: SD Negeri Yogyakarta
: Math
Lesson Theme
: Time for Knowledge
Time Alocation
: 20 minutes
A. Objective 1. Follow and give instructions involving position, direction, and movement. 2. Read the time to the half hour on digital and analogue clocks. 3. Answer the question by collecting and recording data in list and tables, and representing it as block graphs and pictograms to show results. B. Focus Question 1. Why do wee need a time in our daily lives? 2. Can you know / watch the time? 3. What is the difference of analog and digital clock? 4. How to read the time from analog and digital clock? 5. How many degrees of this analog clock? 6. Which corner who generated from two – clockwise (analog clock)? 7. Which degree who have from different angle? C. Strategy and Method a. Strategy
: Scientific
b. Method
: Discussion, Lecture, Ask Answer, Lesson
D. Activities 1. Opening Activities (5 menit) Teacher greetings.
Teacher ask a student to lead pray.
Teacher absent all of student.
Teacher give some aperseption. -
“I’m sorry kids, I have late because my watch was not accordance with school’s time, so I thought I wasn’t late”
Have you ever some experience the same thing with me?
Are you look at the time if you want to go to school?
Teacher give motivation.
Teacher ask student to sing together. Ayo kita belajar tentang Matematika Ada jam analog juga ada digital Ada juga sudut, ada juga besar drajat Ayo kita belajar, jangan malas La la la aku senang sekali Jangan bosan La la la aku senang sekali, semangatlah
Teacher give purpose of the learning. -
“Today we will learn about an hour and angle , and we will also undertake activities to figure out how to tell the time is right and know the different kinds of angles through hours”
2. Main Activities (15 menit) Teachers ask questions to students:
Why do we need time in our life?
Students answer question from teacher (student’s answer became temporary hypothesis). -
The teacher explains that the responses of the students will be
proved at the end of learning.
Students were divided into 4 groups , each group consisting of 5 to 6 people.
Teacher explain what will do today.
(Children today we will learn about an hour and a corner , I will distribute to each group of media , media that mothers share in the form of an analog clock , a ruler arc , various forms angles . Then after that I'll share a worksheet , do you understand child?) The teacher distributes media and worksheets to each group.
Students are required to observe the media has been shared.
Students are required to discuss the use of media that has been shared
Teacher asks each group to show the results of discussions in the classroom
Teacher shows the video about corner in analog clock.
3. Closing Activities (5 menit) Teacher with students enclose the material who has been studied today. “children turned out to watch it very useful for our daily life . Today we have learned about how to tell the time is right , then we also learn about
the various angles through hours” Teacher distribute the evaluation lesson to each students. Teacher ask student to finish the lesson from teacher. Teacher do some answer-qestion with students : How to determine the angle through an analog clock? Students finish the reflection. What do we have learn today? What is the advantages for our each life? How your feel today? What the difficult in your opinion? Teacher gives students the homework from book page 35 to 37. Students prepare to go home.
Teacher ask a student to lead pray.
The end of the class with pray together. Teacher do some reflection with students.
E. Media & Resources 1. Media : a. Video b. Analog clock and digital clock c. Penggaris busur 2. Resources : a. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2013. Diriku : Tema I Buku BSE Matematika SD / MI Kelas2. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, halaman 35-48. b. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2013. Diriku : Tema I Buku BSE Senang Matematika SD / MI Kelas2. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, halaman 78-115. c. http://ukurandansatuan.blogspot.co.id/2014/08/jenis-jenissudut.html. Sunday, 31 August 2014 diunduh pada kamis 31/03/2016. F. Evaluation 1. Kind of assesment a. Test b. Report of grup discussion report of experiment result. 2. Scoring Method a. Attached 3. Assesment Rubric (Attached
ASSESMENT SHEET A. Performances Assessed Competence : a. Knowledge of given material b. Skill observing melting ice
Very Good 4 All group
Good 3 Half or more
Enough 2 Less than a half
Need Guidance 1 All group member
members areable
members areable
members areable
have not been able
to finish the
to finish the
to finish the
to finish the
lesson accurately
lesson accurately
lesson accurately
lesson accurately
(there are 5
(there are 3-4
(there are 1-2
(there are 5
students) Students are able
students) Students are able
students) Students are able
students) Students have not
too retell orally,
too retell
too retell
been able too
fluently and
retell orally,
correctly Teamwork
fluently and
All group
Half or more
Less than half or
correctly All group
group members
more group
members look
participate activately.
(there are 5
(there are 3-4
(there are 1-2
(there are 5
Scoring guidance : Score =
gained score maximum score
B. Spiritual Attitude Assesment
X 100
Aspect Lead pray
Very Good 4 Student are able
Good 3 Student are able
Enough 2 Student are able
Need Guidance 1 Student have not
too lead pray in
too lead pray in
too lead pray in
been able too lead
front of his
front of his
front of his
pray in front of his
friends seriously
friends seriously
friends seriously
friends seriously
and behave in a
and do not
and do not
and do not behave
good manner and behave in a good
behave in a good
in a good manner
the contents
manner and the
manner and the
and the contents
matches with the
contents matches
contents does not does not matches
learning content.
with the learning
matches with the
with the learning
learning content.
Scoring guidance : gained score Score = maximum score
X 100
C. Social Attitude Assessment
Attitude Assessment Worksheet Weekdays -:............Month..............2016 Subtheme.................... No
1 2 3 4 5
Note : VG = Very Good, G = Good, E = Enough, B = Bad Scoring guideline : gained score Score= maximum score
X 100
D. Knowledge and Skill Assessment
Criteria Knowledge (Home work)
Skill (Communicati ng)
Very Good 4 Student are
Good 3 Student are
Enough Need Guidance 2 1 Student are able Student are able
able to answer able to answer to answer three
to answer less
all five
four question
than 3 question
from five
(benar semua) The
question. The
The explanation
The explanation
explanation is
explanation is
is little bit
is difficult to
easy to
easy to
difficult to
understand, and
understand, and
didn’t uses
and uses
and uses some didn’t uses
Scoring guideline : Score =
gained score maximum score
X 100
G. Material 1. Jam a. Reading and Determining Hours Ami 's never too late to come to school . He always follow the lessons diligently . Shortly thereafter , the break arrived. Ami and his friends playing in the school yard .
Look at the picture above! What time Ami breakfast? What time Ani’s school get rest? What time Ami go to home? Contoh soal
b. Writ the time Ali began to study at 7 pm . She was doing all the housework given by the teacher . Ali also repeat the lessons given in school . Note the clock image below. How many number things do you see?
There is a number of 1 to 12. The day is 24 hours over night. So in a day, at full spin by 2 times. After 12:00 noon. Time does not go back to 01.00. Writing forwarded to 13.00 to 24.00. At 24.00 the same night at 12 o'clock. Ali began studying at 7 pm. 7pm called at 19:00. Write the next hour into the correct writing .
c. Duration Ami was very pleased with the Boy Scouts . Ami late afternoon return to
school to participate in Scouting activities . When leaving home , the clock showed 15:00.
Finally , the scouts was completed. When the clock showed 17:00 . Ami go home . Look at the picture above short needles . At the time of leaving clockwise Ami short point number 3. When Ami go home , short needles pointing to the 6 . From number 3 to number 5 there are two steps.
2. Kind of Corner
Definition of Corner Definition corner form is generated from two lines with the direction that spreads from one point called the vertex point .
Name of Corner Look at the picture above . On the square in the four corner points and four corners . Each vertex named T , U , V and W. Each angle is called the angle of a , b , c , and d . The name is placed in the corner between two lines forming an angle close to the vertex point . If a corner is given a special name , the name of the angle can be called vertex . The trick is to sort the three-letter name of the vertex of the angle formed where the second letter is the name of the vertex point . In the triangle above there are three vertices of X , Y , and Z. The lower left corner of the triangle can be named < YXZ where vertex in the vertex X.
Unit Magnitude Corner The magnitude of the angle is usually expressed in units of degrees . The maximum number of angles in the field and the amount of space is 360 degrees Kind of Corner 1. There are several kinds of angles are as follows. Acute angle, an corner less than 90 degrees. For example, the corner E in the image. 2. Right angle is an corner of precisely 90 degrees. For example, the angle F in the picture. 3. Obtuse angle is an angle of more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
Yogyakarta, 8 Maret 2016 Teacher,
Agnes Herlina
Yohanes Bintang (131134081) Indriani Siahaan (131134218) Lilis Sri Rahayu (131134242)
ATTACHMENT WORKSHEET A. Kelompok Nama Kelompok : 1.......................
Kerjakanlah soal dibawah ini dengan benar! No
Jam Analog
Jam Digital
Sudut yang di
90o 4
B. Individu Nama :
No. Absen :
Kerjakanlah soal dibawah ini dengan benar! 1. Jika jarum pendek menunjuk angka 5 dan jarum panjang menunjuk angka 12, maka waktu saat itu adalah : a. Pukul 12.00 c. Pukul 12.30 b. Pukul 05.00 d. Pukul 05.30 2. Pada pukul satu siang, jarum pendek dan jarum panjang akan menunjuk ada angka : a. Jarum pendek menunjuk angka 12 dan jarum panjang menunjuk angka 1 b. Jarum pendek menunjuk angka 1 dan jarum panjang menunjuk angka 12 c. Jarum pendek menunjuk angka 12 dan jarum panjang menunjuk angka 12 d. Jarum pendek menunjuk angka 1 dan jarum panjang menunjuk angka 1 3. Kedua jarum jam akan menujuk angka yang sama pada pukul : a. 03.00 c. 09.00 b. 06.00 d. 12.00 4. Jarum pendek dan jarum panjang pada jam analog akan membentuk garis lurus pada pukul : a. 03.00 c. 09.00 b. 06.00 d. 12.00
5. Mobil jemputan “PIPIT” berangkat dari rumah pukul 06.00 dan sampai di sekolah pukul 08.00. Lama perjalanan mobil itu adalah : a. 1 jam c. 3 jam b. 2 jam d. 4 jam
7. Besar sudut yang dibentuk oleh kedua jarum jam pada gambar di atas adalah ....
a. 35°
c. 55°
b. 45°
d. 65°
8. Di antara gambar sudut berikut yang termasuk sudut lancip adalah ....
a. 90°
c. 270°
b. 180°
d. 360°
9. Di antara gambar sudut berikut yang termasuk sudut tumpul adalah ....
10. Besar sudut yang dibentuk oleh kedua jarum jam pada pukul 11.00 adalah .... a. 30°
c. 90°
b. 60°
d. 120°
Ayo kita belajar tentang Matematika Ada jam analog juga ada digital Ada juga suudut, dan juga besar derajat Ambil buku pensil dan juga penghapusmu Ayo kita belajar, jangan malas La la la aku senang sekali Jangan bosan La la la aku senang sekali, semangatlah Lagu dasar : OST Doraemon