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OVERVIEW Materi Pra-UTS: 1. Hub, Bridge, & Switch 2. Ethernet 3. VLAN 4. Firewall 5. Disiplin Antrian
TUJUAN Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian dan cara kerja jaringan Ethernet To have a basic idea what is a Local Area Network To understand further the Ethernet standards used in LAN technologies To find out what are the basic factors that can impact an Ethernet delay in a local area network Mahasiswa dapat mensimulasikan performansi jaringan ethernet dengan simulasi OPNET
READING SECTION Baca: Computer Networks A System Approach, Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie, Section 2.6 (Ethernet 802.3), Hal. 116
ETHERNET (802.3) [TAMBAHAN] Dikembangkan sejak tahun 1970, oleh Xerox Palo Alto Reasearch Center (PARC) Ethernet menggunakan metode Carrier Sense CSMA/CD Cikal bakal Ethernet ALOHA (Dikembangkan oleh University of Hawaii) “Core idea” dari Ethernet dan ALOHA Algoritma yang mengontrol waktu kapan sebuah node dapat transmit Digital Equipment Corporation dan Intel, bersama dengan Xerox PARC mendefinisikan standard Ethernet 10 Mbps (1978) yang nantinya dikenal dengan standard IEEE 802.3
LOCAL AREA NETWORK A local area network or LAN is composed of a single or groups of computer network which is locally situated in a geographical area like in a building, either at school, at home, or office. The network is arranged into a certain layout in which computers and network devices are connected together in order for them to communicate known as network topology. Star topology is one of the network topologies used to layout the wire in connecting the workstations to a central point like switch. In LAN, switches and cables are the common transmission medium used to broadcast information from one device (source) to another (destination), and that when Ethernet protocol comes into play.
ETHERNET TECHNOLOGY The main concept of Ethernet is to interconnect physical devices to transmit data from source to destination in order to share data, devices and Internet connection. The simplicity and efficiency of Ethernet make it a widely used communication protocol in both LANs and Wide Area Networks (WANs), has and it continues to evolve. Just as with human communication, computer networks use rules or protocols of communication for successful message transmission and delivery.
ETHERNET TECHNOLOGY Ethernet protocol is the common “language spoken” in Layers 1 and 2 of the OSI model. At the physical layer (Layer 1) Ethernet standards exist for data transmission over a physical medium, including standards for cable type, cabling distance limitations, connectors, and voltage. At the data link layer (Layer 2) standards determine how Ethernet frames are transmitted via packets from a source to a destination. An Ethernet switch is a common Layer 2 device used to forward the Ethernet frames. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is the organization responsible for approving and maintaining industry standards for connections, media requirements and communication protocols. The organization is necessary to ensure that products developed by various manufacturers are universally compatible with each other. Standards to improve Ethernet technology have resulted in a faster and more flexible method of data transmission as listed below.
ETHERNET TECHNOLOGY a. IEEE 802.3i, 10BaseT standard for 10 Mbps Ethernet over unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable. IEEE 802.3j 10BaseF standard for fiber optic cable b. IEEE 802.3u, Fast Ethernet or 100Base-xx standard for 100 Mbps over UTP and fiber cable c. IEEE 802.3ab, 1000BaseT standard for Gigabit Ethernet over twisted pair. d. IEEE 802.3an, 10GBaseT standard for 10 Gigabit Ethernet over UTP.
ETHERNET TECHNOLOGY The specifications above means, for example a 1000BaseT Ethernet can transfer data into a speed of 1000 megabits per second. In opposed to the original design of Ethernet which used the coaxial cable in early 1980s, the 10BaseT Ethernet network over twisted pair was adopted easily due to the fact that commercial buildings already have telephone wiring installed that uses UTP cables. The telephone wiring installed has been layout into a star topology, yet coaxial cable has to be layout as a bus topology. So, it was cheaper to use UTP cable since the foundation already existed. The only thing needed was to expand the installed base and that able to leverage the existing building design for telephone wirings.
ETHERNET CABLE STANDARD Ethernet networks commonly use Category 6 UTP cable, also known as Gigabit Ethernet standards, shown in Figure 1. The cable can transmit data at speeds of up to 1000 Mbps. Category 6 can perform up to 250 MHz in a maximum length of 100 meters and is backward compatible with Category 5/5e. The latest UTP cable standard is the Augmented Category 7, known as Category 7a, which is capable of up to 10 Gbps with 500 MHz performance and improved functionality for minimizing crosstalk.
STRAIGHT THROUGH CABLE Ethernet straight-through cable is used to connect two different devices, for example a workstation to a switch You can determine that a cable is straight-through if like-colored pins in both ends of the cable align with each other
CROSSOVER CABLE Crossover cable is used to connect same devices, such as a switch to a switch You can determine that a cable is a crossover cable if the color arrangement of pins in one connector does not match the color arrangement in the other connector
Cat 3, 4, 5 UTP 2 pairs
Cat 5 UTP 2 pairs
Max. Segment Length
100 m
100 m
802.3 (14)
802.3 (24)
Cat 5E UTP 4 pairs
850 nm 50µm & 65µm, Multimode Fiber
1310 nm 50µm Multimode Fiber 9µm Singlemode Fiber
1550 nm Singlemode Fiber
Max. Segment Length
100 m
500 m (50µm), 220 m (65µm)
10 km (SM) 550 m (MM)
100 km
10GBase-ER 10GBaseSW
850 nm 50µm Multimode Fiber
1310 nm 9µm Singlemode Fiber
1550 nm Singlemode Fiber
850 nm 50µm Multimode Fiber
1310 nm 9µm Singlemode Fiber
1550 nm Singlemode Fiber
Max. Segment Length
300 m
10 km
30 km
300 m
10 km
30 km
PROJECT I would like to start a small customer care and technical support services business called iCareMore in Monterey, California. The company will start with 15 employees, with 5 employees assigned to departments for Billing, Technical, and Sales. All departments use email, database and web applications on their workstations. The Billing and Sales departments are located on the first floor. The Technical department is on the second floor. Considering I have to double my employees in a few months, would it cause a problem with the network’s performance?
STEP#1 Anda akan membuat sebuah project yang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) scenario. • Buatlah project dengan nama:
• Buatlah scenario dengan nama:
(Kemudian nantinya di duplicate)
10Mbps_30 100Mbps_30
• OK
STEP#2 Setting empty scenario • Create empty scenario • Pilih skala jaringan: Office • X span : 100 m • Y span : 100 m • Ethernet technology: Yes
STEP#3 Setup a network • Gunakan fitur rapid configuration untuk membuat topologi jaringan seperti gambar di samping • Center node model: ethernet16_switch • Prphry node model: ethernet_wkstn • Link model: 10BaseT • Center; X: 45 ; Y: 25 • Number: 10 • Radius: 18
Center; X: 45 ; Y: 70 Number: 5 Radius: 15
STEP#4 Application configuration & Profile configuration
• Gunakan Object Palette Tree untuk membuat node: • Application Config • Profile Config • Server • Link Switch_Lantai1 Switch_Lantai2
STEP#5 Menentukan aplikasi yang akan digunakan pada Application configuration.
• Application configuration Klik kanan Edit attributes • Application Definitions Default • OK
STEP#6 Menentukan Profile configuration Menentukan profile dari setiap aplikasi yang akan digunakan. • Prifle configuration Klik kanan Edit attributes. • Profile configuration Edit. • Next Step#7
STEP#7 Membuat Profile Name
• Billing Profile • Sales Profile • Teknis Profile • Next Step#8
STEP#8 Aplikasi yang akan digunakan pada Billing Profile: • Database Access (Heavy) • Email (Heavy) • Web Browsing (Heavy)
Contoh untuk Billing Profile, masukkan juga nilai untuk Sales Profile dan Teknis Profile sesuai tabel
STEP#9 Konfigurasi server • Server Klik kanan Edit attributes • Application: Supported services Edit. • (Application: Supported services) Table Kolom Rows Isi dengan angka 6 • Isikan enam jenis service seperti gambar di samping
STEP#10 Konfigurasi Divisi Billing • Pilih kelima workstation pada divisi Billing (Billing_1 s/d Billing_5) Edit attributes Application: Supported Profiles Edit • (Application: Supported Profiles) Table Rows 1
• Profile Name Billing Profile OK • Apply to selected objects OK
STEP#11 • Ulangi Step#10 untuk melakukan konfigurasi pada Divisi Sales dan Divisi Teknis • Nama profile untuk Divisi Sales dan Divisi Teknis secara berurutan adalah: Sales Profile dan Teknis Profile • Ctrl+S untuk menyimpan project.
STEP#12 Choosing statistics: • Klik kanan di bagian kosong Choose Individual DES Statistics • Pilih Global Statistics Pilih Ethernet Pilih juga HTTP (Traffic Received [packet/sec] & Traffic Sent [packet/sec]) • OK
STEP#13 Duplicating scenario: • Pada step ini, kita akan membuat scenario kedua, (setelah scenario pertama, 10Mbps_15), yaitu 10Mbps_30 (Menggunakan link 10 Mbps dengan 30 workstation). • Ganti model Switch_Lantai1 dengan ethernet32_switch (Klik kanan Edit attributes (advanced)
• Pada scenario 2, (seperti perintah soal) jumlah karyawan pada setiap divisi digandakan untuk melihat seperti apa pengaruhnya pada performansi jaringan?
Scenario 2
STEP#14 • Untuk menambahkan workstation pada setiap divisi seperti pada Step#13, silahkan copy paste masing-masing 5 (lima) workstation pada setiap divisi untuk menambahkan 5 (lima) workstation lagi pada tiap2 divisi.
• Untuk copy paste, klik satu workstation, kemudian klik workstation lainnya dengan menekan tombol Ctrl secara bersamaan. Kemudian Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. • Untuk menambahkan link pada workstation baru menuju Switch_Lantai1 dan Switch_Lantai2, dapat menggunakan “Object Palette”
• Pilih Shared Object Palette ethernet link models 10BaseT • Cara menghubungkan link ke node Step#15
STEP#15 Menghubungkan link ke node: • Klik link yang akan dipilih, dalam kasus ini 10BaseT (lingkaran hijau) • Maka akan muncul keterangan link 10BaseT di sebelah kanan atas (lingkaran merah) • Klik pada keterangan tersebut (lingkaran merah), kemudian hubungkan link tersebut ke node yang akan dihubungkan • Klik tombol Esc untuk keluar dari pilihan (link) tersebut
STEP#16 Membuat scenario 3 (Duplicate dari scenario 2): • Membuat scenario 3 dengan nama 100Mbps_30 (menggunakan link 100 Mbps [100BaseT] dengan jumlah workstation 30 buah) dari scenario 2 • Sekali lagi yang membedakan antara scenario 2 dan 3 adalah semua link yang menghubungkan Switch_Lantai1 ke Switch_Lantai2, Switch_lantai2 ke Server, dan Switch ke semua workstation. • Untuk mengganti model link tersebut, gunakan select similar links menggunakan langkah yang sama dengan mengganti model Switch
Scenario 3
STEP#17 Running simulasi: • Scenario Manage scenarios Untuk seluruh scenario Results field [collect/recollect] Sim duration [0.5] Units [hours] • OK
STEP#18 Analisis hasil: • Traffic Sent (packet/sec)
STEP#19 Analisis hasil: • Traffic received (packet/sec)
STEP#20 Analisis hasil: • Overall delay (sec)
TUGAS 1. File project, dengan nama: NIM_project2 2. Analisis grafik hasil simulasi di atas, hubungan antara traffic sent (load) dan traffic received (throughput) packet, serta delay ketiga scenario 3. Apa yang mempengaruhi nilai delay, dan apa akibat dari nilai delay terhadap masing-masing scenario? Jelaskan apa dampak dari penambahan jumlah karyawan terhadap performansi jaringan perusahaan tersebut? Semakin detil analisis anda, maka semakin baik...
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