Peter CSIGÓ Curriculum Vitae Currently I work as researcher in the Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Science. Between 2005 and 2010 I was associate researcher at MOKK Centre for Media Research and Education at the Department of Sociology and Communication, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I have held various courses at BUTE, ELTE University and Budapest Corvinus University (Media sociology, Television in the era of media convergence, Media reception studies). I have recently submitted my doctoral dissertation to ELTE University, the date of my doctoral defence is scheduled to October 2013. The title of my doctoral dissertation: „Living on the bubble: media and politics in the age of reflexive capitalism.” I am author of one book: Convergent Television. Web, tv, community, Budapest: L'Harmattan. (Konvergens televíziózás. Web, tv, közösség.). I have authored various articles written in English and in Hungarian, including: „The Effect Seekers” (In: K. Jakobowitz – M. Sükösd: Finding the Right Place on the Map: Central and Eastern European Media Change in Global Perspective. Intellect Books: Bristol), „Permanent turbulence and reparatory work : a dramaturgical approach to late modern television.” (In: Couldry, N – Hepp, A. – Krotz, F. Media Events in a Global Age. Routledge: London.), Political representation. Book review. In: Politics and Culture. 2009(4), Celebratory Politics: late modern promotionalism and political communication. In: EastBound 2010. My research area includes issues of popular media and politics, media commercialization, media reception analysis, popular culture and citizenship, and everyday uses of new media. For five years between 2002 and 2006, I have worked as public opinion researcher at one of Hungary's most respected market research agencies, Medián. I am editor of Eastbound, online journal for Eastern-European media and cultural research. I have been member of the COST A30 network „East of West”. I have organized international conferences (RE:activism []; Popular Media and Cultural Citizenship []). I am father of Lena Eszter, born in December 2007 and Andras, born in August 2011.
Education 1998 BA degree in Sociology, ELTE Institute of Sociology, Budapest 1999 DEA (MA) degree in Sociology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris 2013 (october) PhD, ELTE Institute of Media, Film and Communication Theory, Budapest Research areas Democratic politics in the age of late capitalism. The reflexivity of cultural markets. Media commercialization, popular culture and public discourse. Everyday uses of popular and new media. Research projects 1998 1999 2000 2002 2002-4 2003-5 2005-6 2006-7 Center) 2007-8 2009-13
The discourse of the consolidation of capitalism in Hungary. Information genres. Media reception and public knowledge. (for the Batthyány Foundation) Political agenda in the press and in public opinion (for Nyilvánosság Klub) Public knowledge and everyday discourse on politics. (for the XXIth Century Institute) Popular media and the tabloidization of politics. (for the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) Late modern individualization and the uses of new media in Hungary (for the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Political History) Uses of mobile communication technologies in Hungary (for the Mobile Innovation The convergence of television and internet (For, T-Com) Democratic politics in late capitalism (PhD research)
Employments 2001 – 2004
junior research fellow, Institute of Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Science
2004 – 2010 assistant lecturer, Centre for Media Research and Education, Dept. Of Sociology and Communication, Budapest University of Technology 2012 –
research fellow, Institute of Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Science
Teaching Courses taught at BUTE : Introduction to sociology, Political Science, Media Programming, Technology and Culture, The Sociology of Culture, The Sociology of Mass Communication Courses taught at other institutions: Lifestyle and media consumption. (Research seminar, Széchenyi István College and Social Theory College of Corvinus University) Media reception studies (Eötvös Loránd University of Science)
English language publications and accepted full conference papers:
2000 Csigó Péter - Kovács Éva: The Hungarian--Romanian Basic Agreement: Positions and Issues in the Debate. In: Sík Endre (szerk): New Diasporas in Hungary,Russia and Ukraine: Legal Regulations and Current Politics, 142-190. Open Society Institute/Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute
2000 Csigó Péter: Information Genres: The Construction of Public Affairs. In: Schleicher Nóra (szerk.): Communication Culture in Transition, 99-118., Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
2002 Csigó Péter – Vedres Balázs: Negotiating the End of Transition: a Network Approach to Political Discourse Dynamics, Hungary 1997. ISERP Working Paper 02-06.Columbia University, New York
2005 Representation and Performance. Toward a performative model of media effects. First European Communication Conference. Conference paper.
2006 Celebratory Politics. Late modern promotionalism and politics. CRESC Conference. Oxford. Conference paper.
2007. Downbreaking News. ICA Conference, San Francisco. Conference paper.
2008 The Effect Seekers. In: K. Jakobowitz – M. Sükösd: Finding the Right Place on the Map: Central and Eastern European Media Change in Global Perspective.Intellect Books: Bristol.
2008 The Effect Seekers: ’fandom’ and ’alliance' in the consumption of PSB TV’s progovernment propaganda in Hungary. ICA Conference, Montréal. Conference paper.
2009 Permanent turbulence and reparatory work : a dramaturgical approach to late modern television. In: Couldry, N – Hepp, A. – Krotz, F. Media Events in a Global Age. Routledge: London.
2009 Political representation. Book review. In: Politics and Culture. 2009(4).
2010 Celebratory Politics: late modern promotionalism and political communication. In: EastBound 2010.
Csigó Péter (2009) A konvergens televíziózás rendszere. L’Harmattan: Budapest.
International conference presentations 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006
Information genres – the construction of public sphere. Erasmus International Conference: Transformation of Communication Culture. Budapest The duality of statements and speech-acts: dynamic network analysis of a discursive innovation. Presentation at the workshop of CODES group, Columbia University, New York The duality of statements and speech-acts: dynamic network analysis of a discursive innovation by Peter Csigo, Balazs Vedres. International Sunbelt Social Network Conference XXII, New Orleans Media commercialization and public consciousness – a Hungarian case study. Second International Conference of Young Scholars: Communication in the Global World. Ljubljana Representation and Performance. Toward a performative model of media effects. First European Communication Conference. Amsterdam. November 25-27. Late modern individualization, cultural integration and the media-constructed public sphere. Tampere University, Finland. Affirmative Politics: How the Promotionalization of Politics Affects the Citizen? British Political Science Association Conference. Media and Politics sesion. Reading University. April 4-6. The „Effect Seekers”: Reception of Government Propaganda at PSB Television in Hungary. Commitment and Complicity. ASCA Conference. Amsterdam. March 29-31. Late modern individualization, cultural integration and the media-constructed public sphere. Tampere University, Finland. May 14-16. The „Effect Seekers”: Reception of Government Propaganda at PSB Television in Hungary. COST International Conference, Budapest, CEU. Június 15. Celebratory Politics. Late modern promotionalism and politics. CRESC Conference,
Oxford. September 4-6. Celebratory Politics. Late modern promotionalism and politics. Popular Media and Cultural Citizenship Conference, Budapest, CEU. September 22-23 2007 Downbreaking News. 57th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Creating Communication: Content, Control, Critique, San Francisco. May 24-26. 2007 Ritualizing and mediating „ordinary” reality in the era of „event television”. Media Events Conference. University of Bremen. Bremen. July 8-9. 2007 Beyond media exposure: interactive audience engagement and mainstreaming in the convergent media environment. 'Re-Thinking Cultural Economy' conference Manchester University Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC) Manchester, September 5-6. 2007 Falling Apart or Falling Together? - audience fragmentation and audience casualization in the new media environment. Transforming Audiences Conference. University of Westminster. London. September 6-7. 2008 The effect seekers. 58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Communicating for Social Impact. 22-26 May, Montreal. The rise of convergent television. COST A30 conference, Sarajevo, June 6-7. Audience engagement and „productive” media power in the new media era. IAMCR conference, Stockholm, July 23-25. 2006
Audience engagement and „productive” media power in the new media era. American University of Paris. November 26. 2010
The mediatization of politics – a cultural constructivist rethinking. British Political Science Association Conference. Media and Politics session. Loughborough University, 2-4 November.
The mediatization of politics – a cultural constructivist rethinking. Mediatized worlds – culture and society in a media age. International conference, Bremen. 14-15 April. Celebratory politics. 58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Communication @ the Centre. 26-30 May, Boston.
Living on the bubble. At: Mediatization in transnational and transcultural perspectives. Workshop of the ECREA TWG Mediatization. Goldsmiths College 30-31 March. Istandul
Selected Hungarian language publications:
Csigó Péter (2011) A civil szféra. Recenzió. Szociológiai Szemle. 21(2) 141-152.
Csigó Péter (2007) Mobil távközlési technológiák felhasználói szokásainak elemzése. (a Mobil Innovációs Központ számára készített elemzés)
Csigó Péter (2007) Társadalmi rétegződés és egyenlőtlenségek. in: S. Nagy Katalin (szerk): Szociológia.
Csigó Péter (2007) Kultúra és társadalom. in: S. Nagy Katalin (szerk): Szociológia.
Csigó Péter (2006). Kereskedelmi média és késő modern individualizáció Magyarországon. In: Kovách I. (szerk.) A magyar társadalom érdekviszonyai és struktúrája Budapest: Napvilág
Csigó Péter (2005) Közéleti diskurzusok és identitások a népszerű média terében. Miért nincs hatásuk a kereskedelmi híradóknak? Médiakutató 2005/4.
Csigó Péter (2005). Miért nincs hatása a kereskedelmi híradóknak? – valóság-hatás és performatív hatás a kereskedelmi média korában. In: Bayer, J. – Bajomi-Lázár Péter (szerk) Média, politika, globalizáció. Budapest:MTA PTI
Csigó Péter (2004). Törzs-közönségek. Identifikáció és közéleti tudás a kereskedelmi média korában. In: Lánczi, A. (szerk.) XXI. Század Intézet Évkönyve. Budapest: XX. Század Intézet.
Csigó Péter (2003). Identitás és politika. A 2002. évi magyar választások két botránya. Politikatudományi Szemle. 12/2, 173-207.
Csigó Péter (2002). A televíziós hírműsorok a választási kampány időszakában. In: Sükösd, M.– Vásárhelyi. M. (szerk) Hol a határ? 329-344. Budapest: Élet és Irodalom.
Csigó Péter (2000): Információs műfajok és közéleti tudatosság. Jel - Kép, 4.
Csigó Péter – Kovács Éva (2000): Európai integráció vagy/és kisebbségpolitika – a magyarromán alapszerződés sajtóvitája. In: Sík Endre – Tóth Judit (szerk.): Diskurzusok a
vándorlásról, 252-278.o., Nemzetközi Migrációs és Menekültügy Kutatóközpont, Budapest
Csigó Péter - Letenyei László (2000): Véleményhálózatok. Falu, város, régió, 10.
Csigó Péter (1998): A gazdasági stabilizációs diskurzus. Szociológiai Szemle, 3.
Csigó Péter (1997): Vázlat a Bokros-csomag vitájának elemzéséhez. Politikatudományi Szemle, 4.
Conference organisation:
RE:Activism: international conference on new media and activism, a joint project by CEU, BUTE, OSI and the Annenberg School for Communication, 2005, Budapest,
Popular Media and Cultural Citizenship, a joint project by CEU, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. 2006, September.
Popular Culture string of “Beyond East and West” regional ICA conference, Budapest, June 2009.
Contact E-mail
[email protected] Telephone: 06-703832356