Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik Achmanan Satria Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik Achmanan Satria Pangaloan & Rekan (“KJPP ASP&R”) Pangaloan & Rekan ("KJPP ASP&R") a merupakan pengabungan dari tiga KJPP yaitu: merger of three companies KJPP ie:
KJPP Wiratno Achmanan Armansyah (WAA) & Rekan; KJPP Pangaloan and KJPP Kamil A Parinduri Memasuki era globalisasi, kemajuan yang pesat di bidang ekonomi nasional mendorong tumbuhnya permintaan akan jasa penilai dan konsultan dengan kualitas dan kompetensi tertentu di bidangnya. Memenuhi tantangan di atas, KJPP ASP&R hadir sebagai perusahaan yang berpengalaman pada jasa penilai dan konsultan serta memperlengkapi diri sebaik mungkin.
In the era of globalization, rapid advances in the fields of national economy will encourage the growth of demand for appraisal and consulting services with certain quality and competence in the field. Meet the above challenges, KJPP ASP&R comes as the company experienced in the appraisal and consulting services as well as to prepare the best possible.
KJPP ASP&R adalah bagian dari solusi atas kegiatan bisnis yang professional. Jaminan tenaga ahlinya yang terpercaya dan beretika, dukungan teknologi informasi serta Data base, sebagai sumber informasi yang menunjang pelayanan jasa, terus menerus dikembangkan sehingga dapat membantu memberikan solusi bagi kegiatan usaha secara optimum. Khususnya melalui jasa-jasa penilaian dan konsultasi untuk berbagai kepentingan. KJPP ASP&R didirikan pada Tahun 2012 di Jakarta dengan akte perubahan terakhir No. 15 tanggal 12 Februari 2013, menjadi anggota MAPPI, sesuai Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. 428/KM.1/2012 dengan No. Izin Usaha Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik (KJPP) 2.12.0102.
KJPP ASP&R is part of the solution to professional business activities. Personnel, expertise guarantees reliable and ethical, as well as information technology support data base, as a source of information support services, continuously developed to help provide solutions for optimum business operations. Particularly through appraisal services and consulting for various purposes. KJPP ASP&R was established in 2012 in Jakarta last change by deed No. 15 dated February 12, 2013, a member MAPPI, according to Minister of Finance Decree No. 428/KM.1/2012 with Business License Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik (KJPP) 2.12.0102.
Pada akhirnya kemitraan antara dunia usaha dengan KJPP ASP&R sebagai usaha pelayanan jasa penilai dan konsultansi dapat memberikan kontribusi yang memadai bagi perkembangan dan kemajuan Perekonomian Nasional, langsung maupun tidak langsung.
At the end of the partnership between the business community with KJPP ASP&R as a business appraiser and consulting services can contribute to the development and progress of adequate national economy, directly and indirectly.
Hormat Kami,
Sincerely, KANTOR JASA PENILAI PUBLIK /KJPP Achmanan Satria Pangaloan & Rekan
Visi &Misi
KJPP ASP&R salah satu usaha persekutuan yang telah memperoleh Ijin Usaha Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik dikenal Objektif dan Independen. Kegiatannya di bidang usaha jasa penilaian dan jasa-jasa konsultansi lainnya yang terkait dengan penilaian dalam arti seluas luasnya dengan berlandaskan keahlian dan pengalaman. KJPP ASP&R secara sadar turut serta berkiprah menjadi Patner Dunia Usaha dalam rangka pengembangan pasar, bisnis dan dunia industri itu sendiri menjadi sehat, solid dan stabil di Indonesia melalui riset, jasa penilaian, studi, perencanaan, pengawasan, pemasaran dan pengembangan investasi.
KJPP ASP&R one of the businesses that have obtained fellowship Permit as a Appraisal Services Public known objective and independent. Activities in the field of business valuation services & other consulting services related to assessment in terms of the basis of measuring the breadth of expertise and experience.
KJPP ASP&R knowingly participated acting a Patner World Enterprises in developing markets, business and industrial world itself becomes healthy, solid and stable in Indonesia through research, valuation services, research, planning, supervision, marketing and development KJPP ASP&R hadir untuk menjaga investment. keseimbangan pasar properti sekaligus sebagai konsultan properti independen sehingga tercipta KJPP ASP&R is present to maintain the pasar yang wajar, sehat, terkendali dan balance of the property market as well as an bertanggungjawab. Semboyan kami, “ASP” selalu independent property consultant so as to mengutamakan kualitas, akurasi analisis yang create a fair market, healthy, controlled and prima serta cepat “ As Soon as Possible”. accountable. Our motto, "ASP" always put the quality, accuracy and rapid analysis prima "As Soon as Possible".
No. Ijin Usaha : 2.12.0102 Office : Gedung Fujinto Sentra Mampang, 4th Floors Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya. No. 28, Jakarta 12760 Phone: (+6221) 71695972, 32639807 Fax: (+6221) 79191265 E-mail:
[email protected]
Opini terbaik kami adalah Independen, Obyektif yang kami sajikan dari Pangkalan Data terkini dengan Metode Analisis dari perspektif makro maupun perspektif mikro. Inilah Kombinasi Terbaik Spesialisasi Pelayanan Jasa KJPP ASP&R.
Our best opinions are Independent, we present Objective of the Current Data Base with Analysis Method from the perspective of macro and micro perspectives. This is the Best Combination Specialties Services KJPP Services ASP&R.
Deskripsi Perusahaan
Company Description
A. Pengurus Perusahaan
A. The Company's Management
Susunan rekan sekutu KJPP ASP&R sebagai berikut:
The composition of CO KJPP ASP&R as follows:
B. Kantor Pusat
Rekan Reg. MAPPI Izin Penilai Publik
: : :
Ir. Rd Mohamad Satria 93 – S ‐ 00366 P‐1.10.00267
Rekan Reg. MAPPI Izin Penilai Publik
: : :
R. Achmanan Ruzally, MBA, MSc 88 – S – 00119 P‐1.08.00054
Rekan Reg. MAPPI Izin Penilai Publik
: : :
A. Kamil Parindusri, SE 92 –S – 224 P.1.09.00231
Pemimpin Rekan Reg. MAPPI Izin Penilai Publik
: : :
Pangaloan Siahaan, ST 01 –S – 01395 P‐1.09.00090
Rekan Reg. MAPPI
: :
Drs. Insulistyono, MBA, MM 02 –T – 01619
B. Head Office
Gedung Fuyinto Sentra Mampang, 4th Floor Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 28, Jakarta 12760 Phone: (+6221) 7902353, (+6221) 32639807 Fax: (+6221) 79191265 E‐mail:
[email protected] Websie:
C. Organizational Structure PEMIMPIN REKAN Pangaloan Siahaan, ST. MAPPI (Cert) PARTNERS A. Kamil Parinduri, SE. MAPPI (Cert) R. Achmanan Ruzally. MBA, MSc. MAPPI (Cert) Ir. Rd. Moh. Satria, MAPPI (Cert) Drs. Insulistyono Moeranputro, MBA., MM GENERAL MANAGER
Jasa Pelayanan Services Ruan ng lingkup jasa pelayyanan ASP&, adalah:
KJPP The sccope of seervices KJP PP ASP&R R, are:
; Pro operty Valuattion
; Prroperty Deveelopment Coonsultancy
; Property Innformation Syystem Designn
; Propeerty Managem ment
; Feasibility Stu F udy
; Mo onitoring Proje ect
; Agent Service A es ; Miningg and Coal Vaaluation ; Biologiical Assets forr IAS 41
In serving asseessments and a consu ultancy ser vices, baccked by KJJPP divisio on of prrofessionall and tech hnical stafff, and exp perience in n accordan nce with th he discip plines of science s Ou ur best op pinions arre Indepe endent, we w present nt Objectiv ive of the e Currrent Data ta Base with w Analy ysis Meth hod from the t persp pective off mac cro and micro m pers spectives s.