KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
1. A téma nyilvántartási száma: KA-TV-4/2012 Fenntartható turisztikai fejlesztések kutatócsoport
2. A téma címe: A turisztikai összefüggései
3. A kutatásban résztvevők listája: Dr. Szabó Attila – Lengyel Attila- Horváth Pál – Savella Orsolya – Kalmárné Rimóczi Csilla – Bakos Róbertné – Dr.Kóródi Márta 3.1. Témavezető (név, beosztás, tudományos fokozat, munkahely, intézet, tanszék, e-mail): Dr.Kóródi Márta, tanszékvezető főiskolai tanár, PhD, Turizmus-Vendéglátás tanszék,
[email protected] 3.2. Közreműködők (név, beosztás, tudományos fokozat, munkahely, e-mail): Dr.Szabó Attila, főiskolai docens, PhD, Turizmus-Vendéglátás tanszék,
[email protected] Lengyel Attila, főiskolai tanársegéd, PhD hallgató, Turizmus-Vendéglátás tanszék,
[email protected] Horváth Pál, főiskolai tanársegéd, PhD hallgató, Turizmus-Vendéglátás tanszék,
[email protected] Kalmárné Rimóczi Csilla, főiskolai tanársegéd, PhD hallgató, Turizmus-Vendéglátás tanszék,
[email protected] Savella Orsolya, főiskolai tanársegéd, PhD hallgató, Turizmus-Vendéglátás tanszék,
[email protected] Bakos Róbertné, mestertanár, PhD hallgató, Turizmus-Vendéglátás tanszék,
[email protected] 3.3. Közreműködő szervezet megnevezése: Wyzsza Szkola Turystyki i Ekologii, Sucha Beskidzka, Lengyelország 4. A kutatás tervezett időtartama: I. ütem : 2012. május 15--2012. november 15. B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 1/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet 5. A 2012. évben elvégzett munka és az elért eredmények rövid ismertetése (min. 1/2 , max. 2 oldal): A kutatás első ütemének fő célja a kutatócsoport építés volt, a kutatóműhelyen belül két-három fős kutatások tervezése, a közös munka kultúrájának meghonosítása. A választott konkrét témák szorosan kapcsolódtak a fenntarthatóság ernyőtémához. A turizmusfejlesztés több módszere is helyet kapott a témaválasztásban, egyrészt vonatkozott egy ágazatra, a turisztikai szuprastruktúra szorosan értelmezett szállásadási funkciót ellátó egységeire, másrészt olyan tevékenységfejlesztésre, amely egyben vonzerőfejlesztést is jelentett egy adott desztinációban, harmadrészt pedig a komplett élménymenedzselésre. A szuprastruktúra fejlesztése meghatározó, de nem kizárólagos tényezője a turisztikai teljesítmény növelésének. Meglétével nemcsak a vendégfogadás feltételei teremtődnek meg, hanem a termékfejlesztés lehetőségei is kibővülnek, mind a komplex, mind a szegmensspecifikus élménytermékek tekintetében. A vizsgálatok eredményeinek egy része a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepéhez kapcsolódó rendezvényeken magyarul elhangzottak, azonban a cél az értékesebb angol nyelvű publikáció volt, így lefordítottuk az anyagokat. A megye vadászturizmusára koncentráló vizsgálat hiánypótlónak tekinthető, a szekunder adatgyűjtés sem volt egyszerű a központi adatbázis hiányosságai miatt. A részletesen egy –egy faj vadászatát és vadásztatását kifejtő tanulmány a fajokat sorra véve a további kutatásokat is megalapozza. A fenntartható szálláshelyszolgáltatás alapja a környezetvédő szemlélet elterjedése a szállodákban, ennek első lépéseit gyűjtötte össze a tanulmány a hazai és nemzetközi gyakorlat alapján. Az élménymenedzsment, mint a turizmusmenedzsment különleges formája jelent meg a harmadik összefoglalóban, amiben már az élmények mellett az egészségtudatosság is szerepet kap, átformálva, hosszú távúvá alakítva a vendégek wellnessről való gondolkodását. A kutatócsoport a turizmusfejlesztés gyakorlatának területiséggel összefüggő feltárását tűzte ki célul a szuprastruktúrára koncentrálva, a feladatot megvalósította. Alapvetően szekunder információk alapján folytak a vizsgálatok. Az eredmények értékeléseként kutatási tanulmányok készültek, az eredmények disszeminációjára konferenciaelőadás helyett az eredetileg tervezett konferencia meghiúsulása miatt egy másik külföldi partnerintézmény tudományos folyóiratában került sor. Az intézményt a tudományos célú kapcsolatépítés érdekében meglátogatta a kutatócsoport, újabb cikkcserékben állapodtunk meg. Mellékletek: fotódokumentáció a találkozóról a három angol nyelvű cikk
6. A téma keretében közölt publikációk
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Bibliográfiai azonosító adatok (kiadvány, folyóirat címe, megjelenés ideje, elsőutolsó oldal)
Dokumentu m típusa*
Könyv, könyvfejezet, cikk, konferencia kiadvány (abstrakt) stb. B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 2/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
Bakos RóbertnéKalmárné Rimóczi Csilla - Savella Orsolya – Kóródi Márta
Contexts of Touristical Experience Management and Sustainability
„Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Turystyki i Ekologii (Megjelenés alatt)
tudományos időszaki kiadvány
Szabó Attila – Lengyel Attila
Sustainable Hunting Tourism in JászNagykun-Szolnok County
„Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Turystyki i Ekologii (Megjelenés alatt)
tudományos időszaki kiadvány
Fifty Shades Of Green – Or The Environmental Context Of Accommodation Services
„Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Turystyki i Ekologii (Megjelenés alatt)
tudományos időszaki kiadvány
Kóródi Márta – Horváth Pál
7. A 2012. évi tervezettől eltérő (a Tudományos Tanács által jóváhagyott) költségfelhasználás (költségnemek változása) szakmai indoklása A költségnemek változatlansága mellett az összetétel változott, mert a „Selye közgazdász napok” rendezvény Komárnóban, a Selye János Egyetem Gazdálkodástudományi Karán nem került az előzetes meghirdetés ellenére megrendezésre. Ugyanakkor Lengyelországban egy partnerintézmény hirdetett publikálási lehetőséget, ezt használta ki az elnyert összegből a kutatócsoport. Az összes költségfelhasználás elmaradt a rendelkezésre álló összegtől, hatékonyan használtuk fel a támogatást. …………………………. témavezető
……………………………. Tudományos Tanács elnöke
S z o l n o k, 2012. nov. 30. Záradék: A Tudományos Tanács a „Kutatási jelentés”-t elfogadja – nem fogadja el.
_________________ B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 3/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 4/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
Bakos Róbertné 1 – Kalmárné Rimóczi Csilla2– Savella Orsolya3 - Kóródi Márta4 CONTEXTS OF TOURISTICAL EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY
Abstract The methods of tourism management based on facilities are still parts of practice nevertheless the preference for regionally based, multi-product concentrated methods exists in our days. These methods have been completed with techniques of visitor management and by this they could reach the entirely of experience management and sustainability. Different rural tourism products have a specific position among the tourist products, which have to give in any case the rural experience over the experiences accordance with original characters of the product. This essay examines the interpretation of rural experiences by summarizing results of a primary research, in which the opinions of tourists and tourist service providers of a touristic expressive rural area come to comparison on basis of their notion of rurality. This essay sketches out a model of experience components as the summary of research.
It will not take more than a few hours’ research on the internet to discover that the biggest challenge of our area is sustainable development both from an environmental, economic and social point of view. It applies to all industries. Stefan Gössling, in his lecture held at Queensland University, highlights that the forecasted growth rate of the tourism industry is possible only at BEU (Business As Usual), something that will be impossible to keep for 1
masterteacher, College of Szolnok,
[email protected] assistant lecturer, College of Szolnok,
[email protected] 3 assistant lecturer, College of Szolnok,
[email protected] 4 college professor, College of Szolnok,
[email protected] Article reviewed by: Dr Attila Szabó PhD, associate professor 2
B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 5/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet many reasons (GÖSSLING, 2011). On the UNWTO website the MDG (Milennium Development Goals) section starts by three keywords: Sustainable, Competitive, Responsible. On the website of WTTC the ‘Our mission’ section also underlines the importance of sustainability (WTTC, 2012). In its draft of Tourism Development Strategy circulated for discussion the NGM (National Ministry of Economy) expresses this in the following way: “Competition is getting more and fiercer between destinations both for tourism products and the applied marketing techniques. In a market crammed with messages there is a need for authentic, ethical and sustainable destination brands. “ (NGM, 2011) Sustainability of tourism has dual target. On the one part there has moral responsibility for keeping the natural, social and economic environment from irreversible demages. On the other hand sustainability of environment on tourism is also important for business because improvement of tourism inadequately can cause charring and can destroy natural and cultural environment that are foundations of supply. The tourist offer is very diversified, but the packages are often offered the same combination of quantitative services, which differ only in the environment. The competition is increasingly shifted from the functional dimension of services and from the product management to the visitor management, namely towards, that in view of ability of special kind of services, the tourism service providers (just like commercial or private accommodation or program organiser) what kind of experiences they can offer their guests and how they can fulfil their promise. To do this, the more sophisticated, more accurate experience phrasing is necessary, which is inconsistent with the diversification of supply. The smooth technical and technology management services are now required, there are not parts of the experience, there are only elements of a simple sale and purchase. In this way, only two factors are left over to fill the experience- function, the personal involvement of provider in the process and the environmental features. The tourist motivations are different, they may be even contrary to each of the participants (activity or passive recreation), because, as LENGYEL, M (2002:67-8) puts it, the essential factors for the participants in the tourism are the demand on variety and demand on safety. On the supply side the security shown as an element of choice duly communicated, the variety is intended to provide by the decisions of develop of choice..
A summary of secondary literature for the tourism experience management focuses on fundamental question of study, on the characteristics of experience base and experience generators. The results of the primary research, which measures one side of market of rural tourism contributed to generalize the experience notions.
The survey questionnaire was made about the rurality-notions. The representatives of inquired group of market was the tourism service providers. The inquiry of the tourist service providers in connection with a spring training was continuing. The standardized questionnaires self-filling contained rural characteristics and experiences, group classified them. We asked the providers about possibilities and ideas related to rural experiences provided to arrival tourists. The 37 typical rural experience related to the environment, activities and relationships. The questions were pasted in the table. We have
asked the three-stage assessment, describing the scale of classification based on three criteria, at first according to the service provider's ability, how they can provide B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 6/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
the experience elements (not guaranteed, partially guaranteed, completely guaranteed). As the second respect, we requested an indication from that, how it is important the provision of experience (not essential, important, very important). Third, we expected to determined that the result of improvements which are opportunities to grow the result of improvements (guarantee can not be developed further, somewhat improved, easy to develop). As an open question we have asked a mention of experiences, which do not appear as outstanding in the questionnaire, but there would be successful likely. The data were processed using SPSS statistical software, and the results have been established by frequencies and crosstables. 3.
The tourism demand is based on needs, induced by different motivations. The most frequent demands for tourism are the stress-free relaxation, the intensive empathy, the need for establish a connection with somebody and for activity (OPASCHOWSKY 1987, Tasnádi refers to it 1998:106). The recreation factors include the relaxation, the enjoyment of leisure, the search of adventure and romance. Knowledge of other cultures, peoples, hobbies, lifestyles, visit of special events and places plays a role in the decision for group of cultural factors. Return to the homeland, pay a visit to places visiting by the acquaintances, knowledge the
habits of certain ethnic groups belong to the ethnic motivation group. KASPAR (1998:27) separates five motivation groups as the tourists mover reasons, his categorization is similar to Maslow-hierarchy. The lifestyle and environmental change of last twenty years since creation of theory made also changed the motivations. Although the experience desire is displayed as an individual motivation without subject, in every group motivation one can find such a motivation, on which such a type of demand is based, that one can satisfy with an offer with communication about an experience promise type of supply. The colour intensity illustrates the intensity of experience character on Table 1..
Among the HAHN’s tourist activity typologies and FELIZITAS ROMMEISS STRACKE’s leisure and life cycle typologies (referring to them KASPAR 1992b :54-55) in view of experiences one can found also more and less intensive varieties, as the Table 2. and Table 3. are shown by highlights. The practical significance of segmentation of the tourism in view of experience management lies in differentiation and diversification. Accordance with consumer behaviour of predominant segment it must be differentiated. For the subsidiary segment it must be diversified the supply. Tourism, as the tables show, capable of providing fully relaxation, enjoyment of experiencing nature, different from weekdays rhythm of life and activity for certain segments and knowledge of other customs and traditions Usually it is suitable to try some sports to try, to be merry, to merry-making. A well-chosen destination, the needs based on cultural, artistic, religious, entertainment motivations can be satisfactorily. The drawing up of experience promises must activate motivations, which is a very difficult task by only one, marked experience, promise because of their varieties. Influence of many factors felt in the divorce of motivation to
demand. Motivation group Physiological motivations
Psychical motivations
Social motivations
Vacationer’s types
relaxation, (physical regenerating) 1. recovery (restoration of health) sport 2. breaking free from everyday entertainment 3. experience desire visit to friends and 4. acquaintances OM azonosító: FI47616 cheerfulness, good party refuge to the nature 5. knowledge the other habits,
Relaxing vacationer Experience seeking vacationer Movement seeking vacationer Sporting vacationer Adventure seeking
Characteristics sun, sand, sea, escape from daily stress, tranquillity, comfort, few of unusual , few of movement distance, flirtation, variousness, entertainment, atmosphere of the worldB7532 wood, hiking, taking care of2 Változat: health, fondness of nature, Érvényes: 2012. február 15. convalescence holiday 7/33 forest, competition, hobby is important, efforts are enticed unique experience with calculated hazard, personal
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
The main characteristics of tourism demand are the following (LENGYEL, M. 2002:108) - high degree of freedom of choice, high degree of risk, of the travel decision, the tourist's involvement in compiling tourism product, the demand sensitivity and variability. In these factors, the expectable experiences play significant role. The tourists can belong to any groups,, they wish for well-organized service-chain, they wish continuous service assistance for making information to return. In this manner the tourism develops from the service heap .
The characteristic of tourism product is the taking its final form at the end of the travel, including the interchangeable and replaceable service components, occasionally they can rotate, create experience in sum total. It is comparable to the experience promise. Two development method can be isolated, the supply of sufficiently wide range of tourist products elements, it is the tourism development, or corresponding to well known demand one can be offer the specific combinations of products elements, the touristic product development is going on. The tourism product is a possible combination of the offer, which provides the experience in accordance with individual needs of visitors. By the interpretation of LANFAN AND GRABURN (1994:98-9), it is created with combination heterogeneous elements for tourist consumption. They include services, culture and emotional things, too. The product development essentially depends on the existing or evolving attractions of region. The tourism product consists of the original elements of supply (all factors which are not directly emerged in order to tourism, but their attractiveness influence them) and the derived elements of supply. For functional aspects, the elements of tourism product are the attractiveness or features, infrastructure and transport, accommodation and catering, entertainment and other services, safety and hygiene, and hospitality The attractiveness or features are the essential elements of tourism products, tourists are motivated by them. Primarily they look for products based on these elements, but the attraction also defines the other services matched in the product. The task of tourist attraction B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 8/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
is afford of experiences, its major groups (LENGYEL, M 2004:123-7) are the attractions within the building and outdoor, natural and man-made attractions, local attractions and events. From the infrastructure and the vehicles of transport, only the latter appears as an element of supply and also the product can be built on it, so it can fill an experience function The determinant elements of accommodation as a product component are the servicing services, the convenience services, such as facilities, equipment, location and scenery, catering possibility. In addition to the basic needs of food, the gastronomy can indicate an individual attraction, such as the tourism for understanding the famous food culture of a country, or as a major culinary event. Having experience function, it can solely make motivation for tourists to take a part in a multi-day event series. The entertainment and other services appear as the self-attractions or the additional elements, but they can form the principal experience of travel for certain segments. The safety and hygiene, as the components of tourism product do not appear as an independent motivation, because there are the fundamental condition for the travel and subsistence. However, they can make influence over the travel decision, but not on the basis of their experience functions. It is relevant to these: the fear of terror acts, infectious disease, the neatness of vehicles of transport, the public safety on streets, the currency change options. The tourism organizations make up agreements and recommendations for guarantee these conditions. The last stressed element of tourism product is the hospitality, the emotional tone of a personal human relationship, which could make unsuccessful the structured product with its superficiality. The tourists are very vulnerable in absence of language and local knowledge. The courteous and friendly attitude should be accompanied by the professional competence of the people who meet the tourists. It is possible, that the defects are filled up gaps in the hospitality, but the default of hospitality can impoverish the result of the professional efforts. The experience function has priority because of its complementary and supplementary effects. The manifestation is very clear in public accommodations, nowadays, the wellness facilities are almost obligatory in resorts, the customer expects the sports and entertainment possibilities. They form the experience basis. They pay only subsidiary role in attractive experience promises. The experience offers describe emotions, notions enclosed in environmental and leisure dimensions. The guests choice in this manner, it is maintained ny modern marketing-communication, the pictures and virtual walks, where one can sense the liveable feelings and experiences. The internet helps to the most affecting and inconceivable elements of travel decision, but the role of feedback of experiences and electronic guest book is more and more accented. Tourism is entirely capable for providing the relaxation, the enjoyment of experiencing nature, the different rhythm of life and activity for certain segments, the knowledge of other customs and traditions. It is usually suitable to try some sports, to be merry, to the hilarity, to B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 9/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
the adventure. Well-chosen the destination, one can satisfy the artistic, cultural, religious, entertainment and also the knowledge motivated needs. The experience management can be feasible with sub-regional leisure-organization or with animation. The fields of animation cited by POMPL (2000) do not necessitate adjustment also in rural tourism (there are sports and movements, hobbies and creativity, social life and entertainment, empathy and discovery, calm and relaxation), but the volunteering and the principles of situation orientation can be got across. The property of local animation is the offer of opportunities to spend free time for guests, who arrive and depart at different moments, and in different settlements. By Beckwith (2004), in the course of the services sales, the consumer pays for experiences and contacts. The sale of services is made in its objectified, more or less visible environment in major tourist destinations. It's be taken into consideration like experience component, it will become experience by personal relationships. Experience and sustainability are imperative in connection of tourism and hospitality because serving of consumers on adequate level. In area of catering experience has emphasised role. So thus nowadays not only the consumption and attenuation of hunger are important in hospitality. Incoming guests favour consciously wealth in experience whit this end in view aspects of sustainability. For guests experience means centre where they have main character and process of hospitality is at work with their active contribution that ensure memorable experience. Other important factor of consciousness is sustainability with conservation of values that should harmonize with experience. The three pillars of sustainability – society, economy, ecology – are appear in every area of catering. Hygienic treatment of comestibles or observance aspects of nutrition in food supply are connected with acceptance of responsibility for guests’ health. Effectiveness of price, treatment of energy and food environmentally have sustainable economic and ecologic consequences for business concept and function in catering. With combination of food and beverage supply we can manage guests’ attention for principles of fair trade, for local comestibles, and for sustainable behaviour. Experience can be achieve with introduction of spectacular kitchens, with cooking-out that emphasises processing of local foods and commodities, with organization of thematic weeks/days, and with processing bio products. 4.
The basis of models of travel decision, as in usual of the purchasing decisions, is the motivation. The choice will be settled by our notions about promised experiences of the offers and by probability of feeling the experiences based on offer during the travel. The classic services buying attitudes appear, as living to see the more unique interactions, compliance with personality during the tours. The likely impact of overall interaction is the expected experience. Even if providers do not analyze so deeply the development and structuring of experience, the experience-basis general approach can make renew the offer through the B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 10/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
communication. Do not emphasis what we offer, but, how many experiences, moods, feelings and memories can have the quests with us. On the increasingly diverse market of tourism, those service sits are competitive, which are technically-technologically well equipped and they have adequate experience basis. The significant advantage of rural tourism in view of experience management is the determined role of experience generators – environment and service providers - in the development of rural tourism products Namely, there are the typical rural environment and the rural population, the hosts, the craftsmen and farmers, shopkeepers, the neighbours and acquaintances who become familiar with guests and the developing personal relationships. The results of survey connected with this particular experiences environment of rural tourism results are follows. The 93 questionnaires assessed of tourist service providers figured out of almost 60% of the total in the narrow sense providers of the area, so their opinion is suitable for drawing conclusions. Most of them are landlords operating private and commercial accommodations, but the catering, rental, event and program organization, giving tourist information and representatives of tourism development were also present in the sample. The features indicative of rurality of environment concerned among others to the rich vegetation, to the atmosphere and orderly of streets to the making covered with flowers, to the storks, swallows and the presence of area-specific fauna, to driving out the domestic animals, to the operating farms, to the traffic of horse-drawn carriages and tractors, to the characters of houses and portals, to the form of streets, to the populous of settlement, to the existence of markets, fairs, indulgences, to the dressing of inhabitants, to the traditions of settlement, to the style of guest's houses, to the inscription on the streets, etc..
Rural experience components Experience of rural environment Rural activities, occupations, programs Relationship between visitors and rural inhabitants
Qualification A B C A B C A B C
Actual position 28,0 53,2 18,8 21,8 51,8, 26,4 24,4 54,0 21,8
30,7 52,8 16,4 20,4 67,2 12,4 27,2 61,0 11,8
30,6 51,8 17,6 35,6 60,8 3,6 30,0 56,1 13,9
Table 3. Notions of service providers about rurality, actual and probable distribution of qualification of rural characteristics (%) Legend:
Source: author’s survey A: highly appreciated, B: moderately appreciated,
C: lowly appreciated
The rural activities summarize the possibilities of rural gastronomy, crafts, folklore, agriculture, cultural heritage, natural attractions, legends associated with region, the trips, festivals, events and sports opportunities. The greetings to known and unknown people too, the chatting on benches, the guest's involvement in everyday family life, the transfer of actual B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 11/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
information are included to the typical relations of rural settlement. The presence of distribution of qualification is demonstrated on the Table 3. The results show the undervaluation of the events, and the ambition, that the conditions of hospitality and the importance of environment are attached great importance. The importance of relations is highly-valued, the good hospitality of countryside is reflected in the responses.
The need to participate of service provider is not sufficiently emphasized in view of the experience generation, which may be the cause of the non-arrival returning guests. Based on the investigation it is concluded that the notion of tourism service providers for rural experience is not covered in half by each other with the tourists' expectations in relation to the experience of rurality. The warning is set down for service providers, that they evaluate differently the environmental elements, for the tourists it is not enough the cooking in stew-pot, as the program, they want to look into the everyday activity of rural regions.
It is advisable to create the "open ports" organized system, which can generate also the rural experiences. Significant shift of service approach is required. The success of sub-regional tourism development plans for rural development or the self-contained tourism development conceptions depends on relationships based on each other.
sophistication of each of the stages of development, and creating
Two conditions of fulfilment of experience promises are on the one hand the services, such a basis of experiences and on the other hand the generators of experiences, namely the environment and the service provider. Additional opportunity of this project is examination more deeply connection between experience and trends. Exploration contexts of ensuring experience and trends can give a hand to determination of potential target market.
REFERENCES [1] BECKWITH, H.: A láthatatlan érintés. Budapest: Bagolyvár,2004. 6-15.o. [2] FEHÉR István – KÓRÓDI Márta: A vidéki turizmus fejlesztése. Szaktudás Kiadó Ház, Budapest, 2008. 8294.o. [3] KASPAR, C.: Das System Tourismus im Überlick. In.: Tourismus Management (Hrsg:Günter Haedrich et al.) Berlin, New York: Valter de Gruyter GmbH, 1998.16-27.o. [4] KASPAR, C.: Turisztikai alapismeretek. Budapest: KIT, 1992. 44-55.o. [5] KOLLARIK A. (Szerk): Animátorok kézikönyve. Budapest: Hunguest RT, 1994. 77.o. [6] KÓRÓDI M. (2010): Properties of Experience Management in Certain Tourism Products. International Conference on Tourism, and Sports Management, Debrecen, 27-28 May 2010. ISBN 978-963-473-378-2 [7] LANFAN, M.-F. – GRABURN, N. H. H.: International Tourism Reconsidered: The Principle of the Alternative. In.:Tourism alternatives. Potentials and problems in the development of tourism. (Ed. Dy Valene L. Smith, William R. Eadington) Chichester et al: John Wiley,1994. 88-112.o. [8] LENGYEL M. (2004) A turizmus általános elmélete-II. Budapest: Heller Farkas Gazdasági és Turisztikai Szolgáltatások Főiskolája, 2004. 55-127.o.
B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 12/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet [9] LENGYEL M. A turizmus általános elmélete-I. Budapest: Heller Farkas Gazdasági és Turisztikai Szolgáltatások Főiskolája, 65-69., 108, 2002. 187.o. [10] MOSONYI A. - LENGYEL A. - MÜLLER A.: Branding potential of spas in the Northern Plain and the MidTransdanubian Regions - to be published in 2013 in Abstract [11] POMPL, W. : Turisztikai menedzsment 1. Budapest: Springer Tudományos Kiadó, 2000. 19-29; 279-81.o. [12] PUCZKÓ László - RÁCZ Tamara: Az attrakciótól az élményig. A látogatómenedzsment alapjai. Geomédia Kiadó, Budapest, 2000. 21-48.o [13] ROBERT, L. – HALL, D.: A falusi turizmus marketingje. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 2004. Vol. 10.(3)253-263.o In: Szemelvények a nemzetközi idegenforgalmi szaksajtóból. (Ford.:Báder T.) 2005. (1)55-61.o. [14] TASNÁDI J.: A turizmus rendszere. Szolnok: KGF,1998. 106-307.o.
Dr. Szabó Attila1 – Lengyel Attila2
SUSTAINABLE HUNTING TOURISM IN JÁSZ-NAGYKUN-SZOLNOK COUNTY Abstract: Hunting tourism is of special significance among active forms of tourism in Hungary. The 22-24 thousand foreign guest hunters and the domestic hunters paying for hunting are a very important part of rural tourism. In Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county trophy roebuck hunting plays a major role with 900 foreign guest hunters arriving here every year. The size of the roebuck population and the quality of trophies guarantee that the county will have a good number of hunters as customers of hunting tourism in the future too. Hunting tourism has to be managed in a sustainable way taking into consideration the unique nature of this tourism product, the changes in the population of game species and the characteristics of their habitats. Key words: hunting tourism, roebuck hunting, sustainability
SUSTAINABILITY AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM There is an almost 100 % consensus among climate scientists that global warming is for real, it can be characterised by negative trends and it is caused in a large part by human activity. (Anderegga et al, 2010). In an article published in Nature Geoscience, which is a prestigeous scientific journal, a study demonstrates that based on current emission figures and a no mitigation scenario the average global temperature can rise by as much as 3 degrees Celsius by 2050 (Nature Geoscience, 2012), while manageable scenarios modelled by IPPC determined that the average global temperature should not exceed 2 degrees Celsius by 2100. Within the borders of Hungary everybody can experience the seriousness of the problem by looking at the vas number of heat records this year. Without exaggeration it can be stated that human kind might be facing the biggest challenge in its history, to which there seems to be only one adequate answer: sustainable development. B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 13/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet We can read three important words on the front page of the UNWTO’s Millennium Development Goals: „Sustainable, Competitive, Responsible”. The other big world tourism organisation, the WTTC gives a special emphasis to sustainability in its Mission statement. The tourism development strategy draft circulated for debate by the Ministry Of National Economy points out: „ There is an ever increasing competition between destination both in terms of tourism products and the marketing methods used to sell them. In a market that is crammed with messages what we need is easily recognisable, authentic, ethical and sustainable destination brands.” (NGM, 2011).
Szolnok College, Associate professor, PhD,
[email protected] Szolnok College, Assistant lecturer,
[email protected] Article reviewed by: Dr. Márta Kóródi, Szolnok College, professor 2
The progressive and highly ethical thoughts and goals laid down in the first Rio world conference have unfortunately failed to move forward from the theoretical level. According to Greenpeace and many other critics the Rio+20 conference organised this year by the UN is a climax of the failure of the last 20 years because apart from very nice green ideas no legally binding agreements were concluded by the participants. Naturally, the lack of globally coordinated action does not lift the moral and strategic business responsibility of decision makers to promote a long-term development strategy which is based on sustainable criteria taking into account the complex system of environment, economy and society. The failure of the Rio+20 conference and the last 20 years called the attention to another important aspect of sustainability. Besides the much examined environmental, economic and social aspect of aspects of sustainability, there is at least one more aspect that is worth examining and is considered the basic and most important by more and more authors. This fourth key aspect is spirituality. Without spiritual development and the resulting transformed value system and way of thinking of the individual and small communities there seems to be no real chance for long-term sustainable development because it is not realistic to expect political and business leaders to go against the unsustainable system that elevated them to their positions. A relevant question is whether there is demand, a significant market segment which considers the sustainability of destinations as their top priority in travel decisions. In a survey made for the 2011 Luzern World Tourism Forum the importance of sustainability in choosing a destination was measured on a sample of 6000 participants in 8 countries. From the results B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 14/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
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published it is remarkable that 22% of tourists consider sustainability as their top priority (Wehrli at all, 2011). In the course of the German Travel Analysis 8000 German tourists were asked about their travel behaviour. 19% of the above 14 respondents marked CTB (community based tourism – a form of sustainable tourism) as their choice of preference. Another survey carried out by in 2009 concluded that 34 % of American tourists were planning to visit a green destination in the following year. The certification of sustainable practice for tourism service providers and different forms of tourism shows a rather diverse picture in the world today. The GSTC is trying to work out a system of benchmark criteria which is suitable for the accreditation of the several hundred organisations that issue sustainability certificates in the world. In Hungary as to date there is no certification program specially designed for tourism businesses. The European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) created a few years ago by the European Commission has been awarded to 5 Hungarian destinations so far. However, this award is managed from a yearly budget and only a few destinations can be nominated from a country each year. As it might already be clear from the above, there is no sustainability certification scheme for hunting tourism either. On a European level a significant step towards sustainable hunting tourism was the creation of principles, goals and guidelines of sustainable hunting by WISPER (Wild Species Resources Working Group) under the supervision of IUCN (World Conservation Union) in 2006 (IUCN-ESUSG, 2006). Some important statements from the document are the following: „Principles: Hunting can not endanger the long-term sustenance of the hunted species. Hunting can not endanger the long-term sustenance of the biological system – flora and fauna – to which the hunted species belongs. Ecological goals: Maintaining biodiversity and diversity of habitats. Guidelines: Involvement of local hunters. Preference for local work force and services. Maintaining historical, cultural and artistic values connected to hunting. The European Charter on Hunting and Biodiversity created in 2007 gives the following definition of sustainable hunting: „The use of wild game species and their habitats in a way and at a rate that does not lead to the long-term decline of biodiversity or hinder its restoration. Such use maintains the potential of biodiversity to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations, as well as maintaining hunting itself as an accepted social, economic and cultural activity (based on the definition of “Sustainable Use” in Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)). When hunting is conducted in such a sustainable manner, it can positively contribute to the conservation of wild populations and their habitats and also benefit society.” THE SPIRITUAL VALUE OF HUNTING
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KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
As it was pointed out in the previous section spirituality and sustainability are closely related, the long-term success of sustainable development is largely dependent on a transformed way of thinking brought about as a positive side effect of spiritual development. For a beginner spiritual development techniques such as the different forms of meditation are best practiced first in peaceful and relaxed surroundings. Grasslands, forests, and other natural undisturbed hunting spaces provide an excellent opportunity for self-exploration and trying out meditation techniques. Hunting brings you in contact not only with the nature around you but also with your own human nature as hunting is the „oldest profession” on earth written in the blood of human beings. Hunters keep to strict ethical code, which helps to develop the kind of self-discipline that is required for spiritual growth as well. As Jackson points out in his book, many hunters go through five stages in their hunting career, getting from shooting and collecting trophies to the most mature stage where the union with nature has become the most important aspect of the whole activity. (Jackson at al, 1979) HUNTING TOURISM IN HUNGARY One of the most significant elements of Hungarian tourism product supply is hunting tourism. The natural and ecological potentials of Hungary provide for the existence of the game stock the basic prerequisite of hunting tourism. The size and diversity of our game stock makes the whole of Hungary an ideal place for receiving a great number of hunting guests. In Hungary there are 1370 hunting grounds. Hunting grounds are either owned by state forestry organisations, farmers, are private forests or are leased by hunting associations. The smaller ones are three thousand the bigger ones are 20-30 thousand hectars: the average size of a hunting ground is about six thousand hectars. Several authors consider hunting tourism an element of active, hobby, eco, nature or green tourism (Higginbottom, 2004). All classifications are based on the same idea: hunting tourism is a form of tourism connected to nature, its main motivation being the observation and/or shooting of game animals. Hunting tourism is an independently marketable tourism product. Sustainability, sustainability requirements have to be given special attention with this form of tourism. (Blüchel, 2006). Game management, forest management, the protection of habitats and the connected legal environment together constitute the basis of sport hunting and hunting tourism. The game stock of Hungary and the huntable species is a renewable natural resource (Csányi, 2007; Csányi, 2009), the utilization of which is significant for both maintaining natural ecological systems and its economic value. The yearly yield (game meat and trophy) of our game stock as a renewable natural resource is marketed within the country and abroad too. Hunting can be viewed as a special and complex tourism product. There has been an increasing number of foreign hunters arriving in Hungary since 1957. Following the change in the political and economic system the number of domestic sport hunters has doubled. (Fig. 1)
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Fig. 1: Change in the number of domestic and foreign hunters between 1880 and 2006 (Source: Feiszt, 2007)
The hunted game animals (their meat, trophy, etc.) have been a commercial product of great value for decades (Lénárt, 1971). The sales of hunting opportunities and the meat of the hunted game constitute the main source of income (Csányi és mtsai. 2010). In Hungary this tourism product is easily marketable for both domestic and foreign hunters. Revenues from hunting and from services used during hunting show a downward trend in the case of foreign hunters while for domestic hunters an upward trend (there was a threefold growth in the examined period) (Fig. 2).
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Fig. 2: Revenues from hunting in Hungary between 1999-2011 (Source: National Game Management Databank)
The yearly revenues from foreign hunting guests significantly exceed the level of domestic spending. (Fig. 2) Besides the huntable game stock, the suitable accommodation, the foreign language speaking staff and the infrastructure are also important elements of the supply side of hunting tourism. Foreign guest hunters spend 3-5 guest nights on average (depending on the species to be hunted and the hunting method to be used) during their hunting in Hungary. Hunting houses and other types of accommodation can be used by hunters. In hunting tourism, hunting guests do not usually pick their destination based on the available quality and type of accommodation but rather the game species and the hunting ground. The average level of B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 18/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
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spending for hunting tourists is clearly much higher (2.800 Euros instead of 135 Euros) than in other sector of tourism (Vajdics, 2003).
HUNTING TOURISM IN JÁSZ-NAGYKUN-SZOLNOK COUNTY Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok is situated in the middle of the Great Hungarian Plain, an area crossed by the Tisza, Hármas-Körös, Zagyva, Hortobágy and Berettyó rivers. Its perfectly flat countryside, endless grasslands and river valleys make it an ideal candidate for practicing active tourism. The area is characterised by the abundance of small game animals and one of the world’s finest roebuck stock. Hunting tourism is a significant seasonal tourism type in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county too. The hunting regions of the county - Jászság, Kunság, Tiszazug – occupy a territory of 520.000 hectars which is divided into 60 hunting grounds. Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county belongs to the I. Duna-Tisza and over the Tisza river game management district and within the region it is part of the I/1. Szolnok and South Heves small game management district. (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3: National game management regions (Source: National Game Management Databank)
Foreign and domestic hunters arriving in the county take part primarily in roebuck and small game hunting. From a financial point of view trophy roebuck hunting is of special significance as every year there is a good number of above the average weight roebuck trophies. B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 19/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
The important role of hunting tourism in the county is underlined by its presence in the 2007 Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Strategic Tourism Development Program (2007-2013). Most foreign hunters visiting the county arrive from Italy, Germany and Austria. (Table 1.) Country
Italy Germany Austria Slovakia France Spain Switzerland Belgium Russia USA Other (Romania, the Ukraine, Argentina, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finnland, Luxemburg, Tunesia, Georgia, Serbia, Slovenia, UK, Moldova, Greece, Ciprus, Thailand, Croatia, Holland) TOTAL
411 188 77 4 42 27 6 4 7 5
583 170 78 12 38 14 0 0 6 4
454 167 100 5 50 20 18 21 4 8
503 153 62 7 29 26 15 18 0 1
653 143 67 19 33 37 5 8 7 4
618 123 50 24 42 38 4 15 12 1
610 118 35 32 29 21 12 2 9 4
Table 1.: Foreign hunting guests arriving in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county by country between 2003-2009 (source: Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Government Bureau Land management Directorate)
As it can be observed from the aggregate figures of Table 1. 2007 and 2008 were the years when the county received the most hunting guests.
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KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
Fig. 4: Revenues from hunting (shooting and services) in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county between 1999-2011 (Source: National Game Management Databank)
Revenues from foreign hunters visiting and hunting in the county exceeded 320 million Fts (Fig. 4) in 2001. However, there has been a continuous decrease in the revenues from shooting and services purchased by foreign hunters. As opposed to this, in the examined period the amount of yearly revenues from domestic hunters has doubled (Fig. 4). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ROEBUCK HUNTING IN JÁSZ-NAGYKUN-SZOLNOK COUNTY Roebuck trophy sizes differ in the different hunting grounds of the country depending the exact habitat of the roebuck. In the Transdanubian region the usual trophy size is fair (250400 g), but sometimes huge, over 500 g trophies also turn up here. The biggest trophy B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 21/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet roebucks are usually shot in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Békés, Hajdú-Bihar and SzabolcsSzatmár-Bereg counties, where the roebuck stock is several times bigger than in the Transdanubian region. In these counties it is not rare to get 500 and even 600 g trophies provided the winter weather is favourable. Between 2006-2011 foreign hunters shot 73,6 % of roebucks in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. In 2011 the number of roebucks shot by foreign hunters was 1.019 (Fig. 5). From Fig. 5 it can be observed that in the county the majority roebuck hunting is sold to foreign sport hunters. The yearly number of roebucks shot by foreign hunters is almost triple the amount shot by domestic hunters. The main reason is that foreign hunters are able to pay for the huge roebuck trophies. Based on the 2012 price list in our county the price of shooting a 500 g trophy roebuck ranges between 650.000-736.000 Fts. Above 500 g foreign hunters have to pay an average of 8.500 Fts/g. Based on this, a 600 plus huge roebuck trophy might cost as much as 1.500.000 Fts.
Fig.5: Number of roebucks shot between 2006-2011 (Source: National Game Management Databank)
In Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county between 1999-2009 every year there were roebucks with trophy size above 500 g (Fig. 6). Between 1999-2009 19,4 % of 500-550 g trophy roebucks, 21,7% 550-600 g trophy roebucks and 23,4% above 600g trophy roebucks were shot in JászNagykun-Szolnok county (Table 2.). In 2001 41,4% of roebucks with trophy above 600g was shot in this county. Figures of the table prove that trophy management gains a bigger and bigger importance in the county, serving as a basis of tourism supply offered to foreign hunters.
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KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
Fig 6: Above 500g roebuck trophies by weight in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county between 1999-2009 (Source: National Game Management Databank)
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 average
500-550 g 26,1% 18,7% 20,0% 15,8% 11,0% 19,7% 23,2% 13,2% 26,1% 17,3% 22,5% 19,4%
550-600 g 21,9% 9,1% 14,6% 32,0% 3,2% 19,7% 22,3% 41,5% 18,6% 34,2% 21,75 21,7%
600- g 27,3% 7,7% 41,4% 14,3% 5,6% 31,6% 30,6% 10,7% 19,2% 34,2% 35,0% 23,4%
Table 2.: Above 500g roebucks percentages in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county compared with national data (Source: National Game Management Databank)
Based on the yearly roebuck stock estimates and the data from the kills it can be stated the hunting of roebuck in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county as a tourism service is sustainable for the long run. In the examined period both the estimated number of roebucks and the number of shot roebucks has been on the rise (Fig.7).
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Fig. 7: Roebuck stock estimates and kills data in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county (Source: National Game Management Databank)
SUMMARY Due to the habitat potential and the high quality trophy management, the number of roebucks shot grew steadily between 1999-2011. 10% of the roebucks shot had a trophy size above 500g. Foreign hunters visiting the county between 2006-2011 shot 840-1019 during the hunting season. After processing the data it also became apparent that the number of sport hunters in the county has been constantly rising. Based on the estimated size of the roebuck stock, the number of domestic and foreign hunters visiting the county can continue growing in the future. In order to increase the number of hunting guests arriving to the county it is essential to improve the quality of tourism services, especially the quality of accommodation and the language skills of escort staff. In addition to hunting a wider choice of services has to be offered to guest hunters in the form of hunting tourism packages (Kóródi és Bakos, 2006). Literature [1] BLÜCHEL, K. G. (2006): A vadászat. Vince Kiadó, Budapest. 654pp. ISBN 9639552 81 [2] CSÁNYI S. - LEHOCZKI R. - SONKOLY K. (2010): A vadállomány helyzete és a vadgazdálkodás eredményei a 2009/2010. vadászati évben. 3-51. oldal in: Csányi Sándor - Lehoczki Róbert - Sonkoly Krisztina. (szerk): Vadgazdálkodási Adattár -2009/2010. vadászati év. Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár, Gödöllő, 56pp. ISSN 1417-4308 [3] CSÁNYI S. (2007): Vadbiológia. 135pp. Mezőgazda Kiadó, Budapest. ISBN 978-963-286-367-2 [4] CSÁNYI S. (2009): Fenntarthatóság és tervszerűség a vadgazdálkodásban. Rubicon, XX. évf. 197-198. szám. 114-116 p. B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 24/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet [5] European Charter on Hunting and Biodiversity, 2007, Bern Convention, Strasburg, Letöltve: 2012. október 24. [6] FEISZT O. (2007): A vadászati turizmus jelentősége a magyar vadgazdálkodásban (Elhangzott a lévai nemzetközi konferencián 2007. III. 24-én) [7] IUCN-ESUSG, 2006, Guidelines on Sustainable Hunting in Europe, Letöltve: 2012. október 24. [8] Karen HIGGINBOTTOM (2004): Wildlife tourism : impacts, management and planning. Common Ground Publishing Pty Ltd. Australia. ISBN 1 86335 545 6. [9] KÓRÓDI Márta – BAKOS Róbertné (2006): A rurálturisztikai termékek sajátosságai a vidéki kistérségekben – a vadászturizmus, V. Alföldi Tudományos Tájgazdálkodási Napok, Mezőtúr, 5.p.(ISBN 963 06 0816 2). [10] LÉNÁRT L. (1971): A vad értéke. 403-404. oldal in: Sárkány Pál és Vallus Pál (szerk.): A vadászat kézikönyve. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest. 650pp. [10] NGM, Turizmusfejlesztési stratégia, SZAKMAI VITAIRAT, 2011. p 16 [12] Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár (OVA): CSÁNYI S. (szerk): Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár. SZIE, Vadbiológiai és Vadgazdálkodási Tanszék, Gödöllő [13] Roger WEHRLI, Hannes EGLI, Martin LUTZENBERGER, Dieter PFISTER, Jürg SCHWARZ, Jürg STETTLER (2011): Is there Demand for Sustainable Tourism? Study for the World Tourism Forum Lucerne 2011, ISSN: 1662-9019, pp. 50-51 [14] VAJDICS J. (2003): Vadászturizmus a Dunántúlon. Budapest [15] William R. L. ANDEREGGA, James W. PRALLB, Jacob HAROLD and Stephen H. SCHNEIDERA (2010): Expert credibility in climate change. Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 Letöltve: 2012. október 27. [16] Robert M. JACKSON, Robert C. NORTON, Anderson RAY (1979): Improving Ethical Behavior in Hunters. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 25/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet Kóródi Márta5-Horváth Pál6 FIFTY SHADES OF GREEN – OR THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT OF ACCOMMODATION SERVICES Abstract The first part of the title was borrowed from E.L.James, Australian writer’s The Fifty Shadows… bestseller book series – hoping, that the green hotel initiatives will achieve similar success – this secondary research-based study focuses on the problems of contradiction between hotel industry and environment protection and on the commitment to sustainability. Several measures, solutions and techniques will be presented concerning to the environmental strategy of hotels and their operational implementation. These are summarized in a fifty points list of the sustainable technologies adapted proven systems based on self-initiated or award-winning project of Hungarian Hotel Association. The diversity of possibilities of environment protection in hotels demonstrates the variety of ways for “being green”. It reveals the motivations of environmental awareness, the benefits and risks of operation taking into account the principle of environmental sustainability for long-term.
INTRODUCTION Hotels usually are not environmentally friendly, because all of them causes significant environmental impacts. High quality services and extreme consumption may appear hand in hand in case of commercial accommodations as well. All the towels and linens changed daily in the most elegant and prestigious hotels using huge quantity of water and energy for washing. Tons of garbage generated with disposable plastic jars of soaps, breakfast jam, butter, honey, coffee and metal cans of beer and soft drinks. There is a contradiction in the approach of environmental protection, environmental awareness and environmental sustainability in Hungarian hotel industry. On the one hand is gratifying to see highly motivated hotels and hotel chains make serious efforts to reach “Green Hotel” certification. On the other hand there were great expectations against the stocktaking study of Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association for the years 2007-2012, but this document do not mentions about the topic of environmental awareness neither as a trend nor as a measure. This contradiction is probably based on the timescale of the study; problems caused by the economic crisis should be solved operatively but environmental problems need strategic thinking. There are concerns that such strong focusing on sale and that kind of misinterpreted economical approach is going to block the development of environmental sustainability in hotel industry.
college professor, College of Szolnok,
[email protected] assistant lecturer, College of Szolnok,
[email protected] Article reviewed by: Dr Attila Szabó PhD, associate 6
professor B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 26/33
OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet The typical tourists “overconsump” in other words uses much more resources than in everyday life at their home. All the luxury, rich supply, elegant comfort are desired components of the less and less available long stays in hotels. That leads to overconsumption and that is why could have been a strong correlation between guest-nights and environmental load – if the hotels would not concerned in alleviate these effects. It is true that not the social-economic responsibility was the first factor which encouraged the hotels the sustainability point of view to consider, but their own commercial interests in cost reduction and in profit maximization.
ECO-ACCOMMODATION The service sector in general regarded as a "clean industry" however this raises some doubts. The service sector is not directly produce material goods, but often uses a variety of raw materials. The use of hazardous or toxic substances may have significant environmental impact, high water and energy consumption and waste production. The environmental responsibility is mostly in the social-economic activity through the direct influence of the relationship in ecological an economic environment. Management should choose such environmental managing techniques which are integrates and environmental responsibility became part of the image. Such environmental management techniques increases costs in the short term but through a positive image has a potential to increase profit in middle or long term. Aims to reduce negative environmental impacts and the benefits of environmental projects come into view. In-house difficulties of the environmental developments could be emerged because of conflicts and different interests of stakeholders. Environmental awareness means commitment and responsibility for organizations and workers in tourism but provides potential profit and competitiveness as a result of visits and stays of tourists with similar ideology – it is true this kind of demand is hardly to measure nowadays. The present economic environment of the crisis is less suitable for long-term thinking and for sustainable approaches but it is clear that the benefits of the eco-management and lower costs from reduced consumption mean long-term economic advantages for hotels.
“Green Hotels” Award Hungary 2005-2014 Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Association – as an active supporter of environmental friendly hotel management – since 1995 writes the biennial contest of “Green Hotels’ in which Green Hotel Award and the green tree trademark could be awarded for three years from the year of 2013. The initiative is slowly coming of age adolescents and the original concepts and criteria gradually expanded. Topics are arranged in two directions: requirements of eco-trademarks on one hand and the eco-standards of international hotel chains particularly in energy efficiency, water and waste management policies on the other hand. Environmental awareness requires B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 27/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
both the strategic measures and operational daily activities including acquisition, information, stakeholder involvement to underline the commitment to the environmental principles. The hotels are free to choose the criteria depending on the circumstances and capabilities. Topics of the application cover the existence of a separate environmental management, acquisitions, environmental principles and communication focusing on different areas occasionally e.g. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-Report. Also appear classic topics like energy use, solid waste management, water use, external environment. Survey is based on a few questionnaires with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. Actions and responses are connected to the number of ‘yes’ answers. It is needed at least 50% to reach green hotel award. Above all it is required to calculate the carbon footprint helped by a software. This software not only calculates the index of the given dates but suggests solutions for environmental impacts as well. The summary and development of the last five tenders can be seen in Figure 1.
2005-06 Member of Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Association (HHRA)
2007-2008 Member of HHRA New candidates provide information on the full program, earlier tenders are on the results achieved and some of the problematic topics are described
2009-2010 Member of HHRA New candidates provide information on the full program, earlier tenders are on the results achieved and some of the problematic topics are described
2011-12 Member of HHRA To the „3R” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) principles were added the fourth one: Report Advantage: connections with other environmental programs
2013-14 Member of HHRA Qualified by the Hotelstars Union (HSU) Declares that familiar and complied with environmental laws for hotels, have environmental policies and submit to the Authority the annual return
B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 28/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
Certification features
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a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
descriptions and measure in seven areas: introduction (5) external environment (3), energy (8), solid waste only those where it is possible selective collection(5), water use (7), procurement (6), information, costumer information (5)
description and measures in eight area [procurement (5), active involvment of guests in "4R" (7), using innovative contributions in energy and waste management (1), energy consumption (8), solid waste (only those where it is possible separate waste collection) (6), water use (6), external environment (3)
description and measures based on eight area [external environment (1), energy (11), solid waste management (5), water use (7) 2008 was the Thematic Year of Water, procurement (5) information (7)]
description and the measures based on nine areas [employee’s commitment (10), the external environment, (2) energy (11), solid waste disposal (5) water consumption (5) procurement (7) Green Office (1), ozone layer rotection (2) protection of biodiversity (3)] separately for the thermal and health tourism services – because of the Thematic Year of Health Tourism
define basic environmental goals of the hotel and fill a pre-issued questionnaire on the eight topics (without outer image and biodiversity, included the information service)
Preparing for accession to the European Union: Previous activities, processes, plans (e.g. HACCP, waste management plan etc.)
It is important to meet European Union expectations like the 'eco-label' ecological criteria for the hotel services. That was important criterion in evaluation process
Regular candidates could own "Green Hotel" award for extended period
Categories: Members of foreign and domestic hotel chains, independent hotels
minimum18 points required
Partnership of independent hotels and hotel chains in environmental projects and activities
Release of requirements of the EU Eco-label Client involvement efforts
Involvement of guests and local residents into environmental activities and programs
Presentation of research and development implemented on the innovation tax
Define the ecological footprint and carbon footprint
Figure 1. Environmental Applications of Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Association int he 2005-2014 Source: own collection
"Do Not Disturb" – The Green Way "Do Not Disturb" environmental package is an international program giving the basics of environmental awareness of hotels providing guidance for everyday activities. The document B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 29/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
is made by the International Hotel & Restaurant Association (IHRA), the International Hotels Environmental Initiative (IHEI) and the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and is divided into six chapters: Environmental Charter of Independent Hotels, Arguments for green hotels, User’s Guide of the package, Survey of current conditions, “Green” questionnaires, Help for organizing activities, forms, examples. Advantage of using the program is giving specific tasks with needful tools and required time, adapted to the given hotel. Using this information it is easily can be developed a customized environmental program.
Figure 2. Factors of Green Management Source:by Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Associatin, „Do Not Disturb”Environmental Package for Hotels (p. 17)
So the first step of being environmental friendly is could be adapting the “Do Not Disturb” program. This process is through three main chapters. The first chapters is about the first steps of changes, how to start, what to do. Helps to define the main areas where environmental interventions most needed or which could be the most advantageous for the given hotel. Introducing simple ideas could be used by all the staff members. Second chapter is about management, how can be the program started. Details the organizational activities needed to turn environmental aspects into everyday practice. Then define the most important areas of environmental activities; a questionnaire surveys the current state, proposes solutions in case of problems; energy, solid waste, water, emissions and wastewater, effects of contracts and B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 30/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
suppliers, economic aspects. The third chapter is an information guide. The chapters cover all the factors needed for green management of a hotel (Figure 2.).
Fifty Measures to Hotel Sustainability The eight groups of measures listed below are the same which used in evaluating process of the eco-mark awards. I. Commitment
II. Outer Environment
III. Energy
1. form an independent work group to start and monitor environmental protection measures 2. employee trainings in the topic of environmental sustainability 3. Information tables and pictograms for guests about conscious way of use of energy and water, “Save Your Environment” brochure 4. Information about the adverse effects of washing linen and about replacement method 5. membership in an environmental association 6. environment friendly architectural solutions 7. cleanliness of environment, dustbins, flowers 8. parks, automatic irrigation
9. daily monitoring and analysis, monthly safety revisions, repairs, maintenance 10. automatic shutdown of air conditioning system in case of opened door or window, thermostats in rooms 11. solar power, solar collector, geothermic systems 12. thermal imaging, insulation, reconstruction with insulating plaster 13. energy-saving light bulbs, motion sensor lighting, time switches, twilight switches 14. renovation or replacement windows and doors 15. building management application software (Weather and Temperature Monitoring System) 16. air conditioning and heating operates only when keycard is inserted 17. rooms sale in order to orientation and heating circumstances 18. advertisements on the building is operated with solar energy
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KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
IV. Solid waste management
V. Water consumption, waste water management
VI. Green Office
19. selective waste collection and traceability system (paper waste, used batteries, cooking and other kitchen waste, green waste, furniture, obsolete equipment, hotel textiles, electronic waste)
20. squeeze of plastic bottles 21. using e-mail system if possible instead of paper based communication 22. offering the website of the hotel instead of sending brochures 23. if possible invoices delivered to the guests personally at the first day of stay, instead of by mail, saving significant amount of envelopes 24. reusing of paper card holders for plastic keycards 25. reusing of paper files, filling with new, actual documents 26. reusing cardboard boxes for storage or using for Lost and Found stuffs 27. composting green waste 28. daily checks, periodic analysis 29. energy saving machinery in kitchen and laundry 30. washing machines operates at total filling 31. instructions for staff members on water saving practices 32. in kitchen the frozen food products as far as possible not to be melted in cold water 33. wastewater treatment before drain release 34. automatic flushing toilets, double button control system 35. water-saving shower heads, motion sensors on taps and pissoirs, aerators on taps 36. electronic communications, minimize paper usage 37. memo pads of used paper 38. selective collection of office waste (paper, toner, toner cartridges) 39. houseplants
VII. Supply
40. find suppliers of environment friendly products (cleaning and disinfection) 41. reuse of empty cans, plastic bottles by suppliers 42. constantly growing proportion of recycled paper towels and other paper goods 43. organic foods 44. Buy recycled or recyclable products 45. avoid of chlorine based bleach and bleached textiles 46. Purchase fresh foodstuff not preserved foods 47. avoid of purchase of multiple packaged products
48. CFC-free refrigerators, environmentally friendly fire extinguishers B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 32/33 OM azonosító: FI47616
KUTATÁSI JELENTÉS a „Kutatástámogatási Alap”-ból belső pályázat útján elnyert támogatások felhasználásáról 1. számú melléklet
Protection of Ozone layer and biodiversity
49. avoid use of fertilizers, use only degradable pesticides and herbicides 50. plant at least one tree a year
From above the efficient energy management is not only an environmental activity but the most important cost-saving tool for hotels. The power management is simpler, automated and efficient in newly planned and built hotels, owing to the new technologies and standards. For older hotels may be necessary for a complete renovation taking into account the importance of minimum energy consumption. Today it is a necessary to build a computerized building management system providing information of energy distribution and balance and indicates errors and controls equipment and machinery. It is crucial to make appropriate contracts with utility providers and calculate with the most suitable energy quotas.
SUMMARY The eco-friendly management is considered as an advantage in retaining and motivating of staff members since it gives a positive impression in an employee or a candidate as well. If they notice that employers care for the environment and in parallel do not compromise the economic success, they will feel to work for a providing firm. This may increase their motivation, loyalty and efficiency of team work. An employee does a better job who is interested in business, understand relationships, proud of his job and find joy in the work. Environment protection as a characteristic attribute is obviously improves the image of the hotel and could cause regularly returning clients. REFERENCES [1] A hazai szállodaipar helyzetének értékelése 2007-2012. A Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetségének helyzetértékelése és javaslatai a magyar szállodák válságból való kilábalására. Budapest, 2012.október, 30.o. [2] MICHALKÓ G.: A fenntartható fejlődés ökoturisztikai aspektusai Magyarországon. Turizmus Bulletin, 2003/4. szám 13-21. o. [3] NÉMETH A.: Úttörő szállodák. Turizmus panoráma, VII. évfolyam 2007/2. szám (február). 43.o. [4] WAGNER Zs.: Járulékos nyereség, Turizmus Panoráma, 2006. július-augusztus,69.o.. [5] WAGNER Zs.: Szimpatikus szivattyú, Turizmus Panoráma, 2006. július-augusztus,70.o. [6] NÉMETH A.: Takarékos alternatívák, Turizmus Panoráma, 2007. február, 42-43 o. [7] A „Felelősségteljes Turista és Utazó” kiadvány, a Turisztikai Világszervezet (UNWTO) Letöltés: 2012.10.20. [8] MALOMSOKI Sz.: Ökolábnyomon : zöldszállodák városon kívül és belül, Turizmus Panoráma, 9.évf. 2009. Különszám, p. 14-15. [9] JÁRAY M.: Ne zavarj avagy Mit jelent a környezettudatosság, Vendéglátás, 47.évf. 2004., p. 6-7. [10] VÁMOS É.: A kis lépések is sokat számítanak : szállodák környezetvédelmi beruházásai , Vendéglátás, 53.évf. 2010., p. 26, 28. [11] KÓSI K.- HERCZEG M.- HALÁSZ G.: Környezetvédelem a szolgáltatószektorban /. - , 2002. – Környezetvédelmi füzetek, 2002. április, 40 p [12] NÉMETH A.: Napra forognak [Zöldenergia a szállodában], Turizmus Panoráma VIII. évfolyam, 2008/11. szám, 58-59.o. B7532 Változat: 2 Érvényes: 2012. február 15. 33/33 OM azonosító: FI47616