ADVISOR’S APPROVAL SHEET This is to certify that the Sarjanthesis of Winda Khoirun Nisak entitled “Lexical and Grammatical Cohesive Devicesin Dangdut Song Lyrics Written by Tjahjadi Djajanata as The Representation of Woman” has been approved by thesis advisor for further approval by the Board of Examiners.
Tulungagung, July 14th 2015 Advisor,
FAIZATUL ISTIQOMAH, M.Ed NIP. 19791220 200912 2 001
BOARD OF THESIS EXAMINER’S APPOVAL SHEET This is to certify that the Sarjanathesis of Winda Khoirun Nisak entitled “Woman representation in Dangdut Song Lyrics Written by Thahjadi Djanata” has been approved by the Board of Examiners as the requirement for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam in English Education
Board of Thesis Examiners Chair,
NIP. Main Examiner,
, 2015
Approved by The Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
For my daddy, the greatest father in entire the world, as the big reason of my existence. Then my mother, who let me feel the warmness of the sun also my sunshine, Fami
The last but not the least all my extraordinary friends, Salwa, Nur, Mas Fahmi, Retno, Yuni, Yulis, Ulva, Oppa, Mas Habib, Mas Cilik all members of TBI-E Always Happy and so much more who always makes everything easier and brighter. who always keeps my head up. Without you I’m just nothing guys. Thank you so from deep in my heart. Thank you for every single thing that you have done
: Winda Khoirun Nisak
: Female
Place, Date of Birth
: Tulungagung, December25th, 1993
: Dsn. Banjarsari Lor, Ds. Banjarejo, Kec. Rejotangan, Kab.Tulungagung
: Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
: English Education
Registered Number
: 3213113162
Phone Number
: 087755163506
State that thesis “Lexical and Grammatical Cohesive Devices in Dangdut Song Lyrics Written by Tjahjadi Djajanata as The Representation of Woman”is truly my original work, it does not incorporate any material previously written or published by other person except those indicated in quotation and bibliography. Due to the fact, I’m the only person responsible for the thesis any injections claim from other. The Author,
Winda Khoirun Nisak
ABSTRACT Nisak, Winda Khoirun. Student RegisteredNumber.3213113162.2015.Lexical and Grammatical Cohesive Devicesin Dangdut Song Lyrics Written by Tjahjadi Djajanata as The Representation of Woman.SarjanaThesis.English Education Department.Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. StatesIslamic Institute (IAIN) of Tulungagung. Advisor, Faizatul Istiqomah, M.Ed
Keywords:Woman representation, Dangdut Songs, Discourse Analysis Language can be used as a representation of people in the discourse, representation of woman instead. Woman who constantly becomes the theme of Dangdut Songs is the iligimate one which can not presented by themselves in the dangdut songs. Woman is depicted as beyond the stereotype of the eastern woman. Dangdut song as the original discourse from Indonesia should be berepresented by Indonesian Woman as eastern woman. Discourse analysis is much concern on language use. Furthermore, discourse analist uses language as the representation of the world.Language features that used in one discourse such the use of personal pronoun means so much based on the theory of discourse analysisi. The study was directed to find out the representation of woman in dangdut songs written by Tjahjadi Djajanata, also the relation of subject-object for those discourses. The formulation of the research problems were: How do grammatical and lexical cehesive devices represent woman in dangdut songs by Tjahjadi Djajanata? The purposes of the study were: To analyze selected lyric of dangdut songs by TjahjadiDjajanata by grammatical and lexical coherence and to analyze representation of woman. The research method: this study belonged to qualitative approach attend to library research as the research design. Discourse Analysis used as the framework in this research. The data of this study are transcribtion of 10 songs which wrote also composed by Tjahjadi Djajanata.The data were person pronoun, repetition as the main tools to unload the woman representation in those songs.Meanwhile, source of the data of this study was Youtube channel originally by Tjahjadi Djajanata that analized ten transcribtion lyrics of the song. The result showed that there were two kinds of cohesive devices that used to unload the representation of woman. They were reference and repetition.
Meanwhile, the position of woman as the subject of the discourse, found nine to ten songs as the data. Furthermore word choice also use in depicted woman in the discourse. As the whole woman pictured as the one who tried to resist man domination also tumbling down the stereotype about eastern woman. Researcher concludes that those things run with current hidden agenda which try to get benefit from the depicted woman as in the songs. Woman as the object of capitalism who intend to not presented as it have to be in the dangdut songs that was written by Tjahjadi Djajanata.
ABSTRAK Nisak,Winda Khoirun.Nomor Induk Mahasiswa.3213113162. 2015.Piranti Kohesi Leksikal dan Gramatikal dalamlirik lagu dangdut yang ditulis oleh Tjahjadi Djajanata Sebagai Representasi Perempuan.Skripsi, Jurusan Bahasa Inggris , institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. IAIN Tulungagung. Pembimbing, Faizatul Istiqomah, M.Ed Kata Kunci: Representasi wanita, Lagu Dangdut,Analisa Wacana Dalam wacana, bahasa dapat digunakan sebagai penunjuk representasi, tak terkecuali representasi wanita. Wanita yang acap kali menjadi tema dalam lagu dangdut adalah pihak yang kehadiranya dihadirkan oleh pihak pencipta teks. Penggambaran itu pun adalah sebuah penggambaran yang keluar dari stereotip wanita Indonesia selama ini. Lagu dangdut yang notabene merupakan lagu asli Indonesia seyogyanya juga menggambarkan wanita Indonesia dengan segala budaya ketimurannya. Analisa wacana sendiri adalah sebuah analisa yang berkonsentrasi kepada penggunaan bahasa dalam kehidupan sosial. Lebih jauh, analis wacana menggunakan kerangka analisa wacana sebagai penggambaran dari tatanan sosial masyarakat. Aspek kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam analisa wacana seberti kata ganti, mempunya arti lebih dalam kejian teori analisa wacana.Padaahirnya, penelitian ini adalah sebuah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menemukan representasi perempuan dalam lagu dangdut yang ditulis oleh Tjahjadi Djajanata, juga kaitanya terhadap pemosisian subjek dan juga objek dalam wacana. Untuk masalah penelitian sendiri dalam hal ini terdapat satu poin rumusan masalah. Pertama, bagaimanakohesi gramatikal dan leksikal lagu dangdut terpilih yang berasal dari Tjahjadi Djajanata merepresentasikan wanita berdasarkan teori analisa wacana. Tujuan penelitian ini sendiri adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana lagu dangdut terpilih yang berasal dari Tjahjadi Djajanata di analisa dari kohesi gramatikal dan leksikal. Juga bagaimana hal termebut merepresentasikan wanita berdasarkan teori analisa wacana. Sementara untuk metode penelitian, penelitian memakai desain penelitian kepustakaan yang tergolong dalam metode kualitatif. Analisa wacana digunakan sebagai pendekatan oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini. Data yang digunakan merupakan transkrip dari sepuluh lagu dangdut yang ditulis olehTjahjadi Djajanata.Data yang tersaji dalam bentuk kata ganti orang,dan juga pengulangan ix
merupakan salah satu alat peneliti dalam menganalisa representasi wanita dalam lagu-lagu tersebut.Sumber data sendiri diperoleh peneliti dari saluran vidio Youtube yang telah diunggah oleh Tjahjadi Djajanata yang menganalisa sepuluh transkrib lirik lagu. Terahir adalah hasil dari analisa peneliti menunjukan ada dua macam piranti grammatical dan leksial dalam merepresentasikan perempuan yang muncul dalam data penelitian. Yakni, pengacuan personadan pengulangan. Posisi wanita sebagai subjek wacana sendiri ditemukan sembilan dari sepuluh lagu yang memposisikan penyanyi dalam hal ini wanita, sebagai subjek wacana. Selanjutnya, wanita juga di gambarkan sebagai pihak yang mencoba untuk melawan dominasi pria dan meruntuhkan stereotip tentang wanita ketimuran.Peneliti melihat bahwa pemosisian tersebut tidak lepas dari kepentingan pihak tertentu yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan dari penciptaan citra wanita secara demikian. Wanita sebagai objek dari kapitalisme. Dan wanita tidak dihadirkan sebagai mana mestinya dalam teks lagu dangdut yang di tulis oleh Tjahjadi Djajanata
In the name of Allah SWT,The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful. All praises are to Allah SWT for all the blesses,upto the writer can accomplish this thesis in the right time. Adding up, may Peace and Salutation be given to the prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us fom the Darkness to the Lightness as well as in the next world. The writer would like to express her genuine gratitude to: 1.
Dr. Maftukin, M.Ag., the Rector of IAIN Tulungagagung for his lead in this institution.
Dr. Abdul Aziz, M.Pd.I., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Tulungagung for his permission to write this thesis.
ArinaShofiya, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department who has given some insight so the writer can accomplish this thesis.
Faizatul Istiqomah, M.Ed, the writer’s thesis advisor, for her invaluable guidance, suggestion, and feedback during the completion of this thesis.
The writer realizes that this research is far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive criticism and suggestion will be gladly accepted. Tulungagung, July 10th 2014
The Writer
Cover ..........................................................................................................................i Advisor’s Approval Sheet .......................................................................................... ii Board of Examiner’s Approval Sheet ........................................................................ iii Motto ..........................................................................................................................iv Dedication .................................................................................................................. v Declaration of Authorship ..........................................................................................vi Abstract ...................................................................................................................... vii Acknowledgement...................................................................................................... xi Table of Content ......................................................................................................... xii List of Tables.............................................................................................................. xiv List of Appendices ..................................................................................................... xvi List of Figures ............................................................................................................ xvii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Research ................................................................................ 1 1.2 Statement of Research Problems..........................................................................5 1.3 Objectives of the Research ...................................................................................6 1.4 Significance of the Research ................................................................................6 1.5 The Scope and limitation of the Research ...........................................................7
1.6 Definition of Key Term ........................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Discourse Analysis ...............................................................................................8 2.2 Song’s lyric as a discourse ................................................................................... 14 2.3 Dangdut song ....................................................................................................... 15 2.4 Previous Study .....................................................................................................16 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design ...................................................................................................19 3.2 Data and Data Source ...........................................................................................20 3.3 Data Collection..................................................................................................... 21 3.4 Credibility and Dependability ..............................................................................21 3.5 Data Analysis and Interpretation .......................................................................... 22 CHAPTER IVFINDING AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Finding .................................................................................................................24 4.2 Analysis ................................................................................................................48 CHAPTER VCONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................54 5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................................55 References .................................................................................................................56
Appendices ................................................................................................................58
Table 4.1. 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29
Page The summary of reference song 1 ...................................................... 24 The summary of pronoun repetition song 1 ....................................... 27 The summary of clause repetition song 1 ........................................... 27 The summary of reference song 2 ...................................................... 27 The summary of reference song 3 ...................................................... 29 The summary of pronoun repetition song 3 ....................................... 31 The summary of clause repetition song 3 ........................................... 31 The summary of reference song 4 ...................................................... 31 The summary of pronoun repetition song 4 ....................................... 33 The summary of clause repetition song 4 ........................................... 33 The summary of reference song 5 ...................................................... 33 The summary of pronoun repetition song 5 ....................................... 36 The summary of clause repetition song 5 ........................................... 37 The summary of reference song 6 ...................................................... 34 The summary of pronoun repetition song 6 ....................................... 38 The summary of clause repetition song 6 ........................................... 38 The summary of reference song 7 ...................................................... 39 The summary of conjunction song 7 .................................................. 40 The summary of clause repetition song 7 ........................................... 42 The summary of reference song 8 ...................................................... 42 The summary of pronoun repetition song 8 ....................................... 43 The summary of clause repetition song 8 ........................................... 45 The summary of reference song 9 ...................................................... 45 The summary of pronoun repetition song 9 ....................................... 53 The summary of clause repetition song 9 ........................................... 53 The summary of reference song 10 .................................................... 46 The summary of pronoun repetition song 10 ..................................... 48 The summary of clause repetition song 10 ......................................... 48
Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Appendix7: Appendix8: Appendix9: Appendix10:
Transcribe of song 1 Transcribe of song 2 Transcribe of song 3 Transcribe of song 4 Transcribe of song 5 Transcribe of song 6 Transcribe of song 7 Transcribe of song 8 Transcribe of song 9 Transcribe of song 10
Figure 2.1.
Page Figure of Cohesive Device............................................................... 9