By Trixie Isabella Simatupang 19007090
Undergraduate Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
ABSTRACT This final paper is made to analyze the physical evidence and servicescape in Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi, including all the dimensions of servicescape like ambience conditions, space and function, and signs, symbols, and artifacts, to see how it has been influencing the customers, and how it affects the customers‟ experience in the store. Besides that, it also tries to see the relationship of all this aspects with the customers‟ motivation. The writer chooses Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi because it provides a different physical evidence and servicescape which is traditional and unique, unlike the most restaurants nowadays which are mostly modern and urban. Management admits that there are some problems related to the physical evidence and servicescape, they are the slippery floor, the traffic flow, and the customers‟ rest room condition. It is all from the observation, because no customers have complained about these matters. The theoretical foundation used in this paper is mostly from the Zeithaml‟s Services Marketing book, and specifically influenced by the Framework for Understanding Environment – User Relationships in Service Organization that shows that there are relationships between the physical environment dimensions, holistic environment, internal responses, and behavior. The methodology is made to be able to generate results to see the customers‟ perception of Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi and to see the relationship as has been explained in the theoretical foundation. The data collection is from survey and document study. The survey used is questionnaire, with sampling method of probability and simple random sampling. From the samples, questionnaire is generated and used as the basic data to reach the results of factor analysis, multiple regressions, and correlation, as SPSS methods used in data analysis. The result is that there is a strong relationship between the physical environment dimensions, the perceived quality, the customers‟ satisfaction, their desire to stay, their desire to revisit, and their customers‟ motivation. Besides that, the result also shows that the most dominant customers‟ motivation is enjoyment, and from the multiple regressions, it can be seen that the most significant factor in affecting the enjoyment of the customers of Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi is cleanliness. Besides that, the result also shows that most customers‟ are not disturbed by the problems mentioned in the problem statement, most customers are comfortable with the functionality and layout of Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi. The conclusion shows that Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi has been able to deliver an appropriate physical evidence and servicescape condition to the customers. Besides that, the relationship is looping, meaning that the physical environment dimensions affect the perceived quality, the perceived quality affects the customers‟ satisfaction, the customers‟ satisfaction affects the customers‟ desire to stay and desire to revisit, where the desire to stay and revisit are correlated. The desire to stay and desire to revisit have positive relationship with the customers‟ motivation, and customers‟ motivation is correlated with perceived quality of servicescape. Here can be seen that customers‟ motivation is also influenced by the physical environment dimensions, and as the analysis has resulted, the most dominant dimension is also cleanliness. Recommendations are important to give the management insight of what to enhance and what to improve.
ABSTRAK Tugas akhir ini ditulis untuk menganalisa mengenai physical evidence dan servicescape di Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi, termasuk semua dimensi dari servicescape seperti kondisi suasana, ruang dan fungsi, dan tanda, simbol, dan artefak, untuk melihat bagaimana halhal tersebut mempengaruhi pelanggan, dan bagaimana pengalaman pelanggan dipengaruhi di restoran tersebut. Selain itu, tugas akhir ini juga mencoba untuk mengetahui hubungan antara semua aspek-aspek tersebut dengan motivasi pelanggan untuk datang ke restoran. Penulis memilih Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi karena restoran ini memiliki physical evidence dan servicescape yang berbeda, yaitu tradisional dan unik, tidak seperti kebanyakan restoran jaman sekarang yang modern dan bernuansa kota. Manajemen restoran mengakui bahwa masih ada beberapa masalah yang berkaitan dengan physical evidence dan servicescape, seperti lantai yang licin, arus keluar – masuk restoran, dan kondisi kamar kecil untuk pengunjung. Hal ini didapatkan dari observasi manajemen, karena belum ada pelanggan yang mengeluh mengenai masalah-masalah tersebut. Landasan teori yang digunakan dalam tugas akhir ini kebanyakan diambil dari buku Services Marketing yang ditulis oleh Zeithaml, dan kebanyakan teori dalam tugas akhir ini dipengaruhi oleh kerangka untuk memahami hubungan lingkungan dan pengguna dalam organisasi pelayanan atau jasa yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara dimensi-dimensi lingkungan fisik, lingkungan holistik, tanggapan internal, dan perilaku pelanggan. Metodologi dibuat agar dapat memberikan hasil yang menunjukkan persepsi pelanggan terhadap Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi dan melihat bagaimana hubungan seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di landasan teori. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelitian dan studi dokumen. Metode penelitian adalah menggunakan kuesioner, dengan metode sampling probabilitas dan simple random sampling. Kuesioner lalu dikembangkan dan disebarkan kepada sampel dan hasilnya digunakan sebagai data dasar untuk mendapatkan hasil dari analisis factor, regresi ganda, dan korelasi, karena metode yang digunakan untuk analisis data adalah SPSS. Hasil dari analisis menggunakan SPSS menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang kuat antara dimensi-dimensi lingkungan fisik, persepsi akan kualitas, kepuasan pelanggan, keinginan mereka untuk tinggal, keinginan mereka untuk mengunjungi kembali, dan motivasi mereka. Selain itu, hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa faktor motivasi pelanggan yang paling dominan adalah kenikmatan, dan melalui regresi ganda dapat dilihat bahwa faktor yang paling signifikan dalam mempengaruhi kenikmatan pelanggan Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi adalah kebersihan. Terlebih lagi, hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas pelanggan tidak terganggu dengan masalah-masalah yang disampaikan manajemen restoran, kebanyakan pelanggan merasa nyaman dengan fungsi dan tata letak dari Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi berhasil untuk memberikan kondisi physical evidence dan servicescape yang baik untuk pelanggan. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan yang berputar, yaitu bahwa dimensi-dimensi lingkungan fisik mempengaruhi persepsi akan kualitas, persepsi kualitas mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan mempengaruhi keinginan mereka untuk tinggal dan mengunjungi kembali yang merupakan korelasi. Keinginan untuk tinggal dan mengunjungi kembali memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan motivasi pelanggan, dan motivasi pelanggan memiliki korelasi dengan persepsi akan kualitas. Dari sini dapat dilihat bahwa motivasi pelanggan juga dipengaruhi oleh dimensi-dimensi lingkungan fisik, dan seperti yang dihasilkan melalui analisis, faktor yang paling dominan adalah kebersihan. Rekomendasi sangat penting untuk member manajemen pandangan baru mengenai cara meningkatkan dan memperbaiki kondisi physical evidence dan servicescape.
A Final Project in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Management
Undergraduate Program of Management Study School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung August 26, 2010
Approved By
Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, MSc.
FOREWORD This paper is made based on the writer‟s interest in Service Marketing, to expand the knowledge of marketing and to provide more insight to people about the related topic. Also to broaden the ability to acknowledge situations and problems related to the topic and theories that has been studied. Besides that, this final paper is made for fulfilling the requirement of School of Business and Management, Institute of Technology Bandung for undergraduate program.
First and foremost, the writer thanks Jesus Christ for the strength and the hope He gives in the writer‟s everyday life, especially for the beautiful blessings He has given so that the writer could finish this final paper, and for the faith He has given for the writer to face all the obstacles in between the progress.
The writer would like to thank Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, MSc., as the supervisor of this final paper. She has the willingness to support the writer in finishing this paper, and also give motivation for the writer in the progress. She has also helped the writer in understanding more about the topic. It is a pleasure to thank Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi‟s owners and management. Only with their information and their openness for the writer to do a research in their restaurant, this final paper could be finished. The writer would like to give a special gratitude to both of the writer‟s parents, R. Simatupang and Nurmala Hutauruk, for their never ending love and prayers, and also for their support in finishing this final paper. Also to the writer‟s older brother and sister, bang Surya and kak Nuri for their motivation.
The writer owes her deepest gratitude to very supportive and loving friends, without them, the writer wouldn‟t have the strength to finish this final paper. The writer would also like to give the deepest gratitude to Sigit Adrian Pambudi for his willingness to accompany the writer in doing this final paper, to want to work hard together with the writer in accomplishing this paper, and to make the writer believe she is capable to finish this paper.
LIST OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT FOREWORD LIST OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF IMAGES LIST OF APPENDIXES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background 1.2 Problem Statement 1.3 Research Objective 1.4 Research Questions 1.5 Problem Limitation 1.6 Report Structure CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FOUNDATION 2.1 Physical Evidence and the Servicescape 2.2 Types of Servicescapes 2.3 Strategic Roles of the Servicescape 2.3.1 Package 2.3.2 Facilitator 2.3.3 Socializer 2.3.4 Differentiator 2.4 Framework for Understanding Servicescape Effects on Behavior 2.4.1 The Underlying Framework 2.4.2 Behaviors in the Servicescape 2.4.3 Internal Responses to the Servicescape 2.4.4 Environmental Dimensions of the Servicescape 2.5 Customers Motivation CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design 3.1.1 Operation of Variable 3.1.2 Data Sources and Measurement 3.2 Data Gathering Method 3.3 Population and Sample 3.4 Data Analysis Technique 3.4.1 Proposed Hypotheses CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 The Servicescape Elements in Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi 4.1.1 Facility Exterior 4.1.2 Facility Interior 4.1.3 Other Tangibles 4.2 The Type of Servicescape in Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi 4.3 Customer Profile 4.4 The Effect of Physical Evidence and Servicescape to Customers Experience 4.4.1 Physical Evidence and Servicescape Elements Descriptive Analysis of Physical Evidence and Servicescape
i iv v vii viii ix x 1 1 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 14 15 15 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 21 23 23 23 26 39 41 42 43 43
Elements Reliability Analysis of Physical Evidence and Servicescape Elements Validity Analysis of Physical Evidence and Servicescape Elements 4.4.2 Customers‟ Experience Descriptive Analysis of Customers‟ Experience Reliability Analysis of Customers‟ Experience Validity Analysis for Customers‟ Experience 4.4.3 Customers‟ Motivation Factor Analysis of Customers‟ Motivation Descriptive Analysis of Customers‟ Motivation 4.4.4 Relationship between Physical Environment Dimensions and Perceived Quality 4.4.5 Relationship between Perceived Quality and Satisfaction 4.4.6 Relationship between the Satisfaction and Desire to Stay 4.4.7 Relationship between the Satisfaction and Desire to Revisit 4.4.8 Relationship between the Desire to Stay and Customers‟ Motivation 4.4.8 Relationship between the Desire to Revisit and Customers‟ Motivation 4.4.9 Correlation between Customers‟ Motivation and Perceived Quality CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusions 5.2 Recommendations REFERENCES
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LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 4.1.1 Table 4.1.2 Table 4.1.3 Table 4.1.4 Table 4.1.5 Table 4.2 Table 4.2.1 Table 4.3 Table 4.3.1 Table 4.4 Table 4.4.1 Table 4.5 Table 4.5.1 Table 4.6 Table 4.6.1 Table 4.7 Table 4.8 Table 4.9 Table 4.9.1 Table 4.10 Table 4.10.1 Table 4.11 Table 4.11.1 Table 4.11.2 Table 4.11.3 Table 4.12 Table 4.13 Table 4.14 Table 4.15 Table 4.16 Table 4.17 Table 4.18 Table 4.19 Table 4.20
Elements of Physical Evidence (Zeithaml, 2009: 313) 7 Typology of Service Organizations Based on Variations in Form and Use of the Servicescape (Zeithaml, 2009: 317) 8 Operation of Variables 18 Data Sources and Measurement 19 Reliablity Statistics of Ambience Factor 52 Reliablity Statistics of Layout Factor 53 Reliablity Statistics of Functionality Factor 53 Reliablity Statistics of Signage Factor 53 Reliablity Statistics of Cleanliness Factor 54 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Ambience Factor 54 Total Variance Explained of Ambience Factor 55 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Layout Factor 55 Total Variance Explained of Layout Factor 56 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Functionality Factor 56 Total Variance Explained of Functionality Factor 57 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Signage Factor 57 Total Variance Explained of Signage Factor 58 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Cleanliness Factor 58 Total Variance Explained of Cleanliness Factor 59 Reliablity Statistics of Perceived Quality Factor 62 Reliablity Statistics of Satisfaction Factor 63 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Perceived Quality Factor 63 Total Variance Explained of Perceived Quality Factor 64 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Customers‟ Satisfaction Factor 64 Total Variance Explained of Satisfaction Factor 65 KMO and Bartlett‟s Test of Customers‟ Motivation Factor 66 Total Variance Explained of Customers‟ Motivation Factor 66 Rotated Component Matrix of Customers‟ Motivation Factor 67 Component Matrix of Customers‟ Motivation Factors 68 Coefficients of Multiple Regressions between Physical Environment Dimensions and Perceived Quality 74 Coefficients of Multiple Regressions of Perceived quality to Satisfaction 75 Coefficients of Multiple Regressions between the Satisfaction and Desire to Stay 76 Coefficients of Multiple Regressions between the Satisfaction and Desire to Revisit 77 Correlation between Desire to Stay and Desire to Revisit 77 Coefficients of Multiple Regressions between the Desire to Stay and Customers‟ Motivation 78 Coefficients of Multiple Regressions between the Desire to Revisit and Customers‟ Motivation 79 Correlation between Customers‟ Motivation and Perceived Quality 79 Relationship between Physical Environment Dimensions and Customers‟ Motivation 80
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 5.1
Report Structure The Servicescape: An Integrated Framework for Managers (Swartz, 2000: 46) A Framework for Understanding Environment – User Relationships in Service Organization (Zeithaml, 2009: 325) Research Design The Hypothesized Model Concluded Relationships of the Variables
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LIST OF IMAGES Image 4.1 Image 4.2 Image 4.2.1 Image 4.2.2 Image 4.2.3 Image 4.2.4 Image 4.2.5 Image 4.2.6 Image 4.2.7 Image 4.3 Image 4.3.1 Image 4.4 Image 4.5 Image 4.6 Image 4.7 Image 4.8 Image 4.9
Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi Exterior Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi Interior Food Display Table, Main Hall One of the VIP Rooms (Larger Capacity) Topi Room Wayang Room The Soya Sauce Bottles Collection The Skate Room The Pool Side The Equipments The Toilet (Male) The Toilet Signs Table Layout of Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi One of the lightings in Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi The music speaker placed on every corner of the restaurant to enhance Javanese ambience Employees‟ Uniform Restoran Warung Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi‟s Brochure
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LIST OF APPENDIXES Appendix A Appendix B
Questionnaire Data Recapitulation
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