Current Address: School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University Jalan Farmako, Sekip Utara Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia Phone: +62-274-545674 Fax : +62-274-631204 Birth date : August 1972 Citizenship : Indonesia Marital Status : Married, 2 sons
EDUCATION a. Primary and Secondary School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1979 – 1988) b. Senior High School, Jember East Java, Indonesia (1988 -1991) c. Bachelor Science in Nursing, Indonesia University (UI) (1992 – 1998) Subject: Nursing d. Master of Nursing Science (MNSc), James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland Australia (2005-2007) e. PhD in Nursing, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland Australia (2011-2014) WORK EXPERIENCE a. Lecturer at School of Nursing of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University (1998 – now) Field of study : Communication in Nursing Mental Health Nursing b. As a nurse at Sardjito Hospital Centre at Psychiatric Unit (2000- 2005) c. An advisor ISDA Foundation, 2013 - now d. As a vice director, at School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, 2014 – now e. As a member of ethic committee Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University (March, 2015) TRAVEL EXPERIENCE a. Hongkong (1994)
b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.
Singapore (1995 and 2013) Australia (2005 – 2007) and (2011-2014) Ireland (2013) Thailand (2013 and 2014) Melbourne (Mei 2014) Perth (Mei 2014) Madinah (2014) Thailand (Nov 2014)
MEMBER OF 1. Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (ACENDIO) (2013-2015) 2. Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF) (2013 – now) 3. NANDA organization (2014 – now)
PUBLICATION a. Book : Therapeutic relationship between nurse and client (Hubungan terapeutik perawat dan klien, kualitas pribadi sebagai sarana). Publisher: Program Studi Ilmu keperawatan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Year: 2001 ISBN 979-96493-0-7 (in Indonesia language) b. Nurjannah I, Widyawati, Sunartini, Journal Title : Increasing nurses’ abilities to determine the nursing problems by using the assessment and nursing problem guidance Peningkatan Kemampuan Perawat Dalam Menentukan Masalah Keperawatan dengan Menggunakan Pedoman Pengkajian dan Penentuan Masalah Keperawatan). Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat XVII (3) 2001, National journal, (National accreditation) ISSN 02151936 (in Indonesia language) c. Nurjannah I, Hapsari ED, Sunartini Journal Title : Patient’s depression scale before and after Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) at Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Skala depresi sebelum dan setelah dilakukan Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) pada pasien yang mendapatkan terapi ECT di RSUP Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat XVII (2) 2001, National journal, (National accreditation) ISSN 0215-1936 (in Indonesia language) d. Nurjannah I, Rahmat I, Journal Title: The influence of Cognitive-proactive therapy to the patient who suffered from depression in psychiatric unit (Pengaruh Terapi Kognitif Proaktif pada pasien Depessi di Unit Perawatan Jiwa). Berkala Kesehatan Klinik, diterbitkan oleh: RS Dr. Sardjito BKK Volume X No 2 Desember 2004 ISSN 0854-2805 (in Indonesia language) e. Book : Treatment guidelines for mental illness patient: management, nursing process and nurse-patient therapeutic relationship (Pedoman penanganan pada gangguan jiwa, manajemen, proses keperawatan dan hubungan terapeutik perawat-klien) Publisher: Mocomedia, Yogyakarta, 2004 ISBN: 979 – 988886-0-3 (in Indonesia language) f. Book : Nursing process for nursing diagnoses: Risk violence: directed to others and disturbed sensory perception. (Aplikasi proses keperawatan pada diagnosa resiko kekerasan diarahkan pada orang lain dan gangguan sensori persepsi) Publisher: Mocomedika, Yogyakarta, 2005 ISBN: 979-98888689 (in Indonesia language) g. Book : Communication in Nursing: Basic communication for Nurse (Including CD) (Komunikasi keperawatan: dasar-dasar komunikasi bagi perawat-termasuk CD) (in Indonesia language) h. Journal Title : The relationship between personality type of nurse and the nurse performance in interaction phase of nurse and patient in RSUD hospital Yogyakarta
p. q.
t. u. v. w. x.
(Hubungan antara Tipe kepribadian Perawat dengan Pelaksanaan Tahapan Interaksi Perawat Klien di RSUD Kota Yogyakarta).Lutfi Nurdian Asnindari, Nurjannah I, Lely Lusmilasari. Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan Vol. 2, No. 1, Juni 2006 ISSN 1858 0610 (in Indonesia language) Book : Fast Methods of Formulating Nursing Diagnoses, Cara Cepat Merumuskan Diagnosa Keperawatan. Publisher: Mocomedika, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2006 ISBN: 97998888-75-1(Mix in Indonesia and English language) Proceeding in The fourth National conference for Indonesia Mental Health nurses association in Bandung, Indonesia (Konferensi Nasional IV Ikatan Perawat Kesehatan Jiwa Indonesia), Bandung 21 - 23 November 2007 (Title : Absconding from psychiatric institution in Indonesia: a case study) Melarikan diri dari institusi psikiatrik di Indonesia: Sebuah study kasus) (in Indonesia language) Journal Title: Relationship between nurses’ perception of violence experienced and aggressive behavior tendency (Hubungan persepsi kekerasan yang dialami dengan kecenderungan perilaku agresif pada perawat jiwa di RSJD Surakarta). Fika Nur Indriasari, Sumarni, Nurjannah, Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan Vol. 3 No. 2, Desember 2007 ISSN 1858 – 0610. Book: Management of client with psychiatric problem: hallucination (Penanganan klien dengan masalah psikiatrik: halusinasi), Publisher Moco Medika, Yogyakarta, 2008 (Februari) ISBN: 979-9888895-6 (in Indonesia language) Book: Management of client with psychiatric problem: violence (aggression) (Penanganan klien dengan masalah psikiatri: violence (aggressive), Mocomedia, Yogyakarta, March, 2008 ISBN: 979-988896-4 (in Indonesia language) Journal Title: Hubungan antara dukungan social dengan depresi pada remaja penyalahguna NAPZA. Asih Purwanti, Soewadi, Intansari Nurjannah. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol. 1 No. 1. Januari 2006. Book, translete: Widyawati, Alim S, Hapsari ED, Nurjannah I, Buku Saku Diagnosis Keperawatan dengan intervensi NIC dan Kriteria Hasil NOC. Edisi 7. 2007 . Jakarta: Penerbit EGC (in Indonesian) Poster, copyrighted, “The map of Nursing Diagnoses Based on NANDA-I 2007-2008”, published on 14th November 2008. Created by: Intansari Nurjannah Proceeding in The Psychiatric Nurses National Conference (Konferensi Nasional V Ikatan Perawat Kesehatan Jiwa Indonesia), Surabaya, 19-21 November 2008 Judul: Persepsi Mahasiswa Mengenai perbandingan antara penggunaan Terapi Kognitif (TK) dan Terapi Kognitif Proaktif (TKP). By: Intansari Nurjannah Journal: Hubungan antara kepribadian antisosial dengan kecenderungan bunuh diri pada remaja penyalahguna NAPZA. Nurmah Mayasari, Intansari Nurjannah, Akhmadi. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol. 3. No 01. Januari 2008 Journal: Pola pasien melarikan diri dari institusi perawatan psikatri di Indonesia. Intansari Nurjannah, Mary FitzGerald, Kim Foster. Journal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol.03 No 02 Mei. 2008 Book: Intansari Nurjannah, ISDA Intan’s Screening Diagnoses Assessment. Mocomedia, 2010 ISBN: 979-98889-0-5 Book: Intansari Nurjannah, Proses Keperawatan NANDA, NOC dan NIC, Mocomedia, Februari 2010 ISBN 9799888891 Nurjannah, I (2010) (1st Ed). ISDA Intan’s Screening Diagnoses Assessment. English version. Yogyakarta: Mocomedia Nurjannah, I (2012) (1st Ed). ISDA Intan’s Screening Diagnoses Assessment. Versi Bahasa Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Mocomedia Nurjannah, I (2013) (2nd Ed). ISDA Intan’s Screening Diagnoses Assessment. English version (E-book). Yogyakarta: Mocomedia can be accessed
y. Nurjannah, I, Mills, J, Usher, K, Park, T, Title “Connecting care for individuals living with a mental health issue in Indonesia: A grounded theory study”. Oral presentation in Seminar and Workshop, Bali 15 March 2014.
Journal and publication International: Nurjannah, I., FitzGerald, M., & Foster, K. (2009). Patient's experiences of absconding from a psychiatric setting in Indonesia. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 18, 326-335. Nurjannah I, Mills, J, Usher, K, Park, T (2013) Discharge planning in mental health care: An integrative review of literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing, accepted for publication on 25 January 2013 doi: 10.1111/jocn.12297 Nurjannah, I, Warsini, S, Mills, J (2013) Comparing methods of diagnostic reasoning in nursing. Journal of Nursing and Health Care, Volume 1, issue 1 Nurjannah, I., Mills, J., Park, P., & Usher, K. (2014). Conducting a Grounded Theory Study in a Language Other than English: Procedure for Ensuring the Integrity of Translation. SAGE Open, January March, 1 - 10. doi: DOI: 10.1177/2158244014528920 Nurjannah, I., & Warsini, S. (2013). Diagnostic reasoning in nursing: a new method in making diagnoses. In C. Kewley (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Nursing: An International Perspective. Singapore: Springer. ACENDIO (Association for Common European Nursing Diagnosis, Intervention and Outcomes) Newsletter: Comparing nursing diagnoses and collaborative diagnosis by using two diagnostic reasoning method (Warsini, S., Nurjannah, I., Tumanggor, R, D., Dewi, E) I.Nurjannah, J.Mills, T.Park., K. Usher (2014) Human rights of the mentally ill in Indonesia, International Nursing Review. DOJ Nurjannah, J.Mills, T.Park, K.Usher (2014). Human rights of the mentally ill in Indonesia. International Nursing Review Rancangan dan karya teknologi/seni yang dipatenkan secara nasional/HAKI a. ISDA b. The Map of Nursing Diagnoses c. ICRM – di daftarkan pada Januari 2015 International Scientific Publication: a. Nurjannah, I, FitzGerald, M, Title “Patient’s experiences of absconding from a psychiatric setting in Indonesia”. Poster presentation in Mixed Method Conference, United Kingdom, 911 July 2007. b. Nurjannah, I, FitzGerald, M, Foster, K, Title “Patient’s experiences of absconding from a psychiatric setting in Indonesia” Oral presentation in The 33rd International Conference of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, Cairns, Queensland, Australia 8th – 12th October 2007
c. Nurjannah, I, Title ”Model of Psychiatric Nursing Approach of Disaster Management”. Oral presentation in The 6th International Seminar of Disaster Management, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, March, 2009. d. Nurjannah, I, Title “Nurses’s perception toward The map of nursing diagnosis based on NANDA-I 2007-2008”. Oral Presentation in International Conference (3rd), Title: “International Conference on Health and the Changing World, November 17 – 19, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2009. e. Asmirawati, I, Warsini, S, Nurjannah, I “The difference of screening to predict psychiatric disorder among children in earthquake and non-earthquake area”. Oral presentation. The 8th International seminar: humanity and social activity in disaster situation, March, 2012 f. Nurjannah I, Warsini, S, Title “The differences in results between the use of the 4 levels method and 6 levels method in the diagnostic reasoning process in nursing”. Oral presentation in ACENDIO Ninth European Conference of the Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses Interventions and Outcomes, Dublin Ireland 22-23 March 2013. g. Nurjannah, I Title, “Using ISDA (Intan’s Screening Diagnoses Assessment) in the process of Diagnostic reasoning in Nursing”. Poster presentation in ACENDIO Ninth European Conference of the Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses Interventions and Outcomes, Dublin Ireland 22-23 March 2013 h. Nurjannah, I, Mills, J, Usher, K, Title “Connecting care for people living with a mental health issue in Indonesia: A grounded theory”. Nurjannah, I, Warsini, S, Mills J, Title “The 4 step method and the 6 step method of diagnostic reasoning in nursing: an outcomes comparison”. Oral presentation On 1st World Conference Nursing, Singapore 8-9 July 2013. i. Tumanggor, R, D, Nurjannah, I, Sartika, N, Title “An Analysis of the nursing diagnoses establishment in Indonesian psychiatric settings”. Poster presentation. Conference at Australian College of Mental Health Nurses 39th International Mental Health Nursing Conference, Perth Australia 22-24 October, 2013 j. Nurjanah, I, Mills, J, Usher, K, Park, T, Title “The role of non-health professionals in connecting care for people living with a mental health issue in Indonesia: a grounded theory study”. Oral presentation. Conference at Australian College of Mental Health Nurses 39th International Mental Health Nursing Conference, 22-24 October, 2013 k. Nurjannah, I, Mills, J, Usher, K, Park, T, Title “ Connecting care for individuals living with a mental health issue in Indonesia: A grounded theory study”. Oral presentation in The 1st Saudi Nursing Research Conference, 6-8 May 2014. l. Nurjannah, I, Warsini, S, Tumanggor, R, D, Dewi, E, Title “Comparing nursing diagnoses and collaborative diagnoses by using two diagnostic reasoning methods”. Oral presentation in The 1st Saudi Nursing Research Conference, 6-8 May 2014. m. Nurjannah, I, Mills, J, Park, T, Usher, K, Title “Conducting a Grounded Theory Study in Language Other Than English: Procedure for Ensuring the Integrity of Translation”. The Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 21-24, 2014, at the University of Illionist at Urbana-Champaign (Theme “Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Research” ( n. Thailand 25-27 February 2015 “Nursing innovation: Comparing Methods of Diagnostic Reasoning in Nursing” The 3rd International conference on Prevention and Management of Chronic condition”, Thailand: Ramathibodi School of Nursing Mahidol University, Oral presentation ( AWARDS a. PPA Scholarship (Indonesia University) (1994 – 1997) b. The best student (Indonesia University) (1996 – 1997)
c. d. e. f.
h. i. j. k.
m. n. o.
The most favorite lecturer (Faculty of Medicine GMU) – student version (2001) The most favorite lecture (Faculty of Medicine GMU) – student version (2002) ADS Scholarship Australia (2005 – 2007) Appreciation as an author of the book, Title: The fast methods of formulating nursing diagnosis, cara cepat merumuskan diagnosa keperawatan (January, 2008), Dean Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University Pemenang lomba HAKI (Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual) dengan karya “The map of Nursing Diagnoses Based on NANDA-I 2007-2008, lomba HAKI di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2008 The Best Lecturer (School of Nursing-GMU) – Student organization version (2009) The winner of international publication competition 2009- Faculty of Medicine GMU ADS Scholarship Australia (2010-2014) Graduate Research Scheme Grant (GRS) 2012 from School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, James Cook University, Australia. ($1,186), grant account number 6221.934111.0208 (2013) Penghargaan untuk The Map of Nursing Diagnoses dan ISDA Intan’s Screening Diagnoses Assessment): ISDA dan The map di Web Site PSIK Piagam penghargaan sebagai Doktor Baru 17 Agustus 2014, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Piagam penghargaan Sebagai penulis publikasi/jurnal internasional tahun 2014 FK UGM Penghargaan publikasi Internasional – FK UGM - 2014
ORGANIZATION EXPERIENCE a. Assistant coordinator of Nursing profession Program at School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine GMU (2001 – 2003) b. Leader of Training of Trainers at School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine GMU (2002 – 2003) c. Coordinator of Research and Publication at School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine GMU (2003 -2004) d. Scientific coordinator of Yogyakarta Mental Health Nurses Association, Indonesia (2005 – now) e. Coordinator of Research and Publication at School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine GMU (2007 – 2009) f. Advisor ISDA Foundation, 2013 g. Vice director School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University, 2014 - now
Location RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
The name of event “Pelatihan Bimbingan praktek kinik keperawatan”
28 Agustus 2004
PSIK Stikes Aisyah Yogyakarta
15 Februari 2004 13 dan 27 Maret 2005 4 Juni 2005
SLTP 1 Bantul Yogyakarta SMUN 2 Yogyakarta
Semiloka nasional “Setting Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan di Unit pelayanan kesehatan jiwa” Kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan dan penyuluhan kesehatan Pemeriksaan kesehatan dan penyuluhan kesehatan
15 Desember 2007
Puskesmas Galur II Kulon Progo
14 Desember 2007
RSUP Dr Sardjito
30 Januari – Februari 2008 18 Maret 2008 10 – 11 April 2008 13 April 2008 18 April 2008
1 Akademi Keperawatan Panti Kosala University Inn Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang RSJD Surakarta
pada 6-7 Juni 2008
Yayasan Mitra Pendidikan Global Indonesia (MPGI) PSIK FK UGM
Pada 5 Juni 2008
RS Grhasia Propinsi DIY
13-15 November
RS Grhasia Provinsi DIY
Seminar nasional “Analisis Aplikasi asuhan keperawatan mengacu pada NANDA, NIC dan NOC Pelatihan kader tentang pengenalan gangguan jiwa serta perawatan pasien di rumah Pelatihan “Kegiatan refreshing penerapan komunikasi terapeutik dalam pelayanan kesehatan” Fasilitator pada “Training of Trainer Pembimbing Klinik Keperawatan” Pelatihan keperawatan kesehatan jiwa: “Sosialisasi dan aplikasi NANDA diagnosis 2007-2008, NIC dan NOC dalam Asuhan Keperawatan Jiwa” Bimbingan teknis penanganan pasien psikiatri kondisi krisis dan akut Pengawas Ujian Tulis Masuk SPMB IPA Trainer pada Pelatihan Konseling Kedukaan (Grief Counseling) Narasumber pada Pelatihan Aplikasi NANDA, NOC dan NIC dalam penanganan pasien dengan masalah psikiatrik pada kondisi krisis dan akut Narasumber pada seminar Aplikasi NANDA, NOC dan NIC dalam penanganan pasien dengan maslaah psikiatrik pada kondisi krisis dan akut Pembicara dalam pelatihan “Implementasi Teknik De-eskalasi
2008 2008 Desember 2009 8 Agustus 2009
STIKES Pekajangan Pekalongan
28 July 2011
Auditorium Politeknik Kesehatan DepKes Yogyakarta Stikes UMY
15 Agustus 2011
Stikes Aisyah
Desember 2011 31 September 2011
Universitas Jenderal Sudirman Online
Date 14 Mei 2012 Senin 15 Mei 2012. Rabu 16 Mei 2012
17 Mei 2012. 26 Mei 2012
27 Mei 2012 28 Mei 2012 30 Mei 2012
Location Aula Fakultas Keperawatan Lt.3, Jl. Prof. Maas No.3 Kampus USU-Medan Aula Fakultas Keperawatan Lt.3, Jl. Prof. Maas No.3 Kampus USU-Medan Aula Poltekkes Provinsi Bengkulu, Jl. Indragiri No. 4 Padang Harapan, Bengkulu Aula Lt. 4 RSKD Duren Sawit baru No. 2, Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur Ruang Lintan, Hotel Puri Artha, Jl. Cendrawasih 36, Demangan Baru, Yogyakarta Gedung BAPELKES Jl. Pasteur No. 31 Bandung Gedung A. RS. UNHAS, Lantai 4 Ruang Pertemuan B Kota Makasar Di Kantor PPNI Jatim (Ruko Gateway Aloha Blok B-25 Waru Sidoarjo)
dalam penanganan Kegawatdaruratan Psikiatri” Translator untuk ICNP in Indonesian language. Enterpreneurship (Dosen tamu) dan juga seminar mengenai The Map Of Nursing Diagnoses Based On NANDA 2007-2010 Pembicara dalam seminar “Seminar NANDA dan NIC NOC” Pembicara dalam Diskusi ilmiah Penerapan NANDA 2011, NOC, NIC dan ISDA dalam Asuhan Keperawatan Jiwa Narasumber dalam diskusi ilmiah tentang “Penggunaan ISDA dalam aplikasi NNN” Pembicara penerapan NNN Seminar Webinar
The name of event “Workshop Nursing Update: Implementasi Penulisan Asuhan Keperawatan dengan Metode NANDA, NIC, NOC dan ISDA” “Workshop Nursing Update: Implementasi Penulisan Asuhan Keperawatan dengan Metode NANDA, NIC, NOC dan ISDA” Workshop Nursing Update: Implementasi Penulisan Asuhan Keperawatan dengan Metode NANDA, NIC, NOC dan ISDA” Workshop Nursing Update: Implementasi Penulisan Asuhan Keperawatan dengan Metode NANDA, NIC, NOC dan ISDA Workshop Regional Nursing update : “Workshop/pealtihan penulisan asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA, NOC dan NIC dan Aplikasi ISDA “Workshop Standar Nursing Language Pelatihan Penulisan Asuhan Keperawatan Berdasarkan NANDA, NIC, NOC, ISDA” Workshop Asuhan Keperawatan dengan Metode NANDA, NIC, NOC, dan aplikasi ISDA Talkshow Diagnosa Keperawatan Berdasarkan NANDA, NOC dan NIC
19 November 2012 20 November 2012 21 November 2012 23 November 2012 25 November 2012 29 November 2012 4 Desember 2012
Australia Bali Memorial Eye Centre (RS Indera) Jl Angsoka No 8 Denpasar Di Makassar
National workshop Proses perumusan diagnosa keperawatan (Diagnostic reasoning process) dan Aplikasi NANDA, NOC dan NIC Update diagnosa NANDA Aplikasi ISDA dan Diagnostic Reasoning
Aula Pascasarjana UNSRI Palembang
Workshop Asuhan Keperawatan dengan metode NANDA, NIC NOC dan aplikasi ISDA Seminar sehari Update Diagnosa NANDA, Aplikasi ISDA, dan Diagnostic reasoning Workshop Sehari Update Diagnosa NANDA, Aplikasi ISDA, dan Diagnostic Reasoning Workshop Diagnostic Reasoning Process NANDA dan Aplikasi ISDA
Date 22 November 2013 24 November 2013 25 November 2013 23, 24 dan 25 November 2013 Date 14 March 2014
The name of event Seminar Evidence Based Nursing - NNN
Location Denpasar Bali
Seminar dan Workshop "Diagnostic Reasoning, NANDA dan ISDA (Intan’s Screening Diagnostic Assessment) – Basic Seminar dan Workshop Evidence Based Nursing (EBN), Standard Nursing Language (SNL) dan diagnostic reasoning Workshop, Conference dan Rekrutment Pembicara ISDA 2014 serta Link Riset Keperawatan NNN The name of event Seminar and Workshop NNN: NANDA, NOC dan NIC Basic
15 March 2014
PPNI Bali dan ISDA Foundation
Seminar and Workshop NNN: NANDA, NOC DAN NIC Advance
6 April 2014
Surabaya Jawa Timur
13 April 2014
Malang, Jawa Timur
Proses keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA, NOC dan NIC dan ISDA serta Workshop Diagnostic Reasoning Berdasarkan NANDA dan ISDA Seminar dan workshop nursing update:
Auditorium FKIK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Di Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, Depok Hotel Dana Jl. Slamet Riyadi 286 Solo 57141 Gedung BAPELKES Jl. Prof. Dr. Moh. Yamin Sulawesi Tengah
STIKES Bani Shaleh Bekasi, Jawa Barat Bandung
Perumusan diagnosa keperawatan (diagnostic reasoning) berdasarkan konsep ISDA
16-17 April 2014
20 April 2014
Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Tuban, Jawa Timur
Proses keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA, NOC dan NIC dan ISDA serta Workshop Diagnostic Reasoning Berdasarkan NANDA dan ISDA Seminar nasional keperawatan dan Workshop “Easy with NANDA, NIC dan NOC: a simple approach” Seminar dan Workshop Nursing Update Seminar: Proses Keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA, NOC DAN NIC
28 April2014
RSJD Bangka Belitung
29 April 2014
Kepulauan provinsi Bangka Belitung RSJD Bangka Belitung
30 April 2014
19 May 2014
23 and 24 May 2014
11 Juni 2014
Kepulauan provinsi Bangka Belitung Kepulauan provinsi Bangka Belitung
Workshop: Diagnostic reasoning (perumusan diagnosa keperawatan) berdasarkan NANDA dan ISDA Seminar: Proses Keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA, NOC DAN NIC Workshop: Diagnostic reasoning (perumusan diagnosa keperawatan) berdasarkan NANDA dan ISDA Asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA, NOC dan NIC – peminatan keperawatan JIWA (Advance)
Seminar: Proses Keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA, NOC DAN NIC
Slawi, Tegal Jawa Tengah
Workshop: Diagnostic reasoning (perumusan diagnosa keperawatan) berdasarkan NANDA dan ISDA Seminar dan Workshop Nursing Update
Diagnostic reasoning Process and NANDA, NOC, NIC and ISDA Application Seminar dan Workshop Nursing Update
Bulukumba Sulawesi
Diagnostic reasoning Process and NANDA, NOC, NIC and ISDA Application Seminar dan Workshop Nursing Update
Diagnostic reasoning Process and NANDA, NOC, NIC and ISDA Application 21 Juni 2014 8 September 2014 8 September 2014 9 September 2014 10-11 November 2014 18-19 Desember 2014
Date 17 January 2015 18 January 2015
6 February 2015 7 - 8 February 2015
11-12 February 2015
Prodi S1 Ilmu Keperawatan STIKES Karya Husada Kediri Prodi S1 Ilmu Keperawatan STIKES Karya Husada Kediri STIKES Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin STIKES Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
Seminar dan Workshop Proses Keperawatan berdsarkan NANDA, NOC, NIC dan ISDA
Direktorat Bina Pelayanan Keperawatan dan Keteknisian Medik Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
“Penerapan Diagnosa dan Intervensi Keperawatan (NANDA, NIC dan NOC) di Rumah Sakit”
Location Kendari, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Kendari, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bandung, West of Java, Indonesia Bandung, West of Java, Indonesia
Seminar Nursing Language (NANDA, NOC, NIC dan ISDA), Evidence Based Nursing Workshop”Diagnostic reasoning (perumusan diagnosa keperawatan) berdasarkan NANDA dan ISDA” Aplikasi penggunaan NOC dan NIC
Penggunaan NANDA, NOC dan NIC dengan ISDA dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Asuhan Keperawatan
The name of event Seminar Nasional keperawatan dengan tema: “Meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan dengan menegakkan diagnosa keperawatan yang tepat” Workshop keperawatan dengan tema: Meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan dengan menegakkan diagnosa keperawatan yang tepat (NANDA, NOC, NIC dengan ISDA) Seminar: Standar Nursing Language (NANDA, NOC, NIC dan ISDA) dan Evidence Bandung, West of Java, Indonesia Base Nursing Seminar dan workshop: Standar Nursing Language (SNL) NNN (NANDA, NIC, NOC) serta aplikasi ISDA “Disertai Intan’s Clinical Reasoning Model (ICRM)”
Surabaya, East of Java Kuliah Pakar: “Penyusunan diagnosa keperawatan berdasarkan NANDA dan NIC-NOC”
16-18 February 2015 12-13 March 2015 14 March 2015 2-3 Mei 2015 9-10 Mei 2015* 23-24 Mei 2015 27 Mei 2015 11-12 Juni 2015
Nara sumber Workshop Penyusunan Diagnosa dan Intervensi keperawatan Berdasarkan NANDA 2015-2017 RSUP Dr Djamil Padang, Seminar dan Workshop Standar Nursing Language (NANDA, NOC, NIC dan ISDA) Evidence West Sumatera, Indonesia Based Nursing Kendari, South Sulawesi, Seminar/workshop perumusan diagnosa keperawatan (Diagnostic reasoning) berdasarkan Indonesia konsep ISDA Seminar Badung, Bali, Seminar Standar Nursing Language (NANDA, NOC, NIC dan ISDA) Evidence Based Nursing Indonesia Seminar dan workshop Standar Nursing Language (SNL) NNN (NANDA, NIC, NOC) serta aplikasi ISDA Seminar and Workshop disertai Intan’s Clinical Reasoning Model (ICRM) NNN di Bandung Pekan Baru, Sumatera, Workshop Aplikasi NANDA, NOC NIC dengan menggunakan ISDA dan ICRM “Dalam Indonesia rangka peningkatan asuhan keperawatan pada tenaga kesehatan” Semarang, PPNI Jawa Seminar dan workshop standar nursing language (SNL): NANDA, NIC, NOC, ISDA, DAN Tengah ICRM RSUP Dr. Sardjito Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Penegakan Diagnosa Keperawatan Berdasarkan Kerangka Berpikir Intan’s Screening Diagnoses Assessment (ISDA) RSCM Seminar dan workshop SNL, NNN
(*) Still waiting for confirmation of the date of the event