MIRE VALÓK A FOLYAMATOS PERFECT (Perfect Continuous) IGEIDŐK? - A folyamatos perfect is előfordul a jelenben, a múltban és a jövőben is. - A magyar ember számára ez is roppant furcsa szemlélet. - Az PERFECT CONTINUOUS szemlélet legfontosabb használati területe: ● Előidejűség: olyan cselekvés, amely hamarabb kezdődik, és még tart, amikor egy másik esemény elkezdődik pl. Egy órája eszik a tortámat. (They have been eating my cake for an hour.) – Present Perfect Continuous (a cselekvés a múltban kezdődött, és még most is tart)
Egy órája ették a tortámat. (They had been eating my cake for an hour.) – Past Perfect Continuous (a cselekvés a múltban hamarabb kezdődött, és még tartott egy későbbi múltbeli időpontban)
Egy órája fogják enni a tortámat. (They will have been eating my cake for an hour.) – Future Perfect Continuous (a cselekvés a jövőben hamarabbfog kezdődni, és még tartani fog egy későbbi jövőbeli időpontban)
MIBEN KÖZÖS AZ FOLYAMATOS PERFECT IGEIDŐK ALAKJA? ● Minden folyamatos perfect igeidőnek a segédigéje a HAVE megfelelő alakja, melyet a LÉTIGE 3. ALAKJA követ. Ezt minden folyamatos perfect igeidőben az ige –ING-es alakja követi. Azaz: Present Perfect Simple: have (E/3: has) been + az ige ing-es alakja Past Perfect Simple: had been + az ige ing-es alakja Future Perfect Simple: will have been + az ige ing-es alakja
EGYSZERŰ PERFECT vs. FOLYAMATOS PERFECT EGYSZERŰ PERFECT (perfect simple) ● a jelölt cselekvés befejezettségét hangsúlyozza They have eaten my cake. (Megették a tortámat.) They had eaten my cake by the time I arrived. (Megették a tortámat, mire megérkeztem.) They will have eaten my cake by the time I arrive. (Megeszik a tortámat, mire megérkezem.)
FOLYAMATOS PERFECT (perfect continuous) ● a jelölt cselekvés még folyamatban lévőségét hangsúlyozza They have been eating my cake for an hour. (Egy órája eszik a tortámat.) They had been eating my cake for an hour by the ↔ time I arrived. (Egy órája ették a tortámat, mire megérkeztem.) They will have been eating my cake for an hour by the time I arrive. (Egy órája fogják enni a tortámat, mire megérkezem.)
FOLYAMATOS vs. FOLYAMATOS PERFECT FOLYAMATOS (continuous) ● csak az a fontos, hogy a cselekvés adott időpontban folyik (folyt, folyni fog) They are eating my cake. (Eszik a tortámat.) They were eating my cake when I arrived. (Ették a tortámat, amikor megérkeztem.) They will be eating my cake when I arrive. (Enni fogják a tortámat, amikor megérkezem.)
FOLYAMATOS PERFECT (perfect continuous) ● nem csak az a fontos, hogy a cselekvés adott időpontban folyik (folyt, folyni fog), hanem az is, hogy mióta tart (tartott, fog tartani) They have been eating my cake for an hour. (Egy órája eszik a tortámat.) ↔ They had been eating my cake for an hour when I arrived. (Egy órája ették a tortámat, amikor megérkeztem.) They will have been eating my cake for an hour when I arrive. (Egy órája fogják enni a tortámat, amikor megérkezem.)
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS ALAKJA A Present Perfect Continuous-nak két segédigéje van: HAVE (E/3: HAS) – ez a perfect szemléletet segít kifejezni BEEN – ez a folyamatosságot segít kifejezni Ezt használjuk kijelentő, állító mondatokban és kérdezéskor, valamint tagadáskor is! Ehhez kapcsolódik az adott ige –ING-es alakja. Tehát: ● KIJELENTŐ, ÁLLÍTÓ (NEM TAGADÓ) MONDATBAN: HAVE/HAS BEEN + az ige ING-es alakja pl. I have been waiting for my husband for a long time but he is not coming out of the bathroom. I wonder what he has been doing since he closed the door. (Régóta várok a férjemre, de nem jön ki a fürdőszobából. Kíváncsi vagyok, mit csinál, amióta bezárta az ajtót.) ÖSSZEVONÁS: Az have/has segédige az alannyal összevonható. pl. He has been washing his teeth for an hour. = He’s been washing his teeth for an hour. I have been waiting for an hour. = I’ve been waiting for an hour. ● TAGADÁS: a HAVE/HAS segédige után kerül a „not” tagadószó: HAVE/HAS + NOT + BEEN + az ige ING-es alakja pl. I hope he has not been bathing for an hour! (Remélem, nem fürdik, egy órája!) ÖSSZEVONÁS: Az have/has segédige a „not” tagadószóval összevonható: pl. He has not been bathing for an hour. = He hasn’t been bathing for an hour. I have not been waiting for an hour. = I haven’t been waiting for an hour. ● KÉRDEZÉS: csak a HAVE/HAS segédige kerül az alany elé: HAVE/HAS + ALANY + BEEN + az ige ING-es ALAKJA pl. What has he been doing for so long? Has he been washing his teeth? (Mit csinál ilyen régóta? Fogat mos?)
HASZNÁLATA A) OLYAN CSELEKVÉS, AMELY A MÚLTBAN KEZDŐDÖTT, ÉS MÉG MOST IS FOLYIK A magyarban ilyenkor jelen időt használunk. pl. She has been cleaning the house for 2 hours. (2 óra hosszája takarítja a házat.) B) Olyan esemény, amely HOSSZAN TARTOTT, ÉS A KÖZELMÚLTBAN (a jelenben) FEJEZŐDÖTT BE, (és hatása még mindig érződik vagy érzelmileg hangsúlyozzuk). A magyarban ilyenkor múlt időt használunk. pl. I am very tired because I have been running 10 kilometres. (Nagyon fáradt vagyok, mert 10 km-t futottam.) Jellemzően használható időhatározók: ● Az esemény lefolyásának időtartamát vagy kezdőpontját jelölő elöljárószók since… (valamilyen időpont óta) – utána azt az időpontot adjuk meg, amióta tart az esemény pl. She has been crying since she lost her doll. (Azóta sír, amióta elvesztette a babáját.) We have been playing football since 2 o’clock. (Két óra óta focizunk.) Megjegyzés: A „since”-szel kezdődő időhatározói mellékmondatban Past Simple áll, hiszen az egy múltbeli időpontot ad meg (amióta tart a cselekvés).
for… (valamennyi ideje, valamilyen időhossz óta) – utána azt az időhosszt adjuk meg, amely a múlttól kezdődően átível a jelenig. pl. She has been crying for two hours. (Két órája /két óra hosszája/ sír.) ● Az időtartam hosszúságát jelölő időhatározók all day/week/month stb. (egész nap/héten/hónapban stb.) pl. I have been writing letters all morning. (Egész reggel leveleket írok.)
A Present Perfect Simple és a Present Perfect Continuous közötti különbség: PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE ● a cselekvés befejezettségét hangsúlyozza, az a fontos, hogy egyáltalán megtörtént
They have eaten my cake. (Megették a tortámat.)
● a cselekvés még folyamatban van, hangsúlyozzuk, hogy milyen régóta tart They have been eating my cake for an hour. (Egy órája eszik a tortámat.)
A Present Continuous (folyamatos jelen) és a Present Perfect Continuous közötti különbség: PRESENT CONTINUOUS ● csak az a fontos, hogy a cselekvés éppen most folyik They are eating my cake. (Eszik a tortámat.)
● fontos, hogy a cselekvés épp most folyik, de emellett az is, hogy mióta tart They have been eating my cake for an hour. (Egy órája eszik a tortámat.)
1) Write the sentences in a different way, using the Present Perfect Continuous. e.g. My best friend went to live in Greece twenty years ago, and she is still there. → My best friend has been living in Greece for twenty years. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
My grandmother started to listen to the radio an hour ago, and she is still there. They started to wait for the bus twenty minutes ago, and they are still waiting. Helen and James started to go out together two years ago, and they still do it. Peter started to study English three and a half years ago, and he still hasn’t finished. My friends started to eat lunch half an hour ago, and they are still eating. My father started to work in the garden two hours ago, and he is still working. I started this exercise ten minutes ago, and I’m still doing it. The students started to write their compositions half an hour ago, and they still haven’t finished. 9. It started raining last night, and it hasn’t stopped yet. 10. My sister bought her car in 2010, and she is still paying for it. 11. My parents began to save money when they got married, and they are still saving it. 12. The children began to watch TV after dinner and they are still watching it. 13. John began learning how to drive in September and he is still having lessons. 14. I began this exercise at seven o’clock. Now it’s half past eight and I’ve just finished.
2) Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous? We ____________ (have) our dog for more than five years now.
I ______________ (help) my mum cook dinner today.
I _____________ (just/send) a text message to my wife.
Karen ____________ (never/fly) a plane in her life.
Judy __________ (jog) in the park for an hour.
It _____________ (rain) all night. There are puddles in the garden
Mrs. Slim _________ (wait) for the lift since she left her boss’ office.
I _____________ (study) French since I was in primary school.
Lucy ____________ (talk) to her best friendfor an hour.
I ______________ (shovel) snow for half an hour. I’m tired.
Teresa ___________ (not/read) the news yet.
My parents ______ _______ (go) fishing. They’ll be back in an hour.
Sue _____________ (just/eat) a healthy salad for lunch.
My mum __________ (tidy) up the wardrobe in my room.
We ____________ (not/be) to the Opera for ages.
Jen ____________ (already/pack) her suitcase. She’s going on holiday tomorrow.
Frank ___________ (not/do) all his homework yet.
I ______________ (never/be) to Paris before.
Barbara ____________ (play) the flute since she was seven.
We _____________
My aunt __________ (break) her leg. Now she has to walk on crutches.
Our neighbour ______________ (paint) the living room all afternoon.
My secretary _____ ________ (type) seven letters this morning.
Mr. Long _________ ____ (work) as a postman for twenty years.
(just/eat) breakfast.
3) Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous? 1. We _______________(walk) ten kilometres. We are so exhausted! 2. We _______________(walk) for three hours now. 3. I _______________(sleep) every bed in this house and I don't like any of them. 4. He _______________ (sleep) since ten o’clock, it’s time he woke up. 5. You _______________(telephone) for ages. _____ you nearly _______________(finish)? 6. I _______________ (do) housework all morning and I _______________(not finish) yet. 7. What _______________( you, do) with the corkscrew? The point is broken off. 8. I _______________ (count) the bicycles. One is missing. 9. The doctor _______________ (examine) my injured arm. Thanks God, it isn’t broken. 10. Her phone _______________ (ring) for ten minutes. It annoys me. 11. That boy _______________ (eat) four ice-creams. Don’t give him any more. 12. I _______________ (not talk) to him yet. 13. It _______________ (rain) for two days now, there will be flood soon. 14. Ann _______________ (not do) anything to stop her friends gossiping. 15. He _______________ (teach) in this school for five years. 16. I _______________ (teach) hundreds of students but I _____ never ______________ (meet) such a hopeless group. 17. John and Jack _______________ (argue) since the early morning. 18. We _______________ (hear) the news: Tom and Jill are engaged! 19. Stop babbling, I _______________ (try) to finish this letter for the last half-hour. 20. They _______________ (live) in France since 1990. 21. I _______________ (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it. 22. Frank and Sally _______________ (discuss) these matters for an hour or so. They can’t stop. 23. We _______________ (miss) the bus. Now we’ll have to walk. 24. Don’t come in. I _____ just _______________ (wash) this floor. 25. He _______________ (be) Minister of Education since 1983.
PRESENT PERFECT vs. PRESENT and PAST TENSES 4) Present (Simple or Continuous), Past(Simple or Continuous), or Present Perfect (Simple or Continuous)? 1. I suppose you _______________(hear) the latest news - John _______________(marry) Susan yesterday. 2. Mary _____________(not come) home yet. She never _______________(come) home before midnight and last night she _______________(not get) in till two o'clock. 3. While I _______________(walk) through the park with my girl-friend last night, a man _______________(snatch) her bag from her hand and _______________(run) away. I could not run after him because it _______________(be) too dark to leave her alone. The police _______________(not catch) him yet. 4. We ________________(wait) here for half an hour now, so I (not think) she will come. She always _______________(arrive) late, or _____ you __________(think) something _______________(happen) to her? 5. This is the first time I _______________(see) you since you _______________(get) married. 6. I _______________ (sleep) badly recently, doctor. What can I do about it?
7. I _______________(meet) him last June but my family _______________(not meet) him yet. 8. When I ____________(see) him he _______________(sit) asleep in a chair. 9. He _______________(write) a letter now. How long _____he __________(write) it? 10. I’m sure I _______________(read) that book before. 11. I _______________(not want) to speak to you again. 12. The play _______________(just, begin). You _______________(be) a little late. 13. They _______________(have) their new sports car since last month. 14. "How long _____ you ___________(know) your neighbours? " "Since last month. " 15. His life _______________(change) since his accident. 16. I _______________(not talk) to him since he _______________(finish) his new book. 17. I _______________(ski) when I _______________(be) at the university, but I _______________(break) a leg five years ago and since then I _______________(not do) any. 5) Translate the following sentences into English. Az a fiú egyfolytában eszik, amióta megjött. Már hét palacsintát evett meg. Az utóbbi fél órában próbáltam befejezni ezt a levelet, de valaki mindig megzavar. Amióta 20 éves lettem, boldog vagyok. Épp most kezdődött a film, de Robert még nincs itthon. Ez az első alkalom, hogy sört ittam, amióta beteg voltam. Régen minden héten találkoztunk, de amióta elköltözött, csak évente kétszer írunk egymásnak levelet. 7. Itt dolgozom öt éve, de azt hiszem, még nem láttam a főnököt. 8. Szeretek zenét hallgatni, de az öcsém már húsz perce trombitál, ezért ideges vagyok. 9. Mit főztél ma vacsorára? Krumplit és rántott csirkét, de siess, mert mi már egy fél órája eszünk. 10. Bob este tíz óta alszik. Mi történt vele? 11. Tegnap elmentem a fogorvoshoz, és azóta nincs rossz fogam. 12. Éhes vagyok, két napja nem ettem semmit. 13. Martha és Sam húsz éve házasodtak össze, és azóta boldogok. 14. Nem láttalak, amióta befejeztük az iskolát. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
KEY: 1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
My grandmother has been listening to the radio for an hour. They have been waiting for the bus for twenty minutes. Helen and James have been going out out together for two years. Peter has been studying English for three and a half years. My friends have been eating lunch for half an hour. My father has been working in the garden for two hours. I have been doing this exercise for ten minutes ago. The students have been writing their compositions for half an hour ago. It has been raining since last night. My has been paying for her car since 2010. My parents have been saving money since they got married. The children have been watching TV since dinner. John has been learning how to drive since September. I have been doing this exercise since seven o’clock / for half an hour.
2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
have had have helped have just sent has never flown has been jogging has been raining has been waiting have been studying
3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
have been walking / have walked have been walking have slept has been sleeping have been telephoning – have finished have been doing – haven’t finished have you done have counted has examined has been ringing has eaten haven’t talked has been raining
4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
have heard - married hasn’t come – comes – didn’t get was walking – snatched – ran – was – hasn’t caught have been waiting- don’t think – do you think – has happened have seen - got have been sleeping met – hasn’t met saw – was sitting is writing – has he been writing
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
has been working has been talking have been shoveling hasn’t read have gone has just eaten has tidied up haven’t been
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
has already packed hasn’t done have never been has been playing have just eaten has broken has been painting has typed
hasn’t done has been teaching have been teaching – have met have been arguing have heard have been trying have been living have bought have been discussing have missed have washed has been
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
have read don’t want has just begun - are have had have you known has changed haven’t talked - finished skied – was – broke – haven’t done
5) 3. That boy has been eating pernmanently since he arrived. He has already eaten seven pancakes. 4. I have been trying to finish this letter for the last two hours but someone always disturbs me. 5. I have been happy since I got 20..
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
The film has just started but Robert hasn’t been at home yet.. This is the first time I have drunk beer since I was ill. We used to meet every week but since he moved away we have only written to each other twice a year. I have been working here for five years but I think I haven’t seen the boss yet.. I like listening to music but my brother has been playing the trump for twenty minutes so I am annoyed. What have you made for dinner today? Potato and chicken in breadcrumbs but hurry because we have been eating for half an hour. Bob has been sleeping since 10 p.m. What has happened to him? I went to the dentist’s yesterday and since then I haven’t had a bad tooth. I am hungry. I haven’t eaten anything for two days. Martha and Sam got married twenty years ago and they have been happy since then. I haven’t seen you since we finished school.