Bijeenkomst milieu-indices voor zeeschepen Rotterdam, 16 september 2010 Karin Struijk, Deputy Managing Director
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
“Werkt het Green Award systeem?”
Who - What – Why - How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports and waterways The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
Green Award (GA) certificeert schepen die extra schoon en extra veilig zijn Kijkt naar kwaliteit, veiligheid, milieu, technische èn menselijke aspecten Een schip met een GA certificaat heeft diverse voordelen, direct financieel en niet-financieel
What Who––Why How – Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Waarom? Opgericht door Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat om Incidenten met zeeschepen te verminderen Kwaliteit van de zeeschepen te verbeteren Milieu van havens te verbeteren
What Who––Why How – Reults - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Kenmerken Green Award Certificerende instantie Stichting, niet commercieel Neutraal, onafhankelijk Vrijwillig systeem Vertegenwoordigers uit de industrie in bestuur, technische commissie Wereldwijd erkend Werkt samen met havens en (nautische) dienstverleners Verificatie op basis van inspectie Eigen surveyors, geen derde partijen
What Who– Why- –How How – Results - Future Who - –What – Why – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Surveyors Green Award surveyors/auditors: Exclusief in dienst bij Green Award Eigen opleiding Accreditatie door the Nautical Institute Support van IMO
What Who––Why Why – How – Results - Future Who - –What - How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Scheepstypes en inspectie intervallen
Crude oil and product tankers > 20.000 dwt Dry bulk carriers > 20.000 dwt Office audit: elke 3 jaar Ship inspection: jaarlijks Certificaat is drie jaar geldig
What Who––Why How – Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Ontwikkeling aantal gecertificeerde schepen Development number of Green Award certified ships # of ships at year end
(1994 - September 2010)
250 200 150 100 50 0 2
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
> number and year
What Who– Why- –How How – Results - Future Who - –What – Why – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Motiverende factoren Niet direct tastbaar: Erkenning, imago Voorkeur bij opdrachten Trotse, gemotiveerde crew Tastbare, financiële voordelen door: Havens Bank Loodsen Andere dienstverleners in de haven
What Who––Why How – Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Requirements 1. Basic
2. Ranking
3. Visual
Environment Design
0 Tolerance
What Who––Why How – Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
Weighted items
Minimum % to be attained
Good housekeeping
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Voorbeelden van eisen op gebied van veiligheid Navigatie Laad- en losoperaties, bunkering Onderhoud Condition Assessment Program Training van de bemanning Onderhoud mooring wires Gas monitoring double hull Quality management
What Who––Why How – Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Voorbeelden van eisen op gebied van milieu Exhaust emissions Water ballast Anti-fouling Ship breaking Navigation in ‘sensitive areas’ Waste management
What Who––Why How – Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in shipping Thelink more parties joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Uitstoot Zwavelgehalte brandstof Testen van brandstofkwaliteit Monitoring uitlaatgassen Energie management CO2, NOx, SOx, PM reductie ESI in programma van eisen Training van de bemanning Emissie notatie op certificaat?
What Who––Why How – Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How – Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address CSR issues in shipping Thelink more parties joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The between environment
What Who––Why How How – Results Results -- Future Future Who - –What Why - –How – –Result - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Port State Control Deficiencies
Green Award
What Who––Why How– –Result Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Voordelen voor havens Verbeterde kwaliteit van schepen Verbeterde efficiency in de haven Kortere havenverblijftijd Minder risico voor veiligheid en milieu Tool om verbetering luchtkwaliteit aan te pakken Tool om CSR beleid invulling te geven Verbetering van imago
What Who––Why How– –Result Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Havens en incentive providers
What Who––Why How– –Result Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Voordelen voor de schepen Voorrang bij ladingverwerving Continue verbetering Lagere verzekeringspremies Acceptatie bij PSC/vetting Kwaliteit wordt meer zichtbaar Beter imago Motivatie en trots van crew Minder incidenten
What Who––Why How– –Result Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION Erkenning Verladers vragen steeds meer om een Green Award certificaat Green Award is gebruikt als blue print voor QUALSHIP 21 USCG Data provider voor Equasis Data provider voor Rightship Australia Winner Thor Heyerdahl Award Groeiend aantal schepen Toename aantal incentive providers Vraag uit de markt van andere scheepstypes: LNG, binnenvaart
What Who––Why How– –Result Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
Doorontwikkeling programma van eisen Activiteiten in Japan / China / Emiraten Certificatie schema voor andere scheepstypes Wereldwijd netwerk van incentive providers
What Who––Why How– –Result Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How - Future
A simple, recognised tool to address air quality issues in ports The ports joining, and thecommercial better thesense effect The link more between environment
GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION “Werkt het Green Award systeem?”
What Who––Why How– –Result Results - Future Who - –What Why - –How - Future