Job’s Of pharmacist Member : Fitria Yelismi Gisela Wulandari Ina Novarina Leylan Natasya Meita Sari Niswatul Aziza Yeti Sumiati
Pharmacist Pharmacists are scholars who have graduated pharmacy as a pharmacist and the pharmacist has oath of office (based on Government Regulation no. 51 of 2009 on Pharmaceutical
Apoteker Apoteker adalah sarjana farmasi yang telah lulus sebagai apoteker dan telah mengucapkan sumpah jabatan apoteker (berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 51 Tahun 2009 tentang Pekerjaan Kefarmasian).
In general, the work done by a pharmacy which the pharmacist is in the field of procurement, production, distribution, and service of pharmaceutical preparations. Pharmacists can work in government agencies, educational institutions, pharmaceutical / cosmetics / food / medical devices, pharmaceutical wholesaler, distributor of medical devices, hospitals, pharmacies
Secara umum, pekerjaan kefarmasian yang dilakukan oleh seorang apoteker adalah di bidang pengadaan, produksi, distribusi, dan pelayanan sediaan farmasi. Apoteker dapat bekerja pada instansi pemerintah, institusi pendidikan, industri farmasi/kosmetik/pangan/alat kesehatan, pedagang besar farmasi, penyalur alat kesehatan, rumah sakit, apotek.
Assistant Pharmacist Assistant Pharmacist / Pharmacy . Technical Assistant is a certified health workers School Assistant Pharmacist / School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Polytechnic, College of Pharmacy, Department of Health Polytechnic Pharmaceutical and Food Analysis, Academy of Pharmaceutical Analysis. Task Assistant serves prescription pharmacist in accordance with the responsibilities and the professional standard that is based on the interests of the community as well as serving the sale of drugs that can be bought without a prescription
Asisten apoteker Asisten Apoteker / Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian adalah tenaga kesehatan yang berijazah Sekolah Asisten Apoteker / Sekolah Menengah Farmasi, Politeknik Kesehatan Jurusan Farmasi, Akademi Farmasi, Politeknik Kesehatan Jurusan Analisa Farmasi dan Makanan, Akademi Analisa Farmasi. Tugas Asisten apoteker melayani resep dokter sesuai dengan tanggung jawab dan standar profesinya yang dilandasi pada kepentingan masyarakat serta melayani penjualan obat yang dapat dibeli tanpa resep dokter.
Assistant pharmacist must also provide information relating to the use / consumption of drugs will be handed over to the patient and also provide information about the use of drugs, correct and rational and easy to understand patient / community.
Asisten apoteker juga harus memberikan informasi yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan/ pemakaian obat yang akan diserahkan pada pasien dan juga memberikan informasi mengenai penggunaan obat secara tepat, benar dan rasional serta mudah dimengerti pasien/ masyarakat.
Pharmaceutical Engineering Personnel According to Hepler and Strand, 24 technical personnel pharmacy role more towards "pharmaceutical care" consists of : • Identify a range of potential drug-related problems (which is currently known as a medication error) • Undertake the necessary efforts during a drug-related problems. • Prevent the occurrence of drugrelated problems. Prevent the occurrence of drug-related problems.
Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian
Menurut Hepler dan Strand,24 peran tenaga teknis kefarmasian yang lebih ke arah “pharmaceutical care” terdiri atas : 1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai potensi terjadinya drug-related problems (yang saat ini lebih dikenal sebagai medication error). 2. Melakukan berbagai upaya yang diperlukan saat terjadi drug-related problems. 3. Mencegah terjadinya drug-related problems
Undergraduate Pharmacy • Task of undergraduate pharmacy 1. Industrial Sector Drugs and Biological Products Field work performed varies greatly varied, from the ranks of marketing, production, product development, supervision and quality assurance, warehousing, to public relations. Example: Sanbe Farma, Kalbe Farma, Bio Farma, Kimia Farma, Bayer, etc. 2.
Field of Food Industry Armed with the knowledge of the making of good medicine, pharmacy undergraduate to master the work in the food industry, the manufacture of food products because the condition is relatively simpler than the drug
Sarjana Farmasi
Tugas sarjana farmasi :
Bidang Industri Obat-obatan dan Produk Biologi Bidang pekerjaan yang dilakukan sangat bervariasi variatif, dari jajaran marketing, produksi, pengembangan produk, pengawasan dan penjaminan mutu, pergudangan, hingga kehumasan. Contoh : Sanbe Farma, Kalbe Farma, Bio 1.
Farma, Kimia Farma, Bayer, dsb. 2. Bidang Industri Makanan Berbekal pengetahuan tentang pembuatan obat yang baik, sarjana farmasi dapat menguasai pekerjaan di bidang industri makanan, sebab syarat pembuatan produk makanan relatif lebih sederhana dibandingkan produk obat. Contoh: Nestle, Wingsfood, Indofood, Ultra, dsb.
3. Field of Cosmetics Industry Example: Sari Ayu, Mustika Ratu. 4. Manufacture of household and health supplies Such as: Unilever, and P & G 5. Industrial herbal and traditional medicines Such as: Fountain, Borobudur, Sido appear 6. For Research and Education, such as Universities and Research Institutes 7. Trade Sector The trade of drugs and medical devices also require undergraduate pharmacy for medicinal products and medical devices must meet the standards of safety, efficacy, and quality.
3. Bidang Industri Kosmetik Contoh : Sari Ayu, Mustika Ratu. 4. Industri perbekalan rumah tangga dan kesehatan Seperti : Unilever, dan P&G 5. Industri jamu dan obat tradisional Seperti : Air mancur, Borobudur, Sido muncul . 6. Bidang Riset dan Pendidikan Seperti Perguruan Tinggi dan Lembaga Penelitian 7. Bidang Perdagangan
Sektor perdagangan obat dan alat kesehatan juga membutuhkan sarjana farmasi karena produk obatobatan dan alat kesehatan harus memenuhi standar keamanan, efikasi, dan kualitas.
Associate Expert Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Associate Expert in Pharmaceutical Analysis pharmacy duty personnel have a role as: 1. Executing in the pharmaceutical industry laboratory 2. Executing in the field of pharmaceutical control laboratories. 3. Executing in the field of pharmaceutical research laboratories.
Analisa farmasi Ahli Madya Analisa Farmasi dalam menjalankan tugas tenaga kefarmasian mempunyai peran sebagai : 1.Pelaksana di laboratorium industri farmasi 2. Pelaksana di laboratorium pengawasan bidang farmasi 3. Pelaksana di laboratorium penelitian bidang farmasi
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