By Dwi Maya Subianto 19009095
Undergraduate Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
Shopping is a form of people’s activity in order to fulfill their needs. But nowadays, shopping doesn’t mean forcing people to go to the store directly, because now we know shopping online. Shopping online is becoming behavior in Indonesia. Even though mortal store still does exist, it becomes the researcher’s concern why some people tend to choose online store and some people choose mortal or offline store. There might be a motivation behind shopping online and offline. The problem is, are there any differences between motivation behind shopping online and offline? Shopping motivation can be influenced by many factors. There is external and internal factor. The external factor that we usually see in daily life is advertisements. Nowadays there is online media that can be an option to promote the products. Online media promotion seems to give more advantages because it can grab attention to more people in a short time. On the other side, offline media promotion still exists. The problem is if the offline media promotions might be replaced by online media promotions. The internal factor that seems to have influence to shopping behavior is shopper impulsivity. Impulsivity is defined by Weun, Jones, and Beatty (1997) as the level or degree to which an individual tends to make unplanned, immediate, and unreflective purchase. This factor can not controled by anyone even the shopper themselves. The problem is whether shopper impulsivity really have influence towards shopping behavior. In conducting this research, the researcher uses questionnaire to gather data. The data then would be analyzed by using factor analysis and regression analysis. The findings suggest that impulsive factors do affect some online purchases such as video games, sport equipment, accessories, and fashion. While in offline store, impulsive factors affect cosmetic significantly while in shopping online it doesn’t. Besides that, media promotion that gives significant influence to online shopping frequency is modern media which mostly using internet connection. Conventional media promotion still influences purchasing frequency of offline shopping. The conclusion is motivation behind shopping online and offline are different. Assured merchandise that is considered as the shopping online motivation. While motivation of shopping offline is more emphasized to the assurance and enjoyment of the shopping process. Modern media promotion has significant influence to shopping online motivation. While conventional media promotion has significant influence to shopping offline motivation. So the conclusion is conventional media promotion does not been replaced by modern media promotion, it still does exist and has influence to shopping behavior. Impulsive factors affect shopping behavior both in online and offline store. It seems that shopper with higher degree of impulsivity would be more easily to shop both in online and offline store. But shopper impulsivity has more influence to shopping offline frequency than purchase frequency in online store for certain product category such as accessories, baby product, fashion, cosmetic, and daily needs. For further research, the researcher recommend to analyze the relationship between shopper impulsivity and the influence of media promotions. For the marketers, because sometimes the shopper online who search for the stores, not the online store that approach the target market anymore. So, the online store should be easy to be searched on search engine, portal, or social media. It can be created by making easy names. The photo product is driving shopper impulsiveness easily, so the photo should be in a good angle of product, using good looking model that has appropriate image to the product, detail information especially for size, material, price, guarantee, and payment system. Based on the research, online store and offline store should have more modern advertisement, since people tends to depend on internet for daily life. Keywords: Shopping motivation online and offline, impulsiveness, media promotion
Belanja adalah suatu bentuk kegiatan manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Namun kini belanja bukan lagi berarti kita harus datang langsung ke toko, karena sekarang telah ada belanja online yang bisa dilakukan di rumah. Kini berbelanja online sudah menjadi kebiasaan di Indonesia. Walaupun toko offline tetap ada, namun mengapa orang-orang lebih memilih berbelanja online? Adanya motivasi dibalik berbelanja online dan offline menjadi faktor. Masalahnya adalah apakah ada perbedaan antara motivasi berbelanja online dan offline? Motivasi berbelanja dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor external dan internal. Faktor eksternal yang paling sering dilihat di kehidupan sehari-hari adalah media promosi. Kini ada media online yang menjadi pilihan untuk dijadikan media promosi. Media online nampaknya memberikan keuntungan lebih untuk penjual, karena media online bisa menjangkau lebih banyak orang dalam waktu singkat. Namun media offline juga tetap memiliki peran penting. Masalahnya adalah apakah media promosi offline akan digantikan dengan adanya media promosi online? Faktor internal yang nampaknya memiliki pengaruh terhadap motivasi belanja adalah impulsiveness. Menurut Weun, Jones, and Beatty (1997), impulsiveness adalah level atau derajat kecenderungan seorang individu untuk berbelanja secara tidak terencana, tiba-tiba, dan tidak disengaja. Faktor ini tidak bisa dikontrol oleh siapapun karena berasal dari dalam diri masing-masing pembeli. Masalahnya adalah apakah benar faktor impulsiveness tersebut memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku berbelanja. Data yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan penelitian ini didapat dengan menyebar kuisioner. Metode analisis yang akan digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor analisis dan regresi analisis. Setelah melakukan analisis, peneliti mengemukakan bahwa faktor impulsive memiliki pengaruh terhadap pembelian video games, peralatan olah raga, aksesoris, dan fashion di online media. Sedangkan untuk toko offline, faktor impulsive mempengaruhi frekuensi berbelanja aksesoris. Selain itu, media promosi yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan adalah media promosi modern yang rata-rata menggunakan akses internet. Tetapi media promosi konvensional tetap mempengaruhi frekuensi berbelanja di toko offline. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa motivasi berbelanja online dan offline berbeda. Motivasi berbelanja online adalah keamanan produk, dan motivasi berbelanja offline adalah keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam proses berbelanja. Media promosi modern memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap motivasi belanja online. Sedangkan media promosi konvensional memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadapa motivasi belanja offline. Jadi, media promosi konvensional tidak tergantikan dengan adanya media promosi online. Impulsive faktor mempengaruhi perilaku berbelanja di media online dan offline. Nampaknya pembeli dengan derajat impulsive yang lebih tinggi dapat lebih mudah berbelanja online dan offline. Tetapi impulsiveness lebih memiliki pengaruh terhadap frekuensi belanja offline dibandingkan dengan frekuensi belanja online. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, peneliti menyarankan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara impulsiveness dan pengaruh media promosi. Untuk para penjual, karena kini pembeli online terkadang yang mencari toko online, bukan lagi toko online yang mencari pembeli, maka toko online harus lebih mudah dicari. Foto produk juga sangat mudah menggerakan impulsiveness dari pembeli, maka foto produk harus menampilkan produk dari sisi yang bagus, bisa juga dengan menggunakan model yang cantik. Berdasarkan penelitian, baik toko online maupun offline harus memiliki media ii
promosi online karena zaman sekarang orang-orang cenderung menggunakan internet dalam hidup sehari-hari. Kata – kata kunci: Motivasi berbelanja online dan offline, impulsiveness, media promosi
Undergraduate Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
Dr. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, M.Sc. NIP: 999089101
First of all I want to say thanks to God for His blessings and guidance to me that I can finish my final project very well and made it on time. This research entitled “The Influence of Impulsive Factors and Media Promotions towards Shopping Online and Offline” was made in order to fulfill the graduation requirement of Undergraduate Program in School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung. I also want to say thanks to the people besides me that help me to finish this final project unconditionally. So I want to express my sincere gratitude to: •
My parents: Subianto and Hermawati who always cheer me up and give unlimited love, support, and prayer in my every condition.
My brother: Nicki Subianto who always there to support and cheer me up everytime I’m down.
Dr. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara, Msc. as my beloved academic mentor who allowed me to continue her research and help me to submit this research to the international conference as the graduation requirement. Thank you for your unlimited time and energy for me.
Jojosepupa: Stanislas Nancy, Melisa Damayanti, Livia Budyanto, and Audylia Hartono who always there to lend me their ear to listen to my stories and make my day in my worst condition. Thanks for being my second family.
D’Altos: Katherin Yolanda, Almira Siagian, Raja Falency Arifah, Alvia Nurindira, Gayatri Cahya Pertiwi, Mirah Putu Nikita, Ruth Melisa, Sarah Gaol, Aghnia Amalia, Astrid Saraswati, Debb Nurhikmah, Hedya Febritanti, Vira Cania Arman, and the others that are in BB group that can’t be mentioned their entire name one by one here, thanks for the laugh and togetherness.
All time lao shi, Lee Marvin, for his willingness to teach and help me sincerely during the process of writing this final project report and also the other subjects.
190 family, especially tutorial 1B, 2C, and 3C, thanks for the togetherness and memories in this three years.
Keluarga Mahasiswa Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (KMSBM), especially Dancerpreneur for the dance, laugh, and love for the last 2 years. Thanks for the good memories in my college life.
The rest that can’t be mentioned one by one here that help me to finish this final project report.
I hope that whis final project report will give advantages to those who read it in the future. I also want to apologize for any omissions and other mistakes in reporting the results of the research. Comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated and considered for inclusion in further research.
Bandung, August 12, 2012 Best regards,
Dwi Maya Subianto
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................ i ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................................... ii VALIDATION PAGE ........................................................................................................ iv FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Identification and Research Question ............................................................ 3 1.3 Research Objectives ...................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Research Scope & Limitation ....................................................................................... 5 1.5 Expected Contribution .................................................................................................. 5 1.6 Writing Sequence .......................................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS............................................................. 7 2.1 Impulsiveness................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Motivation..................................................................................................................... 10 2.3 Media Promotion .......................................................................................................... 14 2.4 Table of Literature Study .............................................................................................. 16 2.5 Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................. 22 2.6 Hypotheses .................................................................................................................... 23 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 25 3.1 Research Design ........................................................................................................... 25 3.1.1
Problem Identification ............................................................................................ 26
Exploratory Research .............................................................................................. 26
Summarize Findings ............................................................................................... 26
Descriptive Statistic ................................................................................................ 26
Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 27
Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 27
Recommendation .................................................................................................... 27 vii
3.2 Research Methodology ................................................................................................. 27 3.2.1
Population ............................................................................................................... 27
Sampling ................................................................................................................. 28
3.3 Data Gathering Method ................................................................................................ 28 3.4 Research Variable and Measurement ........................................................................... 28 3.4.1
Research Variable ................................................................................................... 28
Research Measurement ........................................................................................... 29
3.5 Data Validation ............................................................................................................. 32 3.6 Data Analysis Technique .............................................................................................. 32 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 35 4.1 Respondent’s Profile ..................................................................................................... 35 4.1.1
Gender ..................................................................................................................... 35
Age .......................................................................................................................... 36
Occupation .............................................................................................................. 36
Expense ................................................................................................................... 37
Media to Shop Online ............................................................................................. 37
Internet Usage ......................................................................................................... 38
Effective Advertisement ......................................................................................... 39
Expense on Shopping Online .................................................................................. 39
Payment Method ..................................................................................................... 40
4.1.10 Reason Choosing Website ...................................................................................... 40 4.2 Most Product/Service Purchased due to Media Promotions ......................................... 41 4.3 Media Promotions Influence towards Shopping Behavior ........................................... 44 4.4 Shopping Online and Offline Motivation ..................................................................... 45 4.5 Shopping Online Behavior............................................................................................ 51 4.6 Most Product/Service Purchased on Media Online ...................................................... 51 4.7 The Relationship between Shopper Impulsivity, Media Promotions, and Product Purchase Frequency ......................................................................................... 56 4.8 Summary of Hypotheses Findings ................................................................................ 60 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENTATION ........................................... 61 5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 61 5.2 Recommendation for Further Research ........................................................................ 62 5.3 Recommendation Managerial ....................................................................................... 63 viii
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 65 APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 1.1 Picture of Shopping Online and Offline Behavior ............................................ 1 Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................... 22 Figure 3.1 Research Design ................................................................................................ 25 Figure 4.1 Gender Chart ..................................................................................................... 35 Figure 4.2 Age Chart .......................................................................................................... 36 Figure 4.3 Occupation Chart ............................................................................................... 37 Figure 4.4 Expense Chart.................................................................................................... 37 Figure 4.5 Media to Shop Online Chart .............................................................................. 38 Figure 4.6 Internet Usage Chart .......................................................................................... 38 Figure 4.7 Effective Advertisement Chart .......................................................................... 39 Figure 4.8 Expense on Shopping Online Percentage Chart ................................................ 39 Figure 4.9 Payment Method Chart ...................................................................................... 40 Figure 4.10 Reason Choosing Website Chart ..................................................................... 41 Figure 4.11 Motivation Online Histogram ......................................................................... 48 Figure 4.11 Motivation Offline Histogram ......................................................................... 50 Figure 4.13 Shopping Online Behavior Chart .................................................................... 51
LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Table of Literature Study of Impulsive .............................................................. 16 Table 2.2 Table of Literature Study of Shopping Motivation ............................................ 19 Table 2.3 Table of Literature Study of Media Promotions ................................................. 22 Table 3.1 Table of Research Variable ................................................................................ 28 Table 3.2 Table of Research Measurement ........................................................................ 29 Table 4.1 Most Purchase Product Category in Each Media Promotion ............................. 41 Table 4.2 Media Influence toward Shopping (EFA) ......................................................... 44 Table 4.3 Online and Offline Shopping Motivation Explaratory Factor Analysis (EFA) ................................................................................................................... 45 Table 4.4 Descriptive Analysis of Most Product/Service Purchased in Online Media
.............................................................................................................................. 52
Table 4.5 Most Product Purchased on Online Media ......................................................... 53 Table 4.6 Relationship between Shopper Impulsivity, Media Promotion, and Product Purchase Frequency ............................................................................................... 56 Table 4.7 The Influence between Impulsive Factors towards Fashion Online/Offline Purchase Frequency.................................................................................... 58 Table 4.8 Table of Summary of Hypotheses Findings ....................................................... 60