Informasi Teknik No. : 076 - 2016 28 Oktober 2016 Kepada
: Semua Pihak yang Berkepentingan
: Laporan Singkat IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee sesi ke 70 (MEPC 70)
Ringkasan Informasi Teknik ini merupakan ringkasan hasil pertemuan ke – 70 dari IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) yang diselenggarakan dari tanggal 24 sampai dengan 28 Oktober 2016, bertempat di Kantor Pusat IMO di London. Informasi 1. Informasi yang disediakan dalam Informasi Teknik ini adalah yang berkaitan erat dengan pekerjaan BKI atau informasi yang dianggap penting untuk disampaikan. 2.
Beberapa agenda yang didiskusikan selama pertemuan tersebut antara lain: Nomor Agenda
Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments
Harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water
Air pollution and energy efficiency
6 7
Further technical and operational measures for enhancing the energy efficiency of international shipping Reduction of GHG emissions from ships
Identification and protection of Special Areas and PSSAs
9 10
Pollution prevention and response (report of the third session of the Sub-Committee) Reports of other sub-committees
Technical cooperation activities for the protection of the marine environment
Capacity building for the implementation of new measures
Analysis and consideration of recommendations to reduce administrative burdens in IMO instruments as identified by the SG-RAR Application of the Committees' Guidelines
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Agenda diatas adalah beberapa isu teknis yang dibahas pada saat pertemuan. Laporan singkat terkait isu teknis disampaikan pada lampiran dokumen ini.
Informasi lebih lanjut Pertanyaan sehubungan dengan Informasi Teknik ini dapat ditujukan ke: BKI Statutory Division Yos Sudarso 38-40 Jakarta, 14320 Indonesia Phone : +62 21 436 1899, 436 1901, 436 1903, 436 1904 Fax : +62 21 4390 1974 Email :
[email protected]
Direktur Klasifikasi - TTD Capt. Iman Satria Utama
___________________________________________________________________________ Informasi Segala informasi maupun saran yang tersedia pada dokumen ini bukan merupakan tanggung jawab BKI dan BKI tidak dapat diperkarakan oleh siapapun dari kehilangan, kerusakan atau kerugian biaya akibat ketidakakuratan informasi yang disampaikan.
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A. DECISIONS OF OTHER BODIES INSTRUMENTS (AGENDA ITEM 2) MEPC 70 menyetujui circular sebagai berikut :
MSC-MEPC.5/Circ.11 on Unified interpretation relating to the IBC Code. MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.16 on Example of a Certificate of Protection for products requiring oxygendependent inhibitors.
B. CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO MANDATORY INSTRUMENTS (AGENDA ITEM 3) Berdasarkan persetujuan dari Sesi ke 69 sidang Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 69) untuk draft amandemen IMO mandatory instruments, MEPC 70 mengadopsi amandemen berikut sebagai mandatory, antara lain : 1. MARPOL Annex I Appendix II (Form B of the Supplement to the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate) dari bab ini diamandemen untuk mengklarifikasi isu terkait tambahan input data pada seksi 5.1 dan 5.2 dari IOPP certificate Form B dengan mempertimbangkan phase out lambung tunggal kapal oil tanker yang termasuk bagian regulasi 18 dari Annex ini. 2. MARPOL Annex V Amendemen terhadap annex ini meliputi: a. Penambahan definisi “E-waste” b. Kriteria terkait klasifikasi solid bulk cargoes sebagai harmful to the marine environment (HME) c. Persyaratan bagi pengirim untuk menyatakan apakah kargo mereka termasuk HME atau tidak d. Klarifikasi terkait cara pencatatan “Estimated amount of Discharged or Incinerated” pada Garbage Record Book e. amendmen kepada form of Garbage Record Book 3. MARPOL Annex VI Tujuan dari amendmen to MARPOL Annex VI adalah untuk melakukan data collection system for fuel oil consumption menjadi mandatory dalam annex ini. Hingga dengan adopsi amandemen ini, setiap kapal dengan 5.000 GT ke atas wajib mencatat dan melaporkan konsumsi bahan bakar mereka. Amandemen di atas dianggap telah diterima pada 1 September 2017 dan kemudian akan berlaku mulai 1 Maret 2018 setelah persetujuannya.
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C. HARMFUL AQUATIC ORGANISMS IN BALLAST WATER (AGENDA ITEM 4) Konvensi Ballast Water Management akan berlaku secara internasional pada 08 September 2017. Karena demikian, diskusi terkait implementasi konvensi tersebut menjadi isu yang sangat penting, terutama terkait isu jadwal pemasangan treatment system (BWMTS) dan isu persetujuan Ballast Water Treatment System berdasarkan revisi G8. Sebuah Grup Review dibentuk untuk agenda ini dan pembahasan dalam grup tersebut dapat dilihat di bawah ini. Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) Approvals Hingga dengan saat ini telah terdapat 69 BWMS type Approved. Selanjutnya, komite mencatat laporan GESAMP-BWWG 33 (MEPC 70/4/6) dan menyetujui untuk menindaklanjuti laporan tersebut. Sistem yang mendapatkan persetujuan dalam sesi ini adalah : -
Final Approval of the ECS-HYCHEMTM System diusulkan oleh Republic of Korea
Basic Approval of the University of Strathclyde ballast water management system - the ClearBal BWMS diusulkan oleh Denmark
Intersessional Working Group (IWG) Report on the Review of Guidelines (G8) Intersessional Working Group (IWG) terkait Review of Guidelines (G8) melakukan rapat pada 17 hingga 21 Oktober 2016. Working Group ditugaskan untuk melanjutkan review of the Guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems (G8) dan juga mempertimbangkan jadwal aplikasi dari revised Guidelines (G8). Pada sesi plenary terdapat perdebatan terkait jadwal aplikasi revised Guidelines (G8) yaitu Regulasi B-3 dari Konvensi BWM. Mengingat bahwa terdapat perbedaan tipis dari komentar mayoritas yang disuarakan, mengisyaratkan bahwa jadwal aplikasi tersebut memerlukan pertimbangan lebih lanjut, sehingga draft teks jadwal aplikasi tersebut disediakan dan akan dibahas lebih lanjut pada MEPC 71. Meskipun terdapat diskusi terkait pengujian pada temperatur yang berbeda-beda, IWG menyepakati bahwa tidak diperlukan untuk dilakukan perubahan dikarenakan perbedaan yang diusulkan tidak terlalu signifikan dari yang telah disetujui sebelumnya pada grup korespondensi. Isu terkait petunjuk Scaling of ballast water management systems, matrix on System Design Limitations (SDL) diteruskan kepada MEPC 71 dan PPR 4. Terkait dengan self monitoring systems BWMS, IWG menambahkan teks sebagai berikut : "Administrations should ensure that type approved ballast water management systems have a suitable self-monitoring system that will monitor and record sufficient data to verify correct operation of the system" ; and Sebagai tambahan, mengingat MEPC 68 mendukung ide bahwa Guidelines (G8) harus dapat menjadi sebuah petunjuk wajib, Komite menyetujui bahwa revised Guidelines (G8 dijadikan wajib dan diberi nama "Code for approval of ballast water management systems", dengan mempertimbangkan resolution A.911(22) terkait Uniform wording untuk mereferensikan IMO instruments.
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Akhirnya, komite memutuskan untuk mengadopsi revised Guidelines (G8) bersamaan dengan draft MEPC resolution terkait, dan untuk disirkulasikan kepada the member states. Roadmap for the implementation of the BWM Convention Experience building phase Review group mendiskusikan structured plan for data gathering and analysis stages of the experience building phase of BWM Convention, grup selanjutnya menyadari waktu yang terbatas dalam menyelesaikan hal ini. Kemudian, group memutuskan untuk membentuk correspondence group dalam rangka mengembangkan rancangan untuk gathering and analyzing data during the experience building phase, mengusulkan timeline untuk the data gathering, analysis and review stages; dan membuat draft dokumen yang menjelaskan struktur dari experience building phase. Hasilnya kemudian dilaporkan ke MEPC 71. Setelah melakukan penelaahan terhadap isu perpanjangan non-penalization to all ship, grup memutuskan bahwa isu tersebut untuk diteruskan kepada grup korespondensi. Contingency measures Review group, mendiskusikan berbagai skenario yang membutuhkan contingency measures, termasuk berbagai langkah penyelesaiannya. Grup kemudian mengembangkan outline for guidance on contingency measures. Sejalan dengan kebutuhan untuk melakukan finalisasi guidance on contingency measure, group meminta Komite untuk mengundang submissi dokumen kepada MEPC 71 untuk finalisasi pada sesi tersebut. Exceptions and exemptions under the BWM Convention Regulation A-4 (Exemptions) Review group mengidentifikasi bahwa diperlukan amandemen minor terhadap Guidelines (G7) utnuk mengklarifikasi hubungan antara Guidelines (G7) dan konsep SRA. Sehingga diharapkan submisi akan hal ini dapat diperkenalkan pada MEPC 71 dan diadopsi pada sesi tersebut. Regulation A-3 (Exceptions) Terdapat isu terkait ballast water yang dibawa pada cargo tanks kapal oil tankers. Namun, group menyepakati bahwa isu ini harus diselesaikan sesuai MARPOL Annex I , bukan BWM Convention. Namun demikian, jika suatu kasus pembuangan terjadi akbiat alasan eksepsional, aktivitas tersebut juga dapat dicatat pada ballast water record book sebagai exceptional discharge. Other methods of ballast water management Isu konsep BWTBoat didiskusikan diantara review group menyepakati bahwa ianya merupakan hal yang innovative dan mendapatkan persetujuan antara group dan tidak perlu dilakukan approval sebagai other method karena ia sesuai dengan aturan Konvensi. Future work Review group akan dibentuk kembali pada MEPC 71. D. AIR POLLUTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY (AGENDA ITEM 5) Consideration of EEDI reduction rates and dates beyond phase 2 Working group dibentuk dalam agenda ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa diperlukan untuk melakukan penelaahan lebih mendalam terhadap persyaratan EEDI fase 3 dan implementasi lebih awalnya, juga kemungkinan membenruk fase 4, segera setelah MEPC 71.
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Review tersebut harus difinalisasi bersamaan dengan adopsi dari amendments yang diperlukan bagi MARPOL Annex VI untuk implementasi lebih awal fase 3, with a view to 2022, juga terkait dengan kemungkinan implementasi lebih awal fase 4. Additional information to be included in the EEDI database for the review at the midpoint of phase 2 MEPC 69 telah mempertimbangkan proposal bagi informasi tambahan untuk disertakan pada EEDI database. Berdasarkan konsiderasi antar anggota grup, disepakati untuk menambahkan hal berikut terhadap EEDI database: 1. name, outline and means/ways of performance of technologies on innovative energy efficiency technologies; 2. dimensional parameters (Length between perpendiculars (Lpp), breadth (Bs) and draught or depth); and 3. ship speed (Vref) and power of main engine(s) (PME). Dalam rangka untuk memberikan apresiasi dari keberhasilan teknologi energy efisiensi, group menyepakati bahwa penelaahan berikutnya perlu membandingkan EEDI data kapal untuk digunakan sebagai pengembangan EEDI reference lines untuk dibandingkan dengan data fase 0, 1 dan 2 dari kapal. Grup juga menyepakati bahwa data yang telah dikirimkan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam EEDI database tidak perlu dimutakhirkan ketika data tamban dan informasi terlah disediakan dalam database. E. FURTHER TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL MEASURES FOR ENHANCING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING (AGENDA ITEM 6) Draft revision of the 2012 Guidelines for the development of a SEEMP Working group yang dibentuk dalam agenda ini telah menyepakati sebagai berikut :
Grup menyepakati untuk menjelaskan "distance travelled from berth to berth" sebagai "distance travelled." Terkait hal ini, grup mencatat bahwa "distance travelled from berth to berth" tidak secara fisik berarti "berth", dan menyepakati untuk menyarankan kepada komite bahwa terminology "from berth to berth" harus dihapus dan digantikan dengan "distance travelled." Grup menyepakati bahwa "hours not at berth" harus terkait dengan jarak yang ditempuh, dan kemudian, menyepakati untuk menjelaskan "hours not at berth" sebagai "hours not at berth should be an aggregated duration while the ship is underway under its own propulsion." Dalam hal ini, grup mencatat bahwa "hours not at berth" tidak secara fisik berarti "berth" dan kemudian, menyepakati untuk menyarankan kepada komite bahwa terminology "hours not at berth" digantikan dengan "service hours." Grup juga menyepakati bahwa hanya data item yang diperlukan oleh appendix IX MARPOL Annex VI dalam standardized data reporting format untuk data collectionsystem (appendix 3 dari draft guidelines) dan menghilangkan segala voluntary entry termasuk "CO2 emissions" dan "construction year" dari format. Grup menyepakati untuk menambahkan kolom bagi other fuel oil. The group finalized the draft 2016 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), together with associated draft resolution.
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Draft Guidelines for Administration data verification procedures Correspondence group akan dibentuk kembali dalam rangka pengembangan, hingga finalisasi guidelines.
Draft Guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database Grup menyepakati untuk menyarankan kepada komite bahwa correspondence group harus diinstruksikan untuk lebih lanjut mengembangkan preliminary draft Guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption database.
New adoption Komite menyepakati untuk mengadopsi :
the amendments to the 2014 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained EEDI for new ships (resolution MEPC.245(66), as amended by resolution MEPC.263(68)) and the associated draft MEPC resolution; the 2016 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) and the associated draft MEPC resolution
F. REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS (AGENDA ITEM 7) Working group yang dibentuk pada agenda ini mempertimbangkan langkah maju untuk IMO dalam rangka menyelesaikan permasalahan emisi GHG dari kapal, dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan draft work plan atau roadmap termasuk mendefinisikan tugas dan waktu capaian. Pendekatan tiga tahap dintroduksikan untuk pembentukan draft roadmap, termasuk data collection system, development of strategy dan work by the Secretariat (termasuk IMO GHG studies lebih lanjut). Grup menyepakati untuk tidak merekomendasikan komite pembentukan fixed-term stand-alone subsidiary body pada tahapan ini, namun pada mid – and long term. Komite kemudian memutuskan untuk menyetujui roadmap yang disediakan.
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Technical Information No. :
076 - 2016 28 October 2016
: Whom It May Concern
: Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee 70th Session (MEPC 70)
Summary This Technical Information summarizes the result of 70th Session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) that was held from the 22 to 28 October 2016, at the IMO headquarters in London. Information 1. The information provided in this Technical Information are the ones which have high relevance with the work of BKI or considered as an essential information for interested parties. 2. The following agenda are among those discussed during the meeting : Agenda
Number 3
Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments
Harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water
Air pollution and energy efficiency
6 7
Further technical and operational measures for enhancing the energy efficiency of international shipping Reduction of GHG emissions from ships
Identification and protection of Special Areas and PSSAs
9 10
Pollution prevention and response (report of the third session of the Sub-Committee) Reports of other sub-committees
Technical cooperation activities for the protection of the marine environment
Capacity building for the implementation of new measures
Analysis and consideration of recommendations to reduce administrative burdens in IMO instruments as identified by the SG-RAR Application of the Committees' Guidelines
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The Agenda above are several technical issues discussed during the meeting. A brief coverage among the issues are expressed in the attached document.
More info Inquiries concerning the subject of this Technical Information should be directed to: BKI Statutory Division Yos Sudarso 38-40 Jakarta, 14320 Indonesia Phone : +62 21 436 1899, 436 1901, 436 1903, 436 1904 Fax : +62 21 4390 1974 Email :
[email protected]
Classification Director -SignedCapt. Iman Satria Utama
___________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer Any information or advice provided in this document shall be no responsibility of BKI and BKI shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense cause by its reliance.
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MSC-MEPC.5/Circ.11 on Unified interpretation relating to the IBC Code. MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.16 on Example of a Certificate of Protection for products requiring oxygendependent inhibitors.
B. CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO MANDATORY INSTRUMENTS (AGENDA ITEM 3) Following the approval of the Marine Environment Protection Committee 69th session (MEPC 69) to the draft amendments to IMO mandatory instruments, MEPC 70 adopted the amendment to mandatory instruments, inter alia: 1. MARPOL Annex I Appendix II (Form B of the Supplement to the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate) of this chapter amended to clarify issues concerning the entries on section 5.1 and 5.2 of the IOPP Certificate Form B taking into account the phase out of the single hull oil tankers under regulation 18 of this Annex. 2. MARPOL Annex V The amendments to this Annex include: a. the addition of definition of “E-waste” b. the criteria for the classification of solid bulk cargoes as harmful to the marine environment (HME) c. the requirement for the shipper to declare whether their cargoes are harmful to the marine environment or not d. the clarification related to how to record “Estimated amount of Discharged or Incinerated” in the Garbage Record Book e. the amendments to form of Garbage Record Book 3. MARPOL Annex VI The purpose of amendments to MARPOL Annex VI is to make data collection system for fuel oil consumption mandatory under this annex. Upon the adoption of this amendments, each ship of 5,000 GT shall record and report their fuel consumption. The above amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 September 2017 thus shall enter into force on 1 March 2018 upon their acceptance.
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C. HARMFUL AQUATIC ORGANISMS IN BALLAST WATER (AGENDA ITEM 4) Ballast water Convention will Enter into Force on 08 September 2017. As that it the case, discussion with regards to the Implementation of the convention are becoming a very important issues, especially in the issue of Installation dates for BWMTS and the issue of approving a Ballast Water Treatment System with the G8 revision. A review group is established under this agenda and the discussion on it are set out bellows. Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) Approvals In total, currently there are 69 BWM type approved BWMS. Furthermore, the Committee noted the report of GESAMP-BWWG 33 (MEPC 70/4/6) and take action on it. System which has required approval and consideration on this Session are: -
Final Approval of the ECS-HYCHEMTM System proposed by the Republic of Korea
Basic Approval of the University of Strathclyde ballast water management system - the ClearBal BWMS proposed by Denmark
Intersessional Working Group (IWG) Report on the Review of Guidelines (G8) The Intersessional Working Group (IWG) on the Review of Guidelines (G8) met from 17 to 21 October 2016. The Working Group were tasked to continue review of the Guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems (G8) and also consider the application Schedule of the revised Guidelines (G8). During plenary session there were a huge debate on the application schedule of the revised Guidelines (G8) inter alia the Regulation B-3 of BWM Convention. Acknowledging that there was a close call on the majority of the votes expressed which was requesting that the application needs more consideration, a draft alternative text of the application schedule has been provided and are to be discussed further at MEPC 71. Although there were discussion on testing at different temperature, the IWG agreed that no alteration to be needed since the differential were not significant to what have been already agreed by the correspondence group. Issues on the Guidance on Scaling of ballast water management systems, matrix on System Design Limitations (SDL) are being forwarded respectively to MEPC 71 and PPR 4. With regards to self monitoring systems of BWMS, the IWG includes the text : "Administrations should ensure that type approved ballast water management systems have a suitable self-monitoring system that will monitor and record sufficient data to verify correct operation of the system" ; and In addition, recalling that MEPC 68 has supported the idea that Guidelines (G8) should provide the mandatory guidance, the Committee agreed that the revised Guidelines (G8) should be made mandatory and renamed as "Code for approval of ballast water management systems", taking into account resolution A.911(22) on Uniform wording for referencing IMO instruments.
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Finally, the committee have decided to adopt the revised Guidelines (G8) together with the associated draft MEPC resolution, and be circulated to the member states.
Roadmap for the implementation of the BWM Convention Experience building phase As the review group discusses the structured plan for data gathering and analysis stages of the experience building phase of BWM Convention, the group then realized that the time limit in discussing this matter is limited. Then the group decided to establish a correspondence group to develop a plan for gathering and analyzing data during the experience building phase, propose timeline for the data gathering, analysis and review stages; and draft a document that sets out the structure of the experience building phase. The result should be reported to MEPC 71. Having reviewed the issues of extension of non-penalization to all ship, the group decided that the issue should be forwarded to the correspondence group. Contingency measures The review group, discusses various scenarios that may merit contingency measures, including various measures in addressing them. The group then develop outline for guidance on contingency measures. Echoing the need to urgently finalize guidance on contingency measure, the group requested the Committee to invite submissions to MEPC 71 for finalization during that session. Exceptions and exemptions under the BWM Convention Regulation A-4 (Exemptions) The review group identify that minor amendments to Guidelines (G7) to better clarify the relationship between Guidelines (G7) and the SRA concept may be necessary. Therefore it is hoped that submission on this matter would be introduced at MEPC 71 and be adopted during that session. Regulation A-3 (Exceptions) There were issues in relation to the ballast water carried in cargo tanks of oil tankers. However, the group agreed that this issues shall be dealt under MARPOL Annex I instead of BWM Convention. However, if such cases of discharges occurs due to exceptional circumstances, the activity may also be recorded in the ballast water record book as an exceptional discharge. Other methods of ballast water management The issue of BWTBoat concept were discussed amongst the review group found that it was innovative and received acceptance amongst the group and need not to be approved as other method since it was in line with the Convention. Future work The review group is to be established again at MEPC 71.
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D. AIR POLLUTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY (AGENDA ITEM 5) Consideration of EEDI reduction rates and dates beyond phase 2 The Working group established under this agenda finds that it would be necessary to start a thorough review on EEDI phase 3 requirements and their early implementation, as well as possibility of establishing phase 4, soon after MEPC 71. That review should be finalized in time for adoption of the necessary amendments to MARPOL Annex VI for early implementation of phase 3, with a view to 2022, as well as early implementation of phase 4. Additional information to be included in the EEDI database for the review at the midpoint of phase 2 MEPC 69 had considered the proposals for additional information for inclusion in the EEDI database. Following the consideration among the group, it is agreed to add the following items to be included in the EEDI database: 1. name, outline and means/ways of performance of technologies on innovative energy efficiency technologies; 2. dimensional parameters (Length between perpendiculars (Lpp), breadth (Bs) and draught or depth); and 3. ship speed (Vref) and power of main engine(s) (PME). In order to develop a clear appreciation of the efficacy of energy efficiency technology, the group agreed that the next review will also need to compare EEDI data for the ships used to develop the EEDI reference lines to compare with the data of phase 0, 1 and 2 ships. The group also agreed that data already submitted for inclusion in the EEDI database do not need to be updated when additional data and information are added to the database. E. FURTHER TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL MEASURES FOR ENHANCING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING (AGENDA ITEM 6) Draft revision of the 2012 Guidelines for the development of a SEEMP The working group established under this agenda has agreed of the followings :
The group agreed to describe the "distance travelled from berth to berth" as "distance travelled." In this connection, the group noted that "distance travelled from berth to berth" does not physically correspond to "berth" any more, and agreed to suggest to the Committee that the term "from berth to berth" should be deleted from the terms and to use "distance travelled." The group agreed that "hours not at berth" should be related to the distance travelled, and then, agreed to describe the "hours not at berth" as "hours not at berth should be an aggregated duration while the ship is underway under its own propulsion." In this connection, the group noted that "hours not at berth" does not physically correspond to "berth" any more and therefore, agreed to suggest to the Committee that the term "hours not at berth" should be substituted with "service hours." The group also agreed to include only the data items required by appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI
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in the standardized data reporting format for the data collection system (appendix 3 of the draft guidelines) and eliminate any voluntary entry including "CO2 emissions" and "construction year" from the format. The group further agreed to include a column for other fuel oil. The group finalized the draft 2016 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), together with associated draft resolution.
Draft Guidelines for Administration data verification procedures The Correspondence group is being re-establish in order to further develop, toward finalization, the guidelines.
Draft Guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database The group agreed to suggest to the Committee that the correspondence group should be instructed to further develop the preliminary draft Guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption database.
New adoption The committee has agreed to adopt :
the amendments to the 2014 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained EEDI for new ships (resolution MEPC.245(66), as amended by resolution MEPC.263(68)) and the associated draft MEPC resolution; the 2016 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) and the associated draft MEPC resolution
F. REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS (AGENDA ITEM 7) The working group established under this agenda considered the way forward for the Organization to address GHG emissions from ships, with the aim to develop a draft work plan or roadmap including defined tasks and timelines. A three step approach was introduced for the establishment of a draft roadmap, including data collection system, development of strategy and work by the Secretariat (including further IMO GHG studies). The group then agree not to recommend the committee the establishment of a fixed-term stand-alone subsidiary body at this stage, but perhaps later for mid – and long term. The committee then decided to approved the roadmap provided.
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