Minutes of the Interim Workshop Czech Republic
D6.8 of WP6 from Entranze Project 25th June 2013, Prague
Written by: Jiří Karásek, Petr Zahradník (SEVEn) The Energy Efficiency Center
Minutes of the Interim Workshop, Prague, The Czech Republic
1. List of participants (in alphabetical order; including coordinators) Lamis Abdalla, Czech Green Building Council (CZGBC) Marie Báčová, Czech Chamber of Authorised Engineers (ČKAIT) Jan Bedřich, Czech Chamber of lightweight facade systems (ČKLOP) Jan Fibiger, Architecture and Buildings Foundation (ABF) Jana Chobotská, Institute of Education Association of Building Entrepreneurs of the Czech Republic (Institut SPS) Petr Jaroš, independent designer and Energy Performance Certificates Assessor Roman Jirák, self-employed designer, specialist in lightweight facades Marcela Jonášová, Mineral Insulation Manufacturers Association (AVMI) Jiří Karásek, Consultant, SEVEn Miloslav Mašek, Association of Building Entrepreneurs (SPS ČR) Alois Materna, Czech Chamber of Authorised Engineers (ČKAIT) Venca Petrů, designer, RAFPRO Eva Podlešáková, Architecture and Buildings Foundation (ABF) Marek Pokorný, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague Roman Pommer, Czech Association of micro, small and medium-sized employers in the construction industry (SDMSZS ČR) Jan Přikryl, Architecture and Buildings Foundation (ABF) Petr Slanina, designer, energy expert, Benvelop Petr Sopoliga, Consultancy Enviros Filip Šrail, designer, RAFPRO Jan Truxa, Consultancy Ekowatt Radoslav Vlasák, Committee on Social and health issues Petr Zahradník, Consultant, SEVEn Kateřina Závodníková, Mineral Insulation Manufacturers Association (AVMI)
Minutes of the Interim Workshop, Prague, The Czech Republic
2. Agenda The ENTRANZE mid-term workshop was joined with workshop related to project Build Up Skills CZ in order to attract a higher number of highly relevant people and audience and increase the impact of disseminated and discussed topics.
10.00 Welcome 10.05 Introductory information on both Build Up Skills CZ Project and ENTRANZE Project, National analysis of present status of a building sector in the Czech Republic 10.20 Introduction of National Roadmap for increase of knowledge and skills in building sector, strategy, approaches, discussion 12.00 Break and lunch 12.30 Basic introduction of ENTRANZE Project 13.00 ENTRANZE Data Tool introduction, discussion on a quality of existing building stock, barriers to increase quality of the stock 13.30 Introduction of possible scenarios of future development in the buildings´ energy efficiency and renewable sectors; possibilities of meaningful support mechanisms for energy performance increase 14.30 Discussion and close, thanks to all participants, general invitation to follow the Project, use the website and Data Tool
3. Introduction and presentation The project ENTRANZE started cooperation with the Build Up Skills project partners. Build Up Skills project focuses on “blue collars” education and skills and quality improvement. It is expected that some outputs of the Build Up Skills project will be helpful for the project ENTRANZE. Link: http://www.buildupskills.eu/ Jiří Karásek (SEVEn) introduced and presented the project ENTRANZE (ppt presentation and an on-line tool) and its objectives, goals and specific tasks and deliverables. The presentation was translated into Czech. Language of the workshop was Czech, obviously. Further, information on existing reports carried out by project partners was given. Reports on a social acceptance and perception of nZEBs and RES-H/C in Europe and on policies and innovative policy sets were introduced. Detailed familiarizing with these reports is needed for further discussions on them so, additional discussions could take place anytime later, if any participant is interested in.
Minutes of the Interim Workshop, Prague, The Czech Republic
4. Discussion Discussion had been led during the presentations continuously, further, after the presentations a discussion block was opened. The main topics of the discussion were: using of the Data Tool, data sources of the Data Tool, cost optimum calculation, EE policy in building sector and gaps of the nZEB implementation in the country.
Using of Data tool The Data tool was introduced to the audience including its essential functions and possibilities for the comparative analyses. The main functions were presented in PowerPoint presentation and through the ENTRANZE project website. The audience considered as very positive that the Data Tool is available without any registration and is free.
Data sources First of all, the discussion started by data sources used during the Data Tool development. The main used sources were: Czech Statistic Office, Czech heating standards in different periods and specific statistics in the HVAC sector. Data source availability is considered as a crucial issue. There is completely different data source availability in residential and commercial building sector in the country. The housing sector is described well via national statistics, but the commercial sector includes only small pieces of information on HVAC systems and used energy sources. The Data Tool is considered as a suitable information source for the national analyses, supporting instrument for the decision making processes and comparative analyses in selected countries. Together with expected statistics based on data collected from Energy Performance Certificates issued, this Data Tool can be used as a helpful instrument for any future legislation improvements.
Cost optimum calculations The cost optimum calculation and its´ parameters were opened as an important point of the discussion, because some members of the audience were involved in EPBD 2 implementation in national law (and some of them are members of the ENTRANZE policy group). A delay of the EPBD 2 implementation in the country was discussed.
EE policy in building sector The EE policy in the building sector was considered as the topic suitable mainly for the governmental level discussion. Members of the team considered that only some parts (mainly education and building designing) can be improved by the group members. 4
Minutes of the Interim Workshop, Prague, The Czech Republic
Gaps of the nZEB implementation At the end, issue of current gaps in the nZEB implementation in the country was opened. Although a definition of nZEB exists in the national law, it is vague and not very ambitious. Further, clear analyzes of nZEB requirements setting and a relation between nZEB and cost optimality after 2020 are missing. As the strongest barriers were considered:
Missing central management and clear long-term roadmap for the EE and RES increase leading to clearly defined nZEBs and beyond; Population is not well prepared for using and operating energy efficient buildings and the more nZEBs; positive informational campaigns are missing; Low productivity and quality of construction works - pressure on the using of unqualified workers due to a pressure on low costs and bad coordination of construction works; Unstable support of EE and RES by the local government – support exists, but not as a continuous working program; rules are often being changed during programs duration.
5. Ending Generally, thanks to all participants for very efficient and fruitful discussion and useful thoughts was expressed. Special interest was focused on the Data Tool that brought good opportunity to compare recent and present states of national building sectors with all the related specific information. Special emphasis was put on the project website www.entranze.eu with up-to-date information and public deliverables. Further, Project description and Short country summary were disseminated on the workshop as well (documents are available on the website as well; attached as Annexes A.4 and A.5).
Minutes of the Interim Workshop, Prague, The Czech Republic
Annexes A.1 Interim Workshop presentation (separate ppt file A1 ENTRANZE_Interim_WS_prezentace_CZ.pptx)
A.2 Invitation for the workshop - Entranze (separate pdf file A2 Pozvanka_workshop_ENTRANZE_CZ.pdf)
A.3 Invitation – combined for both projects (separate pdf file A3 Pozvanka_WS BuildUpCz_ENTRANZE.pdf)
A.4 Project Entranze description - CZ (separate pdf file A4 ENTRANZE - Description_final_CZ.pdf)
A.5 Short country summary - CZ (separate pdf file A5 D2 1 Short country summary report -final-Czech Rep.pdf)
Přehled ENTRANZE projektu Nástroj Buildings data mapping Definice nákladově optimální úrovně Nástroje modelování a měření dopadu politik Diskuze
REGIONÁLNÍ POKRYTÍ Partneři projektu:
Trvání projektu:
Energy Economics Group/TU Vienna (AT),
National Consumer Research Centre (FI),
Fraunhofer ISI (DE),
Enerdata, s pomocí ADEME (FR),
End use Efficiency Research Group, Politecnico di Milano (IT),
Öko-Institut e.V. (DE),
Sofia Energy Agency (BG),
duben 2012- listopad 2014
ZAMĚŘENÍ PROJEKTU Budovy s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie, změny staveb veřejných a bytových domů Budovy pro bydlení Kanceláře se zaměřením na veřejné budovy Ostatní relevantní kategorie budov (například vzdělávací, zdravotnictví, hotely atd.) Udržitelné vytápění, chlazení, tržní dynamika a predikce pro celý rozsah sektoru budov (rezidenční služby, stávající a nové budovy) Hlavní technické/sociální/ekonomické výzvy při implementaci politik, překonání existujících bariér a návrh efektivní politiky
Vývoj integrované a efektivní politiky v úzké spolupráci se státní správou a národními experty pro rychlou implementaci nZEB (nearly zero energy buildings) a OZE pro vytápění i chlazení (obojí pro stávající a nové budovy) v souladu s EED, EPBD a RED
Sestavení uživatelsky přívětivé databáze pro cílové skupiny na fond budov (energie, spotřeby, systémy vytápění, typologie uživatelů/investorů)
Křivky celkových nákladů a spotřeb energie, které umožní identifikovat nákladově optimální konfigurace technologií energeticky úsporných opatření.
Kvantitativní hodnocení existujících politik a jejich dopad na scénáře do roku 2020 až 2030.
Na míru šitá doporučení a prováděcích národních plánů pěstování změny stávajících budov v nZEB standardu změn stávajících budov
Efektivní a komplexní komunikace se zodpovědnými osobami a jinými dotčenými stranami
DATAMAPPER Datamapper je dostupný online na www.entranze.eu se souvisejícími srovnávacími mapami a grafy.
Stáří fondu budov Hodnoty součinitele U Podlahové plochy Velikost budov Struktura vlastnictví Nízkopříjmové domácnosti
Budovy pro bydlení Budovy pro služby
Domestic Prices ($05/toe) (average) Residential - Services Oil Gas Coal Biomass Electricity Carbon Price ($05/tCO2) (average) Residential - Services - Transport
Power Production (TWh) Fossil fuels Nuclear Renewables (hydro included) Biomass Inputs in power generation (Mtoe) Fossil fuels Biomass Primary Energy Factor
862 386 109 637 1139
868 429 139 689 1228
773 552 222 769 1493
675 525 158 709 1589
834 568 222 704 1713
1047 700 422 771 1907
1262 790 575 773 1914
72 55 14 3 1
81 52 25 4 1
84 49 28 7 2
99 50 38 10 2
111 46 48 17 4
119 36 60 23 6
127 29 70 28 7
17 0 3,35
16 0 3,29
15 1 3,21
13 1 2,83
11 1 2,65
7 2 2,52
5 2 2,45
Nastavení specifických politik dané země 1
Adaptace specifik dané země 2
Energy savings GHG emissions Investment costs Avoided fuel costs …
Energy savings GHG emissions Investment costs Avoided fuel costs …
Energy savings GHG emissions Investment costs Avoided fuel costs …
Doporučená politika
Generované portfolio nástrojů
Detailní rozbor fondu budov a technologických možností (inženýrský přístup)
Simulace investičních rozhodnutí pro systémy vytápění a zateplení
Individuální rozhodovací kritéria pro různé typy investorů
Zvážení neekonomických bariér Explicitní prezentace výsledné politiky
Nástroje regulací
Nové budovy
Stavební zákon Stávající budovy Závazky pro úpravy stávajících budov Závazky užití OZE
Podpory/úvěry/daně) tržní nástroje/nástroje zvýšení kvality
Prostřednictví státního rozpočtu Prostřednictvím příspěvkových organizací
Prostřednictví energetických a klimatických daní Financed through levy on buildings www.entranze.eu
ZÁVĚRY Využití nástroje Datamapper k porovnání budov ČR a zemí EU Tvorba dílčích politik na základě výpočtů nákladového optima Využití nástroje modelování a měření dopadu politik Využití výstupů projektu pro nastavení programů implementujících nZEB v ČR
ENTRANZE PROJEKT Petr Zahradník SEVEn o.p.s. Jiří Karásek SEVEn o.p.s.
Projekt ENTRANZE: policies to ENforce the TRAnsition towards NZEbs Pozvání na odpolední sekci workshopu k podpoře kvalitního stavění/rekonstruování budov s nízkou energetickou náročností v rámci projektu ENTRANZE
Během workshopu budou prezentovány zásadní údaje o stávajícím sektoru budov v ČR a jeho energetické náročnosti, dále bude možno diskutovat další možné směřování sektoru ve snaze o zkvalitnění a zlepšení podmínek pro budovy s nízkou energetickou náročností v souvislosti s možnými finančními mechanizmy a jinými podpůrnými opatřeními včetně Nové Zelené úsporám. Předpokládaný program 12.30 Úvodní informace o projektu ENTRANZE 13.00 Představení nástroje DataTool, mapujícího sektor budov v zemích EU a studie souvisejících aspektů, tvořících podporu ale i bariéry renovací budov na kvalitní energetický standard 13.30 Představení scénářů budoucího vývoje v sektoru energetické náročnosti budov + možnosti podpory kvalitního snížení energetické náročnosti (model vyvinutý Technickou Univerzitou ve Vídni a francouzskou společností ENERDATA) 14.30 Diskuze a závěr
Evropská legislativa k energetické náročnosti budov (EPBD2) a energetické efektivnosti (EED) požadují, aby členské státy EU vytvořily strategie vedoucí k progresivnímu přechodu k energeticky efektivnímu fondu budov. Cílem je tedy plynulý přechod ke stavění a rekonstruování budov do standardů s velmi nízkou resp. „téměř nulovou“ spotřebou energie. K tomu je potřeba dobře znát/zmapovat stávající fond budov a připravit spektrum požadavků a smysluplných opatření, která plynulosti přechodu k těmto kvalitním energetickým standardům napomohou. V rámci projektu ENTRANZE byl vytvořen interaktivní nástroj, mapující relevantní údaje o sektoru rezidenčních i nerezidenčních budov a byly zpracovány studie mj. legislativních přístupů zemí EU k podpoře přechodu na budovy s nízkou energetickou náročností a studie vnímání veřejnosti této problematiky ve vztahu k sociálním a majetkovým poměrům. Webové stránky projektu www.entranze.eu.
Pozvánka na společný workshop projektů projekt BUILD UP Skills Initiative Česká republika a ENTRANZE Zveme vás na workshop k projektům BUILD UP Skills Česká republika a ENTRANZE. ENTRANZE V rámci tohoto workshopu představí tým zpracovatelů návrh Národního plánu vzdělávání ve stavebnictví, nad kterým pak bude prostor pro diskuzi. V druhé části workshopu budou prezentovány zásadní údaje o stávajícím sektoru budov v ČR R a jeho energetické náročnosti náro a bude možno diskutovat další směřování sektoru ve snaze o zkvalitnění ní a zlepšení podmínek pro budovy s nízkou energetickou náročností ností v souvislosti s možnými finančními finanč mechanizmy a jinými podpůrnými opatřeními včetně Nové Zelené úsporám. Datum konání workshopu: 25. 6. 2013 od 10 hodin Místo: Nadace ABF, Václavské nám. 833/31, Praha 1 Počet míst na workshopu je omezen. RSVP do 24. 6. 2012 do 10 hodin na: na
[email protected]
Předpokládaný program 10.00
Zahájení workshopu
10. 05 Úvodní informace o projektu BUILD UP Skills Česká republika, rekapitulace výstupů Národní analýzy současného stavu ve stavebnictví ČR 10.20
Představení návrhu Národního plánu vzdělávání ve stavebnictví, jeho strategií a projektů + diskuze
Přestávka a občerstvení
Úvodní informace o projektu ENTRANZE
Představení nástroje DataTool, mapujícího sektor budov v zemích EU a studie souvisejících aspektů, tvořících podporu ale i bariéry renovací budov na kvalitní energetický standard
Představení scénářů budoucího vývoje v sektoru energetické náročnosti budov + možnosti podpory kvalitního snížení energetické náročnosti (model vyvinutý Technickou Univerzitou ve Vídni a francouzskou společností ENERDATA)
Diskuze a závěr
BuildUpCz: BUILD UP Skills Initiative Česká republika Odborné vzdělávání stavebních profesí v oblasti energetické náročnosti budov a OZE BUILD UP Skills je iniciativa programu IEE (Inteligent Energy Europe), jejímž cílem je podpora dalšího vzdělávání dělníků, mistrů, stavbyvedoucích, projektových manažerů a dalších profesí na stavbě. Usiluje o zvýšení počtu kvalifikovaných pracovníků, kteří jsou schopni aplikovat moderní technologie a postupy pro kvalitní výstavbu budov s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie. Iniciativa podporuje získání dovedností v oblasti energetické efektivity a obnovitelných zdrojů ve všech typech budov. Text Národní analýzy současného stavu je ke stažení na: http://buildupskills.eu/sites/default/files/BuildUpCz_StatusQuoAnalysis_Cz.pdf
www.build-up.cz, www.buildupskills.eu
Projekt ENTRANZE: policies to ENforce the TRAnsition towards NZEbs Podpora směřování evropských budov ke standardu budov s téměř ěř nulovou spotřebou spot energie Cílem projektu ENTRANZE je aktivně podporovat tvorbu souvisejících předpisů p a politiky zajištěním potřebných dat, analýz a manuálů,, vedoucích k rychlejšímu šíření šíř budov s téměř nulovou spotřebou ebou a využívání OZE také na existujícím stavebním fondu. Záměrem projektu je propojit stavební odborníky z oblasti výzkumu a akademické sféry s osobami s rozhodovací pravomocí a dalšími zainteresovanými stranami s cílem vybudovat sice ambiciózní, ale zároveň zárove reálné, předpisy, požadavky a plány vývoje. ědnými osobami v oblasti Hlavní součástí projektu je dialog s tvůrci předpisů, odpovědnými rozhodování a s odborníky. Projekt se zaměřuje uje na 9 zemí (Target countries), které pokrývají více než 60% budov v EU-27. Data, scénáře e vývoje a vypracovaná doporu doporučení budou vyhotovena rovněž pro EU-27 (plus Chorvatsko a Srbsko). www.entranze.eu
Projekt ENTRANZE Projekt na podporu směřování evropských budov ke standardu budov s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie
Úvod Evropské právní předpisy, jako například Směrnice o energetické náročnosti budov (EPBD2) a Směrnice o obnovitelných zdrojích energie (RED) ukládají členským státům vypracovat ambiciózní plány v odvětví stavebnictví. Inteligentní návrh integrovaných balíčků opatření (i politických) na podporu budov s téměř nulovou spotřebou (TNSE nebo NZEB) a obnovitelné zdroje vytápění a chlazení (OZE-Vyt/Chl nebo RES-H/C), bude mít zásadní význam pro dosažení ambiciózních cílů v podobě snížení spotřeby energie a emisí CO2 ve stavebnictví. Toto, při podílu stávajících budov, platí zejména pro jejich rekonstrukce. Novelizovaná Směrnice EPBD2 požaduje od roku 2019, aby všechny nové budovy vlastněné a užívané orgány veřejné moci, byly ve standardu budov s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie (NZEB) a aby od roku 2021 byly v tomto standardu řešeny všechny nové budovy. Vzhledem k rozmanitosti klimatických podmínek, obvyklých stavebních technologií v jednotlivých částech Evropy, i v souladu s kulturními rozdíly, Směrnice EPBD2 nestanovuje konkrétní jednotný přístup k definování NZEB. Členské státy musí samy vypracovat zvláštní národní plány (national roadmaps), které odrážejí vnitrostátní, regionální nebo místní podmínky a pomohou tak přesněji definovat NZEB, odpovídající podmínkám a možnostem dané země, tj. mimo jiné na nákladově optimální úrovni. Cíle projektu Cílem projektu ENTRANZE je aktivně podporovat tvorbu souvisejících předpisů a politiky zajištěním potřebných dat, analýz a manuálů, vedoucích k rychlejšímu šíření budov s téměř nulovou spotřebou a využívání OZE také na existujícím stavebním fondu. Záměrem projektu je propojit stavební odborníky z oblasti výzkumu a akademické sféry s osobami s rozhodovací pravomocí a dalšími zainteresovanými stranami s cílem vybudovat sice ambiciózní, ale zároveň reálné, předpisy, požadavky a plány vývoje.
Hlavní součástí projektu je dialog s tvůrci předpisů, odpovědnými osobami v oblasti rozhodování a s odborníky. Projekt se zaměřuje na 9 zemí (Target countries), které pokrývají více než 60% budov v EU-27. Data, scénáře vývoje a vypracovaná doporučení budou vyhotovena rovněž pro EU-27 (plus Chorvatsko a Srbsko).
Obsah Projekt má umožnit získat potřebná data a znalosti pro optimální rozhodovací proces vytvořením
online mapovacího nástroje, který umožní snadnou formou přístup k datům o typických budovách, o jejich energetických parametrech a k výsledkům modelových scénářů vývoje;
analýzy nákladově optimální úrovně pro budovy s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie;
přehledu principů, jejichž integrací lze dosáhnout rozumným způsobem téměř nulového standardu budov;
modelových scénářů do roku 2030 (pro různá nastavení možných přístupů členských států k dané politice);
mezinárodní srovnávací analýzy.
V rámci osvěty (tj. informačních aktivit) se budou získané výsledky sdílet s jinými zeměmi. Přínosy Osoby podílející se na tvorbě předpisů a další zúčastněné strany
budou podrobně obeznámeni s možnými dopady prováděných rozhodnutí na základě vytvořených variantních scénářů řešení celkových rekonstrukcí budov a využití OZE;
získají přístup k široké škále dat, na jejichž základě lze lépe a snáze rozhodovat při tvorbě legislativních podmínek a požadavků. Tím má být zajištěna transparentnost a má se zajistit větší důvěryhodnost v rozhodovací procesy v dlouhodobějším kontextu;
budou moci být součástí procesu tak, aby byli průběžně informováni o vývoji a byli součástí relevantních diskuzí;
budou moci čerpat ze zkušeností v jiných zemích.
Doufáme, že tímto vznikne stabilní prostředí, díky němuž bude přechod na tzv. budovy s téměř nulovou spotřebou a využití obnovitelných zdrojů snazší. Trvání projektu: Duben 2012 – Září 2014 Partneři projektu a působnost Koordinátorem projektu je Energy Economics Group z Technické Univerzity ve Vídni, partnery projektu jsou:
National Consumer Research Centre (Finsko),
Fraunhofer Society for the advancement of applied research (Německo),
National Renewable Energy Certre (Španělsko),
Efficiency Research Group, Politecnico di Milano (Itálie),
Öko-Institut e.V. (Německo), Sofia Energy Agency (Bulharsko),
Buildings Performance Institute Europe (Belgie),
Enerdata (Francie),
SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center (Česká republika).
Svou působností projekt pokrývá nejen téměř celou Evropskou Unii (EU-27), ale také Chorvatsko a Srbsko). Partneři projektu tvoří tzv. cílové země (Target countries), ostatním zemím se projekt bude též, v omezenější míře, věnovat (Focus countries).
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic D2.1 of WP2 from Entranze Project
Written by: Petr Zahradník, Jiří Karásek and Zuzana Šestáková SEVEn Carine Sebi Enerdata Reviewed by: Diana Paunova and 'Zdravko Georgiev SOFENA
December 2012
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
ENTRANZE Project Year of implementation:
April 2012 – September 2014
Project consortium: EEG
Energy Economics Group, Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives at Vienna University of Technology
National Consumer Research Centre
Fraunhofer Fraunhofer Society for the advancement of applied research CENER
National Renewable Energy Centre
end use Efficiency Research Group, Politecnico di Milano
Sofia Energy Agency
Buildings Performance Institute Europe
SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
The ENTRANZE project The objective of the ENTRANZE project is to actively support policy making by providing the required data, analysis and guidelines to achieve a fast and strong penetration of nZEB and RES-H/C within the existing national building stocks. The project intends to connect building experts from European research and academia to national decision makers and key stakeholders with a view to build ambitious, but reality proof, policies and roadmaps. The core part of the project is the dialogue with policy makers and experts and will focus on nine countries, covering >60% of the EU-27 building stock. Data, scenarios and recommendations will also be provided for EU-27 (+ Croatia and Serbia). This report provides an overview of the building stock of France and its related energy demand. It includes main buildings characteristics, space heating and cooling systems and energy consumption and is based on data collection that was carried out during WP2.
Acknowledgement: The authors and the whole project consortium gratefully acknowledge the financial and intellectual support of this work provided by the Intelligent Energy for Europe – Programme.
with the support of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation Intelligent Energy for Europe
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The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Content The ENTRANZE project ........................................................................................................................... 3 Content ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 List of figures .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.
Building characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.1
Building sector ............................................................................................................. 7
Residential sector ........................................................................................................ 9
Service sector ............................................................................................................ 11
Space heating and cooling systems ................................................................................................. 12
Energy consumption ........................................................................................................................ 14
Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 16
References ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... 18
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
List of figures Figure 1: Decomposition of buildings by type (2008) .................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Breakdown of floor area by ownership structure (2008) ................................................ 8 Figure 3: Dynamics of building construction ................................................................................. 9 Figure 4: Residential dwellings according to construction date (2008) ....................................... 10 Figure 5: Breakdown of ownership & tenure (2008).................................................................... 10 Figure 6: U-values by construction period (multifamily and single family, 2008) ........................ 11 Figure 7: Decomposition of service building areas by type (2008) ............................................. 11 Figure 8: Dwelling stock according to space heating systems by energy (2008) ....................... 12 Figure 9: Dwellings according to centralisation of heat supply (2008) ........................................ 13 Figure 10: Sales of energy efficient and renewable systems in recent years ............................. 13 Figure 11: Penetration of air conditioning ................................................................................... 14 Figure 12: Total energy consumption of the building sector (2008) ............................................ 15 Figure 13: Total energy consumption by end-use (2008, real climate) ....................................... 15 Figure 14: Specific consumption by age and by type of dwellings .............................................. 16
List of tables Table 1: Decomposition of buildings by type (stock and floor area, 2008) ................................... 8 Table 2: Total energy consumption by sector (2008) .................................................................. 18
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Some definitions/scope of country report The common database year of these country reports is 2008. This year has been chosen because it is one of the most recent years with enough available data. And year 2009 has been avoided because of structural effects caused by the global crisis.
The building sector, as it is subject of this report, refers to two main categories of buildings: residential buildings and non-residential buildings. Whereas residential buildings are relatively homogenous and can further be divided into single/two-family houses and apartments blocks, non residential buildings are more heterogeneous. They refer to buildings in the service or tertiary sector and include several building categories (esp. office buildings, hospitals, schools and universities, hotels and restaurants, buildings in wholesale and retail trade). Within the residential stock, we consider only permanently occupied dwellings.
Floor area: The floor area as it is reported in the following sections is the net floor area; it does not include the common areas in multifamily buildings (e.g. corridors, etc.).
Specific consumption for space heating is calculated at normal climate: it corresponds to the energy consumption required to heat one dwelling on average, it is calculated in final energy.
Climate correction (normal climate): Making climatic corrections enable to monitor energy indicator trends that are independent on the year-to-year variations in the winter climate. The climatic corrections are made only for the part of the final consumption corresponding to space heating.
Central heating systems: it includes district heating, block heating, individual boiler heating and electric heating; a central heating system implies that all rooms are well heated, as opposed to room heating, where generally a stove provides heat to the main room only.
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
1. Building characteristics 1.1
Building sector
The total building stock area in the Czech Republic is almost 400 Mm2 from which more than 75% is related to residential building stock and the rest relates to service sector (about 25%, see Figure 1 and Table 1). In the residential buildings live about 10,2 million inhabitants. In total there are about 4 million flats, from which about 60% are in multi family buildings and 40% in single family houses. In terms of residential floor area, multi family buildings have about 45% and remaining 55% comes to single family ones. This difference logically comes from average floor area of flats in multi family buildings and single family houses. In case of single family houses, detached houses are most typical (about 80%), semi-detached houses (5%) and row houses (15%) are not typical. The housing stock in the Czech Republic was constructed gradually in approximately 6 500 cities and villages. About 1.2 million flats are situated in panel buildings (pre-cast concrete structure) constructed after 1950. Almost 70% of them were built in 1960´s and 1970´s. This type of housing is typical for the country. Quite important advantage in standardized, repeatedly built apartment buildings, made of pre-cast concrete panels can be found. Those building systems are typical for multistory blocks of flats in Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union countries. The relevant energy efficient measures can be designed once and used repeatedly for number of similar construction systems. Figure 1: Decomposition of buildings by type (20081)
Source: Odyssee, estimations of SEVEn´s experts
The reference year chosen for this report is 2008, in order to get as much as possible available data among European countries.
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Table 1: Decomposition of buildings by type (stock and floor area, 2008) Stock (k) 3 993 2 294 1 699
Total Residential Multi-family Single-family Service
Floor area ( M m2) 305 136 170 89
Source: Odyssee
Figure 2 represents the distribution of the total building floor area according to the status of occupation. Before services (about 24%), the main building stakeholders in the Czech Republic are owner occupants of single-family houses, with 37% of the total floor area and owner occupants of multi-family buildings with about 29%. Social rental housing is not common in the country and stays at last position (about 2% in total). Social housing in the Czech Republic is provided by some municipalities for poorer citizens. Private rental apartments make up 4% of total floor space. Rented singlefamily dwellings make up 4% as well. Figure 2: Breakdown of floor area by ownership structure (2008)2
1% 4%
1% 24%
Services Owner occupied MF
Owner occupied SF Private renter MF 37%
Private renter SF 29%
Social dwellings MF Social dwellings SF
Source: Eurostat, Odyssee, Czech Statistical Office, estimations of SEVEn´s experts
Between 2000 and 2010, 30 000 of residential buildings have been constructed, i.e. 38 Mm2 of floor area. In 2007 and 2008, huge boom in building sector was conscious. 2
explanation for the figure MF: Multi-family dwellings ; SF: single family dwellings.
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
After that, because of the global economic crisis, the statistical data show recession in construction sector, i.e. both in residential and service one (Figure 3). Over the period 2006-2010, one third of the new floor area constructed has been in the service sector. Data for service sector before year 2006 are not available, estimation would be extremely rough and inappropriate. Figure 3: Dynamics of building construction
thousands m2
3000 2000 1000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Source: ODYSSEE, Czech Statistical Office, estimations of SEVEn´s experts
Residential sector
The average age of buildings and the share of new buildings in the total stock represent a good indicator of the quality and standards of construction with one exception (multi family buildings built especially in 1970´s were usually built in bad quality in terms of energy efficiency – concrete panel structure with low amount of insulation). But in general, the higher the share of recent dwelling, i.e. built with more efficient standards, the higher the energy performance of the stock. In the Czech Republic, 71% of the dwelling stock existing in 2008 was built till 1970´s, when the first thermal regulation was fully working (Figure 4).
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Figure 4: Residential dwellings according to construction date (2008)3
Source: BPIE, TABULA (No of buildings) , Czech Public Census 2001, Czech Statistical Office
Owner occupants are absolutely dominant in residential buildings, with a bit more than 80% in case of single family houses and slightly less than 80% in case of multi family single-family dwellings. Other categories are minor (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Breakdown of ownership & tenure (2008)
Owner occupied
Private renter
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Total dwellings
Source: Eurostat, calculations according to Czech Statistical Office data
The age categories correspond to typical construction eras in the Czech Republic
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Figure 6 shows the U-values that measure heat loss in building elements, such as wall, floor or roof, i.e. how well the buildings components are insulated. In the Czech Republic, U-values have decreased in several periods. At the end of 1970´s, first standard related to U-value requirements was introduced. Figure 6: U-values by construction period (multifamily and single family, 2008)
Source: BPIE, Czech technical standard ČSN 73 0540 Thermal protection of buildings
Service sector
Offices (about 40%) and wholesale and retail trade (about 18%) represent the highest share of total service sector floor area in 2008. Education buildings (14%) and health (6%) follow. Other types of buildings have about 21% share. Figure 7: Decomposition of service building areas by type (2008) Other 21% Offices 40% Health 6% Hotel & restaurants 1%
Education 14% Wholesale & retail trade 18%
Source: Odyssee, national Public Census 2001, Czech Statistical Office
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
2. Space heating and cooling systems District heating is the most widespread (about 55%) system of heating in multi family buildings, followed by natural gas heating (35%). In case of single family houses, majority is on natural gas heating (about 40%) followed by coal and district heating. In service sector, the most important energy source is gas (about 50%) and also district heating (about 35%). Figure 8: Dwelling stock according to space heating systems by energy (2008)
District heating
80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
Multifamily dwellings
Single family dwellings
Source: SEVEn´s experts estimations and calculations based on experience
Figure 9 shows the penetration of heating systems. In the Czech Republic almost the entire housing stock is heated by central heating systems4: room heating has almost disappeared, except in rural areas in single family dwellings. Collective heating systems5 represent around 75% of multi-family dwellings. Altogether, about 50% of all dwellings have an individual central heating system.
4 5
Electric heating is considered as a central system as all the rooms have usually and electric convector. Including district heating.
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Figure 9: Dwellings according to centralisation of heat supply (2008)
District & collective central
Individual central
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% All dwellings
Multifamily dwellings
Single family dwellings
Source: Odyssee, SEVEn´s experts estimations and calculations based on experience
The diffusion of efficient and renewable heating systems, such as condensing boilers and heat pumps, partly promoted by subsidy program Greenlight to savings, significantly improve the average heating energy efficiency. Especially the sales of heat pumps and biomass are on huge increase. Detailed data on concrete types of heat pumps, biomass boilers used are not available.
Figure 10: Sales of energy efficient and renewable systems in recent years
Source: Odyssee, Czech heat pump association, own calculations, http://vytapeni.tzb-info.cz/zdrojetepla/7382-prodej-kotlu-o-vykonu-do-50-kw-v-cr-v-roce-2010
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Diffusion of air conditioning is steadily increasing in the service sector with stable increase from 5% in 2000 to 20% in 2010. The share of dwellings with air conditioning increases as well, but very slowly and it could be said that the change is negligible (Figure 11). Detailed statistics is not available, the data are based on experts estimations.
Figure 11: Penetration of air conditioning6
25,0% 20,0% 15,0% 10,0% 5,0% 0,0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: estimation of SEVEn´s experts
3. Energy consumption Natural gas (40%) and electricity (25%) are the dominant sources of energy in the Czech Republic (Figure 12). Third highest consumption can be identified by heat from district heating for both residential and service sectors. In residential sector, biomass and coal are identified as well.
% of residential stock and service stock.
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Figure 12: Total energy consumption of the building sector (2008)
Source: estimation of SEVEn´s experts
Space heating represents the largest share of household energy use. It corresponds on average to almost 80% of total energy consumption. Water heating consumption equals to almost 20% of the residential buildings consumption respectively to 10% of service sector consumption. Air conditioning consumes about 8% in service sector. Lighting is minor in all cases. Figure 13: Total energy consumption by end-use (2008, real climate)
Source: estimation of SEVEn´s experts
Energy efficiency standards enforced on new dwellings have an impact on the space heating energy performance. However, the magnitude of this impact depends on the 15
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
frequency of thermal regulations updates and on their severity. These standards require theoretical maximum heating unit consumption for new buildings, as shown in Figure 14. In the Czech Republic, several thermal regulations were implemented and updated since the 1970's. The last thermal regulation implemented in the country in 2007 implies a specific consumption almost four times lower than the first thermal regulation implemented in the mid 70’s. The regulation proposal that is being discussed in the Czech Republic nowadays should go further in the requirements. Figure 14: Specific consumption by age and by type of dwellings
Source: SEVEn´s experts estimations and calculations
4. Conclusions Residential buildings represent 76% of total floor area and the main stakeholders in the Czech Republic are owner occupants of single family dwellings with 37% and owner occupants of multi family dwellings with 29% of the total floor area. In last decade, about 30 000 of residential dwellings have been constructed. Concrete panel multi family buildings are most typical for the Czech residential stock. They were built especially in periods of 1970´s and 1980´s. U-values were decreased by implemented by several updated regulations since 1970´s. Especially wall, floor and ceiling (roof) insulation requirements were strengthened. In the Czech Republic, almost the entire housing stock is heated by central heating systems. District heating is the most widespread (about 55%) system of heating in multi family buildings, followed by natural gas heating (35%). In case of single family houses, majority is on natural gas heating (about 40%) followed by coal and district heating.
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
Water heating consumption equals to almost 20% of the residential buildings consumption. Air conditioning still represents a marginal share of residential dwelling consumption. Diffusion of air conditioning is almost negligible in the residential sector. The sales of biomass boilers and heat pumps are increasing rapidly in recent years over time. In the service sector, space heating and water heating represent 80% respectively 10% of total consumption. Air conditioning is more significant than in the residential sector, and reached about 8% of total consumption. Lighting is marginal.
5. References Bertoli, P. and Atanasiu, B.: Electricity Consumption and Efficiency Trends in the Enlarged European Union – Status Report 2006. European Commission: DG Joint Research Centre 2007.
BPIE, Data Hub for the http://www.buildingsdata.eu/results
Czech Statistical Office (CSO), Census http://www.czso.cz/eng/redakce.nsf/i/population_and_housing_census
Czech technical standard ČSN 730540MMR, http://www.buildingtypology.eu/downloads/public/docs/scientific/CZ_TABULA_ScientificReport_STU-K.pdf
Denik, verejne spravy, http://denik.obce.cz/clanek.asp?id=6525576
Eurostat, Population and social conditions, distribution of population by tenure status, type of household and income group (Source SILC) (ilc_lvho02) http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=ilc_lvho02&lang=en ,
Energy and Environment Consultancy, ENVIROS, http://www.enviros.cz/english/
Ministry of Industry and Trade http://www.mpo.cz/default_en.html
The challenges, dynamics and activities in the building sector and its energy demand in the Czech Republic
ODYSSEE, database http://www.odyssee-indicators.org/ Solar league 2005, http://www.solarniliga.cz/studiekol.html TABULA, Typology Approach for Building http://www.building-typology.eu/country.html
TZB INFO, http://vytapeni.tzb-info.cz/zdroje-tepla/7382-prodej-kotlu-o-vykonu-do-50kw-v-cr-v-roce-2010 and http://vytapeni.tzb-info.cz/zdroje-tepla/7382-prodej-kotlu-ovykonu-do-50-kw-v-cr-v-roce-2010
6. Appendix
Table 2: Total energy consumption by sector (2008) Mtoe Residential of which: space heating of which: water heating of which: air conditioning of wich: lighting Services of which: space heating of which: water heating of which: air conditioning of wich: lighting
District heating
Coal / lignite
Source: Odyssee