Joseph G. Toman, Ph.D.
1984. 2020. • George Orwell was clairvoyant in predicting what is coming; he was only wrong as to when. • Preventing WW3 – with China – which is to be fought with laser, biological and neutron weapons • Making World 5x Better by strengthening democracy principles, not by abandoning them • Secret US Weapons site in the Czech Republic is not a radar, but a top secret laser death ray •
Česká sekce vysvětluje neokoloniální status ČR, problém s radarovou základnou s tajnými lasery, co to bude náš národ skutečně stát a ukazuje cestu z krize v které se nacházíme 1
Sectret Files Publication Preliminary Version 0.1
Czech sekce je před anglickou Poznámka: Toto je nedokončená, neopravená předběžná verze knihy, která je pokusem o pohled na svět z úhlu extrémní konspirační teorie. Autorovým motivem je ukázat jak extrémní konspirační teoretik myslí a vidí svět a tak by tato kniha měla být brána a chápána, nic více, nic méně. Jedná se o pohled do myšlení konspiračního teoretika. Ačkoli kniha nabízí extrémní konspirační pohled na situaci, ukazuje též pohled z méně extrémních úhlů. U všeho, co je ukázáno negativně, včetně lidí, jde opět pouze o to ukázat jak se na věci dívá konspirační teoretik, což je všeobecně nepřesné – ne politicky správné, nejedná se o skutečnou prezentaci lidí či ničeho jiného. Užité grafy pouze nastiňují trendy, nic v knize se neopírá o oficiální statistiky.
Copyright © Joseph G. Toman 2008. Vydání druhé – změněné – česká sekce je před anglickou. Titul knihy: 2020. Všechna práva vyhrazena, s výjimkou toho, že jelikož toto není dokončená kniha, tato verze je publikovaná pro získání komentářů, z důvodu utvořit opravy.
Autor dovoluje, kdekoli ve světě, kopírování, překlady a distribuci této verze, ale vždy v kompletní formě a s podmínkou, že je tak činěno opět z důvodu, aby obdržel více komentářů, informace o nepřesnostech, apod. Autor nezaručuje, že bude schopen číst či odpovědět na všechnu korespondenci.
English section starts on p. 48 Note: This is an unfinished, unchecked, preliminary version of a book, which is an exercise in extreme conspiracy theory; the author’s intention is to show how an extreme conspiracy theorist thinks and views the world and this is how this book should be interpreted and understood; it is nothing more and nothing less. It’s a look into the mind of a conspiracy theorist. Although it shows the extreme conspiracy viewpoint, also some less extreme angles are shown. Everything that is described negatively, including people, is again only the way a conspiracy theorist sees it, which is generally inaccurate – not politically correct; it’s not an actual portrayal of any person or anything else. Graphs used only give indication of trends; nothing in the book is based on official statistics. Copyright © Joseph G. Toman 2008. Second Edition – changed – Czech section is in front of the English one. Title of the book: 2020. All rights reserved, except as this is not a finished book, this version is published solely for the purpose to gather comments to make corrections.
The author authorizes, anywhere in the world, copying, translating, and distribution of this version, always only in its complete form, providing it is done again for the purpose so that he can gather more comments, information about inaccuracies, etc. The author does not guarantee that he will be able to read or answer all correspondence. –
[email protected] 2
Česká sekce Joseph G. Toman, PhD
SECRET informace o radaru, atd. Obsahuje dosud utajený plan na vytvoření úspěšné demokracie, dále informace o přísně utajovaných potencionálních ztrátách, ekonomických a na životech, spojených s radarovou základnou.
OBSAH Co nedokonalá demokracie způsobila ....... 4
Česká republika, oběť globalizace............26
Vysvětlení grafů ........................................... 5
Pochybné výdaje a restituce ......................27
Úvod .............................................................. 5
Americký radar a 3. světová válka ...........28
Likvidace českého národa........................... 7
Ztráty kvůli Američanům v ČR................30
ČR obětovaná v budoucím konfliktu ......... 8
Vyproštění se z neokoloniálních pout.......32
Přeměna ČR v republiku banánovou ........ 9
Politické změny...........................................33
Fakta ............................................................. 9
Jací by měli být čeští leadeři .....................33
Teorie stínu, Göbels, komunisté ............... 11
Lekce na zlepšení životní úrovně v ČR ....34
Epidemie smrtelných nemocí.................... 12
Referendum ................................................35
Zdravotnictví.............................................. 13
Kriminalita .................................................37
Likvidace kvalitního sociálního řádu....... 14
Digitální televize – proč ne HDTV?..........37
Mexiko vzorem budoucí demokracie....... 14
Filmová, televizní, hudební tvorba ...........38
Tajné služby ............................................... 15
Sudetoněmecký Landsmanshaft ...............40
Policejní stát ............................................... 16
Dejme vše do perspektivy ..........................40
Politika........................................................ 17
10 bodů jak vytvořit lepší svět...................41
Mlžící Média............................................... 17
Shrnutí: konečná bitva ..............................42
Neférová justice.......................................... 18
Co musíme udělat.......................................42
Konspirace.................................................. 18
Co jiného nás může čekat? ........................43
Ekonomika ................................................. 19
Tajné organizace, náboženství, atd...........44
Mohli jsme se již mít mnohem lépe.......... 21
Některé nutné kroky ..................................44
Ekonomický pohled, příklad K. Varů ..... 21
Návrat do reality ........................................47
Ekonomický pohled, ČR ........................... 22
Co nedokonalá demokracie způsobila - za posledních pár desetiletí: • • • • •
nesmírněkrát více nákaz nebezpečnými pohlavními chorobami nesmírněkrát vyšší kriminalitu nesmírněkrát vyšší nezaměstnanost podstatně méně kvalitní školství mnohem vyšší politickou imunitu
• • • • • •
nesmírněkrát vyšší drogovou závislost mnohem vyšší korupci mnohem vyšší reálné ceny bytů mnohem nižší podporu kultury nesmírněkrát více prostituce nižší spokojenost lidu
Vysvětlení grafů (použit je příklad epidemií vážných pohlavních nemocí)
Roky: 1948, 1968, 1988, 2008, 2028
US = USA (přední světlé sloupce) CZ = Czech Republic – Czecho-slovakia (tmavé)
znamená “čím vyšší sloupec, tím je to horší”
ρGOODρ znamená “čím
vyšší sloupec, tím je to
lepší.” Pozitivní dopad na ČR, USA, jiné země, kdyby vlády začaly mít skutečně demokratickou politiku: - celkový pozitivní dopad (benefit) - pozitivní dopad na ekonomiku (econ) - pozitivní dopad na svobodu (freedm) - pozitivní dopad na mír (peace) - „truth“ indikuje jak pozitivní by byl dopad, kdyby média o této problematice, v tomto případě se jedná o epidemiích vážných pohlavních nemocí, informovala pravdivě, včas, plně, opakovaně a důrazně natolik, aby lidé vážnost tohoto problému plně chápali See page 5: Prosím ignorujte tento odkaz
„28“ je hodnota, kam se dostaneme v roce 2028, v úvahu se bere současný trend, ale nepočítá se, že do té doby plně vypukne 3. světová válka. „28p“ je hodnota, kam se dostaneme v roce 2028, kdyby vlády co nejdříve adoptovaly politiku zaměřenou na blaho lidu.
Úvod Tato studie se dívá na polistopadové období České republiky a snaží se odhadnout kam nás tento vývoj dovede. Z chování našich vlád vůči Německu a Americe je zřejmé, že máme podřazený, řekl bych koloniální či přesněji řečeno neokoloniální status. CIA a její německý ekvivalent BND, prováděly protikomunistickou činnost v době pádu komunismu pod jedním velením a CIA se po roce 1989 zaměřila maximálně na Východní Evropu, kam BND byla maximálně nasměrována vždy. V Německu a USA je silný trend integrovat národnostní menšiny, u nás po listopadu začal opak. Přestalo se o mluvit o statisících Čechů, které zabili Němci v 2. světové válce, začal se kritizovat náš demokratický a vlastenecký prezident Beneš. Začali jsme být opakovaně obviňování, že jsme při odsunu Sudetských Němců nějaké zabili. O skutečnosti, že v rámci vyhnání Čechů Němci z našeho pohraničí zahynulo podstatně více našich lidí se nikdo ani nezmíní, ani o tom, že toto vyhnání našich občanů proběhlo mnohem odpornějším způsobem. Naše holky jsou lákány za prací na Západ kde jsou proti své vůli po léta vězněny, znásilňovány, často bestiálně, jsou týrány a nakažovány pohlavními nemocemi jakožto sexuální otrokyně v západních nevěstincích, navštěvovaných i těmi nejzvrhlejšími oplzlými úchyláky, kterým tyto otrokyně musí sloužit až do doby kdy jsou „příliš staré,“ příliš zničené drogovou závislostí či nakažené nevyléčitelnými nemocemi. Západní vlády nad tím přimhuřují, či spíše bych řekl zavírají oči. Jedná se přece jen o pouhé hezké slovanské holky se zdravými city a rozumem, ne jejich bezcitnější, méně vzdělané a šerednější Gertrudy apod. Cizí média u nás po roce 1989 začala propagovat drogovou kulturu a uvolněnou sexuální morálku, 5
aniž nás dostatečně varovala před tím, že k nám ze západu přichází epidemie neléčitelných pohlavních nemocí, že se nejedná pouze o AIDS. Nyní nám zde budou instalovat americkou radarovou základnu, která je určena pro ochranu Západní Evropy v budoucím nukleárním konfliktu s Čínou, případně i se Sovětským svazem. To co se u nás odehrává po listopadu 89 stále sleduje stejný směr. Proto není těžké odhadnout kam nás, v kontextu vývoje světové politicko-ekonomické situace, takovýto směr dovede. O tom pojednává tato kniha. Co je důležité si uvědomit je to, že po pádu sovětského bloku nastala příležitost nastolit světový mír, včetně nukleárního odzbrojení, jak to chtěl Gorbačev. Amerika to odmítla.
INDEX KRIMINALITY V tomto boji o ovládnutí světa bude hlavním nepřítelem Čína. Jelikož bylo těm nejmocnějším v 80. létech zřejmé, že Sovětský svaz padne, USA rychle spěchalo s vybudováním a vyzbrojením Číny s tím, že Číně byla dodávána nejmodernější vojenská technologie, i dlouho po pádu sovětského bloku. To bylo proto, že západní politický systém potřebuje nepřítele, musí dokazovat lidu, že ho brání, že pracuje pro jeho zájmy. Budoucí konflikt s Čínou bude se zbraněmi hromadného ničení a globalisté v tomto konfliktu budou bránit své zázemí, tudíž USA, západní Evropu a Japonsko. Tyto tři světové regiony mají hlavní zastoupení v super tajné Trilateral Commission. Do té patří i kníže Schwarzenberg. Radary a lasery v USA budou zaměřeny nad Pacifik a Atlantik, v Evropě to bude nad území Východní Evropy. Západní Evropa bude chráněna, východní s převážně slovanskou populací bude pro to obětována, podobně jako židovská populace byla obětována za vyšší cíle západních spojenců za druhé světové války. Anglie, USA, apod. věděly přesně co Židy čeká, přesto jim bylo bráněno v emigraci a když jiná vojenská strategie mohla zachránit mnohé Židy před genocidou, nic v tomto směru učiněno nebylo. Právě toto chování západních zemí stmelilo Židy a je hnací silou za politikou Izraele. Oni opravdu nechtějí aby se něco podobného opět opakovalo. I když nám se může chování Izraele zdát paranoidní a neférové, oni mají jinou historii a vidí to jinak. Pravda je vždy relativní. Laserová a radarová základna musela být vysunuta z území Západní Evropy. ČR nabízela perfektní pozici, navíc s národem, který západu věřil a který proto mohl být snadněji západem využit k této oběti. Česká Republika a její obyvatelstvo musely být na přijetí základny připraveni. Proto musely být ožebračeny, jejich kultura musela být zničena a musel být nastolen zkorumpovaný stát, dálnice s kamerami, ohromné sítě mikrovlnných transmisních stanic, policie a armáda, která bude chránit Američany a elity, na ostatních lidech jim příliš nezáleží. Tato kniha je psána z pohledu konspiračního teoretika. Takovýto člověk vidí za smrtí prezidenta Kennedyho CIA a americký vojenskoprůmyslový sektor, přičemž oficiální vysvětlení je, že za vraždou stál pouze Harvey Lee Oswald. Konspirační teoretik vidí konspiraci (spiknutí) elit za tajným spolkem Skull and Bones (Lebka a hnáty), do kterého patří prezident Bush. Konvenční pohled je, že se jedná pouze o klub vysokoškoláků z Yeale university. Protože konspirační teoretik nemá všechna fakta, jeho názory 6
jsou teorie, dokonce můžeme říci, že se jedná o fikci, u níž ne jen že nemůže být zaručena přesnost, ale ani nemůže být zaručena celková správnost, hlavně když se studie neopírá o oficiální statistiky, apod. Takto musí být vnímána i tato kniha. Jedná to o názory z extrémního úhlu konspirační teorie, které se autor snaží ukázat.
Likvidace českého národa „Demokracie“ u nás vytvořila nové společenské třídy a skupiny • bezdomovci z hodnotných zaměstnanců • nezaměstnaní i z nejlepších zaměstnanců • sexuální otrokyně i z nejnevinnějších děvčat • profesionální zloději z původně zaměstnaných osob • drogově závislí z důvěřivé mládeže • z velké části bezcharakterní oligarchové a politici, mnohé z členů rodin, které se za komunismu měly velice dobře Český národ, jeho kultura, vzdělání, umění, vše je konstantně atakováno a ničeno. Historie se přepisuje, národní hrdost se podlamuje a likviduje. Jaká bude záminka pro válku s Čínou? Nezdá se vám možnost války s Čínou? K tomu se dostaneme později. Bude Česká Republika obětována v příští světové válce? Bude zničena biologickými zbraněmi, neutronovými bombami a úlomky s radiací z jaderných hlavic, které budou atakovány nad Zemí, ale jejichž částice poletí dále, na naše území? Proč naší představitelé tvrdí, že v budoucnu bude 20% Čechů žít mimo území republiky? Proč si naši politikové kupují rezidence na Floridě, ve Švýcarsku, apod.? Je to jenom proto, že na to mají? Protiraketový radar v USA je v obou jeho instalacích umístěn na pobřeží oceánu. Chrání území za ním. V Evropě bude radar mimo území Západní Evropy. Je to také proto aby chránil území za ním? Proč jsou naše lázeňská města Karlovy Vary a Mariánské Lázně tak zamořena chemií, proč je na ně neustále vrháno ohromné množství rtuti a jiných jedovatých látek? Proč se v Liberci spaluje německý odpad a vzniklý dioxin, jeden z nejhorších jedů je rozvážen po republice, kde žijí naší občané, kteří jsou tímto dioxinem geneticky poškozováni? Proč se má u nás v Doupovských horách, které jsou v blízkosti Karlových Varů, ukládat jaderný odpad? Má tam snad být ukládán i jaderný odpad německý? Proč bylo v ČR povoleno pěstovat a prodávat geneticky změněné obilniny a výrobky z nich? Jsou opravdu bezpečné? 7
Proč budeme u nás těžit tolik uhlí a uranu, když to pro své energetické potřeby nepotřebujeme? Uvědomme si, že světové ropné zásoby se pomalu vyčerpávají. Byli jsme jako národ odepsaní? Ve středověku jsme byli trnem v oku tehdy zkorumpovanému Vatikánu. Byli jsme nadčasoví. Hitler a jeden z Baťů nás chtěli odsunout do Patagonie - Argentiny. Naše vlády s jinými než národními zájmy nám zde dovolí „radar,“ přestože ho většina národa nechce i když mu jsou zamlčovaná mnohá fakta. Sdělovací prostředky jsou pod kontrolou cizinců a opakovaně nám naznačují jak nehodnotný jsme národ. V roce 1989 padl komunismus. Český lid byl osvobozen od komunistické diktatury a začala se budovat demokracie. Nikdo ale českému národu neřekl, že se nebude budovat demokracie jaká byla propagovaná Rádiem svobodná Evropa, ale místo toho demokracie jaká je v banánových republikách, tedy demokracie, kde strany které jsou u moci nepracují pro blaho národa ale hájí na prvním místě zájmy místní oligarchie a západních nadnárodních společností. Demokracie je politický systém, ne systém ekonomický a není to společenský řád. Přesto se pod rouškou budování demokracie ekonomický systém a společenský řád změnily, bohužel často k horšímu. Byly zlikvidovány průmysly, které by konkurovaly našim západním „demokratickým“ sousedům, začala se likvidovat česká kultura, mnohé z toho, co udělal pro český národ náš skutečný demokratický president Eduard Beneš se „demokraticky“ zrušilo. Německy mluvící šlechtě je vydáván majetek, který patřil českému národu. Něčemu takovému se bez referenda nemělo nikdy připustit. Náš nový „demokratický“ Němci ovládaný tisk ani jiné „demokratické“ komunikační prostředky, neinformují český národ dostatečně v jaké se nacházíme krizi. Když kolonizátoři dobývali jiné národy, používaly se metody jako nakažování obyvatelstva nemocemi, ničení jejich kultury, zavedení drog a propagace alkoholu. Totéž se dnes činí u nás. Naše nová média jsou prakticky všechna protivlastenecká a nepoužívají výrazy jako “my” a „náš národ“, místo toho používají výrazy “Češi” a „oni“. Je jasné, že k našemu národu nepatří a snaží se v naší zemi vytvořit ne český národ ale národů více, je to pravý opak toho, co kolonizátoři dělají ve svých zemích, kde je národů mnoho a tvoří z nich národ jeden. Dějiny se opakují a ten kdo vyhraje válku, píše dějiny. V západních komunikačních prostředcích se propagovalo a propaguje jak se v ČR mají lidé po pádu komunismu lépe. Ve skutečnosti většina lidí živoří a jejich jazyk a kultura se systematicky ničí. Náš národ se dále ničí geneticky tím, že se do něj cpe chemie a nehodnotná strava. Do cukrovinek a potravin všeobecně se dává mnohem více cukru a cukr je návyková droga, která způsobuje mentální a fyzické potíže. O tom se nikde nemluví a ortodoxní medicína s tímto faktem samozřejmě nesouhlasí. Západní nadnárodní společnosti začaly na národech Střední a Východní Evropy zkoušet pokusné nevyzkoušené léky a zdravotní výrobky, aniž jsou o tom tito „pokusní králíci“ informováni. Tím se lidé poškozují, někdy zabíjí a na mladých lidech se často páchají genetické škody, které ovlivní budoucí generace. Likviduje se také lahodný sladký český jazyk. V televizi a rádiu se začalo mluvit velice rychle a s částečně americkou intonací. Do češtiny se přidávají anglická či zangličtěná slova, vulgární výrazy, apod. Americké filmy jsou dabovány tak, že čeština nabírá elementy angličtiny. Vše je děláno proto, aby krásný lahodný předkoloniální český jazyk zněl ve starých filmech a televizních programech cize, aby naše minulá vysoká kultura byla novým generacím cizí. Konsistentně se likviduje česká identita.
ČR obětovaná v budoucím konfliktu Svět přechází do konečné fáze, kde všem zemím bude vládnout jedna vláda. Převážná většina států již do tohoto nově vytvořeného systému patří a většina vlád proto má nadnárodní, ne národní zájmy. Další skutečností je fakt, že koloniální období přežívá, jenom pod rouškou vyspělých a rozvojových zemí. My bohužel patříme do té druhé skupiny, i když ne oficiálně. Jsme více méně americko-německou kolonií. 8
Třetí světová válka bude s Čínou. Americký radar, který bude též obsahovat laser, u nás bude chránit země za ním, tudíž Západní Evropu. Protože u nás budeme mít důležité americké instalace, budeme v konfliktu významným terčem. Čína bude bojovat o přežití, které bude záviset na jejím přístupu k ropným zdrojům, ten bude omezen sankcemi či konfliktem Izraele s Iránem a Sýrií. Čínské, případně i ruské nukleární hlavice, které budou zaměřovány radarem a sestřelovány, zaplaví naše území smrtícími radioaktivními částicemi. Ve válce budou též použity neutronové a biologické zbraně. Koloniální země západní Evropy musí být chráněny a radar musí být vzdálen několik zemí od ruských hranic, aby se Rusové zbytečně neprovokovali. To je proč se Češi a Slováci oddělili a je to také proč se na Moravě pomalu buduje vlastní nezávislý národ. Američanům jsme slepě věřili, ti ale mají globálnější zájmy a jsou ochotni, pro ochranu svých dlouhodobějších neslovanských spojenců, naši zemi obětovat.
Přeměna ČR v republiku banánovou • • • • • • • •
Problém s tržní ekonomikou. Reaganomics, neboli Americký pokus s tržní ekonomikou nebyl úspěšný. Ani Reagan, ani Theacherová, ani Klaus s tržní ekonomikou ze sociálněekonomického hlediska neuspěli. Přestavba ČR v banánovou republiku. To, že jsme demokracie nic neznamená. Reagan a jiní vysocí západní politici chválili a chválí vlády banánových republik, ty nazývali a nazývají demokratické, přestože tam vládne hlad, bída, bezpráví, šíří se tam tubera, apod. Nový směr. Současná politika, která uspokojuje zájmy nadnárodních konglomerátů a vrchních 10% je špatná a musí se radikálně změnit, Musí vyhovovat většině občanů. Ekonomie. Nezáleží tolik na tom, zda jsou daně nižší či vyšší, pokud vrchních 10% daně prakticky vůbec neplatí a zisky z ČR putují do zahraničí. ČR musí kapitál přitahovat, ne jej odpuzovat. Kriminalita a drogy. Kriminalita a drogy narostly astronomicky v porovnání s obdobím komunismu. Všechny podmínky byly vytvořeny proto, aby se tak stalo. Vzdělání. Naše 6. třída měla podobnou úroveň jako americká 12. Češi, kteří odešli do USA po 48. a 68. roce byli úspěšní proto, že naše školy byly mnohem lepší. Proč je měnit? Kultura. Naše kulturní výchova byla na světové špičkové úrovni. Naše filmová tvorba měla vyšší uměleckou úroveň než americká. Proč ničit něco co je špičkové? Zdravotnictví. Naše lázeňství, neboli přírodní medicína, se u našich pacientů prakticky přestala používat, vážné pohlavní choroby se exponenciálně šíří.
Fakta •
Americké studie z doby komunismu vždy ukazovaly sílu a zralost českého a východoněmeckého průmyslu, výzkumu a vývoje, hodnotily úroveň českého zdravotního systému na výbornou. Český film byl v USA považován experty za jeden z nejvyspělejších na světě. České školství bylo ve světě považováno za špičkové. Když Němci obchodovali s východním blokem, pouze Češi měli přístup a chování jako obchodní partneři ze západních zemí. Východní Němci, Poláci, či Maďaři nikoli. Československo nemělo prakticky žádné dluhy. Lidé měli kvalitní ubytování, dostatek stravy, národ byl vzdělaný, inteligentní a kulturní. Tubera a pohlavní nemoci byly plně pod kontrolou. V minulosti chtěli Frederich Neitzsche a další filosofové vytvořit super rasu, ze západních Slovanů pro pracovitost, z Němců pro bojovnost a z Židů pro obchoduschopnost. Tohle je zjednodušené, ve zkratce, ale právě na území ČR se podobná rasa vytvořila. Genetická analýza ukazuje, že jsme z 40% západní Slované, z 11% Germánci a z 9% Židé. Navíc jsme z 25% Románi a z 11% Jihoslované. Naše republika v době komunismu patřila mezi nejprůmyslovější země světa, Západ měl strach z rychlého vývoje vědy a techniky u nás. Byli jsme vyspělejší než mnohé západní země. Byli jsme vždy inteligentní, kreativní, nikdo nás nedokázal přelstít. Právě proto nás dal Vatikán po roce 1620 pod rakouské Němce, Sovětský Svaz po roce 1968 pod Slováky, ti se u nás cítili diskriminováni, proto se Sovětským Svazem spíše spolupracovali. Vypadá to tak, že Západ nás dal po roce 1989 pod lidi mimo jiné s deviantní sexualitou, ta se všude propaguje. 9
• • • •
Po roce 1989 jsme jako národ byli sice osvobozeni od totality ale byli jsme opět vrženi do doby temna. o Pokračují u nás snahy legalizovat drogy. Drogy jsou prakticky volně na prodej, policie ví o tom kdo a kde je prodává ale prakticky nic s tím nedělá. CIA v minulosti pašovala do USA ohromné množství drog z Kolumbie, byla z toho nakonec Irán-Contra aféra, CIA tehdy potřebovala peníze na boj proti komunismu. Co naše tajné služby? Bojují proti drogám tak jak by měly? o Říkají nám, že budují demokracii a říkali nám, že náš národ dosud není na demokracii připraven. Demokracie je politický systém, kapitalismus je ekonomický systém. Žádná demokracie se u nás nebuduje, naopak, buduje se u nás kapitalismus a to takový, který neprospívá národu ale vrchním 10% a zahraničním mocnostem. o Strana musí mít 5% hlasů aby se dostala do parlamentu. Strany, které mají ne nadnárodní ale národní zájmy šanci nemají, ne pokud jsou média v cizích rukou nebo pracují pro cizí mocnosti. o Musíme přejít do reality a uvědomit si co z nás udělali, co jsme. Jsme rozvojová země a tak se musíme chovat, nesmíme si hrát na vyspělou zemi a posílat podporu jiným rozvojovým zemím, jako je například komunistický Vietnam. Jako rozvojová země bychom měli dostávat podporu od vyspělých zemí, ne podporu jiným zemím dávat, tu ať dávají země vyspělé. To, že naši páni chtějí bránit hranice pobaltských států, našimi Gripeny proti Rusku, je krásné gesto toho, kdo chce políbit pozadí svých západních šéfů. Národ ale takováto politika stojí desetimiliardy, které zoufale potřebuje, a o které se zadlužuje. Vše se měří penězi. Kvalita života se měří množstvím výrobků, které si může koupit občan s průměrným platem. Kvalita života je ale o něčem jiném. Je to o tom kolik a jak kvalitní výrobky si může koupit většina lidí, jak je stát chrání před kriminalitou, jak chrání jejich děti před drogami a před pohlavními nemocemi, jestli jídlo, které si mohou dovolit, je organické a zdravé nebo chemické, jestli dělají v práci to co mají rádi nebo jestli jsou spíše otroky v nadnárodních korporacích, které je vykořisťují, jestli po absolvování škol se budou o studenty předcházet firmy u nás a v zahraničí nebo jestli se na ně budou dívat jako na výplod země třetího světa. Kvalita života je o tom, zda nemocný dostane kvalitní přírodní léčbu nebo jestli na něm budou bez jeho vědomí zkoušeny experimentální léky, což zahraniční farmaceutické firmy nemohou tak snadně provádět ve svých „vyspělých“ zemích. Jsou v tom velké zisky a je to jeden z důvodů proč se naše nemocnice privatizují. Spokojenost lidí se též nemůže měřit kupní silou. Ještě donedávna podstatně chudí Irové byli vždy mnohem spokojenější než bohatí Američané či Němci. Lidé byli za komunismu spokojenější než jsou nyní, když jsou neustále bombardováni tím, jak musí být štíhlí a přitom nový režim způsobil způsob života, v kterém lid tloustne. Dále je jim servírováno, jak je důležité být extrovertní, bohatý, slavný. Jelikož většina lidí těchto vlastností dosáhnout nemůže, podlamuje jim to sebevědomí a způsobuje jim to stresy ve snaze těchto nesmyslných vlastností dosáhnout. Dělá to lidi nespokojené a nešťastné. Navíc se neustále se vyzdvihují negativní prvky české povahy, přitom mnohem méně kvalitním západním „demokratickým“ národům je vštěpováno vlastenectví a jsou jim gumovány mozky tím, že jim je neustále připomínáno, že jsou nejlepší. V našich lidech je uměle formovaná nespokojenost a u mnohých je beznaděj, že se situace nezlepší. I kdyby se ekonomika podstatně zlepšila, média se postarají o to, aby lidé zůstali nadále nespokojení, aby na sebe měli negativní pohled, atd. Máme velké množství sebevražd, za něž je přímo či nepřímo zodpovědná naše vládní politika. Palach se upálil v protestu proti komunistické politice. Kolik lidí u nás spáchalo sebevraždu jako protest proti současné politice se bohužel nikdy nedozvíme. Vychovává televize naši mládež správně nebo ji vychovává k násilí, primitivnosti, vulgaritě, propaguje televize abnormální sexuální praktiky a je spoluodpovědná za to, že se u nás díky naší politice šíří nové, vážné, neléčitelné choroby? Odpověď je jasná! V první republice, za Hitlera, v poválečné ČSR, za komunismu, stále existoval efektivní boj proti korupci, kriminalitě, proti šíření pohlavních a jiných infekčních chorob, pro striktní regulaci či zákaz prostituce. Po „sametové“ u nás tento boj ustal nebo se absolutně zneefektivněl. Ti co způsobují nejvíce škody, tudíž dnešní vlády nemají ještě přesně definovaného nepřítele, aby mohly národu ukázat, že jej před ním ochraňují. Zatím za všechno viní jenom komunisty a tomu již moc lidí nevěří. 10
Teorie stínu, Göbels, komunisté v podtextu polistopadového sociálního apod. zhoršení Tabulka jak postkomunistickou ČR změnily polistopadové režimy a jak by ji změnila solidní vlastenecká vláda s národními prioritami. Střední sloupec ukazuje kolikrát se přibližně, dle mého odhadu, zhoršila situace u vybraných faktorů, poslední sloupec pak kolikrát by se byla u těchto faktorů zhoršila s vlasteneckým vedením: polistopadové režimy vlastenci narkomanie 1000 1 moc farmaceutického průmyslu 1000 1 otroctví žen v bordelech 1000 1 problém prostituce 200 1 vážné pohlavní infekce 100 1 Nezaměstnanost 100 1 ekonomická zátěž cizinci 100 1 odpad a dioxin německého původu 100 1 sudetoněmecký problém 100 1 kriminalita 20 1 znásilňování vězňů 20 1 počet vražd, neoficiální 15 1 reálné ceny bytů 10 1.2 nedokonalost civilní obrany 10 1 vláda není vlastenecká 10 0.1 užívání nevyzkoušených, západních především, léků 10 1 ochrana spotřebitele 5 1 imunita politiků 5 0.1 špatná podpora kultury 5 1 degenerace národa 3 0.8 rodinná nestabilita 3 1 nespokojenost lidí 2 0.5 obtížnost života s minimální mzdou 2 1 nekvalitní školství 2 0.8 kolikrát průměrně zhoršeno 122x 0.9x průměrné zhoršení 12.300% -11%
Poslední řádka vykazuje zhoršení v procentech. I když se to zdá téměř neuvěřitelné, tyto faktory se zhoršily v průměru o přibližně o 12.300% (slovy dvanáct tisíc tři sta procent), vlastenecká politika by je zlepšila o přibližně 11%. Carl Gustav Jung je po Freudovi druhá nejvýznamnější osobnost v dějinách či vývoji psychologie, ovšem ti, kteří psychologii rozumí, ví, že Jung byl hodně vpředu před Freudem a že například jeho analytická psychologie je mnohem lepší než Freudova psychoanalýza. Jeden z konceptů, které Jung vytvořil či objevil je teorie stínu, kterou vysvětloval chování Hitlerovo nacistů, kteří nalézali zlo v Židech. Teorie stínu vysvětluje, že na Židy pouze promítali svou špatnost, viděli v nich to v čem oni nacisté byli špatní. Když se dnes podíváme na chování ODS – KDU-ČSL a jejich útoky na komunisty, jejich snahy zakázat komu11
nistickou stranu a malovat nacismus a komunismus jako totéž, když se podíváme na útoky na komunisty v televizi, okamžitě nám to připomíná Jungovo teorii stínu. Ovšem je to trochu složitější, ale paralela s nacismem tam samozřejmě je, včetně té ohromné propagandy, která velice připomíná Göbelsovu nacistickou propagandu. Podívejme se opět na naši tabulku a je zřejmé, ne jen kdo je horší, ale kdo je nesčíslněkrát horší – komunisté z doby před pádem komunismu či posluhovači západu co se chopili moci po listopadu? Jak může někdo kritizovat vlastence jako byl Dr. Beneš a Ludvík Svoboda, když tito kritikové ničí v mnohém naši zemi více než ji ničili nacisté? Než tito „Češi“ začnou opět kritizovat Stalina a srovnávat ho s Hitlerem, měli by si uvědomit, že to byl Stalin, kdo vytvořil národ, který ne jen byl schopen čelit tlaku západu, Stalin byl schopen sjednotit národy Sovětského Svazu a vzdělat je. Takovéto národy potom vyhrály válku nad Hitlerem a osvobodili naši vlast. Komunisté nebyli velice dobří ekonomové, proto jejich systém ekonomicky pokulhával za západem, ale naše komunistické vlády dělaly co mohly, aby pomohly našemu národu, přes tlak Moskvy k tradičnímu komunismu a tlaku západu, který komunismus chtěl zničit a udělat z naší vlasti co z ní udělali nyní. Náš komunismus, který jim nepřinášel zisky jim vadil, mnohem tvrdší komunismus v Číně jim nevadil, když v něm zisky viděli. Našim „demokratům“ vadí Kuba, ale nevadí jim mnohem horší režimy ve Latinské Americe, oligarchie, které přestože je Amerika nazývá demokraciemi jsou pouze policejní státy s loutkovými režimy, kde panuje hlad, bída, zoufalost a bezpráví. S Kubou tam nemůže být žádné srovnání. Co na komunistech vadí našim „Čechům“ – „demokratům“ ve vládě a médiích je to, že je komunisté kritizují. Tito komunisté nemají nic společného se Stalinem a Gottwaldem. Proč namísto přiznání toho, že tito komunisté mají ve své kritice pravdu, proč se je místo toho snažit spojovat se Stalinem a Stalina s Hitlerem a vytahovat na ně největší špínu, proč si nejprve neudělá pořádek ve vlastním bordelu? Bohužel historie se opakuje. Pokud tento režim co nejrychleji nevyměníme, demokraticky a s pomocí pravdy, ne lžemi a násilím (nejsme přeci jako oni), co nás asi v budoucnu čeká? Uvědomme si, že to byli ti komunisté, kteřé náš režim kritizuje, kteří dovolili pád komunismu a dovolili u nás vytvořit demokratický systém. Nejsou to komunisté, kdo je zodpovědný za to, že tento systém demokratický není, kdyby byl, vláda by proti vůli národa neprosazovala cizí radar, ale jako Maďaři a vlády jiných států, by tento radar odmítla.
Epidemie smrtelných nemocí •
Sociální demokraté první republiky vedení T.G. Masarykem vedli tvrdý a velice úspěšný boj proti nakažlivým nemocem včetně tuberkulózy a syfilidy. Komunisté v tomto boji pokračovali. Po pádu 12
komunismu se tubera a pohlavní nemoci začaly exponenciálně šířit. Programy, které zavedli Sociální demokraté za První republiky a které vylepšili komunisté, se po sametové revoluci odbouraly. Příklad si bereme z USA, kde je krizová situace, kde se toto vše již dávno vymklo z rukou. Vzdělaní američtí demokraté by chtěli podobný sociální systém, jaký je v Evropě. Američtí Republikáni chtějí systém jiný, primitivní. Je to systém, který je zodpovědný za bídu, utrpení, sociální křivdy. President Reagan byl Republikán, nepříliš inteligentní, vládli za něj poradci. Za jeho vlády se v souladu s propagací tržní ekonomie více méně rozpustily blázince, protože na to prý nebyly peníze. Proč utrácet na duševně choré, když mohou vybírat odpadkové koše a spát na ulici? Za Reagana se též přestalo sledovat kdo dostal pohlavní nemoc od koho, dostupnost lékařské péče chudým byla omezena a celková kvalita lékařské péče se začala snižovat. Důsledek této politiky je ten, že nyní máme v USA celé městské čtvrti s epidemiemi neléčitelné tubery, neléčitelné kapavky, a neléčitelné syfilidy. Přestože se u nás po Sametové revoluci šíří vysokým tempem 40 pohlavních nemocí, z toho 25 vážných, média propagují uvolněnou sexuální morálku a postkomunistické vlády odbouraly efektivní způsoby prevence a léčby. Nakažení cizinci jsou volně vpouštěni do republiky. Bordely se nadrogovanými prostitutkami, nakažení zákazníci, nakažené holky... Stát toto toleruje. Sanatoria na léčbu tuberkulózy byla zavřena, přestože by dokázala léčit i neléčitelné formy této nemoci, které západní medicína nevyléčí. Kam tato politika spěje? K podobnému stavu jako v jiných „demokratických“ zemích, především však rozvojových a v USA. Za komunismu se pacienti nakažení vážnými pohlavními nemocemi izolovali do doby, dokud se nevyléčili. Postkomunistické režimy s touto praktikou přestali nebo ji velice omezili. Češi se umístili v mezinárodním průzkumu, prováděném ve 100 zemích, na posledním místě v užívání kondomů. Nebude trvat dlouho a většina naší mládeže bude nakažena vážnou pohlavní chorobou a podstatná část našich holek bude neplodná. Neplodnost dnes způsobuje především kapavka, která je již v Praze apod. ve stádiu epidemie. Vir HPV způsobuje rakovinu a bolestivý sex u žen. U nás se tento vir po pádu komunismu začal šířit exponencionálně. Dalších pár generací a sex nebude požitkem, bude bolestivý, budou u nás umírat statisíce lidí na neléčitelné nemoci. Proti AIDS se bojuje tím, že například po městě pojede jeden den speciální tramvaj s hesly jako kdysi na oslavě Velké říjnové. Za AIDS test se u doktora musí platit. Vítejte do České banánové republiky!
Zdravotnictví • • •
Máme demokracii a stále více lidí, včetně dětí, kterým chybí dostatečná zubařská péče, tvrdí nám ale, že tato péče je lepší než za komunismu, kdy byla plně hrazena státem. Tržní ekonomie a hygiena nejdou nikdy ruku v ruce, proto se na burzách a v obchodech prodávají prošlé potraviny, prodavači potravin si sliní prsty, apod. To za komunismu nebylo. Bezplatné lékařství se během komunismu postupně zlepšovalo. Trend snižování novorozenecké úmrtnosti pokračoval i po pádu komunismu a tak jme předčili prakticky celý svět, mimo Japonska. Nyní se ale bezplatné zdravotnictví odbourává a z nemocnic, které byly státní či neziskové se stávají akciové společnosti, vlastněny kapitalisty. Hlavním cílem soukromých nemocnic, kdekoli na světě, jsou zisky. V USA je, nebo ještě donedávna bylo, 10x více operací mandlí u pojišťoven, které platí lékařům za úkon než u jiných pojišťoven, které platí paušál. Co asi budeme moci očekávat v nemocnicích, kde hlavní hnací silou bude zisk? Co můžeme očekávat od zprivatizovaných pojišťoven? Na Gripeny a Pendolino máme, na zdravotnictví nikoli. V některých západních zemích, jako v USA, v 50. létech lázeňství vymřelo či bylo zničeno a přírodní léčba byla více méně nahrazena alopatií, neboli moderní medicínou. V ČR se tomu za komunismu nestalo. Stát podporoval lázeňský výzkum a lázeňství – jakožto formu přírodní medicíny. V USA se proti přírodní medicíně bojovalo jelikož silné farmaceutické loby ovládalo a ovládá americké Ministerstvo zdravotnictví. Vyspělý progresivní lázeňský výzkum, které jsme za komunismu měli například v Karlových Varech se po pádu komunismu dostal pod vliv alopatie a tudíž nepřímo pod vliv západního farmaceutického 13
průmyslu. V zemích západní Evropy lázeňství proti takovému vlivu úspěšně bojuje a alopatii konkuruje. Tento přístup polistopadových vlád k prevenci, léčbě a hygieně znamená jedno. Farmaceutické firmy a vlastníci nemocnic budou nadále bohatnout. Chceme takovýto systém pro naše děti a další generace?
Akademická úroveň středních škol
Likvidace kvalitního sociálního řádu • • •
Komunisté byli materialisté. Byli za to kritizováni. Jak jsme se všichni na vlastní kůži přesvědčili, kapitalisté jsou materialisté mnohem větší. Jan Werich odešel po srpnu 1968 do USA a když se vrátil varoval před přílivem anglosaské kultury, která podle něj znamenala velice perverzní sex a ohromné násilí. Komunisté čelili přílivu této nehodnotné kontraproduktivní kultury a byli ve svém boji proti ní úspěšní. Zachovala se zde jakási idylka, kde bylo velice málo kriminality, tolik se nevraždilo, mladí se zamilovali, poznali ne jen sex, ale skutečnou lásku. Peníze nebyly hlavní motivací života jako je tomu na Západě. Děti studovaly obory, které je především bavily, ale v kterých také byla budoucnost a na které stačily, ne především ty, které by jim přinesly nejvyšší platy, nebo zbytečné, v kterých se nemohou uplatnit. Mladí lidé spolu chodili a brali se protože si byli sympatičtí, vzájemně atraktivní, většinou se měli rádi, bohatství a peníze v takovýchto vztazích nehrály prakticky žádnou roli. Peníze jsou dnes postaveny na první místo – jako nejvyšší ctnost. Čisté ideály jsou nahrazeny primitivními ideály a ty jsou jmění, moc nad lidmi, štíhlost, popularita, extroverze, vyznávání boha u zprofanovaných církví a sekt. Umění bylo nahrazeno kýčem.
Mexiko vzorem budoucí demokracie •
ODS má program zformovaný na způsob amerických Republikánů. Sociální demokracie má program zformovaný na způsob amerických Demokratů. KDU-ČSL vykřikuje „3x a dost“, jako to je v některých státech USA. České vládnoucí strany se takto opičí po vzoru amerických a jiných západních stran a přesvědčují nás přitom o tom jak jsou kreativní a jaký mají přínos pro naši zemi, z které vytváří „demokracii“. Vyskytly se názory, že bychom si měli vzít za příklad Mexiko, což je prý „demokratický“ stát na severoamerickém kontinentě. Jak vypadá Mexiko, stát který je chválen Amerikou protože je to prý „demokracie“, a podle jehož vzoru se měla formovat naše republika? Celé století tam vládla jedna strana, která vytvořila policejní stát. Jelikož tam ale byly jiné strany a „svobodné“ volby, měla nám být mexická „demokracie“ příkladem. 14
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V Mexiku je všude korupce, všude se berou úplatky. Vláda je zkorumpovaná, policie je zkorumpovaná, je tam veřejná prostituce a jsou tam všude k dostání drogy. Je tam malá skupina bohatých oligarchů, ale většina lidí jsou chudáci. Je tam vysoká kriminalita, vraždy, zkorumpovaná katolická církev, která často spolupracuje s vládními orgány a zločineckými organizacemi. Mladí lidé chtějí být v Mexiku policisty, protože ti berou „dobré“ úplatky. Když bohatý spáchá zločin, nic se mu nestane, chudý je zavřen do hrozných podmínek, pokud ovšem včas nesežene peníze a nepodplatí policisty předtím než se případ předá soudu. Policisté tam v minulosti vyžadovali minimálně 2,000 USD za každou zabitou osobu, potom se případ k soudu nedostane. Počítám, že dnes je takovýto poplatek dvojnásobný. Bohužel inflace! Mexická politika je co nám bylo doporučeno a je to politika, která se u nás zavedla či dosud zavádí. Oligarchie mohou v Mexiku všechno. Na ně se zákony nevztahují. Zbytek obyvatelstva jsou převážně chudáci. Po stoletém období přišla v „demokratickém“ Mexiku k vládě nová strana. Tito noví vládci ale s sebou přinesli na vládní bidélka své lidi, a na obyčejné lidi se bere zřetel jen moc málo. Korupce je stejná, jenomže úplatky berou jiní. Potřebujeme nějaké příklady, nějaké poradce, nějakou šablonu jak u nás vytvořit právní demokratický stát? Co či kdo nám brání abychom si vytvořili vlastní, lepší model demokracie?
Tajné služby • • •
Nedávno vyšlo najevo, že Jižní Korea bude platit odškodné asi 46.000 špionům, kteří působili v Severní Koreji, a jejich rodinám. Tohle ukazuje, jak jsou rozsáhlé špionážní sítě, které jsou řízeny tajnými službami, jako je CIA, BIS, německá BND, nebo byla KGB. Jeden z Američanů s vyšším postavením ve vládě prohlásil, že jelikož v Iráku budou irácké tajné služby pracovat pro Ameriku, bude Amerika Irák vlastnit a že pro Ameriku tyto služby samozřejmě pracovat budou. Máme zde spoustu západních poradců. CIA se po pádu komunismu přeorientovala tím, že jejich činnost se soustředila převážně na Východní Evropu. CIA chrání zájmy americké vlády a amerického vojenskoprůmyslového komplexu. Můžeme říci, že oboje americká vláda a tajné služby slouží nadnárodním společnostem, jež mají jednoho boha. Tím je krátkodobý zisk. Jestliže není slušný krátkodobý zisk, vedení společnosti hrozí nebezpečí, že bude vyměněno. Jaro 1968 a Dubček by nemohly existovat bez souhlasu Sovětského Svazu, který měl pod svým velením českou rozvědku a ta měla v Československu neomezenou moc. Tato reforma se však vymkla z rukou, když Svobodná Evropa podněcovala situaci a nakonec se mluvilo i o takových věcech, jako že by komunisté měli viset. Před vpádem armád Varšavské smlouvy přišli do Čech angličtí žoldáci. To jistě utvrdilo Dubčekovu vládu, že Západ je na jeho straně, což je ovšem jenom báchorka. Přítomnost 15
těchto žoldáků je ale jeden z faktů, který pomohl vyprovokovat Sovětský blok k akci a to napomohlo USA vládě umlčet ve své vlastní zemi mírové protivládní hnutí. České tajné služby za komunismu pracovaly pro ruskou KGB. Sovětský Svaz si u nás mohl dělat co chtěl proto, že tajné služby, tudíž STB, rozvědka a kontrarozvědka pracovaly pro něj. Po pádu komunismu jsme se staly otevřená země pro všechny zahraniční tajné služby – rakouskou, německou, americkou, francouzskou, saúdskoarabskou, tureckou, anglickou, vietnamskou, čínskou, atd. Tyto služby hájí zájmy vlastních vlád, nadnárodních společností, apod. Dubček, který se nehodil vládnoucím mocnostem měl v roce 1992 autonehodu a na smrtelném loži prohlásil, že se jednalo o politickou vraždu. Jeho vůz po havárii zmizel. Ukrajinský premiér je navždy poznamenán otravou dioxinem, dva Kennedyové byli zavražděni. Je jasné, že se s největší pravděpodobností jedná o vraždy provedené zpravodajskými službami. Proč použili tyto metody, když mají k dispozici metody, že člověk může nenápadně zemřít na srdeční infarkt apod.? Jasné vraždy slouží jako varování jiným politikům, aby se drželi v linii. Kdyby se ČR jako kolonie nechovala a chovala by se jak si kolonizátoři nepřejí, hrozí následující nebezpečí. Tím je fakt, že tajné služby kolonizačních mocí mají mimo jiné následující vyzkoušené metody pro nastolení řádu, který jim vyhovuje: o Zabít nepohodlného státníka či státníky, což by mohlo vypadat jako • Nehoda • Pomalé úmrtí – disponují jedy, kdy stačí někomu podat ruku a on potom zemře • Náhlé úmrtí selháním srdce o Zastřelení, což slouží jako varování ostatním „nevěrným“ o Otrava dioxinem a následující poškození těla a obličeje politika, jak tomu bylo u ukrajinského premiéra, což opět slouží jako varování o Únos dětí nepohodlného státníka o Zkompromitování státníka • Zveřejněním jeho minulosti • Svedením státníka agentkou či agentem a zveřejněním jeho sexuálních afér o Manipulací úrokové sazby státní banky lze způsobit ekonomický pokles či kolaps o Vyměnit nepohodlný režim v zmanipulovaných volbách o Nastolit diktaturu o Potlačit protikoloniální vládu její vlastní policií, její vlastní armádou a jejími vlastními tajnými službami. V neokoloniích leadeři těchto organizací pracují pro neokolonizační mocnosti, berou od nich velké úplatky a nevadí jim zasáhnout tvrdě proti vlastnímu národu. o Provést menšinové nepokoje v zemi a potlačit je • sousední zemí či zeměmi • vlastní armádou o Vytvořit pravicové smrtící čety, tajně napojené na tajné služby, které vyvraždí nepohodlné leadery, apod. o Vytvořit partizánské hnutí, které bude vraždit nepohodlné vládní činitele
Policejní stát •
Komunistická totalita byla u nás nahrazena policejní „demokracií“. Vládní a jiná mocenská garnitura má k dispozici pro ně pracující média a soudy. Ty dokáží napomoci s umlčením skutečné opozice, kdyby se nějaká vytvořila. Přidejme k tomu selektivní persekuci, kdy se policie zaměřuje na politické disidenty. Policie v ČR se modeluje dle západního vzoru. Ten funguje především na síti udavačů, dnes se jim říká informátoři. Aby se tento model dokonale rozvinul, musí národ polici a její činnost ocenit. Proto se musí vytvořit vnitrostátní nepřítel, proti kterému policie bojuje a chrání tím lid. Proto je nutná kriminalita, drogy, mafie, apod. Za komunismu udávali především estébáci a jejich spolupracovníci, dnes by vládní garnitura chtěla, podobně jako na Západě, abychom udávali všichni. 16
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Proč je v ČR povolena Komunistická strana? Proč zde existují neonacisté a skini? Protože je nutné, aby byla podchycena opozice. Tato hnutí jsou infiltrovaná a dělají se seznamy lidí s nestandardním smýšlením. Chování policistů k bezdomovcům je nehumánní. V 60. a 70. letech se v USA policistům říkalo „prasata“. Toto bylo rozšířeno především mezi pacifisty. Nová „demokratická“ společnost může za to, že máme bezdomovce. Je nesmysl to co režim tvrdí, že se má každý postarat o sebe. Tihle lidé byli zvyklí na to, že v době komunismu byla pro každého práce, že pro každého byl levný byt, že kdyby takhle skončili na ulici, policie by je dovezla do protialkoholové či jiné léčebny a bylo by o ně postaráno a po léčbě by jim byla nalezena práce a levné, ale důstojné ubytování.
Politika •
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USA má být vzorem demokracie a svobody, ale ve skutečnosti se v USA nejedná o pravou demokracii a jedná se pouze o ekonomickou svobodu, tedy ne svobodu osobní či politickou. Procento voličů je v USA malé, volí se mezi dvěmi stranami, jež se od sebe dostatečně neliší, informace o kandidátech jsou podávány voličům “nezávislými” médi, vlastněnými vojenskoprůmyslovým komplexem. Voliči toho o kandidátech mimo jejich slibů moc neví. Když nám říkali, že u nás budují demokracii, měli nám říci jakou demokracii měli na mysli. Není to stejná demokracie jako ta, kterou hlásal Peroutka, Masaryk, Beneš, demokracie, kterou propagovaly CIA stanice Svobodná Evropa a Hlas Ameriky. Proč je vláda tak špatná a proč se nemůže zlepšit? Jeden z důvodů je, že je plná těch co lezou někomu do zadních partií, buď svým šéfům či jejich neokoloniálním vládcům, nebo obojím. Ti co mají vlastní názor, který je vlastenecký, nemají šanci. Kdokoli skutečně kritizuje co se děje je znemožněn jednou či druhou cestou. Na to máme tajné služby. Ti nahoře se stali nejhorším vzorem pro zbytek národa, ukazují, že krást se má a musí, mládeži předvádí, že je důležité a prospěšné být bezohledným a bezcitným. Kolik našich politiků by prošlo testy nejmodernějším detektorem lži, kde by se zkoumala jejich loajalita k českému národu, to, zda hájí české a ne cizí zájmy, to že neberou úplatky? Co kdyby se jim udělaly psychologické testy, zda nejsou zákeřní lháři? Co kdyby se před volbami zjistila a zveřejnila plně jejich minulost a minulost rodin, z kterých pochází? Co kdyby souhlasili s tím, že kdyby začali pracovat pro jiný než náš národ, že by na ně byl uvalen trest nejvyšší za vlastizradu? Loajalita k českému lidu by přeci měla být jejich první prioritou! Co kdyby se takovým testům podrobili zaměstnanci a agenti našich tajných služeb? Co kdyby se takové testy daly těm co u nás zbohatli nejvíce? Co kdyby se navíc testovali detektorem lži na to, zda nebyli oni či rodinní členové zaměstnanci, agenti, či spolupracovníci STB, KGB, CIA, či jiné tajné policejní organizace? Co kdyby se na to testovali také soudci a vedoucí pracovníci médií?
Mlžící Média • • •
Když chceme slyšet pravdu o Americe, musíme poslouchat obyčejné Čechy, kteří žili v USA, ne ty, kteří pracují pro Svobodnou Evropu či se dostali nahoru, kde je absolutně nutné být politicky korektní, jinak se o dobré bidélko velice rychle přijde. Svobodná Evropa propaguje zájmy USA. Čí zájmy především asi hájí jejich zaměstnanci, kteří dnes pracují u nás v rozhlase? Nastala likvidace dostupnosti opozičních médií a silná kontrola neboli cenzura informací tím, že české noviny se dostaly do německých rukou. Kdyby se toto mělo stát v Americe, vláda by to nikdy nedovolila. Opoziční stanice Svobodná Evropa k nám přestala vysílat. Necenzurované noviny, které vydával Cibulka se přestaly vydávat. V médiích existuje více méně souhlas s politikou naší vlády. 17
Němci nám servírují samé polopravdy, jako například, že jsme automobilová velmoc, což samozřejmě není pravda, i Korejci u nás auta pouze montují či montovat budou. FM (VKV) vysílání bylo změněno z východního rozsahu na rozsah západní. To znamenalo, že naše Tesla nemohla svými výrobky konkurovat a pomohlo to její likvidaci, co je ale důležitější je to, že si lidé museli koupit nová rádia se západním FM, která „samozřejmě“ neměla krátké vlny. FM se šíří desítky kilometrů, krátké vlny desetitisíce. Japonci mají také jiný FM rozsah než jiné západní státy. Přijímače v Japonsku mají buď jen Japonský VKV rozsah nebo dva, jeden japonský, jeden západní. Tím, že se zlikvidoval krátkovlnný rozsah se zlikvidovala možnost slyšet jiný názor než mají západní informační agentury, které v ČR cenzurují tok informací. Všechny tyto agentury mají prakticky stejný názor, který se shoduje s názory a potřebami vojenskoprůmyslového komplexu do kterého tyto informační, nebo jim můžeme spíše říkat propagační, služby patří.
Neférová justice •
Zákon o šíření poplašné zprávy je jeden z nástrojů jak obejít svobodu slova. Když mocná těžební společnost chtěla těžit uhlí na hranicích Litvínova, lidé proti tomu chtěli pořádat referendum. Následovalo to, že policie vyšetřovala, zda toto referendum není šíření poplašné zprávy, což je zákon, který může umlčet každou opozici, likviduje svobodu slova. Policie může zatknout a věznit ty, kteří „poplašnou zprávu“ šíří. Měla by místo toho zatknout ty, kteří ničí naši vlast a její přírodní bohatství, které se používá k zásobování elektřinou Němce v době, kdy se blížíme k světovému energetickému kolapsu a kdy zásoby uhlí a uranu budeme maximálně potřebovat. Policie zasáhla tvrdě proti těm, kteří u nás používali a propagovali operační počítačový systém Linux. Ten nic nestál. Tím vytvořila prostor pro Microsoft aby zmonopolizoval software v České Republice. Používání nelegálních kopií software Microsoftu se v ČR přísně trestá. To, že je Microsoft monopol se ignoruje. Proč General Electric a Microsoft, jakožto americké společnosti, mají mít přísnější podmínky pro Čechy než jaké mají v USA pro Američany? Proč je v tom česká vláda podporuje?
Konspirace •
Neokolonizace ČR. Na to co se u nás děje se můžeme dívat dvěmi způsoby. Z hlediska konspirační teorie někdo úmyslně likviduje českou kulturu a český národ a rozšiřuje moc říše německé a ti co jsou u nás u moci to dělají vědomě nebo vědomě tomu napomáhají. Podle konvenčního pohledu se například česká kultura likviduje sama, jelikož podpora kultury státem padla s pádem komunismu a německá říše se plánovaně nerozšiřuje, pouze je ekonomicky mocná a s ekonomickou mocí přichází automaticky šíření politického vlivu a naši politikové jsou pouze neschopní a snaží se napodobovat 18
západní demokracii. Nezáleží na tom, z jakého pohledu se na situaci díváme, česká vláda používá západní poradce, kteří mají vlastní, ne české zájmy a proto demokracie která se u nás vytváří nemá se skutečnou demokracií nic společného ale jedná se o demokracii banánových republik a jiných oligarchií, kde vládnou policejní režimy, které hájí zájmy nadnárodních korporací, které v těchto zemích pěstují banány, těží přírodní suroviny a využívají místní populaci aby pro ně pracovala za minimální mzdy. Těmto nadnárodním společnostem nevadí zda je režim, který s nimi spolupracuje režim komunistický okrášlený hesly o cestě k demokracii, jako je tomu v Číně, nebo se jedná o maskovanou kapitalistickou diktaturu okrášlenou demokratickými hesly, jako je tomu v latinskoamerických banánových republikách. Vládám vyspělých západních zemí je to jedno a těm co vládnou v „demokratických“ banánových republikách to, že tam žádná demokracie není nevadí též, naopak jim to vyhovuje. Oni si velice žijí dobře, lépe než kdyby se o své příjmy měli dělit s jinými. Asi v 70. létech Dr. Thornton, z firmy Westinghouse v USA, byl v čele týmu, který vyvinul zářivku, která i když při měření ukazovala stejné množství světla jako jiné zářivky, měla takové světelné spektrum, že bylo potřeba podstatně méně světel pro stejnou viditelnost. Kdyby byl tento fakt akceptován světelnými návrháři, ušetřily by se nesčíslné miliardy dolarů na energii a největší producenti žárovek a zářivek, General Electric a Philips, by měly značně snížené zisky. Výzkumníci v General Electric udělali vlastní testy, které publikovaly a které prokázaly, že Dr. Thornton nemá pravdu. Co je důležité vědět je, že v „demokratickém“ světě, kdo platí za takovéto testy, pro toho takovéto testy obyčejně vyjdou pozitivní. Nakonec Philips koupil od Westinghouse továrny na lampy a na výzkum Dr. Thorntona se zapomnělo. General Elektric měl velké zisky z prodeje vysokotlakových sodíkových lamp (high pressure podium – HPS), které se používají pro osvětlení ulic a které mají narůžovělé světlo. Philips pokračoval s výbornými zisky na nízkotlakových sodíkových lampách (low pressure podium – LPS), které mají žluté světlo. Fenomén proč je barva světla důležitá na viditelnost byla opakovaně dokázána vědci po celou druhou polovinu 20, století, včetně doktorem Bermanem z Laurence Berkley Laboratory. Čím je světlo více do modra, tím je viditelnost lepší, především v noci. Podívejme se na naše ulice osvětlené narůžovělými žárovkami a pochopíme, že Masaryk neměl pravdu, když říkal, že pravda zvítězí.
Ekonomika •
Lidem nebylo řečeno, že oni, obyčejní lidé jsou ti, kteří platí nejvyšší daně. Ty se pak dostávají zpět v podobě sociálních a jiných vládních programů, ale také se používají na naše vojenské akce v Kosovu, Iráku a Afganistanu, ke koupi drahých střihaček, na platy politiků, presidentovu residenci, a na nepřehledné útraty, které stát vydává, kde zakázky mohou získávat ti, kteří uplatí vládní činitele nejvíce. Bohatí daně neplatí nebo je platí minimálně. 19
Lidem nebylo řečeno, že nadace mají obyčejně úplně jiný účel než dělat dobročinné akce. Nadace chrání majetek a příjmy před zdaněním. Tohle je obyčejně hlavní, i když ne oficiální důvod jejich existence. O tomto se sice v médiích nikterak nemluví, ani o tom, že dalším účelem nadací je často mimo neplacení daní i možnost odlivu špinavých nezdaněných peněz do zahraničí. Neziskové organizace mohou být pro své zakladatele velice ziskové! Právě proto je prakticky všichni velice bohatí zakládají! Ve většině případů nejde o nějaké milosrdenství! O milosrdenství se jedná pouze, když chudí dávají peníze bohatým nadacím. Nemáme v ČR dostatečně vysoký investiční kapitál. Je zde kriminalita, politická a potenciálně i sociální nestabilita, dále mnohé příjmy nejsou čisté, proto odtékají z ČR pryč. Západní firmy, které zde vydělávají peníze, odvádí zisky pryč ze země bez placení daní, jedná se o jednoduchou záležitost. Proto jsme jako národ chudí, zadlužujeme se, životní situace se prakticky nijak nezlepšuje, zoufalí lidé páchají sebevraždy a mnozí žijí v chátrajících bytech co postavili komunisté. Jelikož existuje silný odliv kapitálu do zahraničí a příliv je brzděn, máme špatnou ekonomickou situaci. Jestli si ji naši leadeři pochvalují, asi by našimi leadery být neměli. Nadále máme část národa, která v minulosti opustila naši vlast z politických důvodů. Ti u nás po Sametové revoluci vítáni nebyli. Občanství, které jim odebrali komunisté jim vráceno nebylo, některým bylo vráceno až po létech, takže ani jejich peníze, ani jejich znalosti se sem nedostaly. Později zde byl vytvořen stát, který má více společného s banánovou republikou, než se skutečnou demokracií. Takovýto druh státu způsobil, že jsme ani nepřilákali zpět naše západní občany, aby zde žili a sem přivezli s sebou své vědomosti a utráceli zde svůj kapitál. Koho jsme sem přivezli? Přivezli jsme sem lidi, které západní státy nepřijímaly. Ti zde vydělávají peníze, neplatí daně a nezdaněné peníze odesílají obyčejně pryč ze země. Za komunismu šla polovina investic ČSSR na Slovensko, tudíž jsme podporovali Slovensko, plus jsme podporovali Sovětský Svaz. Nyní, kdy je nepodporujeme, proč náš národ žije v bídě? Za komunismu jsme měli silnou a zdravou ekonomii, ani stát ani občané neměli žádné podstatné dluhy. Dnes je tomu naopak. Cizí instituce, kterým tyto peníze dlužíme mají nesmírnou moc a kdybychom neplatili, mají nejrůznější nástroje tvrdé odplaty, mají těsné spojení se zpravodajskými službami a západními vládami. Kapitalistická ekonome má své cykly. Několikaletá prosperita je vždy následována několikaletou recesí, nebo-li ekonomickým oslabením a zvýšenou nezaměstnaností. Každých několik desítek let přichází ekonomická krize neboli deprese, s desítkami procent nezaměstnaných. Naše ekonomika je vázaná na západní ekonomiku a až ta padne do krize, potom poznáme co je to mít hlad. To co český národ prožívá dnes je ráj v porovnáním se životem v době krize. Nikdo toto lidem nevysvětluje, nikdo je nevaruje, tudíž absolutní většina lidí si to neuvědomuje. Ti co budou na ekonomickou krizi připraveni ji přežijí. Bohatí, Němci především, budou připraveni skoupit vše za babku. Zbude zbídačený národ, s několika rodinami nacpanými v jednom bytě, po ulicích budou chodit ozbrojené gangy. Bohaté bude chránit zkorumpovaná policie. Chudáci budou živořit v nemocech a bídě. Přechod na euro: Proč méně prosperující země přechází na euro a my ne? Centrální banka má ohromnou moc v manipulaci ekonomie. Tím, že reguluje úrokové sazby může vyvolat ekonomické recese a krize a ty pak může později napravovat. Jednou z největší mocí centrální banky je manipulace hodnot akcií a jiných cenných papírů. Tyto hodnoty jsou závislé na úrokových sazbách. Kdybychom přešli na euro, naše centrální banka by tuto schopnost ztratila. V zkorumpovaných státech, kde představenstvo centrální banky tajně upozorní „své lidi“ o plánované změně úrokových sazeb a o plánovaných změnách v základních trendech, „sví lidé“ potom mohou snadno zněkolikanásobit svůj kapitál na úkor ostatních investorů na burze, kteří naopak mohou přijít o vše. Než přejdeme na euro, někteří „sví lidé“ budou takto moci zbohatnout ještě více a mnozí ostatní naopak velice zchudnout. Po přechodu na euro tato manipulace již nebude možná. Banky mohou vyplatit pouze malé procento peněz, které tam mají lidé uložené. V USA jsou úspory v bankách kryté pouze několika procenty hodnoty těchto úspor. Plné krytí tam neexistuje, ale lidé to neví. Americká vláda ale automaticky pojišťuje vklady až do částky asi 100,000 UDS. V případě ekonomické krize, nekontrolovatelné inflace, apod., kdy lidé budou chtít masově vybírat peníze, banky zkrachují a lidé přijdou o vše. Dluhy se ale bankám budou muset zplatit, I zkrachovalým bankám, jejichž pohledávky skoupí, pravděpodobně již před krachem, jiné banky. 20
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Problémy s tržní ekonomií: Padl komunismus. Všichni jsme byli šťastní. V Americe tehdy byly u vlády Republikáni a presidentem byl Ronald Reagan s jeho tržní ekonomií. Reagan vládl tak, že jej nebudili ani když byly vážné krize a nechtěl, aby mu poradci v Bílém domě říkali co se ve světě děje, poněvadž se prý večer dívá v televizi na zprávy. Díval se ale místo toho na primitivnější pořady. Tvrdě bojoval proti komunismu, tedy hlavně zbrojil a proto nebyly peníze na sociální programy. Někdy tou dobou se udělaly zákony na ochranu AIDS pacientů, takže ti zůstávali anonymní. Nikdo nevěděl, že tito lidé AIDS mají, nikdo nezjišťoval od koho AIDS dostali, koho nakazili. CIA tehdy do Ameriky dovážela z Kolumbie ve velkém kokain a používala zisky pro vyzbrojování Contras v Nikaragui. Vyzbrojovala tehdy i Osamu Bin Ladina v Afganistanu. Režim, který v Afganistanu nastolili Rusové, který zrovnoprávňoval ženy, apod. byl po odchodu Rusů nahrazen fundamentalistickým islámem, který členkám něžného pohlaví nedovoloval chodit do školy. Tržní ekonomie nefunguje. Spotřebitel je opakovaně šizen a ten kdo ho ošidí, tomu se prakticky nic nestane. Ve statistikách to vypadá, že ekonomie je funkční, ale ve skutečnosti funguje velice neefektivně. Privatizace a rozdělování velkých podniků na menší byl nesmysl, především ve světě, kde se podniky, i ty největší, slučují v podniky větší. Co se u nás s podniky stalo mělo dvojí účel: o Snížení konkurenceschopnosti vůči západním korporacím o Vytvoření většího množství buržoazie a maloburžoazie. Tito lidé potom podporují svého chlebodárce, především pak ti s pochybnou minulostí, nebo jestli musí chránit před prozrazením pochybnou minulost jiných rodinných příslušníků. Máme vysokou nezaměstnanost a dovolujeme aby u nás pracovali zahraniční dělníci z východu v západních zahraničních firmách, které jsou dotovány naším státem a které ani nemusí platit daně z příjmu. Vytváří se dvě Evropy, Západní a Východní, opět, nás zaškatulkovali do východní. Máme zde největší korupci v Evropě, vládě a neokoloniálním mocnostem to ale vyhovuje. Naše školství se zničilo. Jižní Korea, Irsko, Řecko, Portugalsko, to vše nás předběhlo. Náš lid je chudý, naši páni získávají pochvaly u Němců a spol. Neokoloniální tisk tleská.
Mohli jsme se již mít mnohem lépe Během socialistické éry jsme ne jen museli ekonomicky podporovat Slovensko a Sovětský Svaz, ale vydávali jsme velké částky na zbrojní průmysl - na vývoj a výrobu zbraní, munice a různých vojenských zařízení, které byly určeny především pro naši armádu, armády východního bloku a Sýrii. Na české výrobky byla v USA uvržena mnohem vyšší cla než na výrobky z kapitalistických států. Po snížení cel západem jsme měli mnohé produkty a služby, v kterých bychom měli ohromnou komparativní (srovnávacíkonkurenční) výhodu. Snížení cel bylo podmíněno více méně tím, že přestaneme být komunistická země. Kdybychom nezničili průmysly, v kterých jsme byli velice konkurenceschopní, jejichž produkty byly na západě velice žádané a kdybychom nadále pokračovali v rozvoji, ne likvidaci těchto průmyslů, kdybychom pokračovali ve výzkumu a vývoji na stejné úrovni jako předtím, mohli jsme dnes mít mnohem vyšší životní úroveň.
Ekonomický pohled, příklad K. Varů V době socialismu bylo ve Varech 4000 lázeňských lůžek. Mohli jsme zmodernizovat karlovarskou přírodní lázeňskou léčbu tak, jak by to vyhovovalo Američanům a jiným západním pacientům, mohli jsme nabízet další specializované lékařské služby. Většina lidí v Karlových Varech nepracuje v lázeňském sektoru, je zde například světoznámá sklárna Moser, která v minulosti měla kvůli vysokým clům podstatně omezený vývoz do Spojených Států. 21
Jelikož správná polistopadová politika by vedla k mnohem čistšímu životnímu prostředí a mnohem lepším socioekonomickým podmínkám, usídlilo by se v Karlových Varech mnoho západních cizinců. Uvědomme si, že je u nás levněji než v západních státech – bydlení, lékařská a zubní péče, restaurace, apod.
Hotel Národní dům v Karlových Varech – pohled zvenčí a celkový pohled na sál – zpovzdáli vidíme jen to, že chybí lustr
Pohled zblízka. Toto je typické jaký postoj mají postkomunistické režimy k českému lidu, kultuře a národním památkám. Je nutno je šetřit jestli celá země bude obětována ve 3. světové válce? Bude takto jednou vypadat celá naše republika?
Ekonomický pohled, ČR V ČR máme asi 1 milion cizinců. Kdyby zde nebyli, naše ekonomika by byla stejně velká a na naše lidi by připadlo podstatně více peněz, to také proto, že méně peněz by odcházelo ze země ven. Tato situace se bude samozřejmě zhoršovat, protože na rozdíl od jiných států, které mají pronárodní, ne nadnárodní politiku, ČR má dveře pro příliv cizinců otevřené, včetně pro budoucí příliv problémových národů, které se neasimilují do naší společnosti, mají silné podsvětí, nesouhlasí s naší západní kulturou, přináší k nám nebezpečné infekční nemoci, apod. Kdyby se k nám místo toho stěhoval cizinci ze západu, jako Holanďané, němečtí důchodci, apod., byl by to přínos pro naši ekonomiku. Kdyby naše režimy nezlikvidovaly to, v čem jsme byli konkurenceschopní západu, v čem jsme měli komparativní výhody, mohli bychom se dnes mít podobně jako se mají lidé v nejvyspělejších zemích světa, navíc, kvůli psychologickým faktorům bychom byli podstatně spokojenější. • Mohli jsme přilákat důchodce ze západních zemí, kteří by zde utráceli své důchody a úspory, pokud by ovšem naše vlády naši republiku nezdevastovaly a tím tyto důchodce neodradily o V době pádu komunismu jsme měli 22
Velice nízké ceny Zanedbatelnou kriminalitu Zanedbatelný drogový problém Lékařskou péči na vysoké úrovni Byli jsme pohostinní vůči cizincům ze západu Bytová výstavba byla extrémně efektivní Příroda byla nádherná Znalost německého jazyka byla podstatná a mohla se rychle navyšovat Sousedili jsme s Rakouskem, Východním a Západním Německem o Protože již započalo globální oteplování a s ním i tání ledovců, Holanďané se báli následného zaplavení podstatné části Holandska a začínali se proto poohlížet po náhradním bydlení či životě v jiných zemích. Kdybychom zde měli sociálně-ekonomicky vyspělou společnost, mohli jsme zde mít velké komunity Holanďanů a navíc se k nám mohly stěhovat celé holandské podniky. To by ale vyžadovalo, abychom zde posílili výuku angličtiny. Holandština by se u nás též vyučovala. Museli bychom zde Holanďanům vytvořit jakousi náhradní vlast a zázemí, aby si zde připadali jako doma, či v mnohém lépe než doma, jelikož by zde bylo méně kriminality, méně problémových cizinců, žádné drogy, žádná prostituce apod. – toto jsou hodnoty po kterých většina Holanďanů touží, ale ve své vlasti je postrádají. Proto bychom tehdy mohli pro mnohé z nich vytvořit lepší náhradní vlast. Mohli jsme přilákat kvalitní lázeňské pacienty ze západních zemí na zmodernizovanou léčbu o Po pádu komunismu jsme měli 30.000 lázeňských lůžek a přibližně 500.000 lidí se u nás léčilo ročně v lázních. Vynalezli jsme lék na AIDS. Dali jsme ho Američanům. Měli jsme 12 elektrodové EKG, které na západě neměli. Dr. Vojta vyvinul metodu na léčbu ochrnutých dětí, kterou například v USA neznali. I když Dr. Vojta odešel do Západního Německa, tuto metodu zde odborníci znali. Dr. Karel Fortýn léčil rakovinu tím, že podvazoval nádory a ty potom spolu s jejich metastázemi v těle odumřely. Na Západě se tato metoda nepoužívala, používala se chirurgie, nesmírně jedovatá chemoterapie a nebezpečné záření, které spolu s chemoterapií ničilo imunitní systém. Po pádu komunismu jsme mohli fortýnovu metodu plně podpořit a vyvinout, ne zlikvidovat, jak se bohužel stalo. Vyvinuli jsme přístroj na diagnózu rakoviny, který byl účinný i pří nejpočátečnějších stádiích, jeho použití bylo levné, bezpečné a identifikovalo typy rakoviny. Na Západě takovýto přístroj neměli a dosud nemají. Podstatně velké procento Američanů a lidé na západě vůbec nemá důvěru v ortodoxní medicínu a po takovémto testu by prahlo. Dali či prodali jsme tento náš přístroj americkému farmaceutickému průmyslu, jehož hnací silou je zisk a ten je bohužel úměrný tomu jak jsou lidé nemocní, ne zdraví. Mojžíšová vyvinula metodu na jednoduchou úspěšnou léčbu neplodnosti žen. V USA je tato metoda neznámá a procento neplodných žen je tam ohromné. Měli jsme sanatoria, v kterých se před dobou antibiotik léčila tuberkulóza a znali jsme metody léčbu syfilidy bez antibiotik. V USA jsou celé čtvrti s epidemiemi druhů syfilidy a tuberkulózy, které jsou resistentní na jakákoli antibiotika. Tito lidé umírají. Ovládali jsme plastickou chirurgii, která byla méně agresivní než například v USA a proto pro mnohé Američany velice zajímavá. Měli jsme přístup k ruským lékařům, kteří dokázali prodloužit či zkrátit člověka o 5 cm. V USA tyto metody neznali. I naši specialisté tuto metodu ovládali. Mnozí Američané by za něco takového dali cokoli, ale v USA prakticky nikdo nevěděl, že něco takového existuje či že je to vůbec možné. o Američané prahnou po přírodní léčbě. Jenom v Karlových Varech jsme měli 4.000 lůžek a uměli jsme tam přírodní cestou léčit alkoholem zničená játra. Takových je v USA nespočet. o Mohli jsme zmodernizovat naši přírodní lázeňskou léčbu tak, jak by to vyhovovalo Američanům apod. a nabízet další specializované lékařské služby. o Mnohé americké pojišťovny platí za zahraniční léčbu. 23
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Neměli jsme zlikvidovat naše nejrůznější průmyslová odvětví, včetně průmyslu zbrojního, do kterého patřila například Tesla a Meopta, ta je nyní v poměrně ochuzeném stavu v rukou Američanů, dále jsme neměli zlikvidovat hutě Poldi a jiné velice konkurenceschopné podniky a celé průmysly. Radar Tamara je jedním z příkladů, který nám mohl přinést ohromné příjmy, dále by napomohlo zrušení nepřiměřeně vysokých cel v USA, jelikož jsme již nebyli komunistickou zemí – právě toto snížení cel by mnohým našim podnikům přineslo větší konkurenceschopnost. o 20 amerických „neviditelných“ Stealth bombardérů stálo vyrobit USD (615 miliard Kč). Mohli jsme prodávat naše radary Tamary, které tyto „neviditelné“ bombardéry dokázaly najít a sledovat ze vzdálenosti stovek kilometrů, ale po pádu komunismu, kdy se nám otevřely šance na tomto zařízení vydělat nesmírné zisky, se výroba i prodej prakticky zastavily. o Kdybychom nezlikvidovali i jiné konkurenceschopné průmysly, kdybychom je maximálně podpořili, tak jako to činí například Japonci a jiné západní země, tyto průmysly by se rychle vyvíjely, ne kolabovaly. o Podobně jak se zlikvidoval náš elektronický a optický průmysl se zlikvidoval též například náš filmový průmysl. České pohádky a filmy by se měly exportovat do USA, ne naopak. Tam děti po takových pohádkách jaké jsme natáčeli prahnou a takřka je neznají. Mnozí američtí rodiče by své děti vzali raději na dabované české pohádky než méně hodnotné americké. To by ale vyžadovalo, abychom měli jinou, nezávislou, pronárodní politiku. Přidejme příjem ze stavby domů a bytů pro cizí důchodce, Holanďany, apod. Stamiliardy Kč za rok odchází z ČR do zahraničí jako výplaty dividend zahraničním investorům, odlivem černě vydělaných peněz, investicemi Čechů do zahraničních cenných papírů, do jiných zahraničích investic a odsunem peněz v nadnárodních korporacích, včetně do daňových rájů, legálně i nelegálně. Kdybychom měli jinou politiku, politiku, která by nelikvidovala školství, nepodporovala kriminalitu a korupci, apod. a lákala by k nám ne jen západní důchodce, ale i zámožné investory a důležitá evropská sídla cizích firem, příliv peněz do ČR by byl ohromný. Fyzicky v centru Evropy jsme.
Extra příjmy v ČR Tabulka ukazuje o kolik jsme mohli mít vyšší příjmy, kdybychom měli pronárodní politiku. Maďaři byli po listopadu dost za námi, od roku 2001 mají vyšší platy než my. Oni radar odmítli. V referendu odhlasovali bezplatné školství a zdravotnictví. O tom snaše „demokratická“ média nikterak moc nemluví. USD / celkem celkem Kč / měměsíc / mil. USD/ mil. USD / mil. Kč / Kč / rok / síc / Čekus měsíc rok cha rok Čecha 1 600 600 7200 108000 10800 900 1 1500 1500 18000 270000 27000 2250 0.1 21667 2167 26000 390006 39001 3250 100000 10000 833 60000 6000 500 300000 30000 2500 720000 72000 6000 1948006 194801 16233
miliony kusů důchodci ze západu přistěhovalci ze západu lázně - počet lůžek stavba bytů a domů pro cizince vojenský průmysl jiné průmysly příliv, ne odliv peněz z ČR celkem
Vše je počítáno v měnovém kurzu 1 USD = 15 Kč. • •
Ceny za lázně uvedené v tabulce jsou takové, jaké Američané platí za přírodní léčbu v Mexiku. U nás by tato léčba byla kvalitnější, v mnohem lepším prostředí, mnohem lepšími lékaři, byla by extensivnější a kombinovaná s jinými procedurami a službami. Průměrný plat je v ČR přibližně 22.000 Kč. Jelikož u nás pracuje asi 60 % lidí, průměrný plat na jednoho obyvatele, ne pracovníka, je přibližně 13.200 Kč. 24
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Tabulka ukazuje 16.233 extra Kč na osobu. K této částce musíme přidat dalších 20% jelikož by byla vyšší zaměstnanost a minimum cizinců, které bychom museli živit. To mění částku na 19.480 Kč. Měsíční částka na člověka by byla 19.480 + 13.200 Kč = 32.680 Kč, což je 2,48x více než máme nyní. Do rovnice přidáme PPP (purchase power parity = parita kupní síly) faktor, ten je o nás 0,6 a v Německu 1,1. To znamená, že u nás jsou ceny, poplatky, atd. celkově 0,55x nižší než v Německu. Tam je průměrný plat přibližně 5x vyšší než u nás. Když to vynásobíme faktorem 0,55, vidíme, že reálný plat je v Německu vyšší pouze 2,75x. V USA je průměrný plat přibližně 4x vyšší než u nás a PPP faktor tam je 1,0, takže 4 násobeno faktorem 0,6 nám dává 2,4 vyšší reálný plat než současný český plat. To ovšem znamená, že kdyby naše příjmy byly 2,48x vyšší než jsou nyní, měli bychom přibližně stejnou kupní sílu jako Němci a Američané. Musíme si ale uvědomit, že při zdravé ekonomice by u nás stoupl i PPP faktor, ale přichází do rovnice další faktory, které by tento nárůst kompenzovaly. Nechci to tady komplikovat, ale co je zajímavé, je že v Německu je HNP (hrubý národní produkt) na jednoho obyvatele přibližně 3x vyšší než u nás a platy tam jsou 5x vyšší, dále je zajímavé, že náš HNP na jednoho obyvatele je asi o 17% vyšší než v Maďarsku, ale naše platy jsou nižší než maďarské. Navíc bychom měli podstatné úspory v energetických nákladech, protože bychom měli politiku, která by nedráždila Rusko, naopak, Rusko by podpořila, proto bychom byli schopni s nimi domluvit nižší ceny ropy a plynu. Náklady na venkovní osvětlení by mohly být přibližně poloviční, protože bychom nepoužívali narůžovělé (HPS – high pressure podium) lampy, dále by byla maximálně zdaněna auta se špatnou spotřebou, atd. Nepoužívali bychom Microsoft Windows, ale Linux, ne Microsoft Office, ale Open Office. Cena elektřiny, plynu, a vody by byla regulovaná tak, aby výrobci mohli mít jen minimální zisky, podobně jako je tomu v USA. Vše by se udržovalo – nečekalo by se na to, že se mosty opraví až budou na spadnutí, neplatili bychom astronomické sumy za spravování ohromného národního dluhu, pokračovala by komunisty zavedená velice ekonomická výstavba panelových domů, ale podstatně kvalitnějších, měli bychom jednoho mobilního operátora a jeho zisky by byly regulované, byl by to státní Telekom – konkurence není vždy to nejlepší řešení! Výtahy by se upravovaly a opravovaly, ne měnily. Po revoluci začaly být české výtahové servisní firmy skupovávané především německým Schneiderem, na druhém místě byl americký Otis. Tyto a jiné nadnárodní korporace mají dostatečně silné loby aby prosadily nové požadavky na výtahy v EU i u nás. Navíc čím častěji výtahy vymění, tím více vydělávají. Já zde pouze uvádím příklady některých věci, o kterých vím. Kdybychom měli ve vládě odborníky a naši politici, vědci, apod. by nebyli závislí na tom, zda podpoří nepravdy cizího vojenskoprůmyslového komplexu, mohli bychom dnes ne jen mít stejnou životní úroveň jakou mají nejvyspělejší západní země, ale netrvalo by dlouho a podstatně bychom je předčili. Západ by si bral příklad z nás, ne my z něho. Pro srozumitelnost jsem vše podstatně zjednodušil. Podrobná analýza by samozřejmě vypadala jinak. Tabulka situaci pouze nastiňuje. Na naší ekonomice bude nutno vážně pracovat a snažit se ji přizpůsobit požadavkům našich lidí, ne kolonizátorů. Anglická sekce této knihy (Maximizing Life Enjoyment) popisuje další důležitý faktor, faktor psychologický, který může zvýšit spokojenost lidí 3x tím, že média, vláda, školy, apod. budou pravdivě učit, že jsou v životě mnohem důležitější a snadněji nebytelné faktory a hodnoty než peníze. Nebude se propagovat bohatý životní styl, extroverze, anorexická postava u žen, nutnost úspěchu, mít drahé auto, apod. Přestanou reklamy, které toto propagují. Musíme se vrátit do reality. Životní štěstí je v něčem úplně jiném než co je nám servírováno a kam tím naše společnost spěje.
Česká republika, oběť globalizace
Tajné služby Celoplošné Televize (jako např. naše Nova, Prima) Vzdělání
Kriminalita a drogy Zbrojní průmysl
– USA vs. „demokratická“ Česká republika USA Česká Republika Opakované testy detekto- Agenti pracují pro cizí zájmy – pro USA, Německo, atd. rem lži zda agenti nepracují pro cizí zájmy Pod americkým vlastnic- Státní televize – vysílání ČT2 – bylo převedena do vlastnictví s americkou základnu či pod americkou kontrolu tvím, cizí vlastnictví by nebylo schváleno kon(Nova). Po tom v pořadech začala vulgarita, perverzní sex, gresem. Silný nacionanásilí, propagace uvolněné sexuální morálky, kultury a lismus a užívání spisov- hudby spojené s drogami. Sebevědomí Čechů se tam začané angličtiny lo srážet a začala se užívat nespisovná čeština. Superiorní vzdělávací systém, kde česká 6. třída má poVzdělávací systém je špatný, to nevadí protože dobnou úroveň jako americká 12. je zničen. Je vyvinut nový systém, v kterém student může ukončit 9. třídu za 11 ročně jsou importovány až statisíce vysoce kvali- let aniž by se naučil číst, psát a počítat, protože smí profikovaných cizinců padnout jen 2x. Emigrační systém dává Vzali jsme k nám velké množství asijských občanů, kteří přednost kvalifikovaným byli vyhoštěni z Německa, podobně jako jiné skupiny, lidem, jiní skončí jako která přišli z východu. Západ by je nepřijal. Cizím mafiím ilegálové, vykonávají je v ČR více méně dovoleno provozovat svou činnost. nejhorší práce Přestože máme vysokou nezaměstnanost, je v ČR dovoleno v zemědělství, myjí auta, pracovat lidem z východu s nízkou kvalifikací, dokonce i nádobí, apod. Amerika v dobrých zaměstnáních, která jsou vysoce dotovaná našim s nimi zachází více méně státem. jako s otroky. Existuje velký tlak na Československo je rozděleno na Českou republiku a Slovšechny emigranty aby vensko. V ČR je pak propagováno dělení na Čechy, Morase přizpůsobily. Všichni vu a Slezsko. Kraje, které komunisté sloučily tak, aby se kvalifikovaní cizinci do- jejich hranice méně ztotožňovaly s hranicemi Sudet, jsou stávají po několika létech postkomunistickými režimy více méně vráceny do původní americkou národnost. podoby. Hitlerovi by se to velice líbilo. Společnost je plná krimi- Policejní efektivita je blokována a v tutéž dobu jsou nality a drog. z vězení propuštěny 2/3 kriminálníků do společnosti, kde se již začíná vyvíjet silná nezaměstnanost. Tento průmysl funguje Pokročilý zbrojní průmysl byl více méně zničen i když nadále a přitom jsou ve mohl být velice profitabilní. Český radar Tamara dokázal světě vytvářeny frikce, nalézt a sledovat americké Stealth bombardéry, které Amecož umožní export zbra- ričané považovali za neviditelné. Po pádu komunismu ČR ní a vydělávají se ohrom- neprodala prakticky žádné tyto radary. né zisky. Od doby kdy začala Éra AIDS se v ČR rychle vyvíjí za pomoci médií založeAIDS, prostituce se zača- ných především Němci a Američany. Tato média od pola tvrdě potírat. čátku propagovala uvolněnou sexuální morálku a nevarovala lidi dostatečně o začínajících epidemiích pohlavních nemocí a nutnosti mnohem vyšší ochrany při sexu. Ve stejnou dobu bylo zavedeno sexuální otroctví a bordely. Bordely a sexuální otroctví v době komunismu neexistovaly a prostituce téměř také ne. 26
Postoj ke globalizátorům
Žádný národ neglobalizuje – nekolonizuje Ameriku. Kdyby se o to kdokoli pokusil, Amerika by mu zasadila ráznou smrtelnou ránu. Terorismus, který stihl USA není absolutně nic v porovnání s hroznou globalizací ČR.
Rakouští Němci kolonizovali české země po 300 let, od doby kdy české království bylo podřízeno RakouskoUherské říši po tom co progresivní české protestantské hnutí bylo na přání tehdy tolik zkorumpovaného Vatikánu zničeno během celého století křížových výprav a jiných útoků. Potom přišla německá okupace za 2. světové války, během které zemřeli statisíce Čechů. Nyní máme globalizaci Amerikou, Německem a spol. Proněmecké - proamerické režimy dovolují odliv velkého množství peněz ze země, vracejí zámky německé šlechtě, omlouvají se Němcům jak se k nim chovali po 2. světové válce.
Pochybné výdaje a restituce Kolik bilionů již bylo promrháno ve snaze ožebračit náš národ – a nemá to konce! Švédské stíhačky nutné pro obranu amerických instalací, ne našeho národa, restituce těm, kteří si to nezaslouží či ty peníze nepotřebují. Jen se podívejme na to kdo dnes přišel k penězům! Myslí si snad někdo, že církev, šlechta, velkostatkáři a továrníci přišli v minulosti k majetku poctivě, že neměli ohromné výhody, které naprostá většina slušných lidí neměla? Proč vracet majetek těm, kteří odešli na západ a měli tam mnohem lepší možnost vydělat dobré peníze než měli lidé v Čechách? Stát ztrácí soudy o miliardy a nikdo není potrestán! Ve fungující demokracii nemůže být nikdo souzen aniž mu není doručeno předvolání k soudu. U nás dlužíte např. německé společnosti nějaký pakatel a můžete prohrát soudní řízení aniž víte o tom, že nějaké proběhlo a najednou dlužíte osm tisíc aniž jste si toho vědomi a přijde exekutor s velice pochybnou minulostí a najednou nemáte téměř nic. Něco takového je absolutně neslýchané v USA či jiné normálnější demokratické společnosti. Jestli tam neplatíte dluh bance, banka je za tento dluh také zodpovědná, protože vám půjčku poskytla, navíc tak učinila z peněz které nemá, protože může půjčovat mnohonásobek toho co má ve skutečnosti na kontech. V USA bankroty pomohou s likvidací dluhů a můžete je tam dělat opakovaně kolikrát chcete, ne jako u nás. Jednou přijde den, kdy lidé nebudou mít práci a najednou nebudou vlastnit ani svůj dům ani nic co v něm je. Banky jim v době ekonomické krize nevyplatí úspory, protože disponují s penězi, které nemají a jenom zlomek těchto peněz je pojištěn. Elektřina, plyn, voda, to vše je v USA silně regulováno, tyto společnosti mohou mít jen minimální zisky. U nás tyto společnosti, povětšinou v cizích rukou, ožebračují český národ kde se dá. Peníze na kulturu nejsou. Zato jich je dostatek na a platy zkorumpovaných, uplatitelných vládních činitelů, kteří nás ožebračují a na církve, které nás ožebračovaly tisíc let! Korupce je i na ambasádách – viz zprávy v médiích o úplatcích na našich vyslanectvích na Ukrajině a ve Vietnamu, navíc někteří tito cizinci se vám otevři a potvrdí to. Církvím se má platit 270 miliard Kč za majetek, který nevlastnily a stát současně přestane platit duchovním platy. Proč ale jen nepřestat platit ty platy? Ve všech vyspělých zemích duchovním stát nic neplatí. Nikdo neublížil českému národu více než zkorumpovaná církev a nikdo ho neokrádal více. Ať například katolické duchovní platí Vatikán. Jestli Vatikán nechce, je to jeho problém. On, který je expansivní by je ale samozřejmě platil, stát jim nic dávat nemusí. Zmíněná částka 270 miliard obsahuje 83 miliardy odškodnění a 187 miliard Kč v úrocích. Bude to financováno bankami. Ty jsou u nás všechny v cizích rukou. Samozřejmě, že kdybychom to církvím platit museli, nejlepší by to bylo ze státního rozpočtu, během stejné doby, bez žádných úroků, ale mělo by to následující nevýhody: V zkorumpovaných státech se vládní činitelé podplácejí. 10% úplatky jsou v takovýchto zemích běžné. Úplatek by pro nějakou církev, která má své tajné organizace a agenty, jistě příliš velký problém nebyl. Ovšem když se připojí i banky a jedná se o mnohem vyšší částky, možnosti úplatků a jejich výše rychle narůstají. Další výhoda je v to, že tyto cizí banky budou vlastnit větší finanční a tedy i skutečný podíl ČR, jelikož jim budeme více zadluženi a až jednou bude ekonomická krize, budou nás vlastnit všechny. Plná kolonizace země a národa bude dokončena. Navíc banky peníze které budou dávat církvím nemusí vůbec mít. Tak to bohužel funguje, ale my těmto bankám budeme muset po dobu 60 let pravidelně jejich miliardy splácet. 27
Jan A Baťa byl za války na černé listině spojenců. Jednalo se o jeho politické smýšlení, sympatizující s fašismem, setkání s Göringem o vysídlení našeho národa do Patagonie, apod. Baťa, podobně jako jiní velkokapitalisté, se na válku velice dobře připravil a dokázal dostat ze země ohromný kapitál. Proč máme mít na Baťovu rodinu jiný názor než jaký měl náš vlastenecký prezident Eduard Beneš? Proč jim vůbec něco vracet? Když jsou to takoví vlastenci jak tvrdí, ať namísto toho vrátí něco nám z peněz, které od nás investovali do zahraničí.
Americký radar a 3. světová válka Jsme na počátku třetí světové války. Tato válka začala napadením dvojčat v New Yorku. Nenávist Ameriky s tím spojená je něco, za co nemůže americký národ, který je v tom absolutně nevinně, ale militantní arogantní politika především republikánských vlád, které mají velice pevné svazky s vojenskoprůmyslovým sektorem. V Afganistanu a Iráku bojují armády mnoha zemí. Je jenom otázkou času než se tato válka rozšíří. Mnoho nestabilních režimů je po zuby ozbrojeno, některé z nich mají nukleární zbraně, mnohem více jich má zbraně chemické a biologické. Amerika dokázala svou konvenční vojenskou neschopnost v Iráku i Afganistanu. Protiválečný postoj Američanů je velký. V takovéto atmosféře, zvláště když bude v USA v zvolena pacifistická vláda, které se různí diktátoři a oligarchové nebudou bát, můžeme očekávat místní konflikty, které mohou přerůst v konflikty nukleární, například mezi Pákistánem a Indií, Iránem a Sýrií na straně jedné a Izraelem na straně druhé, pokud se v Pákistánu, Iráku a Sýrii dostanou k moci více militantní režimy. Destabilizovaná oblast Středního východu bude ve válečném konfliktu znamenat omezení dodávek ropy. Je možné, že další konflikt vypukne s Venezuelou, která má režim, který překáží Spojeným státům a jejich spojencům či neokoloniím v Latinské Americe. To by mohlo znamenat, že Venezuela, která dodává ropu Číně by ji Číně mohla přestat dodávat. Jestli se v Číně jednou vyhrotí mnohem více situace s Tibetem, což můžeme očekávat, protože Západ dává Tibetu jasně najevo, že má jeho podporu, začnou být na Čínu uvalovány sankce a Čína bude mít nakonec natolik omezenou dodávku ropy a omezený export, že to vyvolá ekonomický kolaps a vysoce vyzbrojená Čína bude bojovat za přístup k ropným zdrojům. V té době již bude ekonomický kolaps v USA. Nyní jsme na počátku ekonomické recese, která je součástí malého ekonomického cyklu. Západní ekonomika má také velké cykly, které končí depresemi. Poslední byla před osmi desetiletími. Další přijde s vysokou pravděpodobností brzy. Z ekonomického hlediska, z míry zadluženosti, apod., je jasné, že krize přijde a podobně jako USA z poslední krize plně dostala 2. světová válka, v našem století to bude válka 3. světová. Amerika a Západní Evropa to velice dobře ví. Média servírují lidem jenom to co by „měli“ vědět. Je jasné, že nikdo neví jaké má USA tajné zbraně. To se dozvíme až ve válce, po ní, nebo vůbec nikdy. Americký laserový výzkum je velice pokročilý. Velká většina tohoto výzkumu a hlavně ten nejpokročilejší je samozřejmě prováděn v plné tajnosti, podobně jako byl prováděn jaderný výzkum a produkce atomových pum za druhé světové války. Jak daleko jsou vojenské laserové aplikace v USA nevíme. Je ovšem jasné, že základna v ČR bude laserové zbraně obsahovat, ať nám již tvrdí americká či česká vláda cokoli. Nemůžeme věřit nikomu! Jestli na základně laserové zbraně nebudou od počátku, budou tam brzy po jejím otevření. Jestli nám nějaká inspekce či česká posádka na základně bude tvrdit opak, to bude bezvýznamné. Svět je ve válečné pohotovosti a nepřítel musí být oklamán. Vše se musí udržet v tajnosti a proto ani přítel nesmí znát pravdu. Musíme si též uvědomit, že Sovětský Svaz ne jen, že měl laserové zbraně již v minulém století, dokonce je použil v roce 1969 v konfliktu s Čínou. Ani o tomto konfliktu ani o použití těchto zbraní se ale ze školních učebnic nedozvíme. Někteří experti se ale domnívají, že se nejednalo o laser, ale o palivovzdušnou bombu. Desetitisíce Číňanů se tehdy prakticky vypařilo a nejednalo se o neutronovou či jinou 28
jadernou pumu, devastace byla úplně jiná, navíc se nikde nezaznamenal nárůst radiace. Vyděšení Číňané se tehdy stáhli a užití tohoto nového druhu zbraně bylo utajeno. Jaké tajné zbraně má dnes asi USA? Česká republika se po pádu komunismu stala hlavním či jedním z hlavních center CIA v Evropě. CIA se tehdy zaměřila především na Východní Evropu. Naše CIA základna se k nám přesunula převážně z Německa. Temelín, Praha, Brdy, severočeské elektrárny, atd., to vše budou vojenské cíle, které budou v konfliktu napadeny nepřítelem. Nepřítel samozřejmě již v zemi je. Čína má velice dobře organizované tajné služby a hlavní nepřítel v budoucím konfliktu bude Čína a naše vláda to jistě velice dobře ví. Jedním z konfliktů, které Čína bude mít, bude s Vietnamem. Bude se bojovat o sporná ropná pole v Jihočínském moři, další bude s Japonskem, s kterým má Čína též spor ohledně podmořských ropných zásob – ve Východočínském moři. Číně půjde o přežití, o to, aby tam v krizi nezemřely desetimiliony či stamiliony lidí. Připusťme nyní, že radarová základna nebude mít nainstalovány laserové zbraně, že ty budou pouze na družicích a letadlech. Američané by ovšem byli bláhoví, kdyby je v Brdách také neměli. I kdyby lasery byly pouze na družicích a letadlech, sestřelovaly by rakety zaměřené radarem v Brdách. Výsledek by byl podobný. Jak budou čínské, případně i ruské nukleární hlavice konstruovány nikdo neví. Určitě budou na útok laserem připraveny a jestli takový útok zmaří dolet na jejich cíl, jistě budou mít mechanismy, které nedovolí jen výbuch a desintegraci vysoko nad Zemí, ale takovou reakci, že ony či jejich částice nadále poletí do oblasti nepřítele. Naši lidé mají zemřít ve válce, která se bude bojovat neutronovými, biologickými a laserovými zbraněmi. Česká republika má chránit Západní Evropu, proto je radar vysunut za jejich území. Jaderné hlavice z Číny poletí do ČR především přes jižní Polsko. Z tohoto důvodu tam budou americké rakety, ty s Iránem nemají nic společného. Jelikož Češi mají umírat proto aby nezahynuli západní Evropané, je jasné, že za prvé naši lidé, ne vláda, která má jiné než národní zájmy, s tím musí souhlasit. Navíc lidé musí znát pravdu, nesmí se jim servírovat propaganda. Musí se jim vysvětlit skutečná čísla, včetně odhadu počtu obětí v případě konfliktu. V ČR se musí obnovit civilní obrana a to ne jen pro pány, ale pro všechny lidi. Nestačí, že CIA stanice Rádio svobodná Evropa a Rádio svoboda mají v Praze maximálně zabezpečenou novou budovu, jistě s tajně vybudovanými kryty, takovými o jakých se nikomu ani nezdálo, nestačí, že se budou budovat nové vládní budovy, které nebudou v centru Prahy – jistě s maximální protekcí v případě konfliktu, nestačí, že prezident je podobně chráněn – má výtah do podzemních krytů. Musíme být chráněni všichni! Slovensko civilní obranu již obnovuje, mnohem více ohrožená Česká republika nikoli. Západní Evropa musí nést náklady spojené s českou civilní obranou a musí nás kompenzovat za potencionál, že u nás mohou být až miliony vážně zraněných, geneticky poškozených a mrtvých lidí a naše vlast může být na století zdevastována. Jestli budeme tak absolutně bláhoví a radar přijmeme, musíme za to být řádně kompenzováni, s tím ovšem počítat nemůžeme. Ovšem existuje jiná cesta, cesta, která by třetí světovou válku odvrátila. Je to opačná cesta než cesta, kterou vedou globalisté. Je to mírová cesta ke změně světa k prosperitě a mnohem vyšší spokojenosti všech obyvatel. Tato cesta by znamenala svět bez válek a ekonomických krizí. Dokud se velmoci na této cestě nedohodnou a bude se pokračovat s militarismem a konfrontační politikou, spojenou s podporou nestabilních militantních režimů, musí západní Evropa zaplatit za náš „radar“ a za jeho následky na náš národ, pokud zde „radar“ budeme mít.
Ztráty kvůli Američanům v ČR Odhadované budoucí ztráty peněžní a na životech, kvůli americké pří- Tisíce Miliar- Miliartomnosti v ČR lidí dy CZK dy USD Odhad o kolik vyšší budou ztráty na životech v České republice při kon390 fliktu s Čínou v porovnání se situací, kdyby zde nebyly žádné americké instalace. Hlavními cíly nepřítele bude radar, Praha a Temelín. Plzeň a elektrárny v Severních Čechách budou s vysokou pravděpodobností též cílem útoku. % ztráta lidských životů a hodnota této ztráty, jestliže je cena života 10 4% 3900 milionů Kč, což je méně než člověk v ČR během života vydělá Cena Češi musí platit za přípravu toho, že zde budou Američané: Koupě Gripenů, vytvoření profesionální armády, brutální policejní síly, kamerových systémů na dálnicích, digitální televize, speciálních mikrovlnných mobilních telefonních sítí, atd. Češi musí trpět a jejich kulturní bohatství musí být zničeno, musí si uvědomovat, že jsou podřadný národ aby se dívaly na USA a Američany jako na něco lepšího, plus musí akceptovat americké kulturní hodnoty. Potřeba budoucích nukleárních krytů, různá zařízení k ochraně obyvatelstva. Podpora CIA, včetně Rádia svobodná Evropa. Současná devastace životního prostředí je činěna proto, aby se Češi připravili na to, že na problémech s životním prostředí nezáleží. Potřeba snížit životní úroveň v ČR. Toto číslo indikuje celkovou částku o kolik méně Češi dosud vydělali. Předcházející kapitoly indikují o kolik větší příjmy by měli Češi, kdyby jejich ekonomie nebyla zdevastovaná. Radarovou základnu by mohl chtít pouze totálně podrobený národ s nekompetentní a/či zkorumpovanou vládou, která hájí ne české, ale cizí zájmy. Češi se musí mnohem více bát toho, zda se uživí a aby neztratili práci – v porovnání s tím, kdyby zde radarová základna plánovaná nebyla. Musí trpět, pouze tehdy budou akceptovat základnu a vládu, která s ní souhlasí. Další důvod, proč byla naše země zdevastovaná je proto, aby vyšla Američanům jejich přítomnost u nás levněji a aby vojáci viděli jak je hrozná bývalá komunistická země v porovnání se západem. Je též pravděpodobné, že v budoucnu zde budeme mít mnohem větší americkou vojenskou přítomnost. Obsahuje periodu od nynějška do konfliktu, obsahuje celkovou částku o kolik méně by Češi vydělali kvůli radaru. V tomto odhadu je počítáno s tím, že by vládla pronárodní vláda, která by ale nebyla schopna zrušit ani radar ani jiné smlouvy s Američany. Kvůli radaru zde bude chtít žít v penzi méně cizinců, mnozí inteligentní a bohatí lidé budou emigrovat pryč z ČR, méně korporací zde bude chtít investovat, mít zde hlavní sídlo, apod. Ztráta příjmu, navíc k výše uvedenému, kdyby v ČR pokračovala vláda pro-globalistů. Ztráta příjmu v poválečné éře, kvůli zvýšené devastaci, v porovnání s tím, kdyby zde nebyly americké instalace. Česká republika se nadlouho stane zemí třetího světa s vážně geneticky poškozenou populací. Fyzické ztráty v konfliktu Celkové ztráty – v miliardách, včetně u budoucích generací Ztráty v milionech na současného obyvatele ČR – ztráty budou tak vysoké, že je bude nahrazovat-napravovat mnoho příštích generací. Celková ztráta v miliardách – když nebudeme brát na zřetel nutnost snížení životní úrovně v ČR Tisíce/osobu, když nebudeme brát na zřetel snížení životní úrovně v ČR.
540 36 755170 49751.6 4.9 75.5 5170
34.5 30
Všimněme si, že Rakousku vadí Temelín, ne radar. Radar bude Rakousko chránit, Temelín ho, dle směru větrů, může zamořit. Rakouská vláda, se svou dobře organizovanou a vlasteneckou postkoloniální tajnou službou, to velice dobře ví. Kdyby se Rakousko, ne Česká republika, stalo hlavním centrem CIA a měli radar tam a my měli politiku jakou mají dnes Rakušané, měli bychom se ekonomicky podstatně lépe než oni, nespalovali bychom zde německý odpad a nevyváželi bychom z tohoto odpadu vyprodukovaný smrtelný dioxin tam, kde žijí naší lidé a v příštím konfliktu bychom nebyli vojenským terčem my, ale Rakousko. Umírali by německy, ne česky mluvící lidé. Věří snad někdo inteligentní tomu, že nás bude radar bránit přednostně, že pro nás bude prospěšný? Když ptáčka chytali, hezky mu zpívali. Jsme zneužiti. Jako národ budeme obětováni a musíme s tím něco co nejrychleji udělat. Naše média, která jsou v rukou či pod kontrolou cizinců a lidí s jinými než národními zájmy o faktech spojených s radarem jen mlží.
VÁŽNÉ POHLAVNÍ CHOROBY Další poznámky o radaru: • Radar je pravděpodobně pouze začátek toho, co nás v ČR čeká, americká armáda zde bude mít mnohé jiné instalace a základny • Devastace a přeměna ČR má výhodu pro Ameriku v tom, že o Jejich pobyt zde bude levnější o České holky dostupnější, včetně černochům, kteří tvoří ohromnou část USA armády. o Američané uvidí, co jim bylo celý život vtloukáno do hlavy a to je to, o kolik je komunismus horší než „demokracie“. Uvidí ohromný rozdíl mezi Západní Evropu a Evropu východní. • Jestli Češi budou americké přítomnosti odporovat, tajné služby jistě mají připravený plán na vytvoření situace, kdy nás USA přijde spasit, kdy je budeme prosit, aby sem přišly, tak to bohužel chodí. • Němci pomáhají USA s devastací a přípravou ČR pro americké vojenské instalace. Pomáhají jim aby zde byl jejich pobyt mnohem levnější než v Německu, tím se Američanů též rychleji zbaví. • Amerika, Bushova pravicová vláda pak především, není spokojená s tím, že Putin zamezil odliv kapitálu z Ruska na západ. Jestli bude Rusko vtaženo do konfliktu, bude to konec lidské civilizace jak ji známe. Rusko má mnohem více zbraní a lepších než Čína, jaké má nové zbraně to nikdo neví. Jestli bude Rusko vtaženo do konfliktu, ztráty na životech a fyzické ztráty uvedené v tabulce se musí vynásobit řekl bych deseti. • My v takovémto konfliktu budeme nepřítelem Ruska, nás Rusové šetřit nebudou. Němci jsou s Ruskem na hubičky a Americká armáda, Rádio svobodná Evropa, atd. tam nebudou – odpadnou tam tudíž vojenské cíle. Na rozdíl od Německa, my Rusko stále kritizujeme a dokazujeme mu, že jsme ochotni proti němu bojovat, proto měly naše Gripeny chránit před Ruskem pobaltské republiky. Číně též neustále ukazujeme na čí jsme straně a ve válce s Čínou jistě budeme první, kdo se do ní po boku USA zapojí. Německá vláda bude mít přitom pronárodní politiku, podobně jako vláda Rakouská. Ani Číňane nás šetřit nebudou. 31
Naši leadeři konflikt přežijí, stanou se šlechtici, nositeli nejvyšších amerických vyznamenání za chrabrost, čestnost, za boj za mír a kdo ví co ještě a bude se o nich psát v dějinách. Již se jistě těší. Český národ, co z něho zbude, přestane jako národ existovat.
Vyproštění se z neokoloniálních pout • • • •
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Úspěšné státy jsou ty, jejichž státními zájmy jsou vlastní národ, ne zájmy cizích neokoloniálních mocností. Jsme schopný, kreativní, kvalitní národ. Potřebujeme čestné vlastenecké politiky, média, školství, policii, apod., které budou příkladem ostatním občanům. Měli bychom ukázat jiným zemím lepší, správnou cestu, ne se opičit po něčem, co nefunguje. Český národ je schopnější a kvalitnější než mnohé jiné národy. To dokazují úspěchy našich emigrantů v zahraničí, od Volyně až po USA. Proto musíme být příkladem jiným národům. Nepotřebujeme aby nám cizí země s cizími zájmy radily jak republiku vést a uspořádat. Jsme jedním z nejhodnotnějších národů na Zemi. o Jan Hus vedl protestantské hnutí sto let před Lutherem. Němci Husa zradili a katolická církev ho upálila. Byli jsme o sto let vpředu před zbytkem světa. Za první republiky považovala naše vlastenecká vláda Jana Husa za hrdinu. Po Sametové byl po nějakou dobu považován za něco horšího. o Jan Žižka byl za První republiky považován za statečného hrdinu, podobně bylo pohlíženo na celé Husitské hnutí. Dnešní vláda se snaží zrušit na školách předmět dějepisu a nejraději by na Jana Žižku zapomněla. o Ján Ámos Komenský je dalším důkazem jak vyspělý byl český národ. o Byli jsme tak vpředu, tak stateční a schopní, že nás dali „na převychování“ po dobu 300 let pod nadvládu primitivnějších a zaostalejších rakouských Němců. o Přišla První republika a obrození české suverenity. o Následovala Mnichovská zrada a president Beneš udělal tu nejrozumnější věc, s Hitlerem nebojoval, protože ho západní spojenci zradili. Boj neměl cenu i když Češi byli stateční a hrdí a bojovali by do poslední kapky krve, bylo-li by to reálné. Dnes je Benešova politika kritizována. Dnešní vláda by prý s Hitlerem válčila. Vláda ne, ale poslala by zbytečně na smrt milióny našich občanů. Ve vládě musí být schopní lidé, kteří jsou čestní a jsou vlastenci Musíme obnovit kvalitu našeho školství. Žáci se musí co nejdříve dělit mezi matematicky, umělecky, mechanicky a všeobecně nadané. Musíme si brát příklad z židovské výchovy a učit děti od malička logicky uvažovat. Na gymnáziích je matematicko-fyzikální větev pro náš národ nejdůležitější. Angličtina by se měla učit českými učiteli a z CDček, ne zahraničními lektory, ti by měli být používáni až později pro konverzaci. Musíme obnovit pořádek a dostat pod kontrolu kriminalitu a kontrolní mechanizmy - abychom vymítili korupci. Jedna věc, která je absolutně nutná, je plná zaměstnanost. Jestli bude někdo špatně pracovat, bude se to odrážet v jeho platu, ne v tom, že bude pobírat nezaměstnaneckou podporu. Musíme zlepšit zdravotní péči. Papírování a zisky akcionářů do zdravotnictví nepatří. Americký film Sicko od Michaela Moora ukazuje kam náš zdravotnický trend spěje. Musíme do země přivézt co nejvíce bohatých a schopných cizinců, ne málo vzdělaných lidí z třetího světa, s nemocemi třetího světa. Musíme obnovit efektivní výstavbu paneláků, které budou podstatně kvalitnější než ty z doby socialismu. Musíme pozvednout mravy a kulturu národa. Musíme zavést účinnou ochranu spotřebitele. Musíme obnovit, modernizovat a zpřístupnit lidem lázeňství 32
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Musíme maximálně obnovit hi tech výzkum a průmysl Musíme mít skutečný protidrogový program, včetně efektivní výchovy. Musíme v národě vytvořit zdravé sebevědomí. Musíme plně informovat a varovat občany o všem důležitém, včetně možností o Práce v zahraničí o Emigrace na západ o O nemocech, včetně pohlavních, v cizích zemích i u nás Musíme obnovit efektivní propagační krátkovlnné vysílání V televizi jsou pořady, které mluví pozitivně o rakouské a německé šlechtě a ti pak mají v K. Varech sjezdy, kde jim je prakticky vše nabízeno zdarma. Ptám se proč? Zdarma to není, jistě svým sponzorům nabízí členství v prestižních organizacích, v rytířských řádech, a kdo ví co ještě.
Politické změny • •
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Jsme malý národ a proto je pro nás důležité, abychom byli součástí EU a NATO. Musíme účinně bojovat za vytvoření solidního státu, ne za stát, který dovolil tak ohromnému ekonomickému, sociálnímu, mravnímu, psychologickému a kulturnímu úpadku. Tvrdí nám, že demokratické jsou ty státy, kde je politická svoboda, svoboda podnikání, volná konkurence a demokratický politický systém. U nás jsou všechna tato slova bohužel jen slova. O každém kandidátovi musí být známo jak, kdy a pro co hlasoval. Parlamentní diskuse nesmí být za zavřenými dveřmi, kde malé skupinky rozhodují o tom jak se bude hlasovat. Tak se u nás rozhodlo o povolení geneticky změněných obilnin a potravin a dokonce ani nebyla dovolena parlamentní diskuse. Platy politiků nesmí být vysoké, mělo by se jednat spíše o čestné funkce. Které politiky by si lidé asi vybrali, kdyby měli tu možnost? o Polistopadové – Klaus a spol. – těm já osobně dávám 0% svého hlasu – vedou nás tam, kde jsme jedno již byli, to bylo za německé okupace o Alternativní – předúnorové (Beneš a spol.) či reformní komunistické z roku 1968 (Šik a spol.) – alternativním dávám osobně 100% a kdybych měl na vybranou, spíše bych volil předúnorové než reformní komunistické
Jací by měli být čeští leadeři •
Musí být vlastenci, ne loutky mezinárodní vojenskoprůmyslové mašinérie. Musí pracovat pro blaho českého národa, ne pro blaho nadnárodních konglomerátů a kartelů. 33
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Musí být upřímní, ne falešní, co říkají musí mínit. Musí být odborníci, ne podvodníci. Nesmí pracovat pro své vlastní finanční zisky ale protože chtějí pomoci svému vlastnímu národu. Nesmí souhlasit s politikou komunismu před obdobím Gorbačeva, ta nedovolovala osobní, politickou, či ekonomickou svobodu. Výjimku tvořila doba Dubčeka. Musí se dívat na situaci v jaké jsme realisticky a realita ke které byla naše země dovedena postkomunistickými režimy je otřesná. Musí mít program jak rychle zlepšit život českých občanů, ne jak zlepšit život elit, tudíž politiků, mafiánů a různých zbohatlíků, jejichž všeobecná minulost je lidem známa. Všichni leadeři musí pravidelně podstoupit testům detektorem lži, aby bylo jasné že pracují pro český národ, ne pro nějakou cizí zpravodajskou službu. Politici, představitelé médií, školství a průmyslu, policisté, armádní důstojníci a členové tajných služeb... se musí podrobit opakovaně těmto testům a to ve stavu, kdy nebudou moci detektor oklamat. Podobná situace existovala v USA, když se nechtělo, aby cizí zájmy ovlivňovaly americkou politiku. Bylo to za Reagana v boji proti komunismu. Kdo pracoval pro cizí zájmy byl zrádce a tvrdě trestán. To je v USA platné i nyní. U nás je situace bohužel jiná a mnohem kritičtější. Naši leadeři musí svým lidem, svým občanům, vše podrobně vysvětlovat. Volební hesla a sliby nic neznamenají. Úspěšná země musí fungovat jako úspěšná firma. Musí mít nejen správný rozpočet, ale také správný plán. Místo prázdných hesel musí politikové nabídnout skutečný dlouhodobý a krátkodobý plán pro lepší budoucnost. Parlamentní strany musí pracovat pro vlast a národ, musí pracovat pro všechny, ne jen pro vrchních 10%, musí bojovat za obohacení národa, ne pro obohacení sama sebe.
Lekce na zlepšení životní úrovně v ČR Hádání se o to jakou hodnotu DPH použít a jestli budeme mít spíše tržní či sociální ekonomiku není zas tak důležité. Co je důležité a o čem se příliš nemluví je nutnost zabránit odlivu peněz z ČR a nahradit ho maximálním přílivem. Čím více peněz bude ve státě, tím zde bude vyšší blahobyt. Jestli budou mít stejně peněz všichni nebo jestli jich budou mít více bohatí, kteří je zde pak utratí a zainvestují, to není zase až tak příliš důležité, protože když je zde utratí nebo zainvestují, budou se zde tyto peníze přesouvat k méně majetným. Vývoz kapitálu do zahraničí a neplacení daní je velice jednoduché, stačí si založit nadaci či podnikat. Existují zákony o dvojím zdanění, jež zakazují zdanění v druhé zemi, když jste již zdaněn v jedné. Je proto velice jednoduché dostat kapitál do zahraničí, vyhlásit zisky tam, a to v zemi, kde nejsou daně, nebo tam jsou daně jen minimální, případně je dostat někam do Afriky nebo „jakoby do Afriky“ a tvrdit, že tam byly použity třeba pro dobročinné účely. V takových zemích je možné všechno. V ČR prakticky neexistuje opozice. To, že strana musí mít 5% hlasů eliminuje jakoukoli opozici a vládnoucí strany si jsou velice blízké ve své politice. I dnešní komunisté jsou vládnoucím stranám dost podobní. Kdyby nebyli, jejich strana by byla zákonem již dávno zakázaná. Stačí se podívat na zákaz komunistické strany v bývalém Západním Německu, její likvidaci v USA, apod. Pořád se straší, že se komunisté mohou vrátit k moci a mluví se o 50. letech, kdy vládl Stalin. Ovšem musíme si uvědomit, že současné „demokracie“ v mnohých zemích světa jsou daleko horší než stalinistický komunismus 50. let v ČR a že dnešní komunisté, stejně jako Dubček či Gorbačev, nemají se Stalinisty nic společného. Zahraniční společnosti zde mohou investovat a deset let neplatit daně, pouze platit směšné mzdy našim zaměstnancům, směšné v porovnání s tím co se platí za stejnou práci na Západě. I tyto ubohé mzdy jsou často dotovány státem, jinak by tyto firmy investovaly ve státě s nižšími mzdami. Naše bývalé ekonomické sdružení se Slovenskem, Polskem a Maďarskem bylo odbouráno právě akcemi naší české vládní politiky. Rozděl a panuj. To je jedno ze základních pravidel politiky. Kdybychom působili jako skupina, 34
ne jako rozdělené státy, proti rozpínavé a neférové ekonomické politice zahraničních korporací u nás, byli bychom na tom mnohem lépe. 3 důležité body zdravé ekonomie jsou • Do země musí přicházet velké množství kapitálu • Kapitál musí být náležitě rozdělen mezi obyvateli • Země musí mít efektivní sociální a ekonomickou politiku Naše vláda vydává peníze na propagaci naší republiky v zahraničí. Jsou to vyhozené miliony či miliardy za nesmyslné kampaně, když nejlepší kampaň je například kvalitní film, který bude naši republiku propagovat v zahraničí lépe než cokoli jiného. Film Štěstí, částečně financovaný Němci, měl maximálně opačný efekt. Naši republiku bude propagovat nejlépe to co inteligentní lidé v západních zemích chtějí a to je přírodní medicína a lázeňství, které není v rukou mafií a ortodoxní medicíny, jak se u nás stalo, nízká kriminalita, tvrdý boj proti drogám, ulice bez prostitutek, města bez bordelů, filmy, které točil například Kachyňa či Menzl, který po revoluci prakticky přestal tvořit, protože dnes filmy financují kapitalisté, včetně německých, ať již přímo či nepřímo, ti nemají o Menzlovy filmy či jeho filosofii zájem. Potřebují hloupý, primitivní, vulgární národ, který se o politiku nezajímá a nerozumí ji, národ, který má ohromné problémy se zdravím, alkoholem, drogami, nezaměstnaností. S takovým národem si mohou dělat co chtějí, včetně mu dokázat, že „radarová“ základna je pro něj prospěšná.
Referendum Vláda postkomunistické diktatury musí skončit. Oni za nás nesmí rozhodovat, když nás jenom opakovaně poškozují. Z místních voleb, kde lidé více osobně znají kandidáty a které tak často vyhrávají právě kandidáti nezávislí je jasné, že strany, které nám vládnou nemají skutečnou podporu voličů. Chceme volit prezidenta sami, nechceme aby ho volili oni, chceme národní referenda, kde budeme rozhodovat my, ne oni. Jedno z takových referend by mělo zaručit, že vlády jaké máme dosud se již nikdy nebudou opakovat. Text referenda: Žádám aby politikové, řídící pracovníci velkých korporací, médií a ministerstev, dále všichni policisté, armádní důstojníci, pracovníci tajných služeb, a členové rady Národní banky podstoupili testu moderním detektorem lži ve stavu, kdy nebudou moci tento test oklamat. Budou testováni zda: 1. Budou vždy dávat lidu na vědomí jaké mají krátkodobé a dlouhodobé plány a jak vidí naši vlast a národ v dlouhodobé perspektivě. Podrobně vysvětlí jak napomohou abychom se dostali z krize v které se nacházíme. 35
2. Jestli souhlasí s analýzou svého písma, od písma již z dětství a že vzorky písma a detaily výsledků jeho analýzy budou k dispozici všem 3. Pracují a budou pracovat pro národ a ne nikoho jiného 4. Jestli lžou či kradou či jestli jsou podlí či zrádní, jestli ano, ať to popíší 5. Jestli odstoupí z funkce v okamžiku, kdy mají nebo budou mít jiné než národní zájmy nebo pokud nejsou či nebudou výbornými odborníky ve svých funkcích. 6. Zveřejní vše o sobě a své minulosti 7. Jestli patří do tajných služeb či organizací, jestli ano, do kterých. Jestli jejich rodiče či další blízcí rodinní příslušníci patřili či patří do těchto služeb či organizací, jestli ano, do kterých 8. Umožní časté pravidelné besedy s lidmi, kde se jich budou lidé ptát přímo, bez žádného prostředníka a tyto besedy budou přenášeny televizí. Při těchto besedách se bude zkoumat síla stresu, apod., aby bylo zřejmé, že odpovědi jsou pravdivé. 9. Jestli se zaváží nekrást, nelhat, přestat spolupracovat se zahraničními rozvědkami a tajnými organizacemi, které mají nadnárodní zájmy. Jestli souhlasí s vysokými tresty, včetně trestu nejvyššího, pro ty, kteří tento slib poruší Body referenda jsou odstupňovány od nejsnadnějšího až po ty, které znamenají těžkou nevěru a zradu národa a vlasti. Pochybuji, že by více než jen několik našich politiků ve vládě měli šanci projít více než třemi prvními body, nebo že by s takovýmto testem souhlasili. Je proto třeba vytvořit novou stranu, stranu s politiky, kteří jsou dobří lidé, odborníci, nemají poskvrněnou minulost a rádi by se takovémuto testu dobrovolně podrobili. Největší problém je, že současná nedemokratická vláda nepodpoří žádné demokratické elementy, kde lid bude moci svobodně rozhodnout o osudu své vlasti a o osudu svém. To nevyhovuje ani naší vládě, ani jejich zahraničním poradcům a šéfům. Proto jim vadí referenda a žádné takovéto referendum povoleno nebude. Proto by voliči měli volit pouze strany, které se zaváží, že referenda povolí. Jedním z takových referend by mělo být referendum o budoucí americké základně na našem území, nebo o jejím co nejrychlejším odstranění. Co nebezpečnost základny zhoršuje je fakt, že efektivní civilní obrana, kterou vybudovali komunisté, byla zlikvidována, přestože bylo jasné, že ve světě existuje nebezpečí a nyní toto nebezpečí bude mnohem vyšší po tom, co zde budeme základnu mít. Abychom mohli napravit ohromné křivdy postkomunistických režimů, potřebujeme spoustu referend, ne jen to o základně. Doporučuji podporovat a volit pouze kandidáty, kteří se zaváží, že budou vystupovat maximálně proti radarové základně a budou prosazovat, aby byla okamžitě povolena referenda. Kandidáti by měli být též pro integraci EU, měli by se zavázat, že budou pracovat pro naše začlenění do západní části EU, ne aby nás dostávali na úroveň části východní, aby se zavázali, že budou hájit pouze zájmy národa, nikoli zájmy cizích mocností a aby se prezidenta volilo přímo. Též doporučuji nehlasovat pro nikoho z ODS, KDU-ČSL a u Strany zelených pro nikoho, kdo je spojen se skupinou kolem Bursíka. Ona totiž zelená politika a politika pravicová, tedy prokorporační, která je všeobecně přímo či nepřímo proti zdravému životnímu prostředí, si odporují. Problém způsobují komunisté tím, že jsou proti schválení evropské ústavy. Je možné, že je to na nátlak ODS - Klause, že za to, že jsou komunisté proti, ODS nebude usilovat o zákaz jejich strany. Co je dále zajímavé, je to, že oproti jiným státům východní Evropy, KSČM ze svého názvu komunismus nevyřadila a nereformovala se na stranu moderní, přestože tím je její atraktivita vážně omezena. Proč se tato strana spojuje s komunisty z doby minula? Možná je to účelové, možná její leadeři chtějí, aby nelákali nové členy a aby tato strana pomalu zanikla, nejprve tím, že by v nepříliš dlouhé době nedosáhli požadovaných 5% hlasů, aby zůstali v parlamentu. Jiří Svoboda chtěl tuto stranu reformovat, v té době byl napaden, útok přežil, ale strana reformovaná nebyla. Někdo má zájem na tom, aby se tato strana nezměnila natolik, aby se mohla efektivně účastnit politického procesu a vytvořit skutečnou opozici. Je zřejmé, že komunisté nemají skutečný zájem ani na tom, aby lákali mladé lidi, proto například Komunistický svaz mládeže měl dokonce ve své ústavě zakotvenou snahu o změnu vlastnictví soukromých výrobních prostředků ve vlastnictví společné. To způsobilo zákaz této strany Ministerstvem vnitra. Musíme si uvědomit, že komunismus Američanům maximálně vadí, proto mají tajné služby jistě vedení této strany řádně 36
infiltrované a vedou tuto stranu k zániku, nedovolují její transformaci k formě, která by mohla vytvořit efektivní opozici s pronárodním programem. Potenciál je tam velký ale zdá se že podobně jako například u Strany zelených není využit. Navíc jméno Grebeníček, která stranu delší dobu vedl, je spojováno též s dobou komunismu. Ve zkratce a zjednodušeně: Kdokoli byl někdy pro základnu, či proti referendu o ní, by již nikdy do české vlády patřit neměl. Nesmíme ale podcenit schopnost těchto lidí uměle vytvořit situaci, která by pomohla základnu prosadit i s použitím síly. Jestli zde základnu prosadí, musíme trvat na tom, že nám musí pomoci s emigrací na západ, do celé západní Evropy a do USA, včetně s náklady a s pomocí v začlenění do nového života. To se ovšem nestane, kdyby to museli učinit, šli by se svou základnou o dům dál, ovšem nebylo by to do Rakouska, ale dále na východ.
Kriminalita Masaryk říkal, že kultura národa se pozná podle hřbitova a záchoda. Kvalita veřejných záchodů se v ČR sice zlepšila, ale úměrně se zvýšily I ceny za jejich použití, takže více lidí chodí spíše někam za strom. Mnohé hřbitovy jsou zdevastovány. Podobně jako jinde, i na mnohých hřbitovech, cokoli se dá ukrást a zpeněžit je ukradeno. Je to přímý důsledek toho, že vláda svými činy vytvořila společenskou skupinu zlodějů, která předtím neexistovala. Na tom se podílel I fakt, že k nám byla dovolena silná emigrace kriminálních živlů. Dalším důvodem je to, že oproti jiným státům, které se snaží bývalé vězně integrovat do společnosti, Česká vláda, svými činy je podporuje v tom, aby ve své kriminální činnosti pokračovali. Bývalý vězeň byl již dostatečně potrestán tím, že si svůj trest odseděl. Není jeho chybou, ale chybou režimu, že ve vazbě nemohl pracovat a místo toho, aby tak byl společnosti prospěšný, nás všechny stojí peníze. Místo abychom kopírovali čínskou politiku pracovních táborů, Čínu za to odsuzujeme. U nás když vězeň vyjde z vazby, musí léta platit státu za to, že byl uvězněn. Jelikož fakt, že uvězněn byl mu brání dostat práci, i špatně placenou, je na tom nejlépe, když se účastní kriminální činnosti i nadále, dokonce mu někdy ani nic jiného nezbývá. Vláda může za to, že je v zemi stále více drogové závislosti. Můžeme věřit naší vládě, jejíž policejní orgány ví, kde se drogy prodávají a mohou tyto lidi lehce usvědčit? Naše vláda místo toho dodává narkomanům zdarma injekční stříkačky. Drogová závislost je drahá záležitost, proto je spojena s vysokou kriminalitou.
Digitální televize – proč ne HDTV? Žádné západní státy nemají kvalitnější analogovou televizi jako my, s výjimkou snad jen Japonska. Svět nyní přechází na digitální televizi s vysokým rozlišením, HDTV (high definition television), která umožní podobnou kvalitu obrazu jako v kině. Nová generace DVD, nazývaná BluRay, má též vysoké rozlišení. Všechny nové televizory, v době kdy plně přejdeme na digitální vysílání, budou mít vysoké rozlišení. Naše digitální televize bude mít rozlišení standardní, to nebude vyšší než u současné analogové televize. Český analogový televizní systém je kvalitnější než německý, má 6,5 Mhz pásmo, německý má 5,5 Mhz, britský 4,5 MHz a americký pouhé 3,5 Mhz. To znamená, že americký systém může přenášet přibližně jen polovinu obrazových informací než systém český. V USA se brzy přejde na digitální vysílání, bude se jednat o HDTV a vláda bude platit za konvertory (setup boxy) pro chudé lidi, kteří nebudou mít digitální televizory, aby mohli mít televizní příjem. U nás si budeme muset všichni kupovat konvertory sami. V USA by se lidé bouřili. U nás, kdybychom si stěžovali, by nás vládní garnitura považovala za komunisty, idioty a odchovance socialismu, kteří nechápou tržní ekonomiku a demokratický proces. Od roku 2010 analogová televize v ČR přestane fungovat. Proč by nemohla fungovat paralelně s digitální? Proč by chudí lidé nemohli nadále přijímat analogové kanály? 37
Není pravda, že televizní vysílání způsobuje nepřiměřeně vysoké záření, což je argument proponentů digitální televize. Toto záření je absolutně nepatrný zlomek toho, co způsobují mobilní telefony a jejich vysilače, které pokrývají území republiky. Navíc mobilní telefony s nejvyšší pravděpodobností způsobují poškození mozku, někdy i jeho rakovinu, televize pak nikoli. Jestli vláda a provozovatelé televizních stanic plánují na vysílání více kanálů, ať používají současné nevyužité kanály nebo ať se snaží zkvalitnit ty které vysílají, ne přidávat nekvalitní další. Satelitní a kabelová televize je kam patří digitální vysílání, ne do obyčejných vysilačů a televizorů. Náš národ byl již ožebračen. Pánům drahá televize, která by se v budoucnu měla opět měnit na HDTV vadit nebude, velké většině národa ano. Proto by o digitální televizi by mělo být provedeno národní referendum. Západní firmy na prodeji této dočasné technologie vydělají. V banánových a podobných republikách stačí podplatit vládní činitele. U nás budou západní firmy vydělávat 2x, poprvé když nám prodají digitální zařízení, které nezvýší rozlišení obrazu, podruhé, když nám prodají HDTV. Je ovšem velice možné, že se v naší zubožené vlasti s žádným budoucím HDTV vysíláním nepočítá. My teprve plánujeme digitální televizi a mezitím se již v Japonsku vyvíjí televize s ultra vysokým rozlišením, tedy mnohem vyšším než mají kina. I anglická BBC na tom s Japonci spolupracuje. Sony je hlavní světový výrobce studiových kamer a zařízení pro standardní a vysoké rozlišení. Jako každé jiné evropské zemi, Sony zaslalo i nám za 1 milion Kč velice kvalitní kameru a zařízení na HDTV. Zaplatit se mohlo po odzkoušení a nebylo to spojeno s tím, že stát na tento systém přejde. Česká televize zájem o tuto kameru a zařízení neměla, i když se jednalo o cenu, která byla malým zlomkem prodejní ceny. Toto je bohužel absolutně do nebe volající, jelikož i když bude vysílání ve standardním rozlišení, tvorba musí být v rozlišení vysokém, jinak natočený program nebude mít dlouhou životnost, jelikož budoucnost televize patří HDTV, ovšem vypadá to, že u nás asi ne. Přestože programy by měly být natáčeny tak, aby měly potenciál prodeje do zahraničí, což standardní rozlišení již brzy prakticky vůbec nedovolí. Jestli rozvojové země včetně latinskoamerických si mohou dovolit přechod na HDTV, proč ne my?
Filmová, televizní, hudební tvorba Možná si řeknete, že věnuji příliš mnoho prostoru kultuře, umění a médiím. Jelikož média vychovávají, především pak naši mládež a jsou to právě ony, které jsou nejvíce zodpovědné za úpadek naší společnosti, měli bychom jim spíše věnovat prostoru ještě více. Většina amerických filmů a televizních programů má negativní dopad na naši společnost, proto by měly být dostatečně zdaněny. Nyní se u nás z každé prodané vstupenky do kina dává 1 Kč na Fond české kinematografie. Z těchto peněz se potom natáčí filmy, které mají obyčejně podobně negativní dopad na naši společnost jako filmy americké. Tato nepřijatelná situace vyžaduje velice rychlou změnu! Navíc jsou u nás filmy v kinech příliš drahé, což umožňuje investorům budovat drahá multikina. Tam se potom 38
promítají filmy za cenu až 159 Kč/vstupenku, což je cena vstupenky na nový film v USA, kde jsou ale také kina, kde se promítají filmy po tom, co byly promítány v hlavních kinech, kde vstupenky obyčejně stojí, převedeno na naše peníze, pod 50 Kč. Tyto biografy zahrnují i multikina. Kina v USA dostávají procenta z tržby. Když je filmová premiéra, nějakých 80% z ceny vstupenky jde distributorovi, když je film pár měsíců starý, nějakých 80% již jde kinu. Kolik si bere distributor se mění se stářím filmu a může začínat na 90% a skončit na 10. Proto se uživí kina, která hrají pár až několik měsíců staré filmy - procenta zisku z každé takovéto levnější vstupenky jsou tehdy vysoká. . V USA dělá typický člověk na koupi jednoho lístku do kina nějakých 15 minut. U nás na musí dělat 4x déle. V ČR vydělají lidé dostatek peněz aby jakž takž uživili sebe a svou rodinu, na kino obyčejně nezbývá. Proto odhaduji, že kino bude v USA nějakých 40x dostupnější než u nás. Jelikož se v ČR obyčejně promítají filmy, které jsou starší, měla by být cena vstupenky do kina podstatně nižší, v každém případě by pak měla být levnější na české filmy a ty by měly biografy promítat povinně. Zapomeňme na nějakou tržní ekonomiku a že trh by měl rozhodovat. Trh rozhoduje špatně a v tomto případě ničí naši kulturu a společenské hodnoty. Z nehodnotných zahraničních filmů by se mělo vybírat na Fond české kinematografie v průměru 50 Kč, což je 50x více, než se vybírá nyní. Tyto peníze by měly jít na české produkce, které by měly být kvalitní a peníze by měly dostávat především projekty, kde je scénář napsán vynikajícím scénáristou a bude režírován vynikajícím režisérem. Musí být také přihlíženo k tomu, jakou má film hodnotu ohledně výchovy diváka. Politika musí jít stranou. Jedná se u umění. Financování filmů korporacemi znamená, že peníze dostanou pouze politicky správné filmy, je to totéž jako komunistická cenzura. Uvedl jsem zde jenom několik bodů ohledně této problematiky. Zde je několik dalších poznámek: • V USA se v multikině nesmí přecházet z kina do kina, ale je to více méně tolerováno, mnohem více než u nás. • Co je zajímavé je, že kvalitní filmy se k nám obyčejně dostanou až po nějaké době, kdežto ty špatné, o kterých američtí distributoři vědí, že budou mít špatnou reputaci, mají u nás někdy premiéru ve stejný den jako v USA. • Stát musí, ve všech okresních městech, financovat vybudování kin s kvalitní digitální projekcí. Tato kina musí být rezervována především pro kvalitní uměleckou tvorbu našich režisérů, mladých především, jelikož jejich filmy nemají rozpočet na vytvoření filmových kopií. Ty u digitální projekce nejsou třeba. • Za 100.000 Kč se v USA dá koupit Sony EX-1 kamera, která má podobnou kvalitu jako kamera s kterou se točily Star Wars. Je jasné, že tato kamera stačí na výrobu celovečerních filmů a to nejen začínajících umělců, u začínajících umělců by navíc podstatně snížila produkční náklady. • Měly by se u nás zveřejňovat výsledky názorů amerických a jiných diváků na nové filmy. Ty jsou v USA k dispozici například na serveru, ovšem tyto informace jsou pravděpodobně pro Čechy blokovány. Názory kritiků jsou k disposici především na Máme výhodu, že Američané obyčejně vidí filmy první a jestli se spálí na špatném filmu, proč bychom se měli pálit my? Proč bychom měli číst jaké kritiky píší naši kritici, když si můžeme přečíst co píší ti co jsou zkušenější a jaký názor mají diváci, kteří film již viděli! Proč je u nás tak nemožně vysoká cena CDček? Proč „hvězdy“ nekoncertují tolik jako za socialismu, kdy musely, aby si vydělaly na luxusní živobytí? Proč jsou u nás lidé stíhání za kopírování předražených CDček, předražených DVDček a předraženého softwaru? V zemích, kde tomu tak není, jsou legální kopie daleko levnější, protože musí soutěžit na volném trhu s nelegálními. Proč jsou CDčka, která byla natočena levně za komunistů, prodávána nyní za tak nehorázně vysoké ceny? Tato CDčka na sebe již dávno vydělala. Aparatura na natáčení hudby je dnes velice levná. Proč jsou u nás naše CDčka přesto tak drahá? Proč se naše kvalitní filmová tvorba nepropaguje a nedistribuuje dostatečně v zahraničí? 39
Sudetoněmecký Landsmanshaft Německá organizace Sudeten Landsmanshaft měla ve svém vedení ještě kolem 70 a 80. let 20. století následující vedoucí činitele s nacistickou minulostí, se zkušenostmi s podvratným, zákeřným bojem proti naší první republice, ještě z doby Hitlera. Jelikož se jedná o staré, dnes již pravděpodobně povětšinou zesnulé pány, Landsmanschaft dnes bude mít jiné vedení. Filosofie a cíle tohoto hnutí však zůstávají prakticky stejné. • Dr. Victor Aschenbrenner, před rokem 1945 šéf špionážních a sabotážních orgánů pracujících proti Československu a organizátor německého protivládního hnutí v Československu. • JUDr. Walter Brandt, před rokem 1945 šéf štábu nacistické špionážní a sabotážní jednotky a organizátor německého antivládního hnutí v Československu • JUDr. Felix Jashenk – před rokem 1945 nacistický špion v Československu • Adolf Metzner – před rokem 1945 nacistický špion v Československu, vedoucí funkce v hitlerovské straně • JUDr. Walter Zawadil – před rokem 1945 organizátor německého protivládního hnutí v Československu, vedoucí funkce v hitlerovské straně
Dejme vše do perspektivy Abychom pochopili, jak je toto možné, proč je vše tak rozdílné od oficiálního pohledu, musíme si uvědomit následující: • Svět je řízen tajnými špionážními službami. Ty pracují v tajnosti, proto lidem není servírovaná pravda. Tyto organizace pracují efektivně a pro jejich efektivní práci je nutná desinformace ne jen obyvatelstva nepřítele, ale i obyvatelstva vlastního. • Cílem globální politiky západních velmocí je ovládnout celý svět. Sovětský Svaz měl kdysi stejné ambice, ale to je již minulostí. Východní Evropu již západní mocnosti ovládají, Čínu ještě ne. Toto je největší země, kterou ještě nemají pod kontrolou. Rusko pod Putinem též plně nespolupracovalo, Putin omezil odliv financí ze země. • Války mají výhodu v tom, že ten, kdo nakonec osvobodí trpící národ, si též podrobí tajné služby tohoto národa a dá do jejich vedení své lidi. To není problém. Tajní agenti KGB, BND, CIA mají všichni podobné praktiky, něčím se živit musí a práce ve „službě“ je celkem snadná, dobře placená, a přináší mnohé výhody. Proto východoevropští agenti jednoduše a bez problémů dokázali přejít z práce pro svou komunistickou zem do služby pro CIA. • Ten pro koho pracuje tajná služba nějaké země, tomu ta země patří a může si s ní dělat více méně jak je mu libo. • Ve světě vždy byly kolonie a kolonizátoři, i když dnes se oba tyto systémy skrývají pod rouškou demokracie, což je ovšem jen divadlo pro masy. Všechny strany ve vládě jsou ovládány stejnými penězi, pracují pro stejné zájmové skupiny a jejich lobbyisty. V čem si odporují jsou nedůležité věci. Nějaké divadlo pro lid zahrát musí a lidé musí ve volbách za něco bojovat. • Aby se strana dostala do parlamentu, musí ve volbách dosáhnout stanovené procento hlasů. Nedostatek finanční podpory a média se postarají o to, aby nevyhovující strany toto procento nedosáhly. • Tajné služby ovládají vedení všech významnějších stran, církví a hnutí, a to i radikálních. • Tajné služby v krajním případě používají prostředky jako jsou vraždy, nastolení diktátorských režimů, osvobození lidu od diktátorů, pravicové popravní čety, zákaz činnosti či likvidaci nepohodlných stran, atd. • Německo prohrálo válku. Předtím Hitler chtěl se spojenci podepsat mír s tím, že Německo bude též mít podstatné kolonie. Spojenci s takovýmito podmínkami nesouhlasili, ale po válce byla německá BND (jedna z nejmocnějších světových špionážních organizací) obsazena nacistickými 40
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špiony a starala se o to, aby byly ve světě hájeny německé zájmy, včetně pokračujících nekoloniálních ambicí. Česká republika je dnes více měně americko-německou kolonií. Totalitní režimy dávají rozkazy. „Demokracie“ musí nejprve vytvořit situaci, kde lidé budou něco chtít, teprve potom vláda plní „co si lidé přejí.“ Jelikož u nás vládě na názoru lidí o základně nezáleží, je to dalším důkazem toho, že zde máme totalitu. Naši „demokraté“ tvrdí, že západu dlužíme! Za co? Že nás v Mnichově zradili? Že část území osvobodili Američané? Kdyby Sudety osvobodili Rusové, sudetští Němci by prchali, podobná situace existovala v Polsku. Nikdo zrádné nacisty a podpůrce nacizmu nemusel vysídlovat. Aby se „demokratické“ režimy držely u moci a měly populární podporu, musí dokázat národu, že mu pomáhají, že řeší krize, že jej chrání před nepřítelem, proto jsou obojí krize i nepřítel často uměle vytvářeny. Jelikož hrozba Sovětského Svazu zanikla, nastala v politice západních zemí krize. Aby se zabránilo mírovým hnutím, musel se rychle najít nový nepřítel. Naše krásná země je devastovaná, naše děti jsou nakažovány pohlavními nemocemi, je jim vytvářena závislost na drogách, dospělým potom především na psychofarmatikách, naše školství je ničeno za tleskotu cizích médií, máme zde ohromnou kriminalitu, korupci, naše průmysly byly zlikvidovány, je do nás všude cpána chemie - v jídle, ve vodě a nápojích, ve vzduchu. Naše kultura je ničena a je nahrazována kýčovou a drogovou subkulturou, naše krásná krajina je plná smetišť. Kdo za tím je? Jaký je v tom důvod? Teď chce vláda zaplatit přes 100 miliard na odstranění některých škod životního prostředí, převážně těm zbohatlíkům, kteří privatizovali. Bohužel jsme byli příliš inteligentní, tvořiví, kulturní, schopní, pracovití, hodní, měli jsme vyrovnané city a rozum a i když jsme dokázali prokouknout faleš, přesto jsme byli podvedeni. Měli jsme ohromný potenciál a mohli jsme světu opakovaně ukázat lepší cestu, ať již za doby Jana Husa, v 68 roce, či po Sametové revoluci. 300 let pod německy mluvícím národem nás nezlomilo! Opět jsme vynikali! Vynikali jsme i v Sovětském bloku! Navíc jsme vždy chtěli větší mír, větší demokracii, větší svobodu. Těmito báchorkami nás také mámila CIA stanice Svobodná Evropa. Takový národ je ale nebezpečný. Musí být odstraněn! Radar proto zabije dvě mouchy jednou ranou – ochrání západ od čínských raket i nebezpečných Čechů – jednou provždy! Bylo ale třeba předtím náš národ na radar „připravit!“ Jeden z našich hlavních postsametových politiků kdysi tvrdil, že ještě nejsme připraveni na demokracii. Teď již asi jsme, jenom nám tento politik neřekl jakou „demokracii“ měl na mysli!
10 bodů jak vytvořit lepší svět 1. Zastavit globalismus – vlády musí hájit zájmy vlastních zemí a ne se nechat kolonizovat od jiných. Proto musí všichni mocní o sobě všechno prozradit při připojení na detektor lži ve stavu, kdy tento detektor nemohou oklamat a musí se zavázat k mírové politice nevměšování a tu musí dodržovat. Politikové nesmí mít imunitu. Naopak, musí být trestáni přísněji než ostatní, včetně za lež a falešné sliby. Politikové nesmí jednat v tajnosti a o každém musí být známo pro co vše volil. Musí být vytvořen server s webovými stránkami všech politiků, kde všichni na jedné straně pravdivě popíší za čím stojí a jakou mají krátkodobou a dlouhodobou vizi. Té se musí držet. 2. Musí se vytvořit daňový systém, kde jsou daně přímo úměrné tomu, kolik služba, podnik, výrobek, atd. škodí. Dotace musí být tam, kde se jedná o věci prospěšné a musí být přímo úměrné prospěšnosti. 3. Musí se vytvořit federace států se sankcemi pro ty vlády, které porušují demokratické principy a musí být uděleny dotace těm, kteří dělají co mohou, aby tyto principy vytvořily a uhájily. 4. Musí se vytvořit světová armáda, která bude hájit demokratické principy a chránit naši planetu od hrozeb z kosmu, jako například, kdyby se k nám řítil velký meteorit. Než dorazí do atmosféry, je třeba ho zničit – roztříštit na malé kusy, které by v atmosféře shořely, případně ho zasáhnout tak daleko od Země, že by se velké kusy odchýlily dostatečně od původní dráhy a minuly by nás. 41
5. Jestli má být angličtina světový jazyk musí se psát foneticky a vyučovat všude ve školách co nejdříve a musí to být jedna angličtina, ta musí být světová, ať to je již angličtina britská, či americká. Žáci musí být co nejdříve děleni na matematicky, umělecky, manuálně a všeobecně nadané. Základní školní docházka musí být všude ve světě povinná a státy, které si ji nemohou dovolit musí dostat dostatečné dotace. 6. U voleb musí být všechny socioekonomické skupiny plně zastoupeny. Neúčast na volbách musí být pokutována tím, že dotyčná osoba bude celý den pracovat pro stát zdarma, jestli ne, půjde na den do vězení a bude pracovat tam. Toto musí být spojeno s tm, že všechny strany budou mít mediální podporu přinejmenším úměrnou své velikosti a bude zrušeno procento nutné pro vstup do parlamentu. 7. Nezaměstnanost nesmí existovat. Málo výdělečná ale společnosti prospěšná zaměstnání musí být státem dostatečně dotována. Podpora pro nezaměstnané bude po týdnu nezaměstnanosti vyžadovat práci alespoň na poloviční úvazek. Zaměstnání musí být dost, i když to bude vyžadovat státní dotace. Všichni, kteří nemají jiné legální zdroje příjmu musí pracovat. Pracovat musí i vězni, ti 72 hodiny týdně, pokud jsou zdrávi a nechtějí část této doby věnovat studiu. 8. Užívání a prodej drog musí být přísně trestány, pokud dotyčný nepřivede policii ke svému zdroji. 9. Musí existovat databáze lidí nakažených pohlavními nemocemi a každý si bude moci okamžitě bezplatně ověřit, zda jeho potencionální partner je v tomto smyslu pro něho vhodný či ne. Bezplatná internetová seznamka umožní aby se lidé se stejnými problémy navzájem seznámili. 10. Musí se podporovat geneticky zdravé obyvatelstvo. Proto se bude problémovým párům doporučovat umělé oplodnění, adopce, atd. a s tm spojené dotace.
Shrnutí: konečná bitva Brzy budeme mít na Zemi jednu světovládu. Ta bude mít totální moc nad lidmi. V nedohlednu bude pouze digitální vysílání rozhlasu a televize, které znemožní příjem cizích stanic. Všechny mobily jsou vyrobeny tak, aby fungovaly jako štěnice, to znamená, že vše kolem nás může být odposloucháváno. Čína, Severní Korea, Kuba, Irán, Sýrie a Venezuela jsou hlavní země, které světovládci dosud nemají pod kontrolou. Třetí světová válka bude především s Čínou. Čína tuto válku prohraje. Válka bude nukleární a jedněmi z hlavních zbraní budou neutronové bomby, které ničí pouze živé organismy, vše neživé zůstává nedotčeno. V České Republice jsou velké americké CIA instalace, včetně Radio Free Europe a Radio Liberty (Rádio svobodná Evropa a Rádio svoboda) a připravuje se zde americký radar s laserem. Ten bude sestřelovat čínské rakety, jejichž radioaktivní částice budou padat na východní Evropu, včetně České republiky. Radar v Čechách bude mít za úkol chránit západoevropské země. Ve válce budou použity též biologické zbraně. Podstatná část českého národa zahyne. V ČR se buduje policejní stát, který západním mocnostem vyhovuje, je to vše součást přípravy na konečnou bitvu o ovládnutí světa.
Co musíme udělat Nevolit žádnou stranu, která se dostatečně neztotožňuje s filosofií této studie. Volte jenom takovou stranu, která se této filosofii přibližuje nejvíce. Neberte příliš zřetel na to, zda je radikální či ne. Nevěřte mediálnímu zastrašování, nevěřte, že se musí předejít nějaké katastrofě, proto se musí volit jedna z parlamentárních stran, která má více středovou politiku. To, že média nabádají k volbám je jenom strach z toho, že kdyby většina národa jejich strany nevolila, byla by šance na změnu, tu oni nechtějí. Pokud lidé volí strany, které mají jiné zájmy než zájmy svých voličů, tyto strany se nezmění a jiné nemají šanci. Pokud se celý systém nezmění, než volit hlavní strany, především pak KDU-ČSL a ODS, raději nevolit vůbec. Musí se informovat veřejnost v zahraničí jaká je skutečná situace v ČR. Jsou nutné kampaně a demonstrace v jiných zemích, co nejvíce článků v zahraničí, to je to, čeho se naše garnitura a jejich zahraniční páni obávají nejvíce. Pravda zveřejněná v zahraničí jim ohromě vadí. Co se děje v ČR je jim jedno. 42
Záleží na budoucnosti nás všech, na budoucnosti našich dětí. Nechceme zemřít, být zmrzačeni. Chceme od toho též ochránit naše děti. Nechceme, aby se jim rodilo geneticky poškozené potomstvo, nějaké zrůdy, jestli budoucí konflikt vůbec přežijí. Musíme s tím něco udělat, musíme být aktivní a to co nejdříve. Musíme informovat zahraniční veřejnost o tom, že oni mohou být v konfliktu též podstatně poškozeni. Mír a skutečná demokracie musí být společným cílem celého lidstva. Nebojte se šířit pravdu o radaru, o politicích. Chovejte se k jejich rodinám a přátelům tak jak se oni chovají k nám. Tlak na politiky musí být ze všech stran. My nikomu nic nedlužíme, Němcům, Rusům, Američanům šlechtě, katolické církvi. Nepotřebujeme aby nás někdo nadále ždímal a zneužíval. Jde o naši budoucnost! Tím, že budeme pasivní a nebudeme nic dělat nevybruslíme z toho co nás čeká. Existuje ovšem další možnost a to je opatřit si náhradní bydlení ve Švýcarsku nebo na Floridě – a utéct tam, kam budou utíkat oni.
Co jiného nás může čekat? Dosud jsme probírali pravděpodobné scenário či scenária. To co se v naší zemi děje není náhoda, je to součást většího celku a proto to má pokračování, které můžeme pouze odhadovat z toho kam míříme od Sametové revoluce do dnešního dne. Dosud jsme probrali převážně scenária, kde současný trend bude pokračovat a alternativu, kdy by se do vlád ve světě dostali dobří lidé. V historii jsme vždy na nějaké křižovatce, z které ústí více cest. Podívejme se, kam všude by nás mohl osud zavést, když se příliš nevychýlíme od cesty, kterou nám naši „demokraté“ načrtli: • Čeká nás 3. světová válka, převážně s Čínou • Čína se vzdá jako se vzdal Sovětský Svaz za Gorbačeva, ale jiné regionální světové konflikty se s vysokou pravděpodobností dříve či později vyhrotí v nukleární • Nastane světová ekonomická krize, zavírání podniků v západní Evropě a jejich masivní odsun na východ, kde je několikrát levnější pracovní síla. Západní Evropa se bude bránit ale jaké bude moci zavést obranné prostředky? Legislativa dává korporacím zelenou v pochodu na východ. Západ již jistě řešení má! Kdyby byla východní Evropa zničena v mezinárodním konfliktu, znamenalo by to, že korporace zůstanou na západě. Konflikt a období po něm je vždy spojeno s podstatným ekonomickým růstem. Jedním z řešení by samozřejmě bylo odstranit Slovany apod. neutronovými bombami, ne vlastními, na takovou práci se musí vyprovokovat nepřítel. Zdá se to někomu nemožné? Opravdu si myslíte, že těm co vládnou a jejich posluhovačům záleží více na nějakých slovanských životech než na penězích? • V ekonomické krizi přijde většina našich občanů o všechno, protože budou zadluženi a nebudou schopni platit bankám splátky. Pohledávky skoupí za pakatel Němci a vrátí se k nám jako páni a budeme na ně ještě více pracovat. Jeden český lev v našem státním znaku bude nahrazen německým orlem. Proč jinak bychom tam měli lvy dva? Je to jen součást dlouhodobého plánu! • V ekonomické krizi se budou hladoví lidé bouřit proti německým podnikům. Německo přijde zachránit svůj majetek a opět obsadí pohraničí. Jeden český lev v našem státním znaku bude nahrazen německým orlem! Výše popsaná scenária ukazují kam je naše politika nasměrovaná. Ovšem může nastat podstatný zvrat, mohou se objevit podstatně jiné variace. Dvě zde uvedeme. Jedna je výborná a druhá maximálně katastrofální: • Lidé si nenechají líbit co se na Zemi děje, výsledkem toho přijdou vlády s podobnou filosofií, jakou propaguje tato kniha. Nastane trvalý mír a brzy přijde i světový blahobyt. Toto je alternativa, kterou musíme vždy všude prosazovat, propagovat, zasílat o ní emaily, diskutovat o ní na internetových fórech, i když ta jsou velice manipulovaná.
3. světová válka propukne v plné míře a bude do ní vtaženo Rusko se svým nesčíslněkrát větším nukleárním arsenálem než jaký má Čína. Výsledkem bude konec světa jak jej známe, v každém případě pak konec českého národa.
Tajné organizace, náboženství, atd. Karel Gott má pravdu, světu vládnou tajné organizace. Jestli je nejmocnější tajnou organizací Bilderberg, do jejíhož setkání byl letos pozván i kníže Schwarzenberg, či Iluminati, jak tvrdí Gott a pro tyto služby potom svět zpravují tajné služby a s nimi spolupracující banky, média, vlády a mezinárodní kartely a korporace se asi nikdy nedozvíme, i když Bilderberg je všeobecně považován za nejmocnější tajnou organizaci. Tajných organizací je mnoho. Například katolická církev má mocné tajné skupiny ke kterým patří Jezuité, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei. V minulosti k nim patřili Templáři. Jedno je jisté, světové události se plánují dopředu a na každé válce někdo velice zbohatne. Ti kteří vládnou světu nejsou hloupí a jenom hlupák či dobrodruh neplánuje a nechá se plně unášet proudem. To co se děje v České republice je jenom důkazem toho, že naše země je odepsána, že pro ni není plánovaná budoucnost. Média mlží a zkreslují události a celá postkomunistická mašinérie byla do nynějška velice úspěšná v tom, že dosud nikdo nedal vše do řádné perspektivy a neposkytl tyto informace našemu národu. Tato kniha by to snad mohla trochu změnit. Jelikož mocní dělají vše v tajnosti, jaká je pro ČR plánovaná budoucnost nikdo neví, jenom se to můžeme domnívat a uvozovat z chování našich a cizích vlád, tajných služeb, bank, kartelů a velkých korporací. Ať je již pro náš národ do budoucna plánováno cokoli, cesta k tomu je dostatečně jasná z chování a činů postkomunistických vlád a potlesku zahraničních médií, bohužel s převážně českými názvy. Je dokonce možné, že naše země bude napadena a že o plánovaném napadení budou spojenci dopředu informováni a přesto tomu dovolí. Spojené státy věděly dopředu o japonském útoku na Pearl Herbor, ale potřebovaly plnou podporu národa pro vstup do války, proto Pearl Barbor obětovaly. Pokud tento nebezpečný pochod do tmy a zkázy nezastavíme, pokud neodbočíme na nejbližší křižovatce, vše nasvědčuje tomu, že nás ne jen že čeká diktatura, ale i skutečný diktátor, pravicové popravčí čety a vše co k takovýmto režimům, zavedeným západními tajnými službami v jiných zemích náleží. Jenom takovýto čin zastaví protesty proti radaru a umlčí národ, když procitne a pozná pravdu. Když se lidé dozví co jim bylo zamlčováno a co je čeká, jenom diktatura zaručí, že se národy na západě pravdu též nedozví. Ještě je čas na změnu! Pokud ji neprovedeme co nejdříve, naše budoucnost může být krátká a extrémně bolestivá. Moderní náboženství, jako například katolicismus a protestantství, mají dnes pozitivní dopad na věřící a na společnost. Víra dává lidem sílu, učí je morálním a jiným důležitým hodnotám, které ve světě plném zla, drog, pohlavních nemocí a falešných příkladů morálky budou hlavně naše děti nutně potřebovat. Učme je proto náboženství! Přijde doba, kdy je právě náboženství ochrání více než cokoli jiného. Navíc členové církví si vzájemně pomáhají. Jestli chodíte do katolického či protestantského kostela, či do chrámu božího jiné církve, poznáte, že konexe tam získané jsou k nezaplacení. I dětem pomůžete nejvíce tím, že z nich uděláte věřící, přestože sami můžete být nyní ateisté. Ovšem asi těžce děti o pravdě náboženství přesvědčíte, když vy do kostela chodit nebudete. Jestli nic jiného, náboženství je jenom další nutná berle, o kterou se v dnešním dekadentním světě budou moci naše děti opřít. V žádném případě jim náboženství neublíží.
Některé nutné kroky •
Zastavit, částečně obrátit a změnit k lepšímu reformu zdravotnictví. Korporační zisky, testování nevyzkoušených léků na netušících pacientech pro západní farmaceuticko-chemicko44
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potravinářsko-válečný průmysl do našeho zdravotnictví nepatří, poplatky za léčbu také ne, generické léky ano, jestli se to farmaceutickým firmám líbí či ne. Jestli má stejná firma minulost se zamlčováním pravdy o škodlivosti dioxinu, ohromných ziscích na výrobě tohoto jedu, chemických zbraní, pesticidů, geneticky změněných obilnin, jestli má tato firma na svědomí snad statisíce životů, takovéto „farmaceutické“ firmě věřit nemůžeme. Zastavit, částečně obrátit a změnit reformu školství. Soukromé školy dotovány být nesmí. Školné do vzdělání nepatří. Ministerstvo školství musí být zodpověděno za osnovy a kvalitu školství, ne za pouhé ničení toho, v čem jsme byli jedni z nejlepších ve světě Nepovolit americký radar Přísně regulovat zisky elektráren, plynáren, vodáren, stejně jak je tomu v USA. Proč si v tomto případě brát příklad z banánových republik a ne z vyspělých států? Stáhnout vojsko z Iráku a Afganistanu Podstatně snížit výdaje na armádu a změnit její účel z hájení cizích zájmů na zájmy národní. Jestli nebudou mít doma vojáci dost práce, ať pomáhají policii v boji s kriminalitou, namísto podpory zkorumpovaných nedemokratických loutkových režimů. Zavést normální, ne privilegované platy pro politiky, armádu, apod. Mít krátkodobý a dlouhodobý plán, ten musí vláda publikovat a držet se ho, volební hesla nestačí Zavést mírovou politiku Kritizovat mnohem více sebe, než vést propagandu ve stylu Göbelse proti Rusku, komunistům, Číně, Venezuele a Kubě Zastavit a obrátit reformu kultury Okamžitě zavést přísné antikorupční mechanismy Zrušit 5% minimum hlasů nutných, aby se strana dostala do parlamentu. Demokratický proces se musí rozšiřovat, ne likvidovat. Nedovolit cizí vlastnictví či management v našich hlavních médiích Pravidelné a namátkové testy vlastenectví moderním detektorem lži ve stavu, kdy tento přístroj nemůže být oklamán u všech politiků, potencionálních politiků, šéfů korporací, managementu a vlastníků médií a bank, představenstva národní banky, všech příslušníků policie, armády a tajných služeb Stát příkladem ostatním státům, ne si brát příklad z toho nejhoršího u jiných. Nestarat se o kritiku ze západu, zájmy západu a našeho národa se neshodují. Uznat Eduarda Beneše a Alexandra Dubčeka za národní hrdiny a sledovat jejich politiku Zastavit a dostatečně obrátit restituce a privatizační proces. Vlasteneckému prezidentu Benešovi věříme, současné vládě nikoli! Dát rovná práva homosexuálům, ale přestat s propagací homosexuality Vyklidit z pražského hradu sochy s dlouhými pánskými přirozeními a nahradit je sochami jinými. Vyklidit z karlovarské Vřídelní kolonády sochu Opočenského, která má prý představovat dlouhé pánské přirození a navrátit tam zpět sochu Gagarina. Okamžitě z ČR vyhostit Sudetoněmecký Landsmanshaft a přísně sledovat činnost organizací působících v ČR spojených s obnovováním vazeb sudetských Němců žijících v Německu a těch v ČR a jejich potomků. Historie se začíná opakovat, proto se s tímto procesem musí okamžitě skončit! Přestat s těžbou nerostných zdrojů nad míru vlastních potřeb Zakázat geneticky změněné potraviny a pěstování geneticky změněných rostlin Přísně postihovat ty, kteří poškozují životní prostředí a jsou tím zodpovědní za rakovinu a genetické vady našeho národa Přestat zásobovat energií jiné státy. Přestat s osvětlováním ulic neefektivním naoranžovělým světlem, propagovaným zahraničními korporacemi, když je již půl desetiletí známo, že bílé světlo je efektivnější, především pak u venkovního osvětlení. Neefektivně navržené osvětlení může mít i 10x horší efektivnost než osvětlení navržené správně, přestože expozimetr ukazuje stejnou hodnotu. Viz například výzkum Dr. Bermana z Lawrence Berkley Laboratory s kterým samozřejmě obyčejně nesouhlasí konglomeráty 45
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jako je General Electric, Philips a různé inženýrské organizace pod neoficiální kontrolou těchto a jiných korporací. Maximálně zlepšit vztahy s Ruskem a domluvit s nimi nižší ceny ropy, případnou vojenskou pomoc v případě napadení sousedním státem – například Německem. Z kyperského konfliktu je zřejmé, že NATO nás neochrání Vybudovat lepší vztahy s Francií a přehodnotit prodej Škody auto. Prošetřit podíl Němců, BND pak především, na aféře katarského „prince“ Prošetřit to jak německé a jiné firmy dodržují české zákony, včetně toho jak před Lidly zmizely bez povolení stromy, užití komand na mlácení českých zákazníků Kauflandu, a zda ve firmách, které požívají či používaly neetické či nelegální praktiky, kde stát nechrání zaměstnance či zákazníky, by neměly být co nejrychleji zřízeny odbory a s nimi například dvojnásobné platy, když i ty zaručí těmto firmám vysoké zisky. Zdanit vše škodlivé, úměrně ke škodlivosti Vytvořit a dotovat pro nezaměstnané práce, které jsou prospěšné společnosti Přestat s propagací tržní ekonomky a nesmyslu, že trh vše vyřeší. Americký prezident Reagan je již minulostí! Škody, které jeho „tržní ekonomka“ v USA napáchala se USA dodnes nezbavilo. Dodnes se nezbavilo Reaganovo tržní ekonomikou způsobených sociálních křivd, nekontrolovaného šíření pohlavních nemocí, velice rychlého vytvoření nových bezdomovců, podstatného zhoršení zdravotní péče, atd. Všechny tyto americké problémy mají podstatné kořeny v Reaganově tržní ekonomice. Všichni propuštění kriminálníci budou mít náramky na noze s GPS detektorem, tak dlouho jak bude třeba, bude jim ale zajištěna možnost pracovat. Délka trestů se sníží. Bachaři, kteří dovolí ve vězení drogy, znásilňování, šikanu, apod., půjdou sedět a to na hodně dlouho. Kraje se vrátí do původní podoby, tu současnou by miloval Hitler a polská vláda ze stejné doby Národy se začnou integrovat, ne separovat. Státním znakem bude opět český lev. S německým přičiněním jsme již jednou byli rozděleni na Čechy, Moravu, Slezsko a Sudety. Historie se bohužel opakuje! Takovémuto opakování musíme předejít, ne mu napomáhat! Češi a Moravané jsou jeden národ!. Ten je třeba integrovat, ne separovat. Města a obce v pohraničí, která mají „přátelské vztahy“ s Německem a přijala do znaku německého orla by se měla nad tím co učinila důkladně zamyslet Drogy musí být vymíceny Emigrace problémových skupin musí být zastavena a obrácena. Emigrace musí být zaměřena na členy prospěšné naší společnosti. Ve světě musí být propagováno jak Němci neodškodnili náš národ za škody způsobené, včetně rodin statisíců mrtvých a jak Romy neodškodnili prakticky vůbec za genocidu, kterou na nich páchali, dále musí být propagováno jak se Němci u nás chovají nyní. Bude u nás přísně sledována činnost německých organizací, které jsou spojeny s BND, či v minulosti byly podezřívány s tímto spojením, včetně německé ambasády, Geothovo institutu a různých německých nadací jako Nadace Friedricha Eberta, Nadace Friedricha Neumanna a Nadace Konrada Adenauera, jejíž první předseda byl Franz Thedieck, ten například za Hitlera organizoval páté kolony v Rakousku a Belgii. Znovu se u nás zavede přísná civilní obrana. ČR bude sledovat politiku, která bude vyjadřovat zájmy našeho národa, ne cizích velmocí Přechod na digitální televizi bude zastaven či zpomalen a bude nahrazen či rozšířen přechodem na HDTV Politikové zodpovědní za polistopadovou katastrofu, která trvá dodnes a prohlubuje se, budou plně pardonováni. Jestli nebudou, hrozí nám potencionálně velice tvrdá diktatura. Imunita politiků bude zrušena Epidemie pohlavních nemocí a jiných infekčních chorob budou zastaveny a postupně vymíceny
Jestli něco co radím či píši odporuje zákonům, omlouvám se a prosím ignorujte to, advokát nejsem. 46
Návrat do reality Procitl jsem a viděl svět opět jasně, bez zamlžených brýlí konspiračního teoretika. Byl přede mnou svět nádherný a šeredný, barevný a černobílý, radarová základna v Čechách byla najednou pouze pro případ, že selže satelitní systém a jiná základna, která byla postavena dále na východě. Potom jsem uviděl budoucnost a byl to stejný scénář s Čínou, který se již jednou odehrál se Sovětským Svazem, vzdali se a přijali mír a západní způsob života. Viděl jsem svět bez válek, svět kam nás naši leadeři dovedli přes zablácenou kostrbatou cestu, ale dostali nás tam. Přede mnou byl svět bez válek, utrpení, hladu či nemocí. Potom jsem otevřel oči…
Dodatek 13. června 2008 Lidové noviny začínají článek „Radar, audit a aristokrat“ o Karlu Schwarzenbergovi tímto podtitulkem: „Už dlouho jsme neměli ministra zahraničí tak loajálního této zemi. Ukázku vidíme právě teď. Zasadit se o americký radar coby záruku bezpečnosti i západního ukotvení Česka, jít proti většinovému názorovému proudu průzkumů, to je krok hodný aristokrata.“ Schwarzenberg, Havel, Vondra… co mají společného? Chtějí americký radar. Vondra byl s Havlem v Chartě 77, je to náš bývalý velvyslanec v USA. Byl ministrem zahraničí, tím je nyní Schwarzenberg. Vondra a Schwarzenberg jsou jediní Češi, kteří kdy byli pozvání do sjezdu supertajné supermocné organizace Bilderberg. Mladá Fronta psala, že se tam asi jednalo o tom, abychom přijali evropskou ústavu. Myslím, že se jednalo o něčem úplně jiném. Topolánek se snaží prosadit „odškodnění církví“ a odstranění škod životního prostředí. Jedná se o stamiliardové částky. Topolánek si je vědom toho, že s prosazením radaru moc jeho vlády skončí, tak se na poslední chvíli snaží utratit nějaké ty korunky. Jedna věc je jistá, u stomiliardových částek se v banánových republikách platí desetimiliardové úplatky. Teď jde o to, zda jsme banánová republika! Jaké jsou asi úplatky ohledně prosazení radaru, poslancům ČSSD, aby radar podpořili? Podívejme se na úplatky v době prodeje Gripenů a pochopíme. Proč jsme kolonií Ameriky a západní Evropy? Proč jsme se nestali plnohodnotným státem Evropy či snad dokonce Ameriky? Potom by se radar prosazoval za našimi hranicemi. –
[email protected]
English Section
Joseph G. Toman, PhD
Improving World 5x while preventing WW3 original secret report Increasing quality of life 5-times – worldwide – in the next 20 years – by going against the current political trends, by strengthening democratic principles and freedoms, not by abandoning them
Simplified Graph Explanation: Quick, Easy, Simple Interpretation Of A The Graph Below: In the Czech Republic / Czechoslovakia the spread of STD’s was well controlled during Communism (1948-88 columns). From 1989 the Czechs started to adopt Western ways and the spread began to rise exponentially. In the US spread of dangerous STD’s was increasing rapidly from decades earlier. By the year 2028 the spread in both countries will be extremely high (“28” columns), unless pro-people governments get elected soon – result of which would be that the spread would get fully under control by the same year of 2028 (“28p” columns). See also the right bottom bars; they indicate that getting the spread fully under control would be a major “benefit” to the society, would have a minor positive effect on the “economy” and “freedom”, and no effect on “peace.” It would be a major benefit to people, if media and governments had been portraying fully, accurately, and early enough the full “truth” about seriousness of this problem.
Years 1948, 1968, 1988, 2008, 2028
US = USA (light bars) CZ = Czech Republic – previously Czechoslovakia (dark bars)
Most important: The “28” and the “28p” bars are both for the year 2028. Only one of the two choices applies – either the “28” or the “28p” one. The bars labeled “28” apply when current government policies continue until 2028; the “28p” bar applies when pro-people governments would get elected soon. If that happens, the short horizontal bars in the right corner also apply.
means: The higher the bar, the worse the condition. ρGOODρ would
mean: The higher the bar, the better the condition.
See page 5: Please ignore this direction
These horizontal bars are less important, so you may decide to ignore learning what they mean. These bars apply to a condition of a pro-people governments getting elected soon. Bars extending to the right of the central vertical line indicate positive effect. If a bar would extends to the left (none does), the effect would be negative. Long (full) bar = major effect; short (half) bar = minor effect; no bar = no or negligible effect. As in this particular graph no bars extend to the left, there would be no negative effects if pro people government would get elected soon and would get the STD spread fully under control. The “benefit” bar represents overall benefit to society; “econ” bar represents effect on economy; “freedom” ` shows effect on freedom; “peace” bar bar represents effect on peace. The “truth” bar indicates benefit to people, if media and government would portray the truth accurately, fully, and on time for people to fully get the true picture – in this case understand the dangers.
Index INTRODUCTION .......................................... 51 Official Look at the World ........................ 52 Conspiracy Theory..................................... 52 Conspiracy Theory Viewpoint................... 53 What was our world like 50 years ago?..... 53 World Today.............................................. 53 Dawn of World War 3 ............................... 54 USA – PROPAGANDA VS. REALITY ........... 56 America – The People ............................... 56 America – The Image ................................ 56 America – The Reality............................... 57 America – The Legend Lives On............... 57 America – A Different Opinion................. 58 America – The Disaster ............................. 58 COMPARING POLITICAL SYSTEMS .......... 61 Does a Type of Political System Matter? .. 61 Socialism vs. Capitalism............................ 61 Problems with Socialism/Communism...... 62 There Is a Better Way ................................ 65 FIXING DEMOCRACY ................................. 67 Freedom ..................................................... 67 Justice ........................................................ 68 Elections .................................................... 68 Referendums .............................................. 69 Politicians .................................................. 70 Others in Power ......................................... 71 Lie Detector Test ....................................... 71 FIXING OUR LIVES...................................... 72 Crime and Drugs........................................ 72 Education ................................................... 72 Religion...................................................... 73 Health and Environment ............................ 73 Energy Conspiracy..................................... 74 Arts, Culture, Film, Television .................. 75 FIXING THE ECONOMY.............................. 77 Market Economy Is a Scam....................... 77 Short-Term Policies Don’t Work............... 78 Macro Solutions Are Needed..................... 79 No unemployment or minimum wage ....... 80 Economy and Consumer Protection .......... 80 Taxes.......................................................... 81 MAXIMIZING LIFE ENJOYMENT............... 82 Money Does Not Equal Life Enjoyment ... 82 Making People Bad.................................... 83 Quality Of Life .......................................... 87
Life Enjoyment Index ................................ 89 GLOBALIZATION ......................................... 91 Rules from the Colonial Era....................... 92 FIXING THE UNITED STATES .................... 94 USA Must Learn From Other Countries.... 94 The Super Rich – Super Powerful.............. 95 Choosing A Better Way ............................. 97 20-Year Plan To Fix US Problems ............ 99 Nearly 9 Million Lives Saved .................. 102 5x More Joyful Life ................................. 103 FIXING GLOBALIZATION WRONGS ........ 104 Possibility Of A Many Times Better Life 104 Czech Republic – Victim of Globalization105 Example: Carlsbad ................................... 106 Economic Analysis, Czech Republic ....... 107 American Military “Radar” Base ............. 108 True Cost of the US Radar Base .............. 109 Estimated Costs and Lost Lives ............... 112 The Military-Industrial Complex ............. 114 Flying Saucers.......................................... 115 Fertile Ground for a Dictatorship............. 116 Elimination of Czechs and Their Culture 117 Romani (Roma People, Gypsies) ............. 118 Romani vs. Germans ................................ 118 Germany – The Awakening New Reich .. 119 Germans Are Not Bad – Are Being Used 121 Nazi Spies in “Democratic” Germany ..... 122 The German Expansionalism ................... 123 Fixing the Unethical Multinational .......... 123 QUICK NOTES ON OTHER COUNTRIES . 127 Rest of Central & Eastern Europe............ 128 Western Europe and Australia ................. 129 The Middle East ....................................... 130 Asia .......................................................... 130 Latin America........................................... 133 Africa........................................................ 134 THE FUTURE.............................................. 136 Prophesy Of Doom................................... 137 Simple Guide to a Better Life .................. 137 CONCLUSION, MORE BOOKS, ETC. ....... 139 Notes ........................................................ 139 Conclusion ............................................... 140 Return to Reality ...................................... 141
I dedicate this book to the people of the United States, the people of the Czech Republic, to all the wronged nations, and most of all, to our beloved planet, the beautiful Earth, which is our precious home – our only home. I hope ALL of us will soon start to fully realize that and will start treating it with love and will work together in making it the most wonderful, hospitable, healthy, sweet and perfect home imaginable and will never stop in doing so. This book describes the principles that are worth fighting for. Any politician who follows them is worth voting for. Why is the world so imperfect? Why is there so much suffering? Why are we heading to one of the greatest ecological disasters man has ever known? The reason our society is in such a terrible shape, why people are unhappy, why we have wars, drugs, crime, obesity, STD epidemics, and so many broken homes is not because our society is just not perfect, or because our “free” and “democratic” society is too easy on criminals – or whatever is the propaganda the establishment is feeding us. The reason why we have all these wrongs is because • They do not affect sufficiently negatively finances of the industrial-military complex. • All fixes the governments and corporations do are short term, while a much larger long-term negative effect is ignored. Short-term success is what gets government officials reelected and top corporate managers rich and secured in their positions. • People are constantly being fed propaganda that rich lifestyles make them happy, that unnatural anorexic-type bodies are needed to feel good about themselves and that if you are not extroverted, you are a substandard human being. Because most people can’t achieve these things, or can’t achieve them sufficiently, it makes them not satisfied and content; it stresses them and gives them low self-esteem. The end results are unhappy marriages, broken homes, seriously increased crime levels, etc. This book shows the whole picture and explains why we, as a human race, are in such a terrible shape; it also charts a clear way out. It does not only show how to fix the broken, very poorly functioning world; it actually gives a plan on how to improve it quickly and quite painlessly. Does it sound impossible? I’m sure it does! So read on – you may be in for a few surprises! This book is written in rather layman’s terms. Everything is simplified and carefully explained. To make things as simple as possible, only one type of graph is used, together with detailed explanation. The main purpose of the book, and its several graphs, is to show trends and an overall picture, nothing more, no details or accurate numbers. Instead of academics, the main emphasis is on easy understandability of this rather complex subject.
In the time of Communism criminality was are Americans less satisfied than very lowWhy in Czechoslovakia – compared to thethe Czechs? Why were Czechs more satisfied in the United States. Communist Czechoslovakia than Americans in the democratic USA? Why were Czechs more satisfied during communism than they are now? Is all this possible? It is a totally different picture than the media has been portraying. Why would “free and democratic” media paint a wrong picture? What is wrong with a “free and democratic” society, where people, who make a lot more money than the Czechs, are less satisfied?
Official Look at the World The official version is that we, as a race, are making a progress, are economically better off than our predecessors; our health care is better than ever so we are living longer. Colonization era ended some half a century ago and the new globalization is bringing better life to the developing nations. Communism in the Soviet block ended some about twenty years ago and as a result a new better world is immerging in Eastern Europe. We have better TV’s and stereos; our sex life is more free and exciting. Unfortunately there are terrorists who envy our good life and don’t appreciate our freedoms and democracies, so they are trying to destroy our democratic world and kill our innocent people. Our secret services are doing their best to protect us – all we need to do is sacrifice some freedoms for the sake of security. Our governments are inefficient, but are doing the best they can. We have free press that is informing us fairly accurately of what is going on. Our pastors, priests, Rabbis, mullahs, etc. represent some of our spiritual leaders and there is a force, a spirit, or a man-like figure, which most refer to as God that has created our world. We vote and although the choices are not perfect, our democratic system works. The Western countries are democracies and man has never developed a better system; unfortunately we have to fight our enemies to preserve our democratic ways. Life under Communism was terrible and the Communists are still a potential threat. We are fighting against crime and drugs. The government is trying to protect us, but the criminals and drug dealers are taking advantage of the lax laws and of the many freedoms our society offers and as a result are getting away with their crooked illegal ways. There is not much that can be done, except maybe to stiffen the sentences and give the police more power.
Conspiracy Theory This book is written from the conspiracy theory viewpoint. While a conspiracy theorist will see a CIA plot behind JFK killing, the conventional theory proponent will believe the government version – a plot of one man, Lee Harvey Oswald. The conspiracy theorist will see a conspiracy behind Yale’s Skull and Bones society to which George W. Bush belongs. The traditionalist will see an elitist fraternity organization, nothing more.
Conspiracy Theory Viewpoint There is no democracy, only a circus show to fool the public. There is purposely crime and world tensions are artificially created so people would appreciate strong police, secret services, and armies, whose true purpose is to protect the ruling class and their interests. Terrorism was created artificially to keep the populations scared so that they would support the kind of governments, which can “protect” them. We are as unhappy as ever, which is evident in the number of broke homes, children using drugs and the unprecedented number of people that are infected with a serious incurable sexually transmitted disease (STD). Before the fall of Communism people lived more satisfying lives in the Communist Czechoslovakia than they do now in the new “democratic” Czech Republic. As unbelievable as it may seem, they then also lived more satisfying lives in their Communist country than the Americans did in the US at that time or they do now. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are nothing more than beginning of a WW3 that has nothing to do with fighting terrorism, but is being waged to control natural resources, mainly oil and natural gas. The damages we do to our planet may soon become practically non-repairable. The Earth is our home – this is where we live – and we are destroying it on purpose so that the very rich can get even richer and as a result we will all end up in problems so big that only a one-world totalitarian government will be able to fix. History repeats itself, only now it is happening on a much larger scale. What will happen to our planet has a parallel to what already happened to Germany after WW1. Hitler eventually gave Germans, who were dying of hunger, hope and they cheered, voted, and gave lives for him. When we will be dying of hunger, we will too vote for new leaders to save us. They will form the new totalitarian one-world government, which will bring back concentration camps and gas chambers, where this time a lot more of the world population will end up; in addition to that we are heading towards an era of some of the deadliest epidemics of incurable infectious diseases man has ever known. What is most terrible is that man has purposely created these diseases, e.g. with improper antibiotics use. The infected and the ones who will be genetically damaged from the upcoming regional nuclear conflicts will be mercilessly killed, as the damaged Earth will not be able to sustain lives of all of us and there will not exist a possibility to treat the ill and damaged ones on such a large scale.
What was our world like 50 years ago? It was over a decade after WW2. We were in the middle of the cold war. We had prosperity. The communists were rapidly and successfully rebuilding their part of the world that was war-damaged. We have won the war on syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and many other life-threatening infectious diseases. Sex was safe then, without a condom. If someone was infected with an STD, it was traced from whom and everyone in the chain was treated. Except for local flare-ups, like the Korean War, the world was a peaceful place, with, by today’s standards, rather little amount of nuclear arsenal and power. Families stayed together, music was pretty and about love, movies and television were teaching morality and family values and did not promote anorexia. The schools were quite good. The streets were quite safe. There were no drug-addiction epidemics and no terrorists.
World Today Are we better off today than we were 50 years ago? Are we more satisfied? Are we happier? Are we more disease free? Is there less crime in our streets? Is our world more peaceful? Are our kids exposed 53
Drug addiction, during the Communist era, was practically non-existent in Czechoslovakia.
to fewer drugs? Will their future be brighter than ours? Are our families happier together? Do we have more freedom? Are there less STD‘s? Is there less cancer? Are we eating healthier foods? Is our environment cleaner? Is the quality of our lives better? Unfortunately the answer to all these important questions is "no". Compared to 50 years ago we are not better off. With all the technical advances our society made, one must ask: What went wrong? Our race to the high tech future is going to end up taking humanity back to the dark ages. The faster we move forward technically, the faster we are moving back in terms of humanity, social values, and freedoms. The closer is our genetic engineering research getting to the creation of man, the closer we are to the extinction of the human race. As we are developing more and more sophisticated weapons to protect out freedoms, the true freedoms that we destroyed in the process are taking us centuries back. We are no longer free to walk the streets at night because of crime. We are not free to voice a different political opinion, because we may lose our jobs. We are not free to travel freely without being watched, scrutinized, and without being afraid of a terrorist attack.
Dawn of World War 3 We are at the crossroads right now. The world is armed to its teeth. History teaches us that this type of arms buildup always leads to a war. Gorbachev offered the US worldwide nuclear disarmament. The United States refused. In today’s world we have a number of unstable regimes that do possess nuclear weapons. This book includes a recipe on how to avoid a future nuclear war and how to instead create a lot better world order, a world order that would benefit everyone – from the poorest to the super rich. In the chapter “True Cost of The US Radar Base” I calculated the damages that are likely to occur in the Czech Republic as a result of the military policy of the United States. I made calculations for various scenarios. When I added a probability factor, I came to a mean figure of 4% people likely to be dying from the conflict because of the US policies. I also came with a figure of 5 million dollars per person loss, due to devastation, which will be putting it more or less back into the dark ages. These loses will be tremendous particularly in Eastern Europe and Asia. Per person losses many countries will suffer will be several-fold of what their population makes in lifetime. When Western Europe accepted the Eastern European states into EU, it did have a very good reason, a hidden agenda. That was to shield the West from devastation caused during WW3. The nuclear, laser, and biological war theater would be played over the oceans and the area of Eastern Europe; at least that 54
was the hope or a plan – unfortunately Western leaders make their major decisions in secret, in their secret organizations like the Bilederbergers or the Trilateral Commission; ordinary people never find out about the truth what is being discussed there, often not even that a meeting is taking a place. I estimate that due to Washington’s policies the expected average devastation worldwide will be similar to that of the Czech Republic. Naturally there are many questions and variables. No one knows to what extent neutron bombs will be used and what biological weapons have been developed and would be deployed. No one knows if Russia will be drawn into the conflict, or what kind of government it will have at that time. We know that secretly developed weapons will be used, including lasers that have been rumored to have already been secretly deployed in space. If Russia, with its vast nuclear arsenal, will be drawn into the conflict, it will be the end of the world as we know it and the losses, including life-losses, will increase 10-fold. No one transferred to China more advanced military technology than the US. This book describes why China would be the main enemy in the future conflict, as well as what to do, at all costs, to avoid such conflict. Besides being a guide on what to do to prevent a new word war, great majority of this book describes the mechanism behind the wrongs in our society and how to fix them to make our lives some 5x better – within the next twenty years. Although this may seem impossible to achieve, in actuality all we need to do is find a way to elect governments that are honest, skilled, and work for wellbeing of its people, not for special interest groups.
America – The People •
• •
I was born in Czechoslovakia. As a teenager I hated Communism and I wanted to escape from it. One day I took a trip to Vienna from which I did not return and instead later on that year, as a political refugee, emigrated to the U.S. The first real American I ever met was the American ambassador in Prague when I, a year earlier, went to apply for a visa to visit my relative in the US. The visit to the embassy was a very memorable experience. There was a great looking Cadillac parked in the embassy driveway. The ambassador was polite and, unlike Czechs officials, smiled super nicely and looked like President Kennedy that I admired. I was a teenager from a Communist country; he was a God from a country that I never visited but adored. At the movies I saw westerns and other American films and I wanted to act like John Wayne or Lee Van Cleef. I was only a student at that time and I admired these great big men, which were so different from the Czechs I knew. One day, while I was a college student in the US, I took a psychological test. The psychologist told me that what was interesting is that I appear to be soft and gentle while an American man, who took the test before me, acted very strong, loud, and powerful. But that man’s handwriting clearly showed that behind that great big facade lives a very little man. My test showed the opposite, a great strong man inside but polite and soft-spoken on the outside. So people are not always what they seem. When it comes to Americans this is especially so. One of the problems with Americans is strong behavioralism – or played out emotions and behavior. While someone in Europe is more likely to behave according to the way he feels, an American will rather behave how is expected of him – will play out this role.
America – The Image • •
As a teenager I listened to Radio Free Europe (RFE), an American CIA station that broadcasted from the free world. It toughed me how great America and Americans are. It made me convinced how awful Czechoslovakia is in comparison and made me ashamed to be from a country like that. I was going to take a trip to New York, a city that I knew from RFE and VOA (Voice of America, another CIA station) broadcasts. New York was in a country that I knew from these broadcasts and I also knew people who lived there – from the same great broadcasts. I imagined a city without a piece
Czech secondary educational level was extremely high during the era of Communism.
of dirt on the ground, with buildings made of white marble; I imagined absolutely no crime or poverty, friendly smiling people, with so much freedom that no one is ever going to look into my luggage at the New York airport, while I was absolutely sure that the Communists in the Czech Republic will go through it thoroughly. I did not believe any “lies” the Communists were saying about America. RFE and VOA were “free” stations in the “free world” and they were “free to tell the truth”. If there were some details missing, I filled them in with my imagination, and from information I heard on the British BBC and West German “Deutsche Welle” broadcasts.
America – The Reality •
At the airport in Prague the Czech Communists did not open my luggage; the Americans in New York went through it thoroughly. New York was so dirty and ridden with crime and Americans so unfriendly that every morning when I woke up, I did not believe that I visited New York. For full five weeks that I spent there, I believed that this all is just a bad dream from which I will awake. I began to learn that things are not what they seem when it comes to America, but I was so brainwashed by the RFE propaganda that it took me many years to become fully conscious of it. The realization came very slowly. I always needed a shock in order to start opening my eyes to this new reality. When I was a teenager I heard things like “Russians can talk for hours about nothing”. This is because if you live under a repressive regime, you can’t talk about important things, like criticizing the Communist party at work; otherwise you may lose a job. What is interesting is that the Americans too can talk for hours about nothing. They too will not criticize the Republicans at work – for a very similar reason the Russians wouldn’t criticize the Communists.
America – The Legend Lives On When I returned to Czechoslovakia the first time, except for my closest family, I never told anyone about the American dark side, about the true reality. Everyone envied my trip to the Promised Land and looked up to me because of that. Prior to going to the US I knew a dentist, who visited New York; when he returned, he never told anything bad about the US either. When, after the fall of Communism, I returned back to the Czech Republic and tried to tell anyone how New York and America really are, no one believed me; everyone thought that I was either nuts or a communist; everyone in Czechoslovakia knew that only the awful Communists criticized the United States. Then, within a few years, the new 57
Czech “Democratic” regime was very successful in trying to develop a similar crime, drug, and STD ridden society in the Czech Republic as America was. Only then the “democratic” media began to slowly show some of the negative aspects of America.
America – A Different Opinion I tell things how I see them. I have no need to conform and to kiss anyone’s behind. I never conformed in order to move up the corporate ladder. I never hoarded money, drove expensive cars, owned a house, etc. I instead lived my life to the fullest. America became my new home; I finished my studies there, in sunny California, and I took my stay in the US as an adventure, where I traveled, met interesting people, including from the extreme ends of the political spectrum. I took on primarily temporary jobs and I was as outspoken against the government in the US as I was outspoken against the government in the Communist Czechoslovakia and I am now outspoken about the new “democratic” Czech puppet regime, or about the Bush’ administration. In Czechoslovakia I was lucky to become a rebel at a time, when the Communists allowed more freedom. Unfortunately there are not many of us who call things the way they are. I met English professors at a renowned US university with American flags on their desks. It made me laugh. I met a Czech, who studied engineering at American college. He kept on saying things like “American schools are the best.” It made me laugh! I met Czechs high school students who spent a year at showcase US high schools and I met Americans with high school diplomas who were illiterate by Czech standards. I had friends among American Communists, in America, where if you would ask 100 Americans, if they know any Communists, most likely no one would, and they would be telling the truth, although a great portion of Americans would wrongly claim that American Democrats are Communists. I had friends among the far right, who wanted to fight the government. I had friends among many other segments of the society. I was eager to hear their sides of the story, their motives, etc. I did not take permanent jobs, where one needs to kiss up to the boss to move up in the corporation. I did not play the games the permanent corporate crowd did. Because of my attitude I lost a few jobs, and because of “their” attitude, I quit a few ones on my own. Some people did not understand why I would not want to do anything to keep them. I can’t. For me freedom and sincerity are a lot more important than money. Next time some successful Czech-American makes it to Czech TV and starts to paint an all-rosy-picture of America and criticize the Czech nation, realize that at work he probably has an American flag on his desk – just to conform, and his opinions are as conformist as the media, which present them, want them to be. If he is not from America, but from Germany, he for sure drives a German car and although he was a rebel in Czechoslovakia, which is why he left the country in the first place, the “democratic” West Germans very quickly taught him to conform and tell only what is expected of him. There are Americans who think like I do and there are Czechs that do so too. We are not Communists or Nazis; we don’t hate the Americans or the Czechs, on the contrary, we love them as well as we love America and the Czech Republic, and so we speak out, because we want to change things, to make them better. That is why we are critical. Political spectrum is vast and omni directional, although the establishment would like to fit it into one line that goes from right to left. My opinions are as far from this cliché as theirs are from truth and reality.
America – The Disaster Where the United States is today, the rest of the civilized world will be tomorrow. The US waters are polluted; what was considered unhealthy or even illegal to be called a drinking water is now pumped to 58
Social disparities is the single largest factor behind instability of the capitalist society, where a few are super rich and enjoy all kinds of benefits and freedoms while great majority of the people has to be satisfied with a lot, lot less. These disparities were the single most important reason for Hitler to gain its support in Germany and why most Czechs voted for Communism in 1948. Gross social disparities were responsible for most of revolutions.
our homes; the air is polluted with cancer and infertility causing chemicals. The fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides that cause genetic damage, infertility, cancer, and many other serious ailments. The US has 4.5% of the world’s population and is using 24% of world’s pesticides. At the current rate, 140 kg (approx. 308 lbs) of pesticides per person is being used in his lifetime. During the last 20 years the use of pesticides in the US increased 33 times; when it comes to corn – the increase was 1000 times. The spraying increases astronomically because pesticide-resistant pests are developing faster than the increase of spraying and these tremendous amounts of pesticides are now beginning to kill the crops. What is the solution that our clever corporate leaders came up with? Genetically modified crops that are resistant to pesticides, so more pesticides can be used; the fact that these pesticide-soaked crops are then killing us who eat them does not seem to matter to the chemical industry lobby as the same people who make the pesticides also often make medicines to fight the diseases that the pesticides are causing. If organic crop growing would be used instead, the pesticide makers would lose their very high incomes. They are in bed with our lawmakers, who pass pro-pesticide-industry legislatures. While other countries fight the US government pressure on allowing genetically modified crops, countries like Czech Republic, with their puppet regimes, pass legislatures that allow it. Unnatural hormones in milk cause cancer. Water polluted with hormones originating from birth control pill consumption is causing hormonal changes in children and men. Most American men had at least one homosexual experience. AIDS, EBV, and other retroviruses are infecting mankind – and there is no cure. 34% of food intake of an average American is from junk foods. Americans get 40% of their energy from eating fat. 35 million Americans live in poverty and this number is increasing with an alarming rate. Many of these poor Americans are, according to official statistics, undernourished. In reality most Americans are undernourished when it comes to healthy nutrition and over nourished when it comes to disease and fat causing foods. We have epidemics of incurable deadly infectious diseases, including AIDS, untreatable syphilis, untreatable gonorrhea, and untreatable tuberculoses. These incurable forms are man made primarily due to improper use of antibiotics. There are about 40 sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), 25 of which are serious. Most Americans are infected with a serious incurable STD; tens of millions of these infected Americans are not even aware of their disease yet. There is also an epidemic of an STD, called HPV, which is symptom-less in men, while it’s causing cancer and painful intercourse in women.
Sex is no longer safe. Old ways of follow-up the chain of spread of an STD and treatment of all infected in this chain was abandoned and in case of AIDS, the diseased individuals – carriers of the illness – have been given a special privilege to stay anonymous, which allows them to further spread the deadly virus. Many do so purposely, because they are mad that they were infected by someone as irresponsible as they are. Media abandoned morality and education of their audiences and replaced it with violence and promotion of what was once thought as perverse and unhealthy sexual practices. U.S. is supposedly a democracy and Americans are taught that their government is “by the people, for the people”. Americans are free to vote for whomever they want. The elected government is supposed to govern for their benefit. But the archaic voting system does not allow the voters to have better choices or to make better decisions today than they could a hundred years ago. The American educational system is totally failing and is considerably worse than it was half a century ago. Elementary and secondary education was in some US schools degraded to what once was a special ed level. It takes a number of years for the average student to learn enough English to be able to read; there are some students that have hard time reading even when they graduate from high school. At the same time a student can’t study efficiently until he learns how to read. If it takes him 6 years to learn to read, he basically has only 6 years to study efficiently before he finishes high school, which is the 12th grade. There are crime and drugs in the streets and in schools. There are cities in the US, where elected public officials venture to their districts only in armored vehicles. US kids are bombarded with violence on TV, in movies, and in music. Seeing dead or seeing blood leaves them not only cold and numb; they get excited; they laugh and enjoy it. They are constantly shown examples of rich life – are programmed to want expensive cars and other material things. The politicians are perfect examples of immorality, corruption, and insincerity. There are not many good jobs for most minority students; available are mainly the type of jobs that no one wants, jobs that don’t really pay, jobs without benefits or future. Then there is the decadent church: numerous Catholic priests who rape little boys, TV evangelists who pray to God only to suck vast amounts of money from people. These evangelists are often sinful, corrupted, bad, and extremely rich. To them church and God mean nothing more than expensive lifestyles and huge bank accounts. Americans are good people, who have became prisoners of their own corrupted government, for which interests of their people are not important; everything the US government does is for the benefit of the military-industrial complex, which, with its powerful lobby, has overtaken the government and is using it to serve its own interests, while brainwashing the American people that this is the best way, that there is no better way, while it makes sure that it protects them from the enemy, which it often artificially creates.
Does a Type of Political System Matter? Contrary to what the establishment is trying to tell us, it is not that important what type of political system a country adopted. What is much important more important is that politicians are good human beings and capable patriotic leaders, who care about their country and its citizens. We have seen bad, ruthless communist regimes, like that of Josef V. Stalin and we have seen good ones, like that of Alexander Dubcek. We have seen bad dictatorships, like that of Adolf Hitler, and we have seen good kingdoms, which too are dictatorships, like that of Charles IV, Czech king and a Holy Roman Emperor. We have seen good democratic governments, like that of Switzerland, and we have seen bad, corrupted, ruthless ones, like those in some of the third world countries. Despite the fact that even American presidents, e.g. Ronald Reagan, have been referring to these corrupted regimes as “democracies”, they are nothing more than ruthless oligarchies, police regimes, which take from the poor and give to the few privileged ones. Similar types of “democracies”, although not nearly as bad, were, after the fall of Communism, created, with the help of Western secret services, in Central and Eastern Europe. The Western leaders and media have been applauding the “democratic” process. They obviously have extremely low standards.
Socialism vs. Capitalism Czechoslovakia vs. USA: Examining the time before crumbling of Communism in the Soviet block, we are finding out that while wages in the US were several-fold higher, basic life necessities, like housing, schooling, and medical care were either free or a lot more affordable in the socialist country of Czechoslovakia. The West considered this country to be Communist; however it is debatable if these Eastern European countries were socialist or Communist, despite the fact that they were ruled by the Communists. Life in Czechoslovakia was much less stressful – much less money-oriented than in the US. Young couples went together and got married because they were attracted to each other; money normally did not come into the equation at all; in the US the money factor was much more important. The same goes for students selecting a major they wanted to study. In Czechoslovakia kids signed up for majors that they would later enjoy to work in, rather than looking first at the monetary benefits. People were overall happier during the Communist regime than they were in the US – at least the great majority that stayed away from openly criticizing the government, which, when done in public, would get them into trouble – unless they had some unpopular occupation; in which case the Communists would 61
Nation’s and its Native People’s Culture Liquidation In the US we can first see destruction of culture of the American Indians. Later on, when their culture was destroyed, destruction of culture of the rest of Americans began to take place. Popularity of Jerry Springer and Howard Stern shows are examples of how low American culture sank. After the fall of Communism, TV broadcasts, established by the Americans, brought vulgarity, stupidity, low moral values, promotion of anal sex, etc. to Czech TV screens.
normally leave them alone. The Czechs had superior job security and early retirement benefits; families lived together; the divorce rate was much lower than in the US. Still there were much better opportunities in America, as well as ability to live a much better life – if one wanted to. However for the average person life in Czechoslovakia was much simpler and much less worrisome. Each system definitely had its pluses and minuses. US critique of the Czechoslovak Communist systems was highly exaggerated. The same can be said of critique of the US system by the Czechoslovak government.
Problems with Socialism/Communism I’ll use again Czechoslovakia as an example. It was one of the most successful countries of the Eastern block, not only economically, but also in adopting socialism. The Communists came to power there rather legally, but once they did, they stayed in power for 40 years. In the 50’s was the Stalin era, so the Communist regime was extremely conservative and hundreds of people died for political causes. One of the reasons the Communists were so tough was because there was strong espionage waged against the Communist block primarily from Germany, although the CIA directed it. After Stalin died in Russia, the regime became less restrictive and eventually Dubcek and other progressive Communists came to power and the country became very liberal, even by Western standards. Russia and other Communist armies soon crushed this rebellion. Political dissidents were beginning to get persecuted. Soon, in 1978, Charta 77, lead by Vaclav Havel, was formed. Havel was jailed couple of times, but the conditions were quite laxed compared to the 50’s. He was even able to write some, or parts of, his works in jail. All Charta 77 members were closely watched by the secret service and e.g. were not allowed to leave their homes during Communist holidays, so they would not disrupt them. If they did not obey the order, they were caught, arrested, and kept in jail for a day or two. The people, who did not get involved with any anticommunist politics lived simple lives and were quite happy overall. The Communists pushed hard for high cultural, educational, medical, and other social standards. Family life was constantly promoted. Religion was frowned upon. Religious people could not study majors like teaching, where they could influence other, especially young people. There were plenty of entertainment, cultural, social, and family events, sports, recreation, long vacations and early retirement. In these areas Czechoslovakia was far ahead of the US. Although the Czechs were quite content, when a Westerner came to Czechoslovakia, he felt strange. The buildings generally lacked color; prominent were occasional red Communist propaganda signs. The great variety of popular Western music was not present in the Czech radio broadcast, so kids listened to 62
Radio Luxembourg and Radio Monte Carlo, at least the rebellious ones did. The movie shows were extremely inexpensive and people got free tickets at work to go see e.g. Russian movies; still very few did go. When an American film was occasionally playing, the theaters were full. The people yearned for freedom and the way they saw West was, America especially. But hardly anyone’s been to America; hardly anyone’s been to New York, or other American cities. The ones, who were there, did not talk much about it. If they said something bad, people would think that it is Communist propaganda. If they would say too many good things, the Communists would accuse them of a capitalist propaganda. The media was talking about homeless people in the US, which not many Czechs believed; it talked about ghettoes, that again hardly anyone believed that existed; they talked about poor people in the US that the Czechs again thought was mostly Communist propaganda. The Czechs did not like the Communists, nor did they like the Communist restrictions. They hated the inability to travel to the West, the limited freedom of speech they had, etc. Then Gorbachev came to power in Russia and in 1989 Czechoslovakia became democratic again. Unfortunately the joy of freedom and democracy did not last long; people eventually learned that not only what the Communists were saying of the US was generally not propaganda, but that there is just as much propaganda coming from the opposite side – from the Western part of the political spectrum. The following is a look at the lifecycle of ordinary people living in Czechoslovakia and in the US in the late 1980’s – before the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. This applies to people who were not antiestablishment activists, for those this table would not apply. People in the Czech Republic did not live in luxury; the stores had a limited amount of merchandise, some was in short supply, but overall the Czechs were well adapted to their lifestyles, which gave them a great sense of security and an overall satisfaction, whereas, in the much richer US, job and social insecurities were prevalent and dissatisfaction created by media that promoted • expensive lifestyles that most people could not afford • beauty of anorexic-type bodies that most people could not achieve • extroversion that people had to learn, which created stress, while for many it was very hard to achieve
Socialism vs. Capitalism – Comparison – Late 1980's
Czech Republic 20 Yrs Later
Democratic United States Kids are exposed to fairy tales and Violence on TV, Kids are exposed to a lot of violence on TV and in the sex videos, beautiful fairy tales on TV and in movies; some are exposed to sex vulgar media, the movies, are free to safely videos and media vulgarity. crime and sexual Preroam neighborhoods and the Most have to stay near their deviants, moms School nature; crime is rare. Moms get homes because of crime and afraid of job Age 3-year paid maternity leaves to sexual deviants. Although moms loss; toddler stay with their newborns – have get no paid maternity leaves, care centers no worries about losing jobs. most get 3 months of job abolished protection. Because the language is written Kids learn to read and write No need to learn phonetically, kids learn to read many words by the 6th grade, to read & write and write in the 1st grade, are are generally exposed to little in an elementary Eleme- exposed to a lot of sports, nature sports and little nature trips, are school; crime, trips, beautiful fairy tales and exposed to fairy tales, violence, violence, drugs, ntary School educational programming on crime, drugs, sex on TV, like to sex and blood on TV; bad child TV, are well behaved, are not see films with blood, generally obese, none are exposed to drugs are badly behaved and many behavior, or crime. obesity are obese. Communist Czechoslovakia
Kids study extensively math, Kids keep on improving reading Violence, blood, physics, chemistry, geography, & writing skills, some still can't crime, drugs; history, etc. Their education is read and write at the end of the kids, without 8th grade. They study primarily about as extensive as US Jr. learning how to Jr. High College level. Kids are exposed English, math and "science", are read and write, School to sports, theater, classical exposed to violence, blood, can graduate concerts, plus extra curricula crime, and drugs on TV, some in from primary courses and activities of choice; real life. Some neighborhoods are education all are taught to ski and swim. infested with armed gangs. Kids are attending gymnasiums, The students, when they finish Lower academic technical, or art secondary 12th grade, have about as much standards; most schools. The difficulty level is knowledge as the Czechs have in kids learn what their 6th. Most experiment with sex is, but not High similar to some US Bachelor School degrees. Most kids are prepared drugs, some are gang members, love, experience to enter the labor force as nurses, gangs bully others, many are with drugs; (12th technicians, etc. Most learn what present is Grade) infected with a serious STD love is; most of them have sex. (sexually transmitted disease); anorexia, obesity, serious Serious STD's and anorexia are some are anorexic. Most can’t get quality jobs. STD's practically non-existent. Students, when they finish Jr. Educational Kids, who do not enter high College, have about as much standards get schools, go into trade schools, trade knowledge as the Czechs where they learn for three years seriously after they finish a trade school, an occupation; they always study lowered; even which they finish years earlier; the Jr. (2for one week and the next week special ed Czechs also have a lot better Year) work in their profession. The students get overall general education College, difficulty level is similar to US accepted to knowledge. Americans can also Trade Jr. College level. Most kids are prestigious trade study general education at the Jr. School fully prepared to enter the labor school college, which counts when they force as machine operators, TV programs, like transfer to a 4-year college. repairmen, car mechanics, tailors, e.g. automotive Czechs learn this general ed. years highly qualified salesmen, etc. electronics. earlier. The colleges are extremely The US student studies only 1/2 of No guarantee of difficult and the number of spaces the number of hours the Czech finding a job in available correspond to the student does. He can choose any one's field; number of future industry major, but there is no guarantee Bachelor degree Colle- openings. Some majors require that he will find a job in that field. is earned after 3 years and has a ge proper political background. The student graduates with a There are no drugs and Bachelor degree; Masters takes level similar to practically no serious STD's. The about two years longer. There are Czech HS prior degrees earned, after five years, drugs and epidemics of serious to the fall of are equivalent to US Masters. STD's on campuses. Communism. Life is very hard Life is not easy. Both man & Life is easy for some, not for wife work – normally live in a for most, others; great many wives don't apartments are decent apartment, which costs work; housing and medical care very little. Medical care is free very expensive, are expensive; many people can‘t childcare and excellent. Childcare is afford health insurance; cars cost availability Family excellent. Cars are very little. Childcare quality varies. expensive; public transportation degraded Variety of goods is superior to is inexpensive and excellent. significantly; Czechoslovakia. People watch homeless people; People socialize. Homeless TV five hours a day. Many are superior variety people don’t exist. There are homeless; divorce rate is high. of goods jobs for everyone.
People work hard; generally People work hard; the are all friends at work and have atmosphere is not very friendly, High unemployment, except on the surface; they are fun together. They have to work. If they refuse to, they not required to work. There is no no job security, most people would be jailed. Their salaries job guarantee and workers are Job afraid to lose their jobs. Salaries work hard for guarantee them simple, but are excellent. People stay away little money, no comfortable lives. They stay away from discussing politics - from discussing politics and there political jokes are hardly any political jokes still tell lots of political jokes Age 53-60, with sufficient Age 62-70, with extremely varied Age 60-65, many pension for a simple, peaceful amount of retirement funds. with insufficient life; inexpensive retirement Decent retirement homes are too pension, low Retirehomes with excellent care are expensive for most. Doctors don’t retirement home ment available; doctors make house make house calls and most availability; medical care is calls; all hospitals are staffed hospital wards don’t have doctors working at night. with doctors 24 hours a day. no longer free
There Is a Better Way I’ve included the table above because there is so much misinformation and propaganda, in the West, the US primarily, about how bad socialism is. Although very few Americans experienced it first hand, most have been so brainwashed, that they are extremely afraid of it. A great portion of Republicans even call the US Democrats “socialists”, and they certainly don’t want socialism. Many people coming from socialist countries have learned very fast that to fit into American society and not to make enemies, you must agree with the Americans how bad socialism is. As the type of political system does not really matter that much and what rather matters are the people that run it, the US capitalist system, does not need to be abandoned. All that is needed is to vote into power honest, good, competent people, not politicians crooked enough that they would put used-car salesmen to shame. The basic economic and political system does not have to change. Capitalist societies, or rather democracies, as they like to be called, can work very well, a lot better than they do right now. All that is needed is a major tune-up. The same goes for a socialist society. In Czechoslovakia the biggest problems during Communism were, in order of importance: • Secret services working for Soviet interests • Copying the Soviet system • Incompetence • Lack of vision • Cowardness • Corruption In the current Czech society the biggest problems, during the new capitalist/democratic era, are, again in the order of importance: • Secret services work for American and German interests • Copying the US system • Corruption • Cowardness • Incompetence • Lack of vision It was very wrong to dismantle a functioning socialist system in the Czech Republic and replace it with a corrupted, inefficient capitalist system. Actually nothing had to be destroyed, redone, or reversed. All that was needed was to replace the incompetent non-patriotic leaders with competent patriots, add some 65
We must distinguish between personal, political, and economic freedoms. Personal freedom means that you don’t have to lock the doors at night, that you can walk in the streets at midnight and not be afraid that someone will rob or kill you. Personal freedom means that you can walk and camp in the woods without being arrested or shot. Right before the fall of Communism there was more personal freedom in Czechoslovakia than in the US. There still is.
competition to the economic system and everything would very soon start to function a lot better. There were plenty of these competent patriots among emigrants in the West. Instead of attracting them, instead of attracting their experience and knowledge, everything was made to make them unwelcome; welcomed were primarily the ones with ties to organizations that were part of CIA, BND, or the ones who were more American and German than the average Americans and Germans themselves. BND is German secret service.
Democracy, freedom, free enterprise, equal justice to all – these are noble principles of a democratic society. The reality is a less noble. The problem is not that these high principles can’t be upheld. Problem is that politicians do not work towards, or strive for, very high standards. They don’t work for the good of the people who elected them. They work for their own benefits, and for benefits of those, who offer them the most money, can guarantee that their political career will last the longest, and when it ends will offer them easy very well paid positions. Politicians work for these powerful special interest groups and their lobbies. So basically we have self-serving men that act as our leaders. What is needed is to create a better, more democratic system. In Switzerland democracy works because people know well the candidates they vote for and these candidates are highly patriotic and accountable for their actions. All those in power, which is politicians, policemen, secret service men, army officers, media owners and editors, powerful campaign contributors, and large corporation managers are responsible for the unfortunate status quo, for the nonfunctional democratic system. Following are some areas that need to be improved. If some of them are not acceptable under some political system, which is not democratic enough to allow them, we need to work towards improvement of the system so that these ideas become legal and workable; in worse case we can modify these ideas as they are not set in concrete, but can still serve as a guide.
Freedom The government wants you to give up freedom for security. Government policies are responsible for terrorism and for its future growth. US policies are directly responsible for the terrorism and now we need to sacrifice our freedoms and trust our government, which is listening to our telephone conversations, reads our mails, enters our homes when no one is there. GPS, EDGE, digital television, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RFID tags, cell phones… all these can, and will be used, more or less, to track us, to listen to us and soon to watch us. Freedom is a lot more than freedom of speech, freedom to gather, and freedom to vote. If you speak on the phone and the government is listening to your conversation; if you express your political opinion on your job and you soon get laid off for “an unrelated reason”; if you vote and neither of the two major parties have attractive enough programs, are you really free? Is it any different from Communism, which the establishment was scaring you with throughout your life?
This is an outstanding example of a colony and a colonizing power. Globalization is nothing more than neo-colonization, where the so-called “emerging democracy” has its secret services working for the Western colonizing power. In case of Czech Republic it is primarily United States and Germany. Prior to that it was the Soviet Union. “He, who controls the country’s secret services, controls the country.” In Czech Republic, the pro-Western regimes have strong anti-national policies.
Communism ended and the US doesn’t need to compete anymore with the Eastern (Soviet) block; they no longer need to show how free America is, so freedoms are being suspended big time. Actually there is a lot more to freedom; consider these as extremely important freedoms: • Freedom to roam the woods without being attacked • Freedom to keep the doors unlocked at night • Freedom not to be cheated during a purchase • Freedom to have sex with a new partner without a condom and without a fear of getting infected with a serious STD. • Freedom to walk around the city at night without being afraid of being robbed. Communism suddenly starts to sound less bad, doesn’t it? These are the freedoms they had. The ones we had and they did not, we just gave up for “sake of security”.
Justice •
The justice system is wrong if someone with the right connections is above the law, or if someone who has a better lawyer has a much better chance of winning a lawsuit, e.g. a rich husband, who is getting divorced form his wife that he decides to discard for someone half her age. In this lawsuit, with a lot better lawyer, he makes sure that the wife does not get what she is supposed to. Minimum that has to be done, to improve the justice system, is to create free legal services for everyone. These legal services should at least prepare court documents for the requestor and give him all the advice he needs. Then the courts and judges must provide these people in the courtroom with enough assistance so that they are not seriously disadvantaged in the process. To make sure that the court is unbiased, since politicians name judges, jury trials, except in small court cases, must be available to anyone who requests them.
Elections •
It is necessary to reestablish manual vote counting. It’s been proven again and again in the US how easy it is to hack computers in the voting machines.
• •
We need to start a program on simplifying the voting system. No voter registration will be required and there will be one election only every two years. Voting must be mandatory. Another way of handling it is that those who vote will receive a tax break – or cash – if they don’t earn enough income to pay taxes. In the US a party needs 2% votes to get into legislature. In Czech Republic it is 5%. Abolishing this discriminatory rule would allow wider legislative political spectrum. Politics will become more diverse, more interesting, and will cater better to voters’ needs as more progressive parties will be able to participate in the political process. To make sure that a society is democratic, it is necessary for all parties, which had at least 1% vote in the previous elections, to be given equal pre-election exposure by the media. If no party wins a majority, coalitions must be formed. Parties refusing to enter into coalitions do not belong into politics. There will be a general election website in each country and on this website all parties with at least 0.1% votes in the previous election will be given one page to briefly describe their platform, short and long term goals, who their leaders are, etc. On this page will be a link to the party’s national website. This will help educate the voters much better as to whom they vote for and what are their choices. At the same time it will allow parties with diversified platforms to enter and enrich the stale non-functioning political system. One or the biggest deficiencies of the imperfect voting system we have is that not all socioeconomic groups are represented sufficiently, some are more or less missing altogether because their members don’t vote. The main reason for them not voting is that the main parties do not represent the needs of these groups. Especially in local government elections, because voter turnout is so low, the whole election process, as a result, becomes totally non-democratic. If voting does not become mandatory or there are not enough incentives to make practically all people vote, the solution is to have a system, which will determine what percentage of voters turned out from each of the socioeconomic groups and then compensate the voting results of each of the groups – increase the voting results to give the whole group proper election representation. For instance, if 20 percent people in a certain group vote, each of their votes will be counted 5-times. Voters need to be educated on all election issues that they wish to learn about – including over the Internet. 15-17 years old will be allowed to vote, but their voices would count only as ½. If 90-year old people can vote, so must be able to these teenagers. Kids should be getting involved in the society issues early. I would actually prefer to have a system, when all teenagers would be able to vote. Votes of the 13 and 14 year olds would count 25%, or even better, the increase could be gradual from the age 13 to 17. Prisoners and people on probation must be allowed to vote. If not, the prison systems will not improve.
Referendums • • • •
Referendums are more democratic than votes of politicians, as referendums truly represent interests of people, not interests of politicians, which are hardly ever correspond with people’s interests. Referendums (e.g. in California called propositions) must be allowed on any issue, where survey of cross section of the population indicates that most of the public wants it. Constitutional changes can be accomplished via referendums, but they must require at least 75% vote and must not be racially or otherwise discriminatory, must not abandon or lower democratic principles, freedoms, quest for world peace, etc. If a government passes a legislature against the will of its people, while disallowing a referendum, the legislature needs to be considered illegal and must be abolished at the first opportunity by a referendum. That includes actions of the government, which are done for the benefit of another nation or nations, instead of their own people, especially if such nation or nations have a strong 69
What would happen if a corporation and its officers would be severely punished for lying, not describing products accurately and leaving out their negative traits in advertising? Would it kill our industries? Would it destroy competitiveness? Would it bring in an economic collapse? Not if this policy would be introduced slowly and would apply to all businesses; then the benefits would be very significant. Pollution would be decreased; we would spend our money a lot more efficiently -because the products would be described truly…
lobby within the country and operate there any kind of entity, besides its consulate, which is tied to its secret services.
Politicians • •
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Must agree to the highest punishment if they lie, take bribes, steal, or work against the well-being of their nation All politicians’ discussions must be in public, not in special secret committees. If a politician understands the issues, so can the people. If the politicians are to be trusted to make proper decisions, the people must know everything about these decisions. The people who wish to learn about these issues more should be able to get educated over the Internet. All voting records of the politicians will be made public over the Internet and must not contradict to what they promised during the election campaign. Politicians will be regularly meeting with their voters and will be directly answering their questions. These meetings will be video taped and the videos will be available over the Internet forever for free to everyone, together with recorded information of “truth factor” data. This is information that will be played concurrently on the bottom of the screen and will include summary of things like voice stress, contact-less remote infrared skin temperature measurement, etc., to determine if the politician is telling the truth. If the politician is trained in fooling such tests, it will be obvious to trained people from his responses, which would generally be quite non-emotional. Politician will disclose all their ties, and family ties, current and past, that they are aware of – ties to all organizations, all governments, secret services, the army, all rich and powerful, all foreign nations, and all media. If they want to be our leaders, we need to know who they are. When a manger is hired to lead a company, the owners check his background thoroughly. He works for them, not for the competition. Politicians must work for the voters, who should have the same privilege to know the politicians’ background. If he or she refuses to disclose it, it should raise a very large red flag and clearly indicate that someone who is more open should run for the office. What the politicians will not want the public to know would be labeled “Censored”. It is up to the voters to accept or not a candidate who hides anything from them. Politicians will agree to analysis of their handwriting, including older samples – including those going as far back as their childhood. These samples, together with interpretations, will be available over the Internet. Will agree to extensive psychological testing and posting of the results on the Internet. These uncover traits like dishonesty, cunningness, etc.
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All will agree to work for an average nation’s salary, drive average cars, eat the same food and live in the same type of neighborhoods as the average people do. They must be exposed to as much crime, chemicals and pollution as average people are. Their kids must go to average public schools in their average neighborhoods. Unless politicians and their families are exposed to the same problems as the rest of us, they not only have no drive to improve or eliminate these problems, they can’t even understand them. They will work for the benefit of their nation, not for benefit of anyone else and will step down from their posts, should they develop other than national interests. At that time they will announce what their interests are. Will have strong expertise in the government field they work in and will work hard and efficiently, just as if they worked in the private industry. Must have an enormous edge over their competition. Their competition is not the competing politicians, but the typically inefficient and less than honest governments of other nations. Must be honest and will consider it to be a great honor to serve their nation. Will not have any different anti-nuclear, anti-biological, and anti-chemical protection than ordinary people have – will be protected only as much as the average citizens are. If they feel that they require additional protection, it means that so do other people. We must examine how the Swiss are protecting their citizens and at the same time realize that it is a neutral country that does not fight against terrorism and therefore is not in any significant way subject to terrorist attacks, but the Swiss government cares about their people, so it protects them. Will provide 1-, 10-, 100-, and 1000-year vision and a road map on how they plan to get there. If they don’t have such a long vision, even a very vague one, they can provide a shorter one.
Others in Power • •
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Policemen, secret service men, army officers, media owners and editors, and all powerful campaign contributors and large corporation officers must all work towards well-being of us all. Media, which is the unofficial 4th branch of the government, due to its powers, must be most patriotic, truthful and unbiased; no foreign control will be allowed. In the US it would be unthinkable for foreigners to own and control a TV network, as we can see e.g. in the Czech Republic. Many of the requirements that were listed above for politicians will also apply to these powerful people. Traffic fines and other court fines and fees will be according to one’s wealth and income. Similar situation exists in Finland. Punishing one with a 1,000 dollar fee can ruin him, while for someone else 1,000 dollars means nothing. Everyone should feel punishment the same.
Lie Detector Test • • •
The character and truthfulness of politicians and other powerful men that influence politics and people’s lives, directly or not, will be scrutinized. They must agree to undergo random lie detector testing and will agree that video and sound recording of the tests will be made public. The lie detecting methods will be most up to date and will be constantly refined to prevent anyone to interfere with the results. As power lies primarily in the hands of the government, secret services, army, police, banks, the central bank, multinational corporations, and the media, influential people in these organizations need to be tested to determine if they work for well being of their nation or if they have alternative motives. These people must all undergo lie detector testing to the extent that CIA agents do right now. During the test they must be in a state, when they will not be able to fool the procedure. 71
Crime and Drugs •
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Criminals will be sent to work farms, where they, if they are healthy enough, will have to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and will undergo extensive behavioral therapy. Hypnosis and other innovative methods will be used in reprogramming their minds. Part of the 12-hour work schedule can be used for schooling, should the criminal prefer that. Sentences will be shorter than they are now. Severe sanctions will be imposed on countries that produce drugs or are conduits for drug trafficking. Both drug use and distribution must become illegal. Use, sale, and distribution will be severely punishable, unless the guilty person leads the police to his or her suppliers. Drug rehabilitation will include nonstandard methods like natural detoxification, long term fasting in a controlled environment, blood transfusions in heroin and similar addictions, and hypnosis. The media has created an aura among a great part of the society that drugs are OK, or that they should even be legalized. Don’t believe such propaganda; get instead to know someone, who believed such nonsense and now is unable to function properly within our society. This disability often continues even after detoxification and kicking the habit. Drug glorification by the media, direct or not, must become severely punishable. Although one can be happy without drugs, drugs can create euphoria for a short time, but then eventually the effect wears out and life, when one is not on a high dose, becomes quite miserable. It does not take long and the euphoria achieved by taking drugs becomes lower than euphoria, which one can attain without drugs, if this person has always been drug-free. Even marijuana is causing brain function changes and the person, who has experienced with it long enough loses willpower and as a rule the ability to be successful compared to if he has not ever tried it. Parents usually don’t learn this until it’s too late.
Education • • • • •
Schools will teach students effectively how to lead good honest lives. Children need to learn discipline, good morals, and job and life skills. Audio-visual aids will be used extensively – as well as visits to various factories, historical sites, museums, live theater performances, other countries, etc. Lectures and workshops by various professionals will be given, e.g. by architects, scientists, artists, psychologists, filmmakers, etc. Pupils will be separated from an early age into the following educational groups – general, art, science, and manual skills. There should be a worldwide push for English to be written phonetically; this will be the new English form; learning the old form would be optional. This will speed up the learning process,
Most Americans are infected with an incurable form of STD. There are epidemics of incurable forms of gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, tuberculosis, and HPV in the US. The spread is progressing rapidly in most areas of the world; improper antibiotics use is responsible for incurable forms of a number of these diseases. In third world countries people buy antibiotics without prescription and the pills often have no antibiotics in them.
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especially in English-speaking countries, by several years. Learning spelling is not suitable for the youngest pupils; eliminating the archaic spelling drills would make studies more interesting and a lot less boring than they are now. Pronunciation of American English particularly is changing with speed of talk. The proper, slowtalked English should be used in the phonetically written form. There are many types of phonetic alphabets used by different dictionaries. One that will be the simplest to write will be created. Hooks, accent marks, etc. over vowels could be used to distinguish the various shades of pronunciation, just as they are used in languages. Dual-alphabet signs and publications, “phonetic” and “archaic”, will be used until phonetic written form of English becomes well established.
Religion • • •
Religious rights must be guaranteed, but not for religions and groups, which worship the devil and those that brainwash their members to serve not God, but their crooked religious leaders. If one believes in evolution or not is not important, but when one examines the genetic coding of cells, it surely looks like the genetic code (program), was created. Some refer to this creator as God, others as nature, either way it is a powerful force. Religion plays an important role in a modern society. The kids especially are nowadays exposed to wrong role models, bad ethics, early sex, and STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases). If they would be religious, they would have a better guidance to recognize what is good and right and what is wrong. This belief system would guard them to a great extent form catching an STD, from drugs, and crime. A religious adult will have a comfort knowing that a better world awaits him after death. Basically, you do not have to believe in God, but if you look at the world around you, you will for sure notice that your kids would benefit greatly, if they were believers. Even if the world would become all good, religion still has a positive impact on one’s psyche.
Health and Environment •
All politicians will agree to fight for clean unpolluted environment and healthy, nutritious, live foods, not chemical nutrition that is responsible for disease, obesity, and genetic damages. All countries must cooperate on making our planet Earth, which is our common home, where we all live, a beautiful and healthy place. 73
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During the Reagan’s era, going by the market economy principles, where everyone needs to take care of himself and no one should rely on state, STD controls became more or less eliminated. Prior to that, when someone became infected with STD, the transmission chain was traced and everyone in the chain became treated. What resulted from the Reagan administration’s move is that most people in the US are now infected with an incurable STD. We now have, in the US, areas with epidemics of incurable deadly gonorrhea, incurable deadly syphilis, incurable deadly tuberculosis, and naturally communities, where most people already died of AIDS. It is absolutely clear that the current policies are wrong and that strict STD and infectious disease controls must be established. In Eastern Europe infectious diseases were extremely well under control. In Czechoslovakia there was a strong push to eliminate them before WW2, during WW2, and after WW2, until the Communist regime fell and controls became relaxed or removed. As a result these diseases are quickly approaching the awful level that now exists in the US. When it comes to health, one cannot rely on doctors to help him stay healthy – and on supermarkets to buy healthy foods. Doctors are taught to provide crisis medicine. They are excellent at that. Supermarket sell you chemical nutrition, because it is easier to produce and as a result less expensive to sell. You need to look at your body as a complex chemical instrument that needs proper ingredients to function properly, or it will break down and fail. You need to feed it with the ingredients, which are right for it! You get these in natural organic foods. If you have a garden, grow your own! One should also have his thyroid examined, especially when he or she carries extra weight. In countries and areas located far away from the ocean, iodine substitution in the form of sea plant supplementation is highly recommended, unless of course you have some condition that would prevent you from doing so. Stay away from sweets as much as you can. If you crave them, it is likely that you could have a hypoglycemia, a condition that the orthodox medicine does not really recognize or knows how to treat. Slowly withdrawing from eating sweets, under doctor’s supervision, is highly recommended. You may get withdrawal symptoms, but eventually you should feel considerably better overall. Take multivitamins, extra vitamin C, and drink a lot of water. List of highly recommended health books is in the last chapter.
Energy Conspiracy • •
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There is an important factor that has been ignored by the lighting industry. The factor is color of the light source (lamp), which is referred to as color temperature and is measured in degrees Kelvin. Generally, the higher is this temperature, the higher is visual efficiency. It's been known for decades that white-colored light can be up to several times more efficient than the pinkish and yellowish one (high and low pressure sodium lighting), with its low color temperature, which is used worldwide in outdoor applications.. Unfortunately the lighting designers go by guidelines of engineering societies that make recommendations on what type of lighting is to be used. These societies are highly staffed by engineers who receive paychecks from lighting manufacturers that make bigger profits with the inefficient pinkish and yellowish lighting, which eventually, as a result, ends up on our streets. Because the only interest corporations have is to make more profits, proper engineering recommendations are not made and so billions of dollars are wasted and too many people die or are seriously injured in accidents due to this improper lighting, which is officially considered to be “the correct one”. This less efficient lighting wastes energy, is responsible for increased dependency on foreign oil, and as a result our environment unnecessarily becomes more polluted. Dr. Berman is one of the scientists who explained effect of the color temperature phenomenon on visual efficiency. If someone wants to know more, I recommend papers by this researcher on
After the fall of communism Germans and Americans began to control major Czech media. The attack on anything Czech became unbelievably high. The Czech traits were constantly criticized. German and American traits were indirectly praised. The media attempted to kill any kind of national pride the Czechs possessed. Suddenly the Vietnamese, the Africans, and Mexicans were “great”. The Czechs were bad in anything they did. Drug culture and vulgarity became constantly promoted to young people.
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experiments he has done at the Lawrence Berkley Laboratory. Other scientists too have for decades been coming out with similar results, at various lighting levels. A number of tests also indicate that the more efficient full spectrum white light is healthier than the warm and cool white lighting that has for decades dominated in the US. These tests were done both in the West and the Soviet Union. There are all kinds of other inefficiencies when it comes to lighting design, including veiling reflections, and direct glare, which can decrease lighting efficiency several-fold. Another factor is that people do not have corrected vision, therefore higher than necessary lighting levels are needed in order to help the eyes focus better. That is why free medical care plays a positive role. Free eye examinations and glasses decrease accidents, improve work performance, and indirectly lower energy consumption, Foreign-born individuals who lack technical schooling and proper training generally design the lighting systems in the US. It suits the lighting industry and the electric utilities fine. The less efficient the system is, the more lights are needed, more energy will be used, and more money will be made. The universities and research organizations generally receive their funds from the industry and so for every experiment that demonstrates importance of color, come other experiments, done by the industry financed scientists, that prove otherwise. Lighting has been used as an example. Energy can be saved in many other ways. Nicola Tesla, one of two greatest minds in history of mankind (the other one was Leonardo DaVinci), studied on its own at Prague’s Charles University library, where he came from his native Yugoslavia, and on Paris’ Sorbonne. When he was to develop inexpensive energy, his sponsor, a US oil industry magnate J. P. Morgan cut off his funds and his large Denver laboratories were locked up. When he died, FBI entered his home and confiscated all his writings. Until now we celebrate Thomas Edison, not Nicola Tesla. Actually Edison was much less of an inventor than Tesla, who even refused to share a Nobel Prize with Edison. While Edison’s main driving force was money, money meant nothing to Tesla. Despite the fact that Tesla’s alternating current (AC), was much more efficient for energy transmission, the US Congress outlawed it in the US at a time when Edison tried to use his direct current (DC) to inefficiently light up the New World.
Arts, Culture, Film, Television We must teach people, our kids especially, to be good, have empathy, to enjoy arts and culture, and at the same time strive for better future. This desire must be programmed into everyone’s mind. Arts and 75
culture make people better, more sensitive human beings. Money does the opposite. Our world would be a lot better, a lot more peaceful, if people would have more noble goals than to be rich and powerful. The average film Hollywood studios make costs about $60,000,000 (USD), plus promotion costs, e.g. $15.000.000. This makes a total of some $75,000,000. At least one-third of that could be saved – from the outrageous star payments and promotion costs. Advertising expenses would be replaced by Internet surveys of what different types of viewers think of the film. These different viewer groups could be e.g. film artists, parents, kids, romantic comedy lovers, etc. Also posted on the same web site would be what critics have to say. The critics too would be rated, by filmmakers, and by the critics’ readers. Currently reviews are written by critics for magazines, newspapers, TV, etc. and are placed in the same media as studio and theater ads for the same films. As media make money from these ads, critics must write reviews in such a way, as to help the studios, which pay for the ads, otherwise the studios would advertise instead with their competition. As ads will be the way of the past, the critics would be free to write true reviews. It would be seriously punishable for anyone accepting or giving favors in order to create a favorable review. This type of arrangement would make the critics honest, which is what the current system more or less prevents. Portion of the 25 million per movie saved would be used to buy movie production equipment, 3D type included, that would be available to independent filmmakers for rent at an absolute minimum cost, so they would no longer have to pay outrageous rental fees for their tools. Admission to see junk films, which educate us and our kids the wrong way, which is most of what Hollywood now produces, will have admission costs that will be up to four times as much as admission to see enriching films, which would be subsidized from the ticket sales of the junk films. The good movies will cost little to see; Hollywood junk will cost much more than it does now. Theaters will make the same per-ticket-money on the low-cost tickets as on the ones for the expensive films. People will be able to choose between as many genres as they can today. Quality of films will not be decreased, only enhanced with art, culture, and educational ingredients. As a result kids’ minds will be getting programmed in the right direction. Children will no longer crave so much to see blood and violence and would not be exposed to profanity. They would eventually learn to hate these things and the studios would be forced to make better films; they would respond extremely fast in this direction. I used film as an example. TV programming, CD’s, and events like concerts and live theater would use similar tools to get the system moving in the right direction and to educate our kids and us to be good, not bad. No commercials or any form of advertising will be present anywhere in film or television. People should enjoy a film or TV program, not be bombarded with unrelated propaganda. We should learn some good things even from the Communists, not just discard everything they did, or do, as being bad.
Market Economy Is a Scam
Examples of Problems with Free Market Economy • •
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When we go to get our car fixed for a simple inexpensive problem – the bill may not end up to be e.g. $100, but $500 instead, because the mechanic and the service advisor work on commissions and will make more money if they replace parts that need not be replaced. The stereo speakers you buy for $1000 have a worse sound than other speakers costing $200, but you’d never know. The salesmen work on commission and so the speakers are manipulated with, placed in a certain area of the showroom, and connected in a way to make the better speakers sound worse. The commissioned salesman makes 5x more money on the worse speakers, plus a bonus. This is the unfortunate reality. Once you are getting your TV fixed; the repairman, as a rule, too makes commission on parts. So your bill may end up being not $50 but $200. You read an article in a magazine on how great certain car is. You check the car at the dealer; you like it and buy it, only to later find out how troublesome it is. Why did the magazine like it so much? Because that particular carmaker bought a lot of advertising from the magazine, took the reporters to an expensive junket in Europe, paid their first-class air tickets and five star hotel accommodations and gave them expensive gifts. Both the magazine and the reporters know that the nicer the report, the more money is likely to come to them in the future. Your doctor prescribes certain medicine a lot. There are better medicines, but this particular drug company gives him nice gifts and pays for his vacations, some overseas, which are masked as educational trips, where he is given a relatively short seminar to push this medicine; the rest of the time is his vacation. He is taken care of luxury-style. The radio stations start playing a lot certain good new song. There are better new songs, but because this one is being played more, the records sell better and it becomes No. 1 hit. What you don’t know is that particular DJ’s who played the song a lot got from the record label free gifts, free concert tickets, an apartment with a paid prostitute, and supply of drugs. This is no exaggeration. Advertising is a lie, is phony, and creates demand for unneeded and often second-class products; TV shopping in particular is excellent at this practice. Advertising is there to sell a product, not to describe it accurately. Many inferior and unneeded products are made. As a result some products of a little value are sold at a price that is hundred times higher than the production cost, packaging excluded. This is especially true for cosmetics, multi-level marketed products, etc. Then, when service is required, products are often serviced inefficiently, especially after the warranty period ends.
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Does it make sense to allow ads that promote cigarettes and then have ads warning against cigarette smoking? Of course not! This is just one of many examples that come to mind how far has this circus show came to. Diamonds is another example. Millions of people in Africa have died as a result of wars to control diamond mines and in the mines themselves. Billions of dollars are wasted; demand is artificially created. Gold jewelry is sold at several-times its production value and often the actual carat rating is ½ of how it’s marked. Spending money for gold and jewelry is waste of money; it supports killing of innocent people, etc. But people buy it because it is pushed to them via advertising. Some are naive enough to buy it as an investment. When they are trying to sell it, they are shocked how little value it has.
The System Needs To Be Fixed Communism was about to fall. It was an event that was planned well in advance. The West no longer needed to show a better face to the East, so many social benefits were to be cut or abandoned. America and capitalism could show their real face. Market economy was the camouflage for these changes. The public was fed fairy tales like “the market was to take care of everything”. Corporations were to police themselves – an analogy is a thief that would police himself. Government regulations were to get minimized. In the market economy one can supposedly buy cheaper bread, milk, meat, hamburgers, can get less expensive car and watch repair, but no one anymore protects the customer. The market economy promoters claimed that market forces take care of that. So as a result the bread is made of genetically altered grains and is causing many new allergies, possibly also other damages that we don’t know about yet. The milk has artificial BGH hormone, genetically engineered by people from a renowned pesticide company. This hormone causes cancer. The hamburgers are such a junk that they make people fat and sick; the car is repaired by installing in a rebuilt engine, while the customer needed a tune-up, and a watch is fixed by replacing a battery – while charging for a lot more extensive repair. Welcome to market economy! There is the court system that is supposed to take care of these problems. In California you can sue in Small Claims Court for up to $7,500, but you are not an expert, while the car dealer you are suing is, so his word has a higher weight than yours, plus he knows all the tricks that you don’t. The judge is not a real judge, but some lawyer who is devoting his time to the court as he would like to become a judge. He does not even have to know the laws that apply to make a ruling. It is up to you to bring up the laws and rulings that apply. You’re totally disadvantaged against this dealer. The system obviously does not work. It should instead work in such a manner that it would prevent the problems from happening in the first place. Unfortunately the market economy removes control mechanisms to prevent this type of abuses and the penalties are too low for the businessmen to become honest. By cheating you, they make more money. Their salesmen make more money by lying to you. The ones who lie the most make the most and get promoted fastest. Welcome to Reaganomics! Welcome to free market economy! The consumption society is wrong! The market economy is wrong! Competition is good, but was generally lacking in the communist states. As a result their planned economy did not work very well. The market economy, which started to be promoted in the US by the Reagan administration, in Britain by Margaret Thatcher, and in the Czech Republic by Vaclav Klaus, is an aberration and must stop!
Short-Term Policies Don’t Work Our shortsighted "democratic" governments have repeatedly failed us by not stopping communism, Nazism, and terrorism in their tracks, while these movements were still in their infancies. Our governments have lost the war on drugs, the war on spread of infectious diseases, the war on cancer, and 78
have failed to make our neighborhoods safe. The US educational system is a total failure; the families are failing apart; the environment is dying at an ever more alarming rate. The US government supported Sadam Hussein, the men that later became the Taliban leaders, and many other radical and dangerous movements and dictators. This worked OK in short term but the long-term effects became disastrous. So now we have 100x bigger problems than the ones we fixed on short term basis. In our materialistic world, everything centers on money and short term planning. The large multinational corporations own media, and indirectly, via their paid lobbyists and their direct and indirect campaign contributions, own the governments. These multinationals have one goal and that is short-term profit, mainly to satisfy their shareholders. The governments too have short-term goals that normally span four years. Their #1 goal is to win the next election. As the world is moving rapidly in the direction of new technological development, money becomes the only motive for the corporation’s existence. Still very few corporate leaders look at the whole picture from the very long-term perspective. Very few of the elected government officials do so either. This status quo is responsible for pushing us from crisis to crisis, from one conflict to the next one, from one war to another. We need to stop and reevaluate the direction in which we are moving. We need long-term approaches to planning. Fixes that we do to local conflicts, while ignoring the overall situation, lead to future major conflicts. This extremely faulty system needs a major overhaul – and it needs it now! Many beneficial inventions that were made are not applied since in short term they bring no benefits to the ones who run our governments, and those, for whom the governments work for, which are the corporate interests, not the voters. Long-term benefits don't get the politicians reelected. Short term ones do! Long term planning, with short-term sacrifices, does not look good on the corporate balance sheets. It doesn't make the CEO look like a winner and does not keep the dividends up; it makes value of the stock go down and with that go down the CEO's income and future prospects. The world around us is moving so fast that it cannot reap the benefits of its discoveries. New discoveries often leave more long-tern damages than short-term benefits because they are not applied correctly, are applied only for their short-term effects – to be soon abandoned and replaced with something new, something that will again bring big short-term profits – to a few people. We need to slow down and think where we are going. We need to take care of our current problems before we move into a new chapter in history! Mankind made a lot of progress during the last 50 years, but has it moved in the right direction? Have the people become happier, healthier, more enlightened? Have we moved closer to world’s peace? Will our children have more freedom than we’ve had, or what have our parents enjoyed? Are we better human beings? Do we care more about others? Are our children less likely to overdose on drugs? Are we less obese? Are we more fertile? Do we breathe cleaner air? Have we won the fight against cancer? Or are we losing all these and many other fights? We all know the answer to all these questions!
Macro Solutions Are Needed What we need are long terms goals and overall solutions, not short term fixes. We have the technology and science to make major changes that will make the world a satisfying, happy place for us all, for our children, and for all future generations to come. All we need to do is apply what we know and do it with far ahead planning. The benefits may be negative at first but extensive in long term. Long-term approach is also needed when solving regional problems. We don’t live in isolated states so eradicating tuberculosis in our country and letting it develop into an epidemic of an incurable form in another part of the world will become a disaster even for us; we can’t isolate ourselves enough from it. 79
The world on terrorism is a result of another micro-policy that did not work. We have created the roots of terrorism and now are reaping the fruits of the seeds we had planted. Fighting crime and drugs with stronger police force does not work. We need to root out the causes of these problems, and we need to do so on a global, not regional level. To solve not only the world problems, but our regional ones too, we need to look at the whole global situation. We need to see the whole picture from a long-term perspective. The solutions must be effective long term and must all work in synergy. We need macro policies first; micro policies should always be parts of the whole picture; they can’t be isolated. In our planning we must always start by looking at the most distant future first; we must look at all the possibilities, at all the dangers that we, as a human race could be exposed to. The future is always least clear, the foggiest, but we must start there and as a result eventually end up with a lot clearer planning even when it comes to short term. Our very long-term goal should be to move to another planet when this one is one day no longer able to sustain human life properly, or should it be endangered by a collision with a large space object. We must be prepared for such catastrophic scenarios. This is where our weapons should be aimed at –at destroying such object that could destroy us, not aimed at another place on Earth. We all must work to protect our planet. There should not be any enemies inside our home – which is the Earth itself.
No unemployment or minimum wage Employment must be full. Everyone who is able to and does not have other income must work. If he does not, he will be jailed and in jail will be made to work very hard; his or her other choice would be to leave the country. Minimum wage law is responsible for the fact that many people who want to work can’t find a job. This law has to be abolished. People making substandard pay will have their income subsidized by the government, providing the line of work or business is beneficial to the society. Since jobs will be readily available, both full and part time, there will be no need for unemployment benefits. These will still however be paid, on a very limited time basis, but the unemployed will be required to accept, within 7 days of losing his job at least a 20-hour a week position. It will give him plenty of time to look for work of his choice. Market forces must determine salaries. The profession of a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, etc. would be popular even if the salaries would be considerably lower than now. That means that the current salaries for these jobs are artificially too high. Students should enter studies for prestigious occupations because they would like to be lawyer or a doctor, not because of a potentially extravagant income.
Economy and Consumer Protection • •
Senator Edward Kennedy repeatedly wanted to establish in the US a new government department (ministry) – The Department of Consumer Protection. It never passed the legislature. The consumer in the capitalist society is not protected sufficiently. One of the downfalls of this sad situation is e.g. the sad state of spread of infectious diseases.
• • •
Market economy does not have an overall positive impact on the society, despite the fact that the economic statistics may indicate otherwise. Economics and well-being are two different things that don’t always go hand in hand. Large paycheck does not guarantee a better, happier life if you live in crime-ridden society, when your family, kids especially, are exposed to STD’s and drugs, where there is no job security, where your partner marries you for your wealth, where you are constantly under stress to be thin, extroverted, careful not to be cheated, and richer than you can be. Market economy helps create a society, where value of everything is measured by money. Market economy, originally pushed by the Reagan’s administration, resulted in seriously mentally ill patients to be thrown out of mental institutions. Market was supposed to take care of them. It didn’t! They became homeless! But on the paper this move saved money. In reality damage to the society was much higher than the monetary benefit! These people spread infectious diseases and are responsible for creation of incurable deadly strains of these diseases. They suffer in the streets. What value do we put on human suffering the Reagan administration’s move created? What kind of people hoard large amount of money and wealth? They don’t need more money to live better lives. While the media may trumpet about charity contributions of the rich, these people normally use money for honorable causes only because it is a profitable tax write-off, or a PR stunt. In market economy, where government controls are lacking, they tend to use unfair methods in their “money and power” game, without much concern if it will or will not hurt others. To create an effective economy, jobs need to shift heavily towards production. Other sectors, like retail and services in general, need to be as efficient as manufacturing. It does not make sense that a good product is made efficiently and then distribution, wholesale and retail markups, advertising and packaging make the price up to one hundred times higher. Retailers must make the same profit on all brands; this would mean that no inferior, but for them more profitable brands or products, would be pushed by stores. Profits in retail must be low. The sales force must be well educated, must be able to describe the consumer well the benefits of all products and must lead him or her towards purchase of what he or she needs the most, not something that is more expensive and the retailer makes most profit on. Commissions in sales must be eliminated! Politicians must agree to fight for strong consumer protection.
Taxes When it comes to taxes, they are way too high. The government just wastes the taxpayers’ money. What is important is to create a fair tax system, which will give subsidies to products, services, individuals, and companies that do something beneficial and good to help the mankind – to have positive impact on our society. These would be e.g. organic foods, movies that are not only entertaining but also teach good morals and values, etc. At the same time we need to demand high taxes on corporations, products, media, etc., causing health, social, and moral damage. The more damage they create, the higher the taxes would be. Nothing would work better to start the society and mankind moving in the right direction, and to progress in its values and development than this type of tax system.
Life enjoyment has little to do with money. There have been plenty of unhappy depressed suicidal people among the rich, and there have been plenty of very happy, by Western standards very poor people, who have never had TV, radio, telephone, or a car, but also no mental illness or a divorce, and who live to be one hundred years old, without any Western medicine.
Money Does Not Equal Life Enjoyment Correct policies can improve quality of life of people in all countries, in all socio-economic segments, from the extremely poor to the extremely rich. Naturally improvement will be highest in the lowest segments of the population and lowest in the highest ones. Level of happiness and satisfaction should be the main parameter for measurement of individual’s quality of life. If someone is rich and unhappy, although he lives in luxury, his quality of life is poor, as quality of life is a mental state, not an economic one, which the establishment is trying to tell us. If someone is poor and happy, his life quality is rich. Unfortunately our money-oriented society sees it differently.
The Rich Riches normally translate to emotional flatness with low peaks of joy from new stimuli. You must get down in life to appreciate a new high; otherwise things that are a joy for normal people become ordinary, unexciting and you will start seeking new joys like cocaine, sadomasochistic sexual practices, etc. There isn’t anything more pathetic than a rich businessman, who is a multimillionaire, runs a corporation and lies and cheats ordinary people in order so he can become more rich, so that his corporation is more successful, which feeds his ego and makes him feel good about himself. How many people does he have to cheat, how many lies does he have to say, how many people have to suffer because of his products like junk foods, tobacco, cigarettes, junk bonds, weapons, or whatever is this man making or selling? He feels superior because he has money, expensive cars and, a pretty wife – but this wife married him and stays for money. He goes to a concert of classical music, because he wants to show that he is culturally rich, but he thinks about his business and his money throughout the concert. In his spare time he plays golf and while doing so he thinks and talks money and business with friends who are lawyers – the same breed as him, or other businessmen, with whom he measures his power over other people, his economic-success, and similar “qualities of life”. They all feel good about their money, power, and their connections. They consider themselves something better, as they offer jobs to the “less fortunate ones”. Directly or not,
they give money to politicians, who are of the same sort as they are: insensitive, phony, shallow, and they are all responsible for the fact that that quality of life is measured by money. They all have what our society considers to be prestigious occupations. They are paid extremely well for what they do – and they are the ones who are responsible for the status quo of our society. They are indirectly responsible for the homeless, for the single mother, who is thrown out from her home together with her babies, because she owes tax money – and she becomes homeless. While the rich live in neighborhoods, where the police force makes sure that there is no, or only very little crime, this poor new homeless woman is not allowed to live on the streets where the rich live. The police only allow her to live in areas, where there is crime, gangs, and rapes. Or she is offered a shelter, where there are bugs, rats, and coughing residents infected with tuberculosis. When the rich see this woman begging in the streets, do they give her money? No, because it is her fault how “she chose to live”. They don’t want to support this low-life segment of our society! Ordinary people give her money, although they were also brainwashed into believing that she chose to live this type of lifestyle. Now, can someone who is rich and insensitive have a rich life, can he be internally rich, if he or she can pass by this unfortunate woman and does not give anything?
The Poor • •
People must experience the bad, so that they can truly enjoy the good. Only after they experienced misery, will they truly experience happiness. If this dynamics is missing from their life, the life and emotions generally too becomes flat. When a poor child loses his toy, he cries for a long time. The parents don’t have the money to buy him a new one. When a rich child loses a toy and the parents tell him that they will get him a new one, his joy from the new toy will be so little compared to the joy a poor child would experience once he eventually gets it. What does the poor child do? Will his happiness be inferior to what the rich kid experiences? No, the poor kid will make up make belief toys, will play with a piece of something that was thrown away and will imagine it to be a super toy. The child will experience a high level of enjoyment and will become much more imaginative than the rich kid, who does not have to play this make belief. The poor child’s life thus becomes richer.
The Middle Income People Let’s take look at a young couple in a neocolonized Eastern European country. Both the young man and the young woman work. They raise a family. When they met and started going together, they did it because they were attracted to each other. At the same time the rich, when they find love, never know if the other person loves them, or is there just for the money; the poor folks have it much clearer in this department, so they don’t have to be on guard and as a result can experience a true love much more easily than the rich ones can. They have enough food to eat, live in an apartment, and have experienced the good and the bad together. That allows them to live a much richer life emotionally than the rich are capable of. Life’s happiness is all in our heads, not in our wallets. Money really have little to do with being happy and being happy is the quality we all should be striving for; this is what makes life most worthwhile. It is not riches that make us happy – as the establishment is trying to claim falsely in their propaganda in films, magazines, books, and on television.
Making People Bad
People are not born bad. They are made bad by the society. It is true that genes play a role, but a well functioning society is able to suppress the bad traits people have and make the good ones grow and dominate. To accomplish this, people must be taught to be good and leadership of genuinely good people is needed. They must serve as examples. No crooked politicians who act nice but a sensitive person can see a bad, hideous personalities through their phony facades. Also good deeds and behavior must get praised and rewarded. We can find genuine goodness and sincerity among some of the very old people, this can be seem most in old women, who were born e.g. in Easter Europe. You can trust them 100%. They don’t tell lies. They were raised in different, better times, times when people were taught that one needs to be good, sincere, truthful, sensitive to societal wrongs and human suffering. Music, books, movies and magazines promoted these values then. The society where young people are brought up today is teaching different values. Crooks, including crooked politicians, lawyers, and businessmen, are being idealized by the media. During the time of Communism, movies and TV programming for kids taught the children the highest morals, taught them to be genuinely good, sensitive, and loving; it taught them healthy emotions and how to be well behaved. In the US the situation was quite opposite. The kids were taught violence, slyness; they wanted to see blood. That time Shelley Duvall, together with other actors, made a series of fairy tales for kids that included such titles as Jack And The Beanstalk and Rampelstilskin. There was no violence; good values were promoted, and the kids loved these short films, despite the fact that they were very cheaply made by e.g. the Czech fairy tale standards. The movies Duvall produced were funny and refreshing at a time when the mainstream media kept on pushing totally different, very bad examples of values, like the Transformer series, which were full of violence. The media, the politicians, the multinationals, and the secret services are responsible for forming the following type of people: • Crooks, liars, insincere individuals. The kids have these examples everywhere in our society. Just look at the politicians! • Making people unhappy: We are all bombarded by powerful medial messages that it is important to have expensive things, that expensive perfumes, jewelry, clothing, cars, and houses are a must for happiness, and individual worthiness within the society. The rich and powerful are idolized and this is why the kids and adults too want to be rich. They want to fit in the society, as someone who is admired, not made fun of. This propaganda has a negative impact on most people, because it teaches them the wrong values. It makes them want expensive, material things, which they usually can’t attain, so their self-esteem, satisfaction, and happiness get significantly diminished. • If these wrong values of riches, power, and being famous are promoted to kids and adults, and the rich are idolized in media, they are also admired in real life, so it serves their needs, not the needs of the great majority of population. • The fairy tale that is being fed constantly to Americans is wrong – it is the fairy tale that everyone can become rich, all he needs to do is to “want to” and “work hard at it”. Most people don’t attain this aim and it stresses them and twists their personalities in such way that level of their happiness can never be as high as of someone, who cherishes totally different values, someone who did not have to make false friends, who did not have to use his friends, did not have to lie, or tell half truths, while trying to sell something in his way to success, fame, and riches. • Until the installment of the post communist “democratic” regime in Czechoslovakia, which took place after the fall of Communism, general education was on an extremely high level and study of history was a part of it. It taught the students to be proud to be Czechs. The post communist regimes are trying very hard to stop teaching history. The media switched from material of high art and cultural values to subculture of gossip columns in low quality magazines. They created celebrities from uneducated, non-sensitive, trivial people. Scientists and artists are no longer being shown as examples to the young. The new establishment needs this type of crowd, a crowd that does not think independently, that is uneducated and celebrates the values of the rich, a 84
crowd that is not taught to think creatively and does not want to change the sick society, a crowd that does not have the sensitivity to see a crook. They, instead, need a trivial, crowd to celebrate these crooks and twisted values. The establishment is creating scared, obedient, insensitive extroverted crowd with low moral values. From this type of people it’s easy to recruit informers and ruthless policemen who will work for the benefit of the military-industrial complex and who will participate in destruction of things that are good and beneficial to the mankind, while the rest of the population will not do anything about it.
How to Make Most People Happy? In a new healthy society, which I vision, there will be no need for networking to make business contacts, to make connections in order to get ahead; there will be no need to make friends to sell them stuff through multi level marketing. All this creates crooked characters, stress, false friendships, etc. The solution to more happiness is, among other things, to more equally divide riches among all people. Their riches bring little happiness to the rich. If they need to feed their low self-esteem, psychotherapy is a lot more effective and a lot less expensive than having a lot of money and power. Work is good for these folks, because after they finish working, they will appreciate a lot more their free time. Life needs contrasts, ups and downs. People must experience the lows to achieve and truly enjoy highs. The poor people on the other hands need to have more money so they suffer less and can enjoy bigger and longer highs. There are a few rich and a lot of poor people. But the rich have among themselves concentrated so much wealth, that if half of it is transferred to the poor, it would mean nothing to the them and life of a vast number of the poor ones would improve. They don’t need much to be happy.
Steps to improving quality of life • • •
• •
• •
Removing economic hardship Creating full employment Teaching people that money does not lead to happiness – teaching them instead the following things: o Development of feelings, sensitivities, and cultural and esthetical awareness o Hobbies o Importance of love, rather than sex only, for true happiness. Sex is great, but love and sex is a much higher state of happiness. o Teaching good values and sound judgment Removing from the society o Drugs, crime o Lies of politicians, businessmen, lawyers, and commissioned salesmen Media must not promote o Extroversion o Triviality o Need to be skinny o Need to be famous o Need to win over someone o Violence, vulgarity o Bad morals o Unnatural sexual practices Creating responsible government, responsive to needs of its voters, not the corporations and their lobbies many times improve level of the democratic process
Introduce a lot more personal and political freedom
In our effort to change the society and its values, we must realize what is the political reality and what exactly is the power base, which we will have to educate and fight, because the entrenched establishment has a very strong self-preserving tools, like powerful secret services, powerful media, powerful army and police forces that do work efficiently to promote and preserve the needs of the rich and powerful. This means that all changes must be done not via revolution, but via rapid evolution. The rich and powerful must not feel any discomfort and they too must benefit from the changes. Our distant predecessors did not have radio, TV, electricity, supermarkets, cars, rock-n-roll, or drugs. They would be considered very poor by our standards. But they were happy – probably more than we are. They were content with what they had. They created fun and entertainment with what they owned. No one reminded them all the time on TV that more is better and that if you don’t have more, you are less of a human being. And no one was telling them that everyone could be rich and successful, slim and funny, that all they have to do is to want it enough and work hard on it, which is naturally false. The hard work required to obtain something that one is programmed to need brings out stress, dissatisfaction and the end result is less happiness than before, or that our predecessors had. They knew that they were farmers and factory workers and no one was pushing them to be landowners and factory owners. They realized that they have a certain place in the society and they made the best of what they had. They were lacking the modern stress created by the need to change, be extroverted, rich, and famous. To show that money has little to do with happiness, let’s compare level of dissatisfaction in the rich and powerful USA and in a poor country. In the three columns we will find percentage of people in each of five economic categories, multiplied by a level of average dissatisfaction in that category. When we add the results and divide them by the total by 100 (an arbitrary constant I use in all these examples), we will get average dissatisfaction level in that country. Population Segment
Percentage Level of of Population Dissatisfaction
Dissatisfaction Points
USA: Very rich 1% x0.9 =0.9 Rich 9% x3 =27 Average 80% x9 =720 Poor 9% x30 =270 Very poor 1% x90 =90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 100% total dissatisf. points =1107.9 1107.9:100=11 points average dissatisfaction in the US Poor Country: Rich 1% x1 =1 Average 9% x3.3 =30 Poor 80% x10 =800 Very poor 9% x33 =300 Extremely poor 1% x100 =100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 100% total dissatisf. points =1231 1231:100=12 points average dissatisfaction in a poor country If Americans, while living in the US, had to live the life of the people in the poor country: Rich 1% x3 =3 Average 9% x10 =90 Poor 80% x30 =2400 Very poor 9% x100 =900 Extremely poor 1% x300 =300 86
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 100% total dissatisf. points =3693 3693:100=37 points average dissatisfaction in the US if the economic level there was on the level of a poor country
If Americans, in the US, had the same attitude towards life as the people have in the poor country: Very rich 1% x0.3 =0.3 Rich 9% x1 =9 Average 80% x3 =240 Poor 9% x10 =90 Very poor 1% x30 =30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 100% total dissatisf. points =369.3 369.3:100=3.7 points average dissatisfaction in the US if Americans had the same attitude towards life as people in a poor country have
From these examples we can see how extremely important are psychological factors, not money in dissatisfaction/satisfaction of people. 3-times higher satisfaction can be achieved by simply reprogramming the people’s minds. Different TV programming, different educational system, etc. can be used to make people, on the average, 3-times more satisfied.
Quality Of Life 1. Based on Gross National Product (GNP) Per Capita This table takes into consideration only the average income per person. It had been used a lot in the past, especially to indicate how much better life is in Western capitalist countries compared to the socialist ones. Here the first place goes to USA now and second one to USA four decades ago. GNP/ capita Quality of Life % Achievable quality of life RANKING
Banana Republic Czech Republic 1 5.7 1 1 4
5.7 6 3
USA 36 36 40 1
USA 1968 Czechoslovakia 1968 Ideal 19 5.3 90 19 21
5.3 6
90 100
All values are adjusted for inflation and are not necessarily the official statistics, which I consider biased.
2. Based on Purchasing Power per Capita This table takes into account cost of living. This is the table that is used most lately. It still considers economic factors only. The first place goes to the United States, the second one to the Communist country Czechoslovakia; the third place goes to Czech Republic now, couple decades after the fall of Communism in Czechoslovakia. Banana Republic Czech Republic
Purchasing power / capita Quality of Life
USA 1968
Czechoslovakia 1968
Low Mid High Low Med High Low Mid High inc. inc. inc. inc inc inc. inc. inc. inc. 28 278 2800 530 1600 4800 1700 4000 10000 4000
3200 9900
28 278 2800 530 1600 4800 1700 4000 10000 4000
3200 9900
% Achievable quality of life RANKING
16 3
40 1
Explanation: Inc. = income
3. Quality of Life with Social Factors Included This table takes into account all major factors, not only the economic ones. Unfortunately this type of comparison is practically never used, because it shows the capitalist system in a more negative light. What is interesting is that first place goes to a Communist country, well ahead of the United States of now or four decades ago. Banana Republic Czech Republic
Low inc Happiness Security Freedom from STDs Satisfaction Lack of prison torture / rapes Lack of homeless population Comfort Freedom from crime Social development Purchasing power / capita Developed feelings Cultural level Healthy families Mental health Child care Longevity Freedom from chemicals Health care Freedom from pollution Freedom General education Life skills Country free of foreign control Political understanding Democracy level Economic freedom Quality of Life % Achievable quality of life RANKING
USA Cze- Ideal Total % 1968 choper Total group per slov. 1968 group
Mid High Low Med High Low Mid High inc. inc. inc inc inc. inc. inc. inc.
350 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 1200 1500 1500 2000 3000 5000 16 160 160 320 320 320 320 320 320 400 1600 2000 5 5 5 50 50 50 5 5 5 300 950 1000 15 150 300 50 150 300 140 300 300 350 300 600 2 50 500 100 100 300 40 40 250 20 500 600 40 40 40 100 100 100 40 40 40 80 600 600 3.5 35 300 65 130 300 230 270 500 240 35 600 5 20 300 40 40 40 10 20 150 40 800 900 40 80 80 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 400 50011800 39.6 28 278 2800 530 1600 4800 1700 4000 10000 4000 3200 9900 9900 800 50 600 400 150
800 150 600 400 150
600 150 600 400 300
800 250 300 300 150
800 250 300 300 150
400 100 150 150 150
400 100 150 150 150
1050 1050 1050 1140 1140 1140 1170 1170 1170 1170 1140 1500 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 400 16 65 130 130 130 260 110 130 350 175 250 600 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 15 150 2650
400 300 300 150 75 75 60 80 80 10 100 100 20 20 20 5 5 5 10 10 10
300 100 150 150 300
500 1000 1500 150 450 900 200 400 800 200 400 500 200 250 300 4000
50 150 300 400 400 25 50 50 150 150 80 80 80 60 60 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 1 1 1 5 5 10 10 10 10 10
600 250 300 300 300
400 75 80 100 20 5 10
500 100 80 100 15 5 10
800 200 80 100 25 1 1.5
900 250 100 100 75 45 15 1485
3807 5894 9726 6705 844012240 6735 9565 1650511115 16598 2983529835 28 32 37 56 100 13 20 33 22 41 23 55 5 4 3 2 1
5 100
Life Enjoyment Index 1. Life Enjoyment Index of an Individual
social development purchasing power / capita developed feelings cultural level healthy families mental health child care longevity freedom from chemicals health care
10 105 1050
600 1800
637 1500
600 150 600 400
800 250 300 300
800 250 300 300
600 250 300 300
400 100 150 150
400 100 150 150
150 150 300
800 50 600 400
800 150 600 400
1050 1050 1050 1140 1140 1140 1170 1170 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 16 65 130 130 130 260 110 130
1500 2000 320 400 5 300 300 350 250 20 40 80 500 240 150 40
3000 1600 950 300 500 600 35 800
5000 2000 1000 600 600 600 600 900
500 11800 49,9
3750 1500
1000 450 400 400
1500 900 800 500
300 100 150 150
500 150 200 200
1170 1170 50 50 350 175
1140 100 250
1500 400 600
freedom from pollution
freedom general education life skills country free of foreign control political understanding democracy level
50 150 300 25 50 50 80 80 80 10 10 10 20 20 20 1 1 1
400 150 60 10 20 5
400 150 60 10 20 5
400 150 60 10 20 5
300 75 80 100 20 5
300 75 80 100 20 5
400 75 80 100 20 5
500 100 80 100 15 5
800 200 80 100 25 1
900 250 100 100 75 45
economic freedom Quality of Life % achievable quality of life RANKING
350 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 1200 1500 16 160 160 320 320 320 320 320 5 5 5 50 50 50 5 5 15 150 300 50 150 300 140 300 2 50 500 100 100 300 40 40 40 40 40 100 100 100 40 40 3,5 35 300 65 130 300 230 270 5 20 300 40 40 40 10 20
high inc.
mid inc.
low inc.
high inc.
med inc
low inc
high inc.
USA 1968
happiness security freedom from STDs satisfaction lack of prison torture / rapes lack of homeless population comfort freedom from crime
mid inc.
low inc
Banana Republic Czech Republic
total per group % total per group
“Life Enjoyment Index” is less money dependant than the “Quality Of Life Index”, which is shown in the previous table. First place goes to Communist Czechoslovakia.
3789 5721 7976 6373 7440 9240 5672 7065 10255 8615 14598 23635 23635 16
24 5
31 3
30 4
36 2
2. Life Enjoyment Index with More Equally Distributed Wealth This table shows what happens by simply distributing wealth more equally among the population. Naturally it would require socio-economic changes and it would take time for the high-income groups to adjust.
social development
purchasing power / capita
52 105 210
600 1200
600 150 600 400
800 250 300 300
800 250 300 300
600 250 300 300
400 100 150 150
150 150 300
child care longevity freedom from chemicals health care
800 150 600 400
1700 1700 2100 2100 1500 400 400 400 400 400 30 60 60 60 30 400 150 300 400 300 500 100 100 300 40 120 200 200 200 120 350 100 134 350 250 400 100 100 100 200
1050 1050 1050 1140 1140 1140 1170 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 40 65 130 130 130 260 115 20
1500 3000 1500 1200 400 100 150 150
300 100 150 150
500 1000 150 450 200 400 200 400
1170 1170 1170 1140 50 50 50 100 130 350 175 250
freedom from pollution
freedom general education life skills country free of foreign control political understanding democracy level
50 150 300 30 50 50 80 80 80 10 10 10 20 20 20 1 1 1
400 150 60 10 20 5
400 150 60 10 20 5
400 150 60 10 20 5
300 75 80 100 20 5
300 75 80 100 20 5
400 75 80 100 20 5
500 100 80 100 15 5
800 200 80 100 25 1
economic freedom
Quality of Life 5230 6346 7931 7060 7944 9140 6645 % achievable quality of life 22 27 34 30 34 39 28 RANKING
total per group % total per group
high inc. 150
USA 1968
5000 2000 1000 600 600 600 600 900
mid inc.
low inc.
high inc.
med inc
1700 400 30 200 50 120 45 40
800 50 600 400
1800 1800 2000 3000 400 400 400 1600 30 30 300 950 400 400 350 300 40 250 20 500 120 120 80 600 300 550 240 35 200 200 40 800
1200 250 30 150 2 120 30 25
developed feelings cultural level healthy families mental health
hapiness security freedom from STDs satisfaction lack of prison torture / rapes lack of homeless population comfort freedom from crime
Czech Republic low inc
low inc mid inc. high inc.
Bannana Republ.
Because the low-income groups will be better off economically, it will cure some of the societal problems, like high homelessness level, crime, hate of the rich, increased awareness level among the poor in regards of STD dangers, etc. This will, as a result, bring higher comforts to the middle income groups. In the high-income group the increased freedom from crime, less hate by the poor, less homeless population, etc. will bring enough benefits to compensate for the lower income levels.
500 11800 49,9 3700 3700
1500 900 800 500 300 4000
1500 400 600 150 2650
900 250 100 100 75 45 15 1485
7860 10190 8615 14598 23635 23635 33 43 36 62 100 100 4
Conclusion Life enjoyment is what we need to strive for. That is the true factor by which we should measure quality of our lives. Money has little to do with life enjoyment, except when we consider the lowest socioeconomic groups. The table above shows how doing nothing more than redistributing income more fairly would tremendously benefit our society. In the first column we see 37% increase (22 vs. 16) in life enjoyment – compared to the previous table. This column covers majority of the world’s population.
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All politicians need to work against globalization as we know it, where an industrialized country moves its factories into a developing nation, and while doing so, it helps in creating and maintaining a subordinate regime that is corrupt and does not work in the interest of its own people, while supporting interests of the industrialized country. We need to help the underdeveloped countries with their problems, education, diseases, agriculture, democracy, development of honest governments; we need to create assembly and manufacturing plants there for the benefit of its people, not to take advantage of them. We need to help free all nations affected by unfair globalization policies, whose governments don’t have national, but other interests. All governments need to be patriotic, need to work for interests of their own people, not some foreign power. Each nation needs to develop its national pride and needs to preserve its culture. This will help make up the much needed worldwide cultural diversity, from which we can all learn while creating a federation of states with rich cultural tradition and foundation. Unfortunately with globalization normally comes suppression of national cultures. Full amnesty to those who participate in dictatorial regimes, supported by globalists, will be given in exchange for allowing smooth transition to a free democratic society. These people will also be given a lot of credit for allowing this change. One needs to be brave, creative, and good, to give up his powers for the benefit of others. We need to work towards world peace and we must stop domination over the less powerful nations. This should be our most important goal. If there is a shortage of software engineers, like e.g. in the United States, the US must train its own people. Having the demand met by importing these professionals by hundreds of thousands from overseas hurts the Americans, because they could take on these jobs. It also hurts the developing countries, which trained their engineers, only to be stolen by a richer, more powerful country, without compensation to the less developed nation. If you import your scientists, you are raising the brainpower of your scientific community. If you do it in an environment of free competition among nations, it is still not fair. If you however globalize some nation first and then take his brainpower, it is despicable.
It is extremely unfair if you create a monopoly, like that of Microsoft, and work so hard to push their problematic products onto other nations, including the developing ones, especially if “no cost” open source software alternatives exist.
Rules from the Colonial Era These rules do not apply to a colony, only to a country that would have a subordinate role – primarily in the time colonies existed. • He, who wins war, writes history. • He, who wins war, gets secret services of the losing country under his command. • He, who controls secret services of a country, controls the country. • Once you control secret services of a country, you soon start controlling the government and the media of that country. Then you can do with that country and its people more or less whatever you want. • You become a world power by paying your secret services very well to take control of secret services of other countries, while at the same time watching carefully to prevent any of your agents to start working for the interests of anyone else but your own. • Keep explaining your people how bad the ones who criticize your system are, how dangerous they are, and how they want to destroy your country and its culture. • Make sure the globalized population participates in “democratic” elections, where the candidates, who have a chance of winning, all work for you, or support your policies fully. • You must install into power only people who, or their closest ones, have skeletons in their closets. They will serve you the best and if needed you can always “eliminate them” by having the media expose what’s in the closet. • If you can’t win with the force of an argument and you can’t get the secret services of another country fully under your command and make them strong enough, you must find a good reason to invade that country; you must not leave until you establish secret services, government and media that work for you. You make sure that the secret services control all the opposing parties and that the percentage of votes required for a party to get into legislature is high enough so that truly patriotic parties have no chance of gaining any legislative seats. • When you control a country, you demonstrate superiority of your people, your system, and your culture, e.g. in the movies that you distribute there, in which you show your country positively, while the controlled country starts producing movies and other media material, which show, indirectly, their society and culture negatively. • You should start downgrading the population’s self esteem, national pride, morals, and its cultural heritage. • In the country that you control, you constantly stress negatives of that nation, while you teach your own people, and show them on television, in the movies, etc. that they are the best. • While keeping on promoting patriotism in your country, eliminate as much as possible patriotism in the country that you control. • Get the controlled country and its people in debt as much as you can. Your banks will own the debt and with that will be able to exert great power over that nation, especially at times of economic crisis, when many companies and people would be defaulting on the debt and their government would have hard time keeping up with its foreign bank obligations. • Drugs and drug culture must get promoted to the young. Controls over STD’s and other infection diseases needs to get relaxed, while unnatural sexual practices, infidelity, out-of-wedlock children, etc. should get indirectly encouraged. People, who are ill and need to take care of their own problems, do not have the time and energy to fight their government. • Increase sugar intake of the population. It will eventually start creating hypoglycemic states. At the same time you must not recognize hypoglycemia as a disease or should not normally test for it. Hypoglycemic patients develop non-diagnosable mental and physical symptoms and as a
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result will be less likely to do something about their government; they will have enough problems with themselves. Give them food with chemicals, which is also artificially stripped of vitamins and minerals. It will eventually make them fat and genetically changed. In the long run they will also age faster. These people will be in the future “less of a competition” to the quality of your own people. Divide and conquer! Divide a country into two. Give autonomy to the various regions of each of the newly created countries and support national identity of minorities within those newly created regions, while at the same time you make sure that your own country is a melting pot of all nations, in order to create “one nation”. Lower their culture level by migrating into their country less developed problematic nations and individuals. At the same time, in your own country, create best possible emigration policies to scientists and other educated people from all over the world. Police work must be curtailed during a transitional period. Once crime starts rising as a result, people will ask for stronger police and that will allow you to develop a police force that will serve your interests the best. Do it in the name of security, in the name of protecting democracy and freedom! If nothing else works, install into power a dictatorial figure who will eliminate for you the opposition leaders, their major supporters, and incarcerate their major followers. Mafias are necessary. They van work hand in hand with secret services. They can do their dirty work. Make sure that murder rate is high enough, so that certain life-losses get lost in the statistics. Some can be masked as missing people. If the nation is too advanced, sees through your schemes, and it would take too long to subdue it fully, you mix it with other nations, and/or divide the country not into two, but into more fractions, which need to hate each other and fight. Then you can come in as a winner, installing peace and of course also a proper new regime.
The history teaches us how nations were conquered in the past; how the Native Americans (American Indians) were given alcohol and blankets infected with the infectious disease smallpox, for which they had no immunity, how the Chinese became subdued, when they were given opium, etc. Christianity too did not spread on its own powers, but with sword and fire. Welcome to the new era of globalization. Some things always stay the same!
There were once proud and beautiful people in America, the Indians and the cowboys that people all over the world learned to love frm the Hollywood movies. It was America, where Edison and Tesla made their inventions that helped shape the modern world. American films and music were culturally enriching, beautiful, without any vulgarity. We love you, our beautiful America; we love you the way you were. But what have they done to you now? Why are you so different? This chapter goes over the various problem areas and specifies fixes for a country on whose policies the whole world depends on.
What Insufficient Democracy Caused, in the US, during the Last 50 Years Some of the things that worsened, some twice, some up to hundred times: • • • • • • • • •
decrease of freedom big increase of crime many more prisoners much more kid’s violence much worse drug problem worse high school education more divorces more single mothers much deadlier weapons
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increased cancer rate much more infertility spread of untreatable tuberculosis significantly less male potency a lot more poisoned water many times more poisoned soil less satisfied people tremendous gang proliferation tremendous increase of serious STD’s
USA Must Learn From Other Countries Americans are lead to believe, from an early age on, that they are the best and that US is the best country. This strong nationalism is omnipresent everywhere, from the way Americans think to the way their foreign policy is applied. It is also the reason why, unlike other countries, the US does not look for examples elsewhere. On the contrary, America wants other countries to follow its example. This is unfortunately wrong! It should be a two-way street! America has a lot to learn from other cultures and political and economic systems! Why should the US follow the examples of other countries, of foreign politics, and why should they embrace any programs of foreign countries? The reason is that smaller and less nationalistic countries are in many ways more efficient, thriftier, and more progressive. One of the reasons is that they learn from 94
other nations. If America followed examples from other countries, it would bring benefits not only for the US, but for the whole world. Major changes in policies of the United States would mean significantly increased world peace and prosperity to us all, not only for now, but for future generations to come. American system cannot and should not be replicated in small countries. An example is the failure of application of U.S. social, economic, and political structure in the post communist Czechoslovakia, although officially no one talks about this huge failure.
The Super Rich – Super Powerful The super rich run this world. The world is shaped to serve their needs. They are the kingmakers; they have the money and power to change the world, unfortunately they do it only in a way to best suit them, while at the same time they become even richer and more powerful. In the following table we take a look at some of the less fortunate socioeconomic groups and will examine why they exist. Do they exist because they have to? Is it because everyone is responsible for his or her own destiny? Or do they exist simply because the super rich are not bothered enough by their presence, because it does not affect their wellbeing enough? Why do the super rich allow this terrible status quo? It is a system that works for them. Just as we all, they too are being taught that there is no better system. They have seen, throughout history, that changes in this system to the left or even to the extreme right have undermined their positions; they lost their power and riches, while often the rest of the population suffered too. So from historical point of view, there is no alternative for them. In any kind of a major change these people, who shape our lives, have too much to loose, often even their lives. So they make sure to keep things going the way that they know that works; they are not bad, just are afraid of a radical change. I propose, in this book, a very different solution. While in other types of system-changes the super rich normally lose, in our push for better democracy they will actually gain. Here are several reasons why: • No one will take their money. No one will punish them for something they have done in the past; there will be an amnesty for all the rich and powerful people, plus they will be given great credit for allowing this change. • Their kids will no longer be exposed to drugs and STD’s • Their lives will become less stressful • Their family future will be safer as there will not be any threats of nuclear conflicts; hopefully there will not be any conflicts at all • They will be exposed to less pollution • They will not have to live in isolation due to fear of crime, including kidnapping of any of their family members • They will be able to live richer, more satisfying lives, not because they have more money, but because money and power will become less important to them. They will have more time to explore arts and culture, to travel freely to other countries and mingle with people there without being afraid of kidnapping, being killed by an extremist, etc.
Condition Homeless people
Unemploye d
Does the condition suit the super rich, or at least does it not affect them? It shows the highest contrast between the richest and the poorest. The poorest are often portrayed by the media as drunks, worthless people, often not even much of human beings. They are described as being responsible for what has happened to them, as people who can, but don’t want to improve their awful lifestyles. The rich are portrayed as the opposite. The media is glamorizing them and ordinary people are made believe that with hard work, they too can be rich. The media portrays being rich as something highly desirable and valuable. Expensive lifestyles, expensive things, and a lot of money, are all equated with enjoyment and happiness. The homeless are the ones who steal, spread disease, and are making the neighborhoods unsafe and ugly. The rich are the ones who care about their communities; they give back to their communities. The higher the contrast between the poorest and the richest, one being portrayed as bad while the other is being shown as good, the more will people tolerate, or even admire the rich, whose self-esteem will grow as their egos will be constantly fed. The homeless population does not affect the rich much otherwise, These unfortunate, dirty and smelly people don’t wonder into the super rich neighborhoods; they don’t tarnish them, don’t degrade them. If they did, the police would arrest them or chase them away very fast. Homeless people cost the society a lot more than the official statistics indicate. They spread deadly infectious diseases, incurable diseases, destroy esthetics of our neighborhoods; they cost us law enforcement funds. Many of them are addicted to drugs and are criminals just to help support their habits. If these people were helped, rehabilitated, and made to work, they could contribute to the society, not just take from it. All we need is a system that requires people to work. There should be plenty of employment available for everyone who wants to work. Jobs can be created to clean the streets, to grow organic foods, to help in building trades. It would cost a lot less to create and subsidize these jobs than to keep on supporting the homeless, which became just parasites of the society that created them. If someone wants to work and is healthy enough to do so, he must be able to find a job. If he does not want to, he does not belong to our society; we do not need parasites and someone making our streets ugly and dangerous. Being unemployed is a huge step above being homeless. In the US, the homeless are not even counted in the unemployment statistics because they do not collect unemployment benefits, since they are not eligible. Unemployment within the masses has a certain benefit to the whole military-industrial complex. People must be afraid to lose jobs, afraid of not being able to find another one that would pay as well, a job where they would have as much security and benefits. A person must be afraid that by losing his or her job, he or she would lose their house, their spouse, and could eventually become homeless. Our society is being centered on money; everything has a money value, even peoples’ lives. That makes the rich “better people,” because they have more money. Even in wrongful death cases, lives of the rich are valued a lot more than lives of the poor, so the courts award the rich a lot more money. TV ads and everything reminds everyone to spend, to get into debts, and they do. The wives expect dinners and brunches in restaurants; everyone in the family wants an expensive car and they want to live in a nice house. The working person wants all these things; he needs them to feel worthy, to feed his or her own ego, because the tube keeps on reminding us constantly that not having all these expensive things makes us worse types of human beings. All people are brainwashed the same way. As a result most people want to be rich, famous, and have a position of power. This is what the media pushes them to strive for. Unemployment can totally shatter this dream.
Unemploye d (continued)
Drug Addicts
If you have a good job, with that comes the pressure to be politically correct, to worship the values of the society – which are the values of the rich and powerful. If you aren’t politically correct, in most positions you may be the first to lose your employment. The unemployment threat is important because it makes people, out of fear of losing jobs, act in a politically correct manner. It makes them support the political, social, and economic status quo, which does not exist to make their lives better, but rather to preserve things the way they suit the military-industrial complex. This twisted system works on fear. As long as the people do not revolt, why not give them the least amount needed for survival in regards to money and medical care. The less poor people will get and the more the middle class will get taxed, the more will be left for the rich and powerful. They will get the cream of the crop of medical care and because they have their extensive foundations and multinational investments, they are shielded from paying their share of taxes. The uninsured workers do not cause them any problems, on the contrary, lack of insurance makes more money left for the rich. Are drugs in the streets, and resulted destroyed lives of many of our citizens, a problem for the rich and powerful? Or is it a state of things that suits them? It is true that it too can affect some of the rich family members, despite the fact that they are much better educated and warned in this respect than the average person is. The drug problem actually benefits the military industrial complex because it creates personal and family problems for a large section of the population. The same people, if drugs did not affect them, would have more time, energy, and desire to scrutinize politics and why the government behaves certain way. They would scrutinize more the war efforts and other government actions. American soldiers in Vietnam, without drugs, would have been worse fighters. The drugs that they got did not originate from the enemy, from the North Vietnamese. These drugs came from the government, which they defended, which was one of the most corrupted, ruthless governments on face of Earth, a government that was held in power only with the help of US army and secret services.
So far I have shown the extreme conspiracy look at this situation. It is the theme of this book. However, does it really suit the elites to have homeless, unemployed, uninsured, and drug-addicted people? You decide! The truth is always relative! It certainly does not bother them enough, or they would have made sure that these ills of our society are eliminated. More conventional look at the situation would naturally be to look at it from the Reganomics viewpoint, which believes that everyone is a master of his own destiny and he, not the state, should take care of himself.
Choosing A Better Way Globalization has served the US, as well as other major developed countries, very well so far. The media, universities, and government officials keep on praising the globalization efforts that supposedly are beneficial to both the major economic powers and the developing nations as well. Unfortunately the reality is quite different. Globalization policies are often doing more harm to the developing nations than the artificial benefits that appear in the economic statistics. Higher average salary does not necessarily mean better or happier lives. The globalized countries become often unstable and deeply in debt to the globalizing powers; the populations often develop hate for the developed nation that under the cover of democracy and freedom supports in power its own puppets – politicians that the local people hate, because they don’t work for their interests, but rather for interests of the globalists. As we have seen with the emergence of terrorism, this world order does not work. It leads to crises, hate, wars, covert Western actions to support some of the cruelest, bloodiest regimes and oligarchies, which are wrongfully called “emerging democracies”, while they are not democratic at all. 97
Globalization brings money and inexpensive goods to the people of the developed nations. The fact that significant portion of the US population is hungry, does not have medical insurance, is addicted to drugs, is infected with incurable STD’s, etc. does not show in the official statistics that compare the median salaries or purchasing power in various countries. In these biased statistics the ill US society looks very well indeed. Naturally the US policies are a failure both at home and overseas. They only work enough so that the American population is content. Americans are being constantly fed the same lines – that their system is the best, that no one has ever been able to create a better system, etc., etc., that the US is helping other nations, but these people don’t even appreciate it. But there are better ways. One such way did not have a chance to be tried fully, because the world powers killed it every time just after its birth. It was the Czechs that were stopped in their effort to develop a better system in both 1968 and than again in 1989. Americans are a great, but unfortunately a misguided nation. Still they have the power to show the world a better way, all they need to do is try something new, better, and do it with honesty, not with slyness of a commissioned salesman, which is how the US government under G. W. Bush and some other Republican administrations unfortunately often acts. Americans can lead a movement to a world peace, wellbeing, freedom, and free competition without domination, a world without major diseases, a world where people will be happy, satisfied, and content. The US does not need to import up to 200,000 software engineers, nurses, fashion models, and other workers a year as they have been doing. They should train their own! All they have to do is give its own people better educational opportunities. Well-paid instructors and well-subsidized education will cost the US a lot less than paying salaries to imported foreigners and feeding their families. Up to tens of thousands of nurses are imported to the US annually, while up to 150.000 US students are annually rejected by US nursing schools, mainly because they don’t have enough instructors. Why not enough? Because they don’t pay the instructors enough money! The US needs to train its own professionals! They need to provide large enough financial assistance and incentives to its students! They don’t have to steel brainpower from other countries while keeping its own brainpower unused, undereducated, and underpaid. All the US needs to do is to improve its system to make it more socially responsible, fair, democratic, and have long term, not short-term goals. Americans do not need to be domineering other nations that pose no threat to them and which have stable governments. The following table shows how major changes to the US system, which would include elimination of unfair globalizing policies, would in 20 years improve tremendously quality of life in America, would save millions of American lives, would eliminate half of the national debt, eliminate world tensions, wars, major epidemics of infectious diseases, would revolutionize the US educational system, would bring freedom, security, and prosperity to America. There would no longer be homeless people; there would be practically no crime and no drugs. It will take a major effort, but it is doable and most Americans will see benefits right from the very start, primarily the poor and unfortunate ones. These are the ones who need help the most, although even the rich and powerful would too reap benefits.
20-Year Plan To Fix US Problems This is a quick overview and a rough estimate to show how to change the current dangerous trends and to form a lot better socioeconomic order. First 5 Next 5 Next 10 20 Yrs End of Years Years Years Total 20 Yrs Total More Annual Government Lives Overall Income Change Saved Life (Billion $) (Thou- Joy sands) (%) Provide full employment. No state handouts for those who can -1000 -1000 -1000 0 15 work. Unemployment benefits will require working 20 hours a week. Jobs beneficial to the society will be subsidized. There will be enough work for everyone. US jobs will be protected from unfair foreign competition. Eliminate crime. Crime costs money. The following will be 100 500 1500 35 8 responsible for lowering crime levels: Criminals will have to work in jail, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week; once they would leave jail, jobs would await them, GPS tracking will be used on released prisoners as needed. Innovative rehab methods, incl. hypnosis will be used in jails. Eliminate drugs. Drug use and dealing will carry stiff sentences 100 500 1250 35 18 unless the guilty one leads police to his or her sources. It will also help eliminate crime and we will have much lower financial burden on the society; the people that used to cost us money will bring substantial income to the state and benefits to the society. Clean the streets. It does not make any sense to have -50 -100 0 2 0 unemployed people if they could be cleaning the streets and doing other tasks that the society needs. Eliminate poverty. People have to be rehabilitated, re-200 -400 35 20 0 educated; we will need more social workers; the poor will have to be taught to have better self-esteem – it will also require change in TV portrayal of the various socio-economic classes. Support arts and culture. They make life richer, help in 0 -100 -200 0 30 creating better human beings with higher empathy; they do the opposite that promotion of wealth and money does. Eliminate promotion of vulgarity, perverse sex, violence. 0 0 0 5 6 There are enough opportunities for everyone to learn these things without the need to promote them in the media. Tax heavily elements that are destructive. The simplest way 2000 3000 7000 1 12 to make a decent society and ethical business practices is to tax things that harm the society. If an entity makes and promotes cigarettes, junk foods, alcohol, porno, violent and vulgar movies, pollution, gas guzzlers, etc., tax them according to the harm they are causing to our society. This tax would be introduced slowly and increased with time; otherwise it would be a devastating shock to the economy. Provide incentives to positive elements. Subsidize health 0 12 -1000 -2000 -5000 foods, organic agriculture, energy efficient transportation, films with strong educational value, etc. Promote genetically healthy children. If a family can’t have 25 250 1000 1 10 intelligent and mentally and physically healthy kids on their own, offer them incentives to use sperm bank services, adoptions, etc. Educate them that it would help make their kids a lot happier and more successful in life. This policy would help in creating a better, genetically superior mankind. Support Family Life. Families form the basic building block of a 0 0 0 0 3 healthy functioning society. Promote family life and provide incentives to those, who are married.
Give equal rights to gays. They must not be discriminated in anything; still there is no need to promote homosexuality. If someone is satisfied in heterosexual relationships, there is no need for him to start exploring his or her bisexual side, as the media has been indirectly promoting for a long time. Eliminate STD spread. Everyone should be regularly tested. Frequency will depend on in how dangerous group one belongs to. People will be grouped and free Internet dating will be established, where one will be able to find a partner from his own group. There is no need, if someone has untreatable gonorrhea and AIDS, to have sex, or worse, an unprotected sex with anyone from another group. The system should assist with dating the ones with the same problem. There will be also other ways to find out instantly if a potential partner is compatible. Totally revamp the educational system. This includes establishment of phonetically written English, as a starting point, and separation of pupils – from an early age on – into general, art, scientifically, and manually oriented classes. Make classes interesting, not boring. Institute true democracy. Start with honest leaders and with establishing severe punishment for the dishonest ones. Promote true competition in internal affairs. Everyone should have the same opportunities and there must not be any favors to anyone, because he is well connected, rich, famous, etc. Promote true competition in international affairs. All states should be able to compete freely. No puppet regimes will be installed or supported. No secret services will be used to create an unfair advantage for any country or corporation. Become World Leader in Environmental protection. Lead the way! Welcome efforts like the Kyoto treaty! Become A Leader in World Peace. Many problems can be anticipated, prevented, solved peacefully. All actions have longterm consequences. Do everything with long-term goals in mind. Learn from Europe and other cultures. Don’t ever believe that you’re the best and others need to learn from you. Don’t Push US Political, Economic, Social Model on Others. Improve your own and make it truly democratic and attractive on its own, to serve as a glowing example, not a scary threat. Revamp The Health Care System. Among other things Institute precise and efficient computerized medicine Promote Natural Medicine And Prevention. Allopathic, which is the modern medicine, is ineffective, dangerous, and wrong to use, where a better alternatives exist. The Chinese use efficiently three types of medicine. Changing our system will make the people live a lot longer; they will not be dying as much prematurely from diseases. At the same time they will be able to work after their current retirement age, as there will be plenty of work available, so the effect of longer living on economy will be minimal, plus life expectancy will be rising very gradually. Eliminate The Industrial-Military Complex Power. Those who make money on wars can’t have power over our politics. Promote Human Values. Replace with deeper values the current system, where people are judged on their monetary success. Teach people that it is more important how human a person is, how much empathy he has, how much he is contributing to the society, rather than how expensive is his car, jewelry, and a house. The chapter “Maximizing Life Enjoyment” indicates 3-times higher satisfaction, still I am giving it here a more conservative figure; one of the reasons is also because some of the components of this increase are already included in other categories of this table. Housing Improvement. Everyone must have a right to a decent place to live, just as everyone must have the right (and responsibility) to work and earn living.
Transportation Improvement. Problems will be solved by taxing environmentally damaging, dangerous, inefficient transportation and by giving subsidies to the best alternatives. Give To Needy Nations. Don’t take from them instead! Fix Social Issues And Gross Class Imparities. Psychological counseling needs to be free. Poor people must get help so that they can advance. Education up to the highest level must be free, but only for majors, for which there will be anticipated job openings. Bring Decency & Honesty to the Government. Punish severely those government officials whose interests lie in other sphere than those of the nation. Bring Decency and Honesty to Eveready’s Life. Impose high taxes on media that promotes money over substance, wrong values, drug culture, perverse sexual practices, etc. Retrain The Population – for the new economic and social realities that will take place – people need to produce goods and services, which have a positive impact, and the society truly needs them. Eliminate National Debt. During the first 10 years we will not be able to do anything about this problem, but will still keep the budget balanced overall. During the next 10 years, when we get the country and economy moving in the right direction, we will be able to cut the debt to about one half. The next step will be to pay it off fully. Institute strong consumer protection. Consumers must be protected; there must not be anyone trying to cheat them, trying to sell them a defective car, make them believe that unprotected sex or drugs are safe when they aren’t. Institute strong energy conservation policies. By taxing highly products and companies that waste energy, we will see quick improvement in this sector. Decrease Defense Spending. We will be moving from a confrontational policy of a globalizing power into a policy that will be aimed towards peace and freedom for all nations. Initially we will need strong military to enforce this change; later on we will need much smaller force – just to help preserve the new, better social, economic, and political world order. Decrease Treasury Spending. By paying off some half of the national debt in the second half of the 20-year period, the treasury drain needed to maintain this debt will be much more sustainable and more funds will be available for social and other programs. Customs Duty - is needed to protect US jobs and industries and will be naturally increased primarely for products that burden the society, products from countries that do not fully adhere to the proposed new world principles, and those, which themselves charge the US high duties. TOTAL INCOME (BIL. $)
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0 0
0 15
8,637 million total US lives saved 407% increase = over 5x bigger life joy (explanation: 100% increase=2x, 400% = 5x)
total of 8,637,000 = nearly 9
The table calculates changes in the US government budget if a truly democratic, pro-people government would get elected. The first three money columns are for the first 5, the next 5, and the following 10 years. One thing that was done throughout each of the periods is that the budget was balanced. In the first 10 years major portion of the funds to run these programs comes from the following sources: • Increased taxation of products and services that have negative impact on the society • Strong consumer protection, which allows people to choose products and services that are better buys, which will eliminate a lot of waste in buying of wrong and unneeded items. 101
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Defense budget will be cut in half Customs duty will be increased – primarily on products that have negative impact on the society. US workers need to be protected; if another country has a big market share in the US and puts heavy barriers on imports of US products, there is no reason for us not to increase barriers to theirs.
In the next 10 years the changes will already be yielding substantial financial benefits and would allow paying off about one-half of the national debt. The Clinton administration was very successful at reducing the dangerous trend of increasing national debt; the Bush’ administration worsened this debt tremendously. The proposed changes will be gradual, spread over a 20-year period, so a major shock to the economy would be avoided.
Nearly 9 Million Lives Saved The second column from the right indicates number of lives saved - of people who now die prematurely, primarily from cardiovascular disease, cancer, AIDS, car accidents, etc. My estimate is that we can save about 8,637,000 people from dying considerably prematurely this way during the 20-year period. In a proper environment, under optimal nutrition, Americans could live not to be 75, but 100 years old. This radical life expectancy increase will not happen overnight, and certainly not in the 20-year period, but it should happen eventually. The backup to this is best described in the book “How to Live Longer and Feel Better” by a two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling. The government may naturally not like it if Americans would live to be 100. The US is increasing the retirement age to 70, so the average person will only be able to collect social security for 5 years before he dies. If he would live to be 100, he would collect it for 30 years, which is 6x longer, which would quickly destroy the already half-bankrupt US economic system. So what are the choices? 1. Can we continue with the current scenario, which can’t even guarantee that in 20 years the US will have enough funds left for our retirement? The system allows you to privately invest your retirement funds, but the economy will crash sooner or later, so you may hardly see anything from these investments. 2. The second choice, the only real choice to save America is that it will adopt the changes I propose, or it would adopt some other similarly radical changes. The Americans will not only eventually live 25 years longer; they will also be healthy enough to work that many more years, and there will be work for everyone, plus the economy will be thriving on production, not on selling done by commissioned salesmen and such occupations as lawyers and other occupations that do not add to, but rather burden our economy. 3. The longer life expectancy does pose a potential economic burden. Although the increase in the number of years of life will be slow, our system will not be able to absorb the increased costs, not in the 20 year period I describe in the table, which is why we will have to be increasing retirement age together with the increased life expectancy. After the transitional 20-year period, we will be able to again start lowering retirement age. If seniors in other countries can enjoy more retirement years, the Americans will too be able to do so, but as seniors very often prefer to work, the impact of the extra retirement years may be negated by the fact that plenty of work for the seniors would be available. Many may decide to take on part-time jobs rather than just stay home and do nothing. They would be helping their country and their children and grandchildren by supporting our cause, which will benefit us all. 4. This is an area that will need to be constantly re-evaluated and retirement age adjusted to the exact economic conditions that will develop, however the aim should be to try to lower the retirement age 102
as much as possible and then have jobs, part-time and short-term especially, available for the seniors that would prefer to work.
5x More Joyful Life The last column is for increase of joy of life, on the average as a nation. It indicates how much more could people be happy and satisfied in the US 20 years from now – actually it gives a percentage increase that the various factors will be responsible for. For those less mathematically inclined, 100% increase means 2x more; 400% increase means 5x more. These are naturally only very rough estimates. •
Life joy will increase primarily in the lower socioeconomic groups, where there is a lot of hardship and despair now. If 5% of population increases their joy of life by 200%, it translates to 10% average increase to the nation as a whole.
The total increase in life enjoyment of 400%, or five-times may seem to be a lot, but after reading the next chapter, you will understand better that it is possible not only in the US, but in other countries as well.
Possibility Of A Many Times Better Life It was not the Communists or the Germans in WW2, who were responsible for the destruction of Czech economy. It is the post communist regimes that faithfully allowed globalization by the West to take place in this country. Czech Republic and East Germany were the two most advanced states of the Soviet block, among other things with highly advanced and fast growing R&D. The Czechs had a superior school system. Academic level of Czech 6th grade was about equal to US 12th one. Czech FAMU was one of the best film schools in the world. This is where e.g. Milos Forman studied. Housing was extremely affordable. Health care was excellent and free to all; serious STD‘s and other infectious diseases that developed into epidemics, e.g. in the US, were practically non-existent or extremely well under control. Other nations owed the Czechs a lot more than Czechs did to them – foreign debt was negative. US, during Reagan’s administration, developed the Stealth Bomber that was invisible to radar and it was believed that no radar would ever be able to see it. Each of these planes cost two billion dollars to build. Before the Americans built their first one, the Czechs already developed radar that was able to see and track these from a distance of hundreds of kilometers. After the fall of communism, the new „democratic“ regimes did what was best for the globalizing powers, not for their own nation. Leaders in the West praised them and Western press clapped and informed their readers, how things are improving in the Eastern block. The reality was however very different. If everything that was good in Communist Czechoslovakia was not destroyed, the Czechs could have by now lived better lives than their West German neighbors.
Czech Republic – Victim of Globalization – USA vs. „democratic“ Czech Republic Secret Servic es TV Netw orks
Educ ation
Emigr ation Polici es
Natio nal Unity
Crime And Drugs Defen se Indust ry
Prosti tution
USA Repeated lie detector tests so they don’t work for foreign interests Foreign ownership or control would not pass congressional approval. Abundant nationalism & use of proper English. Educational system is poor; it does not matter though as up to hundreds of thousands of highly skilled foreigners are imported each year Emigration system favors skilled workers; others end up as illegals, having the worst jobs in agriculture, washing dishes, cars, etc. America treats them as slaves. There is a pressure on all emigrants to fit into the system; all foreign citizens become US nationals. The society is full of crime and drugs. The industry continues to function while world tensions are created so that arms can be exported and fortunes made. From the times that AIDS started, there was strong crackdown on prostitution.
Czech Republic Work for foreign interests – for the US, Germany, etc.
State TV Network is transferred to US-based/controlled ownership. Immediate brainwashing of people started, vulgarity, perverse sex, violence, promotion of lose sexual morals, drug culture and music associated with it. Deflation of self-esteem of the Czech nation began, together with the use of bad grammar. Superb educational system, where the Czech 6th Grade was about equal to US 12th grade, was destroyed.. A new system was created, where a student will be able to pass 9th grade with a knowledge that would be typical of a 3rd grade student of the time of Communism. The German- and US-controlled media is clapping. Asian citizens that were kicked out from Germany were taken in, same as another group that came from farther Eastern Europe. The West refused to accept them. Foreign mafias are allowed to operate in the country. Despite high unemployment, unskilled workers from the East are allowed to work in Czech Republic, even in good jobs that are heavily subsidized by the government. Czechoslovakia split into Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech Republic was later divided into Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia. Counties that Communist merged so they trace less the Sudetenland boundaries are more or less recreated by the post communist governments. Hitler would have loved all this. Police effectiveness is blocked and at the same time 2/3 of all criminals are let out of prisons into a society where strong unemployment is already starting to develop. Advanced defense industries were pretty much dismantled although they could have been extremely profitable. The advanced Czech-developed radar that sees and tracks invisible US Stealth bombers was for all practical purposes never sold after the fall of Communism.
In Czech Republic the AIDS era was being quickly created with the help of US- and German-related/owned media, which promoted open sexual morals and did not warn people sufficiently of the need to have protected sex. At the same time prostitution and sex slavery in brothels were established. No brothels ever existed at the time of Communism, prostitution was practically nonexistent. Attitu No nation is globalizing German-speaking Austrians colonized the Czech lands for 300 de America. If it would ever years, from the time the Czech Kingdom was put under the towar try, it would be dealt with Austrian-Hungarian Empire, per Vatican wishes, after the ds swiftly and decisively in a progressive Czech protestant movement was crushed after a century of crusades and other attacks. Then came the German Globa very deadly manner. lizers Terrorism that hit USA is occupation of WW2, during which hundreds of thousands of nothing compared to the Czechs died. Now we have globalization by the US, Germany & evil globalization of the Co. The pro-German, pro-American Czech regimes allow large flow of money out of the country, are returning chateaus to Czech Republic. 105
German nobility, are apologizing to the Germans, for how they treated them after WW2.
Example: Carlsbad The following series of pictures shows how the post-Communist Czech regimes take care of the once famous spa city Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary). This is typical of how they take care of many of the national treasures, including great majority of the beautiful historic chateaus, etc., which are countless in this country. The four pictures are of a hotel Narodni Dum (Nation‘s House), which has a beautiful ballroom. During the Communist era the ballroom was where many rock groups had their performances. This is the place, where a popular local rock band Lucie played their favorite Rolling Stones songs in the 60’s and teenagers danced to their music. Various bands, variety shows, dancing lessons for teenagers combined with lessons on how to behave in the society, were presented here. The dancing lessons were attended by most high school students and included ballroom, Latin-American, and modern dances. The society behavior lessons were also presented in high schools and covered formal dressing for various occasions, information on e.g. when a man is to walk in front of a woman on stairs, when behind, who offers the hand first during a handshake, etc., etc. It made the kids aware of how to properly behave in the society. These were the good old days. After the fall of Communism the whole country became as devastated as the hotel itself. After the fall of Communism the hotel building, like many other national treasures, was sold without the buyer having to pay any money in advance, or to pay very little. Then the new owners removed everything valuable, like for instance expensive chandeliers and the buildings were left to rot and be vandalized. The post communist governments didn’t do anything about it.
Hotel Narodni Dum (Nation‘s House) of Carlsbad, Czech Republic, which the Czech Post-Communist governments allowed to be destroyed. This was typical for many national treasures. We can see that they gave it a new coat of paint, but that was about it. Actually there are a lot bigger and more beautiful hotels in that city and this particular hotel is not on national treasure list; many chateaus, which are however, were left to rot to even greater extent than this hotel. In the right picture is the large beautiful ballroom of the hotel. From a distance things look OK; closer look shows tremendous devastation. Even in this picture, taken from a distance, we can see a large chandelier holder, but the beautiful chandelier is missing.
Here are pictures of some areas inside this hotel. It shows how the post-Communist regimes allowed to deteriorate this once very beautiful and very functional hotel. The right picture shows the backstage area.
These pictures were taken before renovation of the hotel is supposed to start. During the post-Communist “renovations” in Carlsbad corners are often cut, where Art Nouveau elements are frequently replaced with something much cheaper. This is unfortunate; one of the reasons is also because countless films have been shot in Carlsbad for nearly a century, as Carlsbad is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The James Bond movie, Casino Royal, was also partially shot here. Near Carlsbad as another beautiful spa city, Marienbad (Marianske Lazne), some may know it from a wonderful French film “Last Year in Marienbad,” directed by Alain Resnais. Another thing the post-Communist regimes do is that they keep on blaming the Communists for loss of many of the national treasures, while it is them, who have done many times more damages.
Economic Analysis, Czech Republic •
US stealth bombers cost about 2,000,000,000 USD each to build; the whole US fleet cost approx. 41,000,000,000 USD. If Czech Republic was free to sell their defense systems, including Tamaras, and the previous versions, Ramonas, which would see and track these planes, they could have made a lot of money. If high tech R&D continued at the same pace as in the Communist era, newer defense systems would have been developed. If US and Western European pressure, together with Czech government’s compliance were responsible for no sales of Tamaras, Ramonas, and other high tech systems, the West should have compensated the Czech Republic for the lost income. The West did not stop with their own arms sales even to the most ruthless dictators. Why the Czechs had to stop selling to everyone? I estimate that the Ramona and Tamara defense systems could have been sold for about one-half of the money the US offensive stealth bombers cost, which makes it 20.5 billion dollars. A great portion of the income would come from the Czechs operating and maintaining the systems. If Czech Republic did not have a colony-like relationship with the West, the 20.5 billion dollars could have been made in sales or in other compensations over a 10-year period. The advanced radar system is used here as an example. There were many other products, inventions, etc., that the Czechs could have been cashing on while developing new ones, but the huge R&D facilities were more or less dismantled and medical inventions in advanced early cancer diagnosis, aids treatment, etc. are now in the hands of the Western pharmaceutical industry and I don’t remember ever hearing about them again. Advanced Czech natural cure methods of treatment of many diseases were more or less abandoned in treatments of Czechs as the Western pharmaceutical industry and their lobby were rapidly increasing their presence in that country.
These are just some of the examples where the Czechs had a tremendous competitive edge, which they gave up as their country was being ruthlessly globalized - neocolonized while being governed by unpopular regimes. The Czech section of this book includes the math, which shows that if a responsible, patriotic, pro-people governments ruled the Czech Republic, quality of life there right now would be equal to or higher than quality of life in the most developed countries. While being globalized by the Western powers, Western media falsely claimed that the process was democratic and that things improved compared to how they were during Communism. This is no defense of Communism, which had its very serious limitations, which should have been greatly exceeded after its fall, not lowered.
American Military “Radar” Base The Bush‘ administration decided to build a military base in the Czech Republic. Although it is clear that, despite a huge propaganda campaign, great majority of Czechs don’t want it, Bush, who does not care about democratic principles, said that he will build it. The US now has over 730 installations and bases in over 50 countries. US military budget is as large as military budgets of all the other countries combined. The Czech „democratic“ government of „yes“ men says that they will allow the US base and they are refusing a national referendum on this issue. They don’t even allow the Czechs to vote directly for their president. Here are some issues that need to be considered. We must realize that the US is not telling the Czechs the whole truth about its base. The military must always confuse the enemy and therefore constantly puts out misinformation. Naturally the Americans would have to be total fools if they told the Czech leaders everything about their military installation. What is the guarantee that the following scenario will not come to play? • The base is meant to protect West Germany and the rest of Western Europe, not the Czech Republic. Similar radar bases in the US are aimed at the ocean, so particles from the destroyed missiles will be falling into the ocean, not on US soil. In the Czech case the particles will be falling on Eastern Europe, Czech Republic included. • Laser or other types of high-energy weapons will be installed on the base at a later date. Laser weapon research is continuing at an accelerated rate. Lasers already are or will soon become the most powerful and important weapons. • The US claims that the base will include only one radar, which has to track the incoming enemy missiles and also the Poland-based interceptors. Because of the radar narrow beam, to be able to track both, at least two powerful radars would have to be used. Since only one is being installed, it again testifies that it will not be Polish interceptors, which it will guide, but a laser beam, which will be a part of the radar installation. • The base will be used to fight future Chinese nuclear missiles, which will be exploding over the Czech Republic and other Eastern European countries. 108
• •
The Poland-based rockets will only be decoys to try to fool the Chinese that these are the main attack weapons. In actually these will be the last-stage defense, for missiles that would still be moving towards Western Europe even after lasers or other weapons hit them. There is also no guarantee that there will only be ten missiles in Poland, as the Americans are trying to make us believe, but actually hundred times more of them could be installed, to intercept both Chinese and Russian missiles. Actually the Americans could install these missiles in a totally different location than the Polish one, which, as I already mentioned, could only be used as decoy. Naturally there will also be satellite and airplane-based lasers. The Russian observers, which are planned to be at the radar site, will serve there only to assure that the hits do not happen over Russia, however the observers could be fooled easily during a brief nuclear engagement that may actually be enough to end our civilization as we know it, if the Russians, with their vast nuclear armaments, enter the conflict – and there is no guarantee that they will not or that the radar-laser system is not actually going to be installed in the Czech Republic to fight Russia. Vladimir Putin did put a major stop to outflow of funds to the West, which is why the Bush’ administration may be getting tough with Russia. West pays huge amounts of money for Arab oil, but the Arabs give the profits back to the West in a form of investments. Russia’s profits, under Putin, stay in Russia. Additional “radar and satellite” guided laser, e.g. a British-based, will assure that no missiles that would pass through the Czech defense would ever make it to Great Britain, the US biggest ally. The Chinese are well aware of the laser weapons danger and will install, in their nuclear warheads, mechanisms, which will ensure that if a missile is hit by laser, it will explode on its own in a way that the particles and parts of it will contaminate enemy areas. The contamination will happen also if the missile is hit, but it does not explode. Radiation from a nuclear explosion destroys modern electronics. So if a Chinese missile would explode in a nuclear explosion, missiles within certain vicinity would lose control and there is no way telling where a missile out of control would land, although it is extremely likely that the missile will be programmed in a way that if its electronics fails, mechanical systems will take over, which of course will not be as accurate. It all is too complicated, but one thing is for sure, the enemy will much rather prefer a nuclear warhead to explode over enemy territory, even if it is just somewhere, than to be destroyed in the space without any damage, or any serious damage, to their enemy.
The Czechs will have to spend huge amounts of money to build civil defense facilities, like antinuclear shelters, that existed during the Communist era but were more or less dismantled by the “democratic” governments. The CIA is already shielding their people in Prague, which is apparent from the construction of their Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty facilities; what additional features are built into these or other CIA facilities no one knows, no one even knows where these additional facilities are. Shouldn’t the Czech government listen to the voice of its people and shouldn’t it fight hard to have the American radar-laser facility built farther East, e.g. in Azerbajdzan, as the Russians have suggested? Of course it should! If it does not, can it really be called a Czech government?
True Cost of the US Radar Base No one knows for sure what kinds of weapons the Americans and Chinese have or will have by the time of a conflict. No one knows what kinds of weapons and systems will be installed at the „radar“ base prior to a conflict. No one knows what kind of government will be, during the conflict, in the US, Russia, China, France, and Great Britain, the world’s biggest nuclear powers. One thing is for sure and that is that a tremendous amount of long-range missiles will be used once this conflict gets nuclear. What is 109
most important though is that all these countries also have neutron bombs and sophisticated biological weapons. The US, a democracy, has used nuclear weapons from the end of WW2 until now. Depleted uranium shells that America used in various conflicts spread radiation, make people ill and disabled, which can be attested to by the extremely high percentage of permanently ill US soldiers from the First Gulf War, where these shells were used extensively. These shells can’t really be classified as true nuclear weapons, but the radiation contamination and damage they cause is tremendous, although of a much lower magnitude than in a nuclear explosion. No one supposedly knows why the Gulf War solders are sick. It is a similar scenario as when a Czech scientist went to visit Kosovo and measured radiation from depleted uranium through snow and then informed people on TV that there is no radiation. No one informed the viewers that this type of radiation can’t be measured through snow. Other, incomparably more powerful nuclear weapon was used during American attack on the Baghdad airport, where thousands of Iraqis died, but nothing happened to the buildings. Non-government experts believe that this scenario and other circumstances fully testify to the use of a small neutron bomb, a fact, which is and will naturally be covered up by the establishment, its scientists, and media. We are being lied to for two reasons. First, we are dealing with military secrets, and second, politicians are basically liars. One thing is for sure, if the US don’t have any „radar“ bases in their own inland, why should Europe have them? Why should Europe irritate the Russians and possibly draw them into a conflict, which can grow into a full-scale worldwide nuclear war? Why should Eastern Europe be extremely seriously contaminated during this conflict? As no one really knows what kind of attack or nuclear fallout on the Czech Republic will be, we can only extremely roughly guess how much more people will die there in such an international nuclear conflict, compared to a situation, in which no US military installations were there. We must also realize that some powerful Czech politicians already have residences in Switzerland, United States, etc. How many more do have them without anyone knowing about it? No one knows! I believe that these people will not be in the Czech Republic when world situation worsens! What is also interesting is that just as the Czech Republic is now the main center of US espionage in Europe, Carlsbad used to be, and still is, one of the main centers of espionage in the Czech Republic. In this small spa-town of 52,000 people is still a large Russian embassy, and embassies are always used for espionage. Various Western and Eastern European mafias are heavily presented in Carlsbad and mafias have always ties to secret services. Both secret services and mafias are many times involved in similarly dirty work. There are new county government offices in Carlsbad, built in the suburb, and are part of a government building park, which includes a large facility that belongs to the fire department, which I believe houses extensive civil defense equipment and supplies. The Carlsbad county government knows what can happen. They are prepared! There is enough equipment to protect the more important members of the society. Could other people just get wasted? Is this why they are being kept in the dark? There are various rumors that there are whole cities built underground in America, where at least tens of thousands of selected individuals can survive for decades, even centuries. Selected Americans supposedly have special passes that will allow them to enter these and other special underground facilities built throughout the US. At the same time civil defense for the average American is practically nonexistent. On the ground, in the US, exist concentration camps, ready to be filled with undesirable, politically incorrect, Americans. Colonel Oliver North, a Company (CIA) man and a celebrated hero of many Republicans, once prepared a list of these people for the Reagan’s administration. He was also in charge of importing tremendous amounts of cocaine to the US, for the CIA, during the Iran-Contra affair. 110
Estimated Costs and Lost Lives Due to US Presence in the Czech Republic Thousands Billions Billions of people CZK USD Estimated approximate higher life loss in the Czech Republic during a 390 conflict with China, compared to a situation when no US military installations were there. Main targets will be the radar, Prague, and the nuclear plant Temelin. Approx. % life loss 4% Total value of life loss If one life is worth 10 million CZK, which is less 3900 260 than what a person makes during lifetime in the Czech Republic Costs the Czechs have to pay to prepare for US presence: Buy jet fighters; develop professional army, brutal police force, camera systems on highways, digital TV, special cell phone networks, etc. Nearly all this is already in place. The Czech must suffer and their cultural heritage must be destroyed; they must learn that they are an inferior nation so that they look at the US and Americans as something better, plus they must accept US cultural values, The government and media have been working very hard on it since the fall of Communism. Needed future fallout shelters and equipment to protect the population. Czech support of CIA - including Radio Free Europe. Current devastation of the environment is done to prepare the Czechs to the fact that environmental issues are of no concern. Need to lower standard of living in the Czech Republic in order to prepare its population to accept the radar base; this figure represents the total how much less money the Czechs have made as a result so far. The Czech section of this book indicates how much more income the Czechs would have if their economy was not devastated. Only a totally subdued nation with incompetent and/or corrupted government, which protects not Czech, but foreign interests, would push for the radar base. The Czechs must be concerned with making living and losing jobs much more than if there were no plans for the radar base. They have to suffer; only then will they accept the base and a government that agrees to it. Another reason the country was devastated was to make the military presence in the Czech Republic cheaper for the US and to show the soldiers how terrible a past Communist country is, compared to the West. It is also likely that in the future a lot bigger US presence is planned for the Czech Republic. Covers the period between now and the war; it is only a very rough estimate of how much less will the Czechs make due to the radar, providing a pro-people government would rule, which would however not be capable of canceling the radar and other contracts with the Americans. The radar would be responsible for less foreigners wanting to retire in the Czech Republic, for many intelligent and wealthy people moving out, less companies wanting to invest and have their headquarters etc. in the Czech Republic. Loss of income, in addition to the above, if instead pro-globalist governments would continue ruling the Czech Republic 112
governments would continue ruling the Czech Republic Loss of income in the post-war era, due to increased devastation, compared to if no US installations were here. Czech Republic would for a long time become a third world country with seriously genetically damaged population Physical damage during the conflict Total loss – billions; includes future generations Millions per Czech citizen, includes future, after the conflict, losses Total loss in billions if we disregard the need to lower standard of living in the Czech Republic Thousands per Czech citizen if we disregard the lower standard of living
540 36 755,170 49,751.6 75.5 4.9 5170 344.7 517
One of the biggest expenses with the radar system comes from making sure that the Czechs will accept it. If Czech Republic would become prosperous, concerned with the environment, and had patriotic leaders, it would reject such a system, just as other nations did. So it was necessary to subdue the Czechs, to remake their advanced country into a third world state. To do so, it was necessary to install subordinate regimes. It will eventually cost the Czechs 750.000 billion CZK (50.000 billion dollars = $50 trillion) in lost income because their advanced socio-economic system has to be destroyed and their Western nation was forced to live, by Western standards, on a poverty level, plus the war will set them back to the dark ages. The 750.000 billion figure includes lost income of future generations. It came from adding the following values from the table above: 100.000+75.000+75.000+500.000=750.000. If Russia gets drawn into the conflict, these figure should be multiplied by a factor of 10. How was the radar system pushed onto the Czech people? Didn’t anyone fight it? Why the opponents were not successful? There is a Czech organization “Ne Zakladnam” (No to The Bases) that was able to put up billboards against the radar. On 31st of March however one of the Czech papers, Lidove Noviny (People’s News), printed a story that at the birth of this movement was a past Czech Communist secret agent. As a great number of the Communist agents now work for the CIA, it is possible that the movement was established to divert attention from the fact that no one talks about and that is that the base could use active laser weapons, that it may not be defensive radar, but a deadly high energy weapons system. What is interesting is that leader of this organization is free to travel to the US, while many other Czechs have problems getting US visas. Many people already realize that it is a lie that the base is built to fight off Iranian missiles, but that instead it is aimed against China. Since it was the United States that is primarily responsible for building up China and for transfer of advanced weapons technology to them, it should be the United States, who should carry the burden of fighting a war against the Chinese; it should not be the peaceful Czech nation! Naturally the Bush’ administration and the CIA devised a plan not only for the Czechs to be exposed to most danger in such a war, but also to pay for practically all the associated expenses. It is always easier to install somewhere a corrupted regime, bribe it, and then have it suck it to its own people, rather than having to pay for needed expenses properly yourself. This unfortunately is how the globalists think and work. In case of a nuclear conflict, the Czechs will lose, according to my best estimates, when I take the mean figure of all the possibilities, around 4% more of its population – compared to a situation without US installations. It could naturally be considerably worse. If Russia is drawn into the conflict, the life loss will be some 10x higher. We must realize that neutron bombs and biological agents will be used in this conflict and that e.g. the Prague population of more than one million could easily be totally wiped out, naturally excluding the CIA facilities, the Czech president office, etc. These are built to be well protected. Other Czech government offices will be moving from central Prague to new 113
buildings, which will be built in the suburbs. Are they getting ready for a terrorist attack and a nuclear war? Do they care about protecting the rest of the population? In the average calculated scenario, presented in the table above, the war will cost each Czech citizen 517.000 CZK (34.500 USD), if we disregard the fact that the Czech nation was pushed, mainly by the US and German secret services, socio-economically back into a level of a developing nation – and after the conflict things will get much worse – basically the figure of 570.000 CZK does not include lost income of current and future generations. Should the West pay the Czechs at least this expense of 517.000 CZK per person, rather than nothing? It is Western Europe that the Czech Republic based radar will be protecting. If no US military and CIA operations were in the Czech Republic, it would never be a target for the Chinese or anyone else. The German-speaking Austria is a US ally for much longer than Czech Republic is. Why not build the “defense” radar there? We must of course realize that the table indicates that the figure of 517.000 CZK is only 0,68% of the actual loss per Czech citizen. No one should accept 0,68%! Actually the 0% that is being offered right now is not that much different! As no one is even offering any money figure, it is obvious that the Czech government must say NO to the radar! Actually the only way out of this madness is to follow this book, or some similarly radical advice, as a guide to stop all the military craziness – and work instead on peaceful solutions to world tensions. If the US had a different foreign policy, the Chinese would never be a serious threat to anyone. The Czechs need to decide themselves what is best for them! Their corrupted regime can’t act in their interests! The Czechs must learn the truth, not some fairy-tale that is served upon them by media controlled by foreign interests! Once they learn the facts, they should decide, in a referendum, if they will accept the radar, providing the country is paid some serious cash for each of its citizens, or if they, even under this condition of a large bribe, don’t want it. There must be a payoff for the Czech people to undertake the risks in protecting the West, or they should be relocated to the West and no man’s land should be created for the upcoming nuclear theater. The presence of the US radar in the Czech Republic will naturally also mean that no intelligent Westerners will want to retire here, no Western companies would want to have their headquarters here, etc. Smart people, after they start realizing the danger the radar and other US installations present in the future, will be moving out of the Czech Republic. This will certainly suit the American military; it will make their presence cheaper, resistance to them decreased, and a dictatorial Czech government, if necessary, would be installed much easier.
The Military-Industrial Complex
Let’s not forget the time, when Czech Republic was buying its jet fighters “Gripens” from the West. Later on it became known that Czech politicians were receiving, from foreign agents, large bribes and assurances that if they vote for purchasing the planes, they would get reelected. The ones who voted for the Gripens reelected were. It points to one thing. The international military-industrial complex is one of the parties that run the world via secret services, etc. and the government leaders are well aware of it. The ones who decide not to go along with wishes of this complex get eliminated from politics. This is why J. F. Kennedy was killed. On the day of his assassination he was going to announce in Dallas that he decided to pull out of Vietnam. He did not trust his CIA advisors and sent his brother Robert “Bobby” Kennedy to Vietnam to investigate. When Bobby came back, he told John that the CIA is not telling him the truth, that the South Vietnamese regime is ruthless and extremely unpopular and that the US can’t win this war. John F. Kennedy, the day before he was shot, had an argument with his father. John did not listen to his dad’s warning and was shot the next day. Johnson, who took office after John, escalated the war, just as CIA wanted. The Vietnam War had no military importance. It was rather real-life maneuvers, just like the First Gulf War was. The Monica Lewinski affair was going on during the Kosovo bombing. It certainly seems that Clinton was framed. Clinton is a type of person, who would not have ordered the bombing. They had him cornered. He had to listen and bomb, or they would replace him and would have someone else order the bombing, so Clinton did bomb – and was not impeached. We must also realize another weapon the Western secret services have and that is the ability to install into power a dictator. They will do anything to push their plan onto the Czechs. The responsibility for what is going on in the Czech Republic does not lie on the shoulders of the American people, who are in all this as innocent as the Czechs are. The problem is the US government, Bush’ administration particularly, with its close ties to the military. Profits in a war can be tremendous! The military-industrial complex wants to make some real money, and for that it needs a war! The generals want to fight! This is what they are waiting for all their life! Bush is nothing more than a puppet that is being used by someone to make some real profits, profits from the blood of millions of innocent people, from the blood of helpless mothers and children. Bush is not very intelligent, nor is he creative; he is a simple man with no vision and he listens to his advisors, who have military ties. It is all Catch 22 in which the Czech people are trapped in. In the past, wars were fought in the name of God. Now it’s in the name of democracy, freedom, and peace! History repeats itself!
Flying Saucers Flying saucers are man-made. Nicola Tesla already described theory of antimatter that could be used to power flying saucers. The Germans in WW2 were secretly working on this technology. I am sure that the Americans have been working on it secretly too. There is so much secret research done by the neocolonial powers – more than one can ever imagine. Who knows what is being experimented on in some underground laboratories! I had a chance to listen to a lecture, given by a man, who claimed that he is a past CIA agent, who left the agency to tell the world the truth, who claimed that he has seen captured aliens from a crashed flying saucer. He claimed that these powerful aliens, who are millions of years ahead of our civilization, live on Earth and will help us during a nuclear conflict, that they will stop nuclear missiles during a nuclear war. We’ve all heard things like this, that so many civilizations live on Earth and below it, that they live in a different dimension. The reality is different though. On these ships are not aliens but our people, from even more secret service than CIA is, so secret that even the president has no clue that it exists. Yes, they 115
steal people. They experiment on them, reprogram their brains, and release them. One can do that with hypnosis. I am sure that drugs are used in the process. How many people had to die or have been damaged in the process? And the agent who claimed that the aliens will save us? In my opinion it is nothing more than another piece of misinformation the Company boys are putting out. It is much cheaper to put out such rumor than to build underground shelters to protect innocent people during a nuclear conflict. Why is all this being done? Our false democracy works on a principle of fear from an enemy. Our “democratic” governments are protecting their citizens from “enemies”. The enemy must exist in order so that government would have enough of a popular support. Even hated president gets support from its citizens, when he protects them in a conflict. As the era of one world government is approaching fast, new enemy must be created so that the whole world population will want their new world-wide government to protect them from it. New enemies must be within and outside our Earth, so that secret services, police forces and armies will be needed to protect the world citizens. George Orwell described it so well in his book 1984. Yes, it is possible for aliens to visit our planet. It is possible for other civilizations to live here in a different dimension, but anytime an ex CIA man tells you that the CIA has captured aliens and aliens will come to save us, you know that it is a lie. If that was the truth, they would kill the man the first time he would utter this “CIA secret” in public.
Fertile Ground for a Dictatorship Does this make sense? • Rapid building of digital TV network in the Czech Republic, which allows communications both ways and which prevents reception of foreign broadcasts. While other countries are increasing resolution of their broadcasts, Czech digital TV does not have better resolution than the analog TV it’s replacing; actually it is so compressed that the picture has too much contrast and distracting artifacts. • Radios, after the fall of communism, have no shortwave bands and the old ones can‘t be used for FM reception, as the regime changed the FM broadcast frequencies, so people had to discard old radios and stereos and buy new ones. Without shortwave one can’t listen to foreign broadcasts. The Germans, during WW2, cut out from all radios shortwave coils, so no one could listen to foreign broadcasts, only to their propaganda. The post communist Czech regimes used a more clever method. Practically all radios during the time of Communism had shortwave bands. • Installment of a highway toll system with cameras, as opposed to a proper satellite toll system without cameras: The main purpose of the system is not to collect toll, but to watch cars and drivers. • Quick installment of high speed cell phone networks, which have potential military use • Very well paid professional army, which would shoot whomever their commanders ordered them, including the Czech people • Creation of a corrupted police force • Transport of prisoners of war, political prisoners, or terrorists – this is their official name – you pick how you want to call them – from Iraq, via Czech Republic, to be interrogated by the CIA at undisclosed locations. • It is funny how the same Afghan people, when they were fighting the Russians, were called freedom fighters; when they fight Americans, they are called terrorist and as such no Geneva convention principles apply to them, when they become prisoners of war and are being interrogated. Their death during interrogations is not investigated, only CIA doctor writes up the cause and it is the end of it.
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Super expensive high speed Gripen attack airplanes, which the Czechs do not need for their country‘s defense and which were even going to guard airspace of the Baltic republics, against Russia, as these countries did not bother wasting their own money with such a useless investment. TV programming that teaches violence and perverse sex Corrupted government, which does not care about its people’s wishes
Czech International Film Channel The Americans would greatly benefit from a bigger exposure to other advanced cultures. That is why the Czechs should establish an international TV Channel, which would start broadcasting as a US cable channel. It may have to be established with an American partner, as the US has quite strong anti-foreignTV-ownership-policy. The network would show Czech films, which are the kind of films many of the educated Americans would want to see, but they are lacking in the US distribution. The Americans need Czech films a lot more than Czechs need American ones. The movies could also be presented over an Internet portal. They would naturally have to be translated into English. Except for children’s films, subtitles should suffice. Programs with pretty Czech girls would also be used; it too would be a great promotion of the Czech Republic – as Americans are well aware of beauty of Czech women. Czech directors Forman and Menzl have an excellent name in the US; Sverak is known there too. The longer we wait with presentation of Czech movies this way, the more the momentum of recognition of Czech film quality will be degraded. Too much time has passed already. The same goes for Czech books, which should be translated and promoted on the channel, together with other Czech art and culture, and the country as a whole. Later on films and books of other Eastern European countries would be added.
Elimination of Czechs and Their Culture While the past Czech democratic leaders of the first half of the 20th century, like Presidents Masaryk and Benes, fought for a powerful, united, prosperous Czechoslovakia, the new post communist leaders lead it into non-existence. First they split us into two countries. Then they changed the state emblem from one meaning a unity into one that indicates autonomy of Moravia, Silesia, and there is a space in the sign for one more future autonomous region. I assume it will be the Sudetenland. Eventually the abovementioned-regions will become more autonomous and may eventually secede from the Czech Republic. What is interesting is that only 1% of the population of Silesia consider themselves as Silesia nationals. Silesia is a region that was annexed by Poland when Hitler annexed Sudetenland. It was returned to Czechoslovakia, just as Sudetenland was, at the end of WW2. It seems that not only history repeats itself; someone actually works very hard for the replay to happen – so Silesia may one day get again annexed by Poland. Moravia would at that time become its own state and the beautiful Carlsbad-MarienbadFrancesbad region “Karlovarsky Kraj” and other areas of Western Czech Republic may become a part of Germany. The destruction of Czechoslovakia and elimination of the Czech nation and its culture will then be complete. This is what Hitler wanted but has not succeeded in it. This is what brother of one of the Czech international shoe-manufacturing moguls, Bata, wanted. The family would have hard time moving to the United States and open their factories there, due to their Nazi ties. Now the new Czech government is rehabilitating them and returning their properties. While I would personally trust anything Masaryk, Benes, Dubcek, and other past patriotic Czechoslovak leaders wanted for the country, my trust in the post communist regimes is zero. Minorities are allowed to enter the country and while the US integrates their emigrants as fast as it can, the Czech government is creating separate nations out of them. That includes the Romani (Gypsies), Polacks, Vietnamese, and I’m sure that in the future it will be the Turks. None of these nationalities are being properly integrated. 117
Romani (Roma People, Gypsies) The Germans were, during WW2, killing the Romani at as high a rate as they did the Jews. Roma people, who come originally from India, and who have darker skin, were only beginning to get integrated into the society during the Communist era; the integration efforts were not sufficient though. One of the problems was that their kids, just as Czech kids from similar socio-economic backgrounds, were not ready to enter the Czech educational system, which had one of the world’s highest academic standards. Romani have the same natural IQ, which is intelligence that they are born with, as do the Czechs. Unfortunately IQ also has a learned component, which is highly affected by the socioeconomic status of a family. Roma People, just as Czechs of the same socioeconomic level, would have needed one extra year of preparation to enter the difficult school system, plus they would need additional tutoring during the school years; Czech pupils from similar socioeconomic groups would need it equally well. The reason is that because of the high Czechoslovak academic standards, in better socially situated families, the parents helped their kids with their homework and studies. In families with lower social standing, Romani or not, this personal attention was lacking. Because this extra attention was not provided to the Romani kids, their school performance suffered and they usually ended up with some other Czechs in special ed, which was still of a higher level than normal education is in the US. Unfortunately the special ed status prevented the Romanis from attending high schools (gymnasiums) and technical high schools, which were at the time of Communism as difficult as some American 4-year colleges. When Communism fell, Roma people were the first ones to lose jobs. They needed to support themselves, to feed their families, so naturally their criminality level skyrocketed, which made them, as a group, very unpopular among the Czechs. In order for Roma people to be fully integrated into our society, they, just as everyone else, should have the right to work, this right should not be preserved just for the privileged majority.
Romani vs. Germans The Germans owe the Roma People a lot for what they did to them. While they compensated other nationalities somewhat for the atrocities they subjected them to in WW2, they did not compensate the Romani nearly as much; actually they hardly compensated them at all. They do not even accept the Romani for emigration to Germany and do not employ them in their Czech businesses. Germans had wronged these people. They should help them, not discriminate against them! 118
A lot of East Germans left for West Germany to work there. The Vietnamese were kicked out from East Germany. Better off East Germans are moving to new suburban homes. That makes for a lot of empty apartment buildings in East Germany, which do not look the best, but as the Czechs and other Eastern Europeans have demonstrated, can be fixed and painted, to look extremely nice. The Germans are destroying these buildings, leveling them to ground, although there is housing shortage in other European states, among the Romanis particularly, and this shortage will be increasing as more emigrants are entering for instance the Czech Republic. Germany naturally does not want the Romanis. It does not allow them, or even the Czechs and other Eastern Europeans, to work there; they only accept the highly skilled ones. The rest of them have to slave in German Eastern European factories, stores, etc. I believe that the No. 1 reason that the Germans are destroying the apartment houses in East Germany is to limit emigration to Germany of races, which they consider to be “inferior”. Another reason is that German firms will make money in building new housing, when it will be needed. Third reason is to show that the capitalist ways are superior to the socialist ones, and that the inferior Communist housing does not belong in Germany. They must believe that it belongs to “inferior” countries, like the Czech Republic. They certainly do not want the Gypsies that survived the Holocaust, the ones who they did not manage to kill during WW2, or their families, to move to Germany, although it should be their high moral obligation to accept them and help them. It should be their moral obligation to compensate them for the wrongs they did to them, now that Germany is powerful and very prosperous. They were able to absorb the East Germans into their well-functioning economic system, system that draws blood from the newly globalized Eastern European nations. Czechs accept Gypsies from other countries. The Germans should do at least the same, should give them decent living, decent training and job opportunities, and they must definitely be required to employ them in their Eastern European factories. Corporations in the US need to employ certain percentage of blacks in management and are not allowed to discriminate against any blacks in their hiring policies. Why are Germans allowed to do so in the Czech Republic? Why were Germans accepting and compensating other nationals many times more than the Gypsies, whom they wronged so much and considered them as inferior as the Jews? The Romani need to make this internationally known. The world needs to pressure the Germans to correct the wrongs they did to the Gypsies.
Germany – The Awakening New Reich
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Germans bring in their trash illegally into Czech Republic, and then throw it out in the woods. If whole trucks with hazardous waste come here and are being secretly emptied at night in the woods is unknown, but it would not surprise me, since German trucks full of waste have been intercepted and returned to Germany many times. German waste, burned in or near the Czech city of Liberec has an extremely poisonous byproduct – dioxin, which instead of being destroyed, which would be very costly, is delivered to various inhabited areas of Czech Republic and is used in construction, causing cancer, genetic and other damages to the Czechs, who unknowingly live or move to these sites. German nuclear waste is planned to be stored in the Czech Republic, in area that is not too far from the spa-city Carlsbad, which will eventually make radioactive and poisonous the many unique springs in the area, which are used in natural treatment of diseases. German pedophiles and pornographers are their business in the Czech Republic, and are basically able to get away with it without punishment, or the punishment is just minimal. The German-speaking Austrians (Austrians are Germans; Hitler was Austrian) for ages exploited Czechs in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Now they try to dictate the Czechs if they can operate a nuclear plant or not and at the same time a nuclear plant in the neighboring Germany is OK with them. The safety of both of these plants is about the same, as the Czech plant uses Westinghouse control system, which has proven its reliability worldwide. The Czechs are mining large amount of coal, from which they make electricity for Germany, while Germans are saving their coal reserves, as they are preparing themselves for a future energy crisis. Germans finance Czech films that show Czechs in an extremely bad light. Then for instance a negative-propaganda-film “Luck” (in Czech “Stesti”), wins major Czech film awards. I would ban such a film! Volkswagen was able to win, over Renault, a bid on Czech automaker Skoda; then it was allowed to pay billions of Czech Crowns less than the bid’s value was. What was the explanation? A Czech Republic based American law firm that wrote the contract made a mistake. As far as I know, no one was punished. The billons owed were never paid. There is an affair after affair when money have been tunneled out from Czech entities and it ends up in the West, or Western corporations sue the Czech government for breaches in contracts and the Czech government ends up paying tens of billions of Czech Crowns; if there were bribes involved, no one knows. The government that West created in the Czech Republic is corrupt, which suits the Western globalists very well. Major newspapers in Czech Republic are now in the hands of Germans. The German controlled media repeatedly reminds the Czechs of their “bad” national traits. Germans killed hundreds of thousands of Czechs during WW2. It is hardly being talked about nowadays. Instead the Czechs are repeatedly reminded of Germans that they killed after the war, despite the fact that their number was extremely small. German post WW2 Organization, Sudeten-German Landsmanshaft includes primarily Germans who after WW2 escaped or were forced to leave Czechoslovakia, because they collaborated with, or sympathized with the Nazis. This organization receives funds from the German government and was allowed to open its office in Prague. Here are some of the organization’s leaders, from a time that was decades after WW2 ended: o Dr. Victor Aschenbrenner, nazi chief of spies working against Czechoslovakia and organizer of German antigovernment movement in Czechoslovakia. In West Germany a high official of the Landsmanshaft and a chief of its cultural committee. o JUDr. Walter Brandt, chief of staff of a Nazi spy unit and organizer of German antigovernment movement in Czechoslovakia. In West Germany an official of the Landsmanshaft. o JUDr. Felix Jashenk – Nazi spy in Czechoslovakia; in West Germany a member of the central assembly of the Landsmanschaft. o Adolf Metzner – Nazi spy and state chief of the Hitler’s Party; in West Germany a member of the leadership of the Landsmanschaft.
o JUDr. Walter Zawadil – organizer of German antigovernment movement in Czechoslovakia, official of the Hitler’s Party; in West Germany a chief of the legal committee of this Landsmanshaft. This information is based on a Czech book “Tajna sluzba bez masky”, which is a translation of an excellent East German book on BND (German equivalent of CIA), called Nicht länger Geheim, written by Col. PhDr. Albrecht Charisius and Dr. Julius Mader, Dr.Sc. All you need to do is ignore some of the cold war propaganda and you will get a real eye opener on work of BND and their Nazi ties. The Germans are highly responsible for the condition Czech Republic is now in and if not for the Germans and their WW2, Czechoslovakia would never become a part of the Eastern block. The Czechs owe nothing to the Germans! They, and the German-speaking Austrians, who colonized Czech lands for three hundred years, owe the Czechs everything!
Germans Are Not Bad – Are Being Used Germans Are Brave, Intelligent, Creative... And Unfortunately Manipulated If someone wanted to fight a war, he would be very smart to use one of the Germanic nations – Germans, Swedes, etc. These people fought successfully the Holly Roman Empire. The Swedes were very brave during the 30-Year War, etc. There have been many great scientists, composers, philosophers, filmmakers, and generals among the Germans. The three most important figures in the history of psychiatry and psychology, Freud, Jung, and Adler were all German-speaking doctors. Mercedes and BMW are superbly made and copied by other car makers. While the West Germans were fighting Communism in Eastern Europe during the Cold War, the East Germans lived in peace with their Eastern European neighbors. There were all kinds of cultural exchanges; the Czechs visited East Germany, the East Germans Czechoslovakia. There was no friction and neither nation tried to dominate the other one. When East Germany became absorbed by West Germany, West Germany quit fighting Communism in Eastern Europe, which ceased to exist, but switched its secret services machinery to subduing these nations economically and politically. The Soviets kept portions of Dresden in ruins, so the people remember what WW2 did. Actually England revenged Germans for bombarding London by wiping out the cultural landmark Dresden, where there were no military targets, but primarily only women and children. Before the attack, British broadcast called on these German women living in Dresden to turn on their lights, so their bombers would not by mistake bomb this city with no military targets. Then they destroyed it. Under the new united Germany, Dresden ruins have been rebuilt. The Germans are to forget what WW2 did to them and what the West has done to their women and children. This is unfortunate – as history repeats itself. History repeats itself and many of the same “rich and powerful people” from the Nazi era resurfaced again in Germany after WW2. It is them, who made fortunes during the war, and they are again super rich today, and it will not be them, it will be ordinary German people, who will again suffer in the future. The Germans were manipulated in the past by Hitler into one of the greatest disasters any nation has ever experienced, while they had wronged so many – so many have suffered so much because of them. Punishment follows crime. You can’t steal and kill in public and think that you will get away with it. While a regime may encourage and tolerate it, regimes don’t last forever. Hitler’s thousand year Reich did not last even a decade. The Germans should look into their past to see where are their policies taken them. You can’t colonize and destroy an advanced neighboring country, like the Czech Republic, in the 21st century, and think that you will get away with it, unpunished. 121
Nazi Spies in “Democratic” Germany The following information is based on, or is exerted from, the already mentioned Czech translation of an East German book, which deals with West German spy services. Most of the information was independently confirmed, still no 100% accuracy is guaranteed. The Czech translation of the book includes later corrections and additions by the authors. This type of Eastern European books were usually well researched. My following notes are based on pages 504-531 of the chapter “The Government Coalition SPD/FDP and West German Intelligence Service.” • In the early 1970’s West German intelligence (spy) service BND employed 5,500 people and 12,000 agents. • The first chief of BND (1956-68) was Reinhard Gehlen, a Hitler’s general. • BND’s second chief, Gerhard Wessel, Hitler’s officer, was at one time working for Gehlen. • The German Embassies are centers of German spy activities. Even in the 1970’s there were tens of known Nazi diplomats with fascist spy past, who continued with their spy activities for West Germany. Here are ten of them, all previous Hitler’s spies: o Dr. Eckart Briest. In WW2 worked for the fascist spy services of the Foreign Ministry (Department of State), was a spy in Finland, China, and USA. In West Germany worked as an ambassador in New Zealand, Ireland, Paraguay, and Uruguay. My note: “The Latin American countries were the main hiding places for German Nazis. How instrumental was post-war Germany in helping them into and in these safe heavens is unknown, but because of their close ties to CIA, which was helping with the Nazi exodus to South America, one can see the importance of an ex-Nazi spy to have an ambassador post in this part of the world.” o Günter Diehl. A fascist spy, specialist in psychological war, worked against France and Belgum. In Western Germany was an ambassador in India. o Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, chief of Hitler’s spy network in Scandinavia. In West Germany diplomat in Denmark, Finland, and India. o Prof. Dr. Wilhem Grewe, high post in Himler’s offices. In West Germany ambassador for Japan, USA, and NATO. o Hans-Heinrich Heerwarth von Bittenfeld, Hitler Germany’s diplomat and spy in Moscow; in West Germany ambassador to Italy and Great Britain. o Franz Krapf, SS officer, worked as a Hitler’s spy in Japan. In West Germany ambassador at NATO in Brussels (until then in France, USA, and Japan). o Karl Kuno Overbeck, Hitler’s spy in Hungary and Finland. In West Germany ambassador in France, Sweden, Finland, South Africa, and Ireland. o Dr. Hans Schirmer. SS officer, expert on spying and psychological war. In West Germany ambassador in Australia and Austria. o Dr. Gustav-Adolf Sonnenhol, SS officer, worked in Himler’s Foreign Ministry; worked against France and Switzerland. In West Germany ambassador to France, South Africa, and Turkey. o JUDr. Luitpold Werz, spy in Spain, Australia, South America, and Mozambique. In West Germany Ambassador to Argentina and Spain. • Many German organizations have strong ties to BND. One of them is the Goethe Institute, which probably has some 160 foreign branches. BND placed Nazi spies there too. Here are couple of names: o K. H. Abshagen, Nazi spy, worked against the British in Bulgaria and Turkey. Advisor to the institute’s central office and chief of the London branch. o Richard Wolf, Hitler’s anti-British spy in Yugoslavia, director of the institute • BND has proven contacts with foundations (nonprofit organizations), e.g. the Foundation of Konrad Adenauer: 122
o Kai-Uwe von Hassel. Nazi spy instructor; in West Germany a leading member of the foundation o Frans Thedieck; organized pro German movement in Austria and Belgium. In West Germany the chief of the foundation BND is practically not subjected to any control, although there is a nine member legislative committee that is to check on BND activities. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote on the 18th of March 1971: “This committee … has no control rights. The federal government can feed it only what suits them.” Most of the members of the committee are past Nazi army, navy, or air force soldiers or officers.
The German Expansionalism Hitler wanted to sign peace with the West, providing they give Germany colonies. The West was not interested and Hitler eventually lost the war, but Germany and their secret services, whose philosophy of expansionalism continue until today, are very successful in creating German colonies in Eastern Europe. They wronged the Europeans in the past and they are doing it again! CIA is the world’s most powerful spy organization. During Reagan’s administration BND and CIA were under the same command in their fight against the Soviet block. The fight was extremely intense and eventually resulted in the fall of Communism and loss of Soviet control over Eastern Europe. Afterwards CIA’s main activity concentrated even more on this region – the Eastern Europe. From what happened in Czech Republic after the fall of Communism, it is clear that the country is totally under control of Western secret services, which have basically devastated it. These services are basically readying it more and more for the US radar base, future increase of US military presence, and eventual German physical takeover or new annexation of the Sudeten region. Annexation of Czech Republic by Germany already happened economically and politically. Social annexation is continuing. If and when physical annexation of the Sudeten region will happen is to be seen. An important unknown variable here is if the Czech Republic will be wiped out in a future nuclear conflict. If it will be devastated with nuclear weapons, no one would want this land, except maybe to send the remaining Czechs to mines – to get their natural resources, which are plentiful there. German secret services BND are omnipresent throughout the German society; basically the same people who ran secret services for Hitler were running them after Hitler. It would be hard to imagine that their philosophies would change. Hitler’s ideas thus continue to live where the power is – in the German secret services. To galvanize the rest of the German population will not be too hard. It was done once very well already by Hitler. All that is needed is a new world economic crisis – a depression. It is way overdue already.
Fixing the Unethical Multinational Here is an example of an unethical multinational corporation doing business in Eastern Europe. These types of wrongdoings do really exist in the Czech Republic. In some other Eastern European countries the situation can get much worse. To protect identity of the responsible ones, I took out some of the wrongdoings and substituted them with other equally bad ones from other corporations, etc. Overall the level of violations and ethics of this multinational stays unchanged. As Germany is Czech Republic’s strongest Western trading partner, most of these unethical multinational corporations doing business in the Czech Republic are German.
There is another player in this. It is the typical Eastern European „entrepreneur“ that was created, with the help of the post communist regimes. Because in a capitalist society money = power, it was necessary to create entrepreneurs that have no morals, entrepreneurs whose only God is money. Ruthless people and crooks were allowed to become rich; they then in return support equally unethical regimes. At the same time it was necessary for these new rich and powerful entrepreneurs to have skeletons in their closets, so when necessary, or if they would develop “wrong” political ambitions, they could be easily eliminated. These new entrepreneurs were, generally as a rule, in the past involved in illegal activities and either they or their families had strong communist or secret services ties, although some of this may be debatable, as many of the documents from the Communist secret service files disappeared. Even during the Communist era these people had little morals and were often making money illegally in the black market. The Eastern European politicians came from the same general background. The secret service ties allowed all these people to have an advantage in the process of privatization of state enterprises, in getting bank loans, in knowing what is planned for the future, as it is clear now that there was no Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989, as the media’s been portraying the fall of Communism there, but rather a well in advance planned change that was to allow many of the bad, spineless, and ruthless to stay in power. All they had to do was to transform themselves from proCommunist supporters and collaborators (whether they, or their family members, were these openly or secretly) into anti-Communist and pro-US and pro-German flag wavers. All this was done with the help of international secret services. The West rejoiced that the evil Soviet empire has crumbled and is on its own and a new, better, more human system has emerged. How terribly untrue! Details about this unethical corporation, its managers and owners: • It is a German multinational corporation. The German owners have Sudeten-German background. That means that their ancestors lived in the area of Czechoslovakia, which decided to be annexed to Hitler’s Germany. These Sudeten-Germans then kicked out all Czechs from this region. After WW2 the Czechs kicked out all the Germans who collaborated with the Nazis or were Nazi sympathizers, which was the great majority of them. During deportation of the Germans, the Czechs acted much more humanly than the Germans did when kicking out the Czechs, which they had no reason to do so as the Czechs were not doing anything bad to them. On the other hand, the Germans killed hundreds of thousands of Czechs during WW2. • Dishonesty, unfairness, low morality, not helping friends in need, all these traits are abundant in this corporation. • The German owner goes to church in Germany. In the Czech Republic he allows and attends company events full of sexual undertones. In the Czech branch are abundant practices of sexual harassment and age discrimination; the management has sex in the office and gets drunk there regularly, however the productivity and profits are very high, so the German majority holder and the German co-manager are extremely satisfied. • The Czech co-owner-manager decides to go on one of his vacations full of alcohol binging. He forces his underage kids to go with him; one is not even 15 yet. The Czech owner brings to this trip not his wife, but his immoral mistress, who is approximately half his age. He also advertises over the Internet for drunks to join him on this trip. The German owner is fully aware of all of this and allows this man to manage his Czech branch, despite the fact that other capable managers with high moral values are available, however it is the immorality of the present manager that allows for hiring of pretty salesgirls with lose sexual standards, which helps win sales better. These young girls with lose morals are hired into positions with client contacts and the management brings sexual undertones into the client-employee relationships. • The Czech owner at times brags to his wife of tax cheating schemes, other times he complains that he has to break the law for the German owner. 124
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The Czech owner wants to get his wife involved in a tax-cheating scheme, which she naturally refuses. He tells her that his German boss knows how to get and would be able to supply phony bills. The German owner does not want to be informed of the Czech branch’s illegal schemes of cheating on taxes, etc., even when he learns that such schemes would not be discovered during an audit. The Czech owner is a drunk, drinks to delirium-states, and has a history of participating in physical fights with a national minority, which he hates and would like to gas, just like Hitler did. The German owner is aware of it and still allows the Czech immoral racist drunk to lead the branch. The German owner is fully aware that the Czech owner is planning to divorce his wife and that everything suggests that a judge involved has been bribed. The German claims that he has the power over the Czech owner to make him compensate his wife fairly, however the German does nothing to help her, despite the fact that he claims to be her good friend. The Czech branch owner is allowed to send out obscene, threatening, illegal, and insulting communications. The German owner refuses to pay German wages to a Czech worker working in his German company, which the law requires him to. Instead he forces the Czech owner-manger to illegally pay this worker low Czech wages. The German owner has ties to a powerful politician. The Czech owner has ties to unethical policemen; one is even high ranking. The owner is present during illegal activities done by the unethical policemen, who also do illegal activities for him; his German boss is aware of it. The Czech owner-manager has connections to the criminal underground; his German boss is aware of it. While many ethical Czech corporations have no chance of drawing free funds from the EU’s PHARE program, this unethical company has no problem to do so in the Czech Republic, despite the fact that it does not meet the programs' requirements, including the ethical ones.
What is interesting is that the following entities were informed: the Czech police, highest ranking Czech government officials, also highest ranking German officials, about what is going on. Except for Ing. Jiri Paroubek, ex Czech premier, a leader of the Social-Democratic party, no one really provided any support and the Czech police “found no wrongdoings”. No one cared that the court made an illegal judgment against the highly moral wife of the Czech owner. The court proceedings and judgment took place without the wife even knowing about it and the court has not notified her about the judgment until the time to appeal passed. This Banana-Republic type justice system has been installed by the Czech proWestern regimes that have closest ties to both American and German secret services.
What Is the Solution to Prevent This Type of Corporate Abuse? Currently we are still in the time period of economic boom, although a serious economic slowdown is already on the horizon. Nokia is closing its West German facilities as it is moving its production to Romania, where wages are 10-times lower and all kinds of unethical corporate practices are tolerated. 2,300 German jobs are affected. World economy has short cycles, ending in recessions, and long cycles, ending in depressions. The last depression was eight decades ago. Extremely high debt is usually associated with factors triggering depressions. All is in place for the next depression to develop. The Western plants, with much higher wages, will be closing first. Unless some major change develops, at the end of the crisis there may be little work available in the West, as practically all production will move to the less expensive East. In EU there are no barriers, no customs duties for goods to move between countries, so the crisis will hit the West most, unless of course WW3 will develop fully, etc. 125
List of solutions: • EU must protect itself from products coming from outside, which take away its jobs. Higher customs duties must be introduced on many products and industries. • EU must try to eliminate the disparities among the different countries, eventually leading to no more than twice minimum wage differences among the various nations. This must be done decisively but slowly, so no crisis develops. • Unscrupulous highly profitable corporations, like the German one I described above, must be unionized. Where the owners, managers, and the Czech and German government officials don’t care, only labor unions will prevent the type of abuses that are waged against the workforce. As the above corporation is highly profitable even in Germany, there is no reason for the equally productive Czechs to not be getting at least half the German wages instead of the peanuts they are now earning. For the labor unions to be effective, they must be established in all considerable facilities the corporation has, in all countries it operates in. All the local unions must then coordinate their actions. Only this would protect the workers in the East from unethical labor practices and would bring considerable job security to the workers in the West. Bottom Line: It is not the German workers, or people, who are responsible for the sad state of affairs. It is the German government, the German BND, and the unscrupulous crooked money-hungry businessman, who are responsible for the status quo. When the next crisis develops and the German people would suffer again, the unscrupulous crooks would make money even on their suffering. Naturally there are many ethical, honest, responsible German businesses in the Czech Republic. It is however the crooked ones, which are giving their country and people a bad name.
East Germany East Germany no longer exists as a country and West Germany that absorbed it is extremely busy proving to East Germans that integration of the two countries was a great choice for them. To prove their point, they are working hard in destroying anything good that was in the Czech Republic, East Germany’s economically equally strong past partner in Eastern Europe. They are doing it just to show the East Germans the contrast between how much better is their integration compared to how their partner country ended up, or what would happen to East Germany if it was not integrated into West Germany. Unfortunately the East Germans are getting fooled, just as the Czechs are. There was no need to be WestGermanized. Both West and East Germany had their good and bad points. It would have been much better if they would have combined the good points. But that would not suit the West German rich and powerful, as well as not the rest of the Western world, which does not want to allow a better system than theirs to emerge; the current status quo works out the best for the richest, powerful ones. If East Germany would stay independent, it would in no way participate in globalization of the Czech Republic. It would have excellent relationship with this country, based on equality. East Germany would be able to attract lots of West Germans and other Westerners that are not happy with the social order in the West and would appreciate what the East had to offer – cities with no crime, no drugs, no problematic emigrants, no STD epidemics, and no violence in TV and the movies. Previous chapters include analysis on how much better would life in Czech Republic be, if the country was not globalized by the West. The same goes for East Germany. It could have been economically just as well off as the Czech Republic could have been, maybe even better, in any case the people there could have been happier than the West Germans. Now the life, in where the East Germans live, is considerably worse than in the Western part and most people are dissatisfied with how things turned out. One of the reason for this dissatisfaction is naturally the push for being thin, extroverted, famous, powerful, rich, and trivial; all these things cause stress. Once Communism ended, a lot better era could have emerged, with a lot nicer German relations with other countries. The East Germans would not colonize anyone and West Germans would refrain from it too, as they would compete with the East Germans, trying to show their best image.
Rest of Central & Eastern Europe You can improve conditions in these countries as many times as you can do so in the Czech Republic. Since you would start with a lower standard than the Czechs had, you would end up with a lower improved level than in the Czech Republic, but eventually over a long time period, the potential of all the countries would be similar. There would naturally be competition among the various countries. I have originally shown Czech Republic as an insolated case, but there should be room for enough improvement in all the countries in the region. Following are a few examples.
Slovakia It is unfortunate that Czechoslovakia broke into two countries. This kind of breakup needed to require population support, a referendum. No two politicians that were able to hold good job positions during the Communist era should have been able to split a country. Only dictators like Hitler have worked on things like that in the past. There should be a national referendum in both countries if they should reintegrate and under what conditions, e.g. some kind of a federation. If they should decide to do so, which is now not really likely, the national symbol should again be the lion, indicating unity, not four different symbols, indicating separatisms. The two languages should again be Czech and Slovak. There should be a pressure to integrate the Polish and Hungarian minority, just like it is done in the USA, Germany, etc. There is no reason to weaken the state by giving autonomy to everyone.
Poland & Hungary These countries should again integrate better into social, economic and political community together with the other two Visehrad (V4) countries of Czech Republic and Slovakia. These states, plus East Germany, which no longer exists, were always the most developed ones in the Eastern Block. They should work in unison, in synergy, as their interests are very similar. They had extremely close political, social, and economic ties for nearly half of a century. There was no reason to destroy this bond. If a foreign truck want to pass into and throughout this region and Austria has strong policies to keep these trucks out, the V4 could together collect a lot higher tolls from this unhealthy traffic than if they approach the problem individually and would compete against each other. This is an example. It is also my belief that Austria, just as Czech Republic and Poland should be used as a transit state. The four Visehrad countries should also have a common defense policy, in addition to their NATO membership. Unfortunately it was the Czech rightist pro-American politician Vaclav Klaus that was most instrumental in weakening ties within V4 and it is the same politician that has been an outspoken critic of EU integration. Weaker EU suits primarily American, not European interests. Not properly integrated EU suits well Western European interests. During a future depression, improper integration may prevent loss of jobs to the East and if Eastern Europe gets devastated in a nuclear conflict, then in a not properly integrated Europe, West will not have to be helping with hardship in the East. The non-integration however goes against Czech and other Eastern European interests. What is interesting is that against this integration is ODS, a party that is connected with Klaus. Also against it are the Communists, which helped Klaus to become a president and it is rumored that it is Klaus. What Klaus promised them, no one knows.
Yugoslavia (Serbia, Slovenia, Etc.), Romania, Bulgaria Yugoslavia had one of the greatest potentials among the other Eastern European countries, due to its geographic position at the Mediterranean Sea, to attract the most retirees from other countries. The 128
potential was much higher than that in the Czech Republic. What is most important for that region is to stabilize fully its political situation, to get rid of any tensions whatsoever, so that the retirees would feel safe there. Naturally the West, which wants their retirees to spend their pensions and savings at home, would not be very happy about these potential retirement prospects in countries that used to form Yugoslavia. Actually the wars that ranged there in the past served the West very well. When it comes to Western retirees, Bulgaria and Romania too have a great potential.
Russia Russia must not be approached in the antagonistic way that is common for the Czech and other postCommunist leaders. Russia is not any worse than the United States. On the contrary; it is in no way as aggressive as America. The Russians are Slavs, which means that they are more wholehearted and sensitive people than are the Germanic nations that are now controlling most of the world. Russia must be integrated into the European Union. The moment it gets integrated, European Union will become the most powerful region of the world, and naturally also the largest one. Russia’s another advantage will be its fairly low population density, compared to other world powers. Russia has vast amounts of natural resources, and has the nuclear arsenal that will stop any aggressor. Integrating Russia would give Europe true independence. Europe can in return help in developing Russia to make it as advanced economically as Western part of the continent is. If Europe would integrate with Russia ant then would become independent of the United States, the United States would become less aggressive, because they would have some true competition. When a reasonable government starts to rule the US, not the Bush’ administration, then the various regions, like Europe, USA, China, Australia, etc., can start forming a world federation of states. One must not be tough with China either. One should not use force and pressure on it. We must attempt to integrate it peacefully instead.
Western Europe and Australia The people in Western Europe are quite content. They have enough food to eat and live quite comfortably. The Eastern Europeans and Asians are working hard for low wages to make life in the West as good as it is. So there is no big desire for a change in the West. Still the Western Europeans are not happy with crime, drugs, and undesirable inassimilable emigrants, which are present there, while ones are still entering their countries. There should not be confrontation with the “enemy”, especially when the enemy was artificially created, as it was in Iraq, Afghanistan, and as it is now beginning to happen with China. Gorbachev offered the US peace and nuclear disarmament. The US was not interested. Now, with this type of confrontational policy, that the Bush’ administration developed, the world is again inching closer to the brink of a world war. Globalized Eastern Europe is a time bomb that could explode during the next economic crisis, which will come, as the capitalist economy does have major and minor cycles. The major ones are depressions. Western Europe should embrace ideas of this book or ideas that are similar. It should work towards world peace. It should help the developing nations, not globalize-neocolonize them and suck everything it can from them. Only then will the current Europeans and their future generations live in peace, on a planet that is not destroyed in a way that it will no longer be able to sustain life anymore. 129
The way the world is heading and the way Europe is just closing its eyes to what is going on, the world’s largest catastrophe could happen in not too distant future! We need to make serious changes, change our direction, and we need to do it now, so that in the near future the Earth will not become a desolate lifeless planet, but instead a thriving place where life would forever be wonderful.
The Middle East Middle East is the most explosive region right now. If the US attacks Iran, it will be with neutron bombs. The turmoil was set in place after the oil embargo of 1973-74, when the United States wanted to invade the region. Eventually it did not, because of worries of an international backlash. Now that a cowboy in cahoots with the military industrial complex heads the US, and Soviet Union no longer exists, the invasion just went into its first phase. The only way I can see that these problems can be resolved is if the Arabs, Iranians, etc. do unite, but in a peaceful way, and if they start to fully realize that the polarization between the Sunni and Shiite factions is artificially created. They must also come to reality with power of the US and Israel. They must make peace with Israel. If they lose land in the process; if they will have to forget any kind of revenge, fine, anything is better than having the US wiping out most of the Arab and Iranian population with neutron bombs. The neutron bomb the US used at the Baghdad airport was not only a test, but also a warning. These nations should embrace equal rights for all and democratization of their countries. They have to look at Syria, Sadam’s Iraq, and Lebanon of the past as their examples. These countries were quite successful in their modernization efforts. The Arabs, Iranians, Kurds, etc. must become well educated – and that includes women too. This is the foundation for future survival and success. Otherwise once the oil reserves are gone, hunger will settle in, except for the ruling factions, which would have left the countries by then, as their billions, or trillions, are already well invested in the West, the US particularly; that is why the US does not really mind that much the high oil prices; the money that they pay for oil is coming back to them in the form of investments. An excellent movie, Syriana, gives us an excellent overall picture of the Middle East.
Asia North Korea North Korea finds itself in an extremely difficult position. It must firmly align itself with China, as much as possible, and dismantle its nuclear program; otherwise the US will eventually attack it. In the future there could be more hawkish US presidents than Bush is. What is complicating the North Korean situation is the powerful South Korea, which serves as a showcase to the North – how great the capitalist system is. It serves similar function as West Germany did to the Eastern European states before the fall of Communism. North Korea should embrace the democratic principles this book describes and if at all possible, North and South Koreas should be integrated, with the newly developed country taking the best from each other. As I already said, before this happens, North Korea must align itself closer with China. It would give them better bargaining power.
China and Taiwan
Taiwan does belong to China. The US must make itself clear in this respect. Once the US shows bigger weakness in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere and there will happen an unfavorable situation in Taiwan, for instance, if it will become clear that election results were falsified, it will give a green light to China to take what is rightfully theirs, especially at a time when the world will be sanctioning China for Tibet and as a result a militant Chinese regime would emerge. When China invades Taiwan, sanctions imposed by the West would become tremendous; Chinese goods will be boycotted and the US will prevent Chinese access to oil, unless they back off, which, because of their pride, they will not. The sanctions will halt exports from China, which will face a total economic collapse. This is one of the possible scenarios. In quest for oil and natural resources, China will fight for undersea oil field in the disputed offshore territories, which have oil reserves, and may eventually invade other countries, in a WW3, which it will lose. Unfortunately for all of us, the conflict with China will become nuclear. China must be wise to avoid invasion of Taiwan at any cost. It must support a movement for peace, true democracy and freedom, the way I describe it in this book, and it must create a much stricter population control. One child per family must be the absolute maximum. That is the only way to get things under control. The country does not need more people; it needs smarter and stronger people, and a lot of modern machinery to make production efficient. This should be China’s future. A lot lower population will mean better self-sufficiency in energy, natural resources, etc. Future wars, if any, will not be won with larger armies, but with more sophisticated weapons. The large population China has is its biggest obstacle to true power, energy self-sufficiency, and prosperity.
Japan: The Sony Example I will use Sony, one of the top technology companies, to demonstrate mistakes made by a number of major Asian corporations, which are not able to increase their company image and market efficiently their quality, but not necessarily optimally positioned, products in the West. Japan was allowed to excel technologically after WW2, primarily to serve as an example to China, that the capitalist system is better. Now the US needs Japan’s technology, which it uses in its weapons systems. Japan must be an equal partner to the US in all negotiations. Here is an example of a high tech company, Sony, whose late founder and CEO, Mr. Akio Morita, advocated for Japan equal partner status with the US: Sony was born out of the ashes of WW2 Japan to become the world’s most progressive electronics giant. It started as a garage-type operation, making rice cookers. A few years later they made Japan’s first, and world’s second, transistor radio. Quality and innovation eventually resulted in the fact that Sony created practically all video formats. The larger Matsushita (Panasonic) and its subsidiary JVC were successful with the VHS format only. Nowadays, when we look into TV studios worldwide, or into digital film production, one brand that dominates is Sony; no other company is capable to match Sony quality in these applications. Sony never even, for decades, bothered checking what the competition is doing. They developed new consumer electronics technologies and markets. The competition was incapable to make products as small and as good, so no company even tried to go head on against Sony; the ones who tried, failed. That was when Akio Morita was alive. He co-authored a book in Japan. This book pushed for strong independence from the United States. It sent chills through American political circles. The book said that Japan should be free to sell its technology to whomever it wishes, even the Soviet Union, and that the US military power would be crippled without Japanese technology. It did not take long and Mr. Morita suffered a stroke. Sony at that time owned Columbia Records and Columbia Pictures, which were US companies.
After Morita’s death, Sony became mismanaged. A past CBS newsman, Howard Stringer headed Sony’s US operations. This Welshman made it to the top of CBS first, then eventually to top of Sony US and eventually to top of Sony (worldwide). He replaced Nobuyuki Idei, who mismanaged Sony while Stringer headed US operations. During the Idei-Stringer Empire, Aiwa, which Sony bought in the past and built up into a major electronics brand, was losing money big time. So Sony took 100% control of the company and changed the Logo from Aiwa to Aiva. As this name was meaningless, they had to put stickers Aiwa on the front panel, where the Aiva logo was located. Instead of increasing image of Aiwa, they lowered its image further, besides the logo change, by selling low cost Sony products under this brand, via mass merchandisers. Idei developed a new high-end brand, Qualia. Stringer killed it. Aiwa, when Morita ran the company, was an independent brand. Aiva and Qualia were Sony brands. Prior to killing the Qualia brand, regular rebadged Sony camcorder was included in the Qualia product line. That degraded the Qualia brand image. Sony’s image, once one of the most valuable brands, was by that time being run to down by Sony management. Sony’s high image was destroyed primarily by its acquisition of Columbia and by associating the Sony brand with Columbia low image products that included lowlife music and films that promoted violence, anti-Christian values, promoted black, gay, and transgender artists that did not go well with majority of the white community. I am not going to cover all the details, but what is going on at Sony surely looks like the company continues to be running down. Idei was well aware of negative campaign, being run indirectly by competitors in the US Internet discussion forums. Stringer, whose native language is English, must have been aware that Aiva is not Aiwa, however it is not known if Idei consulted him on the logo change or not. Anyone should realize that it is meaningless if Sony’s movie division makes money, if as a result the company would lose much more in the long run, because the movies would destroy the electronics division’s high image. Sony under the wrong management failed to sufficiently develop new markets, totally lost to e.g. Apple’s iPod. It failed to make decent cost-competitive digital filmmaking cameras, slowly giving up a big chunk of its market share to a startup Red. It failed to support its Aiwa and Qualia brands, which were needed, so Sony products could be marketed more effectively; as a result it needed to join with competitors to set standards and share with them licensing fees. That was mainly the HDV, AVCHD, and Blu-Ray video formats. There are many other areas, where Sony’s image was run to ground, while media applauded to the management, which was making Sony, a brand that was once loved by everyone, into nearly as hated a brand as Microsoft, especially after the root-kit fiasco, where Sony CD’s allowed computers to be infected with viruses. What Stringer is now doing is not enough. It is moving Sony into bigger profits, but true vision is lacking. Sony was so mismanaged that any half-decent manager would be able to improve things, so Stringer should earn no applause for his success. Totally new creative leadership is the only way to save Sony’s image and make a line behind the past. No more root kits, no more controversial movies with Sony’s name on them, no more shoddy quality batteries and CCD’s, and no more profanity in Sony-labeled movies and music. A clean-cut technology company that is most innovative must emerge again. It actually could own media companies that are associated with certain type of language and morals, but it must never put its name on these products; it must distance from them as much as possible. Sony should learn from Disney; films that show violence, use bad language, etc. are released under labels that no one associates with the Disney label. 132
What Stringer is doing is typical for US managers; he goes for short-term profits; that is, especially in the case of Sony, wrong.
India, Pakistan, Etc. India must totally abolish its cast system. It must bring under control spread of infectious diseases like tuberculosis. It does need to copy a lot of the things China did and is doing. It needs to realize that it will never match China in its quest for technological superiority and it will never seriously outdo Pakistan in its nuclear capability, because there will always be someone, who will supply Pakistan with more nuclear weapons, just to keep India in check. Both India and Pakistan must realize that they may be played against each other by much more powerful forces than they imagine. If a nuclear war would happen at the India-China-Pakistani border, it would be one of the greatest disasters and it may instantly spread to other regions. We must not forget that it was during Nixon’s Republican administration that the US government developed a theory that regional nuclear conflicts are good for the US.
Most Important Asia must be freed from the evil of globalization and it needs exceptionally strong population control.
Latin America The USA now, together with the past European colonial powers, globalize-neocolonize the previous European colonies of Latin America; inside these countries members of the oligarchies can do whatever they want. They are untouchable by law, while the police regimes enforce the wishes of the globalizing powers and their corporations. Death squads, dictators, no human rights – that is most of Latin America. The police, and especially the secret police, have the power to kill, to torture, and to rape. At the same time US president Reagan thanked these “democracies” for helping him invade Granada. Mexico was the model, when the West was “helping” form the Czech “democracy”. The German-owned Czech press talked about positive attributes of the murderer Pinochet, indirectly getting the Czechs ready to accept a similar dictatorship. The globalization must end in Latin America. The ones who rule ruthlessly this part of the world should be pardoned. Without Western support these regimes would have failed long time ago. The West is responsible for their installment. They should help in their dismantlement. The Bush’ administration celebrated hanging of Sadam. Why are they then supporting equally bad dictators and oligarchs in Latin America? Noriega of Panama is now in US jail for life. Sadam was executed. Neither of these dictators, who were, or were at one time, CIA agents, can talk. More dictators, who were CIA agents and wanted to talk were silenced. This is unfortunate. The CIA, and America, must certainly change its ways. It will not happen if the first hand witnesses are silenced. They need immunity in exchange for telling what they know. Only when the truth becomes public, the US military-industrial complex would begin lose its power and there would be a lot better chance to have a lasting peace.
Cuba, Venezuela, Etc. Bush called Cuba an evil country and Fidel Castro an evil dictator. The US has put a tremendous pressure on this island. Cuba basically has two choices. It either gives in to the US demands and the communists 133
will be able to put on different coats, will become capitalists, and Cuba will become a newly globaized nation, just as it happened in Eastern Europe, or they will be subjected to constant sabotage of anything they do and if they do not crumble, a reason will be found and Cuba will be invaded, most likely when a wider world conflict develops. So what is Cuba to do? It can naturally align itself with another superpower – but which one? The only major superpower is the United States. The other ones, although much smaller superpowers, are now all more or less cooperating with the US. If US did not make these demands on other countries – to push on them their socio-politico-economic model, push on them the US way, which includes selective death to the past rulers – regimes like Cuba would have transformed long time ago; a lot more liberal form of Communism would have emerged there. It would be rather socialism, which would be harmless and similar to socialism in Czechoslovakia during the 1968 Prague Spring. Unfortunately the US does not want this to happen. It needs to conquer – and globalize the conquered nations. Since Fidel Castro no longer heads Cuba, his brother does, changes are occurring already. Raul Castro will have a tough future in front of him. The Eastern Europe is a perfect example of how Communist rulers can save their lives and become very wealthy and powerful, when they agree to globalization. But no decent patriotic leader would allow that. Only the worst ones can embrace something like that, or a leader that has no clue what will happen. We don’t know what kind of person Raul Castro is, but even he will be sooner or later replaced. The Bush’ or similar administration may poison him; who knows! The US administrations planned to do that with Fidel Castro on a number of occasions. There is another option though, although risky. The option is to align itself with some powerful nation that can be trusted and embrace a kind of reform this book describes. Unfortunately as of this writing such powerful nation does not exist. The US claims that Communism is evil and the US type of “democracy” is the only way to go. If Cuba chooses true democratic way, a way that is much more democratic than the US or Czech “democracies” are, then United States will lose their arguments. Still it would be a very difficult road, but I believe that this is the best solution for Cuba. It would get rid of the sanctions imposed on it and it will be able to show the world that it not only is not an evil state, but that it is a state that others should look up to. The close proximity of the US would mean not only great income from tourism, but also likelihood that many American retirees would be moving there. What is Venezuela to do? It should align itself more with China, but China will lose in the long term. Other advice is similar to the one given to Cuba, although both countries are now in more less a “no win” situation, where Venezuela’s long term prospects are, I believe, worse than Cuba’s.
Africa African countries must no longer be neocolonized by the globalists. They need to instigate strong education, support for freedom, democracy, and prosperity. In an interim period they should institute a similar form of Communism that China did – communist political system combined with capitalist economic system. The Communist system is needed to educate the population, bring under control population growth, etc. Only then the countries should become democratic. The secret services of US and past colonial powers must stop supporting the dictatorships and oligarchies that allow Africa to be exploited, while tens of millions of innocent Africans are dying for foreign interests. United Nations’ control of Africa may have to be initiated until things get stabilized. AIDS and other diseases need to get under control; strong animal spices preservation effort must be instituted, etc. Small assembly plants will need to be built there to start with. 134
LONG-TERM PROGNOSIS FOR OUR WORLD Based On Either “Pro-People Governments” versus “Current Establishment” Ruling The World Year
Pro-People Governments
The Current Establishment
Use your A lot better world has materialized. People are healthier, happier; there is imagination; as a 2030 no war threat; environment is cleaner and things overall are improving guide you can look at quickly. what direction has World population will be greatly reduced; people will, on the average, 2200 live to be 100 years old and will die of old age, not of disease. Life will be the establishment been taking for a very enjoyable. long time. Where We’ll live, on the average, till the age of 150. We’ll have colonies in other will this direction parts of space. Man has changed. It is programmed to be able to have take us? There is one tremendous pleasures and will also have a very strong drive to live in thing for sure, and 3000 peace with other civilizations in space, but will be powerful enough to that is that a major fight any kind of evil. Living robots will be performing most tasks. The change in direction is average IQ will be 200. needed ASAP.
We need to • • •
push for world peace, justice, state independence Create world federation of states We may not be alone in this world and we don’t want to lose to some evil force from the outer space, in some distant future, or to some other disaster that would come from space, so we need to develop a worldwide defense system to protect our planet from the outside and at the same time stop any type of antidemocratic movement or aggression within the federation. We need to let our civilization grow beyond this planet and when we one day meet with other advanced civilizations; we should strive to create a federation of worlds. But we must be strong. We must be prepared to fight off any potential space enemies, even if it is millions of years from now. Limit population, radically over time. No family should be allowed to have more than two children. There is no reason to have such a high population that eventually we all will suffer, as we will exhaust the needed natural resources. It is better to have one child, who lives a great life than have several, who will suffer throughout their lives.
We need to develop a genetically superior race; only then will we succeed – if our planet meets with enemies that could attack us from space. Good nutrition and schooling that exercise the brain and body is a good start in developing healthy functioning human beings.
Prophesy Of Doom This is an old prophecy discovered long time ago. I corrected the language to make it easier to read: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The world is different than it seems. The people who rule mean something different than they say. You cast your voice for something else than you think. The biggest danger before you is the one you can’t see. Most truths you hear are lies. The one who betrays you most is the king and his men. The fight for force that creates fire and lightning is the last war that will engulf the nations. You can’t win; you can’t run; you can’t hide; you can’t act like a man. Your king’s men can secretly watch you and hear your every word. A man is made that is half animal. The disasters are not natural but stem from invisible force sent from the direction perpendicular to the direction between where Sun rises and falls. Men are kept alive by many medicine men. If not for them, they die as children. Man will grow as a new body for the one who rules. The one who rules works for the king of death. If the doom is not stopped, most men will die or will be damaged by invisible force. The king of death will forever rule the man, his children, and all future children. They will wish they were never born. The promised lands that most survivors will be sent to will be graveyards. There will be a chance to stop the doom by a man who finds this script and receives answers from a woman, who writes them in her sleep. It will be up to the man then to stop the doom, but he must also find the key. If all this takes place, the doom will be stopped and destruction of all nations will be avoided. If and when the doom is stopped, the nations will be divided. They will not be able to agree on how to proceed. Then only a brave, hard working entrepreneuring nation, created from people who came from all directions, hardened by enemies that surround it, can lead the world. This nation will see the future clearly and a will present the best path on how to enter into building a forever lasting union of nations and how to bring them all from the darkness into the light. This nation will be selected by leaders of other nations to rule the world until the time comes when leaders of all nations can see the light. Then all the nations will cast voices as to whom they want them to lead next, at a time when lightness will forever guide them to a lot better life.
Does this prophecy remind us a little of where our world is heading? Is the “king of death” the Devil? Which is the nation that will lead? There are many nations that fit this description, including the Czechs; their genetic makeup is 40% Western Slavic, 25% Roman, 11% German, 11% South Slavic, 9% Jewish, and 4% Eastern nations. Naturally the Jews and a number of other nations would too qualify.
Simple Guide to a Better Life •
Live and work as much as possible in an unpolluted environment 137
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Eat healthy and take extra nutritional supplements – at least multiple vitamins; try to eat organic foods as much as possible. If you’re sick, try alternative medicine – homeopathy, Chinese herbal medicine, etc., in addition to treatment by a doctor that is also a homeopath or uses natural methods in his practice. Make sure your kids receive as much education as possible – in something that is useful to the society – and well paid Expose your children to arts and culture Lead them to religion, not because you necessarily believe that there is God, but in our times of decadency and epidemics of STD’s the religion can show them a better, safer way, plus having faith helps program their minds positively and also makes it easier for them to find a husband or a wife, who will support them and will stay with them through the thick and thin. Have no debts.
I recommend everyone the following movies and books.
Films • • • • •
Farenheit 9/11, directed by Michael Moore – an excellent documentary film that shows G.W. Bush’s involvement with the Saudis, etc. Syriana, directed by Stephen Gaghan – excellent movie that gives inside to the Middle Eastern crisis. Super Size Me, directed by Morgan Spurlock – a must-see film for everyone, especially your kids; this film is the best tool to teach you not to eat junk foods The Secret Of Nicola Tesla, directed by Kristo Papic – excellent and very interesting film Couple enriching artistic Czech films: My Sweet Little Village (Vesnicko ma strediskova), directed by Jiri Menzl, Loves Between Raindrops (Lasky mezi kapkami deste), directed by K. Kachyna
Health Book Most who follow the book’s recommendations could, in my opinion, easily add over 10 years to their lives: • Every Woman’s Book by Paavo Airola; this book is „the“ nutritional bible for everyone, even for men and kids
Novels These novels are true classics. • Tender Is The Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald • Arch Of Triumph by Erich Maria Remarque • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Notes •
A conspiracy theorist never has all the facts; that is why his conclusions are based on o lot of assumptions, or rather theories. This can classify his work, by official, conventional standards, as fiction, especially if one does, as I do, use often other than official figures and criteria. This is why there are discrepancies between my and official statistics. No matter how you decide to call my work, it is a look at the world from an extreme conspiracy theory angle as I attempt to show 139
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the world from a viewpoint of an extreme conspiracy theorist. I do not present the counterpoint of how the world is viewed by majority of people, scientists, etc., which is a totally different, much more conventional, much less extreme picture. Value of this study, in my opinion, is that it streamlines many known conspiracy theories into one, although quite unconventional perspective. Will I ever finish this book or will I ever try to get into politics? Answer to the first question is that I don’t have the time; answer to the second question is no, with this book my political activities ended; I have too many other, much more interesting, interests. Question on conflicting thoughts in this book: The book is not finished and my ideas were developing as went along.
Conclusion This whole book looks at the world negatively. It portrays a bad world-wide conspiracy and conspirators; it shows how we are fast moving to become a one large totalitarian society. This is how the conspiracy theorist sees things and this is what this book is based on. The conspiracy theorist sees bad people who want to do bad things to us all in order to profit from the unfortunate situation. Looking at the world from a less radical conspiracy theory viewpoint, the reality becomes a little different. We see a world that is being run primarily by old impotent men. They come from abnormal families and have lived abnormal lives. They are not abnormal because they are crazy; they are abnormal, because they don’t live lives like regular people do, so their view of how life is in the real world is quite distorted. They have developed paranoid personalities because all their lives someone tried to get to their money. They don’t even trust their wives; they think that they too married them for money. And they are right; they did marry them for money, but also for their power. These people don’t know how to change the system, but they have the power to keep it perpetuating. They don’t mean any harm to the society, to us ordinary people. On the contrary; they are trying to help us all, and I mean it. They belong to secret societies with noble causes, like the Illuminati, etc. We are all obligated to these people for getting us from the dark ages to the modern democratic society, which is very imperfect, but still ia a great improvement from the hell of monarchies and the evil medieval Church. These people are responsible for stopping Hitler and for the fall of the Soviet empire. They are responsible for creation of the modern world as we know it. In the past, to fight the evil monarchies and Church, they had to work in secrecy. It worked for them then and it is working for them still. They will eventually get us to a one-world government. It will not be all slavery as the radical conspiracy theorists see it. It will free us from criminals, drugs, epidemics of infectious diseases, from wars and hunger. It will be a totalitarian society, something like Communism was, but the system will function well economically. These kingmakers are not bad men, but to even be considered for joining their secret societies you need to think like they do. You have to be set in such ways as to continue with the same scenario that they had developed and have been using for centuries. Within this scenario will be future unpleasant events, but overall in the end it will be a great improvement of what we have right now. These rich and powerful men do the best they can to get us into a better future, into what they consider to be a better future, but like all old people, they will not try anything new, something that may seem radical to them, which has not been proven to work. What they are doing has worked for them for centuries, has been tested many times; it helped them preserve their wealth and with that their power. Are they fair in their race for riches? Of course not! But they need their riches because they need their power!
This book shows an alternative on how to get to a better world, by taking a less dangerous path and then creating a true pro-people government that will work for the well-being of us all, even the rich and powerful ones.
Return to Reality I woke up and saw the world again clearly, without the twisted glasses of a conspiracy theorist. There it was; beautiful and ugly, colorful and black and white; the radar base in the Czech Republic was suddenly just a backup for another one that was to be built further East, and of a satellite-based defense system. Then I saw the future and it was the same scenario with China that once already happened with the Soviet Union; they just gave up and accepted the Western ways. I saw world without wars, a world where our leaders took us through a very dusty and a bumpy road, but we got there. There it was – a world without conflicts, without suffering, hunger or disease, a world full of love and happiness. Then I opened up my eyes... ..
This book describes the principle that are worth fighting for Any politician who follows them is worth voting for –
[email protected]
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About the author, Joseph G. Toman, Ph.D.
Worked as a dean of an international college Consulted to world-renowned universities Advised to major corporations, including their top management Created plans on revamping natural health care in Europe Is a fighter for human rights, peace, cultural enrichment Has fought major corporations on environmental and energy issues
STD’s, obesity, wars, terrorism, drugs, crime: Is there cospiracy behind them? LIST OF SOME OF THE IDEAS THE BOOK COVERS • • • • • • • •
USA: Propaganda vs. Reality Removing Obstacles To Prosperity Money Does Not Equal Life Enjoyment World Based On Lies And Deceit Is USA Turning Into A Banana Republic? The 4th Reich – The German Danger Loving Society With High Moral Values New World Order Conspiracy
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Short-Term Policies Don’t Work Rules On Conquering Other Nations Importance Of Art And Culture Political Reform, not World War Three Global Solutions & Fixing America Crime And Drug Prevention Environment, Energy, Freedom, Peace Globalization = Neocolonization
We Need Synergetic Long Term Sollutions Our corporate and political leaders have short-term self-serving goals that carry them through the next stockholder meeting or the next election. As a result, in long terms, our world moves from one crisis to another, from one war to the next one. The solutions our leaders seek satisfy primarily their power and money hunger instead of benefiting us all. This book is a step-by-step analysis, in layman’s terms, on what is wrong with our society and how we can start fixing it together efficiently, permanently, now – not when the next crisis arrives.
Road to prosperity is not what the right or left are offering. It lies in a totally different sphere of the vastness of the political spectrum. Typical, Easy To Understand Graph From This Book:
USA Czech
Most Americans are infected with an incurable form of STD. For a decade already there have been epidemics of incurable forms of gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, tuberculosis, and HPV in the US. The diseases are deadly, cause cancer, or infertility. The spread is progressing rapidly in most areas of the world. Improper antibiotics use is responsible for incurable forms of a number of these diseases. In third world countries people buy antibiotics without prescription and the pills often have no antibiotics in them.