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Organisasi produksi
Teori/prinsip manajemen
Lebih b Lebih k esar ? omplek s?
Revolusi Industri (pertengahan abad 18)
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The Evolution of Management Theory Many theories were developed since than and change working condi5ons, produc5on and environment. S5ll there is no perfect method.
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Teori Organisasi Kerja di Industri Teori klasik, menekankan pada pendekatan ilmiah (scientific management) dan teori organinsasi klasik (classical organization theory)
Teori yang lebih menekankan pada hubungan antar manusia dan perilakuperilakunya (behaviour management theory)
Teori yang mengembangkan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk menghadapi permasalahan organisasi yang kompleks dengan mengaplikasikan model dan perhitungan matematis (management science, operational research, dan lain-lain)
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g n a t n e t k i s a l K a j n r a e g K n i a s d a n s i n Pa ) a y r g o r e O h t t n e m (sc
e g a n a m c i f i ient
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Pandangan Klasik tentang Organisasi Kerja • Organisasi kerja : kumpulan satuan-satuan kegiatan yang terdiri dari personal yang memiliki peran dan jabatan yang sudah ditentukan perancang organisasi kerja untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. • Menyamakan antara mesin dan organisasi. • Revolusi industri teknologi perangkat keras (mesin/alat produksi) guna meningkatkan produktivitas maka memerlukan perbaikan metode kerja, pengorganisasian, dan pengelola kerja dengan memperhatikan faktor manusia sebagai tenaga kerja (dengan mengatur gerakan kerja, hubungan kerja antar pekerja melalui organisasi dan struktur, dsb)
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Tokoh – tokoh (1) Robert Owen (1771-1858)
Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
o memperbaiki kondisi kerja dari tenaga kerja dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan profit
o Memperkenalkan studi mengenai tata cara mengoperasikan proses produksi agar lebih efisien
o Pekerja adalah “a vital machine”
o Mengaplikasikan prinsip/metode ilmiah pada proses kerja untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan menekan biaya
o Usulan: pengurangan jam kerja, menolak penggunaan tenaga kerja anak-anak, menciptakan suasana kompetisi pegawai, dsb.
o pembagian kerja karyawan terspesialisasi secara tegas (division of labor)
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Tokoh – tokoh (2) Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1905) o Konsep Scientific Management (manajemen ilmiah) à meningkatkan produktivitas kerja melalui perbaikan tata cara dan efisiensi kerja karyawan o Identifikasi dan eliminasi gerakkan-gerakan kerja yang tidak produktif o Tujuannya membuat suatu rancangan kerja yang diupayakan untuk menjadi langkah yang terbaik (the best way) dalam mengembangkan standar-standar waktu yang diperoleh dari aktivitas pengukuran kerja, agar pekerja sebagai “human being” dapat didayagunakan secara maksimal.
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Four Principles of Scientific Management 1. Study the way the job is performed now & determine new ways to do it.
Gather detailed, time and motion information.
Try different methods to see which is best.
2. Codify the new method into rules.
Teach to all workers.
3. Select workers whose skills match the rules set in Step 2. 4. Establish a fair level of performance and pay for higher performance.
Workers should benefit from higher output.
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Problems with Scientific Management Managers frequently implemented only the increased output side of Taylor’s plan. Workers did not share in the increased output.
Specialized jobs became very boring, dull. Workers ended up distrusting the Scientific Management method.
Workers could purposely “under-perform.” Management responded with increased use of machines and conveyors belts.
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Tokoh – tokoh (3) Frank & Lilian Gilberth (1868-1972) o Parents of Motion Study o Tujuan : memperbaiki lingkungan kerja melalui penelitian gerakan kerja (baik yang dilakukan oleh manusia, mesin/alat maupun material) selama berlangsungnya proses kerja o Dengan pengembangan Scientific Management maka moral kerja karyawan meningkat, efisiensi penggunaan tenaga fisik, dsb. o Inovasi : o Work Simplification o Elemen Therbligs (Ekonomi Gerakan)
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Tokoh – tokoh (4) Henry Fayol (1841-1925) o The classical organiztion theory o Sukses kerja tidak hanya ditentukan dari kemampuan personil saja, juga ditentukan oleh metode dan organisasi kerjanya o 5 fungsi manajemen: o Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, dan controlling
o Mengemukakan 14 prinsip manajemen dalam mengelola organisasi, yaitu: o Division of labor, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, sub-ordination of individual interest the commongood, remuneration, centralization, the hierarchy, order, equity, stability of staff, initiative, dan esprit de corps.
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a y n g n i t n e P g n a a j t r n e e K t i u s r a a s i B n n a a g ) r g y n O r a o d m e a h l t a t Pan d n e a i m s e u g n a a n M a r m o t l k a r o Fa i v a h (be
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Pandangan Baru tentang Pentingnya Faktor Manusia dalam Organisasi Kerja Teori pendekatan klasik mempunyai banyak kesulitan dalam penerapannya karena performansi pekerja sulit diprediksi Organisasi kerja manusia ≠ Organisasi kerja mesin Chapanis à “a nonliniar machine continually change its programming without telling us” Mempelajari faktor manusia sbg salah satu penentu produktivitas kerja tidak dari kemampuan fisik saja, melainkan juga motivasi dan perilaku manusia Aliran manajemen “behavioralism”
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Tokoh – tokoh (1) Hugo Munsberg (1863-1916) o Melalui tulisannya Psychology and Industrial Efficiency, menyatakan produktivitas kerja manusia dapat ditingkatkan dengan 3 cara: 1. Tenaga kerja terbaik yang diseleksi melalui berbagai pengujian baik fisik maupun mental-psikologis 2. Menciptakan kondisi lingkungan fisik kerja yang ergonomis 3. Memberikan pengaruh-pengaruh psikologis untuk meningkatkan motivasi-motivasi kerja karyawan
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Tokoh – tokoh (2) Elton Mayo (1880-1949) o The Hawthorne Studies (1924-1932). o Konsep hubungan antar manusia dalam organisasi sebagai kunci keberhasilan manajemen dalam menggerakkan dan memotivasi karyawannya (Hawthorne effect ). o Seorang manajer harus mampu mempelajari faktor-faktor sosial-psikologis apakah yang mendorong dan memberikan motivasi pekerja.
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Tokoh – tokoh (3) Abraham Maslow o Berdasarkan teori hierarki kebutuhan: o manusia secara emosional selalu ingin diterima, diberikan tempat, diakui eksistensi dirinya oleh kelompoknya. o Mendambakan hidup berkelompok yang sesuai dengan perasaan dan harga dirinya. o Manusia lebih bersikap menundukkan diri bukan berloyalitas pada suatu kelompok.
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Tokoh – tokoh (4) Douglas McGregor Proposed the two different sets of assumptions about workers.
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: f i t a t i t n a u K s i n t a a t m a e t k a e M d n a g ) Pen n y r u t o i e th erh
e P c & n e n i a c l s e t d n o e m m e Pe g a n (ma
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Management Science Theory Contemporary approach to management that focuses on the use of rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services. “The use of [mathematical and statistical] techniques, mathematical programming, modeling, and computer science [to solve complex operational and strategic issues].” -- US Army
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History of Management Science It was originated from two sources: Operational Research
Management Information Systems
It is thus more emphasizing on the analysis of solution applications than learning their on how models were derived. Other names for management science: quantitative methods, quantitative analysis and decision sciences.
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Management Science Objective Given a limited amount of personnel, resources and material, how do we use them most effectively to: Maximize -- Profit, Efficiency Minimize -- Cost, Time
Management Science is about doing the best you can with what you’ve got -- OPTIMIZATION
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Management Science Applications Quantitative management utilizes linear and nonlinear programming, modeling, simulation, queuing theory and chaos theory. Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on analyzing input, conversion, and output activities to increase product quality.
Operations management techniques used to analyze any aspect of the organization’s production system. Management Information Systems (MIS) provides information vital for effective decision making.
Models to be considered in this subject 14/12/2014
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The processes of a Management Science Study
In practice, this step is critical
Observation — Identification of a problem that exists in the system or organisation.
Definition of the Problem — Problem must be clearly and consistently defined showing its boundaries and interaction with the objectives of the organisation.
Model Construction — Development of the functional mathematical relationships that describe the decision variables, objective function and constraints of the problem.
Model Solution — Models solved using management science techniques.
Model Implementation — Actual use of the model or its solution.
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t n e m e g a n a M e y v r i t o a e r t h s T i n i Adm Supp
y r a t n leme
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Administrative Management Theory Administrative Management The study of how to create an organizational structure that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness.
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Tokoh Max Weber Developed the principles of bureaucracy as a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
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Weber’s Principles of Bureaucracy
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Rules, SOPs and Norms Rules Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Norms
• formal written instructions that specify actions to be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals
• specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of a task
• unwritten, informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations
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t n e m n o r i v n E l a y r n o o i e t h a z T i n Orga Supp
y r a t n leme
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Organizational Environment Theory Organizational Environment – The set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization’s boundaries but affect a manager’s ability to acquire and utilize resources
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Systems Synergy – the performance gains that result from the combined actions of individuals and departments Possible only in an organized system
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Systems Open System A system that takes resources for its external environment and transforms them into goods and services that are then sent back to that environment where they are bought by customers.
Closed System A self-contained system that is not affected by changes in its external environment. Likely to experience entropy and lose its ability to control itself
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The OpenSystems View • Inputs: the acquisition of external resources to produce goods and services • Conversion: transforms the inputs into outputs of finished goods and services. • Output: the release of finished goods and services to its external environment.
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n o C
y r o e h T y c n e g n ti Supp
y r a t n leme
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Contingency Theory “There is no one best way to organize” The idea that the organizational structures and control systems manager choose depend on— are contingent on—characteristics of the external environment in which the organization operates.
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Contingency Theory
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Type of Structure Organic Structure (theory Y) • Authority is decentralized throughout the organization. • Departments are encouraged to take a cross-departmental or functional perspective • Works best when environment is unstable and rapidly changing
Mechanistic Structure (theory X) • Authority is centralized at the top. • Emphasis is on strict discipline and order • Employees are closely monitored and managed. • Can be very efficient in a stable environment.
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