LAMPIRAN 1 Hasil Wawancara
A. Wawancara dengan PR di Divisi Country Corporate Communication, CSR & Media Buying, PT Bank ANZ Indonesia. Nama Narasumber
: Ibu Marta Yuliana
: Head of Country Communications, CSR & Media Buying
: 3 Mei 2013
: 08.30
Bagaimana awal mula diadakannya program CSR: “Money Minded” ini? Money Minded merupakan salah satu program unggulan Bank ANZ, yang juga sesuai dengan program Bank Indonesia yaitu program Financial Inclusion yang memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat terhadap perbankan maupun masalah keuangan, juga sesuai dengan framework program global dimana masyarakat dunia diharapkan lebih melek terhadap keuangan. Dari Bank ANZ sendiri pencetus awalnya adalah pihak Management ANZ Group Australia yang ingin salah satu CSRnya berhubungan dengan keuangan, bagaimana mendidik masyarakat supaya lebih melek terhadap keuangan dan memperbaiki cara mengelola keuangan mereka, dan Bank ANZ sendiri sudah memberikan pelatihan kepada lebih dari 250.000 orang di Australia dan New Zealand.
Money Minded baru masuk ke Asia tahun lalu (2012), dan ANZ Indonesia dipilih sebagai pilot project bersama ANZ Vietnam dan India.
Jadi programnya
diberikan oleh pihak Australia, dan terealisasikan untuk di jalankan di Indonesia pada bulan Februari 2012. 2.
Siapa yang menjadi target dalam program ini? Pada awalnya yang menjadi targetnya adalah Young adults (remaja), tetapi setelah dilakukan survey ternyata justru orang-orang yang sudah mempunyai penghasilanlah yang perlu diajarkan untuk mengelola uang. dan akhirnya kami memilih ibu-ibu di urban area (menengah ke bawah) yang juga menjadi salah satu sumber penghasilan dalam keluarganya. Kami mem-Empowering ibu-ibu agar dapat meningkatkan perekonomian di keluarga dan di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya.
Bagaimana ceritanya bisa
bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Cinta Anak
Bangsa (YCAB) dan mengapa memilih untuk bekerjasama dengan YCAB? Sebelumnya saya sudah tahu dan mengenak YCAB, mereka very professional, dan kebetulan juga program ini cocok dengan salah satu kosentrasi YCAB yang meberikan micro loan/ pinjaman kepada para ibu-ibu menengah ke bawah yang berwiraswasta dan terdaftar menjadi anggota koperasi YCAB. Ibu-ibu ini merupakan target audience yang tepat, karena Money Minded is all about action, kalau kita punya uang untuk dikelola baru program ini dapat berjalan dengan maksimal. Perlu diketahui bahwa untuk program Money Minded sendiri kita bekerja sama dengan 2 komunitas, yaitu Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa yang anggotanya adalah Ibu-ibu dang Yayasan Karang Widya yang anggotanya adalah remaja (wanita
dan pria) kurang beruntung dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia yang mendapat pelatihan tentang bercocok tanam di The Learning Farm. 4.
Apakah nasabah Bank ANZ mengetahui kegiatan CSR Money Minded tersebut dan apakah nasabah diajak untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut? Nasabah belum di informasikan mengenai program ini, dan mereka belum dilibatkan. Sejauh ini baru melibatkan karyawan, jadi karyawan yang akan disalurkan untuk men-deliver kegiatan tersebut kepada masyarakat.
Apakah sebelum Money Minded, Bank ANZ pernah mengadakan program CSR atau Money Minded merupakan kegiatan CSR pertama? Sebelumnya pernah diadakan beberapa kegiatan CSR, tetapi sifatnya tidak integrated, hanya merespon kepada keadaan yang ada, seperti disaster releaved, atau kita melihat adanya kebutuhan-kebutuhan di daerah-daerah seperti Indonesia Timur yang membutuhkan bantuan seperti pendidikan, dana dll. Jadi kita lebih melihat keapada kebutuhan yang ada tetapi tidak ada program sustainable yang kita jalani tahun per tahun, Nah Money Minded ini program pertama yang sustainable dan komitmennya sangat kuat .
Apa kendala yang dihadapi dalam menjalankan Money Minded ini? Kendala
membutuhkan komitmen karyawan untuk mau terlibat menjadi aktivis. Karena dari pihak komunitas sendiri menyediakan kurang lebih 7000 orang audience yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah, dan kita baru mengajar kurang lebih 300 orang. Maka kedepannya kita ingin mengajak para field officer, organisasi-
oraganisasi yang pernah terlibat dalam Money Minded, ataupun ibu-ibu atau individu yang pernah mendapatkan pelatihan ini agar bersedia menjadi tenaga aktivis/ tenaga pengajar. 7.
Apakah program CSR: Money Minded ini dirasakan dapat meningkatkan citra
perusahaan? Seharusnya sih bisa meningkatkan citra perusahaan, tetapi memang program ini sendiri belum di publish ke media, karena sebelum di publikasikan ke luar, kita ingin melihat hasil yang konkreat dan komitmen yang kuat dulu dari pihak internal sendiri untuk menjalankan program tersebut, barulah program itu kita laporkan kepada pihak eksternal. 8.
Apa rencana kedepannya untuk meningkatkan citra Bank ANZ melalui program Money Minded ini? Kita mempunyai rencana di bulan Juni, akan me-launch impact report Money Minded untuk Indonesia, disini akan dipublikasikan kepada masyarakat mengenai hasil pelatihan yang telah dilakukan kepada lebih dari 300 peserta di Jakarta, dimana hasil ini nanti akan menunjukan apakah program ini berhasil atau tidak dan impact atau dampaknya terhadap masyarakat itu seperti apa. Rencana ini akan melibatkan beberapa pihak yaitu: -
Pemerintah Australia dan pemerintah Indonesia
OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan)
Para Akademisi UGM yang melakukan survei hasil kegiatan Money Minded ini
Praktisi pendidikan yaitu rektor Paramadina, dan founder Indonesia Mengajar.
Nama Narasumber
: Utami Ni Luh Putu
: Communication Officer
: 4 Maret 2013
: 09.30
Bagaimana Langakah Awal dimulainya program CSR: Money Minded ini? Money Minded ini adalah program yang berasal dari pihak regional ANZ yaitu dari pihak Management Bank ANZ Australia, yang menginginkan kegiatan Money Minded ini juga diadakan di Indonesia. Akhirnya pada tahun 2012 ini Program Money Minded resmi dijalankan, dan dibuka kesempatan bagi para karyawan untuk mendaftar menjadi fasilitator. Para fasilitator ini nanti akan mendapat bekal pelatihan langsung dari fasilitator dari Australia.
Siapa yang menjadi target dalam program ini? Program ini ditargetkan kepada remaja dan dewasa muda yang sudah memiliki penghasilan sendiri,
jadi sampai sekarang ini program ini rutin dijalankan
untuk: -
Para Karyawan ANZ sendiri yang mendaftar untuk ikut training Money Minded.
Anggota Koperasi YCAB dari berbagai wilayah di Jakarta, program ini akan dijalankan setiap 2 bulan sekali, dan dalam 1 bulannya terdiri dari 3 kali pertemuan, dimana yang menjadi partisipannya adalah para ibu-ibu yang juga memiliki penghasilan sendiri/bekerja.
Anggota The Learning Farm, Yayasan Karang Widya, yang terdiri dari ramaja-remaja dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia yang kurang mampu, yang dibawa ke Cipanas, Puncak dan akan mendapat pelatihan selama 3 bulan, dan Program Money Minded ini juga dilakukan setiap 3 bulan sekali disini.
Bagaimana ceritanya bisa
bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Cinta Anak
Bangsa (YCAB) dan mengapa memilih untuk bekerjasama dengan YCAB? Untuk lebih jelasnya hal ini dapat ditanyakan kepada Ibu Marta, karena Ibu Marta yang berbicara langsung dengan pihak YCAB sampai akhirnya diputuskan untuk bekerja sama dengan YCAB. Yang saya tahu program kerja mereka memang cocok dengan program CSR kita, dan juga mereka adalah partner yang menyenangkan untuk diajak berdiskusi. Kita juga kembali memilih bekerja sama dengan YCAB dalam program CSR : Rumah Belajar ANZ yang akan di launching awal April 2013. 4.
perusahaan? Seberapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap citra perusahaan? Pasti bisa, karena ketika kita mengadakan suatu hal yang positif, secara tidak langsung pasti ada hal baik yang diingat orang dari kita, terlihat dari respon ibuibu yang positif, dan dari hasil survey yang dilakukan Money Minded ini memberikan banyak manfaat bagi mereka, mereka yang tadinya tida punya uang untu menabung, sekarang setiap bulannya mereka bisa menyisihkan penghasilan mereka untuk ditabung.
nasabah Bank ANZ mengetahui kegiatan CSR tersebut dan
apakah nasabah diajak untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut? Saya tidak tahu apakah nasabah sendiri pernah mendengar program ini, tetapi dari pihak ANZ sendiri belum pernah secara langsung memberitakan hal ini kepada nasabahnya, dan juga belum mengajak mereka untuk terlibat. Sejauh ini kegiatan Money Minded hanya diberitakan kegiatan-kegiatannya kepada pihak internal perusahaan melalui e-newsletter “Around Indonesia” (media komunikasi untuk bagian internal ANZ). 6.
Apakah sebelum Money Minded, Bank ANZ pernah mengadakan program CSR atau Money Minded merupakan kegiatan CSR pertama? Sebelumnya Money Minded ada kegiatan CSR, tapi kegiatan CSRnya itu musiman, tidak rutin, dan melihat keadaan yang sedang terjadi di Indonesia, misalnya sedang banjir, maka diadakan kegiatan sosial untuk menolong korban bajir, tidak dikhususkan dan tersusun secara teratur seperti Money Minded ini.
Sejauh ini hambatan apa saja yang dihadapi? Kendala yang dihadapi sejauh ini adalah kurangnya fasilitator, jadi terkadang harus terjadi pengunduran jadwal mengajar karena tidak ada fasilitator yang bisa mengajar. Jadi kita masih membutuhkan karyawan-karyawan yang tetarik untuk mendaftar menjadi fasiliator, dan komitmen para fasilitator untuk tetap mau aktif menjalankan program tersebut.
Apa rencana kedepannya untuk meningkatkan citra Bank ANZ melalui kegiatan CSR? Start bulan April ini kita sedang mengerjakan rumah belajar. Jadi kita mendirikan rumah belajar di sebelah kantor ANZ pusat ANZ Indonesia, di daerah karet, yang juga bekerja sama dengan YCAB, disini kita membuka kursus komputer gratis untuk anak-anak di kampung-kampung yang berada di belakang kantor ANZ. Rumah belajar ini merupakan program CSR kedua yang akan rutin dijalankan dalam setahun ini. Kita juga mempunyai rencana akan mempublish ke media tentang program CSR Money Minded dan Rumah Belajar di bulan Juni.
Wawancara dengan karyawan yang menjadi aktivis Money Minded Nama Narasumber
: Desty Andini Larasati
: Client Service Advisor
: 7 Mei 2013
: 12.15
Bagaimana ceritanya anda bisa mengetahui program Money Minded ini? Sebenarnya awalnya ga disengaja, jadi setiap ada kegiatan atau program baru pasti akan di beritakan di Around Indonesia (e-newsletter milik Bank ANZ), saya sendiri jarang membaca Around Indonesia, nah kebetulan atasan saya yang mendaftar untuk ikut menjadi aktivis, dan beberapa hari sebelum di training, ternyata dia tidak bisa ikut training-nya dan menwarkan saya untuk menjadi aktivis, dan setelah dijelaskan sedikit mengenai Money Minded saya pun tertarik untuk ikut.
Apa yang membuat anda tertarik untuk menjadi aktivis dalam kegiatan ini? Karena saya memang tertarik dengan kegiatan sosial dan dengan mengikuti kegiatan ini saya juga bisa menambah pengetahuan. Dibayangan awal saya Money Minded itu mengajarkan tentang financial literacy dan setelah training ternyata memang sesuai dengan ekspektasi saya.
Apakah pernah terlibat juga menjadi aktivis dalam kegiatan CSR sebelumnya? Karena saya jarang membaca Around Indonesia, jadi saya tidak tahu kalo ada kegiatan CSR apa saja di bank ANZ.
Menurut anda seberapa pengaruhnya kegiatan Money Minded ini terhadap citra Bank ANZ? Apakah bisa meningkatkan citra perusahaan? Mungkin bisa meningkatkan, tetapi karena pada saat memberikan pelatihan/ terjun ke lapangan, kita para aktivis tidak diperbolehkan untuk menjual produk bank, atau menjual merek, kita memberikan pengetahuan Money Minded secara general, kalaupun memberikan contoh menabung atau penggunaan kartu kredit, kita tidak boleh menawarkan produk kita, tetapi memberikan contoh secara umum. Jadi benar-benar murni melakukan kegiatan sosial untuk meberikan pelatihan. Lagipula Bank ANZ ini juga bukan tergolong personal bank jadi juga mungkin mereknya tidak terlalu dikenal oleh para peserta Money Minded tersebut.
Selama menjadi aktivis program Money Minded ini kendala apa saja yang sering dihadapi? Menurut saya fondasinya belum kokoh, masih butuh banyak dukungan dari pihak internal, karena kurangnya minat karyawan untuk tertarik atau terlibat menjadi aktivis.
menjalankan strategi mereka untuk meningkatkan citra Bank ANZ melalui program-program CSR? Dari program yang sudah terlaksana Money Minded ini supaya dikokohkan fondasinya, karena merupakan program yang menarik, kalo bisa di publish sebanyak-banyaknya agar bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak dukungan baik dari pihak internal maupun pihak eksternal.
Nama Narasumber
: Artarisma Fransiscawan
: Credit Analyst
: 29 April 2013
: 09.30
Bagaimana ceritanya anda bisa mengetahui program Money Minded ini? Saya mengetahuinya dari ANZ Communication: Around Indonesia bahwa dibuka pendaftaran untuk menjadi aktivis batch ke 2.
Apa yang membuat anda tertarik untuk menjadi aktivis dalam kegiatan ini? Sebelumnya telah mendengar pengalaman dari para aktivis batch pertama dan kegiatan ini terdengar menarik. Saya sendiri memang senang terlibat dalam kegiatan sosial, dan juga ingin menambah pengalaman dan pengetahuan, sekalian mencoba suatu hal yang baru yang berbeda dari aktivitas biasanya.
Apakah pernah terlibat juga menjadi aktivis dalam kegiatan CSR sebelumnya? Kalau di Bank ANZ ini adalah kegiatan pertama yang saya ikuti dan memang program CSR ini adalah program pertama yang saya ketahui.
Menurut anda seberapa pengaruhnya kegiatan Money Minded ini terhadap citra Bank ANZ? Berpengaruh, karena kegiatan CSR ini kan dasarnya bersifat positif dan memberikan hal yang positif juga ke masyarakat, tapi masih perlu dipublikasikan agar pihak internal dan eksternalnya tahu bahwa bank ANZ juga aktif dalam menjalankan kegiatan CSR.
Selama menjadi aktivis program Money Minded ini kendala apa saja yang sering dihadapi? Fasilitatornya masih sedikit. Sehingga pada hari-H suka tiba-tiba ada fasilitator yang mendadak tidak bisa mengajar.
menjalankan strategi mereka untuk meningkatkan citra Bank ANZ melalui program-program CSR? Mungkin mereka bisa memperbanyak bekerjasama dengan komunitas-komunitas baru, supaya bisa menambah program CSR yang baru dan menarik, dan coba Program CSR itu dipublikasikan ke media massa, kan sekarang banyak bankbank lain yang mempublikasikan program mereka di rubrik “Kegiatan CSR” di koran Kompas.
Nama Narasumber
: Vicky Laurencia Japhar
: Credit Initiation Planning & Strategy
: 13 Mei 2013
: 12.10
1. Bagaimana ceritanya anda bisa mengetahui program Money Minded ini? Saya mendapat email blast dan juga ada di ANZ Communication: Around Indonesia bahwa ANZ mempunyai kegiatan CSR baru yaitu Money Minded, dan membuka kesempatan bagi karyawan yang tertarik untuk mendaftar dan mengikuti training menjadi fasilitator. 2.
Apa yang membuat anda tertarik untuk menjadi aktivis dalam kegiatan ini? Karena kita bisa membantu orang, dan menyenangkan sekali jika bisa menolong orang lain. Selain itu saya juga memang suka mengajar dan program Money Minded ini hal yang menarik karena semua orang itu pasti mengenal uang.
3. Apakah pernah terlibat juga menjadi aktivis dalam kegiatan CSR sebelumnya? Belum pernah, ini adalah yang pertama saya ikuti. Yang saya tahu CSR ANZ itu dulunya hanya berupa donasi ke korban bencana alam, atau bantuan pendidikan dan biasanya kita hanya ikut menyumbang tapi tidak terlibat langsung. 4.
Menurut anda seberapa pengaruhnya kegiatan Money Minded ini terhadap citra Bank ANZ? Pastinya berpengaruh, karena kita memberikan positive impact ke orang lain, dan secara tidak langsung apabila kegiatan ini dianggap bermanfaat bagi mereka, pasti mereka akan mengingat kita.
Selama menjadi aktivis program Money Minded ini kendala apa saja yang sering dihadapi? Saya tidak merasakan ada kendala. Karena semuanya sudah berjalan dengan baik dan teratur. Fasilitatornya juga bisa bekerjasama dengan baik, dan selama ini mengajar, respon para pesertanya juga baik. Mungkin komitmen dari para fasilitatornya untuk mau ikut menjalankan Money Minded ini yang perlu dipertahankan, agar tidak kekurangan fasilitator.
menjalankan strategi mereka untuk meningkatkan citra Bank ANZ melalui program-program CSR? Banyak client YCAB yang bisa di expand sebagai peserta CSR, tetapi fasilitator dari pihak ANZ sendiri terbatas. Jadi tinggal bagaimana pihak Marcom tersebut
memikirkan cara untuk dapat memperkuat kegiatan CSR yang ada, menyusunnya dengan baik agar nanti hasilnya juga baik.
C. Wawancara dengan pihak komunitas Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB)
Nama Narasumber
: Dominikus Rahmat
: Direktur Opersional Micro Finance
: 29 Maret 2013
: 12.00
Boleh cerita sedikit mengenai Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) dan fokus kegiatan YCAB? Yayayan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) adalah organisasi non-profit yang didirikan ibu Veronica Colondam pada tanggal 13 Agustus 1999. Pada awal mula didirikan yang menajadi fokus utama kami adalah youth development (pembangunan
mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak, terbebas dari penyalahgunaan Narkoba, dan penciptaan kesejahteraan bagi masa depan yang baik dan berkelanjutan. Seiring berjalannya waktu YCAB berkembang menjadi perusahaan sosial yang berinvestasi dalam bisnis untuk mendukung operasi melalui dana dan pendidikan yang terkait dalam micro loans (pinjaman mikro ). Untuk lebih jelasnya YCAB ini memiliki 3 fokus utama, yaitu: -
HELP ( Healthy Lifestyle Promotion) : Promosi gaya hidup sehat, yaitu memberikan pendidikan dan adopsi gaya hidup yang sehat dan positif, termasuk bebas dari penyalahgunaan narkoba dan HIV/AIDS.
HOLD (House of Learning and Development): Rumah belajar dan pembangunan, memberikan pembelajaran akan kebutuhan di era digital, dan pembelajaran bahasa khususnya seperti pendidikan komputer dan bahasa inggris.
HOPE ( Hands on Operation for Entrepreneurship): Penciptaan kesejahteraan melalui modal untuk kewirausahaan termasuk micro loans (kredit mikro) dan pusat kerja bagi para lulusan muda.
Bagaimana Ceritanya YCAB bisa bekerjasama dengan Bank ANZ dalam kegiatan Money Minded tersebut? Awalnya mendapat laporan dari bagian PR ada tawaran untuk bekerja sama dengan bank ANZ, kemudian janjian bertemu dengan ibu Marta, dan setelah ngobrol-ngobrol ternyata memang program pelatihan Money Minded ini cocok dengan progam HOPE dari YCAB. Dimana dalam HOPE, YCAB ini mendirikan koperasi di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, dan yang menjadi anggotanya
berwiraswasta/memiliki usaha sendiri. YCAB sendiri juga sering mengadakan seminar atau training kepada para anggotanya, makanya ketika mendapatkan tawaran dari Bank ANZ mengenai pelatihan Money Minded ini, kami sangat tertarik dan senang untuk bekerja sama. 3.
Apakah yang dirasakan masih kurang atau masih perlu dipebaiki dalam program CSR ini? Kegiatannya malah sudah sangat bagus, malah yang dirasakan kurang dan perlu diperbaiki adalah semangat si para partisipannya agar lebih semangat untuk mau mengikuti pelatihan tersebut. Karena terkadang ketika para pengajarnya sudah
datang, malah ibu-ibunya belum siap atau hadir terlambat. Karena Ibu-ibunya sendiri kan memang kerja sehingga kadang sulit untuk memaksa waktu mereka untuk ikut pelatihan ini. 4.
Apakah menurut anda kegiatan CSR tersebut dapat membantu perusahaan dalam meningkatkan citra mereka? Bisa meningkatkan, tetapi yang saya tahu Bank ANZ ini kan memang levelnya untuk kalangan menengah keatas, jadi mungkin lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat mengah keatas. Saya sendiri juga jarang melihat atau mendengar tentang pemberitaan mengenai bank tersebut di media massa. Jadi mungkin jika mereka mau, mereka bisa mempublikasikan kegiatan CSR mereka ke media agar masyarakat lebih tahu.
Nama Narasumber
: Iwan Agustiawan
: Kepala Operasional di wilayah Tanah Abang
: 4 Maret 2013
: 11.00
Boleh cerita sedikit mengenai YCAB dan fokus kegiatan YCAB? Sudah berapa lama YCAB bekerjasama dengan Bank ANZ dalam membantu kegiatan CSR mereka? Yayasan Cinta Bangsa adalah organisasi non-profit yang awal mulanya didirikan bisa untuk membantu anak-anak Indonesia yang kurang beruntung agar mereka bisa mendapat pendidikan yang layak dan terhindar dari Narkoba, kemudian seiiring berjalannya waktu fokus YCAB ini diperluas, target kita tidak hanya
kepada remaja, tetapi lebiha dari
segala aspek yang bisa dilakukan untuk
membantu pembangunan di negara ini. Fokus YCAB itu dibagi menjadi 3: -
HELP : Fokus pada masalah kesehatan
HOLD : Fokusnya ke pendidikan
HOPE : Fokus pada bidang perekonomian
Untuk lebih jelas tentang sejarah dan visi misi YCAB mungkin dapat dibaca secara legkap di website YCAB : 2.
Bagaimana Ceritanya YCAB bisa bekerjasama dengan Bank ANZ dalam kegiatan Money Minded tersebut? Kalau untuk hal ini mungkin dapat ditanyaka kepada bapak Rahmat, beliau adalah Direktur Operasional Micro Finance yang berkomunikasi langsung dengan pihak Bank ANZ.
Apakah yang dirasakan masih kurang atau masih perlu dipebaiki dalam program CSR ini? Jika saya lihat program ini sangat bagus ya. Kebetulan staff- staff YCAB juga mendapat pelatihan gratis tentang Money Minded dari bank ANZ, dan saya sendiri cukup mendapatkan pengetahuan, jadi mungkin semoga program tersebut bisa tetap dipertahankan dan bisa diberikan kepada seluruh client YCAB.
Apakah menurut anda kegiatan CSR tersebut dapat membantu perusahaan dalam meningkatkan citra mereka? Tentu bisa, apalagi jika program ini bagus pasti bisa diceritakan dari mulut ke mulut, misalnya si ibu-ibu nanti cerita “tadi saya diajarkan Bank ANZ tentang
mengelola keuangan yang baik”, nah nantikan ceritaya bisa tersalurkan dari mulut ke mulut.
D. Wawancara dengan Partisipan Nama Narasumber
: Ati Kurniati
: Berdagang, Bisnis Kredit
: 18 Maret 2013
: 12.10
1. Darimana anda mengetahui program Money Minded ini? Saya mengetahui program ini dari pengurus YCAB, bahwa akan diadakan pelatihan Money Minded dari Bank ANZ, dan memang biasanya mereka mewajibkan untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan pelatihan seperti ini. 2.
Apa yang membuat Ibu tertarik untuk mengikuti program ini? Saya selalu senang dengan program-program pelatihan yang diadakan. Karena dengan adanya program baru, maka saya akan mendapat pengetahuan yang baru lagi.
3. Apa manfaat yang didapat setelah mengikuti program ini? Saya seperti diingatkan kembali tujuan masa depan saya, dan bagaimana mengelola keuangan agar bisa menyisihkan kembali untuk ditabung. 4. Jika diadakan kembali, apakah tertarik untuk ikut lagi? Tertarik, agar bisa mendapatkan banyak informasi lagi seputar perbankan.
5. Apakah Ibu menceritakan kegiatan Money Minded/ berbagi pengetahuan yang ibu dapat dari Money Minded ini kepada keluarga/teman ibu? Kebetulan memang keluarga saya dan tetangga saya juga tergabung dalam koperasi YCAB, sehingga mereka juga ikut dalam pelatihan Money Minded tersebut. 6.
Apakah sebelumnya ibu mengetahui/ pernah dengar tentang Bank ANZ Indonesia? Yah, saya pernah mendengar, Bank ANZ ini adalah bank asing. dulu saya pernah ditawarkan untuk meng-apply kartu kreditnya. Karena kan usaha saya kreditin barang untuk tetangga jadi saya biasa pakai kartu kredit dulu, Tapi saya tidak apply kartu kreditnya karena bunganya cukup tinggi dibandingkan bank yang lain.
7. Apa saran ibu untuk Bank ANZ dalam menjalankan program Money Minded ini? Semoga program ini terus berlanjut, dan semoga bisa diajak kembali untuk megikuti kegiatan tersebut.
Nama Narasumber
: Hamidah
: Wiraswasta, Bisnis Salon Kecantikan
: 18 Maret 2013
: 12.25
Darimana anda mengetahui program Money Minded ini? Saya mendapat pemberitahuan dari YCAB, bahwa akan ada pelatihan dari Bank ANZ tanggal 4, 11, dan 18 Maret, Jadi diminta untuk mempersiapkan waktunya dan bisa hadir untuk mengikuti pelathian tersebut.
Apa yang membuat Ibu tertarik untuk mengikuti program ini? Tertarik, walaupun awalnya tidak ada gambaran sama sekali tentang program ini, tapi kan yang namanya pelatihan pasti tujuannya baik.
Apa manfaat yang didapat setelah mengikuti program ini? Jadi belajar bagaimana cara mengelola uang, karena saya kan jualan, jadi jika ada uang hasil jualan, uang tersebut akan diputar lagi untuk modal, sehingga terkadang tidak terlihat hasilnya, bahkan tetap harus hutang.
4. Jika diadakan kembali, apakah tertarik untuk ikut lagi? Jika punya waktu, dan bisa ikutan pasti mau ikut lagi. 5. Apakah Ibu menceritakan kegiatan Money Minded/ berbagi pengetahuan yang ibu dapat dari Money Minded ini kepada keluarga/teman ibu? Iya, saya akan mengajarkan anak saya untuk mengelola uang, saya juga menempelkan vision board yang berisi tujuan masa depan saya, agar saya dan keluarga saya bisa menabung untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut.
Apakah sebelumnya ibu mengetahui/ pernah dengar tentang Bank ANZ Indonesia? Sebelumya tidak tahu, saya pikir ini adalah perusahaan asuransi yang ingin menawarkan produk asuransinya. Ternyata Bank ANZ itu adalah Bank Australia, Karena saya tidak pernah mendengar atau melihat iklan Bank ANZ sebelumnya.
Apa saran ibu untuk Bank ANZ dalam menjalankan program Money Minded ini? Money Minded ini sudah bagus, semoga sering mengadakan pelatihan-pelatihan seperti ini lagi di kampung kita.
Nama Narasumber
: Sunarmi
: Berdagang Makanan
: 18 Maret 2013
: 12.35
Darimana anda mengetahui program Money Minded ini? Saya diberitahukan dari pihak YCAB, bahwa akan ada pelatihan Money Minded dari Bank ANZ.
Apa yang membuat Ibu tertarik untuk mengikuti program ini? Karena pada awalnya sudah diberitahukan sedikit tentang Money Minded, bahwa program ini akan mengajarkan tentang uang, jadi siapa tahu bisa menambah pengetahuan untuk menambah pemasukan saya.
Apa manfaat yang didapat setelah mengikuti program ini? Manfaat setelah ikut pelatihan ini saya jadi bisa mengelola uang lebih baik, jumlah anggaran pengeluaran dan pendapatannya lebih teratur, lebih banyak uang yang bisa ditabung.
4. Jika diadakan kembali, apakah tertarik untuk ikut lagi? Ya, saya tertarik untuk ikutan. 5.
Apakah Ibu menceritakan kegiatan Money Minded/ berbagi pengetahuan yang ibu dapat dari Money Minded ini kepada keluarga/teman ibu? Saya akan menceritakan dan membagikan ilmu yang saya dapat kepada saudarasaudara saya ketika pulang ke kampung nanti.
6. Apakah sebelumnya ibu mengetahui/ pernah dengar tentang Bank ANZ Indonesia? Sudah mengenal dan juga kebetuan suami saya sudah 2 tahun menggunakan kartu kredit bank ANZ, tetapi baru kali ini diajak untuk mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan seperti ini. 7. Apa saran ibu untuk Bank ANZ dalam menjalankan program Money Minded ini? Waktunya singkat sekali semoga akan ada kegiatan-kegiatan dan pelatihan selanjutanya dri bank ANZ.
LAMPIRAN 2 Money Minded Impact Report March 2013
Moneyminded: A Financial Literacy Program In partnership with community organizations and education experts and stakeholders across Asia Pacific, since 2005 ANZ developed MoneyMinded financial literacy program. The program is intended to be used by independent educators to help low-income adults to build their skills, knowledge, and confidence on financial management. Following the practice in previous implementations, MoneyMinded was implemented in Indonesia through a partnership model with community organizations. The partnership in Indonesia was built with Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB; and Yayasan Karang Widya (YKW; Whereas YCAB programs focused on the adult, working with the youths at risk as been the strength of YKW, particularly through its Learning Farm projects. Over 80 beneficiaries of YCAB and Learning Farm participated in MoneyMinded Program. In addition, the program was also implemented with 120 outsource staffs of ANZ. The modified training package covered six topics of personal and household financial management. These topics can be easily embedded into regular programs of partnership organization, allowing it to be delivered flexibly. Part of the groups received full day workshop cover the whole topics while the other received in-house workshop with individual facilitator. List of the topics is demonstrated in Table 1.
Table 1. MoneyMinded Module and Topics MODULE
Money management
Financial decision in family Difference between needs and wants Determining priorities in expense What is budget and its benefit
Planning for future
Goals and its benefit Setting financial goal How financial goals and budgeting helps
How bank can help
100 points identification system Importance of PIN confidentiality ATM and accounts
Different type of accounts How savings behavior can helps Internet and phone banking
Using internet and phone banking
Credit card and its risk
How credit card work Credit card minimum charge: its effect Different type of credit card Risk of increasing the credit card limit Credit card report Good and bad credit card
Allowance: Shark loans and their traps
Difference between bank loans and other sources Legal side of contract Allowance: with and without insurance Financial risk of debt by relatives
1.1. The Impact of MoneyMinded in Indonesia This section of report provides the results of survey conducted to estimate the impact of MoneyMinded in Indonesia from February to December 2012. The objectives of the survey were to: ● Provide the number of MoneyMinded participants in workshops and in oneto-one case work ● Seek recommendations and feedback from participants and liaison officers on the impact of the program 1.2. Methodology ANZ and Universitas Gadjah Mada recruited a four-man team to conduct one-onone structured interview using questionnaire developed by RMIT University (ANZ, 2012) with program participants in Capital Region of Jakarta and Cipanas region. The evaluation interviews run from February 14 to 28, 2013. Notification about the survey was sent by electronic mail to all ANZ Staff participants and through mobile phone contact for YCAB and The Learning Farm beneficiaries. For ANZ staff participants, the list of participants were collected from ANZ facilitators and for YCAB and Learning Farm participants, the list were collected from partner organization’s liaison officers. The goal was to cover all participants in evaluation interview. However, in two weeks period only 152 participants completed the interview process. Those who were not interviewed are no longer beneficiaries of partner organizations, not responded their calls for interview, changed their contact, or not addressing their contact at all. Details covered about participants interviewed included:
● total number of participants who had received MoneyMinded education ● gender of participants ● socio-demographic characteristics of participants ● feedback from participants
Demographic and socio-economic background of respondent. From February to December 2012, 294 people in Jakarta and Cipanas participated in MoneyMinded financial literacy program. The results show that significantly more women (61.2 per cent) than men participated in the program. Participants are more likely to be married (52.0 per cent), Majority having senior high school/secondary education/912th year (34.9%), followed by university graduate (26.3%). In terms of employement status, 54.6% were employed, whereas one third (33.2%) were owner of microbusiness, and non-contractual worker (33.6%). Monthly expenses: between IDR 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 per month (27.6 per cent). 1.3. Feedbacks from Participants and Liaison Officer Evaluation to facilitator. Most participants have positive views on the facilitators, stating that the facilitators are easy to understand, maintain enjoyable communicate clearly, utilizing different properties and methods along the training session, and take example from everyday issues. Facilitators trained to deliver the material are also proved to be adaptable in field. They were able to deliver the financial literacy program in relaxed but serious manner with easy to understand language.
Evaluation to training aids. Cue cards and vision boards used as practice media in workshops are proven to be effective. In fact, making priorities and vision boards are two of the most remembered workshop session across all groups of participants. Few participants still keep their vision boards hang in their room, although not all of their dreams are to be fulfilled yet. Topics most remembered. Before completing the survey questionnaire, each respondent were asked about which training materials still remembered by them. The results are shown below.
Most participants remember that the training mainly focused on money management and saving money, while some of them can describe more specific training material, such as planning for future and having an emergency fund. However, follow-up sessions or programs are expected from participants shortly after the main financial literacy program ended. While part of main theme from the program such as making priorities and planning for future can still be remembered almost a year after the program ended, other part of the program, mostly on loans, credit cards, and formal financial service products are no longer remembered by the participants. Feedbacks from liaison officer. Liaison officers from YCAB and The Learning Farm also have positive views on the program, noting that the program is in line with their organization’s goal. For YCAB, the financial literacy program helps their beneficiaries to be more discipline to manage their money, so they can continuously keeping up with YCAB’s microfinance program. For The Learning Farm, the program helps their young beneficiaries to be more prepared to manage their own financial arrangement after they finished their learning program. After the program finished, those teenagers are free to continue their life independently, no longer managed by 12-hours scheduled Learning Farm program. 1.4. Results: Changes in Financial Behaviors and Practices The impact of MoneyMinded Program was gauged from several indicators of best practices in personal financial management. In most of these measures, the result has been quite simply impressive. Arguably, the most important measure concerns participants own evaluation to the impact of doing MoneyMinded. As apparent from
Figure 4, the results were quite simply outstanding. Ninety five per cent of the respondents stated that in terms of money management, they get themselves better off from participating MoneyMinded; whereas the figure for aspects of financial management is 92%. Only between one and two per cent of the respondent stated that they were worse off from doing the Program.
The impact can be further specified in aspects of saving behavior. Most respondents stated that manage their money better, and that they start to plan for their future after participating in the Program. In particular, more than a half of the respondents (57.9%) stated that they get themselves better off in terms of saving behavior, and fifty four per cent stated that they were better off in terms of their savings amount. Positive changes in savings and saving behavior are reflected in the impact on the cash management. Most respondents (53.3%) stated that they get themselves better in terms of the amount of money that is left over by the next pay day. Thus MoneyMinded appear to have significant impacts in changing behavior and as well as bringing real impacts on the personal finances.
Further, positive changes in personal finances appear to have contributed to participants’ personal and social situations. Almost 60% of the respondents stated that they get better outlooks on their future after doing MoneyMinded, whereas the proportion on the opposite is 16.5%. On the social aspect, almost eighty per cent of the participant stated that they know other people better from; whereas the opposite comprised of less than two per cent. Most significantly, 85.2% of the respondents stated that they get better confidence in themselves from doing MoneyMinded, whereas less than on per cent stated the contrary views.
Further detailed accounts of the participants’ evaluations are elaborated in the remaining sections of this report. Nevertheless, it is prudent at this stage to conclude that MoneyMinded has given a real positive impact to its participants. Positive changes both at the level of attitudes, behavior, and objective financial states were reported by the respondents of this survey.
CASE STUDY TWO: IMPACT OF MONEYMINDED WITH YCAB WOMEN BENEFICIARIES The financial literacy program was delivered to 94 clients or beneficiaries of Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB). These clients are women who took microfinance loans from YCAB, either monthly or in a four month period. Most of them run their own small and medium enterprises. The YCAB beneficiaries completed MoneyMinded in either two different workshops: outside home or inside home. Either way, they completed six different topics comprised by following workshop once a week over one and half month period.
1.5. Methodology Over two-week period, these women were visited in their house in Tanah Abang and Tambora respectively. They were contacted to become a participant of the evaluation survey through their liaison officers from YCAB. Over the two-week period, 59 of them completed our survey, giving a response rate of 62.8 per cent. Those who were not visited are no longer a client of YCAB, not in home when visited, or having too much absent in their workshop. 1.6. Participants Following characteristics described program participants from YCAB’s beneficiaries. > Most participants completed the program without any absents (88.1%) > All participants are female > Most participants are 41-45 years old (32.2%) or 36-40 years old (20.3%) > Most participants finished high school (47.5%) > Most participants are married (74.6%) > Most participants are responsible for money management in their family (47.5%) > Most participants live with one (27.6%) or two (24.1%) children and two (29.3%) or one (27.6%) adults in their home > Most participants are entrepreneurs (52.5%) who run their own small and medium enterprises > More than a third of participants (39%) admit that they don’t have a steady income > Most participants have monthly expenses between IDR 2,000,000 to IDR 3,000,000 (29%) or IDR 1,000,000 to IDR 2,000,000 > More than half of participants (54.2) have one or more bank account, or personal saving in their home or workplace (59.3%)
1.7. Managing Money Daily money management was one of the six main topics being covered in the training program. Aspects of money management being covered in training include confidence in rejecting loans from other family members, choosing to save rather than to shop, organizing expenses, paying bills on time, calculating daily expenses, and securing money left over from the previous income period. A social factor that often hinders a good financial management of the family is related to requests for money from relatives. The respondents were asked whether they felt confidence to say ‘no’ when a family member asked for money. Comparisons between their confidence before and after participating in MoneyMinded Program are presented in Figure 22. I is interesting to notice that the percentage of respondents who could not feel confidence decreased from 37.3% to 18.6%. On the other hand, 52.5% confirmed the statement, which is an increase of 22.0% as compared to before the training.
In terms of self-control against the urge to buy things that are not actually needed, a large majority of the respondent stated that they were capable of it. There was a 10.2% improvement on the number of respondents confirming the ability to selfcontrol from 62.7% before participation in the training. In addition, the proportion of respondents who could not assert self-control was down to 13.6% after the training, from 22.0% before the MoneyMinded Program.
A similar pattern of result also emerges with regards to responses to question of whether the respondent bought things on credit rather than waiting until they have money. Seventy eight per cent of the respondents indicated that they had selfcontrol, which is 8.5% higher than before the participated in the program. However, the number of those who indicated problem of self-control decreased only by 3.4%, from the initial proportion of 22.0%.
The respondents were also asked whether they are the kind of person who is organized with regard to managing his or her money. The proportion of respondent who considered themselves being organized increased sharply after the program, which is from 22.0% to 55.9%. Mirroring this change, the number of those considering themselves unorganized decreased from 40.7% to 11.9%.
Paying bills on time indicates disciple in managing finances. Figure 26 demonstrates the pattern of changes before and after the program. As apparent from the table, the level of changes was not as significant as the other aspects measured in this survey. Majority of the respondents indicated that they were quite discipline on paying the bills (69.5%), and the figure improved only slightly after the program (76.3%). This is reflected in the pattern of change among those who considered themselves not discipline enough, in which the proportion decreased from 16.9% down to 8.5%.
Differences after participation in MoneyMinded Training are apparent with regards to participants’ abilities to cover monthly expenses. The result is summarized in Table 8. The most obvious change is that 64.4% of respondent reported not to have difficulty at all, in increase of 22% after the program. In fact, decreases in the shares of those experiencing from a little to a very difficult situations in covering monthly expenses are all absorbed by the increased share of those not to experience difficulty at all.
Table 8.
Changes in the ability to cover monthly expenses before and after participation in the MoneyMinded Program (%)
Expense monitoring
Not at all difficult
A little difficult
Moderately difficult
Very difficult
Extremely difficult
Another very impressive difference can be spotted on the data regarding participants’ understanding of how much her or his need for daily living expenses. As many as 84% of the respondents indicated that the have a good grasps, in increase of 30.6% as compared to the proportion before the training. Less than ten per cent of respondent after the training considered themselves of not knowledgeable enough about their level of expenses.
Table 9 summarizes changes in saving behaviors of the participants. As apparent from the table, almost one third save a portion of their income regularly, an increase of almost 14% from before they participated in MoneyMinded Program. In addition, the number of participants who saved from the money left over by the next pay day increased by 15%, that is from 20.3% of all participants before participation in the program to 35.6%. In contrast, the number of participants having inadequate saving practices decreased significantly. The number of participants saving only when they have some money left over decreased from 37.3% to 25.4%. More importantly, there was 16.9% decrease of the participant who could not save money at all, i.e., from 23.7% before they participated in the MoneyMinded Program to a mere 6.8% after the participation. It can be concluded from this pattern that the Program has resulted in significant increase of regular saving practices among the participants. A respondent put this into perspective as follow: “I started to save a portion of my daily expense, maybe about Rp.50,000,- a week. Not much, and not in the bank, but still better than not to save at all. – TA_xx”
Table 9.
Changes in saving behavior before and after participation in the MoneyMinded Program (%)
Saving Behavior
Saving regularly
Saving from the money left over by the next pay day
Saving when I can
Can not save money at all
Positive changes in saving behavior is justified by the pattern of saving amount, as summarized in Table 10 The number of participant who saved less than 5% of their income decreases from 54.2% to 22.0%. In contrast, one third of the participants
(33.9%) saved 5-10% of their income, that represents a 10.2% increase from before participation in the Program. The identical patterns were observed among the participants who saved 10-25%. There were 11.9% participant who saved 25-50% of their income, and 5.1% who save more than 50%, an increase from 1.7% and 3.4% respectively.
Table 10. Changes in the amount of income put aside for saving before and after participation in the MoneyMinded Program (%) Saving amount
Less than 5% of my income
5%-10% of my income
10%-25% of my income
25%-50% of my income
More than 50% of my income
The pattern of saving behavior was found to be consistent with the availability of money left over by the next pay day. The number of participant reported that they always have money left over by the next pay day increases almost by twofold, that is from 30.5% to 55.9%. On the other end of the scale, the participants who said that they never, hardly ever, and sometimes have money left over by the next pay day decrease from 3.4%, 11.9%, and 27.1% to 0%, 6.8%, and 16.9%, respectively. The interesting point of finding is that the number of participant that reported having money left over by the next pay day more often not also decreases, that is from 27.1% to 20.3%. This pattern indicates that the positive impact of MoneyMinded Program in terms of practices in good financial management is felt by all participants, regardless of prior habits.
Table 11. Changes in the possession of money left over by the next pay day before and after participation in the MoneyMinded Program (%) How often do you have money left over by the next pay day?
More often than not
Hardly ever
1.8. Planning Ahead
Planning for future expense is one of the six main topics covered in the program. Aspects of household planning being covered in this training include how to make short- and long-term financial targets, how to make expense records, how to become confident in taking financial decisions, how to become confidence in tackling financial issues and unplanned expenses, and how to build long-term saving. Setting financial goals is often considered as the point of departure for personal and household financial planning. Figure 29 demonstrates the changes brought by MoneyMinded training upon the participants. The number of respondents indicated themselves as having a financial goal to achieve in the next 12 months increased by 30.5%, which is from 50.8% to 81.4%. Mirroring this change, the proportion of respondents who still had not set any financial goal decreased to 11.9%, from 32.2%.
Related closely to goal setting is financial planning. If the goals provide direction and distance to achieve, planning is concerned with strategies and milestones that will bring individual closer toward the goal. Therefore abilities to plan ahead are desirable characteristics. In this study, the respondent is asked to indicate their assessment of whether he or she is capable of developing plans. Data in Table 33 shows that there was a highly significant change on the percentage of respondents who considered themselves capable of planning ahead. The proportion after the program increased by twofold, that is, from 40.7% to 81.4%.
Table 14 provides more specific accounts on the practice of financial planning among the respondents. Most of the respondents (44.1%) developed plans for the next few months, followed by 35.6% of the respondents who plan for the next week or fortnight. The highest percentage decrease is observed with regards to the shortest planning horizon.
Table 14. Changes in the practice of planning for future expenses before and after participation in the MoneyMinded Program (%) How do you plan your savings and spending?
The next week or fortnight
The next few months
The next year
The next 2-4 years
The next 5 years or more
A fundamental element of financial planning is concerned with the practice of monitoring and controlling expenses. The survey demonstrated a significant improvement in the practice expense monitoring. The number of participants not to practice expense tracking at all decreased from 47.5% to 11.9%, which represent a huge negative change of 35.6%. In contrast, the number of participants who always keeping track of expenses increased from 10.2% to 18.6%. In addition, those who kept tracking of expenses most of the time increased very significantly from 18.6% to 47.5%.
Table 12. Changes in the practice of keeping track of expenses before and after
participation in the MoneyMinded Program (%) Expense monitoring
Not at all
Whenever I remember
Most of the time, without any record
Always, with record
The desirable effect of expense tracking and monitoring is ability to cover household expenses. As expected, improvements in the practice of expense tracking as previously described is consistent with the improvement in the ability to cover monthly expenses in the period after participation in the MoneyMinded Program. Whereas the number participant reported not to having problem to cover monthly expenses at all increased from 42.4% to 64.4%, the number who reported being very difficult to cover the expenses decreased from 10.2% to 1.7%. The number of participants who still experienced moderate difficulty in covering monthly expenses dropped slightly, from 16.9% to 13.6%. In addition, those who were having little difficulties in covering monthly expenses decreased from 30.5% to 20.3%. This pattern indicates that MoneyMinded Program has a real impact in terms of improving the ability of its participants in covering paying their monthly expenses. This is reflected by one participant as follow: “I might find difficulties in managing money and savings, but I always am discipline to allocate a fixed portion of my money for monthly bills. I am never late in paying monthly bills. – TA_xx” Moreover, this result is consistent with respondent’s ability to calculate their daily expense discussed in Money Management topic. Knowing amount of daily expense is essential for respondents to keep track on them. Improvements in attitudes and practices of financial management are expected to have a real impact on the participants’ financial capability. This aspect is measured through question on the ability to deal with financial problems, and the ability to cope with unexpected expenses. Table 31 provides summary of the respondents’ evaluation to their capacity to deal with financial problems. There was a 22.0% increase in the proportion of respondents who considered themselves capable of dealing with financial problems, an increase from 55.9% before they participated in MoneyMinded Training. At the other end of the scale, the number who think they did not have the capacity decreased from 15.3% to 5.1%.
With regards to coping with unexpected expenses, 71.2% of the respondent indicated that they have the capacity to do so. This figure represents an increase of 18.6% from the proportion of participants before the MoneyMinded Program. On the other hand, the number who considerd themselves as lacking of the capacity decreased from 16.9% to 6.8%.
An important aspect of forward planning in household financial management is concerned with building preparedness to rainy days. An important indication is whether a household has acquired funds that can be made available in any kind of emergencies. Respondents to this survey indicate that there is improvement among 22.1% of the participant concerning emergency funds after participation in the MoneyMinded Program. This represents an increase from 54.2% to 76.3% of those who acquired emergency funds, as illustrated in Table16
Table 13. Preparedness to rainy days before and after participation in the MoneyMinded
Program (%) Having and emergency funds
Forward planning is a desirable habit in household financial management. The principle says that the longer time horizon used in the planning about savings and spending, the better off financially the household will be in the future. Thus, a positive impact of MoneyMinded Program is also expected in regards to the extent of time horizon in financial planning. Table 17 demonstrates the extent changes in the practice of planning among the respondents. Whereas the number of those who plan for the next 2-4 years increased from 0% to 5.1%, and those who plan fro the next one year increased from 11.9% to 15.3%, the number of participants with short-term perspective (planning for the next week or fortnight) decreased from 50.8% to 35.6%. Highest level of changes can be observed among those who plan savings and spending for the next few months, with an increase from 3.3% to 44.1%. Overall, this data indicate a positive impact of MoneyMinded program in terms of adoption of longer time horizon in household financial planning. One participant puts this in the sociocultural background of Indonesia: “We [YCAB beneficiaries] don’t have much need to plan for future expense from a long time before other than for the Ied Mubarak. I myself invest my money in gold, so that when the Ied come, I just have to sell a portion of my gold. – TA_xx” 1.9. Choosing Right Products and Services Respondent’s knowledge on choosing the right financial product were supposed to be upgraded after the program. Aspects covered in this topic include: compare features and price when shopping, know where to consult on financial decision, and know how to choose right insurance product. More respondents admit that they spend more time to compare prices and features before they shop for a product. The proportion of respondents who committed to get the best buy through comparison of prices and features increased by 11.9%, that is, from 55.9% to 67.8%
Knowledge regarding what and where to get assistance on financial problems is also measured in this survey. Respondents were asked of whether they were aware of where to get help with financial decision-making. Almost sixty three per cent of the respondents stated that they were aware of the sources of help. The number who did not aware of the source for help was relatively small, which is 8.5% before the training, and 5.1% afterward.
Another aspect of financial knowledge and knowhow concern the strategies to choose from insurance product services. Although it decreased slightly, majority of the respondents still indicated that they did not know how to choose an insurance product that suit their needs.
1.10. Financial Knowledge Respondents are supposed to be able to differentiate various formal financial service products after the program. Aspects covered in this topic include: better understanding of various types of bank account, better understanding of various formal financial product, and know the right question to ask regarding financial decision. Almost one half of the respondents (49.2%) considered themselves as having a good understanding of the different types of bank accounts available for consumers to choose. This represents 25.2% increase from the proportion before the training. In comparison,49.2% of respondents considered that they did not have a good understanding before the training.
In addition to question on bank accounts, the survey also included a question on broader financial products. Figure 40 summarizes the responses. The percentage of respondents who considered themselves that before participating they did not have a good understanding on the different types of financial products was 47.5%,
whereas 16.9% regarded themselves the opposite. However, after doing MoneyMinded Program, the percentage who believed that they had a good understanding increased to 40.7%, whereas the opposite decreased to 28.8%.
The same pattern emerged with regards to respondents’ evaluation of whether they knew the right questions to ask when presented with a financial decision-making. They considered themselves that before the training only small proportion, 25.4%, who understood what to ask in such situation, and 27.1% believed the other way around. Analysis to their estimates of themselves after the training showed that 42.4% became cognizant, whereas 13.6% believed themselves at the other end, which represent 16.9% increase and 13.6% decrease, respectively.
The figures elaborated so far indicate relatively moderate level of understanding about financial product and services from the bank. This might explain the relatively small portion of the respondents who had a bank account. In addition, getting
services from the bank is perceived as involving complex bureaucracy. One respondent put his view as follows: “I don’t keep my money in bank. The bureaucracy is way too complicated. I had to repeat my signature six times, and none of them were acceptable. So I quit and save my money in various investments or utilize them as a capital for my business. – TA_xx” 1.11. Social Impact and Personal Satisfaction Financial problems have a wide range of impact on personal and social life of individual. Hence, it is expected that a household management training program such MoneyMinded will help individuals in terms of getting better with their personal and social life. Table 15 summarizes the finding from the evaluation. As apparent from the table, majority of the respondents agreed to the positive impacts of MoneyMinded Program. There were as many as 62% of all participants responded that they were no longer anxious about the future, in 10.2% responded strongly agree to the statement. Even stronger were their responses to the statements that they became more confident on various aspect of life (93.3%), and became more confidence with their ability to make a better living for family (77%). Regarding the statement of becoming more confident on various aspects of life, the only other response was neutral (6.8%), of which 10.2% responded strongly agree. With regard to confidence with the ability to make a better living for family, only 1.7% stated disagreement, whereas 20.3% responded neutral, and 16.9% strongly agree with the statement.
Table 15. The impact of participation in MoneyMinded Program on personal and social life (%) After doing MoneyMinded I …
No longer anxious about the future
Become more confident on various aspects of life
Become more confident with the ability to make a better living for family
Having a chance to know new people
Having a chance to learn from other people
Feels more connected to other people in community
The three questions exploring the impacts of MoneyMinded Program on the social life of the participants also resulted in strongly favorable responses. There were 76.3% of the participants who reported that they had a chance to know new people over the Program, whereas 5.1% disagree with the statement. Even greater was
that 86.8% of the participant felt that they had a chance to learn from other people, of which 1.7% and 13.6% disagree and neutral, respectively. The positive impacts of MoneyMinded Program on the social life of the participants were clearly demonstrated in the last question. As many as 86.5% responded agree (75.0%) and strongly agree (8.5%), in which only 6.8% said they disagree with the statement.
Gambar L.1 Penulis dengan Ibu Marta Yuliana
Gambar L.2 Penulis dengan Desty Andin Larasati
Gambar L.3 Penulis dengan Dominikus Rahmat
Gambar L.4 Penulis dengan Vicky Laurencia Japhar
Gambar L.5 Penulis dengan Ibu Hamidah
Gambar L.6 Penulis dengan Ibu Ati Kurniati
Gambar L.7 Penulis dengan Ibu Sunarmi dan Ibu Rahmawati
Gambar L.8 Kegiatan Money Minded I
Gambar L.9 Kegiatan Money Minded II
Gambar L.10 Kegiatan Money Minded III