Barlangaszat, 161 Bars, 230–235 gay and lesbian, 237–238 Bartók, Béla, 157–158 Bartók Béla Emlékház (Béla Bartók Memorial House), 158, 223 Basilica (Eger), 268 Bathhouses, 163–166 BAV (Bizományi Kereskedóház és Záloghitel Rt), 199 Beach, Szigliget, 262 Beauty and health products, 204–205 Bécsi kapu (Vienna Gate), 179 Belváros (Inner City), 51 accommodations, 75–83, 91–93 restaurants, 99–120 Belvárosi Plébániatemplom (Inner City Parish Church), 141 Belvárosi Vásárcsarnok (Inner City Market Hall), 183, 215 Bélyegmúzeum (Postal Stamp Museum), 136 Bem József tér, 194 Bem rakpart, 192 Berlin Wall, 190 Bestsellers, 205–206 Biking, 64–65, 166 tours, 160 Blagovestenska Church (Szentendre), 244 Blue Land Folklor (Szentendre), 246 Boat travel and cruises, 32, 160–161 the Danube Bend, 240 Lake Balaton region, 254–255 Books, recommended, 33–34 Bookstation, 206 Bookstores, 205–208 Botanical Gardens, Fovárosi Allat és Növénykert Zoo and, 155
CB, 201 Accommodations, 1–2, 26–27, 73–93. See also Accommodations Index agencies, 74 Aggtelek, 273 best, 9–10 the Buda Hills, 88–89 budget lodgings, 73–74 Central Buda, 86–87 Eger, 270 Hollókó, 266 Inner City and Central Pest, 75–83, 91–93 Kecskemét, 282 Keszthely, 260 Outer Pest, 83–86 Pécs, 280 price categories, 74 private rooms or hostels, 89–93 reservations, 74 seasons, 74 Siófok, 264 Szeged, 286 Szentendre, 244 Szigliget, 263 Tokaj, 272 Veszprém, 258–259 Visegrád, 250 Addresses, finding, 48–50 African-American travelers, 24–25 Aggtelek National Park, 273 Airport security, 28–29 Air travel, 25–26, 28–30 arriving in Budapest, 43–44 Ajka Crystal, 217 Allatkerti körút (Animal Garden Boulevard), 152 Almássy Square Culture Center, 236 American Express, 16, 65
Amerigo Tot Exhibition (Pécs), 278 Amphitheater of the Civilian Town, 146 Amusement Park (Vidám Park), 155 András Chazár Education Institute for Deaf-Mutes (Vác), 248 Animal Garden Boulevard (Allatkerti körút), 152 Anker Palace, 169 Antiques, 198–200 Aquincum (Roman Ruins), 146 Aquincum Museum, 146 Aquincum park, 146 Arany Sas Patikamúzeum (Golden Eagle Pharmacy Museum), 147, 178–179 Area code, 65 Arkád, 208 Art Factory Gallery and Studio, 201–203 Art galleries, 200–204 Art supplies, 204 Asia Center, 208 ATMs (automated teller machines), 15–16, 65 Atrium Music Cafe (Szeged), 287
See also Accommodations and Restaurant, Coffeehouse & Teahouse indexes, below.
ábszínházak (puppet theaters), 157 Babysitters, 65 Badacsony, 261 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út, 170 Balaton, Lake, 253 southern shore of, 263–264 Balaton Museum (Keszthely), 260 Banks, 65 Baradla Cave, 273 Barcsay Museum (Szentendre), 244
Bozsó Collection (Kecskemét), 282 Buda, 47–48, 50 sights and attractions, 144–148 Budafest Summer Opera and Ballet Festival, 18 The Buda Hills, 51 accommodations, 88–89 parks and nature reserves, 152 restaurants, 126–127 Budai Vigadó (Buda Concert Hall), 225 Budapest Art Weeks, 19 Budapest Card, 55 Budapest History Museum, 176 Budapest International Fair, 19 Budapest International Wine Festival, 19 Budapesti Operettszínház (Budapest Operetta Theatre), 222 Budapesti Történeti Múzeum (Budapest History Museum), 144 Budapest Puppet Theater (Budapesti Bábszínház), 157 Budapest Spring Festival, 17–18 Budapest Wine Society, 218 Bükki Nemzeti Park (Bükk National Park), 271 Business hours, 65 Bus tours, 159 Bus travel, 31, 45, 58–59
able car (funicular), 60–61, 175, 191 Cakes and pastries, 129, 287 Calendar of events, 17–19 Capuchin Church, 192 Car-rental agencies, 62 Car rentals, 27–28 Car travel, 31–32, 62–64 Casinos, 238 Castle District (Várnegyed), 50–51 accommodations, 87–88 coffeehouse, 128 restaurant, 126 walking tour, 174–180 Castle Museum (Esztergom), 251–252 Cathedral of the Assumption (Vác), 249 Cave tour, 161 Cemeteries, 141–142 Central Buda accommodations, 86–87 restaurants, 124–125
Central European University Bookstore, 206 Central Market Hall (Központi Vásárcsarnok), 215 Central Pest accommodations, 91–93 restaurants, 99–120 The Chain Bridge (Széchenyi Lánchíd), 147 Chair Lift (Libego), 156 Chapel of St. Florian, 194 Children’s Railroad (Gyermekvasút), 156 Chocloteria (Vác), 248 Chosen Tours, 162 Christian Museum (Esztergom), 252 Circus, 157 Citadella, 146 City Hall Kecskemét, 282 Vác, 248 City Park (Városliget), 151–152 Clark Adám tér, 175, 191 Classical music, 223–225, 260 Climate, 17 Cloud Castle (Fellegvár; Visegrád), 250 Coffeehouses, 127–130. See also Restaurant, Coffeehouse & Teahouse Index Pécs, 281 Szeged, 286–287 Cogwheel Railway (Fogaskereku), 60, 156 Comedy Theatre of Budapest, 227 Compagnie Pál Frenák, 226 Computers, 66 Connected Courtyards, 186, 188 Corvin tér, 192–193 Credit cards, 16–17 Csikós (Cowboy) statue, 176 Csodák Palotája (Palace of Wonders), 154 Csók István Galéria, 201 Cuisine, 295–299 Culinaris, 219 Currency and currency exchange, 14–15 Customs regulations, 12–14
ance clubs, 227–228 The Danube Bend (Dunakanyar), 3, 240–252 traveling to, 240–242 Deák Ferenc tér, 169 Déli Station, 45
Demmig, Gunter, 143 Dentists, 66 Department stores and malls, 208 Disabilities, travelers with, 22–23 District Market Hall (Vásárcsarnok), 188 Doctors, 66 Dohány Synagogue, 141, 185 Dorottya Gallery, 201 Driving tips, 62–63 Duna Plaza, 208 Dutch Insurance Company, 170
aster Festival, Hollókó, 18 Ecseri Flea Market, 199, 214 Eger, 267–271 Eger Castle, 268 Eger Picture Gallery, 268 Electricity, 66 Elizabeth Town (Erzsébetváros), 51 Embassies, 67 Emergencies, 67 Entertainment and nightlife, 2–3, 220–239 current listings, 220–221 dance clubs, 227–228 live music, 229–230 performing arts, 221–227 pubs and cafe bars, 230–235 ticket offices, 221 Entry requirements, 12 Erkel Színház (Erkel Theater), 222 Ernst Gallery, 201 Erzsébet Bridge, 190 Erzsébet tér, 170 Erzsébetváros (Elizabeth Town), 51 Esztergom, 251–252 Esztergom Cathedral, 252 Eszterházy Wine Cellar (Szigliget), 262–263 Etiquette and customs, 67 Eugene of Savoy, Prince, equestrian statue of, 176 Eurailpass, 31 EUrama Travel Agency, 159, 160 Eyeglasses, 67
amilies with children shopping, 212–213, 217–218 sights and attractions, 154–157 theater, 227
GENERAL INDEX Fashion (clothing), 209–212 Fehérvári úti Vásárcsarnok, 215–216 Fellegvár (Cloud Castle; Visegrád), 250 Fény utca Piac, 216 Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, 224–225 Festetics Mansion (Keszthely), 260 Fire Tower (Veszprém), 257 Fisherman’s Bastion (Halászbástya), 146 Folk crafts, 195, 212 Folk-dance houses, 236 Folk performances, 225–226 Fonó Budai Music Hall, 225 Food and cuisine, 196, 295–299 shopping, 215–216, 219 Formula One Grand Prix, 18 Foundry (Öntödei) Museum, 194 Fovárosi Allat és Növénykert Zoo and Botanical Gardens, 155 Freedom Square (Szabadság tér), 183 Friends of the Fine Arts Museum, 202 Frohlich Cukrászda, 188 Fruit and vegetable markets, 215–216 Funicular (sikló; cable car), 60–61, 175, 191 Füvészkert Botanical Garden, 136–137
ays and lesbians, 23–24 bars, 237 Gellért Baths, 163–164 Gellért Hegy (Gellért Hill), 145–146 Gerbeaud, 169 Ghetto Wall, 185 Gifts and home decor, 213–214 Gizella Chapel (Veszprém), 257 Godot Gallery, 201 Golden Eagle Pharmacy Museum (Arany Sas Patikamúzeum), 147, 178–179 Golf, 166–167 Gozsdu Udvar (Gojdu Courtyard), 144 The Gresham Palace, 184 Gróf Palace (Szeged), 284 Gül Baba Türbéje (Tomb of Gül Baba), 148
Gyermekvasút (Children’s Railroad), 156
adtörténeti Múzeum (Museum of the History of Warfare), 147–148 Halászbástya (Fisherman’s Bastion), 146 Handpets (Szentendre), 246–247 Health concerns, 21–22 Health insurance, 20, 21 Hegymagas, 262 Helikon library (Keszthely), 260 Herend, 258 Herend Museum, 258 Herend Shop, 185, 217 Herend Village Pottery, 217 Heroes’ Square (Hósök tere), 139 Hévíz, 262 HÉV suburban railroad, 60 Hiking the Buda Hills, 50, 156 Hegymagas, 262 Hollókó, 266 Hilton Hotel, 178 Holidays, 17 Hollókó, 18, 265–266 Holokauszt Emlékközpont (Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center), 132–133, 186 Holy Trinity Square (Szentháromság tér), 178 Honterus Antikvárium és Aukciós Ház Kft., 206 Horseback riding, 167 Hósök tere (Heroes’ Square), 139 Hostels, 89–93 Hotels, 1–2, 26–27, 73–93. See also Accommodations Index agencies, 74 Aggtelek, 273 best, 9–10 the Buda Hills, 88–89 budget lodgings, 73–74 Central Buda, 86–87 Eger, 270 Hollókó, 266 Inner City and Central Pest, 75–83, 91–93 Kecskemét, 282 Keszthely, 260 Outer Pest, 83–86 Pécs, 280 price categories, 74 private rooms or hostels, 89–93
reservations, 74 seasons, 74 Siófok, 264 Szeged, 286 Szentendre, 244 Szigliget, 263 Tokaj, 272 Veszprém, 258–259 Visegrád, 250 The House of Hungarian Pálinka, 218 House of Hungarian Wines, 123, 179, 218 House of Terror, 138 House of the Future (Jövó Háza), 154 Hullám uszoda (Wave Swimming Pool; Pécs), 280 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 184 Hungarian Heritage House, 225–226 Hungarian language, 288–294 Hungarian National Gallery (Nemzeti Galéria), 145, 176 Hungarian National Museum (Nemzeti Múzeum), 133 Hungarian National Tourist Office, 11 Hungarian Photography Museum (Kecskemét), 282 Hungarian Railway Museum, 138–139 Hungarian State Opera House (Magyar Allami Operaház), 140, 222–223 Hungarian Television, 183 Hungaroton, 216 Hunyadi János út, 192 Hydrofoils, 32
busz, 74, 90, 159, 198, 244, 256 Ice cream Pécs, 281 Szeged, 287 Ice skating, 167 Ikarus, 155 IKEA, 208 Impresszio Art Gallery, 201 Inner City (Belváros), 51 accommodations, 75–83, 91–93 restaurants, 99–120 Inner City Market Hall (Belvárosi Vásárcsarnok), 183, 215 Inner City Parish Church, 141 Institute of Musicology, 179
Institut Français, 192 Insurance, 19–21 International Guitar Festival (Esztergom), 18, 252 International Palace Tournament (Visegrád), 18, 250 Internet access, 67–68 In Vino Veritas, 218 Iparmúveszeti Múzeum (Museum of Applied Arts), 137 Irók Boltja, 206 Iskola utca, 192 Island Festival (Sziget Fesztivál), 18–19 István Dobó Castle Museum (Eger), 268 Itineraries, suggested, 35–42
akawali Hassan Museum (Pécs), 278 János-Hegy Libegó (János Hill Chairlift), 156 Jate Klub (Szeged), 287 Játék-múhely és Múzeum (Toy Museum; Kecskemét), 282 Jégverem utca, 192 Jenó Savoyai, Prince, equestrian statue of, 176 Jewish community, 142–144 history of, 300–302 Holokauszt Emlékközpont (Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center), 132–133, 186 klezmer music scene, 234–235 Kózépkori Zsidó Imaház (Medieval Jewish Prayer House), 148, 179 Kozma Cemetery, 142 National Jewish Museum and Archives, 137 synagogues, 141, 143–144 Pécs, 279 Szeged, 284–285 tours, 162 walking tour, 185–188 Joseph Town (Józsefváros), 51 Jövó Háza (House of the Future), 154 József Attila utca, 185 Józsefvárosi Piac, 214–215 Judaica Art Gallery, 188
apisztrán Square, 180 Károlyi Palace, 158 Károly kert, 152
kArton Gallery, 201–202 Katona József Theater, 226 Kazinczy utca Synagogue, 143 Kecskemét, 281–283 Keleti Station, 45 Kenderkó, 204 Kerepesi Cemetery, 141–142 Keresztény Múzeum (Christian Museum; Esztergom), 252 Kerts (gardens), 232–233 Keszthely, 254, 259–261 Kieselbach Gallery and Auction House, 202 King Matthias Museum (Visegrád), 250 Király Baths, 164–165, 193 Kiscelli Museum, 158 Kissing record, 139 Kis Virág (Szeged), 287 Kittenberger Kálmán Növény és Vadaspark (Veszprém), 258 Klauzál tér, 188 Klezmer music scene, 234–235 Kodály, Zoltán, 157–158, 281 Kodály körönd, 172–174 Kolibri Pince, 227 Kolibri Puppet Theater (Kolibri Bábszínház), 157 Koller Gallery, 202 Kózépkori Zsidó Imaház (Medieval Jewish Prayer House), 148 Közlekedési Múzeum (Transport Museum), 155 Kozma Cemetery, 142 Központi Antikvárium, 206–207 Központi Vásárcsarnok (Central Market Hall), 215
aczkó Dezsó Museum (Veszprém), 257–258 Lake Balaton Region, 253–264 Laundry and dry cleaning, 68 Le Boutique des Vins, 218–219 Legenda Tours, 160–161 Lehel tér Piac, 216 Leo Frankel Synagogue, 143–144 Leopold Town (Lipótváros), 51 walking tour, 180–185 Libego (Chair Lift), 156 Liberation Monument, 145–146 Libri Studium Könyvesbolt, 207 Liquor laws, 68 Liszt, Ferenc (Franz), 157 Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum (Ferenc Liszt Memorial Museum), 158–159
Liszt Ferenc Zenemúbolt (Ferenc Liszt Music Shop), 216 Litea: Literature & Tea Bookshop, 207 The Little Princess, 149 Live-music clubs, 229 Lost-luggage insurance, 20–21 Ludwig Múzeum (Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art), 144–145 Luggage storage, 68 Lutz, Carl, 143 Memorial to, 186 Lyceum (Eger), 268, 270
adách tér, 186 Madách Theater, 227 Magyar Allami Operaház (Hungarian State Opera House), 140, 222–223 Magyar Turizmus Rt, 11 MAHART, 161 Mail and post offices, 68 Main Customs House, 178 Mammut, 208 Mana Ékszer Galéria (Szentendre), 247 Maps public transport, 55–56 street, 50 Margaret Bridge, Buda Side of the, 194 Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), 151 biking, 65 Margit Kovács Museum (Szentendre), 244–245 Market Hall (Vásárcsarnok), 193 Markets, 197, 214–216 Keszthely, 260 Marzipan Museum (Szentendre), 245 Matthias Church (Mátyás templom), 178, 223 Matthias’s Well or Fountain, 176 Mátyás Templom (Matthias Church), 145, 178 Medical insurance, 20, 21 Medieval Jewish Prayer House, 179 Mellow Mood Ltd., 89, 90–92 Memento Mori (Vác), 248 Memorials, Jewish, 142–143 Merlin Theater, 226 Merry-Go-Round, 155
GENERAL INDEX Metro (subway), 56–58 Mexikói út, 174 Miksa Róth Memorial House, 137 Millenáris Park, 154 Millennium City Center, 225 Minaret (Eger), 268 Minorite Church (Eger), 268 MOM Park, 208 Money matters, 14 Móra Ferenc Museum (Szeged), 284 Mosque of Pasha Gazi Kassim (Pécs), 279 Movies, 238–239 recommended, 34 Museum of Applied Arts (Iparmúveszeti Múzeum), 137 Museum of Ethnography (Néprajzi Múzeum), 133 Museum of Fine Arts (Szépmúvészeti Múzeum), 133, 136 Museum of Hungarian Folk Art and Handicrafts (Kecskemét), 282 Museum of Military History, 180 Museum of Natural History, 154–155 Museum of the History of Warfare, 147–148 Museums, 132–139 best off-the-beaten-track, 8 Buda, 144–145 hours, 66 Pécs, 276–279 Music classical, 223–225, 260 klezmer, 234–235 live-music clubs, 229 sights and attractions, 157 stores, 216 MU Theatre, 227 Mûvész Confectionery, 171 Mú vészellátó Szakáruház, 204
agy, Imre, 149 Nagy Cirkusz (Great Circus), 157 Nagy Imre tér, 193 Names, 68 Napsugár Játszókert (Sunshine Playground; Pécs), 280 National Dance Theater, 178 National Jewish Festival, 19 National Jewish Museum and Archives, 137, 185–186
buda, 48, 51 sights and attractions, 146, 148 Obudai Társaskör (Obuda Social Circle), 223–224 Oktogon, 171–172 Öntödei (Foundry) Museum, 194 Öntóház utca, 191 Open-air theater programs, 18 Opera station, 170 Operetta Ship, 161 Organ concerts, 18 Orthodox Kazinczy Synagogue, 188 Outdoor activities, 166–167 Pécs, 280 Outer Pest, accommodations, 83–86
Pántlika Borház, 219 Pap-sziget (Priest’s Island), 245 Parking, 63–64 Parks, gardens, and playgrounds, 151–152 Parliament, 140 Passports, 69 Pastries and cakes, 129, 287 Pauer, Gyula, 142 Pécs, 274–281 PECSA Flea Market, 215 Pécs Cathedral, 279 Pécsi Vásár (Pécs Flea Market), 280 Pécs Synagogue, 279 Performing arts, 221–227 Pest, 46–47, 51 museums and sights, 136–142 Pesti Vigadó (Pest Concert Hall), 224 Petófi Csarnok, 152, 226 Pharmacies, 69–70 Pick Museum (Szeged), 284 Picnics, 152 Plus grocery store, 152 Pólus Center, 209 Porcelain, 196, 200, 212, 214, 217 Zsolnay, 278–279 Porcelanium Visitors Center (Herend), 258 Postal Stamp Museum (Bélyegmúzeum), 136 Postamúzeum (Post Office Museum), 137–138 Post Office Savings Bank, Former (Posta Takarékpénztár), 183 Prescription medications, 22 Présház, 219 President of the Republic of Hungary, Office of the, 178 Private rooms in private apartments, 90 Puppet theater, 157
Neighborhoods, 50–51 Nemzeti Galéria (Hungarian National Gallery), 145, 176 Nemzeti Múzeum (Hungarian National Museum), 133 Nemzeti Zsidó Múzeum és Levéltár (National Jewish Museum and Archives), 137 Neoart, 204 Néprajzi Múzeum (Museum of Ethnography), 133 Newspapers and magazines, 46, 68–69 Nightlife and entertainment, 2–3, 220–239 current listings, 220–221 dance clubs, 227–228 live music, 229–230 performing arts, 221–227 pubs and cafe bars, 230–235 ticket offices, 221 Northeastern Hungary, 265–273 Nyugati Station, 45
ackage tours, 32–33 Pagony and Kispagony Children’s Bookstores, 207 Palace of Arts, 224 Palace of the Great Provost (Vác), 248–249 Palace of Wonders (Csodák Palotája), 154 Palatinus Strand, 166 Palóc Museum of Popular Arts (Eger), 270 Palóc Szóttes Festival (Hollókó), 266
ueen Gizella Museum (Veszprém), 256
abbinical Seminary, The, 144 Rákóczi tér Vásárcsarnok, 215 Red Bus Bookstore, 207 Religious services in English, 70 Reservations, accommodations, 74
Restaurants, 2, 94–131. See also Restaurant, Coffeehouse & Teahouse Index best, 10 beyond Central Pest, 120–123 the Buda Hills, 126–127 Castle District, 126 coffeehouse, 128 Central Buda, 124–125 by cuisine, 97–99 Eger, 270–271 Esztergom, 252 Gypsy music at, 95 Hollókó, 266 Inner City and Central Pest, 99–120 coffeehouses, 129–130 Kecskemét, 283 Keszthely, 261 Pécs, 280–281 price categories, 95 reservations, 95 Siófok, 264 Szeged, 286 Szentendre, 246 tipping at, 96 types of, 94–95 Vác, 249 Veszprém, 259 Visegrád, 250–251 Restrooms, 70 Roller Coaster, 155 Roman Ruins (Aquincum), 146 Roosevelt tér, 184 Rose Hill (Rózsadomb), 51 Róth, Miksa, Memorial House, 137 Rudas Baths, 165–166 Rumbach Synagogue, 143, 186
afety, 22 St. Anne’s Church, 193 St. Elizabeth’s Church, 193 St. George Hill (Szent Györgyhegy), 262 St. Hedwig, statue of (Vác), 248 Saint Michael’s Church in the City, 224 St. Stephen’s Church (Szent István Bazilika), 141 St. Stephen’s Day, 19 Seasons, 17 accommodations, 74 Segway Tour, 162 Semmelweis Medical History Museum, 191
Semmelweis Orvostörténeti Múzeum (Semmelweis Museum of Medical History), 148 Senior travelers, 24 Serbian Orthodox Museum (Szentendre), 245 Shoes on the Danube Promenade, 142 Shopping, 2, 195–219 hours, 197–198 main streets for, 197 Pécs, 279–280 shipping and customs, 198 Szentendre, 246–247 taxes and refunds, 198 Sights and attractions, 132–166 for kids, 154–157 for music lovers, 157–159 Sikló (funicular), 60–61, 175, 191 Siófok, 263 Skanzen (Open-Air Ethnographical Museum), 245 Smoking, 70 Socialist Statue Park (Szoborpark Múzeum), 149 Southern Hungary, 3, 274–287 Sparks Gallery, 202 Squash, 167 Stefánia Palace Cultural Center, 224 Stolpersteine (Stumble Stones), 143 Street maps, 50 Student travelers, 25 Stúdió Gallery, 204 Subway (metro), 56–58 Sümeg, 263 Sunset viewing, best places for, 6 Synagogues, 141, 143–144 Pécs, 279 Szeged, 284–285 Szabadság tér (Freedom Square), 183 Szántó Jewish Memorial House and Temple (Szentendre), 245 Széchenyi, Count István, statue of, 184 Széchenyi Baths, 166 Széchenyi Chain Bridge, 175 Széchenyi fürdó, 174 Széchenyi Lánchíd (The Chain Bridge), 147 Széchenyi National Library, 176 Széchenyi tér (Pécs), 276 Szega Camembert, 219
Szeged, 283–287 Szeged Open Air Drama Festival, 283 Szentendre, 242–247 Szent György-hegy (St. George Hill), 262 Szentháromság tér (Holy Trinity Square), 178 Szent István Bazilika (St. Stephen’s Church), 141 Szent István tér, 183–184 Szépmúvészeti Múzeum (Museum of Fine Arts), 133, 136 Sziget Fesztivál (Island Festival), 18–19 Sziget Summer Festival (Szeged), 18 Szigliget, 261–263 Szigliget Castle, 262 Szilágyi Dezsó tér, 192 Szilvásvárad, 271 Szoborpark Múzeum (Socialist Statue Park), 149 Szote Klub (Szeged), 287
abán, walking tour, 188–194 Tabán Parish Church, 190 Taxes, 70 Taxis, 61–62 Teahouses, 131 Telephone, 70–72 Telephone Museum, 180 Temperatures, average, 17 Tennis, 167 Terézváros (Theresa Town), 51 walking tour, 180–185 Természettudományi Múzeum (Museum of Natural History), 154–155 Terror Háza (House of Terror), 138 TESCO, 209 THEALTER (Szeged), 283 Theater, 226–227 Theresa Town (Terézváros), 51 walking tour, 180–185 Thermal baths, 163–166 Thomas T. Nagy’s Cheese Shop, 219 Time zone, 72 Tipping, 72 at restaurants, 96 taxis, 62 Tivadar Csontváry Museum (Pécs), 278 Tokaj-Hegyalja, 271–272
AC C O M M O DAT I O N S I N D E X Tokaji, 271–272 Tóth Arpád sétany, 180 Tourinform, 11, 45 Tours, organized, 159–163 biking, 64, 160 Toy Museum (Kecskemét), 282 Toys, 217–218 Traditional Handicraft Fair, 19 Trafó House of Contemporary Art, 226 Train travel, 30–31, 44–45 Tram lines, 59–60 Transportation, 1, 54–65 by bike, 64–65 buses, 58–59 car travel, 62–64 cogwheel railway and funicular (cable car), 60–61 fares, 54–55 HÉV suburban railroad, 60 metro (subway), 56–58 night service, 56 schedules and maps, 55–56 taxis, 61–62 tram lines, 59–60 trolleybuses, 60 Transport Museum, 152, 155 Traveler’s checks, 16 Travel insurance, 19–21 Treehugger Dan’s Bookstore Café, 207–208 Trip-cancellation insurance, 20 Trolleybuses, 60 The Tunnel, 191 Turul (statue), 176
nderground Railway Museum, 169 Underpasses, 56 Unicum, 219
ác, 247–249 Vajdahunyad Castle, 138, 151–152 Value-added tax (VAT), 198 Vár Étterem (Hollókó), 266 Várfok Gallery, 204 Varga, Imre, 143, 149, 186 Varga Imre Gyújtemény (Imre Varga Collection), 148, 150 Várhegy (Castle Hill; Szigliget), 262 Várnegyed (Castle District), 50–51 accommodations, 87–88 coffeehouse, 128
restaurant, 126 walking tour, 174–180 Városliget (City Park), 151–152 Vásárcsarnok (District Market Hall), 188, 193 Vasuttortentipark (Hungarian Railway Museum), 138–139 Vasvári Pál utca Synagogue, 143 Veszprém, 255–259 Veszprém Zoo, 258 Victor Vasarely Museum Budapest, 150–151 Pécs, 278 Vidám Park (Amusement Park), 155 Vienna Gate (Bécsi kapu), 179 Vígszínház (Comedy Theatre of Budapest), 227 Village Museum (Hollókó), 266 Virag Judit Gallery, 204 Visegrád, 9, 18, 249–251 Visitor information, 11, 45–46 Vörösmarty tér, 169 Vörösmarty utca, 172 Votive Church (Szeged), 285
alking tours guided, 162–163 self-guided, 168–194 Castle District, 174–180 Jewish District, 185–188 Leopold Town & Theresa Town, 180–185 Millennium tour, 168–174 Tabán & Watertown (Víziváros), 188–194 Wallenberg, Raoul, 142–143, 150 Water, drinking, 72, 299 Watertown (Víziváros), walking tour, 188–194 Weather, 17 WestEnd City Center, 209 White Friar’s Church (Vác), 248 Wine & Arts Decanter Borszaküzlet, 219 Wine Museum (Vác), 248 Wines, 122–123, 297–298 Badacsony, 261 Eger, 271 Szigliget, 262–263 Wine stores, 218–219
bl Miklós tér, 191
eneakadémia (Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music), 224–225 Z. Nagy Cukrászda (Szeged), 287 Zoo, Veszprém, 258 Zsolnay Museum, 278–279
ACCOMMODATIONS Andrássy Hotel, 83 Art’Otel Budapest, 86 Atlas Hotel, 84 Atrium Hotel, 84 Bacchus Panzio (Eger), 270 Baross Hotel, 84–85 Beatrix Panzió, 88 Borbarátok Panzió (Badacsony), 261 BudaBaB, 91 Burg Hotel, 88 Charles Apartment House, 87 City Hotel Mátyás, 79 City Ring Hotel, 79 Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal, 75 Cotton House Hotel, 80 Danubius Hotel Helikon (Keszthely), 260 Délibáb Hotel, 85 Dóm Hotel (Szeged), 286 Domino Hostel, 91 Fábián Panzió (Kecskemét), 282 Fortuna Botel and Hostel, 85 Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace, 75 Garten Vendégház (Eger), 270 G.G. Panoráma Panzió, 89 Hilton Budapest, 87 Hilton Budapest WestEnd, 83 Honti Panzió and Hotel (Visegrád), 250 Hotel Anna, 80 Hotel Azúr (Siófok), 264 Hotel Cseppkó (Aggtelek), 273 Hotel Fönix (Pécs), 280 Hotel Kapitány (Sümeg), 263 Hotel Korona (Eger), 270 Hotel Kulturinnov, 88 Hotel Panda, 89 Hotel Residence (Siófok), 264 Hotel Villa Medici (Veszprém), 259 Hotel Zara, 80 Ibis Budapest Centrum, 81 Ibis Heroes Square, 85–86 Kata Panzió (Szeged), 286 King’s Hotel, 81 Le Meridien Budapest, 75, 78 Leo Panzió, 81 The Loft Hostel, 92
Marco Polo Hostel, 92 Medosz, 82–83 Mercure Hotel Budapest Nemzeti, 82 NH Hotel, 78 Novotel Budapest Centrum, 78 Péter-Pál Panzió (Veszprém), 258–259 Pilvax City Hotel, 82 Róz Panzió (Szentendre), 244 Sofitel Budapest, 79 Sos Tavern and Pension (Tokaj), 272 Spinoza Self-Catering Apartments, 92 Star Hotel, 86 Szólóskert Panzió (Szigliget), 263 Tokaj Hotel and Restaurant, 272 Unity Hostel, 92–93
RESTAURANTS, COFFEEHOUSES & TEAHOUSES Alföldi Kisvendégló, 103 Alom Lángos (Szentendre), 247 Angelika Kaveház és Étterem, 124–125 Anonim Vendégló (Esztergom), 252 Aranysárkány Vendégló (Golden Dragon Inn; Szentendre), 246 Articsóka, 103–104 Aztek Choxolat Café, 129–130 Bagolyvár (Owl Castle), 121 Bajai Halászcsárda, 126 Blue Tomato Pub, 104 Bolero (Szeged), 286 Bombay Express, 117, 171 Borbarátok Panzió (Badacsony), 261 Buena Vista, 104 Bulldog Cukrászda, 130 Café Alibi, 130 Café Csiga, 123 Café Eklektika, 104–105 Café Kör, 105 Café Noé, 129, 130 Caflisch Cukrászda (Pécs), 281 Caledonia Scottish Pub and Restaurant, 105 Carmel Restaurant, 105–106 Centrál Kávéház, 127–128 Chez Nicolas (Szentendre), 246 Cotton Club, 99
Crazy Dszungel Café, 106 Cream Restaurant and Music Pub, 106 Csárdás Restaurant (Siófok), 264 Cserhát Étterem, 259 Eden, 125 Elefántos Ház (Pécs), 280–281 Fehér Szarvas Vadásztanya (Eger), 270–271 Fészek, 106–107 Firkász, 107 Fózelékfalo Ételbar, 117 Frici Papa Kifózés, 117 Fröhlich Kóser Ckrászda, 130 Gerbeaud’s, 128 Gerlóczy Kávéház, 107 Gödör (Szeged), 286 Góry (Szeged), 286 Govinda Vegetariánus Étterem, 118 Gresham Kávéház, 99, 102 Gundel, 120 Hanna Kosher Restaurant, 188 Hanna’s Orthodox Restaurant, 118 Háry Restaurant (Kecskemét), 283 Hemingway, 124 Hummus Bar, 118 Iguana Bar & Grill, 107–108 Il Terzo Cerchio, 108 Kádár Étkezde, 188 Karma, 108–109 Két Szerecsen (Two Brothers), 109 Kiskórösi Halászcsárda (Szeged), 286 Kispipa Vendégló, 109–110 Kogart Restaurant, 120–121 Kóleves Vendégló (Stone Soup), 118–119 Kossuth Museum Ship Vénhajó, 110 Kulacs Etterem, 110 Le Jardin de Paris, 124 Leroy Café, 110 Liberté (Kecskemét), 283 Lukács Cukrászda, 128 M, 111 Marquis de Salade, 111 Mátyás Pince, 102 Mecsek Cukrászda (Pécs), 281 Menta Terasz, 111–112 Menza, 112 Mokka, 102 Momotaro Metélt, 112 Mosselen Belgian Beer Café, 112–113
Múvész Kávéház, 128 Nagyi Nonstop Palacsintázója, 119 Nagyvillám Vadászcsárda (Visegrád), 250–251 Napos Oldal Café, 119 Nosztalgia Cukrászda (Vác), 249 Oázis Reform Restaurant (Keszthely), 261 Old Amsterdam, 119 Olíva Étterem és Pizzéria, 113 Pagoda Étterem (Szeged), 286 Palatinus Hotel Restaurant (Pécs), 281 Paprika Vendégl, 121 Pata Negra Tapas Bar, 113–114 Pilvax Restaurant, 114 Pink Cadillac, 119–120 Pomo D’oro, 114 Red Pepper, 120 Régimódi (Szentendre), 246 Remiz, 126–127 Renaissance Restaurant (Visegrád), 251 Rétesbar, 128 Salamon Kosher Restaurant, 114–115 Sándor Restaurant (Siófok), 264 Shalimar, 115 Sir Lancelot, 102–103 Soul Café, 115 Spinoza Étterem, 130 Szalma Csárda, 252 Szent Jupát, 125 Szent Orbán Borház és Étterem (Badacsony), 261 Szép Ilona, 127 Tabáni Terasz, 125 Taverna Dionysos, 115 Teaház a Vörös Oroszlánhoz (The Red Lion Teahouse), 131 Tea Palota (Tea Hall), 131 Tokaj Hotel and Restaurant, 272 Trófea Grill Étterem, 121–122 Vácz Remete Pince (Vác), 249 Villa Medici Étterem (Veszprém), 259 Virág Cukrászda (Szeged), 287 Vista Café Restaurant, 116 Vörös Postakocsi Étterem, 116 Wasabi Running Wok & Sushi Etterem, 103 Zöld Teknós Barlangja (Green Turtle Cave), 131 Zorbas Taverna, 116–117