Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | A | Warming-up exercise
A | Warming-up exercise
z alkotja az összes szóbeli vizsga bemelegítő részét. Általában nem értékelik, mégis tengernyi információt szolgáltatsz magadról a vizsgáztató és ha páros a vizsga, akkor a partnered számára is. Ne feledd, mint mindig itt is fontos az első benyomás.
Miután beléptél a vizsga terembe, (és felhagytál minden reménnyel) minden mondat angolul fog elhangozni. Sokszor már itt bestresszelnek a kedves versenyzők, mert nem is tudják, mit is kért tőlük a vizsgáztató. Már itt figyelned kell a kommunikációs szabályokra. Például, nem veszik rossz néven, ha köszönsz. Alapvetően mindig megteszed, ha benyitsz valahova, de ilyenkor mindig mindenki elfelejti. Vagy, ha azt mondják neked: “Take a seat, please” akkor nem baj, ha azt feleled: “Thank you”. 10
Ezután kezdődik a Warm-up exercise nevű rész. Mindössze 3–5 perc. Ez arra hivatott, hogy oldja a vizsga stresszt. Ha a vizsgázó nem tud róla, és nem készül fel rá, akkor nem, hogy nem oldja, de padlóra is küldi az emberkét. Tehát tudjál róla, mindig van egy kis bemelegítés, még az érettségi vizsgákon is. Ilyenkor azt várják tőled, hogy a pároddal (ha a vizsga egyszemélyes, akkor a párod a vizsgáztató) készítsetek egy rövid ismerkedést. Tegyél fel kérdéseket, illetve válaszolj az ő kérdéseire. Eleinte eldöntendő kérdésekre számíts (do you…) és később már kiegészítendőekre is. (Ha gondod van a kérdések megértésével, javaslom olvasd el Louis könyvét is). Az alábbi témákból lehet kérdezgetni (család, iskola, hobbi, munka, tervek a jövőre stb.) Az alábbi kínos eseteket kerüljük: S: Hello, I’m Samy. Who are you? B: I’m Böbi. (és néma csend) S: And where are you from Böbi? B: I’m from Böbi land. (és újabb csend) S: What do you do? B: I’m a student. És Böbi ragyog a boldogságtól, hogy milyen szuperul mégértette és válaszolt a kérdésekre. Csakhogy Böbi nagyon eltolta. Nem figyelt oda az alapvető kommunikációs szabályra. Egy ismerkedés nem egy „kérdezz, és én majd válaszolok” szituációból áll. A kommunikáció legyen folytonos, legyenek reakciók, hozzáfűzések és tegyél fel te is kérdéseket!
Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | A | Warming-up exercise
Nézd, ez mennyivel más: S: Hello, I’m Samy. Who are you? B: Hello Samy. My name is Böbi. Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you Böbi. You have a nice name! And where are you from? B: I’m from Böbi land. Do you know where it is? S: Of course, I have been there many times. It’s a very nice place. B: And you, where do you live, Sam? S: I live in Samytown, with my family […] (és már mehet is egy kis esszé a családról:) Hát nem szebb? Ragyog a vizsgáztató, ragyognak a vizsgázók is. Már most elértél valamit, jó a légkör!
És, hogy tuti legyen a dolog, íme néhány ötlet a kérdésekre és az adható válaszokra és reakciókra: • What’s your name / who are you? — I’m […] And you? • Where do you live? — I live in […] Do you know where it is? • Who do you live with? — I live with my parents and my younger sister. Do you have any sisters or brothers? • What’s your hobby? — I like […] if I have some free time. And, what about you? What are you interested in? • How interesting! Do you have any pets? — Of course, I love animals. I have a dog, his name is Bruno. Do you like dogs? • What do you do? / what’s your job? — I’m a student in a grammar school. I’m in my 11th year. And you? Do you work or study? Hát ez nem is olyan nehéz, ugye? Miután sikeresen lezajlott a bemelegítő beszélgetés indulhat az igazi „vizsga”.
Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | 1. | The individual
1. | The individual
z a téma rólad szól. Megkérhetnek, hogy beszélj magadról, és természetesen a korodra jellemző sajátosságokról, viselkedési szokásokról is. Amennyiben saját magadról kell beszélned, használd ezt a vezérvonalat: I’m Eve, and I am a student. I attend a grammar school in […] I am in my […] year (here, we always use ordinals — like 11th). After finishing this school, I’d like to go on to higher education. I’m planning to apply to […] University, because I’d like to be a […]. In my free-time, I like going out with my friends or I spend my time with my cat, Cirmi. As for my personality, I think I’m friendly, reliable and I have a good sense of humour. OR
I’m Eve, and I am an entrepreneur. I run my own business, actually I have a cloth shop. I guess you know already, I deal with selling clothes. I like my job, but I have some other plans for the future, too. Nowadays, I have to work a lot, but if I have some free time, I like […] Ha a korosztályodra jellemző dolgokról kérdeznek, (age related characteristics) akkor egy általános jellemzést várnak tőled. Ehhez tudnod kell, hogy milyen korcsoportokat különböztetünk meg, és hogy te melyikbe tartozol. Age groups: baby, toddler, kid, teenager/adolescent, young adult, adult, middle-aged, elderly person. A vizsgázók többsége a “teenager” illetve a “young adult” katergóriába tartozik, ígyhát rájuk vonatkozóan adnék egy minta választ. For teenagers Possible questions: • Which age group do you belong to? • What do you think of a typical teenager? • How would you describe their typical behavioural characteristics? • What are the things they are mainly interested in? • Is fashion or appearance important for them? • What does fashion mean for you?
Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | 1. | The individual
• • • •
Why do teenagers change their friends? How do you choose a friend? Do you keep up with the latest fashion? What can be disadvantageous in keeping up with the latest fashion?
Possible answer: Well, I’m 16, so I’m a teenager. I think and so many people do, this is a very difficult period in our lives. Teenagers seem to come from an other planet. They are usually moody, how they behave or react usually depend on their actual mood. They have a dual self — sometimes they are very quiet and shy, the other time they are loud and brave enough to talk back to the adults. Usually they are rebellious, what I mean is that they rebel against adults, regulations, anything that they feel are against their interests or feelings. They feel they are absolutely different from other people, so they are unique. This is the time to fall in love with the representatives of the other sex. It usually leads to conflicts, and sometimes they are crossed in love. Because of their sensitive soul, and always changing personality, it’s very common that they change their friends. Among girls, mainly empathy, similar emotions and interest are important, but it can lead to jealousy as well. Loving the same boy, well, it results a change from being forever friends to being enemies. As for their interest, they like going out, keeping company, fashion and some unique hobbies. Being trendy and having a good look are absolutely the most important things at this age, and not just for the girls. They pay attention to their look and criticize anyone that look different. They like fashion, but most of them can’t keep up with the latest fashion, as it is very expensive or it is just not their styles. They like wearing casual, sporty clothes. Other way, fashion can be a tool to separate you from the society and create interest groups. Just think of rockers, punks, or simply using piercing or tattoos and I could go on. But copying fashion has a bad side, too. Many teenagers would like to be accepted by the others, even if they have no money to buy the same clothes and accessories. So, they start an illegal action to raise money. Other harmful effect is that copying models can lead to eating disorders, like bulimia or anorexia. Fashion is not just about clothes. It deals with new hairstyles, or make-up trends, too. Most of the teenager girls find it “essential” to wear make-up. It is not surprising, as it has always been a great tool of women for calling the males’ attention. If you emphasise your eyes or lips, it can be very attractive. The strange thing is that most of the males don’t like when females wear make-up. They better like natural beauty. It justifies the old belief: “Men and women came from different planets”. For young adults Possible questions: • Which age group do you belong to? • What do you think of a typical young adult? • How would you describe their typical behavioural characteristics? • Is fashion or appearance important for them? • Do you keep up with the latest fashion? • What does fashion mean for you? • What can be disadvantageous in keeping up with the latest fashion?
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — S pe a k i ng | 1. | The individual
Possible answer: I’m 25, so I’m a young adult. Typically this is the period, when a person starts to build up his or her own life. After fighting over teenage hood, this is the time, when you separate from your parents and try to find your place in the society. It means, you finished your education and it’s time to find your way on the labour market. It is a stressful time, because everybody would like to have their dream jobs with extremely high salary. You are likely to face a lot of disappointment and you start to get to know how the real life works. Young adults are about to establish their own family, too. You have to find your mate for a life and it is not easy. Although, they long for finding the perfect one, they still like going out and hunting for new adventures — you know what I mean. Finding your partner is not easy, because you go on for more criteria as you did in your teenage hood. This time not just the appearance, but mostly the personality is important and carrier, future plans, views on family become very important questions. Your friends’ opinion is not as important as it was earlier and you have to make your own decisions alone. Young adults are usually very open for new things, they like trying out interesting and even dangerous things, like different sports, business field, investments. Sometimes they are not afraid to do them in an illegal way. But they learn from they mistakes. This is the period of your life when you eventually create your final personality. It does not change as often as it did in teenage hood. As for fashion, they have their own style. They know that most of the clothes shown on the catwalks can’t be worn in their everyday lives. Many of them like shopping in cheaper shops, second-hand shops or even go to a seamstress and have their own clothes made. 16
Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | 1. | The individual
Did you know?
Did you know that the most costly dress was made for Marie De Medici (1573–1643), queen of France. It was embroidered with 3000 diamonds and 39.000 pearls. At today’s values a conservative estimate it would be worth about £10.000.000. Yet she wore it only once — at the baptism of her son, September 14th 1606. Prince Orlof, a Russian aristocrat at the court of Catherine the Great, wore a coat of pure spun gold worth, at today’s values, over twenty million pounds.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — S pe a k i ng | 1. | The individual
Help centre Personality adjectives :)
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To have a good
sense of humour
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