GARUDA INDONESIA RESERVATION, INVENTORY & TICKETING SYSTEM MIGRATION Initial Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for GDS *All timings indicated in this document are in JAKARTA (WIB) local time, UTC +7
1. When is the migration to New Passenger Service System taking place? Garuda system migration will be taking place on Saturday, June 29 21.00 WIB JKT until Sunday, June 30, 2013 11.00 WIB JKT. Kapan Garuda Indonesia (GA) akan melakukan migrasi ke sistem PSS baru? GA akan melakukan migrasi sistem PSS pada hari Sabtu, 29 Juni pukul 21.00 WIB s.d. 30 Juni 2013 pukul 11.00 WIB.
2. Is there going to be a system outage? Yes. System Outage for Reservation & Ticketing will start from 21.00 JKT (14.00 UTC) June 29 until 11.00 JKT (04.00 UTC) June 30, 2013. System outage will last for approximately 14 hours. Apakah akan terjadi system outage? Ya. Sistem Reservasi dan Ticketing akan dinon-aktifkan mulai pukul 21.00 WIB 29 Juni 2013 sampai dengan pukul 11.00 WIB 30 Juni 2013.
3. Will Garuda Indonesia migrate all existing bookings and electronic tickets during the system migration? Yes. All bookings and electronic tickets within GA database will be migrated. New record locators with a 1A prefix will be sent to the GDSs, and are expected to be completed by 11.00 JKT on June 30, 2013 onwards. Apakah seluruh booking/reservasi dan tiket akan dimigrasikan? Ya. Seluruh data pembukuan dan tiket yang berada di database GA akan dimigrasikan. Kode pembukuan baru dengan awalan 1A akan dikirimkan ke Global Distribution System (GDS), dan diharapkan selesai pada 30 Juni 2013 pukul 11.00 WIB. 4. Can I perform a special service request (SSR) during the system migration? No. SSR such as special meals, seat or assistance request, must be made by 28th June 2013. Apakah saya dapat melakukan Special Service Request (SSR) selama migrasi sistem? Tidak. SSR seperti special meal, seat, assistance hanya dapat dilakukan paling lambat 28 Juni 2013.
JKTPXGA – New PSS Implementation Project
5. Can I perform Advance Seat Request (ASR) service during the system migration? During the system outage, ASR will not be available since no seat map can be displayed. ASR for flights departing on 29-30 June 2013 will only be available up to 28 June 2013. Apakah saya dapat melakukan Advance Seat Request (ASR) selama migrasi sistem? ASR tidak dapat dilakukan pada saat migrasi sistem karena tidak ada seat map yang dapat ditampilkan. Permintaan ASR untuk penerbangan pada 29 Juni dan 30 Juni 2013 dapat dilakukan paling lambat pada 28 Juni 2013. 6. Is generic seat request inhibited after the system migration? After cut over process finished, travel agents can start performing generic seat request as usual. Altea system will respond back with a specific seat, subject to quota rules. Apakah permintaan seat akan ditutup setelah migrasi sistem? Setelah proses migrasi sistem selesai, seluruh travel agents dapat melakukan permintaan seat sebagaimana biasanya. Sistem Altea akan memberikan respon sesuai dengan aturan dan kuota yang ditetapkan. 7. Can I continue to create bookings during the system migration? No. All reservation & ticketing services will be unavailable during the system migration. Reservation services from GDSs may continue during the entire duration of the system migration, except that bookings created during the system outage will be placed on “Pending” status. Such bookings will be queued and processed after the migration is completed. Apakah saya tetap dapat melakukan pembukuan selama migrasi sistem? Tidak. Seluruh transaksi reservasi dan ticketing akan di non aktifkan selama migrasi sistem berjalan. Layanan reservasi melalui GDS tetap dapat dilakukan selama migrasi sistem, kecuali pembukuan yang dibuat pada saat migrasi sistem akan berada dalam status ‘pending’. Pembukuan tersebut akan dimasukkan dalam antrian (queue) dan baru diproses setelah proses migrasi sistem selesai. 8. What is the group handling procedure during the system migration? Travel agents should only request group bookings after the system migration is completed. Bagaimana prosedur penanganan group pada saat migrasi sistem? Travel agents hanya dapat melakukan pembukuan group setelah proses migrasi sistem selesai.
JKTPXGA – New PSS Implementation Project
9. What is the impact to ticketing services during the system migration? All refund and re-issuance of GA-126 tickets will not be allowed from 16.00 WIB JKT on 29 June 2013. All other ticketing services (new issuance, void and revalidation) will be unavailable from 19.00 WIB JKT, 29 June 2013 to 11.00 WIB JKT, 30 June 2013. Apa saja layanan tiket yang terkena dampak pada proses migrasi sistem? Semua proses refund dan re-issuance tiket GA-126 tidak dapat dilakukan mulai dari 29 Juni 2013 pukul 16.00 WIB. Layanan tiket lainnya seperti issue tiket baru, void, dan revalidasi) akan ditutup mulai 29 Juni 2013 pukul 19.00 WIB sampai dengan 30 Juni 2013 pukul 11.00 WIB.
10. What happens if a ticketing time limit (TTL) is set to the day of system migration? Travel agents are advised to complete all necessary ticketing by 19.00 WIB JKT on 29 June 2013. Apa yang akan terjadi apabila Ticketing Time Limit (TTL) ditetapkan pada saat proses migrasi sistem? Travel agents diminta untuk menyelesaikan seluruh ticketing pada 29 Juni 2013 pukul 19.00 WIB.
11. How do we know when the system migration is completed? GA will send a broadcast message in the GDS System to formally announce the golive timing. Bagaimana kita tahu proses migrasi sistem telah selesai? GA akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan pada sistem GDS kapan sistem akan hidup kembali.
12. What services are available to the passenger on during the system migration? During the system migration, will not be available. Layanan apa yang akan tetap ada pada selama migrasi sistem? Seluruh layanan pembukuan dan ticketing online pada tidak akan aktif pada saat migrasi sistem.
JKTPXGA – New PSS Implementation Project
13. Is online check-in available during the system migration? Are there any special check-in procedures at the airport during the system migration? No. Online check-in will be unavailable during the system outage period. It is advised that passengers bring their printed Itinerary Receipt or electronic ticket and arrive at the airport 2 hours earlier to departure time. Apakah layanan online check in akan tersedia selama migrasi sistem? Apakah ada prosedur tertentu untuk check-in di bandara selama migrasi sistem? Tidak. Layanan Online Check-in tidak akan tersedia selama migrasi sistem. Diharapkan kepada penumpang agar membawa copy tiket dan tiba di bandara 2 jam lebih awal sebelum jam keberangkatan.
14. If a passenger is unable to cancel his/her flight during the system migration, will there be a no-show charge? No. No-show fee will NOT be applied provided passenger’s flight is within the system outage window (29 June 21.00 WIB – 30 June 11.00 WIB). Apabila penumpang tidak dapat membatalkan penerbangannya selama migrasi sistem, apakah akan ada biaya no-show? Tidak. Tidak akan ada biaya tambahan apabila penerbangannya berada di antara waktu sistem migrasi (29 Juni pukul 21.00 WIB s.d. 30 Juni 2013 pukul 11.00 WIB).
15. Are there other changes that I need to be aware of? a. GA has subscribed to an Altea product that will help to ensure that any electronic ticket issued is synchronized with the PNR. b. TTL (Ticketing Time Limit) will be computed on a different set of revenue management rules after the system migration. There are two main changes introduced after the system migration: i. TTL will be segment-related, instead of PNR-related. The most restrictive TTL of all eligible segments is the final TTL for the PNR. ii. TTL rules are restructured to tighten the ticketing window. Please be alert in monitoring the TTLs. Apakah ada perubahan lain yang perlu diketahui? a. GA menggunakan produk Altea yang dapat membantu untuk meyakinkan bahwa semua tiket elektronik tersinkronisasi dengan PNR. b. Setelah migrasi system, TTL akan dihitung otomatis dengan berbagai aturan revenue yang ditetapkan. Ada 2 perubahan utama setelah migrasi system, yakni: i. TTL akan diberlakukan mengikuti per segmen, bukan lagi mengikuti PNR. Aturan TTL yang paling ketat yang akan diikuti pada seluruh segmen. ii. Aturan TTL direstrukturisasi untuk mengendalikan ticketing. Mohon agar Travel Agents lebih waspada pada aturan TTL.
JKTPXGA – New PSS Implementation Project
16. If I experience a problem after the system migration, what is the incident reporting process? Travel agents should continue the current process of reporting the incident to their local GDS helpdesk. Apabila saya mengalami permasalah setelah migrasi sistem, bagaimana proses pelaporan masalahnya? Travel Agents tetap menggunakan prosedur pelaporan masalah yang berlaku saat ini ke masing-masing Helpdesk GDS.
JKTPXGA – New PSS Implementation Project