Leadership, Ethics, and Morality
Module Competency Competency #1 The Life Values of True Leader which integrated in this module
Implement The Life Values of True Leader Core values: 1. Smart 2. Responsible 3. Brave 4. Integrity 5. Wise 6. Tough Supporting values: 1. Ability to think strategically 2. Ability to decide correctly 3. Ability to act efficiently 4. Ability to communicate effectively
What is leadership – Group Discussion Before we start, can you tell me: • What is leadership? • Who are two leaders you admire? What is their role and what skills or attributes do you think makes them an effect leader?
What is leadership? • A process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. (Wikipedia) • Leadership is the art of leading others to deliberately create a result that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. (A Blog Post) • Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. (Warren Bennis) • Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. (John Maxwell)
• Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance. (J. Donald Walters)
A leader is… • A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. (Lao Tzu)
• A good leader can engage in a debate frankly, thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. (Nelson Mandela)
• A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. (John Maxwell)
One Health Leadership Challenges • Coordination across multiple sectors and disciplines • Collective action is often needed to make a difference • Impacts and is impacted by social, political and economic considerations • Can be at many levels – community level to global
Portrait of a One Health leader
Can You describe what attributes of a One Health Leader?
What should be his/her focus?
Portrait of a One Health leader • A person whose vision and actions: – Forge co-equal, all inclusive collaborations across professions (veterinarians, doctors, ecologists, epidemiologists, etc.) – Generate "the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines — working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals and the environment" – Transcend in an integrative way across ecosystems to ascertain overall ecosystem health
• A person whose attributes include: – – – –
Dedication to regional, national, continental and international public good Nationalist yet shares international goals Commitment to better life, environment, living Receptiveness and openness to others
• A person whose vision, action and attributes enable him/her to tackle current and future challenges such as diseases, food insecurity, energy insufficiency, water scarcity, over population, and climate change.
One Health Leadership Domains Shared Vision
Strategic and Critical Thinking Decision Making Collaborative Solutions
Team Commitment
Shared Vision
Strategic and Critical Thinking
Decision Making
Collaborative Solutions
Team Commitment
One Health Leadership Domains Shared Vision
Strategic and Critical Thinking Decision Making Collaborative Solutions
Team Commitment
Sederhana, Pintar dan Merdeka Di tengah naiknya nilai tukar dollar dan kegagalan panen tomat dan menjelang ulang tahun ke-70 Indonesia Merdeka, 16 Agt 2015 pagi bersuhu 15C, di Pangalengan Jabar, dg bbrp sahabat saya melihat kerasnya hidup petani. Petani itu pekerja keras, bekerja setiap hari, berani mengambil resiko, sering merugi, tetapi selalu punya harapan nasibnya akan lebih baik. Seandainya....mereka diberi/memiliki ilmu dan keahlian yg lebih dan tetap bekerja keras seperti apa adanya karakter seorang petani, saya yakin mereka, Insya Allah sudah sukses luar biasa. Itu sudah dibuktikan oleh Pak Nuri (H. Supriatna Dinuri) yg dulunya petani dan Mantri Hewan anak buah seorang dokter hewan KPBS Pangalengan, sahabat saya. Skr dia telah meninggalkan profesi lamanya. Dia skr telah menjadi seorang pengusaha, petani dan barista kopi luwak Malabar dg omzet Miliaran di Pangalengan dan mendapatkan penghargaan dari Presiden SBY dan Wapres Budiono.
Sederhana, Pintar dan Merdeka Kopinya diekspor ke LN menghslkan dollar. Kopinya enak sekali, apalagi kalau diminum di rumahnya yg sederhana krn akan terasa kontrasnya sebuah kehidupan. Dia inovatif menggerakkan masyarakat petani kopi dg membuat Koperasi dan menanam kopi di lahan Perhutani utk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Meskipun telah sukses, dia menolak ketika diminta utk menjadi konsultan pabrik kopi terkenal dg honor ratusan juta sebulan, spt disampaikannya pd saya. Dia ingin mandiri, sederhana dan tetap tinggal di desa membawa manfaat utk masyarakat lokal. Kesederhanaan Pak Nuri tetap terjaga. Karakter pekerja keras dan inovasinya sangat menonjol. Dia pula yang membuat saya ikut bekerja keras membuat inovasi pertanian dan kesehatan lingkungan agar masyarakat memiliki income dari mengolah limbah pertanian dan peternakan menjadi pupuk hayati, organik, dan bahan obat. Kemerdekaan yg dia raih adalah hasil perjuangan! Saya bangga punya sahabat yang sederhana, pintar dan merdeka!
The Life Values of True Leader
SMART A true leader understands the life values of true leader and actualize it to tackle global health and other challenges
RESPONSIBLE A true leader is responsible of every action and decision that he / she makes along with its consequence
The Life Values of True Leader BRAVE A true leader can take action dealing with challenging condition which may occur when facing health challenges
INTEGRITY A true leader will commit the values and ethics, be fair, as well as respect the others
The Life Values of True Leader WISE A true leader takes decision which can be accepted by all parties when dealing with health challenges
TOUGH A true leader is tough to control the program, paying attention to parties, and maintaining health status to perform optimally
The Life Values of True Leader ABILITY TO THINK STRATEGICALLY A true leader is able to identify current condition in the field, explore interpretations and prioritize alternatives, as well as envision strategic innovation appropriate to future health challenges
ABILITY TO DECIDE CORRECTLY A true leader defines current health challenges, identifies alternatives for solution, evaluates and decides the alternatives to make decision
The Life Values of True Leader ABILITY TO ACT EFFICIENTLY A true leader identifies opportunities that may support health programs, and leads others to support the activities optimally
ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY A true leader communicates well with the team member and targeted community, clearly tells and empowers the team as well as the community about the activity objectives, and nurtures the team member to conduct the activities
A Leader’s Character George Washington
Winston Churcill
Steve Jobs
Joko Widodo
Have vision
Have vision
Have Vision
Empower the others
Discipline Responsible Have ethics Humble Faithful
Every leader has unique leadership character
How to Build Leadership Character GOAL 10 years ahead
5 years ahead 3 years ahead 1 year ahead