Brno University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The Institute of Manufacturing Technology
LESSON 12 Technological Development
Ing. Miroslav PÍŠKA, PhD., Associate Professor
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bc. Michael Lars George HILL
Obsah 1 Terms, Vocabulary
2 Examples
3 Exercises
4 References
1 1)
Terms, Vocabulary Technological development technology technical progress technical innovation develop developmental work development costs technical development department Computer compute calculate computation calculation calculated data resulting value analog computer digital computer calculating machine model simulate Designing design project design stage prototype pre-production stage designer design engineer design department design and development shop redesign drawing draw
technický výzkum technika, technologie technický pokrok technická inovace vyvíjet, zdokonalovat vývojová práce náklady na vývoj, vývojové náklady oddělení technického vývoje, rozvoje počítače výpočet, počítat, vypočítat počítat, vypočítat, kalkulovat výpočet výpočet, kalkulace, rozpočet vypočítané údaje výsledná hodnota analogový počítač digitální (číslicový) počítač počítací stroj model modelovat (pomocí počítače) navrhování, projektování, konstruování návrh, projekt, konstrukce, navrhovat, projektovat, konstruovat návrh, projekt, navrhovat, projektovat stadium projektování prototyp předvýrobní stadium projektant, konstruktér konstruktér, projektant konstrukční kancelář, projekční kancelář vývojová dílna rekonstrukce, rekonstruovat kreslení, rýsování, výkres rýsovat, kreslit
LESSON 12 - TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Technical development is the systematic application of research results directed toward the production of useful materials, machines and methods, including the design, construction, modification of prototypes or pilot plants and working out of new technological processes. Any technological development is likely to combine positive and negative effects. Particular attention should be paid to the development of a special protection signal device, more accurate and faster than the existing one. Negative effects of technology include smog, water pollution, radioactivity, danger for the beauty and balance of nature, psychological tensions, job dislocations, etc. 2. The modern history of know-how is connected with the astonishing technical progress of Japan. Technological innovation leads ultimately to a need for social innovation if its benefits are to be fully realized and its negative effects kept to a minimum. One of the important characteristics of successful technical innovation is that not only new products, but also new markets are created. A new type of internal combustion engine being developed at this plant should be made as simple as possible and more reliable than the present type. The latest model of the lorry developed at the Research and Development Institute has aroused considerable interest especially abroad. High-quality insulating materials are under development. 3. Development work begins at the point at which applied research stops or where a particular research project has been successfully completed. The technical institute was given the broadest range of possibilities for development work. The research and development activity is one of the most complex activities in industry. The direct costs of technological development include design, labor, raw material, plant and equipment, packaging, distribution, etc. Further development of the aircraft is uncertain because of extremely 3
high development costs. Our technical development department has completed the design of a new type of loudspeaker. 4. In the initial stage of development no calculated data was available. The discrepancy in the calculations is probably due to a variation in the properties of raw materials. They valued the existing design of the analog computer highly and came to the conclusion that its latest version was far superior. It would take much time to carry out these complicated calculations without a digital computer. Most if not all of the computation is done by means of digital computers. For ultra-high-speed calculating, electronic digital computers have been developed. The model of a new Diesel locomotive exhibited at the Trade Fair has been made by one of the best specialists of our technical staff. They decided to simulate the complicated control system on the analog computer. 5. The new range of electro-motors has been designed to bring the motors into line with the same principle. The project, we are working on, is intended to improve the performance of electromagnetic valves. This project is aimed at developing an electric vehicle equipped with a battery and some type of auxiliary engine. The final designs were prepared after constructing and testing the prototypes. The design engineers said they would be able to improve the original design in six weeks. It was one of the serious problems, which confronted the designers of rockets. The designers could not bring out a completely new machine in less than a year, including a testing period. The engineers decided to redesign the water cooling system of the complicated mechanism. 6. The proposed design of the friction clutch is presented in the accompanying drawing. The attention of the design engineers concentrated on lightening the existing construction of the aircraft. The new drafting department was equipped with modern drawing boards. We had to overcome many obstacles before we could introduce the new process of manufacture. The society should turn its serious attention to matters of cultural and humanistic importance. Vocabulary notes: Pilot plant - poloprovozní zařízení; technological process - technologický postup; protection signal device ochranné signální zařízení; pollution - znečištění; dislocation - přemístění, přesun; know-how - souhrn znalostí o určitém zařízení, postupu ap.; internal combustion engine - spalovací motor; lorry - nákladní automobil; raw material - surovina; plant - továrna, podnik, zařízení; packaging - balení; loudspeaker - reproduktor; discrepancy - rozpor; control - řízení, ovládání, regulace; variation - kolísání, změna; range - řada; standard - norma; oil pump - čerpadlo na olej; electromagnetic valve - elektromagnetický ventil; friction clutch - třecí spojka; drafting department -konstrukční kancelář, kreslírna; drawing board - rýsovací prkno.
I. Change the following sentences from the active into the passive voice: 1. The management of our institute devotes great attention to technical development. 2. The designer will certainly accomplish the project in time. 3. Experienced engineers have developed a new lifting mechanism for handling heavy parts. 4. They should make this calculation by means of digital computers. 5. Recent interest in the development of these devices has stimulated the continuation of the research. 6. They expect the delegation of design engineers to arrive in a few days. 7. They regarded these calculations as being too difficult. 8. The committee considered the latest design to be highly promising. 9. A Concentrated effort by the designers would result in improved design of the existing type of motor. 10. They will construct the prototype after finishing the project.
II. By adding the prefixes un- and in- to the following words form their opposites and use each of them in sentences of your own: Completed, common, comparable, complete, important, accurate, efficient, known, solved, certainty, computable, successful, scientific, observed, divisible, calculable, published, significant, reasonable, necessary, capable, expected, explorer, satisfactory, finished. III. Translate into Czech the following technical expressions: Rough estimate of development costs, great technical progress, less industrialized countries, application of modern technology, further improvement in design, the data stored on a magnetic tape, astoundingly rapid development, standard tolerances, drawing pen, drawing pin, completion of the development process, available resources for development needs, extremely rapid progress in, capabilities of the latest design, drawing instruments, machine industry, device concept, to facilitate comparison between projects, high-speed electronic computers, field of engineering, to expend considerable effort on sth. , to render technical assistance, assembly of a prototype, new products placed on the market, remarkably efficient, printer, microcomputer, display. IV. Match the expressions in List A with those in List B:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
A approximately proportional being developed important advance outlined design technical development considerable increase expert in designing floppy disk technical assistance improved version of a machine by means of draughtsman specified proportion development stage development cost
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o)
B technical help notable rise drawer expenditures for development significant progress redesigned machine roughly proportional pre-production stage sketched project given ratio specialist in designing technological progress flexible disk with the aid of under development
V. Compose sentences containing the following word combinations: V. The new design under development, the work on the development of a special design, with the help of a high-speed computer, today’s highly technological age, the progress of industrialized countries, to discontinue an unsuccessful project, at the design stage, close coordination between the research and development efforts, to start work on a completely new product, the calculation performed by our experts, testing, methods of calculation, to minimize negative consequences, prototype testing, methods of calculation, a detail drawing, present-day requirements for modern machines, to process the resulting data, consequences of change of transportation technology, economic growth, a number of successful projects, hard disk. VI. Complete the following sentences: 1. Having solved a lot of complicated engineering problems the designers decides to . . . 2. Recent advances in science and technology have created . . . 3. . . . to undertake an inquiry into the effects of technological progress on the economy and the character of the society. 4. The design principles applied are similar to those already proved in . . . 5. The development now in progress indicates that . . . 6. Our improved understanding of the consequences of modern science and technology . . . 7. The highly trained personnel of the computation centre succeeded . . . 8. The biggest obstacle to the rapid and effective introduction of new technology . . . 9. The negative effects of technology on our society are . . . 5
10. This calculation presents no difficulties . . . 11. The development extended over ten years . . . 12. This demand has led to the development of . . . 13. These values were not taken into consideration because . . . 14. . . . technological innovation leads to changes in . . . 15. The time period between invention and widespread adoption of new technology . . . VII. Arrange the following expressions into pairs of antonyms: A B 1. industrialized countries a) unfinished design 2. present-day requirements b) slow progress 3. roughly estimated c) blueprint copy 4. following calculation d) unwanted effects 5. design stage e) future demands 6. computer hardware f) foregoing computation 7. accomplished project g) less developed countries 8. short-distance transport h) special design 9. rapid development i) assembly drawing 10. latest type j) voluntary help 11. detail drawing k) long-distance transport 12. desirable consequences l) production stage 13. compulsory assistance m) previous type 14. common project n) computer software 15. original drawing o) exactly computed VIII. Translate the following word combinations into English: Rychle se rozvíjející průmysl, kosmické lety, pozoruhodný pokrok, normalizace, technická revoluce, počáteční úspěch, zručná kreslička, žádoucí výsledek, projektovaná kapacita, velká zkušenost v projektování, různé druhy energie, nesmírně složitý projekt, odborný posudek, strojnické kreslení, současný stav techniky, organizační uspořádání vývojového oddělení, normalizované části, přesně vypočítaná korekce, velikost projektu, umělá družice, ústřední úřady, očekávané náklady na vývoj, dobrovolná spolupráce, pravděpodobnost technického úspěchu, dokončení projektu, britská norma, průmyslová země, návrh projektu, zdroj energie, v naší současné době, dokončit projekt. IX. Explain the meaning of the following combinations: A highly industrialized country, rapid and large-scale industrialization, jointly financed projects, manned spaceship, unwanted effects, successful redesigning, computer software, computer hardware, staff of expert designers, improvement in design, a rough sketch, international aid for development purposes, social consequences, technically feasible project, economically profitable project, exploiting the results of the technical development, total annual R&D costs, estimated probability of technical success, blueprint copy, in the early twentieth century, deviation from specification, historical evolution, drawing office, personal computer, computer-aided design. X. Answer the following questions: 1. How does technical development influence the productivity of labour? 2. Are electronic computers used in your institute or plant? 3. Are electronic computers important for designers? 4. Can you explain the meaning of the term ”know-how”? 5. Has your company formulated specific objectives for its development activity? 6. What are the effects of modern computer-based technology on work and employment? 7. Why is electricity so widely used in our daily life? 8. Does the management of your plant formulate long-range plans for its development activity? 6
9. What is the aim of EU international technological help for underdeveloped countries? 10. What is the main purpose of technological development? XI. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Nový obráběcí stroj, který se právě vyvíjí v této továrně, má být vyzkoušen během dvou měsíců. 2. Probíhá práce na vývoji nové konstrukce měřícího přístroje. 3. Před konstruktérem tohoto důmyslného přístroje byl složitý problém. 4. Tyto skutečnosti dali podnět k vývoji elektromobilů nového typu. 5. Kresličce vysvětlili základní principy rýsování. 6. Zájem průmyslu o technický rozvoj by rovněž stoupl. 7. Raketa takové velikosti dosud nebyla vyvinuta. 8. Všichni předpokládali, že konstruktéři pracují na tom obtížném projektu. 9. Každý byl překvapen pozoruhodným pokrokem v této technické oblasti. 10. Ukázalo se, že technicky možný projekt byl ekonomicky nevýhodný. XII. Asking and telling the way 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Excuse me, can you help me? Would you be so kind and tell me how to get to . . . Do you happen to know where . . . Can you direct us to . . . You’d (you had) better go by car/bus/tram/tube. You had better take a taxi. You’d better book a taxi. Get on this bus and get off in front of Caledonia Hotel. Keep going straight along this road. Second turning on the left. Right in front of you. Turn to the right, it’s round the corner. Unfortunately, it’s a long way off. Am I right for the university? Which company operates after 10 p.m.? Change to bus No 78, it will take you direct to the British Museum. Take the red double-decker. Must I cross the bridge? -No, you need not. Due to a French lorry drivers blockade one of our ships has been diverted on the Dover/Ostend route. Well, I’d like to send my dearest mother-in-law on one of those caravan holidays in Arabia.
Promiňte, můžete mi pomoci? Byl byste tak laskav a řekl mi jak se dostanu ... Víte náhodou, kde . . . Můžete nám ukázat cestu . . . Měli byste jet raději taxíkem/autobusem/tramvají/metrem Měl byste raději jet taxíkem. Raději si objednejte taxi. Nastupte na tento autobus a vystupte před hotelem Caledonia. Jděte přímo touto ulicí. Druhá ulice vlevo. Přímo před vámi. Jděte vpravo, je to za rohem. Bohužel, je to daleko. Dostanu se tudy k universitě? Která společnost jezdí po 22.00? Přestupte na autobus číslo 78, který vás zaveze přímo k Britskému muzeu. Jeďte tímto červenýmdvouposchoďovým autobusem. Musím přejít po mostě? -Ne, nemusíte. V důsledku blokády francouzských řidičů nákladních automobilů byl jeden náš trajekt odkloněn na trasu Dover/Ostende. (The answer is possibly right on your doorstep at the local branch of our travel company.)
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