Nama Tempat /Tgl lahir Status Alamat Kantor Pekerjaan Jabatan/ Gol
: Dra Lily Marliah, M.Hum. : Cianjur, 09 Maret 1948 : Berkeluarga : KK. Kemanusiaan (dh.Dept.SOSTEK) FSRD-ITB Jl Ganesha 10 Bandung. : Staf Pengajar Bhs. Inggris di S1 & Program PASCASARJANA ITB : Lektor/III d (tht.1 Juni 2007) SK.REKTOR ITB NOMOR: 126/SK/K01/KP.03.03/2007). SK. MENTERI PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL RI NOMOR: 126/SK/K01/KP.03.3/2007 : SR Negeri 1 di Cianjur lulus th 1960 : SMP Negeri I di Cianjur lulus th 1963 SKKA Negeri I di Jakarta lulus th 1966 IKIP Negeri di Bandung lulus Sarjana Muda 10 Januari 1972 Sarjana (S1) 29 April 1976 S2 PROGRAM PASCASARJANA UNPAD lulus 27 Mei 2004 S3 PROGRAM PASCASARJANA FAKULTAS SASTRA UNPAD (Belum sidang) Lulus Sertifikasi dosen Bahasa Inggris di ITB Lulus Sertifikasi Pendidik sebagai Dosen Profesional di Bidang Sastra dan Bahasa Inggris. SK Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional No: 101104910014 Tgl.5 Juli 2010.
TRIDHARMA PERGURUAN TINGGI Melaksanakan Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Pengalaman Mengajar Bhs Inggris/ Pengabdian pada Masyarakat: *Juli 1972 sd. Des. 1976 : mengajar di SMAK BPPK Bandung *1974(1 th) mengajar di SMAN IV Bandung.
Guru Honorer
Dosen Luar Biasa Bahasa Inggris:
*1976 sd 1978 mengajar di Institut Hortikultura Bandung Sem1&2&7 *1976 sd 1977 mengajar di Akademi Sekretaris Managemen(ASM) LPM *1978 sd 1988 mengajar Business English,Dictation dan Conversation Sem 1 sd Sem VI di ASM UNISBA dan D3 Fak.Ekonomi UNISBA
*1981 mengajar di PEDC ITB (training untuk dosen- dosen Politeknik seluruh Indonesia angkatan .I) 1
*1982 (2 th) mengajar di Akademi Politeknik ITB sem 1 sd VI Jur. Sipil, Mesin, Elektro. * 1982 (3 Bln) memberikan pelatihan bahasa Inggris untuk karyawan/ karyawati FTI-ITB * 1983 (?) Menatar P4 untuk karyawan/ karyawati dan Dharma Wanita ITB *1982 sd 1985 Menatar P4 Mahasiswa TPB ITB *1976 sd 1985 Memberi kursus Bhs Inggris pada karyawan JAMSOSTEK Jawa Barat, IPTN (Nurtanio), Bank Dagang Negara,Bandung , Lab. Bahasa ITB dll. * 1992 sd 1995 mengajar di Akademi Politeknik Industri dan Niaga Bandung. * 1996 Memberikan Pelatihan kepada para pejabat di Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) Muara Enim, pada “Paket Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris dan Bimbingan Praktek”. 22 Juli sd 9 Agst.1996 Angkatan I 9 Agst. sd.6 Sept.1996 Angkatan II *Sem I dan sem II 2002/2003 sd 2005/2006 dan Sem VII 2005/2006 mengajar bhs Inggris Dep. Teknik Industri, Sistem Komputer dan Teknik Elektro, DKV, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Informatika di ITHB. *2002 (3 bulan) Memberi Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris kepada Karyawan di lingkungan FSRD. * April sd Juni 2004 (3 bln) Memberi Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris kepada Karyawan di lingkungan Program Studi Teknik Mesin *1992 dan 1993 mengawas ujian masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Lokal Bandung Mengajar Bahasa Inggris di ITB * 15 Pebruari 1972 sd 1988 (Bubar) mengajar di SAIG ( Sekolah Akhli Instrumen Logam dan Gelas) FT ITB. Kelas I sd kelas IV * 1 Maret 1976 Calon PNS dengan masa kerja 7 tahun sebagai Staf Pengajar Bahasa Inggris di SAIG FT ITB .SK.Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No 28882/C/2/76. * 1 Maret 1977 PNS.Masa kerja 8 tahun. SK No : 066/SK/Pers/ITB/77 an. Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Rektor ITB.ub Sekertaris Bidang Administrasi dan Keuangan. Prof.DR.Mathias Aroef. 1978 mengajar di TPB ITB sd sekarang 2015. (BPU UP PU MKDU KK Ilmu Kemanusiaan MKU Sosioteknologi) Semester I dan Semester II sd sekarang; per semester mengajar 3 kelas; data mengajar Sem I 1978 sd Sem II 1993/1994 hilang., ada surat keterangan dari Ketua Jurusan Sostek .Pensiun 1 April 2013 *Sem I 1994/1995. KU 110 di Kls: K10 Dept. GL,TA,TM,TG K 11 Dept. SI,TL,PL,AR,GD K 12 Dept. TF,IF,TI,TK *Sem II 1994/1995. KU 110 di Kls: K04.Dept.BI,MA,FI,KI,GM,FA. K07. Dept.EL,MS.PN K08. Dept. EL,MS.PN *Sem I 1995/1996. KU 110 di Kls: K10 Dept. GL,TA,TM,TG K 11 Dept. SI,TL,PL,AR,GD K 12 Dept. TF,IF,TI,TK *Sem II 1995/1996. KU 110 di Kls: K 03 Dept.MA,FI,KI K 04 Dept. BI,GM,FA 2
K 11 Dept. SI,TL,PL *Sem I 1996/1997 KU 110 di Kls: K 09 Dept. GL, TA, TG K 08 Dept. PN, MS,EL. K 07 Dept. TF,TI,IF *Sem II 1996/1997 KU 110 di Kls: K 03 Dept. MA,FI,KI K 04 Dept. BI,GM,FA K 11 Dept. SI,TL,PL *Sem I 1997/1998 KU 110 di Kls: K 04 Dept. BI,MA,FI K 07 Dept. EL,MS.PN K 06 Dept TF,IF,TI,TK K 10 Dept. GL,TA,TM,TG K 11 Dept. SI,TL,PL,AR,GD *Sem II 1997/1998 KU 110 di Kls: K 10 Dept. GL,TA,TM,TG K 11 Dept. SI,TL,PL,AR,GD K 03 Dept. KI, GM,FA *Sem I 1998/1999 KU 110 di Kls: K 03 Dept. MA,FI,KI K 04 Dept.BI,GM,FA K 11 Dept. AR,TL.GD *Sem II 1998/1999 KU 110 di Kls: K 09 Dept. GL,TA,TG K08 Dept. PN, MS,EL. K 07 Dept. TF,TI,IF *Sem I 1999/2000 KU 110 di Kls: K 04 Dept. BI,MA,FI K 07 Dept PN, MS,EL. K 06 Dept TF,IF,TI,TK *Sem II 1999/2000 KU 110 di Kls: K 10 Dept. GL,TA,TM,TG K 11 Dept. SI,TL,PL,AR,GD K 03 Dept. KI, GM,FA Mengajar Academic Reading KU 110 di ITB (2 SKS per kelas) *Sem I
2000/2001 Kls: T 04 Dept. BI, MA,FI,KI,GM,FA,AS T 17 Dept. TF,IF,TI,TK T 25 Dept. AR,TL,GD,KL,PL,SI *Sem II 2000/2001 Kls: T 07 Dept.GL,TG,TA,TM, GF T 23 Dept.KRI, SM,DI,DKV,DP T 16 Dept. PN, MS,EL. *Sem I
2001/2002 Kls
T 24 Dept. KRI, SM,DI,DKV,DP,DS T 17 Dept. TF,IF,TI,TK,PN,MS.EL,MT *Sem II 2001/2002 Kls T 07 Dept. GL,TG,TA,TM, GF T 23 Dept. TF,IF,TI,TK,PN,MS.EL,MT
*Sem I
2002/2003 Academic Reading (Rd 01)--KU 1021(2 SKS) Kls T03 Dept. BI, MA,FI,KI,GM,FA,AS T 17 Dept. TF,IF,TI,TK,PN,MS.EL,MT T 25 Dept. AR,TL,GD,KL,PL,SI
*Sem II 2002/2003 Academic Reading (Rd 02)--KU 1021(2 SKS) Kls T 02 Dept. BI, MA,FI,KI,GM,FA,AS T 20 Dept. TI, TF,IF, TK,PN,EL,TM Academic Writing KU 1022 (2 SKS) T 31 Dept. KRI, SM,DI,DKV,DP,DS *Sem I
2003/2004 Academic Reading KU 1021(2 SKS) Kls Rd 12 Dept.BI,FA,TI,MS,MT Academic Writing KU 1022 (2 SKS) Wr 09 Dept.BI,FA,TI,MS,MT English Presentation KU 1023(2 SKS) Pr 02 Dept. ME, OSA, TF, SI,GD, PL *Sem II 2003/2004 Academic Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd 05 Dept. GL, IF, PN Academic Writing KU 1022 Kls Wr 03 Dept. GL, PN English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.03 Dept. TK, EL,TL English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.07 Dept. KRI, SM,DI,DKV,DP,DI *Sem I
Sem II
Sem I
2004/2005 Academic Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.11 Dept. MS,MT. Academic Writing KU 1022 Kls Wr.09 Dept.FA,BI English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.01 Dept.GD,TI English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.04 Dept.PL.TI 2004/2005 Academic Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd. 08 Dept.DI, AR,DK,DP Academic Writing KU 1022 Kls Wr.09 Dept.TL English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 05 Dept. TK, EL Technical Writing KU 4026(3 sks) Kls TW.06 Dept. EL 2005/2006 Academic Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.13 Dept. TG,TA,TM,TF English Presentation KU 1023 4
Kls Pr.01 Dept. English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.06 Dept.OSA,TM,MT,GM Technical Writing KU 4026(3 sks) Kls TW 02 Dept.EL Sem II 2005/2006 Academic Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.06 Dept.TL Academic Writing KU 1022 Kls Wr.15 Dept.GL,IF,PN Technical Writing KU 4026(3 sks) Kls TW.02 Dept.MA,E L,TM PASCASARJANA ITB Reading and Writing Skills KU 6029(2 SKS) Kls. S2-01. Dept. MA,FI,KI,BI,GL,TM,GM,OSA,DS.MBA Sem I 2006/2007 Academic Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.05 STEI Academic Writing KU 1022 Kls Wr. 05 STEI Technical Writing KU 4026(3 sks) Kls TW.04 Dept.IF PASCASARJANA ITB Reading and Writing Skills KU 6029(2 SKS) Kls. Pasca 05 Sem II 2006/2007
Reading for Academic Purpose KU 1021 Kls Rd.12 English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.07 English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.10 Technical Writing KU 4026(3 sks) Kls TW 05
PASCASARJANA ITB Reading and Writing Skills KU 6029(2 SKS) Kls. Pasca 03 Sem I 2007/2008
Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.01 Dept.MS,PN,MT English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.05 FTTM Technical Writing KU 4026(3 sks) Kls TW.03 FMIFA 5
PASCASARJANA ITB Reading and Writing Skills KU 6029(2 SKS) Kls. Pasca 06 PSDA,SITH,FTTM,FTI,FTSL,FSRD. Sem I1 2007/2008 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.01 Dept. English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.07 Kls Pr.12 Technical Writing KU 4026(3 sks) Kls TW.08 PASCASARJANA ITB Reading and Writing Skills KU 6029(2 SKS) Kls. Pasca 02. Sem I 2008/2009
Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.02 FTI Kls Rd.17 STEI English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.06 FSRD Kls Pr.10 FTSL Sem II 2008/2009 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.02 FTI Kls Rd.16 FIKT Academic Writing KU 1022 Kls W 04 FSRD English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.03 SITH Kls Pr.06 FITB Technical Writing KU 4026 Kls TW.01 Sem I 2009/2010 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.02 FTI Kls Rd.06 FTMD Kls Rd 16 STEI English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.08 FTSL Kls Pr.12 SAPPK Sem II 2009/2010 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.02 FMIFA Kls Rd.16 FTTM 6
Academic Writing KU 1022 Wr 4 FSRD English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.3 SITH Kls Pr.6 FITB Sem I 2010/2011 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.02 FTI Kls Rd.06 FTMD Kls Rd 17 STEI English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr.07 FTSL Sem II 2010/2011 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd. 02 FMIFA Kls Rd.15 FTTM English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr 02 SITH Kls Pr. 04 FITB Sem I 2011/2012 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.06 FTMD English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 01 FTI Kls Pr. 07 FTSL Kls Pr. 11 STEI Sem II 2011/2012 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd 15 FTTM English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 02 FMIPA Kls Pr. 04 SF Kls Pr. 05 FITB Sem I 2012/2013 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.06 FTMD English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 01 FTI Kls Pr. 07 FTSL Kls Pr. 11 STEI Sem II 2012/2013 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.04 FMIPA Kls Rd.06 SITH Sains English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 07 FITB Kls Pr. 09 FTTM Kls Pr. 11 FSRD
Sem I 2013/2014 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd. 14 SAPPK Kls Rd. 17 FSRD English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 02 STEI Kls Pr. 06 FTSL Sem II 2013/2014 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.16 FITB English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 07 FITB Kls Pr. 15 FTI Sem I 2014/2015 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd. !7 FSRD English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 02 STEI Kls Pr. 06 FTSL Sem II 2014/2015 Critical Reading KU 1021 Kls Rd.16 FTT Kls Rd. 05 FMIPA English Presentation KU 1023 Kls Pr. 07 FITB Kls Pr. 14 FTI Kursus/Pelatihan Sebagai Peserta 16 sd 20 Des. 1985. “Pengantar Komputer Pribadi” di Pusat Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Informasi ITB. 06 sd.10 Jan.1986 “ Kursus Pengolahan Kata” di Pusat Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Informasi ITB. 26 sd. 30 Nov.1990 “dBase III Plus” di Pusat Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Informasi ITB. 09 sd 11 April 1991 “Kursus LAN” di Pusat Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Informasi ITB. 29 Oktober 1994 “Kiat PengembanganApresiasi Seni Melalui Media Masa”Kerjasama LPM ITB dengan MKDU ITB 9 sd 21 Januari 1995 Penataran “Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial” Lembaga Penelitian UNPAD 2001(6 hari) “TRAINING dosen bhs Inggris untuk Perguruan Tinggi se Indonesia” oleh DIKTI di IKIP Negeri Jakarta 18 sd.20 Agst 2004”Pembelajaran Efektif bagi Staf Pengajar TPB ITB untuk Peningkatan Mutu pengajaran(Applied Approach)”, DIRDIK ITB. 21 sd 22 Maret 2005 “ Emotional Intelligent” PODC ITB “Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar” , Laboratorium Komputer TPB ITB. 2,9,16 Juni 2007 “ Kursus Kebudayaan Sunda..Pusat Penelitian Kebudayaan dan Ke29 Maret 2005
Masyarakatan” .Lembaga Penelitian UNPAD 11 Nopember 2007 Meditation Workshop .”Hidup Sehat dengan Meditasi. KMB . Dammanano ITB. 17 sd 18 januari 2007 “ Emotional Intelligent to Survive in the 21st Century” Prime Consulting & ITB
Seminar/Workshop/Konferensi Nasional 11 sd.15 Mei 1992 “ Basic Methodology Workshop in English Language Teaching” di Institute of Road Engineering in Cooperation with the British Council, Department of Public Works Agency for Research and Development, Institute of Road Engineering, sbg peserta. 4 sd 6 Pebruari 1993” The 40 TEFLIN Seminar “ English for Specific Purposes in the Era of Globalization” di Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. 2 Oktober 1993 “ Seminar Peningkatan Mutu Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia Ragam IPTEK di Perguruan Tinggi” da ITB sebagai Peserta dan Panitya 29 Okt.1994 Seminar Kiat Pengembangan Apresiasi Seni Melalui Media Masa atas Kerjasama LPM ITB dan PWI JABAR sbg. panitya. 20 Maret sd 3 April 1995 Lokakarya dan Peningkatan Rekonstruksi Applied Approach Asisten di ITB sbg peserta. 21 sd. 22 Des.1997 ” Temu Ilmiah II Ilmu-ilmu Sastra” Hotel Panghegar. Program PASCASAJANA UNPAD,sbg peserta dan panitya. 10 Okt.2001 Temu Ilmiah VI, Model Analisis Data dalam Upaya Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu Sastra, Program PASCASAJANA UNPAD, sbg peserta.Hotel Horison. 25 Juni 2003 Panitya Lomba Karangan Ilmiah ITB sebagai juri 25 Agustus 2003 Panitia Lomba Penulisan karangan Ilmiah “ ITB 2020 10 Sept.2003 (5 hari) Penerapan Proses Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar Berbasiskan Metoda Pembelajaran (Learning Based). 21,22,Maret 2005 Emotional Inteligence.Know Yourself, Choose Yourself and Give Yourself to Pursue the Best Career in Your Life.PODC. ITB. 25 Pebr.2006 Seminar Nasional Implikasi Undang-undang Guru dan Dosen bagi Peningkatan Mutu proses Pendidikan di UPI .. 2,9,16 Juni 2007 Kursus Kebudayaan 27 Februari 2007 Workshop” Teaching Reading”UPT Bahasa ITB & RELO US EMBASSY. 17 sd 18 Juli 2007 Lokakarya untuk dosen-dosen ITB.Teaching in Large Classes.ITB 6 November 2007 “ Semiotik –Pragmatik” Program PASCASARJANA UNPAD 7 November 2007 “ Teori-teori LinguistikMutakhir dan Penerapannya dalam Data Bahasa Indonesia” Program PASCASARJANA UNPAD 2,0
28 Februari 2008 Technological Innovation Management for Economic Development. Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership (CIEL) ITB 2,0 April 15-17, 2008 Seventh International Conference ; Teacher‟s Competencies and Qualifications for ELT in Indonesia. Kerjasama ITB dgn University of Leeds dan British Council. Sebagai Panitya. 2,0 14 Mei 2008
Seminar Nasional Seabad Kebangkitan Nasional; Nasionalisme, Etnisitas, dan Globalisasi. Kerjasama Fakultas Sastra UNPAD, Pusat Kebudayaan Sunda, dan harian Umum Pikiran Rakyat. 23 Januari 2009 Kolokium Pembelajaran 1; Mengenal Lebih Dekat: Brain –Based Learning. DIRDIK –ITB 20 April 2009 Kolokium Pembelajaran II. Mendorong Perubahan Menuju Perguruan Tinggi Unggul.ITB. 20,21 April 2009 Applied project Management and Evaluation. UPT Pengembangan Manusia dan Organisasi ITB. 5 Agustus 2009
Lokakarya Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah. Jurnal Sosioteknologi KK. Ilmu Kemanusiaan. FSRD-ITB. 10 November 2009 Kolokium Pembelajaran IV. Hakikat Guru. DIRDIK -ITB
14,15,16 Des.2009 Seminar dan Pameran Hasil kegiatan Buku ajar, Teaching grant & E-Learning. DIRDIK -ITB 15 Juli 2010 „Lokakarya TPB FSRD ITB 6 Des.2010 Seminar Nasional E-Learning.” Peran E-Learning dalam Mengembangkan Kualitas Pendidikan di Indonesia.”ComLabs USDIITB 25 Oktober 2011 Seminar Nasional Kebudayaan Kontemporer “55 Lipatan Dunia : Mengurai Pemikiran Yasraf Amir Piliang” Forum Studi Kebudayaan FSRD ITB 31 Maret 2012 Panel Diskusi “Transformasi Budaya Membangun Manusia Indonesia Berkesadaran Ilmu Pengetahuan” ITB Yayasan Suluh Indonesia 2013 Workshop on Academic Writing Purposes. KK Ilmu Kemanusiaan , Direktorat Kemitraan dan Hubungan Internasional ITB, dan Regonal English Language Office (RELO) 10 Desember 2013 “Humanities” Research and Publication” KK Ilmu Kemanusiaan FSRD ITB 25 April 2014 Lokakarya “ Anti Plagiarisme untuk Mahasiswa Timgkat Akhir S1, S2, S3 di lingkungan Universitas Padjadjaran” 19 November 2014 Peran Ilmu Kemanusiaan dalam Pengembangan Karaktwer Bangsa KK Ilmu Kemanusiaan FSRD ITB
Internasional Sebagai Peserta
1981(5 hari)
The Role of English in ASEAN Countries in the Context of Language Teaching in Universities. di RELC -Singapore; sebagai peserta. 06 sd.10 Jan 1992 Workshop on Research into Language Teaching Methodology in the Context of Large Classes. Di Pusat bahasa ITB. Atas kerjasama ITB-UGM University of Leeds Academic Link Program,sbg peserta 03 April 1996 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Testing. 27 Juni 1996 Liason Group Meeting and Workshop on Resource and Maintenance System for Language Center. 22 sd 23 Jan 1997 Computer Based Material. ITB-British Council. 22 sd 25 Agst.2001 Konferensi International Budaya Sunda I; Pewarisan Budaya Sunda di Tengah Arus Globalisasi, 8 Desember 2007. International Conference: Visual Art and Design ITB 19, 20, Juni 2009 International Conference on Fine Art and Design: The Shifting from Traditional to Contemporary Visual Culture.ITB GoldenAniversary.
Sebagai Panitya dan Peserta;Kerjasama ITB-British Council-University of Leeds. 1980 (3 hari) ASEAN Solar Energy sebagai Panitya di ITB 1980 (6 hari) Bio-energy. Sumberdaya Hayati sebagai Panitya di ITB 28 sd.31 Agst 1995 Teaching English to Unversity Undergraduate in the Indonesian Context: Issues and Development. 02 sd 04 Sep.1997 English in Highshools and Universities in Indonesia;Bridging the Gap. 22 sd 24 Feb 2000 The Third Internatonal Conference on Testing Evaluation in the Context of Undergraduate English Language Teaching 12 sd 14 Maret 2002 The Fourth Internatonal Conference; Authonomy: Perspectives from the English Language Teaching Organisation. 17 sd 19 Febr2004 The Fifth Internatonal Conference. Teaching English to Young Learners: Why and How? 21 sd.23 Febr.2006 Six International Conference, Competency_Based English Teaching: Theory and Reality,atas Kerjasama British Council-ITB- University of Leeds.. 8 Desember 2007 International Conference : Visual Art and Design ITB 15 sd 17 April 2008 .Seventh International Conference,.Teachers‟Competencies and Qualifications for ELT in Indonesia. Kerjasama British CouncilITB- University of Leeds.. Juni 2012 Ninth International Conference,”.Cultural and Language Development”, Kerjasama British Council-ITB- University of Leeds.. 26 sd 28 Juni 2012 Ninth International Conference “ Language ,Develovement and Identity” British Council_ ITB – University of Leeds
8 Oktober 1980 11
Piagam Pembina Penataran Penataran P4 Tingkat Propinsi dari Gubernur Jawa Barat 16 Januari 1997 Piagam (dan Lencana) Tanda Kehormatan Presiden Republik Indonesia “ Satya Lencana Karya Satya 20 th” Suharto 17 April 2002 Piagam Penghargaan serta Lencana Pengabdian 25 th dari Rektor ITB 17 Agustus 2007 Satyalancana Karya Satya XXX tahun. SK Presiden: DR H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono N0.011/TK/TAHUN 2007.Tanggal 24 April 2007. Oktober 2007. Dosen penyelenggaraan kuliah terbaik atas kehadiran dosen,kehadiran mahasiswa, penyerahan DNA,IP rata-rata,dan Kuesioner dari 100 besar dari seluruh perkuliahan terbaik se -ITB. 31 Maret 2009 Lulus Sertifikasi Dosen Internal ITB. SK. REKTOR NOMOR : 123/SK/K01/KP/ 2009 5 Juli 2010 Lulus Sertifikasi Dosen Nasional.Sertifikat Pendidik Nomor: 101104910014 tentang Perguruan Tinggi Penyelenggara Sertifikat Pendidik Untuk Dosen, Rektor Universitas Padjadjaran . Nomor: 1007-10-058(atas?) No.0002085 (bawah) Penghargaan Pensiun April 2013 belum masuk……… Karya Ilmiah. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
10 Januari 1972 Skripsi Sarmud IKIP.Negeri Bdg. Teaching English Conversation in SMAK BPPK Bandung. . 29 April 1976 Thesis Sarjana(S1) IKIP.Negeri Bdg. English Comprehension for Students of SMA. Mei 2004 Thesis Magister (S2) Program PASCASARJANA UNPAD The Prepositional Phrases of Adverb of Time in English. Jurnal Sastra UNPAD „UVULA‟ Vol 3 No 1 Mei 2005. Pemahaman Wacana Berbahasa Inggris Jurnal Sastra UNPAD „UVULA‟ Vol 3 No 2 November 2005. Frasa Adverb of Time (AT) Berpreposisi: Kajian Sintaksis Jurnal Sosioteknologi ITB Edisi 8 tahun 5, Agustus 2006 Adverbia Temporal (AT) Berpreposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris Jurnal Sosioteknologi ITB Edisi 11 tahun 6, Agustus 2007 Frasa Nomina yang Berfungsi Sebagai Komplemen dalam Klausa Bahasa Inggris. Kajian Sintaktis. Jurnal Sosioteknologi ITB Edisi 17 tahun 8, Agustus 2009 Peran Semantis Frasa Nomina yang Berfungsi Sebagai Adverbial dalam Klausa Bahasa Inggris.
Adverbia Temporal Berpreposisi dalam Klausa Bahasa Inggris 12
Abstract The title of this research is “ Adverbia Temporal (AT) Berpreposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris” or “ The Prepositional Phrase of Adverb of Time in English Clause ”. This research focused on : i what prepositions to form the adverb of time in English are; ii what temporal meanings in the adverb of time in English are; iii what structures of the adverb of time in English are; iv what relation between verb and the adverb of time in English are. The method used in the research is descriptive and synchronic linguistics. The analysis based on the classification of data resulted in : First, the prepositions forming the adverb of time in English are: a) 29 single prepositions such as since, at, in, and single prepositions containing noun phrase (NP) __the__ of__, such as by / at / till the end of the year. b) 9 double prepositions such as until before, since after, and from before. c) 21 single prepositions pairs, such as during__with, from__to, in__against. d) 4 double prepositions pairs, such as over about__from__to, for between__to, from__up to. Second, based on temporal meaning, adverb of time in English may be divided into point of time, backward span, forward span, duration and frequency. Third, the structures of the constituents of the adverb of time in English may be initial position ( IP) or pre-position,interposition or mid-position (MP), and end positions (EP). However, most prepositions in English adverb of time have initial position ( IP) Here are the structures of the adverb of time in English: i) Preposition with Noun Phrase Pre-position or initial position ( IP) a) Preposition + Noun Phrase , eg. on the following day, by the end of the year b) Preposition + Noun Phrase + Preposition + Noun Phrase, eg. during the expedition with his friends c) Preposition + Noun Phrase + Preposition + Noun Phrase + Preposition+ Noun, eg. after millions of years of practice d) Preposition + Preposition + Numeral + Noun Phrase, eg. for about 100 years Interposition or mid-position (MP) e) Noun Phrase + Preposition + Noun, eg.the day after tomorrow f) Adjective + Prep + Noun Phrase, eg. once in a while Postposition g) Noun Phrase + Preposition, eg. the whole year round ii) Preposition without Noun Phrase Pre-position or initial position ( IP) a) Preposition + Numeral , eg. in 1992 b) Preposition + Numeral + Preposition + Numeral, eg.from seven till nine c) Preposition + Preposition + Numeral, eg up to 1979 d) Preposition + Numeral + Preposition + Preposition +Numeral, eg. from 1970 up to 2002 Postposition 13
a) Adverb + Prep, eg. ever since iii) Double prepositions pairs (Preposition with Noun Phrase) Preposition or initial position ( IP) a) Preposition + Preposition + Numeral+ Preposition + Numeral+Noun Phrase eg. for between three to six months b) Preposition + Preposition + Numeral + Noun Phrase + Preposition + Numeral + Preposition + Numeral eg. over about 20 years from 1890 to 1910 Fourth, the prepositions of the adverb of time in English may function as head or attribute. The writer also found that verb tense may determine the preposition of the adverb of time in an English sentence while the preposition of the adverb of time may determine time or location.
Jurnal Sastra UNPAD „UVULA‟ Vol 3 No 1 Mei 2005. Pemahaman Wacana Berbahasa Inggris. PEMAHAMAN WACANA BERBAHASA INGGRIS
Abstract Reading comprehension is very useful for readers especially for students of universities because most books in universities are still printed in English. However, Indonesian students of universities often cannot cope with university textbooks written in English. The writing presented some aspects to improve the reading speed and comprehension or Faster Effective Reading . There are some aspects to improve your comprehension: i make reading as a habit; ii read silently to concentrate your mind; iii try to understand the context not word by word; iv skim through a passage quickly to get the general idea of each paragraph. To improve your reading speed: i set a side time each day; ii practice on something easy and interesting; iii use pacing device; iv avoid using dictionary.
Jurnal Sastra UNPAD „UVULA‟ Vol 3 N0 2 November 2005 Frasa Adverbia Temporal (AT) Berpreposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris; Kajian Sintaksis.
Abstract The title of this research is called “Frasa Adverbia Temporal Berpreposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris; Kajian Sintaksis, ” or „The Prepositional Phrase of Adverb of Time (AT) in English; ‟Sintactical Analysis.This reseach focused on: i. What the structures of Adverb of Time are ; ii what prepositions to form the Adverb of Time are; iii what functions of preposition in the adverb of time are. The method used in the research is descriptive and synchronic linguistics. The analysis based on the classificaton of data resulted in : First, the prepositional phrase of AT in English are formed by preposition/s+noun/ noun phrase, and preposition/s + other constituents . Second, the are 62 kinds of preposition divided into 29 single prepositions forming AT such as since, by, before; 9 double prepositions, namely, up to, for over, for about; 21 single prepositions pairs such as by____of, since___between ; 4 double preposition pairs, for instance, over about__from__to, from__up to. Third, the prepositions in the adverb of time may function as head or attribute
6) Jurnal Sosioteknologi ITB Edisi 8 Tahun 5 Agustus 2006. Adverbia Temporal Berpreposisi(AT) dalam Bahasa Inggris.Kajian Semantis. Abstract The title of this research is called “ Adverbia Temporal Berpreposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris; Kajian Semantis” or „The Prepositional Phrase of Adverb of Time (AT) in English;Semantic Analysis”.This reseach focused on: i. What the constituents of Adverb of Time are ; ii what prepositions of the Adverb of Time and their positions are; iii what temporal meaning of the Adverb of Time are; iv which prepositions of the Adverb of Time can be deleted or opsinal in AT phrases . The method used in the research is descriptive and synchronic linguistics. The analysis based on the classificaton of data resulted in : First, the prepositional phrase of AT in English are formed by preposition/s + noun/noun phrase, and preposition/s + other constituents . The constituents forming the adverb of time are noun/noun phrase, preposition, adjective, adverb, and numeral. Second, the prepositions forming the adverb of time in English are: a) single prepositions such as on, for, during .b) double prepositions such as since before, up to ,and, until after c) single prepositions pairs, such as on__of, within__off, over__to. d) double prepositions pairs, such as over about__from__to,for between__to,from__up to. Third, based on temporal meaning, adverb of time in English may be divided into point of time, position of time (backward span, forward span, and neutral ), duration and frequency. Fourth, certain prepositions of the Adverb of Time preceded by noun 15
phrase can be deleted or opsional. The prepositions followed by adjective all, last, next , every, and noun phrase, have to be deleted. For example, * for all weeks all weeks, *on last Tuesday last Tuesday, * on next week next week, *in every summer every summer. Then , the prepositions followed by determiner this or that have to be deleted, such as, * on that day that day,* in this year this year. Next, the prepositions followed by noun times, and every have to be deleted, too, namely, * at three times a week three times a week ,* in every period every period. Finally, the opsional prepositions are followed by adjective several, and article a, for example, (for) several years, (for) a while .
7) Jurnal Sosioteknologi ITB Edisi 11 Tahun 6 Agustus 2007.Efficient Reading. EFFICIENT READING Abstract Efficient Reading is very useful for readers especially for students of universities because most books in universities are still printed in English. However, many Indonesian students of universities could‟t cope with university textbooks written in English. The objective of the writing was to present the way of reading efficiently. The writing presented some factors to do efficient reading : i determining the purpose of your reading; ii choosing the right material; iii using the text effectively; iv skimming and scanning to get an adequate understanding. The writer suggested that we have to make reading as a habit to improve your reading speed and understanding..