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UNIT PENGELOLA JAKARTA SMART CITY Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9 Blok B Lt. 3 Telp.3822255 Fax.3822255 JAKARTA KodePos :10110
NOTA DINAS Nomor: KepadaYth. Dari Silat Lampiran Hal
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Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Inlormatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Kepala Unit Pengelola Jakarta Smart City Penting 1 (satu) berkas Undangan sebagai Narasumber dari OLYGEN, Singapura
Sehubungan dengan undangan OLYGEN tanggal 13 "Januari 2016, dengan ini disampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut : 1. OLYGEN merupakan perusahaan knowledge and business networking. Konlsrensi skala besar yang dibuat oleh Olygen mencakup tren bisnis terbaru dan pernimpin industri hadir untuk berbagi wawasan, pengalaman dan kasus terbaru studi mereka. Olygen telah mengadakan konlerensi di Asia, Timur Tengah, Alrika, Singapura, Hongkong, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Shanghai, Jakarta, Dubai, Doha, Abu Dhabi, dan Johannesburg. Setiap acara konlerensi yang dilakukan memiliki cakupan wilayah, dimana 70% dari delegasi berasal dari tuan rumah dan 30% sisanya berasal dari luar kota atau Negara tuan rumah. 2.
OLYGEN mengundang Kepala UP Jakarta Smart City sebagai narasumber dalam konlerensi yang akan diadakan pada tanggal 22 dan 23 Maret 2016 di Hotel Marriot, Tang Plaza, Singapura.
Tema dari konlerensi ini adalah Shaping the Future with Big Data and the Internet of Things towards Building a Smart City. Dengan topik yang akan dibahas adalah Big Data Analyties, Internet of Things (/0 T), Smart Nation, dan Smart Cities dan Smart Living. Demikian kami sampaikan, mohon arahan Bapak lebih lanjut.
Januari 2016
1'<epala Unit Pengelola Jakarta Smart City Dinas Komunikasi, Inlormatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta,
Setiaji NIP 197406081998031003
Tembusan: Sekretaris Dinas Komunikasi, Inlormatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta
"Febrina Zakaria"
< [email protected]>
Wednesday, January 13; 2016 02:30PM
Speaking Invitation: 3rd Big Data and Smart Cities World Show
Dear Setiaji Setiaji. - Head of Jakarta Smart City,
Hope this email finds. you well.
My name is Febrina and I am theprojed manager of the mentioned event happening on the 22 nd and the 23 rd March, 2016at the Marriott Singapore Tang Plaza.
With reference to the mentioned subject, We are pleased to invite you as one of our guest speakers at this 2-day conference. Please find below information to assist you further in the decision-making process:
BI~IT B G DA.TA & SMART CITIES WORLD SHOW 22 & 23 MARCH, 2016 IViARRIOTI SINGAPORE TANG PLAZA 'Shaping the Future with Big Data and the Internet of Things towards Building a Smart City' .
About the Organiser
Olygen isa knowledge and business networking company. We create platforms for the larger companies to be updated 011 the latest trends .and acquire. the latest best practices. Olygen's large-scale conferences cover the latest busine1> trends and present industry I'.,
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leaders to share their latest insights, experience and case studies. Olygen's events are regional in nature. The events are conducted in major Asian, Middle Eastern and African cities; Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Shanghai, Jakarta, Dubai, Doha,' Abu Dhabi and Johannesburg. Each event has a regional coverage, in which 70% of the delegates are from the host city and the remaining 30% are from outside the host city. About the Event
The emergence of Big Data has significantly impacted the quality of our lives through reinforcements of data analytics. With the Internet of Things, the focus has now been directed to engaging citizens and their needs with connectivity to maximise the technoiogies towards becoming a Smart City. Big Data and loT are at the forefront of innovation and the discussions involved throughout this conference uptake the opportunities and solutions offered by these advancements to solve the current challenges faced by business users and the government in developing an intelligent nation. TOpiC segments at this conference.include: Big Data and Analytics Internet of Things (loT) Smart Nation Smart Cities and Smart living
Invitation as a Guest Speaker
We are pleased to invite you as one of our guest speakers for two sessions at the event. You may choose the proposed topics and sessions below for your·perusal. Alternatively, fe.el free to share with us should you have an interesting case study / successful stories to be presented at the conference.
Case Study (30 minutes - a 25-munite presentation and as-minute Q and A session) Bringing out the Possibilities of Smart Cities into the Real World
a. Deploying wearable technologies and infrastructure in initiating Smart Cities b. Implementing of real-time and intelligent Big Data systems in ensuring the urban areas agile and sustainable
c. Exploring current economic information to recognise the Importance of Smart Cities in improving the quality of life
Panel Discussion (60 minutes - A session)
presentation and a 10-minute Q and A
l.'Smart Transport': Creating Immense Possibilities with Big Data and loT towards Uplifting 'Public Transportation Woe.s The emergence of Smart Cities has changed the way people commute from one point to
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another. This panel looks into the use of digitalised demographic data to design potentials customised to users' interests. Ways to automate and streamline processes to improve ' operations and'enhance customer servicing will also be discussed, followed by tracking commuters' movements on a gradual basis to manage public transport incidents.
2. Where is Asia in Today's Smart City?
This panel defines the degree of public services with open data and for convergence in the cities across the region. The discussion will also call for strategies and measures to determine cities' "sma'rtness" in evaluating the excellence of services for the citizens. Meanwhile, spearheading the concept of citizen-centric to enhance the development of services by both public and private sectors for greater productivity should be taken into account for greater success.
Appreciate you could let us know your availability for our further perusal.
Attached herewith is a link of our official Big Data website for your kind reference: www.biqittechnoloqy.com. "
Should you require more information, I am reachable ,on my direct line or at [email protected].
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks and regards,
LY0EN FEBRINA ZAKARIA Conference and Training Producer Tel: +60322614226 ext, 514 Email: [email protected] Websites: www.olygen.com www.bigittechnology.com
Olygen Sdn Bhd 12B-12-3, Block B, Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, 50470 Kuala Lumpur Olygen Pte Ltd 1229 Mountbatten Road, Mountbatten Square #03-38, Singapore 398007
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