1 Seite
Náš kuchyňský program se vyznačuje elegancí, flexibilitou, designem a funkčností. To vše získáte za trvale výhodnou cenu. Klademe velký důraz na servis, kvalitu a Vaši plnou spokojenost. Z tohoto důvodu jsou také naše kuchyně stále oblíbenější u zákazníků z celého světa, v čemž nás utvrzuje stále rostoucí poptávka po našich kuchyních. Nová řešení a technologie se stávají automaticky součástí našich kuchyní, váznutí obchodu naše produkty díky svému všestrannému uplatnění neznají. Nechte se i Vy svést naším sortimentem s více než 2000 variantami a velikostmi.
Vydání 2003 Technické změny, jakož i tiskové chyby, jsou vyhrazeny. Dodávka zboží probíhá výhradně dle našich podmínek. © Limatec AG Obrazový materiál dodala firma Stengel Küchen GmbH .
strana 4
Minikuchyně PREMIUMLINE - barva bílá, smontované
strana 6
Minikuchyně PREMIUMLINE - ušlechtilá ocel, smontované
strana 8
Přístavný díl STUDIOLINE
strana 10
Dřevěné kuchyně
strana 11
strana 13
Všeobecné obchodní podmínky
strana 14 Seite
Minikuchyně KITCHENLINE, kompletně smontované
Kovové kuchyně KITCHENLINE Minikuchyně Kitschenline je ideálním základním modelem pro všechny, kteří hledají plnohodnotnou kuchyňskou linku zabírající málo místa. Kuchyně je zhotovena z kovových skříní a má dostatek prostoru pro všechny důležité elektrospotřebiče. Sestavte si i Vy Vaši vysněnou kuchyňskou linku právě dle Vašich představ.
Šířky 90 cm 100 cm 110 cm 120 cm 150 cm 160 cm 170 cm
Varné plotýnky Elektrické varné plotýnky Sklokeramické varné desky Bez varných plotýnek
Elektrospotřebiče Lednička Mikrovlnná trouba Myčka nádobí Trouba
Bílá Hliníkově šedá Slonová kost Bordó červená Lesklá lakovaná černá Leská lakovaná modrá
4 4
Minikuchyně KITCHENLINE Přehled standardních modelů Upozornění: Všechny kuchyně mimo MKB jsou dodávány standardně s chladničkou značky LIEBHERR. 120 cm výsuvná skříňka
120 cm středová krycí deska
150 cm
MK 100
MK 120 A
MK 120 B
MK 150
MKM 100
MKM 120 A
90 cm
100 cm
MK 90
110 cm
160 cm
170 cm
pouze s chladničkou
s mikrovlnnou troubou MKM 150
s myčkou nádobí MKGS 110
MKGS 120
MKGS 150
MKGS 160
MKB 150
MKB 160
s mikrovlnnou troubou a myčkou nádobí
s troubou MKB 100
s troubou a myčkou nádobí MKBGS 170
Kovové kuchyně Premiumline, bílá barva, kompletně smontované Minikuchyně PREMIUMLINE se vyznačuje svým vysoce kvalitním zpracováním. Obloukové rukojeti, zásuvky a značkové přístroje zajišťují této kuchyni její design a vysokou funkčnost. Sestavte si i Vy Vaši vysněnou kuchyňskou linku právě dle Vašich představ.
Šířky 90 cm 100 cm 110 cm 120 cm 150 cm 160 cm 170 cm
Varné plotýnky Elektrické varné plotýnky Sklokeramické varné desky Bez varných plotýnek
Elektrospotřebiče Lednička Mikrovlnná trouba Myčka nádobí Trouba
Bílá Hliníkově šedá Slonová kost Bordó červená Lesklá lakovaná černá Leská lakovaná modrá
6 6
Minikuchyně PREMIUMLINE Přehled standardních modelů Upozornění: Všechny kuchyně jsou dodávány standardně s chladničkou značky LIEBHERR. U minikuchyně MP 100, MP 150 a MPGSM 160 jsou možné kombinace skříněk se zásuvkami. 120 cm výsuvná skříňka
120 cm středová krycí deska
150 cm
MP 100
MP 120 A
MP 120 B
MP 150
MPM 100
MPM 120 A
90 cm
100 cm
MP 90
110 cm
160 cm
170 cm
pouze s chladničkou
s mikrovlnnou troubou MPM 150
s myčkou nádobí MKGS 110
MPGS 120
MPGS 150
MPGS 160
MPB 150
MPB 160
s mikrovlnnou troubou a myčkou nádobí
s troubou
s troubou a myčkou nádobí MPBGS 170
Kovové kuchyně PREMIUMLINE v provedení ušlechtilá ocel Minikuchyně PREMIUMLINE se vyznačuje svým vysoce kvalitním zpracováním. Obloukové rukojeti, zásuvky a značkové přístroje zajišťují této kuchyni její design a vysokou funkčnost. Sestavte si i Vy Vaši vysněnou kuchyňskou linku právě dle Vašich představ.
Šířky 90 cm 100 cm 110 cm 120 cm 150 cm 160 cm 170 cm
Varné plotýnky Elektrické varné plotýnky Sklokeramické varné desky Bez varných plotýnek
Elektrospotřebiče Lednička Mikrovlnná trouba Myčka nádobí Trouba
Ušlechtilá ocel
Kovové kuchyně PREMIUMLINE v provedení ušlechtilá ocel Přehled standardních modelů Upozornění: Všechny kuchyně jsou dodávány standardně s chladničkou značky LIEBHERR. 120 cm výsuvná skříňka
150 cm
MPES 100
MPES 120 A
MPES 150
90 cm
100 cm
110 cm
160 cm
170 cm
pouze s chladničkou
s mikrovlnnou troubou
s myčkou nádobí MKGSES 110
s mikrovlnnou troubou a myčkou nádobí
s troubou
s troubou a myčkou nádobí MPBGSES 170
Přístavný díl STUDIOLINE
Sada Studionlie je ideální doplnění k našim kovovým minikuchyním.
Studioline SL-D- dvojitá
Studioline SL-E - jednoduchá Šířky
120 cm
90 cm 100 cm 120 cm
Hodí se k Minikuchyně KITCHENLINE Minikuchyně PREMIUMLINE
Hodí se k Minikuchyně KITCHENLINE Minikuchyně PREMIUMLINE
Dřevěné kuchyně
Kromě našeho sortimentu kovových minikuchyní nabízíme i sortiment dřevěných minikuchyní.
Junior kuchyně
Minikuchyně MK Color Šířky
150 cm
100 cm
Buk Turin – bílá Cordoba – bříza Salem – antracit Bergamao – bordó Bilabo - lesklá krémová
Lesklá bílá Lesklá červená Lesklá slonově bílá Delos – šedá Buk Noce/třešeň
Elektrické spotř ebič e Chladnič ka
Elektrické spotř ebič e Chladnič ka
Příslušenství Mikrovlnná trouba
Příslušenství Mikrovlnná trouba Závěsná skříň Skříň - spíž
Elektrická varná deska Sklokeramika Bez varných plotýnek
Varné plotýnky Elektrické varné plotýnky Sklokeramické varné desky Bez varných plotýnek
Varná deska
Skříňové kuchyně
Jako ideální doplnění doporučejeme naše skříňové minikuchyně.
90 cm 100 cm 120 cm
90 cm 100 cm 120 cm
Šířky 120 cm
Křišťálově bílá Světle šedá Zebrano Ellmau buk Mainau bříza Pastelově žlutá Ledově modrá Anýz Platinově bílá
křišťálově bílá světle šedá Zebrano Ellmau buk Mainau bříza pastelově žlutá ledově modrá anýz platinově bílá
Barvy Křišťálově bílá Světle šedá
Skříňové kuchyně SKK
Varné plotýnky
Varné plotýnky
Varné plotýnky
Elektrické varné plotýnky Sklokeramické varné desky Bez varných plotýnek
Elektrické varné plotýnky Sklokeramické varné desky Bez varných plotýnek
Elektrické varné plotýnky Sklokeramické varné desky Bez varných plotýnek
Dle šířky kuchyně
Dle šířky kuchyně
Dle šířky kuchyně
Skříňové kuchyně SKC
Skříňové kuchyně SK
závěsné skříně vysoké skříně a skříně-spíže
Závěsné kovové skříně
Vysoká kovová skříň
Dřevěné závěsné skříně
40 cm 50 cm 100 cm 120 cm 150 cm
60 cm
100 cm
Bílá Hliníkově šedá Slonová kost Bordó červená Lesklá lakovaná Červená Leská lakovaná Modrá
Bílá Hliníkově šedá Slonová kost Bordó červená Lesklá lakovaná černá Leská lakovaná modrá
Závěsné skříně ocel
Barvy Lesklá bílá Lesklá červená Lesklá slonově bílá Delos – šedá Buk Noce/třešeň
Skříň spíž - dřevěná Šířky
40 cm 50 cm 100 cm 120 cm 150 cm ¨
Ušlechtilá ocel
Barvy Lesklá bílá Lesklá červená Lesklá slonově bílá Delos – šedá Buk Noce/třešeň
100 cm
zadní strany a bočnice
Ideální doplnění k našim kuchyním:
zadní strana kovová
bočnice kovová
Šířky 90 cm 100 cm 120 cm 150 cm 160 cm 170 cm
Barvy Ušlechtilá ocel
skleněné zadní strany
59 cm
90 cm 100 cm 120 cm 150 cm 160 cm 170 cm
Ušlechtilá ocel
Koř ení Orchidej Kvě ty Kameny Lesní plody
Na zakãzku, Cena dle individualní nabídky
Malý výběr z našeho celkového sortimentu příslušenství:
Pracovní desky, varné desky a kuchyňské dřezy Šířky
Odpadový systém
90 cm 100 cm 120 cm 150 cm
Varné plotýnky Elektro Sklokeramika Bez varných plotýnek
Myčka nádobí v bílé a stříbrné
Armatury lednička mikrovlnná trouba ve stříbrné
Vysoký tlak
Nízký tlak
Varná deska Elektro Sklokeramika
Trouba v bílé a stříbrné
General Business Conditions
3. Scope The general business conditions apply for all products –, those incurring cost or free - , which Limatec supplies. Purchase and delivery occur only in accordance with the general business conditions of Limatec. Conflicting conditions or conditions of the customer that diverge from these general business conditions are not recognized unless Limatec would have agreed strictly and in writing to their validity. The respective current and binding version of the general business conditions is published on the Internet at www.limatec-ag.ch. A hardcopy can be ordered from Limatec. 4. Services from Limatec Limatec provides its services professionally and painstakingly in accordance with these general business conditions as well as the other contract clauses. Limatec aims to offer the best and most current products to its customers on a continuous basis. 5. Conclusion of the Contract The products and services that are publicized on the internet under www.limatec-ag.ch count as a binding offer. However, this offer is always subject to the (canceling) condition of an impossible delivery or an incorrect quotation (from the manufacturers or from Limatec). The conclusion of the contract comes about, as soon as the customer places an order by completing the preformatted form on the Internet and this arrives at Limatec. The arrival of the order at Limatec is indicated by means of an automatically generated order confirmation to the customer. The order confirmation is the only authority for the contract content, particularly for the range of services. Contract changes and ancillary agreements need the written confirmation of Limatec. If, however, one of the (canceling) conditions named above occurs, the contract is terminated immediately and without involvement of the parties. The customer is informed immediately about it by Limatec. If the delivery of the product has taken place already, the ownership automatically goes back to Limatec, and the customer is obliged to return the goods (under repayment of the price paid). In case the delivery of the product has not yet occurred, the customer is neither required neither to pay the purchase price nor to purchase it. The transfer of rights from this contract, as well as the assignment of claims needs the agreement of the other contracting partner in order to be legally effective. 6. Product Information Limatec always takes care to inform and educate the customers as best as possible about the products and services offered on the website. Because Limatec produces no products themselves, but sells only original products of leading manufacturers, information about these products is procured from the manufacturers and is put together for the customers in an open and customerfriendly manner. Therefore, all information on www.limatec-ag.ch is to be understood without guarantee or liability, and not as a warranty. Particularly no liability can be accepted for the
7. Prices All purchase prices are understood to be from the warehouse in Germany and apply, if nothing else is stated, exclusive of value-added tax, advance recycling fees and copyright charges. Delivery- and shipping costs (without contracts and without setup) and the costs for transport insurance accrue additionally and are specially identified within the scope of the concrete offer. The choice of dispatch route is left up to Limatec. Additional charges that occur because of the customer’s dispatch preference are the responsibility of the customer. For delivery abroad, the resulting duty, freight and dispatch expenses are billed to the customer. The customer may charge against our account only with undisputed or legally validated counterclaims. The withholding right of the customer from earlieror other business transactions from the business connection is excluded. 8. Conditions of Payment Generally the customer is bound to pay the amount in cash, by cash in advance or by sending through the post as cash on delivery. Cash on delivery charges are the responsibility of the buyer. Additional collection fees of CHF 30. – are charged for cash on delivery. We can supply on account to public institutions and firms after successful credit check by a Limatec-authorized credit institute and check of entry in the commercial register. A credit limit and a term of payment are established for the customer. Without any special arrangements, a grace period of net 10 days applies. Credit limits are continually reviewed and adjusted. In case the customer no longer appears to be credit worthy to Limatec, Limatec is prepared to rescind the order in whole or in part. As long as nothing else is agreed, invoices are to be paid immediately without a deduction. A warranty holdback is excluded. Payments must be performed free of charge and free from transaction fees to the seller’s bank account indicated on the invoice. 9. Late Payment In case of customer default or other contractual breach of duty, or if circumstances are made known which diminish the creditworthiness of the customer to Limatec, Limatec reserves the right to provide outstanding or future services only in exchange for pre-payment or cash on delivery. If the customer does not satisfy his payment obligations in whole or in part, all open amounts which are owed under any title are due and payable immediately, and all deliveries are suspended. Limatec reserves the right to cancel [the contract]. This contract dissolution comes into effect automatically and without advance notice after eight days, after Limatec has unsuccessfully sent a request for payment with payment slip to the customer. 10. Delivery Upon acceptance of the order and sending the appropriate confirmation of order Limatec binds itself to the fastest possible performance of the service. The customer is contractually obligated to accept the service. In case of nondelivery, the customer has the right to cancel four weeks after the agreed deadline at the earliest. For a cancellation because of non-delivery, Limatec refunds to the customer amounts already paid in advance. All prospective delivery times can change without notice. They are meant only as a rough point of departure and are not binding. In particular, the automatically generated order confirmation is not binding, but should indicate to the customer only that his submitted order has arrived at Limatec. All products which are not available to Limatec from its warehouse must first be ordered from the manufacturer or suppliers. Therefore, a contract of sale is subject to the (severance) condition of non-supply and is canceled by existence of the condition, i.e. with clear-cut non-supply. If a product is no longer produced or if it can no longer be delivered by our supplier, the contract between Limatec and the customer is automatically canceled. The receipt of the automatically generated order confirmation contains no promise that the product is also actually available or can be delivered. It only indicates to the customer that the
2. Copyright Notice These general business conditions are protected by copyright. The exclusive right to use belongs to Limatec. Every reproduction, dissemination or other application is strictly prohibited and is allowed only with explicit and written approval of Limatec. Specifically, the use of these general business conditions in unchanged as well as in amended form for own professional purposes is inadmissible and will be prosecuted civilly and pursued criminally. The same applies for any Limatec documentation, as for example, cost estimates or drawings. These each remain copyrighted property of Limatec. They may not be made accessible to third parties. Such documents are to be returned to Limatec upon request. If the contract is not awarded, they are to be sent back to Limatec immediately and without [having to make a] special request.
correctness, completeness and currentness of the information. Therefore, Limatec reserves the right to deviate from their brochures, price-lists and catalogs with regard to the images, drawings as well as dimensions, weight and performance information, as long as these are not expressly identified as obligatory and the abnormalities fall within the customary commercial allowances. Abnormalities in the high-grade steel structure as well as slight color abnormalities are always excepted.
1. Introduction These general terms of business (hereafter «Terms and Conditions») of Limatec AG (hereafter «Limatec») apply to all present and future offers from Limatec and to contracts concluded with Limatec. Every natural and juridical person who maintains business relations with Limatec is identified as a customer.
submitted order has arrived at Limatec, and the contract has therefore been generated which is subject to cancellation for non-supply. All products which are identified as available at Limatec “at warehouse « are available in principle from the warehouse at Limatec. Therefore, a contract of sale is subject to the condition that the stock is not used up yet and that no deficiencies are present. Any liability for Limatec is excluded for these cases. Delivery deadlines begin only upon submission of all documents approvals, releases and possible pre-payments to be made by the customer. A delivery deadline is kept if the goods are surrendered for transport or the dispatch preparation is completed and notification has been made. For changes requested by the customer the delivery deadlines are extended in appropriately. Limatec is authorized at any time for delivery as well as for the execution of partial deliveries. Partial deliveries can be invoiced immediately by Limatec. If the dispatch of the goods takes place on calloff order, Limatec is entitled to store the goods at the expense and risk of the customer, based on its own judgment, at the end of the time determined for the call-off, and to charge the customer for these expenses. If Limatec cannot keep to the arranged date of delivery for reasons outside of its control (like operational disturbances, strike, lockout, energy supply problems, delays in the delivery of essential raw materials and basic materials etc), the customer is informed immediately. Limatec is excluded from all liability for such cases. Limatec determines the transport company and becomes free from liability upon release of goods to the transport company. For a contract dissolution (cancellation), the depreciation of the product since the order and a reimbursement for expenses of 20% of the order, or at least CHF 60 can be billed to the customer. Limatec can also withdraw from (cancel) the contract if the buyer does not collect the goods within two weeks. Notification of package damage and wrong deliveries are to be made within five working days after receipt of the shipment. Any (visible and hidden) transport damage and incorrect deliveries must be reported within five workdays from receipt of the shipment. In the event of any damage, the forwarding agent/courier service must be notified immediately upon delivery of the goods and a corresponding damage notification must be completed. 11. Reservation of Property Rights Products that are delivered to the customer remain in the ownership of Limatec until the entire payment of the purchase price is made. The customer concedes the right for Limatec to enter a retention of title in the retention of title register. The customer has to insure the goods that are under retention of title against fire, water damage, burglary and theft at its own expense. Upon request from Limatec, the insurance policy is to be provided [to Limatec] for inspection. The customer relinquishes any claims against the insurance company to Limatec in advance. Upon access of third persons to the reservation of title the customer must inform Limatec immediately. The customer bears all expenses which must be laid out to remove the access and replace the goods supplied by Limatec. 12. Guarantee Limatec sells only original, factory-new products from leading manufacturers in name-brand quality. Since Limatec does not manufacture its products, it has no influence over the functioning of the product. Therefore, Limatec excludes any guarantee for its products unless deliberate or gross negligence on the part of Limatec is present. However, Limatec gives full power to its customers to exercise their guarantee rights over the manufacturers. In addition, Limatec provides the service for its customers of sending the products of the customer to the manufacturers by exercising the guarantee rights over the manufacturers. This service will only be carried out at the domicile of Limatec if something else is not expressly agreed and in writing. If Limatec is of the opinion that a guarantee of the manufacturer is likely, Limatec can grant a pre-exchange of the product to the customer, i.e. Limatec consigns the same product to the customer. This pre-exchange, which occurs exclusively at the discretion of Limatec, takes place on the (dilatory) condition that the manufacturer actually takes over the guarantee for the product which was sent. Therefore the customer attains ownership of the pre-exchanged product only at the moment of the effective guarantee of the manufacturer. Limatec is authorized to enter a retention of title in the retention of title register. The customer must check the goods immediately after receipt of the delivery for completeness or any deficiencies and to notify Limatec with a written notice of defects within five working days from accession. The completeness must always be checked in the presence of the forwarder / parcel deliverer, and be noted with abnormalities in writing on the freight bill / delivery certificate. Deficiencies identified after the fact cannotbe considered. If, and as long as a manufacturer or supplier or another third person takes over a guarantee (e.g., by delivery of a guarantee card) vis a vis the customer, the guarantee liability of Limatec itself is thereby in no way extended to the customer.
but does not fall under the guarantee or was not bought at Limatec. For equipment that does not show a definitive mistake or the deficiency does not fall under the manufacturer’s warranty, a flat-rate processing amount will be charged. In each case, if a product is turned in to Limatec for repair, the customer bears the entire responsibility for data backup before turning it in. Limatec cannot be held responsible for loss of data. If damage from public transport occurs, Limatec will accept the costs for the return. 14. Exchange and Return The return of products is not possible in principle. A return can occur only as an exception and after agreement with Limatec. As the basis of price for all returns and exchanges, the current price that was effective on the day of the return or exchange always applies as the maximum. Products that were special ordered for the customer, as well as auxiliary constructions and custom products, can no longer be rescinded, which means they are entirely disqualified from return or exchange. 15. Liability Limatec is obliged to the customer for the careful provision of the services in accordance with these general business conditions and the rest of the contract provisions. Claims against Limatec and against the assistants or service agents of Limatec for damages resulting from the impossibility of the service, from breach of the contract, from default at contract conclusion and from unauthorized business, are completely forbidden, as long as deliberate or gross negligence is not present. The liability for indirect damage and resulting damage that appears from use, by lapse [of production] or from loss of production is excluded. 16. Changes to the General Business Conditions Limatec reserves the right to change the general business conditions at any time. Changes to the general business conditions will be announced to the customer by informing [him] in a timely manner via email about the effective date. Limatec cannot be prosecuted for insufficient notification or non-receipt of the emails with reference to the changes of general business conditions. The previous general business conditions also applies after introduction of the changed general business conditions for purchase orders whose bindingness was secured temporally before the introduction of the changed general business conditions by an order confirmation from Limatec. 17. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law Jurisdiction for all disputes with Limatec is - with reservation of divergent compelling federal law jurisdictions Frauenfeld. Moreover, Limatec AG can also sue the customer, as desired, in his seat. The contract is subject to the Swiss law (under exclusion of the UN-purchase law (CISG)). The Place of execution for all claims from the contracts concluded with Limatec is the place of business of Limatec AG. Should one or several regulations of this contract be in whole or in part legally ineffective, the validity of the rest of the regulations is not thereby affected. In place of the ineffective regulations a retroactively similar-in-content regulation that comes closest to the intent of the desired regulation comes into effect. February 2010
13. Return of Goods The return occurs at the expense and risk of the customer to the appropriate location designated for return by Limatec. The customer is responsible for a professional and insured transport. The return must include a complete description of deficiency in addition to a copy of the purchase invoice. Limatec can send back at the sender’s expense or decline acceptance of equipment that is sent for the fulfillment of the guarantee by teh manufacturer,
Váš obchodní zástupce:
Fax 0041 71 466 75 49 E-Mail
[email protected] www.limatec-ag.ch
Kreuzlingerstrasse 71 CH-8590 Romanshorn Telefon 0041 71 466 75 40