INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 Telepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708,
11 oHober r 2016 Nomor
: rJLf9b/IT3.21/KP/2016
Lamp iran llembar Perihal : PENYEBARLUASAN INFORMASI LOWONGAN KERJA Yth. 1. Wakil Dekan Fakultas 2. Ketua Departemen 3. Direktur SB IPB 4. Direktur ll Program Diploma 5. Wakil Dekan Sekolah Pasca Sarjana di Lingkungan IPB
Direktorat Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni IPB bekeijasama dengan TIRTA PROJECT membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak/Ibu agar kesempatan ini d.apat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Demikiail atas bantuan, perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Direktur Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni,
Dr. Ir. Syarifa lis Aisyah, M.Sc. Agr NIP 19670318 199103 2 001
Tembusan: Yth. Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Kerjasama
: Results Measurement Manager
Eligibility Criteria
: Open to Nationals Only
Reporting to
: TIRTA's Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader
: Surabaya with high travel to field locations
: 12 months with possible extension
DFAT has a long history of rural development in Indonesia. There have been two main predecessors to AlP Rural: ANTARA (2005-2010) with a budget of AU$30 million for five years in NTT province; and, SADi (2006-2010) also with a budget of AU$30 million for 4 years for NTT, NTB and Sulawesi provinces. DFAT's most recent program, AlP-Rural, has been designed as a 10 year program ending in June 2022. The program's 1st Phase, end:ng in June 2017, has a budget of AU$112 million and i:; aimed at incrcasir.g, by at least 30%, the agricultural incomes of 300,000 small farmers Jiving in 5 provincesofeastem Indonesia: NTT, NTB, East Java, Papua and West Papua. The Theory of Change underpinning AlP-Rural is that agriculture is three times more efficient in reducing poverty compared to other major economic sectors. And if more farmers understand the impact of, ~nd have access to, improved assets, technology, inputs and services, they will increase their (;ompetitiveness and incomes. The key strategies that AlP-Rural will use to improve access to • asse'ts, technologies, inputs and services are: To identify commodity sectors like (maize, beef, cocoa etc.) or cross cutting sectors (mechanization, irrigation, technology, finance) , that are most relevant to generating pro-poor outcomes in the selected provinces, To analyze these sectors, to assess the systemic or binding constraints that are most important to increased farm incomes, and then To design 80+ sustainable and market driven interventions which generate "scalable" impact and outreach to small farmers for whom these sectors relevant in these provinces. The program will consist of several components: PRISMA, commissioned in November 2013, will concentrate its interventions mostly in selected commodity sectors, A financial Inclusion program will work though micro finance organizations to address small farmer access to credit and micro-insurance, An agricultural research and innovation program will improve farmer access to new processes and technologies, A small regional economic development program will improve the local competitive or enabling environment for agriculture, and A tertiary irrigation program (TIRTA) to boost agricultural productivity through improving farmer access to water.
The core rationale of TIRTA is that access to irrlgation has three times more impact on farmer incomes than other inputs like fertilizers and seeds and within irrigation services tertiary irrigation offers the greatest prospects to AlP-Rural for improvement. The main constraints in tertiary irrigation are related to lack of investment for expansion and poor operations and maintenance. Because of its recognized impact on farmer incomes TIRTA will approach tertiary irrigation in a businesslike manner by facilitating the expansion of local commercial investment in tertiary irrigation schemes in eastern Indonesia.
2. OBJECTIVE OF TH E POSITi ON Reporting to the Team Leader and supported by the Results Measurement Coordinator, Resuli Measurement Manager is primarily responsible for the design of monitoring and results measurement (MRM) plans of TIRTA implementation . The Result Measurement Manager ie responsibie to monitor and report on results in cooperation with AlP-Rural Result Measurement Manager.
Under the direction of the T!RTA Team Leader the Results Measurement Manager will be responsible for the implementation of the program's results measurement system. Specifically this person will be responsible for: Implementing the existing Results Measurement System (see TIRT A Monitoring and Results Measurement Manual). This will include improving the existing results measurement manual, a capacity building program, and assessment and remedial action processes; LP.3ding the key activities in stakeholder mapping including gender assessment (e.g. role and functions of men and women in agriculture, barriers to their participation in the interventions) and ' social inclusion assessment (e.g . access of poorer farmers, the young or elderly, people with disabilities, and religious/ethnic minority groups to agricultural resources and development opportunities) for East and West Nusa Tenggara; Clearing all intervention concept notes before they are submitted for management approval to ensure that they meet the compliance criteria of: the program on impact, outreach, social inclusion, gendar, and environment, value for money and the DCED Standard for Results Mea::.urement; Overseeing regular capacity building measures of program staff to ensure that all implementation staff members are familiar good practices related to assessing impact and measuring attribution; Preparing quarterly reports for management on portfolio quality. This will include, in the early stages of implementation, intervention by intervention, programing of outreach and impact and a risk assessment for each intervention so that management may make decisions on the retention, suspension or elimination of the intervention . As the portfolio evolves, this report will monitor the achievement of all interventions against program objectives of outreach, impact and sustainability as well as cross- cutting aspects such as gender & social inclusion (e.g . social impact assessment) and environment; Guiding implementation personnel in the preparation of results measurement plans and the identification of attribution strategies with a view to the appropriate use of survey instruments, the commissioning of surveys and research, the processing of the results of these surveys and the identification of remedial action;
Overseeing the process leading to the program's compliance with the DCED Standard for Results Measurement, including the formulation of relevant documentation, the organisation of mock audits and the eventual program audit by a certified DCED Results Measurement auditor; and In collaboration with the Team Leader, preparing: public presentations, case studies, articles and materials for the program website on program impact and how impact is assessed and used for decision making in the Program .
The candidate should meet the following requirements/desirables: • • • • • • • • • • •
Master Degree in Social Science or International Development At least 5 years of experience in managing Project I Program Level M&E Frameworks. Specific skills include, designing and implementation of Project M&E Frameworks (all methods and tools Familiarity with standards such as Evaluation Standards(1J and DFAT M&E standards Experience in conducting M&E activities (mixed methods) Skills in analysing and interpreting data both quantitative and qualitative. S/he should be well equipped with statistical concepts. Proficient competence in English both verbal and writing Strong commun ication and facilitation skills. Presentation of data (verbal and report writing skills) Proficient English Familiarity with DCED Standards
, 5. APPUCAT!ON Appl ication close on 151h October 2016. Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Application: •
Please submit the CV and application addressing the key selection criteria noted at item 4 above. Email should be sent to tirta .recr;.;;tment@thepalladiumgroup .com and noting "Result Measur8ment Manager- your name" in the email subject.
Notes: Application addressing Key Selection Criteria to be no more than two (2) A4 pages Curriculum Vitae to be no more than seven (7) A4 pages Please ensure two (2) referees and your expected salary in your CV In submitting my application, I certify that: •
the information provided in my CV is accurate and hereby authorize Palladium to make V-'hatsoever enquiries it may consider reasonable and necessary to undertake in the course of the selection process in relation to information I have provided in my CV or any other matter wh ich may relate to my suitability for the position ; and I have not been convicted of an offence of, or relating to, bribery, fraud or child abuse, nor am I subject to any proceedings or investigation which could lead to a conviction .
:Senior Business Consultant & Business Consultant
Eligibility Criteria
:Open to Nationals Only
Reporting to
: TIRTA's Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader
: Surabaya
: 12 months with possible extension
Tertiary Irrigation Technical Assistance (TIRTA) is one of the suite of programs of AlP-Rural working in eastern Indonesia. TIRTA's goal is to increase the net income of 10,000 poor farmers by 60% through the improvement of the efficiency and technical and economic viability of tertiary irrigation projects. In Indonesia, irrigation is managed at three levels: the national a!ld provincia! l2vel which handles large schemes and primary canal systems (from 1,000 to 3,000 ha), and the district level that manages smaller schemes (<1,000 ha). Schemes that are smaller than this are called "tertiary". TIRTA focusses exclusively at the tertiary irrigation level, where some of the systemic failures are most evident. The geographic area covered by TIRTA in this phase . is East) ava .- specifically Tuban, Bojonegoro and Lamongan .
. 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE POSITION Under the direction of the TIRTA Team Leader, the Senior Business Consultants will provide strategic leadership in market systems thinking and facilitation for TIRTA. Under the direction of the TIRTA Team Leader, and the Deputy Team leader, the Senior Business Consultants and Business Consultants will provide effective design and management across a portfolio of interventions within the tertiary irrigation sector. The constraints in the sector are at the level of technical Consultancy, management of the irrigation services, access to finance, crop selection and the enabling environment. The Senior Business Consultants will be driving the Business Consultants and staff in team learning and ensuring performance of the programme through the delivery of results. A strong private sector ethos is essential. They Senior Business Consultants and Business Consultants will work in close collaboration with each other and the MRM Team. They will oversee the research, identification and development of new business opportunities within targeted market systems.
The Senior Business Consultant and Business Consultant will specifically be responsible for:
Ongoing analysis of the irrigai.ion sector and its constraints and development of strategies to solve the constraints and introduce innovation and business models to increase the efficiency and the expansion of the irrigation schemes;
The completion of technical and commercial viability studies for irrigation schemes that have been successfully screened by the program and its partners;
Support the facilitation of agreements betweer. farmer's groups ar.d local investors, financidl institutions and other key actors to introduce innovation and develop business models;
Assessing the technical capacity needs of local service provision agents with a view to designing and delivering practical capacity building measures for them.
The preparation of monthly and quarterly progress reports according to a format to be developed by program management.
The candidate should meet the following requirements/desirables: Requirements: •
A degree in econom ics, business administration, agricultural studies, marketing, social sciences or an equ ivalent combination of studies
Has at least 5 years of work experience in planning, design of systems, preferably in : agriculture and performance evaluation; or
Has at least 5 years of work experience in business development;
Proven experience in sector analysis whether this has been done for a commercial or development bank, commercial client (feasibility analysis) donor agency or non-profit organization;
Previous experience in strategic planning within market development programs;
Willingness to live in Surabaya and travel frequently (to Bojonegoro);
A sound understanding of business and economics in the Indonesian context and the M4P approach;
Fluency in speaking, reading and writing in English and Bahasa Indonesia
Desirable • • •
Exposure to farming and agri-business in an Indonesian context, Understanding of and experience in mainstreaming environment aspect in development programs, and Work in a former irrigation program
INSTiTUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 . . Telepon (C251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708,
Nomor : ll f
Direk:torat Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni IPB bekerjasama dengan PT. JESSINDO PRAKARSA membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak!Ibu untuk menyebarluuskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak!Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik D~mik.ian atas bantuan, perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
Direk:tur Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni,
Dr. Ir. Syarifah is Aisyah, M.Sc. Agr NIP 19670318 199103 2 001 Tembusan: Yth. Wakil Rek:tor Bidang Riset dan Kerjasama
2. Usia ·maks2l- .3Stahun .-_
. ... -
3. Mampu·mengoperasikan Ms. Officeterutama Ms.Exce!
4. Mampu bekerja secara tim dan individu
5. Mampubekerja berdasarkan dateline 6.
Ber~edia ditempatkan di sel~ruhcabang
Persyaratan Kllusus untllk posisi:
2. Berper.galaman min. 3 tahun di bidang
2. . Diutamakanyang berpengalamandibidang ..
3. Berwawasan luas dan menguasai lapangan.
3 . MemJjki !<emampuan analisa yang baik
4. Mampu bekerja dengan target.
4. Bersedia bekerja di lapangan dan dinas ke lua r kota
2. Diutamakan yang berpengal_a f!!_an administrasi.
., I I
3. Memiliki kemampuan/menguasai pekerjaan admiliistrasi. .
4. Teliti, mau belajar dan memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi.
#l, ga~ ~:~=:~!l~j .
. hrqLc$h!ff@J~'SSiJido:comJ hrdf$·::
.-..-~ ~- ;.;.. -..,. ;~ . ;..;-:- _ :.:_i -- ~;_~ -:'~-- ~: .;..· :.;,..
-~: ~.;-~-~-- ;;..:-.."" ,.:- ~-:-;..:. ;..:..·:.;.;;._:.,;;;·~-~~ :~ ·.~ :·....-.. .;.;.,__,; ~
INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 . . Telepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708,
:A 1 s~ IIT3.21/KP/2016
Lampiran : 1 lembar Perihal
Yth. 1: Wakil Dekan Fakultas 2. Ketua Departemen 3. Direktur SB IPB di Lingkungan IPB
Direktorat Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni IPB bekerjasama dengan PT. DAEKYO INDONESIA membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak/Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian dan ke:rjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
, Tembusan: Yth. Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Ke:rjasama
· For join please apply at PT Oaekyo Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan yang berpusat di KOREA SELATAN yang memiliki lisensi brand EYE LEVEL di Indonesia. Eye Level adalah sebuah kursus Matematika dan Bahasa lnggris untuk anak usia 3 hingga 14 tahun yang cabangnya tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Di EYE LEVEL pelajaran diberikan sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan siswa dan EYE LEVEL memberikan fondasi yang kuat di mata pelajaran yang dipelajari oleh siswa. Pelajaran diberikan secara one on one serta membangun kemampuan anak dalam berpikir kritis. lowongan yang dibuka:
World Youth & culture Foundation {Daekyo Indonesia) menyelenggarakan program "Rise Up Young Enrepreneur" untuk generasi muda Indonesia yang berkualitas memulai usaha di bidang pendidikan. Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada anda untuk bangkit dan berwirausaha tanpa harus mengeluarkan modal. Eye level adalah salah satu program dari Daekyo Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan {Matematika dan Bahasa lnggris untuk usia 4-13 tahun). Tahun ini kami mencari kandidat terbaik untuk membuka Eye level Learning Center
Krlteria 1.
Memiliki jiwa bisnis
2. Tertarik untuk membuka bisnis di bidang pendidikan 3.
Maksimal usia 29 tahun
Min lulusan Sl {Fresh Graduate boleh melamar)
Lebih disukai bila memiliki pengalaman di bidang marketing
1. Usia 24- 35 tahun 2. ·Min lulusan Sl (Fresh Graduate boleh melamar) 3. Dapat berbahasa lnggris dengan baik (Lebih disukai bila mampu mengajar dengan bahasa pengantar bahasa lnggris}
4. Memiliki minat mengajar anak-anak usia 4- 13 tahun 5. lebih disukai bila memiliki pengalaman mengajar private 6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang Eye level di Jabodetabek
INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 . . Telepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708,
:111~o IIT3.21/KP/2016
Lampiran : 1 lembar Perihal
Yth. 1. Wakil Dekan Fakultas 2. Ketua Departemen 3. Wakil Dekan Sekolah Pasca Sarjana di Lingkungan IPB
Direktorat Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alunmi IPB bekerjasama dengan YA YASAN PRISMA INDONESIA membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/lbu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak!Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Direktur Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni,
Tembusan: Yth. Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Kerjasama
Yayasan Prisma !ndonesi<> yang tetah tewji dan t~rbuktl berp?!(tl$ipcasi n:'l NKerda skan kehidup.:~~1 b11ngsa diln negnra mftlalui
penyelt:n99araan pendidik.m menengah pertama dan menengoh atas {SMP. SMA. SMK) dan s:Jat lnl dalarn prosf~S p
KUAliFIKASI UMUM laki· l,~ki i'itau Per~;;mpua n, Pendidlkan S2/S3 (Mttgister, Spes.i Himiil pufu h ) lilht~n padil saM (iiterl rna sebagal dosen . tH! Iurn m~;~mili kl Nornor lnduk Dosen Nasional {NIDN) atau Nomor lrtduk Dosen Khusus \N!DK); bukan gun.~ yang t~:~!ah memiliki Norn or Urut Pendidik (NUP) d<,m Ten;,~ga Kependldikan dan/atJu buk
adrnlni5trasl p;;mgkal 1rH:>t\m ::tl lairl.
KUAUFIKASI KHUSUS Dosen Teknik SipiL Dosen Tekno!oqi Pangan. Dost~n SiMem lnformasL Dosen Teknik :nformatika, P~n d tdlkan S1 dan 52 .S€'bldang (li nier). berke1akuan baik serta sehat secara jasrnani dan rohani, bersedla dltugas-kan di M
i Utara.
Kirim surat lamaran dengan disertai: Pas photo berwarna ukuran 4x6 em (2 lembar}, photocopy KTP, Oaftar Riwayat Hidup/curriculum vitae disertl'ti nomor telepon/handphone yang bisa dihubungi, photocopy ija4ah dan transkrip nilai yang telah d l legalisir, Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian, Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter. Surat keterangan kerja bagi yang memiliki pengalaman kerja. Smat keterangan lain/ sertiflkat yang mendukung
formasi yang dlperlukan.
DIKIRIM KEPADA : Yayasan Prisma Indonesia Wisma Bakrie2, Laotai 8 Jalan H,R Rasuna Said Kav, B-2 Jakarta 12920 No. Telepon : (021 ) 5794 2108
Cp. 0811999202 (Bpk. Henok Watupongoh) Website :
[email protected]
INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 . . Telepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708,
Cb o!<-~bex 2016
: IJ.231/IT3.211KP/2016
Lampiran : 1 lembar
Yth. 1. Wakil Dekan Fakultas 2. Ketua Departemen 3. Wakil Direktur D Program Diploma di Lingkungan IPB
Direktorat Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni IPB bekerjasama dengan PT. GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL FOODS dan PT. SAKAMOTO INDONESIA membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak!Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak!Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Direktur Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni,
.Sc. Agr Tembusan: Yth. Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Kerjasama
PT. GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL FOODS {GIF) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang bumbu makanan The Flavour Expert ..,{Food Seasonings, Flavours, & Ingredients), membuka LOWONGAN PEKERJAAN untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) STAFF MARKETING (SM) Pria atau Wanita, umur maksimal 25 tahun Pria atau Wanita, umur maksimal 25 tahun Pendidikan minimal D-3, diutamakan jurusan Pendidikan minimal D-3 dengan IPK min. 2,75 teknologi pangan, teknik kimia, teknik industri, gizi Berpenampilan menarik, dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik masyarakat, biokimia, kimia analisis dengan IPK Jujur, disiplin, bertanggungjawab, dan dapat bekerja di bawah te min. 2,75 Dapat bekerja dalam tim, terbiasa dengan target Menguasai cara-cara analisa kimia dan mikrobiologi Mahir berbahasa lnggris aktif (oral dan tulisan) pangan dengan baik Mampu mengemudikan mobil dan memiliki SIMA (aktif) Memahami regulasi keamanan pangan di Indonesia Bersedia ditugaskan ke luar kota Jakarta dan Surabaya dan dasar GMP, SSOP, HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 Disiplin, teliti, jujur, dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan QUALITY CONTROL IN LINE (QC) Bersedia ditempatkan di Dadap- Cengkareng, Pria, umur maksimal 25 tahun Jakarta Pendidikan minimal D-3, diutamakan jurusan teknologi pangan, teknik kimia, teknik industri, gizi masyarakat, biokimia, kimia ana !isis dengan IPK min. 2,75 Disiplin, teliti, jujur, dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan Bersedia ditempatkan di Dadap- Cengkareng, Jakarta
RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT ( R&D) Pria, umur maksimal 25 tahun Pendidikan minimal D-3, diutamakan jurusan teknologi pangan, teknik kimia, teknik industri, gizi masyarakat, biokimia, kimia analisis dengan IPK min. 2,75 Disiplin, teliti, jujur, dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan Bersedia ditempatkan di Dadap- Cengkareng, Jakarta
STAFF PPIC ( SP ) Pria atau Wanita, umur maksimal 25 tahun Pendidikan minimal D-3 dengan IPK min. 3,00 Menguasai program komputer terutama Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Internet, dan e-mail dengan baik Bersedia ditempatkan di Dadap- Cengkareng, Jakarta
TEST TERTULIS dan INTERVIEW akan diadakan Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016 Jam 9.00 di AUDITORIUM ANDI HAKIM NASOETION IPB Pelamar harap mendaftarkan diri melalui Membawa surat lama ran beserta CV pada saat test.
INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 . . Telepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708,
Oktober 2016 Nomor : I! !7s-9IT3.21/KP/2016 Lampiran : I lembar Perihal : PENYEBARLUASAN INFORMASI LOWONGAN KERJA Yth. 1. Wakil Dekan Fakultas 2. Ketua Departemen di Lingkungan IPB
Direktorat Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni IPB bekerjasama dengan PT. KANEKA FOODS INDONESIA membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak/Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Direktur Pengembangan Karir dan Hubungan Alumni,
Tembusan: Yth. Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset dan Kerjct:>~~!:::::::=:::=::::::~
KESEMPATAN KERJA PT. KANEKA FOODS INDONESIA PT. KANEKA FOODS INDONESIA yang bergerak di industri makanan membuka kesempatan kerja sebagai :
PURCHASING STAFF Syarat: 1. Laki- laki/ Perempuan 2. Usia maksimal 25 tahun 3. Pendidikan minimal 51 (Lebih diutamakan Kedokteran Hewan) 4. Mampu berbahasa lnggris aktif (lisan dan tulisan} 5. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Microsoft Office} _6. Ber sedia ditempatkan di Karawang 7. Terbuka untuk fresh graduate
Lamaran lengkap harap dikirimkan ke email:
[email protected] atau
[email protected] Closing date 11 November 2016