Our approach to define the right strategy
#4 Activation
#3 Storytelling
#2 Proposition
#1 Insight
Illustrated with the most exclusive time piece
#1. Insight Every successful business is supported by a clever societal insight #4 Activation
#3 Storytelling
#2 Proposition
#1 Insight
What is an insight? An insight is the understanding of an emotional evolution within society/ our target audience that is relevant for your audience A new insight brings a proposition into actuality. It triggers the attention of groups of people. It opens people’s hearts to your messages. You could call it commercial empathy.
Why a societal insight? It powers your brand with purpose An insight enables you to turn knowledge on your clients into an understanding that is easy to recognize An insight allows you to demonstrate a deeper empathy for your audience’s feelings with your marketing. An insight helps you to differentiate from the competition by tapping into a new emotional playfield A good insight results in communication that makes people feel as if somebody has watched them and understood them.
How to come up with a societal insight? Create understanding trough market research, align them with observations and resume them in an empathic and societal insight You don’t come to a strong insight alone behind your desk. You should discuss and talk in team, observe clients, ask them questions Don’t think ‘consumer’. Think big. Think society. Articulating a powerful insight often starts like this: Our observation is that… These days, people feel… While there is a big tendency towards … people these days feel …
INSIGHT UNDERLYING THE PATEK PHILIPPE BRAND: “Most millionaires are self made men. But they long for some sort of dynastic touch to their family”
OR TO PUT IT DIFFERENTLY: “Really successful people don’t want to be seen as money makers, they want to be seen as value creators”
Being a hero
Being part of the glamorous
Distinctive lifestyles
A good insight provides a rich emotional territory for your strategy
#2. Proposition Every successful business has a single minded, new, relevant, but true proposition that connects offer with audience #4 Activation
#3 Storytelling
#2 Proposition
#1 Insight
What is a proposition? Your offering told in 5 or 10 words max (proposition is not slogan) In terms of communications, a proposition should lead to the right words that pull the right people in It is the promise I can deliver with my core business A strong proposition bridges your ‘business know how’ with your ‘business know why’ Should be new, true and relevant for your audience and fit with your insight
How to come up with a proposition? 1) Accepted consumer belief: Need/ problem identified in your market (unsolved question/ existing frustration) 2) My single-minded unique and relevant benefit (solving the problem) Rational benefit (functional) Emotional benefit (consequence for people) 3) Reason to believe: Convincing arguments why this solves the problem in a unique way 2 – 3 most important reasons to buy the product
THE PATEK PHILIPPE VALUE PROPOSITION: “Eternal value” Accepted consumer belief: Even if you are a millionaire, buying a 70.000 € watch can make you feel guilty. This needs to be justified Rational Benefit(product) A really good watch, build with craftmanship and respect for tradition has a really long life, longer than your’s is Emotional Benefit (people) A Patek Philippe is not just a material status symbol. It is an investment in my own family tradition Reason to believe: Patek Philippe is a Swiss tradition with its own museum, worn by royalties, world leaders, famous artists, and even popes. Some are auctioned at Sotheby’s and Christies for millions of dollars
#3. Storytelling Good storytelling helps us making our proposition spread and stick #4 Activation
#3 Storytelling
#2 Proposition
#1 Insight
How to come up with good storytelling? Brands use storytelling to make their proposition worth remembering, make it spread and make it stick What is your ‘business as unusual’? And what’s your heritage? What group of people has a potential self-interest to spread your story? In what larger societal tendency or bigger ideal are we playing a contributing role? Who’s my personality? The product, the brand or the company? What’s my plot? How does my product/ brand brings my customer further? What’s my metaphor?
The first American Ad in 1949: same proposition, same insight
THE PATEK PHILIPPE STORY By portraying its target audience in precious family moments worth remembering, Patek
you never actually own a Patek Philippe, you merely look after it for the next generation Philippe tells us
In its brand story, Patek Philippe inspires
begin your own tradition you to
#4. Activation Being around at the right moment, at the right time
#4 Activation
#3 Storytelling
#2 Proposition
#1 Insight
How to come up with good activation planning? Where can we dominate the scene? Plan your marketing communication as a program (full year) Define how people will get into the sales funnel Build momentum
#1. Insight: The most successful people in the world don’t want to be seen as money makers, but as value creators #2. Proposition: Enternal value. Most exclusive time piece with long life, longer then yours
#3. Storytelling: Create your own tradition “You actually never own a Patek Philippe. You merely take care of it for the next generation” #4. Activation: Exclusive magazines, events, shops and starting legends where history happens
#1. Insight: New parents are surprised by the large amount of (ugly) stuff you need to take care for a baby, and feel guilty for the short time span they use certain things #2. Proposition: Modularity/ Expandability #3. Storytelling: The chair with a flattering design that grows with your kid #4. Activation: Demonstrating the proposition at blogs and point of sales with a selfexplaining evolutionary visual
#1. Insight: Steeds meer mensen zijn ervan bewust dat een goeie nachtrust een cruciale bijdrage vormt aan een gezonde levensstlijl #2. Proposition: Een bed aangepast aan uw lichaam
#3. Storytelling: Ieder heeft haar unieke slaap-DNA #4. Activation: Reclame in reportagestijl en SlaapDNA analyse op de winkelvloer
#1. Insight: Met beelden van massale ontbossing in het achterhoofd, zijn steeds meer mensen er zich van bewust dat ze het verschil kunnen maken met hun koopgedrag. Ze voelen zich echter te weinig geïnformeerd rond duurzaamheid tijdens het winkelen. #2. Proposition: Hout uit duurzaam beheerde bossen
#3. Storytelling: De houtindustrie is deel van het probleem, maar kan ook deel uitmaken van de oplossing, op voorwaarde dat er aan duurzame bosbouw wordt gedaan #4. Activation: FSC is een label, en maakt het consumenten makkelijk door hout- en papierproducten te onderscheiden op de verpakking, en op de winkelvloer.
Uw duurzame bedrijfsinspanningen valoriseren, hoe pakt u dit aan? - Agenda 1. Introductie en aanvulling van uw vragen 2. Wat is duurzaamheid ?
Wie is geïnteresseerd ? Resultaten uit onderzoek
3. En dan ?
Inspiratie en voorbeelden … en ook een concrete handleiding
4. Verdere begeleiding : we zetten u op weg 5. Antwoorden op uw vragen
Next steps Free individual advice
Step 1 : Volunteer for free individual advice to Develop your market insight Develop your proposition or review your existing proposition How to tell your story How to activate given your particular context
Worksession 1 :
pressure cooker session 17 November, 10h-16h Individual expert inputs : IPSA 4 rounds 4 experts 4 outputs : I-P-S-A Key conclusions and action plan = Homework
Optional market research module
Worksession 2 :
Plenary concluding session SUSPRO 24 May 2012
outputs, hurdles, solutions, key lessons end April 2012, half day
Marktstudie module Marktstudie over concept en inschatten marktgrootte en uptake met individueel begeleidingstraject 2 opties :
(1) market sizing-module :
socio-demo info (zoals beschikbaar in iVox Omnibus)
op 1000 respondenten, representatief voor Belgische bevolking concept voorstel en 6-tal vragen : marktadoptie-potentieel, bereidheid te betalen, concept attributen die belangrijk zijn voor project (vb vernieuwingspotentieel)
(2) segmentatie-module :
6.500€ per klant
Extra : duurzaamheidssegmentatie uit de duurzaamheidsbarometer (en uiteraard ook socio-demo)
op 500 respondenten, op ons duurzame consumenten-panel concept voorstel en 10-tal vragen (zoals hierboven en extra vragen naar behoefte klant, focus op segmentatie info)
50% subsidieerbaar met plafond van 2.500€ indien Vlaamse onderneming door kmoportefeuille
1. Your bigger ideal (1 slide). 1. Why you ? 2. Why you believe in this new business case (profit) ? 3. Why you believe it’s good for the world (people, planet) ?
2. The customer friction (1 slide). 1. The customer situation / the problem ? 2. The unsatisfied customer need ? 3. The customer friction (this is the difference between what somebody wants and the existing solution he/she can have at this moment).
3. Our new product concept (1 slide). 1. The customer target group (qualitative and quantitative) ? 2. The marketing mix of the new product, service or business model ? 3. New for…. (the world, the market, our company) ?
4. This makes the concept unique (1 slide). 1. Buying arguments for the customer 2. Current solutions and competitors. 3. Our positioning.
5. Will it be feasible (1 slide). 1. We are able to develop it. 2. We are able to produce it. 3. The are able to distribute and market it. 6. What’s in it for us (1 slide). 1. The number of customers (in year three).
2. 3.
The estimated turnover (in year three). The estimated profits (in year three).
7. Why now? (1 slide). 1. Why develop it now.
If we don’t do it, then….
8. Decision process (1 slide). 1. Why further? 2. Who needs to be convinced (within the organization / outside the organization)?
Big uncertainties at this moment?
Uw duurzame bedrijfsinspanningen valoriseren, hoe pakt u dit aan? - Agenda 1. Introductie en aanvulling van uw vragen 2. Wat is duurzaamheid ?
Wie is geïnteresseerd ? Resultaten uit onderzoek
3. En dan ?
Inspiratie en voorbeelden … en ook een concrete handleiding
4. Verdere begeleiding : we zetten u op weg 5. Antwoorden op uw vragen
Wij hebben enkel merkenloze producten in het productassortiment, hoe maken we dan onze duurzame product/bedrijfsinspanningen zichtbaar aan de consument? Wij werken enkel B2B, hoe kunnen wij onze klanten overtuigen onze duurzame producten toe te passen in hun producten? Onze concurrenten bieden een gelijkaardig duurzaam concept aan, alleen zij krijgen dit verhaal blijkbaar beter verkocht aan de klant als wij. Waarom lukt dit niet bij ons? 127
Wij doen heel wat inspanningen om onze processen te verduurzamen, ligt mijn klant hier wel wakker van en hoe kunnen wij deze inspanningen valoriseren?
Duurzaamheid is een heel moeilijk te communiceren verhaal, hoe kan je dit vertalen in een attractief verkoopsverhaal?Is er een manier om de consument op de winkelvloer te overtuigen van ons duurzaam alternatief? Wij overwegen een duurzaam product op de markt te brengen, maar met welke duurzame aspecten kan ik de markt vandaag overtuigen?… Hoe maak ik onze duurzame ontwerpinspanningen zichtbaar aan de klant wanneer op het eerste zicht uiterlijk geen verschil is tussen ons duurzaam product en dat van concurrenten ?
Good luck! Good luck !
Twitter/katrienbarrat www.c-change.be
[email protected]
Bedankt voor uw aandacht! Stefaan Vandist
[email protected] www.studiospark.eu