Informasi Teknik No. :
061 - 2016 17 Juni 2016
: Semua pengguna jasa BKI
: Penerapan IMO Mandatory Instrument yang akan diberlakukan 01 Juli 2016
Ringkasan Tujuan dari Informasi Teknik ini adalah untuk menginformasikan kepada seluruh pengguna jasa BKI terkait dengan pemberlakuan IMO mandatory instrument yang mulai berlaku pada tanggal 01 Juli 2016. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar semua pihak yang berkepentingan akan lebih tanggap terhadap regulasi yang akan diberlakukan pada waktu dekat ini. Informasi Pada sidang Komite IMO, baik itu Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) maupun Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) telah mengadopsi beberapa ketentuan wajib yang harus dipenuhi terhitung mulai tanggal 01 Juli 2016. Beberapa ketentuan tersebut diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Res.MSC.380(94) – SOLAS 1974 a. SOLAS II-2/10.5.2 terkait persyaratan foam equipment di ruang mesin. b. SOLAS VI/2 terkait pemberlakuan verification gross mass (VGM) untuk container. c. SOLAS XI-1/7 terkait persyaratan saat memasuki ruang tertutup yang harus dilengkapi dengan portable atmosphere testing instrument. d. Appendix terkait revisi dari Form C “the record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate” dan Form E ”the record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate”. 2. Res.MSC.381(94) – ESP CODE Amendment 2011 ESP Code terkait dengan perubahan pada dokumen Ship Construction Files (SCF). 3. Res.MSC.382(94) – MODU CODE Amendment MODU Code reg.15.1 terkait dengan persyaratan portable atmosphere testing instrument. 4. Res.MSC.383(94) –1989 MODU CODE Amendment 1989 MODU Code reg 15.1 terkait dengan persyaratan portable atmosphere testing instrument. 5. Res.MSC.384(94) –2009 MODU CODE Amendment 2009 MODU Code reg 15.1 terkait dengan persyaratan portable atmosphere testing instrument. Penjelasan mendetail perihal di atas dapat dilihat dalam lampiran informasi teknik ini. Halaman 1 dari 5
Informasi lebih lanjut Pertanyaan sehubungan dengan Informasi Teknik ini dapat ditujukan ke: BKI Statutory Division Yos Sudarso 38-40 Jakarta, 14320 Indonesia Phone : +62 21 436 1899, 436 1901, 436 1903, 436 1904 Fax : +62 21 4390 1974 Email :
[email protected] Direktur Klasifikasi -TTDCapt. Iman Satria Utama, MM
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-1Applicability (Object) - Semua kapal yang dibangun pada atau setelah 1 Juli 2012
Regulation Subject Enter into force SOLAS IIFire Fighting 1 Juli 2016 2/10.5.2 as adopted by Res. MSC 380(94) Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) Perubahan pada judul dalam paragraph 5.2 menjadi: "5.2 Machinery spaces of category A containing internal combustion machinery". Perubahan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengklarifikasi persyaratan foam equipment pada kamar mesin kategori A. -2Applicability (Object) Enter into force - Semua kapal yang mengangkut 1 Juli 2016 container sebagaimana yang terdefinisi dalam ketentuan SOLAS
Regulation Subject SOLAS VI/2 Cargo as adopted Information by Res. MSC 380(94) Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) Paragraf baru 4 hingga 6 telah ditambahkan setelah paragraph yang sudah ada. Paragraf tersebut mengatur terkait persyaratan wajib untuk memverifikasi gross mass muatan yang dibawa dengan container, dilakukan oleh pengirim dengan menggunakan peralatan yang terkalibrasi dan bersertifikasi. -3Applicability (Object) Enter into force - Semua kapal yang tunduk pada 1 Juli 2016 ketentuan Chapter I
Regulation Subject SOLAS XIAtmosphere 1/7 as testing adopted by instrument for Res. MSC enclosed 380(94) spaces Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) Paragraf baru 7 mengenai atmosphere testing instrument untuk memasuki ruang tertutup telah ditambahkan yang mempersyaratkan kapal untuk membawa atmosphere testing instrument. Metode/cara yang sesuai harus disediakan untuk dapat mengkalibrasi peralatan tersebut. -4Applicability (Object) Enter into force - Semua kapal yang tunduk pada 1 Juli 2016 SOLAS
Regulation Subject Appendix Form C and amendments Form E as adopted by Res. MSC 380(94) Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) Perubahan ini memberikan revisi dari section 2 pada record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Form C) dan record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (Form E). Perubahan ini terkait dengan ketentuan pada jumlah orang yang di akomodasi oleh free fall lifeboats. Lampiran Informasi Teknik No: 061 – 2016
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-5Applicability (Object) Enter into force - Semua kapal bulk carrier yang 1 Juli 2016 berpenggerak sendiri dengan ukuran 500 GT atau lebih selain bulk carrier yang double skin sebagaimana yang terdefinisi Code. - Semua kapal oil tanker lambung ganda yang berpenggerak sendiri diatas 500 GT atau lebih. Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) 1. Perubahan pada annex A (Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Bulk Carriers) mengenai perubahan pada Part A dan B terkait: - Persyaratan terkait akses yang disediakan untuk close-up survey - Peralatan emergency response dan rescue - Dokumen di atas kapal. 2. Perubahan pada Annex B (Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Oil Tankers) mengenai perubahan Part A dan B. Perubahan ini terkait dengan persyaratan pengujian tekanan tanki dan beberapa kondisi persyaratan yang diterima untuk pengujian tekanan ruang muat yang dilakukan oleh crew kapal dibawah pengawasan dari kapten kapal. Selain itu, perubahan pada Part A dan B mencantumkan persyaratan yang sama sesuai dengan perubahan di Annex A mengenai: - Akses yang harus tersedia untuk close up survey - Peralatan emergency response dan rescue Regulation 2011 ESP Code as adopted by Res. MSC 381(94)
Subject Ship Construction File (SCF)
-6Regulation Subject Applicability (Object) Enter into force MODU Code Atmosphere - Mobile offshore drilling units sebagai 1 Juli 2016 as adopted testing mana yang terdefinisi dalam code ini. by Res. instrument for MSC enclosed 382(94) spaces Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) Chapter baru 15 telah ditambahkan setelah chapter 14 yang sudah ada yang mempersyaratkan setiap MODU harus dilengkapi dengan portable atmosphere testing instrument. -7Regulation Subject Applicability (Object) Enter into force 1989 MODU Atmosphere - Mobile offshore drilling units sebagai 1 Juli 2016 Code as testing mana yang terdefinisi dalam code ini. adopted by instrument for Tangal peletakan lunas atau pada Res MSC enclosed tahap pembangunan yang sama 383 (94) spaces dibangun pada atau setelah 01 May 1991 Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) Chapter baru 15 telah ditambahkan setelah chapter 14 yang sudah ada yang mempersyaratkan setiap MODU harus dilengkapi dengan portable atmosphere testing instrument.
Lampiran Informasi Teknik No: 061 – 2016
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-8Regulation Subject Applicability (Object) Enter into force 2009 MODU Atmosphere - Mobile offshore drilling units sebagai 1 Juli 2016 Code as testing mana yang terdefinisi dalam code ini. adopted by instrument for Tangal peletakan lunas atau pada Res. MSC enclosed tahap pembangunan yang sama 384(94) spaces dibangun pada atau setelah 01 Januari 2012 Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) Chapter baru 15 telah ditambahkan setelah chapter 14 yang sudah ada yang mempersyaratkan setiap MODU harus dilengkapi dengan portable atmosphere testing instrument.
Lampiran Informasi Teknik No: 061 – 2016
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Technical Information No. :
061 - 2016 17 June 2016
: All BKI Customers
: Implementations of IMO Mandatory Instrument effective from 01 July 2016
Summary The purpose of this Technical Informations is to inform all BKI Customers regarding the enforcement of IMO mandatory instrument which will take effect on 01 July 2016. Stakeholders should be aware regarding the regulations which will be enforced in near future. Information The IMO Committee, namely Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) or Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) had adopted several mandatory instrument which shall be complied on 01 July 2016. The following provisions are: 1. Res.MSC.380(94) – SOLAS 1974 a. SOLAS II-2/10.5.2 regarding requirement of foam equipment in machinery spaces. b. SOLAS VI/2 regarding enforcement of verification gross mass (VGM) for a packed container. c. SOLAS XI-1/7 regarding requirements of entry into enclosed spaces shall be provided portable atmosphere testing instrument. d. Appendix regarding revision of Form C “the record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate” and Form E” the record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate”. 2. Res.MSC.381(94) – ESP CODE Amendment 2011 ESP Code regarding amendment on Ship Construction Files (SCF). 3. Res.MSC.382(94) – MODU CODE Amendment MODU Code reg.15.1 regarding requirement portable atmosphere testing instrument. 4. Res.MSC.383(94) –1989 MODU CODE Amendment 1989 MODU Code reg 15.1 regarding requirement portable atmosphere testing instrument. 5. Res.MSC.384(94) –2009 MODU CODE Amendment 2009 MODU Code reg 15.1 regarding requirement portable atmosphere testing instrument. Details on the above can be found on the attachment to this technical information.
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More info Inquiries concerning the subject of this Technical Information should be directed to: BKI Statutory Division Yos Sudarso 38-40 Jakarta, 14320 Indonesia Phone : +62 21 436 1899, 436 1901, 436 1903, 436 1904 Fax : +62 21 4390 1974 Email :
[email protected]
Classification Director -SIGNCapt. Iman Satria Utama, MM
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-1Applicability (Object) Enter into force - All ships which constructed on or after 1 1 July 2016 July 2012
Regulation Subject SOLAS IIFire Fighting 2/10.5.2 as adopted by Res. MSC 380(94) Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) The title of existing paragraph 5.2 is replaced as follows: "5.2 Machinery spaces of category A containing internal combustion machinery". This amendment intended for clarification on requirement portable foam equipment in machinery spaces category A. -2Applicability (Object) Enter into force - All ships which carriage a packed 1 July 2016 container as defined under SOLAS
Regulation Subject SOLAS VI/2 Cargo as adopted Information by Res. MSC 380(94) Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) New paragraphs 4 to 6 are added after existing paragraph 3. These paragraphs regulate the mandatory verification of the gross mass of a container carrying cargoes by the shipper using calibrated and certified equipment. -3Applicability (Object) - Every ships subject to chapter I
Regulation Subject Enter into force SOLAS XIAtmosphere 1 July 2016 1/7 as testing adopted by instrument for Res. MSC enclosed 380(94) spaces Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) New regulation 7 regarding atmosphere testing instrument for enclosed spaces is added to require ships to carry an appropriate portable atmosphere testing instrument or instruments. Suitable means shall be provided for the calibration of all such instruments. -4Applicability (Object) - Every ships subject to SOLAS
Regulation Subject Enter into force Appendix Form C and 1 July 2016 amendments Form E as adopted by Res. MSC 380(94) Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) These amendment provide revision to section 2 of the record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Form C) and the record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (Form E). The amendment relating to requirement a total number of person accommodated by free-fall lifeboats. Attachment of Technical Information No: 061 – 2016
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-5Regulation Subject Applicability (Object) Enter into force 2011 ESP Ship - all self-propelled bulk carriers of 500 1 July 2016 Code as Construction gross tonnage and above other than adopted by File (SCF) double-side skin bulk carriers as Res. MSC defined in the Code 381(94) - all self-propelled double-hull oil tankers of 500 gross tonnage and above Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) 1. Amendments to Annex A (Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Bulk Carriers) focus on amendments to Part A and B regarding: · The requirements of means to be provided for close-up survey, · Rescue and emergency response equipment, · Documentation on board. 2. Amendments to Annex B (Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Oil Tankers) focus on the amendments to Part A and B. The amendments to Part A and B concern on the requirements of tank pressure testing and several required conditions to accept cargo pressure testing carried out by the ship’s crews under the supervision of the Master. In addition, the amendments to the Part A and B set similar requirements as amended in Annex A regarding: · Means to be provided for close-up surveys · Rescue and emergency response equipment. -6Applicability (Object) - Mobile offshore drilling units as defined in the Code
Regulation Subject Enter into force MODU Code Atmosphere 1 July 2016 as adopted testing by Res. instrument for MSC enclosed 382(94) spaces Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) New chapter 15 is added after existing chapter 14 that requires each unit MODU to be provided with portable atmosphere testing instrument -7Applicability (Object) - Mobile offshore drilling units as defined in the Code, the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 May 1991
Regulation Subject Enter into force 1989 MODU Atmosphere 1 July 2016 Code as testing adopted by instrument for Res MSC enclosed 383 (94) spaces Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) New chapter 15 is added after existing chapter 14 that requires each unit MODU to be provided with portable atmosphere testing instrument
Attachment of Technical Information No: 061 – 2016
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-8Regulation Subject Applicability (Object) Enter into force 2009 MODU Atmosphere 1 July 2016 - Mobile offshore drilling units as defined in Code as testing the Code, the keels of which are at a adopted by instrument for similar stage of construction on or after 1 Res. MSC enclosed spaces January 2012 384(94) Summary (please refer to original regulation for full text) New chapter 15 is added after existing chapter 14 that requires each unit MODU to be provided with portable atmosphere testing instrument
Attachment of Technical Information No: 061 – 2016
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