Holiday child daycare
Manual online enrollments – 2015 (see below for translation website)
Step 1: Registration
Click the registration link (via intranet or – Reserveren) Fill out the requested information (fields with * are mandatory) o Fill in your correct e-mail address. All further communication will be done through this address. o Choose your default daycare location. o Add each child for which you would like to have holiday daycare. Add all important information – we do not keep last’s years information. You need to accept the internal regulations and the attachment. Click “send” You will immediately receive an e-mail with a summary of the data you have entered. o No e-mail or have you found an error? Contact the secretariat. o Entered a mistake? You can always change your information in step 2.
Step 2: Planning
Within 2 working days you will receive an e-mail with your username, password and link to the planning. o You did not receive an e-mail? Contact the secretariat. Click the link to the planning in the e-mail you have received and login with your username and password. You should change the password immediately. Please remember your password and login. o Forgot your password? You can request it at login page. o Forgot your user name? Contact the secretariat. Your general registration data will be shown. Here you can change your information. Now apply for the days on which you would like to have holiday daycare. o Click on the day on which you would like to make a reservation. o Cross for the children you want to apply for this day. o When prompted, enter estimated hours your child will come. o A cross will appear on the days you have requested. Stekelbees vzw – Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal – T 016/24 20 77 –
[email protected]
o o
Repeat this procedure for each day you wish to apply for. Each requested day will be marked with a cross will be listed below the table o You can still delete a requested day in the list below the table. o If you request a day marked in red, your child will probably be listed on a reserve list. Click “send”. After sending your application, you will immediately receive an e-mail showing clearly the days that you have requested. Please check this carefully.
Step 3: Confirmation
Within 2 working days, you will receive an e-mail with the status of your request: o Allocated days o Requested days which unfortunately were placed on the reserve list. You did not receive an e-mail? Please contact the secretariat.
Step 4: Changes
Cancellation of allocated days: o The deadline for ‘free’ cancellations can be found in the appendix to the rules of procedure. o If you cancel after this date, you will see “annuleren – te laat” in your e-mail next to the date you tried to cancel. This day will be charged. Additional days: o You can enroll for additional days as long as there are available places. You can see this at the color of the day shown in the table. o You can also enroll on a red day. You will be placed on a reserve list.
Contact information Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal 016/24 20 77
[email protected]
Stekelbees vzw – Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal – T 016/24 20 77 –
[email protected]
TRANSLATION Request login
Gegevens van de ouder die bij –bedrijf- werkt – Information of the parent working at – enterprise-: Naam ouder Voornaam ouder Straat Huisnummer Busnummer Postnummer
Name parent First name parent Street Number Box number Zip code
Stekelbees vzw – Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal – T 016/24 20 77 –
[email protected]
Telefoon GSM E-mailadres Herhaal e-mailadres Ik wil mijn factuur krijgen via Zoomit en geef hierbij mijn rekeningnummer
Rekeningnummer Telefoon werk Kies een werkgeverreferentie Kies een locatie Kies een opstapplaats
Telephone Mobile phone E-mail Repeat e-mail I wish to receive my bill by Zoomit and provide herewith my account number (check the box, look for the country of the bank in the drop down list and fill in your account number). Account number Phone number at work Look for imec in the drop down list Look for Heverlee-school “Terbank” (the location of the daycare) -
Information of the other parent: Naam Voornaam Adres verschilt van adres werknemer Tel tijdens de werkuren
Name First name Check this box in case the address differs from the address of the employee working at imec. Telephone during office hours
Persoon die kan gecontacteerd worden indien de ouders niet te bereiken zijn – Person to be contacted in case parents can not be reached: Naam Voornaam Relatie Persoon door wie het kind ook mag worden opgehaald
Name First name Relationship with parents Person who can also pick up the child
Kinderen – Children: Kind toevoegen Gelieve enkel de kinderen die naar de opvang komen in te geven Huishoudelijk reglement – Ik ga akkoord Zend
Add child Only add the name of the children that will be using the holiday daycare. Internal regulations – I agree (check the box) Send
Stekelbees vzw – Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal – T 016/24 20 77 –
[email protected]
Add child
Naam kind Voornaam kind Geboortedatum Geslacht (Man – Vrouw) Arts die mag gecontacteerd worden Naam arts Tel arts Mag Stekelbees de dichtsbijzijnde arts contacteren indien nodig? Ja – Neen
Name child First name child Birth date Sex (Male – Female) Doctor to be contacted Name doctor Telephone number doctor Can Stekelbees contact the nearest doctor when needed? Yes – No
Stekelbees vzw – Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal – T 016/24 20 77 –
[email protected]
Neemt uw kind vaste medicatie? Ja – Neen Welke medicatie? Hoeveel medicatie? Wanneer medicatie? Heeft uw kind hierbij begeleiding nodig? Heeft uw kind voedselallergie? Ja – Neen Welke allergie? Welk voedsel mag uw kind niet eten? Wat als dit per ongeluk gebeurt? Is het kind zindelijk? Ja - Neen Heeft uw kind ANDERE aandachtspunten? Opslaan en volgend kind registreren Opslaan Annuleer
Does your child needs to take medication? Yes - No Which medication? How much? When? Does you child need assistance for taking the medication? Is your child allergic to certain food? Yes - No Which allergy? Which food cannot be eaten by your child? What if it eats something by accident? Is your child toilet trained? Yes / No Are there other issues you would like us to know? Save and register next child Save Cancel
Calender days of holiday daycare Request days for holiday daycare
Zend Er zijn nog plaatsen beschikbaar De dag is volzet
Send Available day Day no longer available
Stekelbees vzw – Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal – T 016/24 20 77 –
[email protected]
De vakantieopvang is gesloten op deze dag U heeft deze dag reeds gemarkeerd om een aanvraag te versturen Deze dag is door u aangevraagd en goedgekeurd U heeft deze dag reeds gemarkeerd om een annulatie aan te vragen
Daycare closed you marked this day to send a request you requested this day and it was approved you asked to cancel this requested day
Stekelbees vzw – Remylaan 4b – 3018 Wijgmaal – T 016/24 20 77 –
[email protected]