Jacco de Jager # Webdesigner - Frontend designer bij VIP Response BV
[email protected]
Samenvatting Ik ben een perfectionist in hart en nieren. Ik zet me volledig in voor een project en probeer altijd het onderste uit de kan te halen. Ik geef niet graag op. Kunst en mijn eigen werk heeft mijn hart maar het maken van websites is ook een passie. Om die reden en om financiële redenen maak ik op freelance basis o.a. websites, DTP werk en illustraties. Voor vragen over mijn werk/diensten en dergelijke kun je altijd contact met me opnemen. # ###
[email protected]# ## #
Vaardigheden en deskundigheid Logo Design Interaction Design Web Design Illustrator Graphic Design Fine Art Kaossilator Art Wordpress CSS HTML 5 HTML CSS3 Adobe Creative Suite WordPress Painting Illustration DotNetNuke Flyers Drawing Posters Photoshop Usability Corporate Identity Layout Front-end
Ervaring Webdesigner - Frontend designer at VIP Response BV
January 2014 - Present (6 months) Designing and developing Lead / dedicated campaigns. Html, CSS, wordpress, photoshop, Coda, illustrator. Artist, illustrator, freelance webdesigner at Donorbrain January 2010 - Present (4 years 6 months) Independent Arts and Crafts Professional. Freelance designer / front end webdesigner. 3 aanbevelingen op aanvraag beschikbaar (web) Designer at GoodGoodies March 2012 - December 2013 (1 year 10 months) Designing and developing Lead / dedicated campaigns. Html, CSS, wordpress, photoshop, Coda, illustrator. 1 aanbeveling op aanvraag beschikbaar Interaction designer / frontend designer at Invantive B.V. October 2011 - April 2012 (7 months) Translating the user interface of Invantive software to a more useable and consumer(user) friendly product. Summary of my work: Photoshop, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Illustrator, Indesign. 1 aanbeveling op aanvraag beschikbaar Teamleider vormgeving at BreinBlik January 2011 - July 2011 (7 months) Support and managing a small group of designers and developers. Also Branding, Company logo's, Design, Webdesign, HTML, CSS and jQuery Webdesigner at ErfgoeDigitaal February 2010 - July 2011 (1 year 6 months) Interaction design, Webdesign, Print (flyers, posters, calling cards), Company logo's and Branding. Interaction designer at Extrea Multimedia June 2009 - January 2010 (8 months) Front-end webdesign, Graphic design http://www.extrea.nl Webdesigner at Tele2 Nederland December 2007 - June 2009 (1 year 7 months) Maintaining the Tele2.nl website, also adding new features too it. Banners, Mail templates etc. webdesigner at Stromboli tekst & beeld 2007 - 2008 (1 year) Slicing photoshop designs and translating them to HTML and CSS. Pagina2
Trainee at SBS January 2002 - July 2002 (7 months) Working in Combustion, Edit and photoshop. Doing all sorts of small jobs for the daily news broadcast: "Hart van Nederland". Trainee at Trefnet July 2001 - December 2001 (6 months) As trainee i learned a lot about making layouts for websites in photoshop and slicing them. I worked a lot in flash and explored actionscript. I learned the base knowledge for HTML 4 and CSS here.
Opleiding(en) The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Painting, 2006 - 2007 Activiteiten en verenigingen: Classes i attended:, Circuit bending (Micro controllers), Comics arts and narrative, Screen printing, Painting, Motion graphics. Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht BFA, painting, 2003 - 2007 Grafisch Lyceum Amsterdam MBO, Multimedia vormgever, 1999 - 2003 Basisschool de verrekijker
Cursussen Webdesigner Tele2 Nederland Actionscript 3.0 basic
Publicaties Pet's marktplaats Komma November 19, 2011 Authors: Jacco de Jager #, Pet van de luijtgaarden One of my works was published in this book. I made a work as collaboration with Pet for his exhibition in the Kunsthal rotterdam 2011.
Talen English Dutch
(Professional working proficiency) (Elementary proficiency)
Projecten open vlampijpateliers 2013 oktober 2012 tot Huidig Members:Jacco de Jager #, marleen huijing, Rhonda Spates, Lou Vos, Juul Rameau, lisette koren, Dorothé Arts, Jesse van Boheemen, Robbert de Jong, Harold van de Kamp, Thomas Bauer this weekend: october 6 & 7 - 2013 50 open artist studios in Utrecht filled with inspiring art, paintings, pictures, objects, performances, workshops, music. etc....
Interesses Art,painting,drawing,comics,philosophy,music,Korg,webdesign,css,wordpress,illustration,graphic novels,
Jacco de Jager # Webdesigner - Frontend designer bij VIP Response BV
[email protected]
5 personen hebben Jacco de Jager # aanbevolen "Jacco is creatief, snel en prettig om mee te werken. Hij denkt mee en komt met oplossingen, waar je als opdrachtgever niet eens aan had gedacht." — Bjorn Uyens, was een klant van Jacco de Jager # "Ik ben heel tevreden met het werk van Jacco. Jacco is betrouwbaar, creatief en vakkundig. Hij luistert goed, waardoor hij mijn visie ook snapt." — Lydia Westerveld, was een klant van Jacco de Jager # "If I were a brain, I would give it to Jacco. I know I would be save, in his creative mind." — William de Jager, was een klant van Jacco de Jager # "recommended Websites, wordpress, design, graphic design, illustrations If I were a brain, I would give it to Jacco. I know I would be save, in his creative mind. Websites, wordpress, design, graphic design, illustrations Wordpress websites customized to your taste or corporate identity. HTML / CSS solutions. Mail templates. GUI design. Overall graphic design such as logo's but also flyers, posters, calling cards. Illustrations, character design." — William de Jager, Eigenaar, iWillmedia, gaf leiding aan Jacco de Jager # bij GoodGoodies "In 2011 we have started as Invantive a move from data-centric to user-centric applications. Jacco was hired in that period as lead designer. He introduced many new concepts and not only that: he also implemented those in our framework. Afterwards, we have learnt that it is a seldom combination to have both an artist as well as a skilled technical guy in one combination, which works well with both marketeers and developers. After a period of approximately six months the first product including the work of Jacco was released for general use among our user community (both finance as commercial people). People were upset. The most often heard complaint was: "Why didn't you guys hire Jacco years ago? This is great!"" — Guido Leenders, was een klant van Jacco de Jager #
Maak contact met Jacco de Jager # op LinkedIn