Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 DAFTAR ISI PENGEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI ENERGI TERBARUKAN DI INDONESIA Development of Renewable Energy in Indonesia Kamaruddin Abdullah PERKEMBANGAN TEKNIK REFRIGERASI DAN PEMANFAATAN HIDROKARBON SEBAGAI REFRIGERAN UNTUK MESIN PEMBEKU The Development of Refrigeration Engineering and the Utilization of Hydrocarbon as Refrigerant for Freezer P. Togi Edward Sihaloho, Armansyah H. Tambunan PENENTUAN JENIS CACAT BIJI KOPI DENGAN PENGOLAHAN CITRA DAN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK Determination of Defect Types of Coffee Bean Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network Imam Sofi’i, I Wayan Astika, Suroso OTOMATISASI SISTEM INJEKSI ETILEN DALAM PEMATANGAN BUATAN Automation Of Ethylene Injection System In Artificial Ripening Sutrisno, Sugiyono, Edy Hartulistiyoso SIMULASI PENGENDALIAN KADAR AIR MEDIUM TUMBUH JAMUR DENGAN LOGIKA FUZZY Simulation of Water Content Control in Mushroom Growing Media Using Fuzzy Logics M. Yamin, Mustika G.S SIFAT FISIK DAN MEKANIK PARENKHIM PELEPAH DAN BATANG TANDAN SAWIT Physical and Mechanical Properties of Parenchyma of Leaf and Fruits Stem of Palm Oil Yazid Ismi Intara, I Nengah Suastawa, Radite Praeko Agus Setiawan ESTIMATION OF SOIL HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES FROM PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK Rudiyanto, Budi I. Setiawan PENGUKURAN KONDUKTIVITAS HIDROLIKA TANAH JENUH: Penentuan Diamater Pipa-tegak (Standpipe) pada Metode Falling Head. Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soil: Determination of standpipe diameter in Falling Head Method Budi I. Setiawan
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Invited Paper PENGEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI ENERGI TERBARUKAN DI INDONESIA Development of Renewable Energy in Indonesia Kamaruddin Abdullah1 Abstract Indonesia has abundant renewable energy sources reaching an estimated amount of about 162.3 GWe comprising of geothermal, solar, wind, snall hydro and the biomass. Despite of the huge potential of these clean and environmentally friendly energy sources, its utilization up to now has been very limited to about a mere 3-4 %. Our previous experiences in implementing pilot projects on renewable energy technology have lacked their focus on productive uses on these energy sources especially to accelerate the growth of rural industrialization. Therefore, in the future, the develpment of renewable energy technology in the future should then be directed toward their productive uses tp provide more job opportunities in the village, help in increasing added value of natural resources available in each provinces which could result in poverty reduction and ultimately improve the quality of life of our community at large. The recent publication of National Energy Management Blue Print (2005-2025) by the government can be used as basis for national energy planning but should be further improved by including the most probable road map of energy resources development including market opportunity of renewable technology energy based on the kind of locally available energy sources. Accordingly more realistic energy management Blue Print can be created which could ensure equitable and sustainable regional development in Indonesia Key words: renewable energy, energy planning, technological independent, regional development. 1
Laboratorium Energi dan Eletrifikasi Pertanian, Departemen Teknik Pertanian, Fateta IPB
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Review PERKEMBANGAN TEKNIK REFRIGERASI DAN PEMANFAATAN HIDROKARBON SEBAGAI REFRIGERAN UNTUK MESIN PEMBEKU The Development of Refrigeration Engineering and the Utilization of Hydrocarbon as Refrigerant for Freezer P. Togi Edward Sihaloho1, Armansyah H. Tambunan2 Abstract As a tropical country relying on agricultural products, Indonesia has much concern in the development of refrigeration technology. After the ratification of the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol, the global problem in refrigeration industries will also be dealt with in Indonesia. This paper briefly reviews the history of research and development in the field of refrigeration, especially the research and invention in hydrocarbon refrigerant. It is shown that even though hydrocarbon refrigerant can potentially replace the CFC, HCFC and HFC refrigerant, especially after Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol, its refrigerating performance is still below that of the commercial one. Research in this field is still focused on the development of new hydrocarbon composition. However, the utilization of hydrocarbon refrigerant could probably increase the complexity of the design and construction of the refrigerator itself. It is necessary to conduct research on the utilization of the hydrocarbon refrigerant from the thermal design approach in order to uncover the possibility of minimum modification or retrofitting of the existing refrigerator. Keywords: Refrigeration technology, Refrigerant, Hydrocarbon, Retrofitting. 1 2
Mahasiswa S3 by-Research di PS Ilmu Keteknikan Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor Staf Pengajar Departemen Teknik Pertanian IPB
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Technical Paper PENENTUAN JENIS CACAT BIJI KOPI DENGAN PENGOLAHAN CITRA DAN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK Determination of Defect Types of Coffee Bean Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network Imam Sofi’i, I Wayan Astika, Suroso1
Abstract Determination of the defect types of coffee bean is usually carried out visually by those persons having expertise due to experiences. This method is exhaustive and imprecise since it is influenced by human fatigue. The objective of this research is to identify the defect types of coffee bean by using a digital image processing technique and an artificial neural network (ANN). Coffee bean image was taken using a digital camera and then processed by an image processing program. Two ANN models were developed. The first model had 10 input parameters while the second model had five input parameters. Both models had altogether 26 output parameters of the defect types. The accuracy of the first model was 72.6% while the second one was 68.2%. Keywords: defect types, coffee bean, image processing, artificial neural network 1
Departemen Teknik Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. E-mail: [email protected]
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Technical Paper OTOMATISASI SISTEM INJEKSI ETILEN DALAM PEMATANGAN BUATAN Automation Of Ethylene Injection System In Artificial Ripening Sutrisno1, Sugiyono2, Edy Hartulistiyoso3 Abstract Automation of ethylene injection system was done by controlling the opening time of solenoid valve based on the quantity of material, free volume of artificial ripening room, concentration of ethylene in tube and trigger. The programmable ethylene injection system eases the ripening process and results in good product. The result of the controlling system showed that the coefficient of correlation of ethylene between the experiment and calculation was 0.947 with a standard deviation of 13.95 and standard error of 4.93. Leak of gas must be prevented in the mechanism of ethylene injection system of artificial ripening integrated with temperature and CO2 control. Keywords: ethylene injection system, artificial ripening, trigger, solenoid. 1
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor 16002, [email protected] 2 Alumni Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB, Taman Yasmin VI Jl. Pinang Perak II No.3 Bogor, [email protected] 3 Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor 16002, [email protected]
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Technical Paper SIMULASI PENGENDALIAN KADAR AIR MEDIUM TUMBUH JAMUR DENGAN LOGIKA FUZZY Simulation of Water Content Control in Mushroom Growing Media Using Fuzzy Logics M. Yamin1, Mustika G.S Abstract Research on temperature control for mushroom has been done using fuzzy logics. The side effect of reducing temperature is the decrease in relative humidity inside the growing room, so that the bag log (mushroom growing media) becomes drier and reduces water content below optimum value. The water content of the mushroom growing media should be maintained at the optimum value of between.65 and 70 percent. The objective of this research is to know the variation of water content. Measurement of water content was done at two conditions. First, the bag log was submerged into water and second, the bag log was not. The measurement was done at temperature of 17o C. The water content was raised from 34.9 percent to 65.4 percent in six hours. The time needed for lowering water content from 85 % to 65 % was 12 hours. The data of resulted from raising and lowering of water content were used for designing simulation for controlling water content using Fuzzy Logic Controller. The fluctuation of water content was between 65 and 68 percent with error values of between 1.6 and 2.6 percent. The variation of the water content resulted was still within the optimum requirement. Keywords: Mushroom, Water content, Simulation, Fuzzy Logic Controller. 1
Departemen Teknik Pertanian, Fateta-IPB
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Technical Paper SIFAT FISIK DAN MEKANIK PARENKHIM PELEPAH DAN BATANG TANDAN SAWIT Physical and Mechanical Properties of Parenchyma of Leaf and Fruits Stem of Palm Oil Yazid Ismi Intara1, I Nengah Suastawa2, Radite Praeko Agus Setiawan Abstract Physical and mechanical properties of parenchyma of leaf and fruits stem of palm oil are basic data in designing of harvesting machine of palm oil, which had never been provided yet. The output of this research were the mechanical properties (i.e. modulus of elasticity (E), tensile strength (σ), poisson ratio (ν) and coefficient of friction (µ)), which needed for analyses on specific cutting force of parenchyma of leaf and fruits stem of palm oil. Keywords: Physical and mechanical properties, palm oil, parenchyma 1 2
Staf Pengajar Program Studi Agronomi, Fakultas Pertanian UNMUL. Samarinda. Staf Pengajar pada Departemen Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Technical Paper ESTIMATION OF SOIL HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES FROM PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK Rudiyanto1, Budi I. Setiawan2 Abstract Information of hydraulic properties of agricultural soils is very important for better water management. However, direct measurements of these properties are tedious and time consuming. In this paper, we present techniques to estimate the properties using artificial neural network (ANN). One technique was used to estimate water retention curves and the other to estimate unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curves. The data used in this study varied from sandy to clay soils. In general, the technique gained considerable results but more data for training is still necessary. Keywords: Soil hydraulic properties, artificial neural network. 1
Master Student of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Graduated School, Bogor Agricultural University, Email: [email protected] 2 Graduate Program of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Graduated School, Bogor Agricultural University, PO BOX 220, Bogor 16002, Indonesia, Email: [email protected]
Jurnal KETEKNIKAN PERTANIAN, Vol.19, No.2, Agustus 2005 Research Methodology PENGUKURAN KONDUKTIVITAS HIDROLIKA TANAH JENUH: Penentuan Diamater Pipa-tegak (Standpipe) pada Metode Falling Head. Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soil: Determination of standpipe diameter in Falling Head Method Budi I. Setiawan1 Abstract This paper describes the measurement of hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil using Falling Head method, and emphasizes on how to select an effective diameter of the standpipe so the measurement can be conducted within a comportable time period. A computer program within Microsoft Excel plus Visual Basic Editor is created with the outputs in form of a table that shows estimations of the time period for a combination of the standpipe diameters and the hydraulic conductivity for various soil textures. Keyword: Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Falling Head Method, Effective Standpipe. 1
Departemen Teknik Pertanian, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680. E-mail: [email protected]