary test on preliminary study, cycle I and cycle II. The result of students‟quiz in cycle II shows that the number of students who scored above 60 increased 4% compared to the result of vocabulary quiz I. The average score the lowest score was 77 and highest score was 100. Nine students out of ten(9%) scored above 75. This means that the number of students who achieve the criteria of success was more than 75%. In this case, the criteria of success were met.In short, the result of the above analysis shows that Pictorial Word Puzzles could be used to improve the students‟mastery of vocabulary and solved the Students‟ problem in vocabulary learning. The Students’ Attitude towards Pictorial Word Puzzles. The implementation of Pictorial Word Puzzles which combined with colorful pictures was successful. The colorful pictures were used as the clues to answer the questions. It helped them find the answer by guessing the pictures without looked at the dictionary. The students were very enthusiastic doing the pictorial word puzzles. The wanted to complete the pictorial word puzzles immediately in order to be the winner. Then,the implementation of group working in playing pictorial word puzzles was successful. Group working helped the students finish the pictorial word puzzles quickly. Besides, through group working students could share to work. In conclusion, the interaction among the members of the group increased. In discussing the answer, the students‟ involvement increased in this cycle because the students felt easy in doing the pictorial word puzzles. All students raised their hands. They competed to answer the question. Through this activity the students could know more about the words. Students were more familiar with the new words they learned by pronouncing the words repeatedly and making sentences. It helped them enlarge their memorization. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS On the basis of findings of the present study, the researcher draws the following conclusions 1. The implementation of pictorial word puzzles This study has proved that pictorial word puzzles makes the class more active and alive. The use of pictorial word puzzles in teaching vocabulary increasing the students‟ memorization and decreasing the monotonous teaching-learning process especially in teaching vocabulary. They can be more familiar with the words they learn. 2.The Students Vocabulary Mastery. CATEGORIES PRELEMINARY VOC. QUIZ I VOC. QUIZ II Lowest Score 46 5577 Highest Score 60 90 Average Score 5372,50 88,50 Number of Student met 3from 105 from 10 9from 10 Criteria of Success ( 3%) (5%) ( 9%)
The result of the pre-test, vocabulary quiz I, and vocabulary quiz II after the implementation of the pictorial word puzzles are different. The result of vocabulary quiz II is better than vocabulary quiz I and pre-test. 3.The Students‟Attitude towards Pictorial Word Puzzles. In the teaching and learning process, a pictorial word puzzles make the vocabulary learning more enjoyable and interesting because students can memories the meaning of the difficult word without asking their teacher or looking them up in the dictionary all the time. The use of pictorial word puzzles could arouse the students‟ curiosity in learning new vocabulary. Overall, it could be concluded that the pictorial word puzzle could improve students‟vocabulary mastery. Through this activity, students‟ were able to familiarize with the words they learned. They could easier memorize the words they learned because the words were met several times in playing the pictorial word puzzles. The students‟enjoy the teaching and learning process by using the pictorial word puzzles. 880
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
As an English teachers, we can apply pictorial word puzzles to improve their students‟ vocabulary mastery. Pictorial Word Puzzles enable the students to memorize the vocabulary with fun, relaxed, and challenge activities. It is also suggested that the teacher gives other instructional media or materials that are interesting to the students. It aims to attract the students‟ attention and keep their motivation to learn English since as it is said that vocabulary is one of the important aspects of foreign language learning. REFERENCES Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Penerbit PT. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta Borg, R.W., & Gall.M.D. 1983.Educational Research: An Introduction (4thed.). New York and London: Longman Inc Bowers, A.2006. Teaching with Puzzle.( Online),(, accessed on March 7, 2014). Brown,H.D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Pearson Education. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2003. Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Kebudayaan. Djiwandono, M.S. 2008. Tes Bahasa: Pegangan Bagi Pengajar Bahasa. Malang: UM Press. Hornby, A.S. 2000.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kemmis, S. & Mc Taggart, M. 1988. The Action Research Planner.(3rd ed ). Melbourne: Deakin University Press. Kitao, S.K. 2006.Testing Vocabulary, (Online),(, accessed on April 6, 2014 ). Read, J. 2001.Assessing Vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Thornbury, S. 2002. How to teach Vocabulary.Essex: Pearson Education.
[email protected] ABSTRACT This research is conducted to describe the use of jigsaw to improve the eleventh grade students‟ reading ability in SMAN 6 Air RajaBatam. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting. The subjects of this research wereEleventh Grade students in SMAN 6 Air Raja Batam. The instruments used to collect the data were the observation sheets and reading test sheets. The result of this research shows that the score of students‟ reading tests using the technique could be equal or above the minimum passing grade or known as KKM (75). In addition, the use of jigsaw could give the students new learning situation that could make them feel enjoyable and motivated in reading class. It shows that using this technique can improve students‟ reading ability and motivation to study. Keywords:Reading,Jigsaw
English known as an international language consists of four skills. Those are Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. Reading -one of the four skills- is considered important to learnby students. Shoebottom(2015)states thatstudents who are accustomed to reading and are given the reading skill tasks can enhance their ability because they are able to be as good
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readers. They alsowill do well in academicsor even they are able to implement their reading habit in their daily life. Due to the fact that reading skill is emphasized in the Indonesian National Curriculum, this skill has big portion in National Examination for English subject (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan,2013.) In the National Examination, students are asked to accomplish the questions that are mostly related to reading ability or the reading section, instead of listening section. It shows that students‟ competence mostly is required in the reading skill. Considering the importance of reading skill, the researcher found the facts that occur at school where the researcher teaches presently. The school is SMAN 6 Air Raja Batam located in hinterland exactly in Air Raja Island. Hinterland is separated from the Mainland of Batam. The students in this hinterland school mostly use Malay language in their daily life. They are not motivated to learn English because English is not their mother tongue. Their perception on study is rather different from most of students studying in Batam. Hinterland students just thought studying at school is only to get the certificate after 3 years study. After finishing their study, they just want to get a job or help their parents to be fisherman or get job for living. They lack motivation to study for their own achievement. Going to school is a matter of getting only the certificate. Besides the student‟s low motivation and perception on study, the school also has limited facilities such as the electricity, media, and tools needed for teaching learning activity. In Air Raja Island, the electricity is not supplied so the school has to supply by providing the petroleum that is very limited too. It is costly. The island is surrounded by the sea and the population is not too much. We hardly find the public places such as stationary shops in order to find most learning tools to be used in learning. The researcher has to work hard to provide any media or tools that could be gained from the surroundings to achieve successful learning process.Undoubtly, it must be a great challenge for teachers to make them eager to study and to get good achievement especially in English. The researcher is also keen on focusing on reading ability in the reading class. The students are sometimes lack of motivation to read the texts given. The way to make students get used to read the text is often implemented in the traditional teaching method. For instance, a teacher distributed the text, asked the students to read each paragraph, and gave students the questions that should be answered correctly. It seemed that it makes students unmotivated. Students also have difficulties to understand the text such asfinding main ideas, specific information, social function of the text, generic structure of text, and meaning of words. Based on the preliminary study in the Eleventh Gradestudents inSMAN 6 Air Raja Batam,it was found out that 5 out of 12 students got the score ≥ 75 as the minimum passing grade orKKM. Thus, only 41.7% students passed the test and 58.3% students did not pass the test. The average score is 64.5. In order to solve thoseproblems, the researcherapplied a reading technique so that students become more motivated in the reading class. The researcher used jigsaw in order to improve the students‟ reading ability.According to Johnson and Johnson (1999) &Slavin (1996),Jigsaw is a model of cooperative learning.The advantages of jigsaw include the following: (1) cooperative learning works well when students are interdependent in which they can interact in groups with good teamwork skills and have opportunity for analyzing how well their groups are functioning (Johnson and Johnson (1999) &Slavin (1996), and (2) this technique could motivate them to read the text, experience the reading class in more enjoyable situation that can improve their better learning (Aronson, 2015). In line with the background of the study, the general question to be answered in this study is: Can the use of jigsaw cooperative learning improve the Eleventh Grade students‟ reading ability in SMAN 6 Air Raja?” The researcher has great expectation that this study is useful fortheimprovement oftheteaching and learningprocess at theschool wheretheresearcher conducted the research, especiallyin theteachingand learning of reading.It is also expected to beuseful for futureresearchers who areinterested in studyingthesametopic. METHOD The design of the research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of the study were the eleventh grade studentsofSMAN 6 Air Raja Batam. The class consisted of 12 students. There were 7 female students and 5 male students. The researcher chose this class since the she has a responsibility as a classroom teacher. It is considered easy for the researcher 882
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
to collect the data. In addition, the class chosen has low motivation in the reading activity and low achievement in the reading competence. There were four steps in the study: Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting. The researcher used 1 cycle and two meetings.In this research, the cycle was conducted until the criteria of success were achieved. The researcher targeted that there were 85 % or more of the students who got scoresequal to or above 75 as the minimum passing grade or known as KKM.If the criteria were achieved, the implementation of jigsaw could be considered successful.The criteria of success include 85% of students achieve the minimum passing grade or KKM (75) and 85% of students participate actively in jigsaw activities implemented. In the planning stage, the researcher designed lesson plans, prepared materials and media, and formulated the criteria of success. Inimplementingthe action,the researcher conductedthe instruction andresearchbased on thelesson plans.The researcher conducted the research in one cycle for two meetings. The first meeting was held on 5th of October 2015. The second meeting was done on 10th of October, 2015. In the teaching learning process, the technique used was jigsaw to teach reading skill.The researcher divided students into 3 groups. Each group consisted of 4 students. This group is named as home group. The researcher gave assignments to each group that contained 4 questions. So each member of the home group had a responsibility to answer and accomplish the questions given individually. Then, the researcher asked the students who discussed the same questions to join in the same group named expert group. So, there would be 4 groups which consist of 3 students. This group discussed the same topic or question, so they could share and learn each other to get the better final answers. After the 4 groups had discussed the final answer, the researcher asked students to join with the original group or the group they joined at first stage. Next, the researcher asked each group to present what they had discussed. At last, the researcher found that each group had done the answers correctly.The teacher gave rewards to groups of students who could answer the questions correctly.
Picture 1. Jigsaw Format
In the observation, the researcher observed the students during the implementation of the strategy. The purpose of this observation was to find the data on the techniques of using jigsaw in teaching English and the students‟ attitudes by using the observation sheets and the result of the test conducted after the implementation. The observation sheets refer to the criteria of students‟ attitude during the teaching learning process in the research which included the criteria of cooperation, initiative, attention, and systematicality at work. The points ranged from 1 to 5. Point 1 indicated “very poor”, Point 2 “poor”, Point 3 “fair”, Point 4 “good”, and point 5 “very good”. The reflection was done in order to know the results of using jigsaw and to find information on what needed to berevised with the planning and the action applied. The results ofthestudents‟ test scores indicated whetherornot the students madeimprovementin their reading ability. This provided abasis for furtherrevisions and planningforthenext meeting. FINDINGS The improvement of students‟ reading test score is the main indicator of the success of using jigsaw. The students‟ test result before conducting the cycles was that 5 out of 12 883
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students got the score ≥ 75 as minimum passing grade(KKM) which means only 41.7% students passed the test and 58.3% students did not pass the test. The average score of pre cycle was 64.5. In the first meeting, the result of the reading test showedthat 11 students got the score ≥ 75 which means 91.7% students accomplished the reading test well. Only one student got the score <75 which means that 0.08% did not accomplish the test well. However, during the implementation of jigsaw in this meeting, the researcher found some problems, namely some students had difficulty in understanding the activities of jigsaw, they got confused in working cooperatively with friends,and they lacked attention and asked their friends although the researcher had instructed quite carefully. In the second meeting, the result of the reading test showed 12 students got the score ≥ 75. That means all students did well in the reading test or got the score above the score minimum criteria. The students‟ reading test results is shown in the following table. Table 1:Students’ reading test resultsin Cycle 1 No.
Score (1st Meeting)
Score (2nd Meeting)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
85 90 85 75 45 90 80 90 80 85 80 80 1.040 86.6
100 100 100 95 75 85 85 100 85 90 85 90 1.090 90.8
During the implementation of Jigsaw, the observation of first meeting showed that 9 students had participated well in the research which means their participationis above or equal 70%. Meanwhile, 2 students participated fairly oronly 60% and 1 student participated less,only 45% as shown in the following table. Table 2:Students’ Jigsaw participation Attitude No. Name Cooperative Initiative
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 4 3 2 4 2 3 3 4 4 4
Sistematic at work 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
Point 14 14 15 12 9 15 12 14 14 15 15 15
Percen tage 70% 70% 75% 60% 45% 75% 60% 70% 70% 75% 75% 75%
Criteria Good Good Good Fair Poor Good Fair Good Good Good Good Good
In the second meeting, the students‟ participation during the implementation of jigsaw showed that students‟ participation is≥80% in the research or they did well as shown in the following Table.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
Table 3:Students’ Jigsaw participation Attitude No. Name Cooperative Initiative
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4
Sistematic at work 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
17 18 18 17 16 19 16 17 17 19 19 19
85% 90% 90% 85% 85% 95% 85% 85% 85% 95% 95% 95%
Criteria Good Very Good Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good
Compared to the students‟ participation at first meeting to the students‟ participation at second meeting, it shows that students‟ participation in percentage has increased as ≥ 85% students participated actively. The researcher found out that the students at the second meeting were familiar with the steps of jigsaw and could work cooperatively well in groups. So, there was improvement in the students‟ scores and also participation in teaching learning process during the research. DISCUSSION The findings above indicatethatthe students‟ reading test scores in the first and second meetings improved and this improvement have met the minimum passing grade known as KKM (75). It can be said that the implementation of jigsaw in the research improve students‟ reading ability which includes the reading ability of finding main ideas, specific information, social function of the text, generic structure of text, andmeaning of words. Furthermore, jigsaw has made students able to read the text well through cooperative learning. The improvement of the students‟ reading test results probably is influenced by some factors. Firstly, the researcher uses jigsaw in which the students are able to work together with their classmates in each group in discussing the task. Working together in jigsaw is different from the group work in common group workin which students just do the work together without knowing whether every member of the group contributes to the goal of the work. Here, the students can have their role individuallyto share ideas in groups (Kilic, 2008:1). It can be said this method can arouse students‟ interest and motivation in each group to participate well in accomplishing the task. The smarter studentsalso can help their friends in arousing ideas. This can make them enthusiastic and feel enjoyable in doing the reading task (Carleton, 2015). In addition, the role of teacher in guiding the classroom management especially in using the jigsaw technique is considered important and beneficial.Coffey(2015) says that the role of teacher is essential in modeling and explaining effectively about jigsaw in order to involve students in the jigsaw activity. The researcher also put students in comfortable situation, for instance, the researcher guides and monitors students‟ activities in jigsaw. The researcher encouraged them to ask if they have difficulties. So, their participation could increase in the form of their attitudes such as their cooperation, initiative, attention, and systematicality at work well.Smith (2001) revealed that the primary role of the educator is to choose learning material, structure the groups, explain the cooperative nature of group work, provide an environment conducive for this type of work, monitor group work, and assist students in summarizing, synthesizing, and integrating material. Based on what the researcher found in implementing the jigsaw that it effectively could help teacher to make better learning process and students‟ better achievement. This findings is also supported by other studies in different contexts. For example, Dewi (2009) found out that using jigsaw cooperative learning method was able to improve the Third Grade students‟ story telling skill in SDN KarangTalun. The affecting factor includes the quality of teaching learning process that can be observed by the improvement of students‟ interest and motivation. Besides,
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the students‟ story telling test also improved as indicated by the average test scores. Another study conducted by Amri (2009) also indicates that using jigsaw cooperative learning method could improve the Eighth grade students‟ learning activity and the math learning process in SMP IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta which reached above standard criteria of teaching learning process.Mardiana (2014) in her thesis also revealed that implementing jigsaw can improve the teaching learning process of science class. Jigsaw also enhances the fifth grade students‟ achievement in SD Negeri 1 Kaur Selatan KabupatenKaur. CONCLUSION Based on the result of the implementation of jigsaw, the researcher has drawn up the conclusion that jigsaw method could be used to improvethe students‟ reading test result. Another conclusion is that it also can enhance students‟ motivation to participate actively in achieving their reading ability. It was indicated by the students‟ responses in doing jigsaw activity such as their cooperation, initiation, attention, and sistematicality work in order to master reading ability. SUGGESTIONS Based on the conclusion above, the researcher provides suggestions for the following people: English teachers, principals, and future researchers. For English teachers, it can be suggested that the use of reading text is not too long for each paragraph. For the reason that the short paragraph given to students is quite effective to understand and discuss it at home group and expert group as in the jigsaw activity. So, it will cover the time of learning process. As the jigsaw activities need time to manage well especially in the hinterland student class. Another suggestion is that the researcher hopes that the implementation of jigsaw can be acknowledged by all teachers. In this case, the role of the principal hopefully can be taken into account. The principal should facilitate the teacher training program about the use of teaching model particularly jigsaw in cooperative learning. Besides, jigsaw can be implemented in teaching all subjects. For the future researchers, it is suggested that they would like to be able to socialize the teaching method of jigsaw in order to make the learning situation focus on students‟ active participation. REFERENCES Aronson. 2015. Accessed from on Oct 16, 2015. Shoebottom, P. 2015. Accessed from on Oct 11, 2015. Kemendikbud. 2013. Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta:KementerianPendidikandanKebudayaan. Kilic. 2008. ”The Effect of the Jigsaw Technique on Learning theConcept of the Principles of Teaching KazimKarabekir Education FacultyErzurum, Ataturk University, Turkey”. World Applied Sciences Journal 4(Supple 1): 109-114, 2008ISSN 1818-4952© IDO SI Publications, 2008. Carleton. 2015. Accessedfrom Oct 18, 2015. Johnson and Johnson, (1999); Johnson et al., (1998); Slavin (1991, 1996) accessed from on Oct 18th, 2015. Smith, K. 2001. “Going Deeper: Formal Small-Group Learning in Large Classes.”New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Vol. 81, Spring: pp. 25-46. Accessed from on Oct 18th, 2015. Heather, C. 2015. Accessed from 18th of Oct, 2015.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
[email protected] Abstract: This study is aimed to increase students‟ ability in writing report textby using pictures on the wall. The researcher conducted a classroom action research (CAR) by creating and applying an activity named “Pictures on the wall” in two cycles where each cycle consisting of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The activity of pictures on the wall uses some pictures stuck on different walls of a classroom. Students in group come to the pictures, look at and observe the pictures carefully, find suitable words related to the pictures, disscuss and share their ideas with their friends in their group,back to their seats and start writing. The average score at the first cycle was 59.83 and at the second cycle was 78.83. This study showed that Pictures on the wall can increase the students‟ ability in writing report text and also, they enjoyed doing this activity. Key words: writing, report text, pictures on the wall.
English has four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the skills that must be learned and mastered by students of Junior High School is writing. Writing is part of communication and it is a written communication. The purpose of any written communication is to share information, ideas and explain decisions in a form that readers can understand. Writing is an important skill that has to be mastered by students who learn English as foreign language. By writing, students can express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and experiences to the reader. Writing can be said as a means of communication between writer and reader. English Writing skill has been being taught to the students of Junior High School since they were at grade seven, but the reality shows that writing is still being a difficult thing to do for them and it is not an interesting activity in the classroom. The activity of writing will be interesting for the students when they know what they have to do and what they have to write. The situation will be different if they do not know how and what they have to do and write.On the otherhand, writingactivity still become a difficult thing to do for most of the students because of many reasons, although they have learned English for almost three years in Junior High School. Curriculum 2006 (KTSP) states that, junior high school students are taught several texts in teaching and learning process. They are descriptive, recount, narrative, report and procedure. Each of those texts should be taught in four skills (listening, speaking, writing and reading). The curriculum has determined the standard competency and basic competency for each English skill that must be reached by the students during the learning process in each semester. The standard competency of writing isto express the meaning into written short functional and simple monolog text in daily life context.Report text is one of the kinds of text that has to be learned by the ninth gradestudents. They learn this kind of text in the first and also in the second semester. Report text is a kind of text which is describes the way things are, with a reference to a range of natural, manmade and social phenomenon in our environment. Writing report text is one of the skill that has to be learnt and mastered by the ninth grade students of Junior High School. But the fact still shows that most ofthe students are not able to write a report text well. Even, most of the students do not know how to start writing. It is happened because of some problems. Having lack of idea is one of the problem for them. Most of the students have no idea when they are asked to write, they do not know what they are going to write. The other problem is grammar. As we know, grammar takes an important role to arrange sentences to develop them into good text. But, most of the students don‟t care about using good grammar when they write a text. The next problem is lack of vocabulary. Having and mastering vocabulary is very important to develop a text in writing.But the fact shows that most of the students do not really pay attention to this problem, they are lazy to memorize vocabulary, that‟s why they can not produce a text well. Besides that, the students also get bored
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with the atmosphere of their classroom where teaching lerning process of writing report text runs. Especially for 9 E grade students of SMPN 1Sanggau in the academic year 2014/2015. This condition made the researcher tried to find a meaningful way as a strategy to make the students got interest in writing report text and changed their mind that writing report text was not a difficult thingto do. Also, through this strategy, the studentsare wished able to reach more than the minimum grade (KKM) in writing report text, atleast achieve the KKM. The activity that the researcher had prepared for the students was writing report text by using “Pictures on the wall” and the purpose of this research is increasing students‟ ability in writing report text by using “Pictures on the wall”. LITERATURE REVIEW Writing. Generally, writing is a way in sending message from the writer to the reader which becomes the part of language or language skills and it also means communication. According to Hyland (2002), Writing has various kinds, it can be used as a means to express the writers idea based on her experience, thoughts, and feelings. And in many schools, writing is principally conducted to demonstrate knowledge of deconstextualised facts with little awareness of a reader beyond the teacher-examiner. Writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to reader. On the other hand, writing is not merely process of thinking of something to say and selecting the words needed to express it. It is kind of technique in arranging ideas or information into condensed form of writing. The ideas and thoughts are informed into paragraphs and have a meaning of a content. Hyland (2002:24) states that good writing is discovered combination of words, which allows a person the integrity to his subject with a pattern both fresh and origin. In conclusion, writing is a process to put some thoughts into words in a meaningful form and it is used to express and explain ideas. Writing is a tool to produce language in written form. According to Kroll (in Weigle, 2002:19) writing is not only as individual product but also as a social and cultural act Writing is an act that consists of a context, a particular purpose and audience. Besides, Hyland (2002:9) argues writing as a way of sharing personal meanings and it emphasize on the individual to create his or her views on the topic. Based on the statement of the expert above, it can be concluded that writing is a method of representing language to explore thoughts and ideas.writing is the way of thinking or sending message from the writer to the reader which becomes the part of language or language skills and it also means communication. Report Text Report text is a kind of text that has to be learned by the ninth grade students in the first and also in the second semester. Report text describes things the way they are, it has a logical sequences of facts that are stated without any personal opinion of the writer. As Gerot and Wignell (1994: 196-197) state that report text is a text which functions to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment. Report means a text which describes things in general. It‟s a little bit different from descriptive text which describe specific thing. To tell the facts of the things described, the writer usually uses simple present tense. Except, the thing are extinct, simple past tense is used in Report text. Report text contains the class or subclass of the topic described, and then followed by telling the shape, part, behavior, etc in details. A report presents information about a subject. It is a result of an observation and analysis. Within writing report text, students have to write something decent to report by researching analyzing something. Generic Structure of Report Text The way in which elements of a text are arranged to match its purpose. This structure can be observed by readers, and writers will use this knowledge to structure their writing, depending on their purpose. Gerot and Wignell (1994:194), stated that generic structure of report text are 1. General Classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant,etc which will be discussed in general. 888
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
2. Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part, customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials. Language Features of report Text Gerot and Wignell (1994: 196-197), language features of report text: 1) Introducing group or general aspect, 2).Using of Relational Processes, 3). Using conditional logical connection; when, so, 3).Using of simple present tense (unless extinct), 4). No temporal sequences. Pictures Picture is one of media that can be used by teachers in teaching learning process in a classroom. It is a visual media that can easily attreact students attention and able to motivate them to learn something. Picture can also make teaching learning process will be more interesting and meaningful for the students because it can easily send message or teachers‟ explanation to the students. When teacher used pictures as their media in teaching they have activated two from five senses. And it betters than explanation, because the pictures can explain clearly the teacher‟s explanation. As Hill (1990) pointed out, “the standard classroom” is usually not a very suitable environment for learning language. That is why teachers search for various aids and stimuli to improve this situation. Pictures are one of these valuable aids . They bring “images of reality into the unnatural word of the language classroom”. (Hill 1990: 1) Pictures bring not only images of reality, but can also function as a fun element in the class. Sometimes it is surprising how picturesmay change a lesson, even if only employed in additional excercises or just a create the atmosphere. Wright (1990) adds that pictures give contribution to students‟ interest and motivation, sense of language in context, and stimulate students‟ ideas. The roles of pictures in productive skills (speaking and writing) are (1) picture can draw students‟ motivation and attention and make them participate in learning; (2) pictures can create contextualized language learning activity; (3) pictures may raise interpretation objectively and subjectively; (4) pictures may refer to response of questions, or as controlled practices; and (5) pictures can stimulate and give information in dealing with conversation, story telling and discussion. He, furthermore, mentions that there are five practical criteria of pictures to be applied in the classroom, (1) easy to prepare, (2) easy to organize, (3) interesting, (4) meaningful and authentic, and (5) sufficient amount of the language in order to justify its conclusion in the language lesson. There are many reasons for using pictures in langua ge teaching. As (Wright 1990: 2) pointed out, they are motivating and draw learners‟ attention. This fact will be repeatedly demonstrated in the Practical Part of this thesis. Furthermore, Wright (1990: 2) refers to the fact that they provide a sense of the context of the language and give a specific reference point or stimulus. Pictures, being suitable for any group of learners can be used in lots of various ways. As Hill (1990: 2) stated, “What is done is limited only by the preparation time available, the visuals to hand and the imagination of the individual teacher”. Hill (1990: 1) listed several advantages of pictures, such as availability (one can get them in any magazines, on the internet, etc.); they are cheap, often free; they are personal (teacher selects them); flexibility - easily kept, useful for various types of activities (drilling, comparing, etc.), they are “always fresh and different”, which means they come in a variety of formats and styles and moreover the learner often wonders what comes next. Therefore, using pictures in a teaching learning process as a media will give some advantages not only for the teachers but also for the students. Using pictures will make teaching easier for the teachers in delivering message of material that are going to give to the students and for the students teaching learning process will be more interesting, fun and they can enjoy the teaching learning process. METHOD Since the researcher found many difficulties faced by the students in writing report text, the researcher conducted a research which is called classroom action reseach. It is kind of research that is conducted in the classroom by a teacher as a researcher. This research can offer new ways and procedures to improve and increase teachers‟ professionalism in teaching learning process and students‟ learning result.
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Classroom Action Research is a method of finding out what works best in your own classroom so that you can improve student learning. We know a great deal about good teaching in general (e.g. McKeachie, 1999; Chickering and Gamson, 1987; Weimer, 1996), but every teaching situation is unique in terms of content, level, student skills and learning styles, teacher skills and teaching styles, and many other factors. To maximize student learning, a teacher must find out what works best in a particular situation. (Mettetal, G. :http// 09.44 am. 01.08.2015). This research was done in grade 9E of SMPN 1 Sanggau at the second semester in the academic year 2014/2015. The purpose of this research is to increase students‟ ability in writing report text by using “Pictures on the wall”.The activity was planned to overcome the problem found in the first meeting (before the research done), where most of the students got scores below the minimum grade (KKM) in writing report text. Then The researcher planned a strategy how to increase students‟ ability in writing report text and tried to change their mind that writing especially writing a report text will be easier and fun through an interesting activity. Pictures on the wall was an activity which was created by the researcher as a treatment to increase the students‟ ability in writing report text. Planning The first thing that the researcher did for this research was making a lesson plan, finding and collecting clear, interesting and attractive pictures as media for the activity. The pictures were taken frominternet, magazines, and from any other media. Using clear, interesting and attractive pictures are very important, because it will be easier to get students‟ interest to be more pay attention to what the teacher is going to ask them to do in the classroom in teaching learning process. Acting The researcher did the research by applying an activity named “Pictures on the wall”. The steps of this activity are: 1. Students are divided into group consist of five students 2. Then, the pictures are stuck on the wall in different places in classroom. 3. Students in group come to the pictures, look at and observe the pictures very carefully, and find some suitable words related to the pictures. 4. Then,they disscuss and share their ideas with their friends in a group. 5. The students come back to their seats and start writing. Observing In this phase, the researcher asked students to write report text through the steps of pictures on the wall and collects students‟ scores as result in applying this activity in the research. The researcher also make some notes by writing anything occurs in classroom when the activity runs. After finishing their writing, the researcher asks the students directly and made notes about what they like most and dislike concerning the activity during teaching learning process. Reflecting Reflecting phase is done based on the students result of writing and students answer or responses from the researcher‟s questions in every meeting. The data collected becomes the researcher‟s guidance to find any other treatments to overcome the problems and obstacles occurs during the research and the researcher will find best solution to overcome all the problems in the previous cycle for the next cycle. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Before the research was done in grade 9E, the researcher has explained to the students about what the report text is and gave them some examples about the text in the previous meeting, and gave them a task to write a simple report text based on what the writer had explained and the examples given. But, the writer found that the product oftheir writing were still unexpected. Most of the students didn‟t reach the minimum grade (KKM)in which the school minimum grade was 68. At the first cycle, the teaching learning process was started by opening activities. Then, the writer explained about the objective of the teaching learning process. After that, the researcher asked the students to make a group of five students. The total number of groups were six groups, because there were thirty students in grade 9E. Next, the researcher showed them some pictures related to what they have to write. The pictures used in this cycle were the 890
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pictures of Bus Station, Hotel, Restaurant, School, Hospital and Traditional Market. They looked very interested to the pictures. Then, the researcher put and stuck the pictures on the wall of some different places in the classroom. After that, the researcher asked the students in their group to come to the picture chosen for them, looked at and observed the pictures very carefully and clearly. At this time, the researcher asked the students to find out vocabulary related to the pictures as many as possible. After that, they discussed about the vocabulary finding and shared their ideas with their friends. Then, the researcher asked the students to came back to their seats to discuss more about the pictures with their friends in their group. They shared not only how to use suitable words in their writing but also about the generic structures of report text and how to write grammatically. After that, they started writingreport text. Meanwhile, the researcher paid attention to what the students did and discuss. There were some students asked to the researcher about some words related to the pictures they got, while some other students asked about grammar. The researcher answered and explained about what they asked patiently. Although the students sat and discussed in their group, but each student has to produce his/her own writing.
Picture 1. The studets are observing and discussing about the pictures.
Picture 2. Some pictures using in the activity.
The result of the first cycle showed that the students got interest with the activity, they moved and looked at the pictures, discussed and shared their ideas about the pictures with their friends in their group happily and they enjoyed the activity. After the students finishing writing the text, the researcher asked them directly about how they feel when they do the activity. Most of the students said that they liked and enjoyed the activity. But, the result of their writing were still unexpected, because there were only 53% of students (16 students) were able to achieve the KKM and the average score in this cycle was 59.83. The other students still got below the KKM.
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Picture 3. The writer is giving more explanation to the students in each group about how to write a report text by using pictures on the wall
Based on the result of the first cycle, in the second cycle,the researcher decided to find solution to make the students could write the report text better than the first cycle and achieve the KKM. The researcher decided to find out and use other pictures that were very familiar to the students and could easily be found in their environment and in their daily life. By using these pictures, the researcher hoped the pictures can give imaginations and illustrations for the students about something that the students have to write. As Hill (1990: 2ss) argued that to be more specific, beside lessons where pictures are in the main focus, they might be used just as a “stimulus for writing and discussion, as an illustration of something being read or talked about, as background to a topic and so on” The pictures chosen for this cycle were Bedroom, Bathroom,Kitchen, School Canteen, Library, and Clasrsroom. The researcher did the same activities as in the first cycle, but in this cycle the writer gave more explanation especially about how to write a report text based on the pictures. The researcher also came to each group to give more attention while they were writing the text. Just like in the first cycle, the students looked happy and enjoyed the activity. They discussed about the pictures enthusiastically, finding more suitable words, and discuss about grammar for their writing, and at last,they could produce their writing better than the first cycle. The writing result of the students stood above the KKM with the average score 78.83. Table 1. The criteria of writing assessment Criteria Grammar Vocabulary Content Organization
Excellent 5 5 5 5
Good 4 4 4 4
Student‟s score/student‟s mark =
Enough 3 3 3 3
Not Enough 2 2 2 2
Poor 1 1 1 1
Total score X 100 Maximum scores (20)
Table 2. The result of students’ writing Group
Students‟ Name
First cycle
Second cycle
Aldino Persi AlvinMelvarin Abang Rafatsa A. Fitri Febriani Mathilda Agusta V Andre Yosepianus W Maria Evi M. Rizal Saputra Sri Sulastri Ellisa Zaki Wardana Fransiscus Fernando Hendra Wijaya
75 40 50 70 70 55 65 40 70 40 70 50
90 70 75 80 85 75 80 70 85 75 80 70
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
Farida Febriyanti Raesy Miranti Kristina Rosi Amanda Sarifena Bela Kamelia C. Gagah Pratama S Hana Muthia K. Kornelius Rio Andrey Kid Nurhaya Sarah Thesalonica Putri Yusril Aziz Zirran Dhasyata Andi Nugroho Annisa Wulandari Aprillo Givano Muhammad Rizaldi Sulastri Yessi The average score
70 70 70 40 50 40 70 50 70 70 80 60 70 40 70 70 40 70 59.83
85 85 75 70 75 70 85 75 85 85 90 75 85 70 80 85 70 85 78.83
CONCLUSION The creativity of a teacher is needed to arouse students‟ interests in teaching learning process. Finding and using suitable way is one of the important things for a teacher in teaching learning activities. Since writing is supposed as a difficult thing to do for most of students, using Pictures on the Wall offers an interesting activity to increase students‟ ability in writing report text. After reflecting the implementation of the actions, the researcher concluded the findings of the research. By conducting this research, it was found that the activity of pictures on the wall can increase students‟ score, changed their mind that writing was not a difficult thing to do anymore. This activity could bring the students into good atmosphere where they feel happy and enjoy doing this activity. The research done in grade 9E of SMPN 1 Sanggau showed the mean score in the first cycle was 59,83 and in the second cycle was 78,83. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that this strategy can increase students‟ ability in writing report text. SUGGESTION Teaching writing using Pictures on the Wall is recommended for English teachers in teaching writing, not only in teaching writing a report text, but it can also be used in teaching any other texts and it can also be applicated in any level of student of Junior High School, and a Teacher should be more creative to find way and strategy to make students get interest in writing a report text. REFERENCES Gerot, P and Wignell, L. 1994. Making Sense of Fuctional Grammar. Sydney: Antipodian Education Enterprise. Accessed from http//www.journal of English Language Teaching, Vol 1 No. 2 Maret 2013, seri C. 09.10 am. 04.04.2015 Fachrurazy, and Anugrahwatywati, M. 2013. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif dan inovatif. Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang. Wright, A. 1990. Pictures for Language Learning. Canbridge: Canbridge University Press. Hill, David A. 1990. Visual Impact: Creative Language Learning Through Pictures. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited. Gwynn, Mettetal. 2001. The What, Why and How of Classroom Action Research. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Board of Trustees of Indiana University. Accessed from http// 2/no-1/v2n1mettetal.pdf 09.44 am. 01.04.2015 Hyland, K. 2002. Teaching and Researching Writing.Pearson: Pearson education limited
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[email protected] ABSTRACT : The aim of this research is to improve thetenth grade students‟ vocabulary of SMA N 13 Batam totaling to 26 students by using reading card. The researcher used descriptive research. There are two kinds of data: quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data were obtained through questionnaire sheet and qualitative data were obtained through observation. The data analysis shows that students‟ scores got improved from 56,7 to 73,6. In addition, students became more motivated in learning English from 46% to 77%. KEYWORD: vocabulary, reading Card
This research is conducted for students grade tenof SMAN 13 TelukSuntiBatam. It is one of the schools in the hinterland area and locatedin the small island. It takes 1 hour 40 minutes to reach the place from Belakang Padang. It has no full electricity (only at night), low economy, low access, and low signal. The people there are mostly uneducated. They do not care about education. But today some of them begin changing their ways of thinking. They begin thinking about the future of education. It happens as SMAN13 has already been built to provide people with public schools for their children in TelukSunti. This school has given a huge impact to them and has changed their mind. They also start building their places there. The school has been 12 years old but the distance, access, and less attention from the local government make them left behind. SMAN 13 has no facilities to support students‟ learning. It has no library and laboratory. The poorness limited them to buy books and finally the students aredifficult to access new information and absorb the new knowledge. Furthermore, students have less effort to compete because there are no competitors. SMA 13 is the only school there. This situation makes them lazy to study. The government has asked the school to use the standard curriculum, and follow the test (UU N0.20 tahun 2003 pasal 58). Related to this problem, the researcher considered that SMAN 13 needs a big effort to facilitate the students to study hard in every subject, especially for English subject, because it is not our mother tongue. The researcher needsto implement a method to improve their vocabulary to support their English learning as one of the UN subjects. One of the teaching strategies that can make the students motivated to learn English is by reading interesting topic. The researcher is aware that English is very important for students in the future life. That is why students must be capable to speak English to conquer their fate life. English plays important roles in globalization era. It is widely used as a means of communication among people around the world. Indonesian government has taken a step to introduce English as a subject in the school curriculum from primary schools till senior high schools. There are several reasons whyEnglish is important for students. Being able to speak English is required in tourisms Indonesia. The curriculum in Indonesiaattempts to make the students master English, Government has given chances to students who have active English to continue their study abroad. Companies which have International standard need people who have good English. It is proof that English language is very important.Learning English language means learning its vocabulary. Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. Actually vocabulary is more complex. Vocabulary mastery is not only knowing the words and the words and its meanings, but also knowing how the words sound and how the words are used in the context (Nation& Newton, 1997). In addition, word by sight and sound and knowing its dictionary definition are not same as knowing how to use the word correctly and understanding it when it is heard or seen in various contexts (Miller, 1987). Building up vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language at primary level (Cameron:2001). Someone who has a lot of vocabulary of a
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
foreign language, she/he could learn English easily. Since vocabulary is all about words, and good mastery of vocabulary helps someone understand language (Wallace:1982). We use the vocabulary in communication either in spoken or written forms. We send messages, information and ideas by using the language. In general, no language acquisition is possible without understanding the vocabulary, either in the first or the second language (Kweldju, 2004:18). Students often find difficulties in using a foreign language because they lack of vocabulary and they often forget easily new vocabulary from dictionary.Furthermore, the researcheris consciousthat the students in hinterland (School in the small Island) need more treatment to learn English language, especially to memorize the vocabulary. Chambers and Lowry (in Burn, Roe and Ross, 1984) underline reading is more than just recognizing the words but also bringing great memories. Furthermore Warwickdetermined vocabulary gains can be more than double when a teacherexplains word from the text they are reading. That was an important study and is referenced in many of the other studies conducted on reading. Reading is one of the important language skills. By reading, people may get a lot of information. The more she/he reads, the more information he/she will get. Reading makes someone smarter and creative (Laddoo:2007)and also reading forces the reader brain cell to work on regular basic as this will keep the reader sharper and smarter. In order to get specific information, students at school should be taught how to read effectively and efficiently, such as making prediction about what will happen (Klingner, Vaugn and Boardman, 2007). Reading is assigning meaning and extracting information from written texts. It means reading requires some abilities to extract information from a text and to construct new understanding (Grellet,1985). In addition, Grabe and Stoller (2002) think idea of reading is also to do with purposes experiences strategist, skills, and even attitude towards reading. It means reading facilities a writer to share knowledge, ideas and feeling with reader, where both of them have their own languagepatterns and experiences.It indicates that reading is not only getting message from a text but also utilizing the reading purposes and strategies to do it. Based on the above consideration, the researcher took reading card as solution to solve their weakness in vocabulary. Students need reading texts like card to substitute an expensive book, because it is difficult forstudents to get more books. This card form is readable,interesting and makes student interestedin reading it.‟
Picture of reading card
METHOD The researcherused Descriptive research to investigate the teaching of learning process. The researcher divided the teaching into three stages:Pre teaching, while teaching and Post teaching. There were 26 students of the tenth grade that researcher chose as the subjects of the study. The researcher chose that class, because students have lowest ability in English. This research took 2 meetings. The first meeting was carried out on 28th September 2015. Before the researcher enters to the classroom, she asked the students to find a reading article which is interesting. They could find it from internet, magazine or other resources. They could put pictures and print color to attract their reading card. Finally, they pressed it so the papers are not easy to be torn. This research follows three stages. In pre teaching, the researcher prepared the lesson plan. She entered to the class and asked about their lesson last meeting. She motivated the 895
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studentsby showing them a reading card. After that, in the process of learning (while teaching), the researcher read the story in the reading card, and guided them to translate the story. The researcher helped the students to translate some difficult words. Then,she divided them into 10 groups. After they had a group, they discussed with their group and took a resume of the story. After they resumed the story, students delivered their ideas in front the class. All of the members of groups must participate to present their results of discussion. The researcher tried to make the studentsconvey their idea. They can use English andBahasa if they forgot English. This test was just to train them in front the class. After they had finished the presentation, researcher gave a question to test their vocabulary related to their reading card.In the post teaching, the researcher asked their experiences to present their idea in front the class and gave them feedback. The second meeting was carried out on2nd November 2015. The researcher prepared the lesson plan. She entered to the class and asked about their lesson last meeting. In the process of study or while teaching, the researcher gave the students reading cards. Students read the reading card,and made a question from the reading card. After they made a question, they changed to others friends, and his/her friend answered that question. Then, answer sheet was checked by the students. Finally, the researcher checked it again, just wanted to know her students already knew about the words in the reading card. After that, the researcher gave them a question again to test their improving vocabulary related to their topic. The last is post teaching. In this section the researcher gave the students feedback. The researcher collected the data through observation and questionnaire. The observation used checklist to look students‟ motivation and the questionnaire used a testto take the students‟ vocabulary scores. FINDINGS In the first meeting, when the researcherbroughtthe reading card to the class, 12 students feltenthusiastic and curious to know what topic they were learning. After the researcher greeted the student, the students gave their attention for the reading card. Theywere active to follow the learning with some questions without feeling shy to ask when they couldnot get the point of the subject. Studentsfelt attracted to know something new from the colorful reading cards, because they usually had no book as a learning source.The reading cards could help them who had no book.But the 14 students still had low motivation in learning. At that time, 3 students were out from the room and back again 10 minutes before rest time. It means that only 46 % students were active to follow the class from 26 students. After that, the researcher divided them in to 10 groups and each group consists of 2-3 students. The students got a challenge to summarize the reading card; they felt more enthusiastic than before. This reading card motivated them in learning. The researcher gave a test to measure their vocabulary, and the result was not too good.They got improving scorescompared to the previous scores. In the previous scores, they got theaverage 55, 1 and for the first meeting they gotaverage 56.7. It means they got 2 % improvement. But some of them could not pass the minimumscore (KKM is 70). Only 1 person passed the criteria or 4 % from 26 students. In the second meeting, students did their test by themselves. They got improvement in the scores. When the researcher came to the class, almost all the students were ready to study. 20 students prepared and were ready to learn,and around 77 % students were ready to learn English. The researcherdistributed the reading cardsto the students. They lookedenthusiastic than before. The entire students participated, although not all the students got good scores, but they enjoyed the class. That was shown by talkative when the researcher asked their participation and they wanted to respond to the researcher.They lookedinterested to join the class. For the individual test, they got high improvement, with the averagescore 73,6. It means they could achieve 16, 9 % improvement. 20 (77%)students passed the minimum score. Table 1: Students’ Scores No Name Preliminary
1st meeting
2nd meeting
1 2 3 4
58 47 38 67
76 78 58 80
55 45 35 67
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
67 54 34 65 45 60 65 70 54 48 50 56 48 45 46 56 34 38 60 60 60 60
67 56 56 65 48 60 65 70 54 50 50 56 48 45 52 56 34 38 60 68 60 62
78 75 78 72 72 76 78 75 76 78 65 65 68 76 70 78 68 75 78 76 78 68
16.9 %
DISCUSSION Based on the findings, we know that students who followed the class felt interested and motivated. It happens probably becausestudent feel interested with the picture in the reading card. They are curious with the new situation. Usually students just follow the learning demonstration style. They focus on the teacher but are not involved in the class.Also, students felt interested probably becauseof the reading card in the story. They like to hear a story. It is stimulatingthem to easily understand the words with the real sentences. Using words in sentences can make students understand the messages or information to be delivered. Next, the researcher findsthat students are brave to deliver their summary in front the class. They can do it as they probably understand the text. They understand not only the main idea, but also the meaning of words in the text. So, they feel comfortable in learning. Then, students have improvement in scores from 56 to 73.6. It proves that the reading card is one of good media which makesstudents understand the vocabulary easily. According Gibson (2010), the use of the additional technique is exactly necessary. It must be used sparingly to help avoid boredom. Furthermore, Mayer (1993)states that visual elements increase students‟ learningbecause there is more concentration for them. Addition, Likewise &Koren (1997) pointout the learning of foreign word with pictures can be easier and memorable than the words without pictures. Similarly, Underwood (1989) has concluded that visual memory plays an important role in learning. For learners, memorizing words by using visual object is more effective than memorizing via only the text. Thatprobably influences the students to encourage following the study. Learning vocabulary in the story is also effective for a student. According to Barzaq(2009), repetition of the words in the story helped the students a lot in memorizing the word. According to Hammer (2001), visual things make the learning process easier. As a result, they are used by teachers for better learning. English teacher feels that using visual materials such as pictures, real object, etc. is useful. In teaching new words make the learning process enjoyable and memorable. Nelson,Reed& Walling (1976) also said that teachers also found that visual elements can motivate students for better learning. If teachers show word and check their meaning, it can be an important and useful way for using pictures. The use of pictures can be better and more useful than other materials. It is suggested that an effective use of visual things, like pictures have positives outcome and it results in better learning. Pratiwi (2013) found that the seventh grade students of MTs NahdatulUlamaKapuharjo got better scores in vocabulary when learning by using cards. 897
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When the students are comfortable and master the subject, theyfeel confident to deliver their ideas infront of the class. Shuford& Thomas(2015) say students are brave in expressing their ideas when they understand the concepts of the subject matter, even in mathematics. CONCLUSSION It is concluded that learning vocabulary by using reading card is effective. The students feel interested in learning English and enjoy the class, because the vocabulary is conveyed through story. Students are comfortable and brave to convey their ideas and have improved their scores. SUGGESTION Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gives suggestionsto other English teachers and principals. For teachers, they should apply the reading card as media in learning English, especially for hinterland schools that have no more books for learning. This reading card is simple, cheaper and applicable for students to be motivated. For principals, they are expected to provide facilities and media available for all students in learning and train all teachers to develop media for teaching. REFFERENCES Barzaq, M. 2009.Integrating sequential thinking thought teaching stories in the curriculum action researcher. Gaza: Al.Qatan center for educational researcher and development QCERD. Cameron, L.2001.Teaching languages to young leaners. Chambrige:Chambriges Untiversity Press. Emir, S. & Thomas,B. 1973. QuantifyingUncertainty into numerical probabilities For the reporting of intellegence. Ran report prepared for the defense advance research project agency. Grabe, W.&Stoller, F.L.2002. Teaching and Researching Reading.England:PearsonEducation Limited. Grellet, F. 1985. Develoving reading skills. Leeds Leeds University Press. Harmer, J.2001.The practice of English language teaching (3rd ed.). London:Longman. Laddoo. 2007. The importance of Reading. (Online). Available (13 November 20011). Miller,G. & Gildea, P. 1987. How Children Learn Words. Longman: Pearson Education. Nation, P. & Newton, J. 1997. Teaching Vocabulary. Cambridge University Press. Nelson,D.L.,Reed, V.S, & Walling, J. R. 1976. Pictorial Superiority Effect. Jurnal of experimental psichology:Human Learning and memory. Underwood, M. 1989. Teaching Listening. New York:Longman Wallace, M.J. 1982.Teaching Vocabulary. London:Biddles ltd
[email protected] Abstract: This research is aimed at describing how the teacher implements role play in improvingthe tenth graders‟ speaking skill of congratulating others and how the students respondtoits implementation in teaching. This research was based on the writer‟s experiences in implementing role play which was accomplishedin three meetings for the tenth grade of X TKJ 2 of SMK Negeri 6 Batam Academic Year 2015/2016. The students involved consisted of 43 students.Descriptive qualitative researchwas used in this study in
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
describing student‟s activities in learning English especially in the speaking skill.Two types of data were collected: the qualitative data were collected through observation and qustionnaire and the quantitative data were obtained from the students‟ speaking scores.The result of this study showsthat students were happy, interested, and motivated in learning English (speaking skill)by using the role play technique Then, there were 97,5students‟ who passed the KKM (75) on the students speaking test. Based on the result, it means this action research is successful. Keyword: role play, speaking skill, congratulating others
As an English teacher in a Vocational High School, the researcher faced two choices: teaching English to achievestudents‟ good national examination scoresmostly in the written test, or to trainstudents to be able to speak English well as a means of communiationin the global competition. However, the former alwaysbecomes the main indicatorof schools in measuring students‟ graduation and success in English learning. As a result, the learning and teaching process in the classroom today focuses on how to do the test well. What happens in the classroom is then many students in SMK Negeri 6 Batam got difficulties in speaking Englishsince the teaching and learning tends to focus on the test.Besides, the time allotment for speaking practice in the school is limited.As we know that speaking needs more time to memorize dialogues, practice expressions and create good dialogues.In addition, there are insufficient media and facilities such asLCD, videos related to learning material,and comfortable places as the alternative places for teaching and learning processto support teaching and learning speaking in the class.Also, the teaching and learning process is teacher-centered. First, teacher tended to teach texts. Second, teacher asked the students to read dialogues together after her. Third, teacher asked some students to practice the dialogues in front of the class in pairs. The last isthat she asked them to answer the questions dealing with the dialogues. Due to the facts above, students facetwomain problems. Firstly, the students have low motivation in learning English. Secondly, students have low scores in the speaking skill. In order to solve the problems, role play is considered a good alternative to be applied. Role play is
A way of how to practice English speaking skill a form of English learning activity in the classroom. Zaini (2012:99) says that role play is an education strategy whichhas definite roles and interaction.Chaturvedi (2008)also says that in the role play peopleperformed with areal or artificial situations. This technique not only leads people think a particular situation butalso leads people to self learning and create a fit in the job about the task.In addition, it helps developing communication and improving of intepersonal relationship. Harmer in Adnyani and Dambayana (2014) alsostates that role play is pleasant and motivated. It increases self-esteem and gives chance to students to use various languages.Santrock in Rusnaini(2013) also supports that role play is a pleasant activity. It is done to get happiness. It can be concluded that role play takes an important roles in teaching speaking because students took a part directly and experienced it happily. Furthermore, according Uno in Primasari, Wahyudi and Joharman (2013), there are nine steps in role play, which include warming up, choosing participants, preparing observers,making up stage, playing the roles, discussion and evaluation, replaying the roles, discussing and the second evaluation, and sharing observation and conclusion. METHOD The research deals with the implementation of role play in teaching speaking of congratulating others. It tried to the answer research question on how the teacher implements role play in improving the tenth graders‟ speaking skill of congratulating others and how the students respond to its implementation in teaching.This research was descriptive qualitative. In sustaining the research result, two types of data are collected: qualitative data derived from observation and qustionnaire and quantitative data derived from the students‟ speaking scores.The criteria of success include85% of students passed the KKM (75) and 85% of students were activein the teaching and learning process. The subjects of the study were students of class X TKJ 2 of SMKN 6 Batam which consisted of 43 students. This research was conductedon 5th October 2015 for the first meeting 899
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and 12th October 2015 for the second and the third meeting. They were chosen because they have never got the role play technique in the English speaking classin this school. Besides, the material ofcongratulating others was given to that level.This study was in the classroom where the teacher implemented role play in teaching speaking ofcongratulating others. The school also provided students with facilities that supported the teaching and learning activities, such asLCD, video, camera, library and school garden as the alternatif place of learning. According to Buckley, Schneider and Shang in Aferwork and Asfaw (2014), school facilities help learners to learn effectively and support the teachers and students morale, motivation and play an important role in improving the quality of education. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The data were taken from the observation, questionnaire, and students‟ speaking scores. The observation was done in three meetings. All of the data that the researcher got from observation was described in the form of narration. In this research, the researcher prepared lesson plans for the first, the second and the third meetings. Besides, the researcher prepared media related to the material of congratulating others such as LCD, loudspeaker, and video. The researcher also chose the teaching and learning places such as library and school garden instead of classroom. The researcher conducted the implementation of role play in three meetings. In the first meeting, the teacher conducted the teaching and learning process in the classrom. In beginning of teaching and learning process, the teacher showed three pictures of congratulating others. She stimulated the students with some questions related to the pictures. After that, she divided students into eight groups of four or five students. Before the teacher ordered the students to do groupwork, she showed three videos of role play of congratulating others. It was aimed to give the sample of how to do a good expression, good action and pronounciation. After that, she asked each group to create their own dialog and practice it before performing role play. In the second meeting, the teacher asked each group in turn to conduct the role play practice in the library since it was more comfortable, calm and far from students‟ noisein memorizing the conversation.Besides, the students did not need to be shy since there were not many students who showed their role play practice.The teacher also guided them to do role play and gave correction for the mistakes happened while practising. In the third meeting, the teacher asked the students to go the school garden to perform their role play. Before students performed the role play, she gave each group the opportunity to practice it one more. She gave feedback about their practice, so the students knew their groups. Then, she asked each group in turn to perform the role play of congratulating others. Before closing the meeting, the teacher gave feedback to the students‟ performance and announced the best performance. Based on the observations, the students were active and enthusiastic to express and respond to opinions, ask and answer questions. It is found that 95,12% students were active in the class in the first meeting.The students showed a great attention during the practice of role play of congratulating others in the second meeting,although the students were still doubt, unfluent, forgot the dialogue, made mistakes in pronunciation and shy to practice the conversation. Some of them were still hard to show their expression and body language. However, the students were more anthusiastic to perform the role play. 97,56% studentswere active in practicing in the classroom.Moreover, based on the students‟ speaking test, 97,50% students passed the KKM (75) in the students‟ speaking test in the third meeting. Concerning the students‟responses toward the implementation of role-play in speaking congratulating others for tenth graders, 97,14% studentswere excited and motivated to learnEnglish (speaking) by using the role play technique. 88,57 % students solved their problem in speaking through the role play.94,29% students wanted to speak by using the role play technique. There are twodominant findings in this research. First,students were excited and motivated to speakby using the role play technique because it probably allows students to be creative and to put themselves in another person‟s for a while. It is in line with Ments in Islam and Islam (2012) saying thatrole playing give students the opportunity to feel, react and behave as particular person in particular situation.Similarly, Pollard in Nopiani (2014) says that role 900
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play involves students taking on a certain role and discussing with each person playing their role. Besides, the teacher uses the school library instead of the classrom as the alternative place to study. It makes students more comfortable in learning since it is far noise. It does not brother the students‟ concentration. Here, the students are able to memorize the conversation well. The teacher also uses the school garden to conduct the teaching and learning process. The school garden is a very useful place to getfresh air and nice circumstance so that the students enjoy performing the role play.Awak (2013) states that learning needs special circumstances. It means that comfortable and exciting situation, which is far from noise increases learning concentration as the purpose of increasing of students‟ learning achievement. Similarly, Arjuna (2010) says that enjoyable and exciting teaching and learning process can be gained in the school garden, so the students feel happy since they are in new circumstances and far from classroom boredom. Arya (2011) also says that one of the school garden benefit is to motivate students in learning, because nice and fresh school environment make students confort and motivate to learn. The use of media in teaching and learning such as laptop, LCD projector, loudspeaker and video, library, and school garden is important. It helpsstudents to understand the learning materialthroughvisualisation and sound. They make the students easier to understand the material learned. The visualisation and sound also entertain the students in learning. They feel“enjoy and fun” in the teaching and learning process.Besides, they can immitate how to do role playthrough visualisation and sound.Additionally, the teacher doesnot need extra time to explain the materials by using such facilities. Kartini (2007)says that one of teacher‟s effort to create exciting teaching and learning process is optimalisation of teaching and learning media.Similarly,Anwar, Sukmawaty and Gusnawaty (2013) say that by using audiovisual, teaching and learning English becomes more interesting in order to increase student achievement in speaking.Additionally, Pariatin and Ashari (2014) say that interactive teaching and learning media is a teacher‟s supporting tool in conducting the material of teaching and learning activities.Furthermore, Hidayat, Mudzalipah and Wardani (2013)state that integrating components such as sound, text, animation, picture/graph, and video are to optimalize the role of senses in receiving information or message into memory system, so it becomes easier to understand. As shown in the finding that 97,5% students‟ passed the KKM (75) in the students‟ speaking test. It happens probably because the teacher gave many chances to the students to speak English during the learning process. The teacher did not dominate the class during the teaching and learning process.It is in line Hartatik‟s (2012)statement that role play method can improve students‟ speaking achievement. Similarly, Sumpana (2010) says that the use of role play technique is able to improve students‟ speaking competence.Furthermore, Tarigan, Mugiadi and Ningsih (2014)argue that the implementation of role play in thematic teaching and learning is able to increase the students‟ learning achievement. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings stated above, it is concluded that (1) the use of role play in teaching speaking skill of congratulating others improves the students‟ speaking competence of X TKJ 2 of SMKN 6 Batam, (2) by using the role play technique, students are motivated to speak English. It gives fun activities to the students.Thus, the teacher give opportunities to the students to work together, (3) the media and circumstances of teaching and learningsupport role play process. Students show great attention during the teaching and learning process, and (4) the students give positive responsestoward the role play technique in teaching speaking. Due to the fact that the role play is able to increase both the students competence and motivation in the speaking skill, English teachers are suggested to use role play in teaching the speaking skill more frequently.Besides, the principals are expected to provide teachers with training on developing teaching and learning media and strategies. Other researchers are also encouraged to conduct another research related to role play in different contexts.
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REFERENCES Adnyani, L.D.S. and Dambayana, P.E. 2014. Penerapan Teknik Role Play dengan Bantuan Video pada Mata Kuliah Sepaking 2 untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Berbicara Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNDIKSHA Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Pendidikan Indonesia, ISSN: 2303-288X Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2014. Anwar, M.S., Sukmawaty & Gusnawaty.2013.The Improvement of the English Listening and Speaking Skills of the Students of ST. Yakobus Catholic Elementary School through the Audio-Visual Method. Accessed from on17th October 2015. Awak, U. 2013.Pentingnya Suasana Belajar Kondusif. Accessed from 16th October 2015. Chaturvedi, V. 2008.Role-Play Method: An Innovative Training Technique.Accessed from, downloaded 16th October 2015. Group, A. 2010.Taman Sekolah [SMA Negeri 1 YKSebagai Pendukung Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar. Accessed from on 16th October 2015. Hartatik, 2012. Using Role Play Method toward Improving of Student’s Speaking Achievement of the Five Grade Students in MI Sukorejo 02 Suruh in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. Islam, Priscilla & Islam, Tazria.2012.Effectiveness of Role Play in Enhancing the Speaking Skills of the Learners in a Large Classroom: An Investigation of Tertiary Level Students. Accessed from file:///C:/Users/ARIS/Downloads/14475-52603-1-PB.pdfon 17th October 2015. Kartini, T. 2007.Penggunaan Metode Role Playing untuk Meningkatkan Minat Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Pengetahuan Sosial di Kelas V SDN Cileunyi I Kecamatan Cileunyi Kabupaten Bandung.Pendidikan Dasar. Nomor: 8 - Oktober 2007 Ningsih, DT., Mugiandi & Tarigan H..2014. Metode Role Playing untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar, Unpublished Thesis. Universitas Lampung. Downloaded on 16th October 2015. Nopiani, AK. 2014. Teaching Speaking Skill through Role Play to the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Payangan in Academic Year 2013/2014. Unpublished Thesis. Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. Pariatin, Y& Ashari Z.Y. 2014. Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Mata Pelajaran PKN untuk Penyandang Tunarungu Berbasis Multimedia (Studi Kasus di Kelas VII SMPLB Negeri Garut Kota), Jurnal Algoritma STT Garut ISSN : 2302-7339 Vol. 11 No. 01 2014. Primasari R, Wahyudi & Joharman. 2013. Penggunaan Model Role Playing untuk Peningkatan Pembelajaran Matematika bagi Siswa Kelas IV SDN 1 Lundong. Unpublished Thesis. PGSD FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret. Risal, M. 2015.Ketrampilan yang Harus Dimiliki Oleh Sekolah Guru. Accessed from on 16th October 2015. Rusnaini. 2013. Penerapan Metode Role Playing dan Media Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara (Speaking) Materi Profession Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Ssiwa Kelas X AP1 SMK Yapensu Sungailiat. Accessed from 18th October 2015. Sumpana, 2010. Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill by Role Play (A Classroom Action Research on the Elventh Grade Students of Immersion Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan Academic Year 2009/2010). Unpublished Thesis. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Downloaded on 10th October 2010. Wardani, S., Mudzalipah, I. & Hidayat, E.2013.Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif untuk Memfasilitasi Belajar Mandiri Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Kapita Selekta Matematika. Accessed from 902
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu 17th October 2015. Yanti, 2011.Manfaat dan Fungsi Taman Sekolah. Accessed from 16th October 2015. Zaini, Hisyam. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif. Yogyakarta:Pustaka Insan Madani.
Improving the Third Grade Student’s Speaking Skillby Using Hand Puppet Mediaat SMPN 3 Kuaro in the 2013/2014 Academic Year Khusnul Khotimah, S.Pd ABSTRACT : In English subject, the students have to master the four English language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing ). Speaking is one of language skills that must be learnt by the students. But in fact, the speaking skill of the students are still poor. The teacher must choose and create a suitable learning media to make students more interest and active in speaking. One of them is the using of hand puppet.By the using of hand puppet, it is expected the student interested in learning so that they could feel relax and glad. This study is conducted at SMPN 3 Kuaro. The subjects of the study is the third year students of SMPN 3 Kuaro in the 2013 / 2014 academic year. This study is on class IX B ; it has 22 students.The study was conducted in two cycles. On the first cycle, 9 students were successful on speaking test. 40,90 % of 22 students who joined the test could pass and 59,10 % failed. On the second cycle, 14 students were successful on speaking test. 63,63 % of 22 students who joined the test could pass and 36,37 % failed. It means that there is an increasing of the score which the students got. Key words : Speaking skill, Hand Puppet Media
English is the first foreign language in Indonesia. It is very important for everybody especially for educated people to increase their ability, to develop science, technology, culture, and to have communication with others in the world. Teachers have important role in setting up and in teaching to the student language. English teachers need to know what stage should be taken to teach them. To make the classroom activities more meaningful and interesting, teacher can teach English with story or picture. To understand the content of the book that student‟s have to read and speak, teacher must be able to choose an appropriate media in teaching speaking subject, especially in Junior High School. Usually, the students at Junior High School are lazy in speaking because they think English is very difficulties subject. To solve the difficulties faced by the students, the teacher use Hand Puppet learning media. By using hand puppet learning media, hopefully it can stimulate the student‟s learning interest. Interest is one of important factor to get the success in learning. The student will easy in getting failure if they have lack of interest. Interest create attention, concentration, prohibit annoying from outside, sharpen the students‟ memorizing in the material and minimizing learning bored on him/herself. By using Hand Puppet learning media, hopefully, give many advantages in Junior High School level especially in third grade students at SMPN 3 Kuaro in the 2013/2014 academic year. DEFINITION OF SPEAKING Speaking is considered as the most important aspect in spoken language. Through speaking, we can interact successfully to other people. In teaching learning process, speaking is also stated as the most important subject in order to enable the student to communicate one another in English in the classroom. In line with this, Hughes ( 1994 : 10 ) states that spoken 903
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language is the ability to interact successfully in that language which involves comprehension as well as production. Furthermore, Haris (1979 : 81 ) states that speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities which often develop at different rates. Based on the theory above, it can be concluded that the intention of teaching speaking ability is that the students should be able to express their idea in the target language to support their ability to use the language communicatively. DEFINITION OF HAND PUPPET As stated in the Dictionary of the English Language (2011) “ puppet is a doll with a hollow head of a person or animal and a cloth body; intended to fit over the hand and be manipulated with the fingers”. The using of effective media is being the way in order the child attention will focus on the learning process which is given by the teacher. The using of hand puppet is being one best way to be used in learning process. A doll is a media which close to the child play world. Playing is an activity which often done by the children. They tend to use thing around them happily and imaginatively using their feeling, hand or whole of their body. THE IMPLEMENTATION of ACTIVITIES The writer used hands puppet with a people puppet. Hands puppet was chosen because the students might be motivated to be active in the class. It can be easier to ask students to give responses and opinion too. Besides that, giving example of dialogue by using hands puppet make student be easy in understanding, memorizing, remembering and could avoid misunderstanding because the students see the object directly so that their achievement will be increased especially in English subject. The writer chooses the class IX B as the subject because they have low achievement in speaking ability. Beside that, they need strong motivation in learning English so that they will be interested in English subject in the next level. There are 22 students in this class at which consist of 11 males and 11 females. This study is conducted on the end of July – December 2013. The study is categorized as a Classroom Action Research. In this study, the writer uses research cycle. The step is to make a plan of the action. The next step is the implementing the action based on the planning and the preparation which has been made before. The observation is done during the action. Based on the observation, the writer make reflection to what happened and evaluated the result of the action. Then, the writer decides whether needs to improve the action in the next cycle based on the reflection. So, the writer does the second cycle with revised plan to get the expected result. The cycle of actions research proposed by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart are shown in the following diagram :
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
Identifikasi Masalah Refleksi
Siklus I
Perencanaan I
Pelaksanaan Hasil Refleksi Refleksi
Perncanaan II
Siklus II
Pelaksanaan dst
A. Table 1. The Criteria of Success No Elements of Speaking 1 Pronunciation
Score 5 4 3
1 2
5 4 3
1 3
5 4 3
Criteria Past few trades foreign accent Always intelligible through one is conscious of defined accent Pronunciation problem necessity content rates interviews and occasionally lead to misunderstanding Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problem most frequently be asked to repeat Pronunciation problems so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible Make few ( if any ) noticeable error of grammar of word order Occasionally makes grammatical and / or word order with do not however obscure Make frequent error of grammar and word order and word order often occasionally obscure meaning Grammar and word order error make comprehension difficult. Most often rephrase sentence and / or restructure itself in basic pattern Error in grammar and word order so severe as it make virtually unintelligible Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually, that of native speaker Sometimes use inappropriate term Frequently use the wrong words conversation so sweet limited because of inadequate vocabulary Misuse of word and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite
ISBN :978-602-17187-2-8
1 4
5 4 3 2 1
5 4
3 2
1 Maximum score
difficult Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible Speech as fluent and effortless as that of native speaker Speed of speech seem to be slightly effected to language problems Speed and fluency are rather slightly effected to language limitation Usually hesitant. Often forced into effected language limitation Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible Appears to understanding without difficult Understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasional repetition may be necessary Understand most of what is said at slower than normal speed with repetition Has great difficult following what is said. Can comprehend any “ social conversation “ spoken slowly and with fragment repetition Can not be said to understand even simple conversation English
The writer used this formula to get the speaking score : The score = maximum score x 4
The result of student‟s speaking achievement, are classified qualifiedly based on the following score classification level : Table 2. The Classification of Score Level Scores 80 – 100 70 – 79 60 – 69 40 – 59 < 40
Classification Excellent Good Fair Poor Failed
A. The Standard Value The standard value is 75, so the students who get 75 or more is classified into pass and less than 75 is classified into failed. It can be measured by assessing the students work done in the end of the cycle. The writer compares the test score with the standard value. If the student who passed the test less than 75, it will be made reflection from the pervious cycle to decide and plan next cycle. The writer tries to prepare the second cycle to reach the standard value. B. Data Analysis Method To analyze the result of the test, the writer used the formula of the percentage of success. The formula is : % x = Xy
x 100 % ( Agustina, 1999 : 32 ) 1xN
= percentage of score
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
Xy N
= number of student who passed the test = total of students
THE RESULT A. Cycle 1 The first cycle was held on first week of September 2013 (September 1 st, 2013). It included of planning, acting, observation and reflection. 1. Planning Before doing the action in the first cycle, the writer made preparation. The writer designed the lesson plan and determined the standard value. The writer decided that the students have to reach the standard value of the subject. 2. Acting The researches observe the students during teaching learning process of speaking. After that, the students‟ achievement was measured through speaking test. In this section, the writer does not use the learning media.In the learning process, teacher gave greet the students, checked the present list, introduced the topic, gave motivation and free questions. The student follow it well.The teacher taught about repetition, showing the attention, and the expression of amazement. The teacher gave students motivation in order to made them felt confidence. After that, teacher ask student to do the task. The task included dialogues. The students made a group consist of 4 students. When students had finished in doing the task, they might speak dialogues task. Students had dialogues in front of the class. When teacher made a score note of their performance, teacher found much weakness in pronunciation and fluency. In the end of lesson, when teacher gave evaluation for students‟ activity, they listened it carefully. Teacher asked students if there were difficulties in understanding of the topic. The last, teacher asked student to memorize about repetition, showing the attention, and the expression of amazement. 3. Observation The observation was done during the action. In this section, teacher observed the teaching and learning process. The assessment was focused on the activities done by the students. Based on the result of observation, there were some problems faced by the students. In the learning process, the students were less active and less motivate in speaking. They were reluctant to speak because they were afraid of making mistakes. In this step, the teacher gave speaking test by presentation based on dialogues of material, in order to know whether the students speaking achievement. Then the teacher analyzed the result. The result of the test on cycle I was compared to the standard value. Table 1. First Cycle Test Result No
1 2
<75 ≥75 Total
Amount students 9 13 22
40,90 % 59,10 % 100%
Success unsuccessful The success 40,90 %
Picture 1.1. The Diagram of First Cycle Result
Result of Cycle 1 40.90 %
59.10 %
Based on the students‟ speaking test on cycle I, the teacher found among 22 students who joined the test, only 9 students could get score 75 or more. And the other got less than 75. 907
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According the formula analysis result of test, the percentage of success was 40,90 %. On other words, it can be said that the students who passed the test were 40,90 % and 59,10 % were unsuccessful. The standard values that had been determined were 75. It means that this test result could not achieve the standard value. B. Cycle 2 The second cycle was held on the fourth week of September 2013 ( September 24 th, 2013 ). It included of planning, acting, observation and reflection. 1. Planning Cycle 2 was carried through the same procedure as the cycle 1. In this cycle, the teacher used hand puppet in giving example. The teacher gave example how to speak correctly twice. The teacher used different sound in speaking the dialogues. 2. Acting Teacher gave greet the students, checked the present list, gave motivations and gave free questions, the students follow it well. Teacher gave illustration about the amazement of something. Then, students asked to respond it In the main of teaching, teacher told the basic competence which would be taught. Teacher taught the material about : - Asking the repetition - Showing the attention - Explaining the amazement Teacher gave the example of dialogue by using hand puppet. Teacher used different sound as each of subject character. After that, teacher asked student to speak the dialogues by using hand puppet in front of the class. The aim of this activity is the student had self confidence in present the dialogue in front of their friends. Teacher used hand puppet in learning process, in order students had interested in learning process, gave motivation and to stimulate student‟s enthusiasm. After that, teacher asked student to fill the blanks of the dialogue. Student made a group, consist of 4 students and asked them to fill the blanks of the dialogue. Teacher walked around in the class to give students advice and support. When the students had finished the task, two students present their task in front of the class. The aim of this presentation is to improve their memorizing ability, speaking and built their self confidence. In the end of lesson, teacher gave evaluation for student‟s activity and asked students if there were difficulties in understanding of the topic. Teacher gave them questionnaire to know how interests they are in this lesson. The last, teacher asked them to study hard for all lesson, especially in English. 3. Observation In the second cycle, the students were more active and motivate in speaking. They were not reluctant again to speak because they could did it.The implementation of teaching learning process in this cycle did run as what it was expected. The students were not nervous to speak English. In the end of this stage, the teacher gave speaking test as implemented in cycle I to know whether the students‟ speaking achievement had improved by using hand puppet media. The result of the test on cycle 2 was compared to the standard value. Table 3. Second Cycle Test Result No
1 2
<75 ≥75 Total
Amount students 14 8 22
63,63 % 36,37 % 100%
Success unsuccessful The success 63,63 %
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
Result of Cycle 2 36,3
success unsuccessful
Picture 3.1. The Diagram of Second Cycle Result
Based on the students‟ speaking test on cycle 2, the writer found among 22 students who joined the test, there are 14 students could get score 75 or more. And the other got less than 75. According the formula analysis result of test, the percentage of success was 63,63 %. On other words, it can be said that the students who passed the test were 63,63 % and 36,37 % were unsuccessful. The standard value that had been determined were 75. It means that this test result could achieve the standard value. 4. Reflection On the basic of the obtained data from observation, the writer made reflection. The writer compared the result of test on cycle 2 to standard value. There were 8 students who got less than 75 and the percentage of success is 63,63 %. It means that the research was successful. Table 3.2 Result of Each Cycle Note Success Unsuccessful Amount of students
First cycle 9 13 22
Percentage 40,90 % 59,10 %
Second cycle 14 8 22
Percentage 63,63 % 36,37 %
The using of hand puppet in English speaking learning can increase the English speaking score result at the third year students of SMPN 3 Kuaro in the 2013/2014 academic year from beginning condition 40,90 % to ending condition 63,63 %.
59.10% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.90% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% the first cycle
63.63% 36.37%
the second cycle
Picture 3.3. The Diagram of Each Cycle
CONCLUSION The writer found that after the using of hand puppet media, the students' speaking achievement could be developed. It can be seen by the increasing of the students‟ test result from cycle I and cycle II ( In the first cycle, the students who passed the test were 40,90 % and 59,10 % were unsuccessful and in the second cycle, the students who passed the test were 63,63 % and 36,37 % were unsuccessful ). It means that the students‟ speaking achievement was good after the using of hand puppet media.
ISBN :978-602-17187-2-8
Based on the students‟ response, hand puppet media was interesting and could make them feel relax and glad so they have the interest and motivation in learning the speaking. And it made the students want to know more about other dialogue. They enjoyed during the lesson and did the activity seriously. It made the students feel easy in getting the material which teacher given. The students were getting more self confidence in learning speaking English. Therefore, it could be concluded that the using of hand puppet media could improve the students‟ speaking achievement. REFERENCES Harris, David P. 1979. Testing English as Second Language. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Hughes, A. 1994. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Kemmis, S & Mc. Taggart,R. 1988. The Action Research Planer Victoria. Deakin University Press 2013. Pokok Pikiran dan Rekomendasi tentang Kurikulum Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2013. Group Discussion Bandung 2011.Dictionary of the English Language. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
[email protected]. HP 085252149559 ABSTRACT: In learning English, environment is of great importance. It can provide students with English exposure. This is a descriptive study employed at SMP Negeri 3 Jangkang, Sanggau. It aims at describing Guessing Word Wall to create vocabulary learning environment at school. Guessing Word Wall is paper media containing a number of pictures, words, and questions pertaining to vocabulary stuck on a wall and equipped with the answers behind. The result revealed that students and teacher responded positively to Guessing Word Wall. It can help students learn English materials in the classroom as well. Keywords: vocabulary, word wall, guessing word, environment
When students learn a language, it is doubtless that they need to know many vocabulary items.Vocabulary is focal in any languages. Itis pivotal to support all of the four skills (Brown, 2007:435). The English skills including speaking, listening, reading, and writing cannot be performed well without enough vocabulary. The numbers of vocabulary is so numerous while limited stock of words will hinder learners to interact with a language orally or in written Learning vocabulary means learning any words in a language. Vocabulary is the word stock of a language or language variety (Hartmann, 1983:228). Similarly, Nunan (2003, in Huang, 2007: 1) defines vocabulary as the entire set of words of a language. Language cannot be separated from any words that make up a sentence. In school context, providing English language exposure benefits students in learning English vocabulary or skills. When a school, specifically the English teacher as the main factor to support students to learn,can give many opportunities for them to get in touch or engage in English communication or learning, the students will have a bigger chance to master English. Environment takes an important rolein the success of learning a new language (Brown, 2007:159; Miqawati, 2014).Dulay, et al. (1982:13) explains that “language environment encompasses thing the language learner hears and sees in the new language”. Although Indonesia is a foreign language country, it is better for school as the main place to learn English to have an environment in which students easily find English language or what is known by language-rich environment. Fachrurrazy (2011:115) defines language-rich
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
environment as “a school environment which is enriched with the target language exposure”. He suggested teachers provide a language-rich environment at schoolsuch as pictures, mottos, posters, bulletin board, book corners, learning centre, etc. Heexplains the benefits of providing an English language environment such as to add students with English language, to promote independent learning, to make native English-like condition, and to encourage students to learn. More importantly, he adds, teachers who have limited time to teach vocabulary in the classroom, for example, can take the advantage of the environment to introduce or show students the words they are going to learn in advance. One example of the learning aids the teacher can present the English exposure to the students is board or wall containing some English materials. Teacher can take advantage of visuals on the board(Brown, 2007: 242) or utilize bulletin board (Fachrurrazy, 2015: 115). Harmer (2007: 252) points out that teacher and students can write or stick something related to learning materials on a board. It can stimulate the use of English so the students will have the “mood” of English (Brown, 2007: 248). In memorizing new vocabulary items, learners can write them on a piece of paper and then stick it on the wall as advocated by Fachrurrazy (2011: 100) or they can attach a new English word on its object then see, read, and memorize the word every day (Suharyadi, 2014) . In a school context, this effort can be applied by putting some lexical items on the board so that students can access them easily at school. It is the onus of teacher to provide it as an effort to prepare the materials before they present them to the students. Harmer (2007: 28) generally suggests teachers be well-prepared before delivering material to students. The presentation of words in the form of attractive printed or written presentation is known as word wall.Cronsberry (2004: 3) defines a word wall as “a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, chalkboard, or whiteboard in a classroom”. Word wall is beneficial in helping student learn vocabulary as it is the crucial factor in mastering any language. Cronsberry (2004) explains that Word wall can provide an approach to meaningful teaching of vocabularywith an emphasis on student engagement and higher level thinking skills; build vocabulary, thereby improving reading comprehension and writing style; reinforce understanding of subject-specific terminology with a focus on students internalizing key concepts; help students improve spelling and awareness of spelling patterns; provide visual cues for students; encourage increased student independence when readingand writing. Learning vocabulary cannot be separated from guessing vocabulary. Guessing a word constitutes a step to figure out the meaning/translation of the word with or without context. The activity of guessing is useful in learning vocabulary. When a learner tries to make their best guess at word‟s meaning, this will make the word more familiar the next time it is encountered since guessing engages his mental activity (Pikulski and Templeton, 2004:8). In accordance with teaching and learning vocabulary, a number of studies have been conducted related to cards containing words with meaning or translation, guessing word, and word wall. Kuo and Ho (2012) conducting a study to find out the effect of word cards strategy compared to words list strategyreported that word cards yielded significantly better performance on retention on junior high school students‟ vocabulary while they also had good attitude towards the word cards. In addition, the pre-university students outperformed better when learning vocabulary using flashcards as showed by Komachali and Khodareza (2012) though Shakouri and Mehrgan (2012) reported that flashcards did not give significant contribution in enhancing vocabulary of college students. Guessing the vocabulary in word wall is a bit similar to those three studies in which it uses paper or cards with “answer” attached. However, students do not need the teacher‟s asking to guess the words. Furthermore, junior high school students gained a good achievement when learning vocabulary using two different media namely word guessing and word wall as showed in Alqibthia‟s (2012) study. Although she wanted to see the different score between those two media, the results of each showed positive outcome. The combination between these two things namely word guessing and word wall has potential to foster students to learn vocabulary. Similarly, related to word wall, the positive result was reported by Kasim (2011) who investigated the use of word wall in her Action Research. The result yielded that word wall is effective in increasing students‟ vocabulary achievement. As well, word wall and word wall activities can strengthen students in reading fluency (Jasmine and Schiesl, 2009). 911
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Inspired from guessing word wall I found in some recreational areas, combining the card or paper containing word, guessing word, and word wall altogether can possibly become a medium of learning vocabulary at school. It is called guessing word wall. Almost all studies explained previously showed positive results, and combining those all media, however, could not (had not) been found so far. Guessing Word Wall is paper media containing a list of words, pictures, and/or questions about vocabulary with the answer/translation/meaning behind stuck on a wall. The students need to guess the words by uncovering the small paper to get the answer, translation, or meaning Guessing Word Wall at SMP Negeri 3 Jangkangin this study has its own characteristics. What makes it different is the way it displays is not in the classroom (as commonly the word wall is) but in the school board or wall. This position makes it easily accessed by all students, therebycreating an English environment at school.Besides, it has some words to be guessed by the students. The common word wall only contains a list of vocabulary items (or combined with pictures/meaning) without guessing. When I teach English at SMPN 3 Jangkang, some problems revealed dealing with students‟ mastery of English. Students hada lack of vocabulary that consequently affected their English speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It was getting worse because there is only one English teacher at that school who has to teach all classes starting from grade VII to grade IX. As a result, a class only learns English for three periods a week. The very limited time forces the teacher to think of the way out to make students not left behind. The students need extra “vitamin” to help them learn English as well as underpin the activity of learning English in the classroom. The “vitamin” is in the form of media that should be enchanting, challenging, accessible in place and time, unique, and beneficial. Guessing word wall is believed to be the way out of the problem as it fulfills the aforementioned requirement. Considering the conditions above and also the importance of providing a good English atmosphere specifically vocabulary atmosphere, I, as the English teacher, used Guessing Word Wall as the vocabulary learning environment at SMP Negeri 3 Jangkang particularly for the eighth graders. That is why this study was intendedto describe how Guessing WordWall can create a vocabulary learning environment at SMP Negeri 3 Jangkang as the solution of the aforementioned problems faced in SMP Negeri 3 Jangkang. METHOD The design of this study is a descriptive study. It describes the use of Guessing Word Wall as a vocabulary learning environment implemented at SMP Negeri 3 Jangkang. The followings are the research questions of the study: (1) How is the use of Guessing Word Wall at SMP Negeri 3 Jangkang? (2) What is the teacher‟s perception toward the Guessing Word Wall? (3) What is the students‟ perception toward the Guessing Word Wall? (4) How do the students interact with the Guessing Word Wall? In getting the answers of the aforementioned questions, there employed some ways of collecting the data. I did a reflective observation since I was the only English teacher as well as the researcher in this study. It was utilizedto describe the use of Gussing Word Wall as a vocabulary environment and to get the perception on the use of Guessing Word Wall whether it could help me teach English in the classroom or not. Then, I distributed questionnaires to seek for information about students‟ perception toward the Guessing Word Wall. After that, I interviewed 10 students chosen randomly to get deeper data about how they interact with the Guessing Word Wall. FINDINGS The Use of Guessing Word Wall In using the Guessing Word Wall, I chose the materials, determined the words, and made the guessing word wall.I firstly chose the materials to learn in the classroom for some meetings ahead. The material was about descriptive text discussing recreational area.I decided the important words to memorize related to the materials going to learn. After determining the words, I made the guessing word wall. The followings are the detail steps of making word wall: (1) print the words/questions and the answer 912
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
(2) Stick the printed materials on small colour paper. The questions or words to guess are in front while the answers are behind. (3) Stick the small papers on the cardboard paper or board. I stuck the Guessing Word Wall Paper on the wall around the classrooms of Grade Eight (see Figure 1). Then I informed students to see and learn the Guessing Word Wall since the words are important to master and would be discussed in English class. In their free time, students came to see and guess the words in the Guessing Word Wall.In the classroom, students learned English materials (descriptive texts) with some words put in the Guessing Word Wall.
Figure 1. Guessing Word Wall
The Teacher’s Perception toward Guessing Word Wall Since I myself had two roles namely teacher and researcher. I did reflective observation by describing what I perceived when teaching materials in the classroom. From my point of view as the English teacher, when teaching English materials in the classroom, teaching and learning process ran smoothly since the students have understood some vocabulary items related to the materials. I could use the time more effectively and did not stay to long in discussing vocabulary so that the class could directly go to the main material (that was descriptive text at that time). In other words, Guessing Word Wall can help me teach materials in the classroom as well as can save the time since I have a very limited time for English class. Students’ Perception toward Guessing Word Wall I also distributed the questionnaire to 31 students of grade eight to know their perception on Guessing Word Wall. The result of the questionnaire is presented in Table 1.From the result of questionnaire, 94% of students (29 of 31) like to see the Guessing Word Wall (strongly agree and agree) and 89 % of students (27 of 31) were interested in guessing the words in Guessing Word Wall. It can be concluded that majority of students responded positively to Guessing Word Wall. In dealing with whether Guessing Word Wall was helpful, 87% of students (27 of 31) declared that Guessing Word Wall can help them learn English in the classroom. From the data, it can be inferred that the students‟ perception on Guessing Word Wall was positive. Table 1. The Result of Questionnaire Questions I like to see the Guessing Word Wall I get interested in guessing the words in Guessing Word Wall Guessing Word Wall helps me learn English in the classroom
Strongly Agree 7 (23%) 7 (23%) 18 (58%)
22 (71%) 20 (65%) 9 (29%)
2 (6%) 2 (6%) 3 (9%)
0 2 (6%) 1 (3%)
Strongly Disagree 0 0 0
How Students’ Interact with Guessing Word Wall In digging further information pertinant to vocabulary learning environmet, I interviewed 10 students. The interview sought for information about the frequency the students learned the vocabulary in Guessing Word Wall, the time, and the reasons why they got interested in Guessing Word Wall.Eight students declared that they often learned the vocabulary in Guessing Word Wall. They interacted with Guessing Word Wall for many times because they sometimes forgot the words and they wanted to memorize them. Only two students stated that they seldom
ISBN :978-602-17187-2-8
(around 3-5 times) saw and guessed. This happened because many other students came to see the Guessing Word Wall that they did not get any space to see. Related to the time, most of students said that they learned the vocabulary in Guessing Word Wall at break and before the school began, some students did it when they were passing through the corridor in which the Guessing Word Wall was displayed and stopped for a while to learn the vocabulary, and two students explained that theylearned the vocabulary at Sport free time. Surprisingly, besides learning at school period, a student said that he also did it in the afternoon when the time he watered the plants in the school garden. When the students were asked why they got interested in Guessing Word Wall, they explained various reasons. They said that it was exciting and challenging. They felt curious to guess the words and find the answer by uncovering the front paper. It could also examine their memory about the words they have learned. In addition, it could add their knowledge on vocabulary. As well, the words, pictures, and forms were attractive. There was an additional question in the questionnaire about suggestions pertaining to the ideal Guessing Word Wall. The suggestions are using more color papers, adding more words in Guessing Word Wall, adding more pictures, and enlarging the font and the size of the wall paper. DISCUSSION Guessing Word Wall can solve the problems encountered in SMP Negeri 3 Jangkang namely the students‟ lack of vocabulary and limited time of English class. It can give rise to students‟ vocabulary mastery since the students learned by guessing the words and did it for many times. It is in line with the statement of Pikulski and Templeton (2004: 8). As a result, when they learnedEnglish in the classroom, the vocabulary could help them learn the materials. Inspite of having very limited time to learn English in the classroom, the existence of Guessing Word Wall provided more time for students to learn outside the classroom and beyond the English class. Almost similar to word wall, the vocabulary in the word wall can help students learn vocabulary. This result is supported by Alqibthia (2012) and Kasim (2011). When students have known the vocabulary, teacher can go directly to teach language skills rather than spending much time to discuss the vocabulary of the materials. Guessing Word Wall which can be categorized as media to create vocabulary learning environment successfully attracts students‟ attention to learn vocabulary.The content of Guessing Word Wall constitutes an English exposure so that thestudents are surrounded by English language. This will make them accustomed to English language. In addition, Guessing Word Wall can promote independent learning. As one of the advantages of language-rich environment (Fachrurrazy, 2011: 115), independent learning can be seen in the way how students learn vocabulary in Guessing Word Wall without teacher‟s interference. Another point to discuss is guessing as the form of activity offered in Guessing Word Wall can boost students‟ curiosity. When their curiosity is stimulated, they will use their mental to engage in that activity. The mental involvement can ultimately give retention in their memory (Pikulski and Templeton, 2004:8). In a similar vein, when students are interested to learn, they will be motivated that brings their mental attention in involving in the learning process. That will yield retention in their memory (Lightbown and Spada, 1999: 39-40). Guessing word wall is also reusable meaning that it can be used for several times next time. Good media should be made durable so that teachers can use it againin the future (Fachrurrazy, 2011: 115). CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS School or teacher can provide students with vocabulary learning environment so that it can support teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Guessing word wall as media made of paper containing some words to guess by students can also function as vocabulary exposure for students to learn. The positive response from the teacher and students to Guessing Word Wall shows that it is an attractive media to learn English outside the classroom. Students
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
usually use their free time at school to learn vocabulary so that they are ready to learn English skills in the classroom. Guessing Word Wall is advantageous in fostering students to master vocabulary so this can be executed gradually. Teacher can make it twice a month, every month, or two times a month depending on the most important vocabulary to master by students and teacher‟s time allotment in composing the media. The more frequent the better because the students will not feel bored because of the unchanged Guessing Word wall content.For further researchers, they can do more research to find out the effectiveness of Guessing Word Wall in learning vocabulary or they can employ it to conduct a classroom action research. REFERENCES Alqibthia, M. 2012. The Comparative Study between Learning English Vocabulary by Using Word Wall and Guessing Word at the First Year Students of SMPN 3 Sumberjaya Majalengka. Thesis. Cirebon: Tarbiyah Faculty, Syekh Nurjati State Institute for Islamic Studies, (Online), ( k.pdf#page=1&zoom=auto,-20,852), accessed on September 17th, 2015 Brown, H.D. 2007. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education. Cronsberry, J. 2004. Word Walls: A Support for Literacy in Secondary School Classrooms, (Online), (, accessed on September 16th, 2015. Dulay, H., Burt, M. & Krashen, S. 1982.Language 2. New York: Oxford University Press. Fachrurrazy. 2011. Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Teachers in Indonesia. Malang: UM Press. Harmer, J. 2007. How to Teach English. Essex: Pearson Education. Hartmann, R.R.K. 1983. Lexicography: Principles and Practice. London: Academic Press. Huang, J. 2007. The Phenomena of Vocabulary, (Online), ( accessed on May 17th, 2014. Jasmine, J. & Schiesl, P. 2009. The Effects of Word Walls andWord Wall Activities on the Reading Fluency of First Grade Students.Reading Horizon, 49 (4), (Online), ( orizons), accessed on September 20th, 2015. Kasim, N. 2011. Increasing the Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Word Wall Media, (Online), (, accessed on September 18th, 2015. Komachali, M.E. & Khodareza, M. 2012. The Effect of Using Vocabulary Flash Card on Iranian Pre-University Students‟ Vocabulary Knowledge. International Education Studies, 5 (3), (Online), (, accessed on September 15th, 2015. Kuo, T. & Ho, H. 2012. Effects of Word Card Strategy versus Word List Strategy on Taiwanese EFL Junior High School Students‟ Vocabulary Retention. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 9 (1), (Online), (, accessed on September 15th, 2015. Lightbown, P.M. & Spada, N. 1999.How Languages are Learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Miqawati, A.H. 2014. Language Environment: Providing Language Exposure and Promoting Students‟ Speaking Ability. In B.Y. Cahyono & I. Emaliana (Eds) Success Stories in English Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 27-35). Malang: State University of Malang Press. Pikulski, J.J.& Templeton, S. 2004. Teaching and Developing Vocabulary: Key Long-Term Reading Success, (Online), ( accessed on September 18th, 2015.
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Shakouri, N. & Mehrgan, K. 2012. The Impact of Using Flash Cards on Promoting University Students‟ Knowledge of Vocabulary. Advances in English Linguistics, 1 (2), (Online), (, accessed on September 17th, 2015. Suharyadi. 2014. Learning English in an Autodidactic Way: A Reflective Story.. In B.Y. Cahyono & I. Emaliana (Eds),Success Stories in English Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 3-10). Malang: State University of Malang Press.
[email protected] Abstract: Workingat the board in a collaborative process is a strategy that applied in teaching learning letter writing. In this strategy students go up the board one by one and write the phrases or sentences letter. If the student make a mistake other classmates and teacher will comment on it. This is the classroom action research and applied in class IX A in SMP Negeri 3 Sanggau. The data derived from direct observation, interview and writing test. The data were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative. The result showed that in the first cycle the students‟ average score is 54 and only 5 students passed the standard criteria minimal , in the second cycle the students‟ average score is 77 and 16 (75%) students passed the kkm. This strategy can improve students‟ learning activity. Furthermore, the result of interview and direct observation showed that they enjoy the activity and involve actively during the learning process. Keywords: writing skill, response letter, working at the board, collaborative process.
Writing has always been regard an important skill contributing to students language learning. Besides listening, speaking and reading. Writing emphasizes the composition skills and knowledge about texts, context, and readers. Because It is representation of language in a textual medium through the use of sign or symbol and involves producing ideas and a different kind of mental process. Such as more time to think, to reflect, to prepare, to rehearse, to make mistakes and to find alternative and better idea. So far learning English is still complicated for students at SMP Negeri 3 Sanggau. The first problem is mostly in this school the students learn English when they entered the school at the seventh grade, just 3 to 5 from 30 students in each classes ever learned English since they were in the elementary school. Therefore They learned English from very basic level. Second this school is located in suburb area, it is about 3 km from central city, this make the school as second choice for the parents and the students themselves to study. For the students in class IX A, they have problem in writing skill. For them as EFL students, the problem is not only producing ideas into written symbols, but also how to connect the ideas with appropriate grammar and vocabulary into target language. It is shown in the result of daily examination their formative test is below standard criteria minimal that is 68. Only 7 students get above 70 and 15 students below KKM. This is because the minimum knowledge English for the students and conventional way of teaching strategy. therefore when the students are asked to write they are slow to start and they do the exercise reluctantly . Second, when the teacher ask to write letter they seem no ideas about what to do, They never correspond each other with English. Based on the problem mentioned, it is identified that writing letter is still difficult for the students. To solve the above problem, the teacher will prepare the strategy in teaching writing for the students. Because writing is an activity that can be usefully prepared with other skills, the writer needs reading, listening and speaking, writing is easier if writer has a strong knowledge
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background. The reading, listening and spoken presentation provide good support for the writing. Writing also uses in the daily lives, such as write short messages, notes during class session, written assignments, filling forms, making list, and writing friendly letters. A writing letter is an interesting activity that people usually write to their relatives, friends or pen friend. Working at the board collaboratively is the strategy that is going to apply to improve students‟ writing letter. This strategy emphasizes on the collaborative activity between students and their classmates. Students go up to the board one by one in turn to present his/her ideas in writing the response letter meanwhile other classmates will give suggestions if the student writes a wrong sentence or phrase. In this activity both other students and the teacher can help to correct it. This teaching learning process will be enjoyable and create collaborative learning between students. As described by Fachrurrazy and Anugerahwati (2013, p. 44) teaching will be enjoyable when it makes learners brave to: 1. Try and make something according to their wants, 2. Ask when there is something they do not understand, 3. Present their ideas and opinions and, 4. Questions others‟ ideas and opinions. The teacher researcher assumes after applying the strategy working at the board as collaborative process the student‟s writing letter skill will improve significantly. This strategy is introduced first by Harmer (2004). In this process of letter writing the sentences being drafted and rewritten collaboratively. In other way students might plan and draft text which they then revise and re-draft on the basis of comment from the teacher and students. The purposes of present study is to find out whether or not working at the board in a collaborative process can improve students writing in response letter. This action research is conducted in SMP Negeri 3 Sanggau West Kalimantan. And to solve the students‟ problem in writing above, working at the board in a collaborative process is a strategy that will be applied in this research. Review of Literature The Board As a Medium and A Collaborative Process The white board or blackboard is widely use as a common medium in school, This medium is used either by the teachers or students in the learning process. According to Rachmajanti (2013: p.9) Media made of board which function as a means of communication are usually attached on walls or other horizontal surfaces. Examples of these media are among others white/black boards. To explain the material the teacher will write it at the board and to assess the mastery of knowledge the students will come up in front of the class and write the answer at the board. Therefore as a common device in the classroom teacher will use it in variety way to improve student‟s learning. Learning a language is socially structure exchange of information. To change information, students need pairs as collaborator, so it is called collaborative learning. Olsen and Kagan in Richards and Rodgers (2001, p. 192) states that learning is dependent on the socially structured exchange of information between learners or groups in which each learner is held accountable for his or her learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others. Therefore, collaborative helps learners engage in a community of equals who respond to each other and together create an authentic social context for interaction and learning. Form of Letter Writing a letter is one of the materials that is taught in class nine in the odd semester. Materials are very important among EFL. They are generally used as starting point for language input and analysis. Hyland (2003, p.86) describes that In EFL contexts material play a particularly important role as they may be the only contact that learners have with English and offer the only opportunities for them to study target texts. In Indonesia the general materials have provided in syllabus and it is assembled in curriculum 2006, the school or teacher can develop it based on the school surrounding and students‟ ability. According to syllabus 2006, in this material the students are able to write a short simple personal letter. The forms of the sentence is simple tense and imperative. According to Malkoc (2007, p.3) There are two categorized of letter. Namely social letter and business letter. There is a general layout or format that is followed by general components that are required. The following model sets out (1) The writer address, (2) the salutation to the addressee, (3) the body of the message, (4) the closing word or phrase and (5) the writer‟s signature. The format of the letter can be shown as follow: 917
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Illustarion 1. The format of letter (Adapted from Malkoz (2007) Writer’s city/state/zip code Writer’s country Month/day/year
Salutation (Dear) + addressee’s name Body of the Letter
Writer’s address Writer‟s address places upper right-hand at the corner of the page, write the city, state or zip code and country. In this place also write the month, day and the year so the addressee will know when the letter had written Salutation Closing Salutations are placed on the left margin. As a general rule, when the writer knows the addressee well and the first name, the writer begins an informal social letter with Dear followed (Writer’s name) by the addressee‟s first or given name, For formal social letter and business letters, however, the salutation Dear is followed by the addressee‟s title and family name: Example: Dear Mr. Smithson, Dear Dr. Jones, etc (Malkoc, 2007). Body of The Letter The body of the letter itself begin exactly on the left margin, directly under the salutation, and it is indented five spaces to the right. If you prefer not to indent for each new paragraph, you should leave an extra space between paragraph. Malkoc (2007, p.8) points out that body of the letter contains the main message or “point”. The reader usually expects the writer of formal or business letters to (1) introduce him/herself, (state the purpose of the letter, and (3) conclude the letter. Conclusion often may be a simple “thank you” for the reader‟s attention. Closing Signature The closing and signature at the end of the letter are usually placed from the right margin and aligned under the address and the date that appear in the upper right-hand corner. (see the illustration 1). You should be clear to type your name under your handwritten signature. Remember that when the reader answer your letter and addresses the envelope, he/she must be able to spell your name clearly and correctly. Working at the Board in Collaborative Process of Writing Response Letter. This strategy is introduced first by Harmer (2004). The main purpose in this strategy is to help students to become better writer and to learn how to write in various genres. (Hammer, 2004 p. 34). This strategy emphasizes on collaborative process, students divided in two groups and write response letter in board. There are two kinds of response letter. Yes and No letter, yes means “Agree, No means Disagree. Then the students go up to board one by one in turn to write sentences or phrases. During the writing in the board There are may be a discussion about different ways of writing the date, the sentence structure, and etc. The class can discuss the difference. This is a process of writing where sentence being drafted and rewritten collaboratively. Method The method of this research is classroom action research, Burns (2010) states that action research is a reflective practice that used to overcome classroom problems and to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Action Research typically involves four phases in cycle of research, namely: Planning, Action, observation, and reflection. This research is conducted in SMP Negeri 3 Sanggau at Ninth Grade Students. They are 5 classes in this grade, the researcher chooses class 9a. This class has chosen because the problem has occurred based on the pre-test. The score of the class is the lowest. They are 22 students in this class. 10 males and 12 females. This action research is conducted in 2 cycles. First cycle has 3 meetings, and second cycle has 2 meetings.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
To analyze the data in this research, the researcher will use qualitative and quantitative data. Latief (2010, p.17) describes qualitative data is verbal information that is obtained from observation, interview or documentation. In this research the qualitative data is observation, and interview. Qualitative data is numerical information, obtained from the result of a test. Therefore the qualitative in this research is students‟ writing essay test. Table 1. The schedule of the study Cycle 1 Plan
Activities and Tasks Identifying problem, preparing the lesson plan.
Pre –test Intervention Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3
Cycle 2 Re-plan
Week Fourth week of July, 2015.
First week of August Third week of August Third week of August Fourth week of August
Post test Observe, collecting, analyze data and documenting with observer during the action phase. Evaluate, reflect, give input about action phase, the result is unsatisfactory continue the next cycle. Activities and Task Preparing the lesson plan for the cycle 2, issue, re- plan the schedule Intervention Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Post test Group interview Observe, collecting, analyze data and documenting with collaborator during the action phase. Evaluate, reflect, give input about action phase the result shows the improvement.
Date/day First week of September
Second week of September Second week of September
Findings and Discussions Learning Process in Cycle 1 In this cycle, the teacher started in pre-activity the teacher came to the class greet the students and checked students‟ attendance, tell the learning objective and the strategy working at the board collaboratively, give the clue about the lesson. By asking them “have you ever written a letter? To whom? in this activity the teacher used projector to show them the letter, the students first read the letter and answer the following questions:
ISBN :978-602-17187-2-8
Illustration 2. The letter of invitation
Jln. Ahmad Yani 20, Singkawang. August 7, 2015 Dear Zulhamdani, Your holiday will come soon this semester, I and your aunty hope you spent your holiday in our house Singkawang, we will enjoy beautiful beach in Pasir Panjang, Samudera beach and walking along Pasar Hongkong. Hope soon hearing a good news from you. Thank you. Love, Your Uncle -Who is the sender? -Who is the receiver? David -Where does uncle David Live? -Where will uncle David ask Zul to spent the holiday? -How many places they are going to visit? -What are the places? Then the teacher continued to the next step whilst activity When the students have read the letter and answered the questions, they discuss features of an informal and friendly letter with guidance of the teacher, such as where the sender‟s address is normally written and how the date is written. In the next activity elaboration the teacher explained about the part of formal letter. Illustration 3. The letter and the parts
Jln. Ahmad Yani 20, Singkawang. August 7, 2015
Saluta tion
Writer‟s address State/ country/ Zip code. Month/ date/year
Dear Zulhamdani, Your holiday will come soon this semester, I and your aunty hope you spent your holiday in our house Singkawang, we will enjoy beautiful beach in Pasir Panjang, Samudera beach and walking along Pasar Hongkong. Hope soon hearing a good news from you. Thank you. Love,
Body of the Letter.
Closing letter
Your Uncle David The teacher also explained the structure of sentence in the letter. It uses simple future tense and imperative sentence. The simple future tense is using of will/shall, example your
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holiday will come soon this semester and imperative sentence. Example. Hope soon hearing a good news from you. After that the students were asked to come up to the board one by one and choose either I (informal), F (formal), or N (neutral) and where the place of each part. H (head), S (salutation), B (body of the letter) and C (closing) in the following phrases. The teacher and their classmates will help him/her reposition it if his/her answer is wrong. Table 2. Phrases of the letter No Phrases 1 Hi Ari 2 Dear Ms. Rina 3 Dear David 4 August 18, 2015 5 With best wishes 6 Lots of love 7 Yours Sincerely 8 Yours faithfully 9 Love 10 Thanks for your letter 11 Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 40 Sanggau 12 I Look forward to hearing from you
Then the teacher showed in the slide projector an invitation letter, the students looked at features of genre letter writing, and it is the time for the students to practicing working at the board collaboratively. Next the teacher draws two squares on the board to one side of the projected invitation letter. Illustration 4. Students’ worksheet for working at the board collaboratively. YES
Jalan Surtikanti 20/53679 Denpasar, Bali August 7, 2015 Dear Zulhamdani,
Your holiday will come soon this semester, your aunty, and I hope you spent your holiday in our house Ubud Bali, we will enjoy the beautiful Sanur beach, Kuta beach, and see the ngaben traditional ceremony. Hope soon hearing a good news from you. Love, Your Uncle The Students were divided into two group, Each group consists of eleven students. First group is going to write response “yes” letter and the second group response “No” letter. “Yes means the receiver agree to visit his/her uncle. “No” means the receiver does not agree to visit his/her Daniwent up to the board one by one in turn and start to write the uncle. After that the students phrases based on their position. If a student write a wrong phrase, sentence or put the wrong position, their friends in the same group will helphim/her to reposition it. i
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Picture 1: Students’ activities when writing reply letter in the board and the result of students’ group writing.
The result shows that, in group A the students write the response “yes”. It is found that most of the students write in the right position and almost no mistakes in grammar and vocabulary, therefore the teacher and observer concluded that this group has understood yet, meanwhile in group B the students write the response “No” , It is found that the content of the letter is not strong and there are some mistakes first in position receiver, the students wrote “Dear Zulhamdani”, the receiver must be uncle Dani. Therefore it must be written “Dear uncle Dani”. Second in grammar, they wrote “I don‟t will to Bali”, it should be “I will not go to Bali”. So the researcher and observer assumed that based on the activity students in the second group don‟t understand who is the receiver of the letter and still weak in grammar. The next step in teaching-learning activity is confirmation. In this step to make sure the understandable of writing letter either the form or content, the researcher did the test. The form of the test is students write the response letter that is prepared by the teacher. The result of the students‟ test can be seen as follow:
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Tabel 3 : Students’ formative test result of cycle 1 Students’ number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Score 55 66 55 44 55 44 33 44 88 33 88
Student’s number 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Students‟ average
Score 33 22 77 55 33 44 55 77 55 66 66 54
Based on the students‟ average score, the result is unsatisfactory. From 22 students just 4 (18%) of them passed the standard minimal criteria. So it is counted that 18 students are below KKM. Based on the students‟ achievement of writing response letter, it is indicated that there are two problems faced by students. First, mostly (18 students) have mistaken in grammar or sentences‟ rules. six students still have mistakes in writing the receiver and addressee of the letter. it means misunderstanding the form of the letter. The students have mistakes in grammar mostly in the form adjective possessive for example in invitation it was written “please come to my house”, in response letter, it must be written I will come to your house . not ” I will come to my house”. 14 students have mistakes in this form. Still in the form of grammar. The students also make mistake in using negative form of future tense. They wrote “I don‟t will come instead of I am can‟t come. The right sentence is I will not come and I can‟t come. Learning Process in cycle 2 Based on the reflection in the first cycle, The teacher researcher and observer will recover the students weaknesses in the second cycle. The teacher and observer prepared the lesson plan, instrument and media. The teaching activity started from pre-activity, first greets the students, checks the students‟ attendance, explains the learning objectives and the teacher did brainstorms about the last lesson before. In the whilst –activity the teacher did the same exercises as did before in cycle 1 by asking them to choose the phrases either F/I or N and the form of letter either H/S/B/C. But the teacher emphasizes the exercise on the phrases in the negative form. In the elaboration activity, this is the strategy working at the board is applied, the teacher separated the students in two group. But the teacher blended the group. each group consist of active and less active students. So the active students can help and support their friends. The teacher also gave the comments of the two groups if there is mistake and put a wrong position the form of letter. Picture 3
The result of students’ writing
The two groups write in turn
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The result showed that their writing either in “yes” or “no” response is improved significantly. First, The students write the form of future tense in appropriate pattern. They wrote “I will come to your house and I will not come”. Second, the use of adjective possessive is also right, they wrote your house. The last the use of vocabulary is also in appropriate way. After doing collaborative process, the last is given the treatment individually. The teacher prepared the invitation letter. The students wrote the response one. The students‟ score can be seen below: Students’ number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Score 99 77 77 55 77 66 77 55 88 66 88
Students‟ average No 1
Student’s number 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Score 66 77 99 77 77 66 77 77 88 77 88 77
Nilai rata-rata siklus 1 54 (22% of students passed the standard criteria)
Nilai rata-rata siklus 2 77 (75% of students passed the standard criteria)
Based on the table can be concluded that the students‟ achievement is better than the first cycle. The students‟ average score is 77 and 17 or 77% students passed the standard criteria minimum and the result of interview indicated positive feedback from the students that they like the activity working at the board collaboratively, They like wrote the response letter in the board and moving in turn. They don‟t be afraid to make mistakes because his/her friends and the teacher will help him. They involved actively during the learning process. In conclusion, the researcher and observer indicated that the result is satisfactory and it is stopped in this cycle. Conclusion and Suggestion After doing the strategy working at the board in the collaborative process and the result of students‟ achievement is improve in the second cycle can be concluded that this strategy can be applied in the teaching-learning process, especially in the writing English of response letter in grade IXA of Junior High school students. The result of interview showed positive feedback from the students. This strategy is interest the students. They involved actively during the learning process. For a better research in the future, based on the writer‟s finding in the field it is suggested that : it would be better to apply this strategy in another essay writing BIBLIOGRAPHY Burns, A. 2010 . Doing Action Research in English Language. New York Routledge. Fachrurrazy , & Anugerahwati, M. 2013. Media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif dan inovatif. Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang. Harmer, J. 2004. How to Teach Writing, Harlow: Pearson Hyland, K. 2003. Second Language Writing. United Stated. Cambridge University Press. Latief, Mohammad A. 2009. Classroom Action Research in Language Learning. University of Pittsburg State University of Malang. Malkoc, Anna M. 2007. Letter Writing in English. Rationale and Models for Social and Business Letters.
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Rachmajanti, et all 2013. Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang Richard, Jack C., and Rodgers, Theodore S. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (Second Edition) Cambridge University Press.
[email protected] Abstract: Entitled “Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Spotlight-themedalam menentukan gagasan utama (main idea) paragraf”; this is intended to have a description of students‟ ability in determining main idea of paragraph or text. It was conducted at the third of SMP Kristen Sawang Jauh (Sangihe Regency Island) in academic year 2015/2016.This is a teaching study in which the third year students‟ ability is measured by using a written test particularly to identify main idea of paragraph. The findings show that most of the students are able to identify the main idea of paragraph by using Teaching-Learning Model Spotlight-theme. A teaching-learning model applied to make up the English teaching indicator/materialconcerning the Main Idea of paragraph. Key words: Spotlight-theme, written test, third grade student
Mengajar adalah profesi yang paling indah di dunia. Guru membuat kontribusi langsung dan terukur bagi bangsa dengan membantu anak-anak mengenal pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Seorang guru menghabiskan waktu hidup untuk mencapai tujuan yang terhormat dan hidup memiliki satu tujuan. Mengajar memberikan tantangan dan kesempatan yang tiada habisnya untuk berkembang. Setiap hari, mengajar akan menguji keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal, pengetahuan akademis, ataupun kemampuan kepemimpinan. Seorang guru yang baik juga memberikan inspirasi, motivasi, dan tantangan kepada generasi muda untuk mengembangkan bakat dan kekuatan individual mereka. Keberhasilan seorang guru tentu tidak lepas dari kompetensi atau kemampuan yang harus dimilikinya. Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesaia Nomor 19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Pasal 28 disebutkan bahwa “pendidik (guru) adalah agen pembelajaran yang harus memiliki empat jenis kompetensi.” Kompetensi tersebut meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, kepribadian, profesional, dan sosial. Kompetensi pedagogik adalah kemampuan yang berkenaan dengan pemahaman peserta didik dan pengelolah pembelajaran yang mendidik dan dialogis. Kemampuan tersebut termasuk perancangan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran, evaluasi hasil belajar, dan pengembangan peserta didik untuk mengaktualisasikan berbagai potensi yang dimilikinya. Kompetensi kepribadian adalah kemampuan personal yang mencerminkan kepribadian yang mantap, stabil, dewasa, arif, dan berwibawa, menjadi teladan bagi peserta didik, dan berakhlak mulia. Kompetensi professional adalah kemampuan yang berkenaan dengan penguasaan materi pembelajaran bidang studi secara luas dan mendalam mencakup penguasaan substansi isi materi kurikulum mata pelajaran di sekolah dan substansi keilmuan yang menaungi materi kurikulum tersebut serta menambah wawasan keilmuan sebagai guru. Sedangkan kompetensi sosial adalah kemampuan pendidik sebagai bagian dari masyarakat untuk berkomunikasi dan bergaul secara efektif dengan peserta didik, sesama pendidik, tenaga kependidikan, orang tua/wali peserta didik, dan masyarakat sekitar. Dari kompetensi diatas, telah tercermin bahwa sosok guru merupakan jabatan profesi yang mulia, namun dalam implementasinya banyak mengalami tantangan. Upaya membelajarkan peserta didik terus digalakan dan dirancang tidak hanya dalam berinteraksi
ISBN :978-602-17187-2-8
dengan guru sebagai satu-satunya sumber belajar, melainkan berinteraksi dengan semua sumber belajar yang mungkin dapat dipakai untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang diinginkan. Sebagaimana menurut AECT (Association Education Center and Technology) dalam Muhaimin (2004: 185), sumber belajar dapat berupa pesan, orang, bahan, alat. teknik, dan latar atau lingkungan. Dalam hubungannya dengan itu, model pembelajaran turut mempengaruhi kemajuan suatu kegiatan proses pembelajaran. Tiap model pembelajaran yang dipilih haruslah mengungkapkan realitas yang sesuai dengan situasi kelas, yang dihasilkan dari kerjasama pendidik dan peserta didik. Sulitlah untuk menunjukan suatu model mengajar yang sempurna, yang dapat memecahkan semua masalah pengajaran sehingga dapat membantu peserta didik mempelajari apa saja dengan model tersebut. Model pembelajaran ini sebenarnya tidak dimaksudkan untuk membantu semua jenis belajar atau untuk melaksanakan berbagai gaya belajar. Penciptaan model pembelajaran ini didasari pada asumsi bahwa hanya ada model belajar tertentu yang cocok untuk ditangani dengan model pembelajaran tertentu. Jadi untuk belajar tertentu diperlukan model pembelajaran tertentu pula. Itu artinya dijumpai banyak model pembelajaran dan banyak gaya belajar dengan tujuan yang berbeda-beda. Kalau seorang pendidik menginginkan peserta didik menjadi produktif dan kreatif, maka pendidik haruslah membiarkan peserta didik tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai gayanya sendiri, dan penerapan model pembelajaran pun haruslah mengikuti kebutuhan peserta didik. Walaupun demikian, kesulitan belajar peserta didik tetap menjadi objek permasalahan dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar penulis bahwa sulit bagi peserta didik memahami materi-materi Bahasa Inggris khususnya tentang ide pokok/menentukan gagasan utama. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba menawarkan model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan dalam indikator/materi pembelajaran tersebut. Model pembelajaran ini dibuat bertujuan untuk merangsang peserta didik dalam menentukan alur penentuan gagasan utama, dan kemampuan lainnya seperti pengklasifikasian tema maupun jenis-jenis kata. MODEL PEMBELAJARAN (Teaching-Learning Model) Model pembelajaran dapat diartikan sebagai suatu rencana atau pola yang digunakan dalam menyusun kurikulum, mengatur materi pembelajaran dan memberi petunjuk kepada pengajar di kelas dalam setting pengajaran ataupun setting lainnya (Tuerah, et al., 2010). Disadari benar, bahwa dalam menentukan model yang dianggap tepat adalah terlalu sulit. Model pembelajaran itu berbagai macamnya, dan kebaikan model mengajar, sangat tergantung pada tujuan pengajaran itu sendiri. Pada hakekatnya, mengajar itu adalah suatu proses dimana pengajar/pendidik dan murid menciptakan lingkungan yang baik, agar terjadi kegiatan belajar yang berdaya guna. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menata seperangkat nilai-nilai dan kepercayaan yang ikut mewarnai pandangan terhadap realitas sekelilingnya. Agar penentuan model pembelajaran itu lebih jelas, maka berikut ini disajikan beberapa hal menyangkut keefektifan model tersebut. Bagaimana menentukan suatu model pembelajaran? Dalam menemukan suatu model pembelajaran banyak cara yang dilakukan oleh berbagai kalangan. Ada model pembelajaran yang ditemukan oleh para peneliti di kelas-kelas di sekolah, ada pula yang ditemukan oleh peneliti dalam lapangan psikologi dan latihan-latihan. Sebagiannya lagi ditemukan oleh therapist dalam menyembuhkan kliennya, dan ada pula yang dikembangkan oleh ahli filsafat. Dengan demikian, ada model pembelajaran yang sederhana (simple) dan ada pula model pembelajaran yang kompleks. Bila dilihat secara umum, suatu model pembelajaran berdasarkan atas praktek empiric, atau atas teori tertentu dan juga atas hasil spekulasi terhadap arti dan makna dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh banyak orang. Konsep Model Pembelajaran Dalam penggunaan model pembelajaran ini diuraikan dalam enam bagian, antara lain: 1) Dibuat suatu skenario (alur) dari model yang bersangkutan untuk melukiskan bagaimana strategi yang digunakan di kelas dalam menggunakan model tertentu; 2) Orientasi kepada model yang bersangkutan, yang didalamnya meliputi tujuan, asumsi teoritik, prinsip dan konsep umum yang terkandung didalam model tersebut;
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
3) Dibuat analisis terhadap model pembelajaran yang terdiri atas bagian-bagian kecil lagi. Bagian-bagian analisis model mengajar tersebut antara lain: a) pentahapan langkah-langkah, b) system sosial yang diharapkan dalam model tersebut, c) prinsip reaksi murid dan guru, d) penunjang/pendukung seperti buku, atau referensi lainnya; 4) Membicarakan penerapan model pembelajaran dalam situasi kelas; 5) Kesimpulan yang diambil dari model tersebut; 6) Menyajikan diskusi, dengan membuat perbandingan berbagai model, melihat kelebihan dan kelemahannya serta menambah informasi yang diharapkan dapat memperkaya wawasan pembaca. Bagaimana memilih model pembelajaran? Model pembelajaran yang manakah harus dipilih? Tentu saja tidak ada jawaban yang pasti, sebab tak ada model yang lebih baik dari model yang disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi kelas. Akan tetapi seorang pemula, tentu sulit menguasai semua model pembelajaran, dan karenanya disarankan untuk memulai memilih satu model yang bersesuaian dengan materi ajar dari sekian banyaknya model yang telah ditawarkan dibuku. Penguasaan model pembelajaran bukanlah merupakan suatu resep yang dapat menyembuhkan segala penyakit, akan tetapi tak lebih dari suatu perangsang terhadap aktivitas murid agar ia dapat belajar dengan baik. Berikut ini ada beberapa model mengajar yang berbeda, yaitu: 1) The informational models (Model pemprosesan informasi): yang memfokuskan perhatian kepada aktivitas yang membina keterampilan (skill), dan isi (content) pengajaran yang disampaikan kepada siswa; 2) Personal models (model pribadi): yang mengutamakan hubungan antar pribadi, pertumbuhan siswa yang dihasilkan dengan aktivitas mengajar; 3) Interactive models (model interaksi): yang lebih menitikberatkan perhatiannya kepada energi kelompok dan proses interaksi yang terajdi dalam kelompok; 4) Behavioral models (model perilaku): mengutamakan perubahan perilaku yang spesifik. Dengan mengenal berbagai model khususnya pada model pembelajaran ini diharapkan dapat mengembangkan pengalaman dalam mengajar; dan siswa dapat dimungkinkan untuk berkembang lebih baik dan menjadi multifaceted (berdimensi banyak). Inilah alasan yang paling pokok dalam memperkenalkan suatu model pembelajaran. Mengapa disebut “ Spotlight- theme”? Spotlight berasal dari kata Bahasa Inggris yang berarti menyoroti, lampu sorot, menjadi pusat perhatian umum; dan themeyang berarti tema, pokok, motif(Echols, 2003). Jadi SpotlightThememerupakan model pembelajaran yang memusatkan perhatian dalam menentukan alur gagasan utama atau biasa disebut dengan ide pokok. Mengapa harus “gagasan utama/ ide pokok”? Gagasan utama/ide pokok dalam Bahasa Inggris biasa disebut “main idea”. Main idea merupakan salah-satu indikator pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sulit dipahami oleh para peserta didik. Dalam Standar Kompetensi Membaca, dengan indikator pembelajaran: mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks berbentuk procedure, report, recount, narrative pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama baik di kelas delapan maupun kelas sembilan, berdasarkan analisis penulis dalam setiap evaluasi, baik pada ulangan harian, semester, terlebih pada uji coba (try out) ujian nasional, paling banyak siswa tidak mampu menjawab soal dengan indikator /materi ini. Ini perlu mendapat perhatian khusus bagi guru mata pelajaran yang mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Dengan alasan ini penulis berusaha mencoba dan kemudian membuat model pembelajaran ini menjadi suatu trik untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa khususnya pada indikator penggalian gagasan utama. Pada model pembelajaran kali ini yang disebut dengan spotlight-theme, penulis ingin membawa para siswa untuk mampu menggali (explore) materi khusus tentang “main idea” dengan menggunakan trik terpisah antara tema (theme) dan jenis/bagian-bagian dari tema. Untuk lebih memahami penjelasan dan praktek tentang model pembelajaran ini, nanti didibahas pada bab berikut ini melalui pengalaman mengajar penulis. Reviewing the Principles Sekarang mari kita mempertimbangkan prinsip-prinsip model pembelajaranSpotlightthemesebagaimana itu disusun dalam 10 pertanyaan berikut: 1) Apa tujuan guru yang menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Spotlight-theme? 927
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Guru yang menggunakan model pembelajaran ini dimaksudkan bahwa siswa belajar bagaimana mengidentifikasi ide pokok (main idea) paragraf dari suatu teks. Agar melakukan ini dengan sukses, siswa seharusnya diajak untuk mengikuti proses/alur dalam menentukan gagasan utama yakni diawali dengan konsep belajar „brain storming‟ 2) Apa peranan guru? Apa peranan siswa? Guru dan siswa merupakan patner dalam proses pembelajaran. 3) Apa ciri khas dari proses pembelajaran? Ciri khas dari proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan model ini, siswa butuh arti dari bahasa sasaran (English). Untuk melakukan ini, guru mengambil tema, menyusun teks dengan cara menghubungkan dengan realia, gambar, pantomime or gesture. Guru tetap berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris dan siswa diajak untuk melakukan tugas yang diberikan guru. 4) Apa sifat dasar dari interaksi guru dan siswa? Interaksi dua arah yang terjadi, baik dari guru kepada siswa maupun dari siswa terhadap guru. 5) Bagaimana perasaan siswa dalam menghadapi model pembelajaran ini? Tidak ada prinsip dari model ini yang dihubungkan pada hal ini. 6) Bagaimana budaya bahasa dipandang? Bahasa diutamakan untuk diucap bukan ditulis. Oleh karena itu, siswa belajar pembiasaan, setiap tatap muka atau bertemu dengan guru bahasa Inggris diajak untuk tetap berkomunikasi. 7) Keterampilan bahasa apa yang mendapat penekanan? Kosakata menjadi perhatian lebih bagi seorang siswa dari pada struktur kalimat. Walaupun bekerja pada semua skill (reading, writing, speaking dan listening) terjadi dari awal, pemahaman (comprehension) dilihat sebagai dasar. Jadi, latihan pemahaman membaca (reading comprehension) didasarkan pada apa yang dipraktekan oleh siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kata /dalam kotak tersebut. 8) Apa peranan dari bahasa asli siswa? Bahasa ibu/asli siswa seharusnya tidak digunakan dalam ruangan kelas. 9) Bagaimana evaluasi dilaksanakan? Evaluasi dilaksnakan secara tertulis (written test) dengan mengambil beberapa potongan paragraf dari suatu teks, dan atau dengan menyusun sebuah teks berdasarkan realita/situasi dilingkungan siswa. 10) Bagaimana guru merespon kesalahan siswa? Guru memperlakukan teknik pembelajaran secara bervariasi dan mencoba untuk mendapatkan kesalahan siswa. Teknik pembelajaran yang mungkin bermanfaat bagi mereka antara lain: reading aloud, question and answer exercise, getting students to self-correct, map drawing, discussion, paragraph writing, and games (Larsen, 1986). PEMBAHASAN Setelah dilaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model spotlighttheme pada kelas 9 (Sembilan) Sekolah Menengah Pertama khusus indikator yang menyangkut identifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks, ternyata mendapat respons atau perlakuan yang cukup dari peserta didik walaupun disana-sini masih perlu perbaikan demi keefektifan suatu model tersebut. Untuk mengetahui lebih spesifik mengenai pemberlakuan model pembelajaran ini, berikut ini diuraikan skenario penggunaan model pembelajaran yang dimaksud. Skenario Model Pembelajaran Sportlight- theme Sebelum dilaksanakan kegiatan inti dari suatu pembelajaran, secara umum kegiatan pendahuluan tentu tetap dilakukan, karena secara fisik dan psikis para peserta didik harus siap dan mampu berimajinasi melalui suatu kegiatan apersepsi. Ini juga turut memberikan pemahaman kepada mereka tentang bayangan materi yang akan diajarkan. Berikut ini adalah skenario model pembelajaranspotlight-theme, antara lain: 1) Menyampaikan indikator/tujuan pembelajaran 2) Memberikan penjelasan melalui “Brain Storming” 3) Membagi kelompok diskusi (group discussion) 4) Membagi teks 5) Mengerjakan tugas secara berkelompok 928
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
6) Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi 7) Menyoroti temadengan cara sasaran pada kotak (disiapkan 2 kotak). Kotak pertama berisikan kata-kata/jenis kata yang berhubungan dengan tema pada kotak kedua 8) Kata-kata/jenis kata dan tema dibahas dalam diskusi kelompok 9) Guru mengecek kebenaran/kesesuaian kata-kata/jenis kata, kalimat yang berkenaan dengan tema. Sebagai catatan: kegiatan ini boleh dilakukan bervariasi dengan cara doing games. Berdasarkan praktek model pembelajaran ini, maka ada beberapa prinsip-prinsip belajar yang dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut: a. Pemahaman belajar siswa diawali dengan “Brain-Storming”; b. Model pembelajaran ini menjadi perangsang dalam menentukan alur/proses penentuan ide pokok suatu teks ataupun paragraph; c. Penguatan (reinforcement) pada pola pikir (mind-set) dan konsep belajar siswa dalam mempelajari „main idea‟; d. Hubungan sosial / kerjasama antara siswa menjadi prioritas e. Berpeluang untuk kolaborasi dengan model pembelajaran lain bisa saja terjadi. Media/Teaching-aids Sebelum kegiatan pembelajaran dimulai, jangan lupa seorang guru mempersiapkan media atau alat bantu/alat peraga pengajaran yang akan digunakan. Media pembelajaran sangat berperan dalam mendukung suatu model pembelajaran yang sedang digunakanbaik diawal kegiatan (pendahuluan), pemberian contoh (penjelasan), games ataupun dalam kegiatan refleksi. Media atau alat bantu pembelajaran yang dimaksud disini, antara lain: kamus,gambar, chart, LCD, atau benda-benda nyata lainnya (real-objects) seperti kinds of fruit: bananas, apples, mangos and etc. Kesulitan belajar Kesulitan belajar yang sering dialami oleh peserta didik dalam penerapan model pembelajaran spotlight-theme, yakni kurangnya kosakata yang mereka kuasai dan minimnya kemampuan dasar Bahasa Inggris. Untuk menanggulangi masalah ini maka perlu tiap-tiap siswa harus ada kamus Bahasa Inggris. Keuntungan dari model spotlight-theme Keuntungan menggunakan model pembelajaran ini, antara lain: 1) Banyak siswa aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran 2) Diskusi kelompok menjadi prioritas 3) Aspek keterampilan berbahasa yang paling menonjol adalah membaca dalam hal ini pemahaman membaca teks/paragraph (reaading comprehension), walaupun ada keterampilan lainnya seperti berbicara dan menulis. Memang dalam keterpaduan belajar bahasa (integrated skill) itu sangat diharuskan demi mengembangkan pengalaman belajar siswa. Untuk lebih jelas melihat keunggulan keterampilan berbahasa khususnya dalam penggunaan model pembelajaran ini, kitaboleh lihat pada penanda (sign) berikut ini. Skill Reading/reading comprehension Speaking Writing Listening
Sign ***** ** ** *
Pengalaman Mengajar (Teaching experience) Setelah kelas dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok diskusi kecil, guru meminta siswa memperhatikan penjelasan mengenai bagaimana melakukan model pembelajaran „spotlighttheme‟. Pertama, persiapkan dua kotak dan letakan kedua kotak tersebut di depan kelas. Kedua, pisahkan tema dam kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang memiliki hubungan dengan tema tersebut. Pada kotak pertama, diisi dengan jenis-jenis tema (kinds of theme) seperti „transportation‟, „profession‟, „sports‟ atau yang lain. Pada kotak kedua, diisi dengan kata-kata yang memiliki hubungan dengan tema diatas; seperti car, motorcycle, ship, boat, helicopter, plane 929
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(transportation); teacher, farmer, fisherman, soldier, policeman, doctor, driver, engineer (profession); football, volley ball, basket ball, badminton, boxing, tennis, long-jump, high-jump, shut-put (sports). Selanjutnya, setiap kelompok diberi kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi kata yang ada dikotak pertama dan kedua, setelah itu dibahas /disesuaikan antara kata/kalimat yang ada dikotak pertama dengan kata yang ada dikotak kedua. Pada akhirnya siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kata/kalimat (tema) yang ada di kotak pertama dan kata/kalimat pada kotak kedua. Dalam hal ini siswa juga dilatih bagaimana menentukan penalaran deduktif (umum) dan induktif (khusus). Kegiatan ini merupakan alur/proses bagaimana selanjutnya menentukan ide pokok (main idea) suatu paragraf Setelah itu, guru mencoba mengisi kotak pertama dengan jenis-jenis ide pokok (kinds of main idea) dari suatu paragraf. Pada kotak kedua, diisi dengan beberapa potongan paragraf dari suatu teks. Kemudian, siswa diminta untuk mengidentifikasi isi kotak pertama dan kedua seperti kegiatan yang dilakukan diatas. Agar kegiatan tersebut lebih menarik dan bersemangat, maka diakhir kegiatan belajar perlu dilakukan kembali dengan cara dimasukan dalam „games‟. PENUTUP Kesimpulan Berdasarkan uraian pengalaman mengajar diatas, maka kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Model pembelajaran ini dibuat berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar penulis; 2. Model pembelajaran ini berfungsi sebagai konsep dasar / pola pikir siswa dalam menentukan alur/proses penentuan ide pokok (main idea) suatu paragraf maupun teks; 3. Model pembelajaran ini dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa khususnya pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 dengan indikator mengidentifikasi gagasan utama dari suatu paragraph. Saran Adapun saran yang penulis sampaikan antara lain: 1. Gunakan model pembelajaran tertentu untuk materi/indikator tertentu; 2. Masukan/sumbangsih yang sifatnya membangun demi keefektifan penggunaan model pembelajaran ini sangatlah diharapkan. 3. Bagi peneliti yang tertarik dengan model pembelajaran ini, kiranya dapat memilih kelas yang memiliki kemampuan dasar Bahasa Inggris (Basic English or prior knowledge) yang cukup. DAFTAR RUJUKAN Asrori, H.M. 2007. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung: CV. Wacana Prima. Brown, H.D. 1994. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. United States of America: Tina Carver. Echols, J.M. 2003. Kamus Inggris- Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Johnson, L.A. 2009. Pengajaran Kreatif dan Menarik. Jakarta Barat: PT. Indeks. Larsen, D. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. USA: Oxford University Press. Majid, A. 2008. Perencanaan Pembelajaran. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Tuerah, E.A., Cs. 2010. Model-model Pembelajaran. Tondano: Universitas Negeri Manado
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
[email protected] ABSTRACT :Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa inggris melalui role playing . Desain penelitian yang dipakai adalah CAR (Classroom action) dengan dua siklus dan empat kali pertemuan, masing-masing dilakukan dalam empat tahapan: Perencanaan (Planning), Tindakan (Acting), Pengamatan (Observing), dan Reflesi (Reflecting).Data dikumpulkan melalui tes tertulis dan unjuk kerja (drama). Data menunjukan bahwa role playing dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris. Ini terbukti dari hasil yang diperoleh pada awalnya 55 pada siklus I menjadi 70 dan pada siklus II menjadi 80. Kata kunci: Role playing, dan kemampuan berbicara
Pembelajaran yang berlangsung di kelas bertujuan membantu siswa agar memperoleh berbagai pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang dengan itu, aspek aspek pendidikan yang meliputi pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan nilai atau norma yang berfungsi sebagai pengendali sikap dan perilaku menjadi bertambah, baik kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Demikian juga seperti yang diharapkan pada penerapan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang berlakukan pada kurikulum di sekolah. Mempelajari bahasa Inggris yang termasuk bahasa asing, kini merupakan suatu keharusan karena semakin mengglobalnya dunia menuntut kecakapan orang untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Tetapi sayangnya, seringkali proses belajar bahasa Inggris terkesan sulit dan jauh dari menyenangkan. Pada kurikulum sekarang guru diberi kebebasan untuk memanfaatkan berbagai metode dan media pembelajaran yang dapat membangkitkan minat, perhatian, dan kreatifitas siswa. Pembelajaran yang menarik akan memikat peserta didik untuk terus dan betah mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua dalam pergaulan secara nasional. Apabila siswa sudah tertarik dengan pembelajaran maka akan dengan mudah meningkatkan kemmpuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dalam bidang bahasa. Penulis sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris sangat merasakan problem pembelajaran yang terjadi selama ini.Terbukti dari hasil pengamatan awal prestasi belajar berbicara siswa baru mencapai rata-rata 55. Nilai rata-rata ini masih sangat rendah bila dibandingkan dengan nilai KKM mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris disekolah ini, yaitu 7,5. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti berusaha melakukan perubahan-perubahan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas. Salah satu perubahan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode role playingyang diterapkan untuk memperbaiki proses dan hasil kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris. Tujuan pembelajaran speaking menurut Brown (2001: 113) adalah agar para siswa dapat berpartisipasi dalam percakapan singkat, memberi dan menjawab pertanyaan, menemukan cara untuk menyampaikan maksud, mengumpulkan informasi dari yang lain, dan masih banyak lagi.Banyak pembicaraan melibatkan interkasi dengan satu atau lebih pelaku. Berbicara yang efektif juga meliputi pendengaran yang baik, sebuah pemahaman tentang bagaimana perasaan pihak lain, dan sebuah pengetahuan tentang bagaimana aturan untuk mengambil giliran atau membiarkan pihak lain untuk berbicara juga. Harmer (1997) mengemukakan bahwa ada beberapa unsur dalam speaking, yaitu: keistimewaan bahasa; pengelolaan bahasa; dan interaksi dengan pihak lain. Brown dan Yule (Nunan, 1989; 26) berpendapat bahwa berbicara adalah menggunakan bahasa lisan yang terdiri dari ucapan yang pendek, tidak utuh atau terpisah-pisah dalam lingkup pengucapan. Pengucapan tersebut sangat erat berhubungan dengan hubungan timbale balik yang dilakukan antara pembicara satu dengan pendengar.Bailey (Nunan, 2003: 48) menyatakan bahwa berbicara adalah keterampilan lisan yang terdiri dari menghasilkan ungkapan-ungkapan kebahasaan yang sistematis untuk menyampaikan makna.Jadi berdasarkan beberapa definisi 931
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diatas bahwa kemampuan berbicara adalah cara bagaimana menggunakan bahasa untuk mencapai tujuan berkomunikasi secara tepat, baik, dan benar. Metode role playing (bermain peran) adalah suatu cara penguasaan bahan bahan pelajaran melalui pengembangan imajinasi dan penghayatan siswa. Pengembangan imajinasi dan penghayatan dilakukan siswa dengan memerankan sebagai tokoh hidup atau benda mati (Pujiono, 2009). Secara etimologis Ladousse (1997: 5) menyatakan bahwa “ Role play comes from 2 word, role and play. Role means play a part in a specific situation. Play means the role is taken on in safe environment in which students are inventive and play full as possible”.Kutipan tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa role dan play.Role berarti memainkan satu bagian dalam situasi yang berbeda.Play berarti peran yang dibawakan dalam lingkungan yang aman dimana sebisa mungkin penuh daya cipta dan bermain (Sari, 2009: 26). Menurut Mulyasa (2006) (dalam Sari, 2009: 26, bermain peran (Role Playing) diarahkan pada pemecahan masalah-masalah yang menyangkut hubungan antarmanusia, terutama yang menyangkut kehidupan peserta didik.Jill Hadfield (dalam Santoso, 2011) menyatakan bahwa role playing adalah sejenis permainan gerak yang didalamnya ada tujuan, aturan dan sekaligus melibatkan unsur senang. Hadari Nawawi (dalam Kartini, 2007) menyatakan bahwa bermain peran (role playing) adalah mendramatisasikan cara bertingkah laku orang-orang tertentu dalam posisi yang membedakan peranan masing-masing dalam suatu organisasi atau kelompok di masyarakat. Dari beberapa definisi diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode role playing adalah suatu metode pembelajaran dimana penguasaa bahan pelajaran melalui imajinasi dan penghayatan siswa dengan cara bermain peran sehingga menjadi siswa lebih aktif. Kelebihan motode role playing adalah seagai berikut: (1) melibatka seluruh siswa dapat berpartisipasi mempunyai kesempatan untuk memajuka kemampuanya dalam bekerjasama, (2) siswa dapat mengambil keputusan dan berekspresi secara utuh, (3) permainan merupakan penemuan yang mudah dan padat diguaka dalam situasi dan waktu yang berbeda, (4) guru dapat mengevaluasi pemahaman tiap siswa melalui siswa pada waktu melakukan permainan, dan (5) permainan merupakan pengalaman belajar yang enyenangkan bagi anak. Kelemahan dari metode ini adalah membutuhkan waktu yang lama sehingga dapat mengganggu pelajaran yang lain maupun menunda materi lain yang akan disampaikan. Dalam pembelajaran cerita pendek, dapat dilakukan degan mengguakan metode role playing sehigga menjadi siswa leih aktif. METODE Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK).Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI A1 SMA N.5, Kota Batam, yang berjumlah 44 siswa terdiri dari 17 laki-laki dan 27 perempuan tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dalam dua siklus dan empat pertemuan yangterdiri dari; perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi.Pada Siklus 1, pertemuan pertama guru memberikan materi dan menjelaskannya dansiswa melakukan apa yang diminta guru untuk tampil mengungkapkan dan mengekspresikan memberi nasehat. Pada Pertemuan kedua, guru menberikan tes mengenai memberi nasehat. Pada siklus 2, pertemuan 1, guru membagi kelompok dengan 5 atau 6 siswa setiap kelompoknya, kemudian memberikan gambar dan siswa membuat drama berdasarkan urutan gambar yang berisikan memberikan nasehat. Untuk pertemuan 2, siswa menampilkan drama didepan kelas, mendekorasikan kelas sesuai gambar dan siswa bermain peran sesuai dengan karakter yang mereka mainkan. Pada tahap perencanan penelitian ini menyusun; (1) menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) siklus 1, (2) menyiapkan materi, (3) menetapkan target tindakan, baik target hasil mupun target proses yang dicapai dan (4) menyusun pedoman pengamatan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran.Setelah menyusun RPP ada tahap pelaksanaan tindakan penelitian ini: (1) Guru menyusun atau menyiapkan skenario yang akan ditampilkan; (2) Menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk mempelajari skenario dalam waktu beberapa hari sebelum KBM; (3) Guru membentuk kelompok siswa yang anggotanya 5 orang; (4) Memberikan penjelasan tentang kompetensi yang ingin dicapai; (5) Memanggil para siswa yang sudah ditunjuk untuk melakukan scenario yang sudah dipersiapkan; (6) Masing-masing siswa berada dikelompoknya sambil mengamati scenario yang sedang diperagakan; (7) setelah selesai ditampilkan, maingmasing siswa diberikan lembar kerja untuk membahas penampilan masing-masing kelompok;
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
(8) masing-masing kelompok menyampaikan hasil kesimpulanya; (9) Guru memberikan kesimpulan secara umum; (10) Evaluasi; dan (11) Penutup. Dalam pengamatan tindakan penelitian; (1) Guru mengamati keaktifan dan partisipasi siswa di dalam kelompok dan kelas; (2) Guru memberi nilai dan ketepatan pengucapan katakata dalam bahasa Inggris disaat siswa tampil dalam percakapan,(3) Guru menilai kesesuai cerita yang dibuat siswa; dan (4) Kelancaran percakapan antar anggota kelompok. Data yang didapat dari hasil pembelajaran dan proses pembelajaran dianalisis. Hasil analisis ini diproses dan dibandingkan dengan target yang didapatkan sebelumnya pada setiap siklus 1 dan 2.Hasil pelaksanaan siklus 1 belum menunjukan nilai ketuntasan minimal yang dicapai siswa. Maka peneliti perlu membuat lagi RPP untuk siklus 2 melihat berdasarkan pada RPP 1 sehingga ada perbaikan terhadap siswa untuk mencapai nilai kreteria ketuntasan minimal. HASIL Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua siklus dan 4 kali pertemuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris pada kelas XI A1, SMA N.5 Batam.Berikut disajikan temuan pada masing-masing siklus. Hasil Pelaksanaan Tindakan Pada Siklus 1 Dari hasil pengamatan tentang keaktifan siswa ditemukan bahwa (1) Siswa belum mengerti tentang materi yang diberikan,(2) Siswa kurang aktif dan malu-malu untuk tampil didepan kelas, (3) Siswa banyak salah dalam menyebutkan kosakata, dan (4) Siswa kurang memahami ungkapan ungkapan yang di berikan.Pada Table 1ditemukan bahwa siswa yang tidak aktif mencapai 29 (65%) siswa, sedangkan siswa yang aktif`mencapai 15(34.09%). Ini berarti keaktifan siswa masih jauh dari nilai kriteria yang ditetapkan. Dari hasil nilai tes ditemukan bahwa nilai yang dicapai siswa masih banyak kurang dari nilai KKM (7.5). Sebanyak 30 siswa mendapatkan nilai kurang dari 7.5 dengan rata-rata kelas yang dicapai 70,42 (Table 2).Dengan kata lain, hanya 14 siswa yang tuntas sesuai dengan KKM. Hasil Pelaksanaan Tindakan Pada Siklus II Dari hasil data pada siklus 1 yang terdiri dari 2 kali pertemuan, masih belum mencapainya nilai KKM (7.5) sehingga peneliti perlu melakukan perbaikan pada siklus 2, yang terdiri dari pertemuan 1 dan pertemuan 2, agar tercapai nilai KKM dan ketuntasannya. Berdasarkan data yang didapat dari hasil pengamatan tentang keaktifan siswa didalam diskusi bersama kelompoknya pada Table 3 pada siklus 2 pertemuan 1 diperoleh bahwa (1) Siswa sudah mulai mengerti dengan materi yang diajarkan, (2) Sedikit siswa yang kurang aktif didalam kelompoknya untuk membuat scenario role playing atau drama, dan (3) Hanya sedikit siswa yang mau berlatih drama. Pada Table 3 ditemukan bahwa siswa yang aktif mencapai 36 (77,2%) siswa, sedangkan siswa yang tidak aktif` 8 siswa ( 22,8%) artinya anak sudah mulai percaya diri dan mengerti apa yang mereka buat. Berdasarkan Table 4 tentang nilai drama yang ditampilkan, (1) Sedikit siswa yang belum total memainkan peran, (2) Kurang mendekosikan ruangan sesuai skenario yang mereka buat, dan (3) Berdasarkan penampilan drama, mereka sedikit menyalahi pengucapan karena sudah berlatih terlebih dahulu. Dari hasil nilai tes ditemukan bahwa yang mencapai nilai ketuntasan sebanyak siswa sebanyak 36 (81%) dan yang tidak mencapai nilai ketuntasan sebanyak 8 (19%) siswa, dengan rata-rata kelas yang dicapai, 75,6 (Table 4). Berdasarkan hasil nilai tes yang dilakukan,seanyak 39 (88%) siswa yang sudah mencapai nilai criteria yang ditetapkan (7,5) dan sebanyak 5(12% ) siswa yang tidak mencapai nilai kriteria yang ditentukan (KKM) pada Table 5, Tentang Nilai Tes; masalah yang ditemui tidak tepat dalam menyusun percakapan karena diberikan beberapa kalimat dan disusun menjadi percakapan yang benar, siswa masih salah memilih respon yang cocok untuk melengkapi percakapan dan masih kurang dalam memilih kata kata yang sesuai untuk melengkapi percakapan. PEMBAHASAN Data awal yang diperoleh dengan rata-rata 55 menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris masih sangat rendah mengingat kriteria ketuntasan belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 5 adalah 7.5.Dengan nilai yang sangat rendah seperti itu maka peneliti mengupayakan untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris siswa menggunaka metode role playing.Akhirnya dengan penerapan metode role playing yang sesuai 933
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teori yang ada, peningkatan rata-rata prestasi siswa pada siklus I dapat diupayakan dan mencapai rata-rata 70,4. Namun rata-rata tersebut belum maksimal karena hanya 14 siswa memperoleh nilai di atas KKM sedangkan 30 siswa belum mencapai nilai criteria ketutasan (7.5).Hal tersebut terjadi akibat penggunaan metode role playing.Belum maksimal dapat dilakukan disebabkan penerapan metode tersebut baru dicobakan sehingga guru masih belum mampu melaksanakannya sesuai alur teori yang benar. Pada siklus ke II kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris diupayakan lebih maksimal dengan peneliti membuat perencanaan yang lebih baik, menggunakan alur dan teori dari metode role playingi dengan benar dan lebih maksimal.Peneliti giat memotivasi siswa agar giat belajar, memberi arahan-arahan, menuntun mereka untuk mampu berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris lebih optimal. Akhirnya dengan semua upaya tersebut peneliti mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada siklus II menjadi rata-rata 75,6 pada kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris Upaya-upaya yang maksimal tersebut menuntun kepada penelitian bahwa metoderole playing Mampu meningkatkan kemampuanberbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris. Dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya dengan judulSpeaking Skill Improvement Melalui RolePlayingPada Kompetensi English For Instruction Di PGSDAli Mustadi,Fajar Dayu Saputra (Skripsi 2012) dengan judul Peningkatan Aktifitas Dan Hasil Belajar Materi Drama Melalui Metode Bermain Peran (Role Playing) menyatakan bahwa kemampuan berbicara meningkat dengan menggunakan metode role playing dan dengan hasil peneliti sindiri juga membuktikan dengan menggunakanrole playingmeningkatkan kemampuan berbicara. KESIMPULAN Bertitik tolak dari pemicu rendahnya kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris ada pada faktor-faktor seperti metode yang digunakan guru, sehingga penggunaan atau penggantian metode diperlukan, akibatnya peneliti mencoba model pembelajaran role playing dalam upaya untuk dapat memecahkan permasalahan yang ada. Bertumpu pada rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa yang disampaikan pada latar belakang masalah, penggunaan model pembelajaran role playing diupayakan untuk dapat menyelesaikan tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar. Seberapa besar peningkatan yang dicapai sudah dipaparkan dengan jelas pada akhir analisis. Dari hasil penelitian yang disampaikan pada Pembahasan dan melihat semua data yang telah disampaikan, tujuan penelitian yang disampaikan di atas dapat dicapai dengan bukti sebagai berikut: Kenaikan prestasi belajar siswa dapat dilihat dari buki-bukti berikut: a. Dari data awal nilai rata-rata 55 dan 35 siswakurang dari nilai kriteria yang dicapai (7.5) dan pada siklus I menurun menjadi 30 siswa dan siklus II hanya 5 siswa mendapat nilai di bawah KKM. b. Dari rata-rata awal 55 naik menjadi 70,4 pada siklus I dan pada siklus II naik menjadi 75,6 c. Dari data awal siswa yang tuntas hanya 9 siswa sedangkan pada siklus I menjadi lebih banyak yaitu 14 siswa dan pada siklus II menjadi cukup banyak yaitu 39 siswa. Dari semua data pendukung pembuktian pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran role playing dapat memberi jawaban yang diharapkan sesuai tujuan penelitian ini. Semua ini dapat dicapai adalah akibat kesiapan dan kerja keras peneliti dari sejak pembuatan proposal, review hal-hal yang belum bagus bersama teman-teman guru, penyusunan kisi-kisi dan instrument penelitian, penggunaan sarana data sampai pada pelaksanaan penelitian yang maksimal. SARAN Berdasarkan temuan yang sudah disimpulkan dari hasil penelitian, dalam upaya mencapai kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris dapat disampaikan saran-saran sebagai berikut: 1. Guru: Untuk meningkatkan kemampuanberbicara dalam bahasa Inggris penggunaan modelpembelajaran role playing semestinyamenjadi pilihan dari beberapa metode yang adamengingat metode ini telah terbukti dapatmeningkatkan kerjasama, berkreasi, bertindakaktif, bertukar informasi, mengeluarkan pendapat, bertanya, berdiskusi, berargumentasidan lain-lain. 2. Siswa 934
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
Memberikan minat dan motivasi siswa. Meningkatkan keaktifan siswa selama kegiatan belajar mengajar baik dalam bertanya, menjawab pertanyaan maupun dalam mengemukakan pendapat. Meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memainkan peran untuk memahami karakter tokoh yang ada pada cerita pendek. 3. Peneliti: Walaupun penelitian ini sudah dapat membuktikan efek utama dari model pembelajaranrole playing dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa Inggris, sudah pasti dalam penelitian ini masih ada hal-hal yang belum sempurnadilakukan, oleh karenanya kepada peneliti lain yang berminat meneliti topik yang samauntuk meneliti bagian-bagian yangtidak sempat diteliti.Selanjutnya untuk adanyapenguatan-penguatan, diharapkan bagipeneliti lain untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutanguna verifikasi data hasil penelitian. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Arikunto, Suharsimi, Suhardjono, & Supandi. 2006. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Ali, M. 2010.SpeakingSkill Improvemet MelaluiRole-PlyingPada KompetensiEnglish For Instruction di PGSD. PGSD Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy(2nd ed). New York: Pearson Education Company. Brown, H. D. 2004. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education Company. Mulyasa, E. 2006. Implementasi Kurikulum 2004, Panduan Pembelajaran KBK. Penerbit: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung Nasution, S. 1972. Didaktik Sekolah Pendidikan Guru: Asas-Asas Didaktik Metodology Pengajaran dan Evaluasi. Depdikbud:Jakarta Saifuddin S. U. 2008. Inovasi Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta. Saputra, F. D. 2012. Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Materi Drama Melalui Metode Bermain Peran (Role Playing) Pada Siswa Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Gapura Watukumpul Pemalang.Skripsi. Sari, A. W. 2009..Studi Komparasi Antara Metode Diskusi Dengan Metode Role Playing Ditinjau Dari Kreatifitas Siswa Pada Pembelajaran PKn Kelas VII SMP N 16 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009. Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Sax, G. 1979.Foundation of Educaion Research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs Silverius, S. 1991.Evaluasi Hasil Belajar dan UmpanBalik. Jakarta: PT Grasindo. Slavin, R.E. 1995. Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
PENERAPAN MEDIA KARTU BERBANTU GAMBAR PADA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INNGRIS PADA SISWA KELAS V SD YPK KLAWANA Ferdinanda Serkadifat, S.Pd Klamono Kabupaten Sorong Abstrak : berawal dari pengamatan proses belajar yang penulis alami sendiri dilima Sekolah Dasar di Disrtik Klamono mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tidak diajarkan pada sisiwa sekolah dasar,hanya diajarkan di SMP/SMA hal ini membuat keinginan penulis untuk melakukan penelitian/riset sederhana. Tentang hal tersebut. Dengan harapan adanya perubahan atau minat dari siswa sekelas V terhadap pelajaran Bahasa
ISBN :978-602-17187-2-8
Inggris.perubahan atau cara pembelajar itu dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan media kartu kata berbantu gambar untuk membuktikan apakah siswa siswa berminat atau tidak. Kata kunci : Kartu Kata berbantu gambar,minat belajar Bahasa Inggris Pendahuluan
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Internasioanl .Sedangkan bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Namun pada prinsipnya bahasa Inggris tidak diajarkan di semua sekolah dasar. Di provinsi Papua Barat kabupaten Sorong khususnya di Distrik Klamono ini. Bahasa Inggris diajarkan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar termasuk dalam pelajaran muatan lokal (MULOK). Bahasa inggris ini tidak diajarkan tetapi kurangnya tenaga pendidik yang menjadi kendala, kendala tersebut cara membaca, dari keempat aspek/skill yang paling susah adalah membaca dan menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa. Hal pertama yang diajarka kepada anak awal masa sekolah adalah kemampuan membaca dan menulis. Kedua keterampilan ini akan menjadi landasan untuk memperoleh bidang studi yang lain. Masalah yang ditemukan/siswa menjadi susah yakni tulisan dan cara membaca menjadi berbeda (tulisan lain bacanya juga beda). Pada hakikatnya terdapat dua penelitian yang disajikan dalam tulisan yang disertakan dengan gambar. Pertama bagaimana memperkenalkandan memaksimalkan media kartu kata berbantu gambar dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sehingga keterkaitan siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris makin meningkat. Kedua berusaha melihat hasil dan penerapan itu dengan menggunakan PTK secara sederhana. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat evaluasi prestasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan menggunakan kartu kata berbantu gambar. Penelitian ini melibatkan 24 siswa SD YPK Klawana, Klamono kabupaten Sorong semester I tahun ajaran 2014/2015.Dalam hal ini yang menarik adalah metode penggunaan media kartu kata berbantu gambar untuk meningkatkan minat belajar bahasa Inggris yaitu membaca, serta dapat mengatasi masalah atau kendala yang dihadapi oleh siswa kelas V SD YPK Eben Haezer Distrik Klamono Kabupaten Sorong. Berdasarkan apa yang telah diuraikan diatas maka masalahnya adalah bagaimana cara seorang guru menggunakan media kartu kata berbantu gambar untuk meningkatkan minat baca bahasa inggris apa efek dan dampak dalam hal tersebut. Dalam proses belajar mengajar ada dua unsur yang sangat penting adalah metode mmengajar akan mempengaruhi media pembelajaran yang digunakan meskipun masih banyak hal yang diperhatikan dalam memiliki media,seperti tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran dan karakteristik siswa. Media adalah sebuah alat yang mempunyai fungsi pembelajaran mengajar dan bahan ajar. Dari pengertian diatas secara umum dapat dikatakan l pembelajaran. Kata media merupakan jamak media yang secara harafia pengantar atau perantara.Dalam bahasa arab adalah perantara atau pengantar pesan dari pengiriman pesan (Azhca ,2003:3)Sedangkan dalam kepustakaan asing yang ada sementara para ahli menggunakan audio visua alds(AVA).untuk pengertian yang sama banyak pula pra ahli menggunakan istilah teaching material atau intraksional material yang artinya suatu di identik dengan pengertian kepercayaan yang berasal dari kata raga yang artinya raga suatu benda yang dapat di raba , di lihat ,di dengar dan di amati melalui panca indra kata(Hamalik 1994:11).Pengertian media pembeajaran menurut para ahli pendidikan diantaranya: 1. Media merupakan: bentuk dan saluran yang digunakan dalam proses penyampaian informasi. 2. Media adalah bentuk –bentuk komunikasi bercetak maupun audio visual serta peralatan media hendaknya dapat di manipulasi dapat di dengar ,dilihat,dan dibaca(Arif sadma 2003:36). 3. Media adalah suatu yang bersifat menyalurkanpesan pendapat, pesan,dan merangsang pikiran dan kemauan siswa sehingga dapat mendorong terjadinya proses pembelajaran,(Askawir Basyaruddin 2002:11). Media pembelajaran merupakan alat peraga yang penting untuk membantu siswa memahami materi pembelajaran.Salah satu media yang di gunakan adalah media visual. Adapun fungsi media visual adala sebagai berikut:
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Generasi Kreatif melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna” pada 31 Oktober 2015 di Hotel Purnama, Batu
a. Fungsi atensi merupakan inti yaitu menarik dan mengarahkan perhatian siswa untuk berkomunikasi kepada isi pelajaran yang berkaitan dengan makna visual yang di tampilkan/menyertai teks materi pelajaran. Sering kali pada awal pelajaran siswa tidak tertarik dengan materi pelajaran. Media gambar khususnya gambar yang diproyeksikan melalui overhead profeetor dapat menenangkan dan mengarahkan perhatian mereka kepada pelajaran yang akan mereka terima. b. Fungsi efektif, media visual dapat terlihat dari tingkat kematangan siswa ketika belajar/membaca teks yang bergambar gambar/lambing visual dapat meggugah emosi dan sifat siswa. Misalnya informasi yang menyangkut masalah social dan ras. c. Fungsi kqnitif media visual terlihat dari penemuan-penemuan peneliti yang mengungkapkan bahwa lambang visual/gambar memperlancar pencapaian tujuan untuk memahami dan mengingat pesan/informasi yang tergantung pada gambar. d. Fungsi kompensatoris,media visual yang memberikan konteks untuk memahami teks,membantu siswa yang lemah dalam membaca untuk mengorganisasikan informasi dalam teks dan mengingatnya kembali Secara umum media pembelajaran mempunyai kegunaan memperjelas penyajian pesan agar tidak terlalu bersifat verbalistik (dalam bentuk seperti misalnya. Obyek yang terlalu besar dapat dikecilkan Obyek yaag kecil dapat dibesarkan Kejadian/peristiwa yang terjadi dimasa lampau dapat ditampilkan lewat rekaman film,video,dll. Konsep yang terlalu luas (gunung barada, gempa bumi,iklim,dll)dapat divisualkan dalam bentuk gambar,dalam bentuk film,dll. Pada dasarnya media yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pembelajaran adalah media komunikasi oleh karena itu dalam pembahasan taksonomi ini akan digunakan taksonomi yang dikemukakan oleh Hanli dan Umer (1981)media pembelajaran merupakan komponen intruksional yang meliputi pesan/orang dan peralatan menurut Syaiful Bahri Djamara dan Aswan Sain media merupakan wahana menyalur informasi belajar/peran. Dalam perkembangan media pembelajaran mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, berdasarkan perkembangan teknologi secara umum dikelompokkan menjadi : Media visual, adalah media yang hanya mengandalkan indra penglihatan atau mata media ini ada yang manampilkan gambar diam seperti slide,foto,tulisan, cetakan,menampilkan gambar/symbol yanng bergerak seperti film bisu atau kartun. Kelebihannya adalah dalam media ini siswa dapat melihat obyek yang sedang dijelaskan dan dielajarinya. Kelemahanya adalah dalam media ini hanya kemampuan indra penglihatan atau mata saja yang terasa sehingga siswa hanya melihat gambar saja tanpa mengasa indra yang lain. Media auditif, adalah media yang hanya mengandalkan atau mengasa indra pendengar (telinga seperti radio,tep,piring hitam). Kelemahannya adalah dalam media ini hanya mengatasi indra pendengar (teling tanpa mengasah indra dan penglihatan). Media audio visual, adalah media ynag mempunyai unsur dan gambar.jenis media ini mempunyai kemampuan yang lebih baik, karena meliputi kedua jenis media di atas. Kelebihannya adalah media ini mengasa semua kemampuan indra dengan baik karena dipergunakan dengan seimbang dan bersama. Kelemahannya adalah keterbatasn biaya serta penerapanya yang harus mampu mencangkup segala aspek. Media Kartu Kartu –kartu merupakan abjad-abjad yang dituliskan pada potonganpotongan suatu media suatu media baik karton, kertas ,mungkin juga papan tulis/tripleks, potongan-potongannya huruf tersebut dapat dipindah-pindahkan sesuai keinginan membuat suku kata maupun kalimat. Kartu huruf ini sangat menarik perhatian siswa dan sangat mudah ini digunakan dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris. Selain itu juga melatih kreatifitas siswa dalam menyusun kata-kata selain perintah guru. Kartu kata digunakan untuk melatih keterampilan menyusun kalimat. Guru menyiapkan sejumlah kartu kata. Beberapa permainan yang dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan kartu antara lain 1. Permainan menebak kata, dapat dilakukan dengan cara ada siswa/kelompok diminta menunjukan kartu kata tertentu kemudian siswa/kelompok lain beradu cepat menyebutkannya.
ISBN :978-602-17187-2-8
2. Permainan memainkan kata menjadi kalimat dilakukan dengan cara siswa diminta mengambil satu kartu suku kata, setelah itu mereka diminta mencari pasangan yang sesuai diinginkan. 3. Permainan melanjutkan kata menjadi kalimat dilakukan dengan cara guru menunjukan kata tertentun kemudian siswa/kelompok diminta melanjutkan menjadi kalimat yang dibuat berdasarkan kata tersebut semakin baik. Berikut ini adalah contoh kata tersebut : - Table -birt - snake - pillow - grappe - banana - fish - book - lion Pembelajaran bahasa inggris dengan media kartu berbantu gambar dilaksanakan dengan langkah langkah sebagai berikut: Pada kegiatan awal guru memperkenalkan berbagai media kartu kata dan gambar.di sertakan dengan tulisan.Disina guru membantu atau mengajarkan cara membaca kan tulisan yang ada pada kartu kartu .Siswa tidak di bagi kelompok.Siswa diharapkan untuk menghafalkan cara membaca dan penulisannya .Penerapan Media Kartu Berbantu Gambar dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Pada kegiatan inti siswa di suruh kedepan satu persatu untuk menebak atau mencari makna yang ada pada katu kata berbantu gambar Diatas meja guru sudah menyediakan alat peraga tersebut .yang tersusun dengan rapi atau diacak . Kemudian siswa yang maju ke depan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran sesuai perintah guru. Pada akhir kegiatan pembelajaran guru dan siswa menyimpulkan hasil kerja siswa pada kegiatan inti serta memberi tugas rumah sebagai tindak lanjut. Evaluasi Pembelajaran‟ Setelah proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris dengan penggunaan media kartu berbantu gambar pada kelas v sd ypk klawana –klamono ,diadakan evaluasi baik secara tertulis maupun lisan untuk melihat atau mengukur kompetensi yang di peroleh siswa yang berjumlah 24.Dari hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa minat belajar bahasa inggris sangat di senangi/di minati. PENUTUP Dalam Pembelajaran meningkatkan minat belajar bahasa inggris dengan penggunaan media kartu kata berbantu gambar ternyata dapat merangsan siswa dalam pembelajaran tersebut. Dan meningkatkan motivasi aktifitas siswa Serta siswa di persiapkan untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang berikutnya tidak grogi dengan mata pelajaran bahasa. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Azhar Arsyad 2003:3.Association for education communication and tecknologi. Arif Sadma 2003: 36 national education association Askawir Basyaruddin 2002 :11.