Yes, I would like to consign Equipment to your Auction. Yes I want a IAM-WWA Representative to visit/call me. Yes, I will need hotel accomodation. Yes, I will require visa assistance. Yes, I will require import or export information. First Name Last Name Title Company Name Street Address Address (cont.) City State/ Province Zip/ Postal Code Country Country Code
Area Code
Phone number
Work Phone Fax E mail FAX: +62 21 6452345
Crawler Tractors/Bulldozers Hydraulic Excavators Wheel Loaders - Crawler Loaders Backhoe Loaders - Log Loaders Road Cutters - Crawler Cranes Rough Terrain Cranes Mechanical Truck Cranes Hydraulic Truck Cranes Truck Cranes - Cargo Trucks Dump Trucks - Mixer Trucks Tanker Trucks - Manlift Trucks Truck Tractors/Prime Movers Trailers - Concrete Pump Trucks Forklifts - Asphalt Finishers Vibratory Rollers Combination Rollers Pneumatic Tire Rollers Double Drum Rollers Walk Behind Rollers Motor Graders - Generator Sets Air Compressors - Welding Sets Diesel Engines - Light Towers Rammers/Tamperers Water Pumps - Pressure Washers Manlift - Etc...
Heavy Equipment, Trucks & Machinery Auction
New City Kemayoran, Jakarta - Indonesia To Tanjung Priok Harbour
Ancol Golf Course
Mangga Dua Shopping Center
Dusit Hotel
RTAD JL. R.E. MA To Soekarno Hatta International Airport
21ST APRIL 2007
Kemayoran Golf Couse
[email protected]
DIRECTION TO AUCTION SITE. PETUNJUK KE LOKASI LELANG. From Jakarta International Airport (Soekarno Hatta Airport), proceed by Auctioneers service or Hotel service to nearby recommended hotel as registered. The Auctioneers will arrange group transportation to the Auction site from all recommended hotels. See the location map. Dari bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta dapat dijemput oleh petugas Balai Lelang atau oleh petugas dari Hotel yang direkomendasikan Balai Lelang. Penjemputan dari hotel yang direkomendasikan menuju lokasi lelang dilakukan dalam bentuk kelompok. Lihat peta lokasi.
BidLive Internet bidding available for this auction
Office & Yard: Jl. Benyamin Sueb C-3 Kemayoran Jakarta 14410 - Indonesia Tel +62 21 6450123 Fax +62 21 6452345
The Jakarta Auctions is organized and promoted by PT. International Auction Multimachine (IAM) in cooperation with World Wide Auctioneers (WWA).
A succesful Bidder shall pay the Auctioneers in cash (or in a manner which Auctioneers agree), the purchase price of each Lot purchased in the following manner: 25% of the purchase price, or US$ 17,500, whichever amount is higher, shall be paid on the date of the Auction, and the balance shall be paid within 7 days after the date of the Auction. No Item purchased maybe removed from the Auction site until full payment is received or until personal/company cheque have been cleared by the bank. Our staff will be available on the sale days to guide you in the transfer of funds.
Jakarta Auctions diselenggarakan oleh PT. International Auction Multimachine (IAM) bekerjasama dengan World Wide Auctioneers (WWA).
UNRESERVED AUCTION. LELANG TANPA HARGA MINIMUM. The auction shall be without reserve, all equipment will be sold to the highest bidder with the Auctioneer’s sole and absolute discretion to withdraw and/or cancel the sale. No minimum prices for the equipment are required. Additionally, Sellers may not buy back their own equipment, and the sellers, shall not, whether directly or indirectly, be entitled to bid for their own equipment. Lelang dilaksanakan tanpa harga minimum, sehingga setiap barang akan dijual kepada penawar tertinggi dengan harga yang ditetapkan oleh Pejabat atau Pemandu Lelang. Pejabat atau Pemandu Lelang berhak untuk membatalkan atau menunda penjualan. Penjual tidak diijinkan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung untuk membeli barang miliknya sendiri.
REGISTRATION. PENDAFTARAN. Prospective bidders are required to register prior to bidding. A bidding book is required in order to bid on any lot in the Auction. A bidding book may be obtained by completing the Application Form provided by the Auctioneers. An applicant must provide identification (I.D., Driver license, and/or Passport). A deposit will be required for registration of no less than $ 17,500 US Dollars cash, and or the equivalent in Rupiah cash, or by transfer where the Deposit has been received by the Auctioneer prior to issuance of the bidder’s book. Deposits will be refunded at the Auction site for those who have registered but made no purchase at the Auction. Peserta lelang wajib mendaftar sebelum lelang. Penawaran atas LOT barang yang dijual dilakukan menggunakan Buku Penawaran. Buku Penawaran diperoleh dengan cara: Menyetorkan uang jaminan lelang sebesar USD 17,500,- atau setara dengan itu ke rekening Balai Lelang; Menyerahkan copy KTP/SIM/Passport yang masih berlaku dan; Mengisi formulir yang disediakan Balai Lelang.
Pembeli harus membayar seluruh harga lelang dengan cara sebagai berikut: Untuk jumlah pembelian s/d USD 17,500,- akan dipotong langsung oleh Balai Lelang dari uang jaminan. Jika uang jaminan disetorkan dalam mata uang Indonesia atau mata uang lainnya maka konversi uang jaminan menjadi pembayaran harga pembelian akan dilakukan pada hari kerja pertama sesudah lelang dengan kurs USD yang berlaku di BCA Indonesia. Sisa harga pembelian sesudah dipotong atau dikonversi dari uang jaminan harus dibayar lunas paling lambat 7 ( tujuh ) hari kerja Indonesia sesudah lelang. Barang hanya dapat dipindahkan sesudah seluruh harga pembelian diterima Balai Lelang. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pembayaran dan pengeluaran barang dapat menghubungi Balai Lelang pada hari dan jam kerja.
IMPORT EXPORT REQUIREMENTS. PERSYARATAN IMPOR/EKSPOR. Certain requirements may have to be met before the equipment may be imported or exported. Compliance with such requirements is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. The auctioneer does not provide safety certificates, certificates of origin and the like. Payment of export or other duties, if applicable, is the sole responsibility of the purchaser of the equipment. If the equipment is in the bonded zone, the Purchaser of equipment (for those who wish to bring their purchased item/lots into places in Indonesia), must process all necessary import documentation and to pay taxes and duties, if any. Customs brokers approved by the Auctioneer are available at the auction site to assist the purchasers, at purchaser’s expense.
Bagi pembeli, uang jaminan akan dikonversikan ke dalam USD sebagai bagian dari pembayaran harga lelang dengan nilai kurs yang berlaku di BCA Indonesia pada hari kerja pertama sesudah hari terakhir lelang. Uang jaminan dikembalikan kepada peserta yang tidak membeli sesuai dengan dan sebesar mata uang yang disetorkan, sesudah lelang berakhir.
In relation to any purchased equipment, the Purchaser shall be fully responsible for the clearance of all customs procedures and requirements and for payments of all customs dues, duties, and levies at the Purchaser’s costs. The Auctioneer may, without any obligation, give a recommendation to the Purchaser, reference certain customs brokers or agents, However, the Auctioneer shall not be responsible for any act or omission of said brokers or agents.
There will be certain items/lots which taxes and duties have been paid for in Indonesia. These items/lots will be indicated in the Bid Book.
All purchases will be made in US Dollars. No commission is due by the purchaser of equipment at the Auction. Since the Auction is unreserved, there is no minimum bid for the item(s)/Lot(s). The Auctioneer will be decide the commencing price. However, the final sale price will depend on the highest bid from the Bidders. The Auctioneer will continuously call two amounts (for instance US$ 1,000 & US$ 1,500). The Higher amount is the amount the Auctioneers is asking for, while the lower amount is the amount of the highest bid already made buy a bidder. The process will continue until there is no further bidding, and the item will be sold to the highest bidder. Individual invoice for each item sold will immediately be brought to the successful Bidder/Buyer for his/her signature. A copy will be given to the winning bidder for his/here retention, and Bidder/Buyer is required to produce their invoice copies at the Registration Office for settlement of payment. Throughout the Auction, a digital display will show the asking price the Auctioneer is requesting for the next bid on the Lot currently being sold. Bidders who wish to place a bid for any LOT(s) are kindly requested to raise their hand, holding the Bidder’s book, and in the case of such bidder securing the highest bid. The Auctioneer will then announce his Bid Book/Buyer’s Number as the winner of the LOT. At any time during the Auction, the Auctioneer may, at its own discretion, offer to sell one individual Lot/Item, or a group of items.
Please check our website for the most current info
Persyaratan tertentu harus dipenuhi sebelum barang diimpor atau diekspor. Penyesuaian memenuhi persyaratan dimaksud merupakan tanggung jawab penuh pembeli. Auctioneer tidak memberikan sertifikat keamanan, Serifikat keaslian dan sejenisnya. Pembayaran ekspor atau bea lain, bilamana ada, merupakan tanggung jawab penuh pembeli barang. Bilamana barang berasal dari Gudang Berikat, pembeli barang tersebut yang menginginkan untuk membawa barang tersebut ke pabean Indonesia, maka pembeli harus mengurus seluruh dokumen impor dan membayar pajak bila ada. Custom broker yang disetujui oleh Auctioneer tersedia di lokasi lelang untuk membantu pembeli dengan biaya ditanggung oleh pembeli. Berkaitan dengan barang yang dibeli, pembeli harus bertanggung jawab penuh untuk pemenuhan seluruh prosedur pabean dan persyaratannya dan untuk pembayaran semua iuran pabean, bea masuk dan pajak dengan biaya pembeli. Auctioneers tidak berkewajiban memberikan rekomendasi custom broker kepada pembeli. Untuk barang yang bea masuk dan pajaknya telah dibayar akan diberikan tanda di buku panduan Lelang.
TEL. +62 21 6450123
[email protected] WARNING! PERINGATAN! The Auctioneer hereby will not compensate any person who visits the Auction site that may be hurt, injured, or killed by any accident, in any cir cumstance whatsoever during the dates prior, during, or after the Auction. Every person at the Auction site is there at his or her own risk. Therefore, there is no claim against the Auctioneer, their agents, employees or principals neither for personal injury sustained, or death, nor for any damages to, or loss of property, which may incur from any cause whatsoever. Balai Lelang dengan ini menyatakan tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak memberi ganti rugi apapun kepada orang atau peserta atau siapapun yang mengalami kerugian, kehilangan, kecelakaan, atau kematian yang terjadi pada saat inspeksi atau pada saat lelang. Setiap orang yang memasuki lokasi inspeksi atau lokasi lelang wajib menjaga dan bertanggung jawab atas dirinya sendiri, sehingga karena sebab apapun tidak akan menuntut atau meminta ganti rugi berupa apapun kepada Balai Lelang atau karyawannya, Pejabat Lelang, Pemandu Lelang dan Kantor Lelang.
DESCRIPTION OF LOTS/NO WARRANTIES. URAIAN LOT/TIDAK ADA JAMINAN. The descriptions in this brochure are believed to be correct, however the descriptions are merely a guide and are in no way a warranty, representation, or guarantee, expressed or implied. Neither the Auctioneer nor the Seller is responsible for any error in descriptions as to the quality, character, or condition of the equipment, and purchaser shall not be entitled to any remedy or claim on account of the quality, character or condition of the equipment purchased. Uraian pada brosur diyakini benar, namun uraian dimaksud semata hanya berupa panduan dan tidak memberikan jaminan, representasi atau garansi, pernyataan atau penunjukan. Auctioneer maupun penjual tidak bertanggung jawab atas setiap kesalahan penguraian mutu, karakter atau kondisi barang yang dilelang dengan pembeli tidak berhak meminta atau klaim atas mutu, karakter atau kondisi dari barang lelang yang dibeli.
INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT. INSPEKSI BARANG YANG DILELANG. The equipment is available for inspection during the equipment preview days prior to auction, and prospective Bidders are strongly encouraged to inspect the equipment prior to bidding. Anyone visiting the Auction Yard during the inspection of equipment, attending the Auction, or for any other reason, assumes all liability in regards to any injury they might incur, and are totally responsible for any risk that might occur during his personal inspection of the equipment. Should you have any questions during the previews, or at the auction, please talk to the Staff. Barang yang dilelang siap dilakukan inspeksi pada saat pra lelang (preview) dan peserta lelang/pembeli bertanggung jawab penuh dan secara khusus melakukan inspeksi sendiri atas barang yang dilelang. Bilamana Anda ingin mengajukan pertanyaan selama pra lelang atau pada saat lelang, silahkan menghubungi staf kami.
INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT. INSPEKSI BARANG YANG DILELANG. As of 18 - 20 April 2007, the equipment can be inspected in our Yard in Jl. Benyamin Sueb C-3 Kemayoran, Jakarta - Indonesia. Follow the directions on the location map. Sejak tanggal 18 - 20 April 2007, dapat dilakukan inspeksi di lokasi lelang Jl. Benyamin Sueb C-3 Kemayoran, Jakarta - Indonesia. Silahkan mengikuti rute pada peta lokasi.
BAGAIMANA MENGIKUTI LELANG. Semua pembelian dilakukan dengan mata uang Dollar Amerika dan tidak ada Komisi yang dibebankan kepada pembeli. Karena lelang ini adalah tanpa harga pagu maka tidak ada harga minimal untuk setiap LOT. Pemandu Lelang akan meyebutkan harga permulaan dan harga akhir lelang akan bergantung pada penawaran dari peserta lelang. Pemandu Lelang akan meyebutkan dua harga, misalnya: USD 1.000 dan USD 1.500. Artinya USD 1.000 adalah harga yang sudah diajukan oleh seorang Penawar dan USD 1.500 adalah harga yang sedang dicari oleh Pemandu Lelang. Jika tidak ada yang mengajukan penawaran terhadap USD 1.500 maka pembelinya adalah penawar tertinggi yaitu USD 1.000, demikian seterusnya. Penawar tertinggi atau Pembeli akan diberikan faktur pembelian guna penyelesaian pembayaran lebih lanjut. Dalam proses lelang, sebuah layar digital akan menampilkan harga yang sedang ditawarkan oleh Pemandu Lelang atas LOT yang sedang dijual. Penawaran harus diajukan dengan cara mengangkat Buku Penawaran agar dapat dilihat dengan jelas oleh Pemandu Lelang. Pemandu Lelang akan menyebutkan atau mengumumkan Nomor dan harga pembelian. Barang dapat dijual dalam bentuk satuan atau unit maupun dalam bentuk kelompok dalam satu LOT.
ACCOMODATION. AKOMODASI. We recommend a list of hotels, which are near the Auction Site, where special rates have been arrange: Kami merekomendasikan hotel-hotel yang terdekat dengan lokasi lelang dengan harga khusus / special bagi Anda peserta lelang: Golden Boutique Hotel Tel. +62 21 6255555 Fax. +62 21 6256666
Le Grandeur Hotel Tel. +62 21 6128811 Fax. +62 21 6128822
Borobudur Hotel Tel. +62 21 3805555 Fax. +62 21 3809595
VENUE. LOKASI. The location site is located near the trade center, and in a proximity to business, and entertainment centers such as: Lokasi Lelang juga berdekatan dengan pusat perdagangan, pusat bisnis, dan pusat hiburan seperti: Night Club Hailai Ancol Golf Course Cengkareng, Ancol and Kemayoran Marina Bay
Underwater Sea World Ancol Mangga Dua International Trade Center Thousand Island
CUSTOMS INFORMATION. INFORMASI KEPABEANAN. For those needing customs information & equipment clearing from Bonded Zone, Please contact: Untuk infomasi pengurusan kepabeanan dan pengeluaran barang dari gudang berikat, mohon menghubungi: Franky - EXIM Supervisor
[email protected]
Tel. +62 21 6450123 Fax. +62 21 6452345
Absentee bidders may fill in an Absentee Bid Form available from the Auctioneers at least 7 (seven) days before the sale, instructing the Auctioneers to bid on his behalf. Please refer to the Absentee Bid Form for further details, terms and conditions.
Auction attendees from certain countries will requires a visitor’s visa to enter Indonesia. Please check with the Indonesian Consulate in your country to determine Visa requirements and apply for Visa well in advance of your intended travel dates. Assistance in obtaining Visas can be provided by the Auctioneers. Please contact out office.
Peserta lelang yang tidak dapat hadir dapat mengisi formulir Absentee Bid yang disediakan oleh Auctioneers paling lambat 7 (tujuh) hari sebelum lelang, guna memberi perintah kepada Auctioneers untuk menawar atas namanya. Silahkan mempelajari rincian, syarat dan kondisi formulir Absentee Bid.
You are welcomed to Buy, You are welcomed to Sell
Peserta lelang yang memerlukan Visa ke Indonesia dapat menghubungi Kedutaan Besar atau Konsulat Indonesia di Negara anda untuk mengajukan permohonan memperoleh Visa. Peserta Lelang yang membutuhkan bantuan dapat menghubungi Balai Lelang pada hari kerja dan jam kerja.
[email protected]
Mohon menginspeksi alat sebelum menawar
The description of Equipment given by the Auctioneer whether in the Auction Catalogue or elsewhere (either written or verbal) is believed to be correct and obtained from third parties. Such descriptions are meant to be guides and are without warranty or representation by Auctioneer as to its accuracy or correctness. In the event that such description is incorrect or inaccurate, the Bidder and/or the Purchaser shall have no claim against Auctioneer or the Vendors whether for the invalidation of the sale or for compensation against damages of any kind or nature. Keterangan mengenai barang yang dilelang baik yang diberikan oleh Balai Lelang, maupun yang tercantum pada Katalog, Brosur atau dalam bentuk informasi lain harus dianggap dan hanya dapat dijadikan sebagai panduan. Balai Lelang atau Pejabat Lelang tidak memberikan jaminan apapun mengenai keadaan dan kondisi barang.
Sakai TW350 Combination Roller
Kawasaki K10 3 Drum Roller
Sakai TS7409 Pneumatic Tire Roller
Bomag BW121AC Combination Roller
Sakai TS200 Pneumatic Tire Roller
Mitsubishi FU415U Tanker Truck
1 of 2 Nissan FGY60 4x4 Fire Trucks
BROSUR INI, TETAPI ALAT TERSEBUT TERSEDIA PADA SAAT LELANG The Bidder further confirms that in Bidding on, or purchasing any Equipment, he/she does not to do so in reliance upon any guarantee, warranty or representation by Auctioneer or the Sellers, whether explicit or implied and he/she acknowledges that all statutory warranties are hereby excluded to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Sakai TS150 Pneumatic Tire Roller
Penawar atau Pembeli dengan ini menyatakan bahwa penawaran atau pembelian yang dilakukan dalam lelang ini bukan karena garansi atau jaminan (tersirat atau tersurat) dari Balai Lelang atau Penjual dan bukan pula karena garansi atau jainan yangdiberikan oleh peraturan perundangundangan. BANK TRANSFER SHOULD BE MADE TO. TRANSFER DILAKUKAN MELALUI. Bank BCA Cabang Gunung Sahari USD Account: 003-310075-0 (US Dollar) IDR Account: 003-3013202 (Rupiah)
Bank BNI Cabang Jakarta Kota USD Account: 14146900 (US Dollar) IDR Account: 14146911 (Rupiah)
ABN Amro Bank Cabang Pondok Indah USD Account: 3600787813 (US Dollar)
Beneficiary : PT. Internasional Auksion Multimesin
When instructing transfer with your bank, please quote your name or your company name. Ketika memberikan instruksi transfer dengan bank Anda, mohon mencantumkan nama anda atau nama perusahaan anda.
Young Yong V.P. Sales Asia
[email protected] Tel: +65 6269 6998 Fax: +65 6366 1669 Cell: +65 97572868
Ping Ping Marketing Representative
[email protected] Tel: +62 21 6450123 Fax: +62 21 6452345 Cell: +62 81317756635
Nelly Marketing Representative
[email protected] Tel: +62 21 6450123 Fax: +62 21 6452345 Cell: +62 8567599070
Mohon cek website kami untuk informasi terakhir
Sharon Assistant Manager
[email protected] Tel: +65 6269 6998 Fax: +65 6366 1669 Cell: +65 90306836
Mitsubishi FV415D Prime Mover
Mitsubishi FK416E Fire Truck
Mitsubishi FV416J Dump Truck
Mitsubishi FV419J Dump Truck
UPCOMING AUCTIONS: Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 10th - 12th April 2007 Perth, Australia, 30th May 2007 Jakarta, Indonesia, 30th June 2007
Denyo DCA150SPH 150kva Generator Set S/N 3647270, c/w 6 cyl dsl, silent type Denyo DCA115SPK 115kva Generator Set Eng# 26218338, c/w 6 cyl dsl, silent type (2) Denyo DCA60SPH 60kva Generator Sets S/N 3657312, 3657314 (2) Yanmar AG60S-2 60kva Generator Sets S/N 814008, M8141017 Akari GF3-40KW 50kva Generator Sets S/N 070081 (2) Denyo DCA45SPH 45kva Generator Sets S/N 3688027, 3665800 Nissha NES45SH2 45kva Generator Set S/N N0852SAC, c/w 4 cyl dsl, silent type, on skid Kipor KDE30ST3 30kva Generator Set S/N E5060017 Denyo DCA20SPK 20kva Generator Set S/N 2525662 Akari GF3-20KW 25kva Generator Set S/N 070080 (2) Kipor KDE6700TA 6.7kva Generator Sets S/N E603270181, E411290641, 503270155, Unused (45 units) Kipor KDE6500T 6.5kva Generator Sets (19) Kipor KDE3500E 3.5kva Generator Sets
Air Compressor (2) Airman PDS125S 125cfm Air Compressors S/N 54-5046536, 5041305, c/w 3 cyl dsl, silent type (6) Airman PDS175S 175cfm Air Compressors
Airman PDS390S 390cfm Air Compressor S/N 724060273 (2) Airman PDS655S 655cfm Air Compressors S/N 684050672, 404074, c/w 6 cyl dsl, on trailer (3) Airman PDS90S 90cfm Air Compressors
Welding Sets (2) Denyo TLW380SSWK 380amp Welding Sets S/N 5412836, 4790824, c/w generator Denyo TLW330SSY 330amp Welding Set S/N 4763815 (7) Denyo TLW300SSWK 300amp Welding Sets, c/w 3 cyl dsl, generator Denyo TLW180SY 180amp Welding Set, c/w generator Fujica DY5500EW Welder/Generator Set S/N 17WA33 Fujica DY5500EW Welder/Generator Set S/N 17WA32
Light Towers Denyo DA2400SSIII Light Tower S/N 5361899, c/w 2x400watt bulbs Yanmar YDG305S Light Tower S/N S00119, c/w 2x400watt bulbs Yanmar YDG300S-5E Light Tower S/N 8081, c/w 4x400watt bulbs
Deskripsi hanya sebagai panduan
Mitsubishi MG400 Motor Grader
Cat 120G Motor Grader
FAX +62 21 6452345
Komatsu WA350-3 Wheel Loader
Komatsu WA350-3E Wheel Loader
Mitsubishi MG530 Motor Grader
Komatsu WA500-1 Wheel Loader
Mitsubishi MG300 Motor Grader
Komatsu GD505A-1 Motor Grader
5 units of All Terrain Vehicles
Tadano TR250M4 Rough Terrain Crane Undercarriage for Komatsu PC1600
Denyo DCA115SPK 115kva Genset
Crushers Komatsu BR200J-1 Mobile Crusher S/N 1244 Komatsu BR200J Mobile Crusher S/N 1034 Sanland PEF0609 Jaw Crusher S/N St0601169
Concrete Pump Trucks Isuzu NPR59L Concrete Pump Truck S/N 7103729
Concrete Mixer Trucks Isuzu FSR32DB Mixer Truck S/N FSR32DB-3000316 Isuzu CXZ19J Mixer Truck S/N CXZ19J-3009189
Hydraulic Truck Cranes K201 Hydraulic Truck Crane S/N K201-2711 Tadano TL251 Hydraulic Truck Crane S/N 305959
Truck Cranes Nissan MH40 Truck Crane S/N MH40-006446
Fire Engine Trucks Datsun CG720 4x2 Fire Truck S/N CG720-183480 Mitsubishi FK416E 4x2 Fire Truck S/N FK416E-52372, (2) Nissan T-FGY60 4x4 Fire Trucks S/N 000959, 000539 c/w 6 cyl petrol, double cab Nissan FG161 Fire Truck S/N FG161-404724
Tanker Truck Mitsubishi FU415S Tanker Truck S/N 580061
Jumlah alat bertambah setiap hari
Kawasaki KV4AII Combination Roller
1 of many Kipor 6.5kva Gensets
Airman PDS655S Air Compressor
Mitsubishi FU415T Tanker Truck S/N 529974 (2) Mitsubishi FU415U Tanker Trucks S/N 536580, 590023
Dump Trucks (3) Mitsubishi FV419J Dump Trucks (2) Mitsubishi FV416J Dump Trucks (4) Mitsubishi FV411J Dump Trucks Mitsubishi FE517BD Mini Dump Truck S/N 424603
Forklifts Manitou TL7GX970 Forklift Mitsubishi FD70 Forklift S/N F20C-50080, c/w Toyota 3FDE60 Forklift S/N 60159, c/w 6 cyl dsl Toyota 3FD60 Forklift S/N 3FD60-60957, c/w 6 cyl dsl Toyota 2FD80 Forklift S/N 2FD80-80190, c/w 6 cyl dsl
Generator Sets NPG ESS-495-SCRN2 619kva Generator Set S/N 9849752, c/w gasoline engine LX-M410YL 605kva Generator Set (2) Kubota G250SN-2 Generator Sets S/N N929SXE, XG055900 Eneserve SEM-180-SCR 225kva Generator Set S/N 181045, c/w gasoline engine NPG SEM180SCR 225kva Generator Set S/N 182292 Komatsu 220kva Generator Set S/N 802305PAG1A-3 NPG SEM165SCRN 213kva Generator Set S/N 9732 Eiko ESG185SK Generator Set S/N 1159
Komatsu WA350-1 Wheel Loader
Cat 928F Wheel Loader
Cat 926 Wheel Loader
Cat 924F Wheel Loader
Komatsu WA150-1 Wheel Loader
Komatsu WA150 Wheel Loader
Cat 936F Wheel Loader
Cat 910F Wheel Loader
Cat 910 Wheel Loader with Fork
Wheel Loaders
Mini Wheel Loaders
Cat 980F Wheel Loader S/N 8CJ00390, c/w bkt, cab Cat 980F Wheel Loader S/N 5XJ00627, c/w bkt Cat 936F Wheel Loader S/N 9MK00668, c/w bkt Cat 928F Wheel Loader S/N 7YM00136, c/w bkt Cat 926 Wheel Loader S/N 8NB01042, c/w bkt Cat 924F Wheel Loader S/N 7PN00296, c/w bkt Cat 924F Wheel Loader S/N 6MN00571, c/w bkt Cat 918F Wheel Loader S/N 5DL00258, c/w bkt, cab Cat 916 Wheel Loader S/N 5KC01290, c/w bkt, cab Cat 910F Wheel Loader S/N 1YK03086, c/w bkt, canopy Cat 910 Wheel Loader S/N 40Y02460, 40Y05753 Cat 910 Wheel Loader S/N 80U-2156, c/w fork, canopy Komatsu WA500-1 Wheel Loader S/N 20069, c/w bkt Komatsu WA500 Wheel Loader S/N 50470, c/w bkt, cab Komatsu WA450-3 Wheel Loader S/N 55006, c/w bkt Komatsu WA350-3E Wheel Loader S/N 53016, c/w bkt (4) Komatsu WA350-1 Wheel Loader S/N 20594, 20189, 11394, 11260 c/w bkt Komatsu WA300-3E Wheel Loader S/N 50383, c/w bkt Komatsu WA300-3 Wheel Loader S/N 51044, c/w bkt Komatsu WA150-3E Wheel Loader S/N 63153, c/w bkt Komatsu WA150-1 Wheel Loader S/N 20165, c/w bkt Komatsu WA150 Wheel Loader S/N 30119, c/w bkt Komatsu WA100-3 Wheel Loader S/N 53816, c/w bkt Komatsu WA100-1 Wheel Loader S/N 32660, 11737 Mitsubishi WS400 Wheel Loader S/N 3W000241, c/w bkt, canopy, 13.5x20 TCM 850-2 Wheel Loader S/N S16-00267, c/w bkt, cab, 20.5x25
Furukawa FL301 Mini Wheel Loader S/N 1249, c/w bkt
Bulldozers/Crawler Tractors Cat D7G Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 65V3443, c/w blade, winch Cat D7G Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 65V2060, c/w blade, ripper Cat D5C-III Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 9DL00801, c/w 6 way blade, canopy Cat D4H Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 9DB04829, c/w blade Cat D4C-LGP Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 2CJ00223, c/w blade, LGP shoes Cat D3C-Z Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 45V88862, c/w blade Cat D3C-II Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 1PJ00299, c/w blade Hitachi DX75M Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 48100226, c/w blade Komatsu D155A-1 Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N OBL, c/w blade Komatsu D65P-12E Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 60968, c/w blade Komatsu D31P-20E Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 48384, c/w 6 way blade, cab, LGP shoes Komatsu D31P-20E Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 48132, c/w 6 way blade, cab, LGP shoes Komatsu D31P-20 Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 45555, c/w blade
Descriptions are only a guide
Cat D5C-III Bulldozer
Cat D4C-LGP Bulldozer
Please inspect the equipment before bidding
Cat 312 Hydraulic Excavator
Cat 311 Hydraulic Excavator
Komatsu D155A-1 Bulldozer
Komatsu D65P-12E Bulldozer
Cat 918F Wheel Loader
Cat 330B Hydraulic Excavator
Komatsu D31P-16 Bulldozer
Toyota 2FD80 Forklift
Kobelco SK200 Mark 6 Excavator
Komatsu PC128US-1 Excavator
Komatsu D31P-20E Bulldozer
Toyota 3FD60 Forklift
Hitachi EX60URG Hyd Excavator
Komatsu PC38UU Mini Excavator
Cat 916 Wheel Loader
Komatsu D31P-16 Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 28235, c/w 6 way blade, canopy (2) Komatsu D31P-18 Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 42976, 41229, c/w blade Komatsu D20P-6 Bulldozer/Crawler Tractor S/N 62482, c/w blade
Hydraulic Excavators Cat 330BL Hydraulic Excavator S/N 1JS00437, c/w bkt, cab Cat 330B Hydraulic Excavator S/N 9HN00318, c/w bkt, cab Cat 320B Hydraulic Excavator S/N , c/w bkt, cab Cat 312 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 7DK06899, c/w bkt, cab Cat 311 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 5PK02133, c/w bkt Komatsu PC450-6 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 10422, c/w bkt, cab Komatsu PC200-5 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 51902, c/w bkt, cab Komatsu PC200-5 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 54905 c/w bkt, cab Komatsu PC128US-1 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 1679, c/w bkt, cab Komatsu PC75UU-1 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 1337, c/w bkt, track shoes, cab Kobelco SK200 Mark 6 Hydraulic Excavator S/N Yn22036, c/w bkt, cab Kobelco SK024 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 03283, c/w bkt, cab
New consignments are being added daily
TCM 850-2 Wheel Loader
Mitsubishi FD70 Forklift
Hitachi EX60URG Hydraulic Excavator S/N 10C-1559, c/w bkt, push blade, cab, rubber track (2) Yanmar RX502 Hydraulic Excavator S/N 10853, 10759, c/w bkt
Mini Excavators Komatsu PC50UU-1 Mini Excavator S/N 2510, c/w clamp, track shoes, canopy Komatsu PC40-7 Mini Excavator S/N 21601, c/w bkt Komatsu PC38UU Mini Excavator S/N 1956, c/w bkt, offset boom, rubber track, canopy Kobelco SK45-2 Mini Excavator S/N PY03537, c/w bkt Kobelco SK045 Mini Excavator S/N PY03988, c/w bkt Hitachi EX50URG Mini Excavator S/N 10E-0627, c/w bkt, track shoes, canopy Hitachi EX30 Mini Excavator S/N 1AC-02578, c/w bkt, canopy Airman AX40-2 Mini Excavator S/N 859A020485, c/w bkt, push blade, canopy Yanmar B6U Mini Excavator S/N 00921B, c/w bkt, push blade, offset boom, rubber track
Mobile Excavators Komatsu PW60-3 Mobile Excavator S/N 02395, c/w bkt
Motor Graders Cat 16G Motor Grader S/N 93U882, c/w blade, cab, ripper, 18.00x25 tires
Komatsu AX40-2 Mini Excavator
Yanmar B6U Mini Excavator
(2) Cat 120G Motor Graders S/N 87V04910, 87V05140 Komatsu GD705R Motor Grader S/N 1A-2212 Komatsu GD605A-1 Motor Grader S/N 50072 Komatsu GD505A-2 Motor Grader S/N 50037 Komatsu GD505A-1 Motor Grader S/N 50258, c/w blade, scarifier, cab, 14.00x24 Komatsu GD405A Motor Grader S/N 50596, c/w blade (2) Mitsubishi MG530 Motor Graders S/N AG450359, T5GA00031, c/w blade Mitsubishi MG400 Motor Grader S/N 4G000124, c/w blade, scarifier, cab, 13.00x24 Mitsubishi MG300 Motor Grader S/N 3G00484
Skidders Cat 528 Skidder S/N 9GB00692
Rough Terrain Cranes Tadano TR250M4 Rough Terrain Crane S/N 517928
Vibratory Compactors Dynapac CA25 Vibratory Compactor S/N 101J96124
Pneumatic Tire Rollers (2) Sakai TS7409 Pneumatic Tire Rollers S/N 31954, 30587 c/w 6 cyl dsl, 9 wheel tires Sakai TS200 Pneumatic Tire Roller S/N 10498, c/w 6 cyl dsl, 9 wheel tires
Cat 320B Hydraulic Excavator
Komatsu BR200J Mobile Crusher
Nigata NF220VZ Asphalt Finisher
Sakai TS150 Pneumatic Tire Roller S/N 70010, c/w 6 cyl dsl, 9 wheel tires, canopy
3 Drum Rollers Dynapac CS12 3 Drum Roller S/N 1943 Kawasaki K10 3 Drum Roller S/N 0061, c/w 4 cyl dsl
Combination Rollers Komatsu JV40CW-1 Combination Roller S/N 1088 Komatsu JV25CR-5 Combination Roller S/N 6121 Sakai TG500 Combination Roller S/N 10147 Sakai TW41 Combination Roller S/N 10671 Sakai TW350 Combination Roller S/N 10264 (7) Bomag BW123AC Combination Roller S/N 227057, 227019, 225287, 223141, 220716, 217192, 109497 Meiwa MUC40 Combination Roller S/N 1013 Kawasaki KV4AII Combination Roller S/N 0158
Double Drum Rollers Bomag BW115AD Double Drum Roller S/N 22B728 Dynapac CC21 Double Drum Roller S/N 476238, c/w 4 cyl dsl, vibratory
Automobiles Asphalt Finishers Nigata NF220VZ Asphalt Finisher S/N Nf220270 Mitsubishi MF60WB Asphalt Finisher S/N 1AGO-3333 Mitsubishi MF40WH Asphalt Finisher S/N 5AF04605